How to cure Peyronie's without surgery. Differential diagnosis of Peyronie's disease. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Peyronie's disease is not fatal dangerous disease. However, the quality of life of men suffering from this disease leaves much to be desired, since sexual intercourse is practically impossible with this disease. All this leads to serious psychological stress.

What is Peyronie's disease and where does it get its name from?

Peyronie's disease is a curvature of the male penis during erection, which is a significant obstacle to a full sexual life, and sometimes to its complete absence.

This disease is named after the famous French surgeon François Peyronie, who performed medical research illness and rationale for it in 1743.

Reasons for appearance

It is worth understanding why the curvature of the penis appears at the time of erection.

The penis consists of three bodies: two upper cavernous (cavernous) and one lower spongy. Each of these bodies is surrounded by a tunica albuginea, which determines the maximum size of the penis when it is aroused.

If plaques (dense scar formations) form on the surface of this membrane, which hold it back and prevent it from growing naturally during an erection, then a curvature of the penis appears.

Naturally, another question arises: for what reasons do these unfortunate plaques form? There is no clear answer to this yet. But the main causes of the development of Peyronie’s disease are conventionally considered:

  • Summoned mechanical damage microtraumas. In this case, inflammatory processes develop, which lead to the development of fibrous plaque, which reduces elasticity and mobility. tunica albuginea.
  • Congenital pathology. In this case, plaques under the skin are not detected. However, in the cavernous bodies there are compactions from connective tissue, which is the reason for the curvature of the penis. According to statistics, congenital disease Peyronie's occurs in one case out of a hundred. Most often, this disease is associated with heredity.

In addition to the main reasons, there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing this disease.

  • ailments associated with inflammation of connective tissue;
  • diabetes;
  • imbalance of lipid metabolism;
  • ailments of cardio-vascular system(ischemic disease);
  • high blood pressure;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcoholism.

Symptoms of the disease

It should be noted that Peyronie's disease has a long development process. From the moment of microtrauma to the moment of formation dense plaque It may take a year or a year and a half. The scar seal then no longer grows, but does not go away on its own.

The symptoms of the disease change over time. It is possible to distinguish two main stages in the development of the disease: painful and functional.

For pain period The following symptoms are typical:

  • The appearance of pain in the penis both during arousal and calm state. This is explained by the fact that when a plaque forms on the tunica albuginea, tissue stretches.
  • When palpating the penis, small lumps are felt.
  • At the time of erection, a slight curvature of the genital organ may be observed.

The functional period is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Obvious curvature of the penis in a state of excitement (in 80% of cases).
  • Palpable pain during erection.
  • The plaque has clear contours and first acquires a cartilaginous structure, and over time it calcifies and becomes bone-like.
  • Erectile disfunction. Since the plaque is in close proximity to blood vessels, this can disrupt the normal blood supply to the penis, resulting in weak potency (in 30% of cases).

How is diagnostics carried out?

When the first symptoms of the disease (pain in the penis) appear, men should immediately consult the following doctors:

  • Andrologist is the “most” male doctor, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the male reproductive system.
  • A urologist is a specialist who helps cope with diseases urinary system and male genital organs.

At the appointment, the doctor examines and palpates the phallus in a state of erection. At this stage, the specialist can determine the location of the plaques and their density.

For more accurate examination The doctor often uses the patient instrumental methods. Among them:

  • Ultrasound. This study determines the size, exact location and structure of the seals.
  • X-ray. This examination allows you to examine the plaque when the process of calcification has already begun.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The study allows you to determine not only the structure, size and location of the plaque, but also to assess the condition of the tissues surrounding it. This makes it possible to choose the most appropriate treatment.

What therapy is used

It should be noted that the choice of treatment method for Peyronie's disease is somewhat difficult. This is due to the fact that today there is no complete clarity regarding the causes of the development of the disease. However, after assessing the patient’s condition, the andrologist or urologist decides which treatment to choose. It can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative methods of control

Treatment for Peyronie's disease should be started immediately after its symptoms are detected. Conservative treatment is aimed at softening and dissolving plaques on the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis and thereby removing characteristic symptoms. The following methods are used for this:

  • taking medications;
  • injections into the area of ​​the tunica albuginea and the developing plaque;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Among the medications that are intended for oral administration, the following are often prescribed:

  • Vitamin E;
  • Procarbazine;
  • Para-aminobenzoate;
  • Tamoxifen;
  • Colchicine;
  • Acetyl L-carnitine.

It is worth noting that there is no reliable data that would confirm the effectiveness of all the drugs listed above.

It is also necessary to remember that it is strictly prohibited to prescribe this or that medication on your own! This may lead to serious complications and apply irreparable harm health.

Video: about Peyronie's disease and methods of its treatment

To administer medications directly into the plaque, the following are used:

  • steroid hormones;
  • Collagenase (prescribed for penile curvatures of no more than 30°);
  • Verapamil is a calcium channel antagonist (effectively reduces plaque area and stiffness).

However, the use of local injections is much more effective systemic treatment medications, but carries a hidden threat. After injections, additional injuries to the tunica albuginea may occur, leading to new inflammatory processes, increased plaque or neoplasms.

Physiotherapeutic treatment includes procedures such as:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • shock wave therapy.

With shock wave therapy, a special device generates a series of impulses, which the specialist directs through a nozzle directly to the plaque. As a result, the seals on the tunica albuginea soften and the penis straightens. This technique is used for penile curvatures of no more than 45°.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is prescribed when conservative methods the fight against the disease did not produce the desired results. Also indications for surgery are:

  • curvature of the phallus by more than 45°;
  • difficult erection;
  • plaque calcification.

Surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease can be of three types:

  1. Shortening operation. With this method, the surgeon removes part of the tunica albuginea on the side opposite the curvature. This operation straightens the penis as much as possible, but, unfortunately, it becomes much shorter. This method can be used when the curvature of the genital organ is less than 60°.
  2. Excision of plaques. With this technique, all compactions of the tunica albuginea are excised, and the resulting “gaps” are replaced with biological or synthetic materials. This operation is indicated if the angle of curvature exceeds 60°, or if the penis is short. However, in Lately this method is rarely used due to the high probability of various complications.
  3. Phaloprosthetics. The main indication for the use of this method is erectile dysfunction. The surgeon does not touch the plaque, but replaces the cavernous body of the penis with an implant. The prosthesis is selected depending on how deformed the penis is. The wishes of the client are also taken into account.

Traditional medicine for healthy organs

Peyronie's disease cannot be cured with home remedies. However, traditional methods completely complement the main treatment and speed up the recovery process. Below are the most common recipes against this disease.

Chestnut decoction. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 20 g of chestnut kernels and pour 1 cup of boiling water. The mixture should simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then it is recommended to strain the broth. Should be taken 3 times a day, 80 g before meals. within three months. To improve the taste, you can add honey to the broth.

Ointment made from dried leeches. Ingredients:

  • dried leeches – ¼ cup;
  • Heparin ointment - 15 g;
  • Dimexide - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • acacia honey - 1 glass.

All of the listed components are thoroughly mixed, the ointment is ready. It should be stored in a cool place.

The product is used daily before bedtime. A small amount of The ointment should be applied to the penis and rubbed in until it is completely absorbed. The duration of treatment lasts until the composition is completely used.

Herbal infusion. For cooking remedy need to take in equal parts sage leaves, primrose, toadflax, oregano, burdock root. Then 1 tbsp. l. the collection should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water and allowed to brew for 8–10 hours. After this, the infusion should be strained and drunk 3 times during the day. You need to take the decoction before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Therapeutic baths. You can take sage baths twice a week. To do this, take 500 g of sage and pour 10 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 0.5 hours. After this, it is recommended to strain the infusion and add to a bath of water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After this you need to go to bed. Baths are recommended to be taken throughout three months.

How a man needs to change his life

During the treatment of Peyronie's disease, experts recommend abstaining from sexual activity, as this can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. In addition, it is recommended to avoid bad habits that contribute to the development of the disease.

Prognosis for recovery

Peyronie's disease is quite difficult to treat due to the fact that the reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood. However, the statistics say the following:

  • Drug therapy for Peyronie's disease is effective in 50–60% of cases.
  • Local treatment with injections of the tunica albuginea has an even greater percentage of recovery.
  • Surgical intervention allows you to quickly achieve significant results, accelerates the sexual rehabilitation of patients. But any operation is always associated with complications.
  • Today, shock wave technology, according to experts, is the most effective method conservative treatment of Peyronie's disease, which gives almost one hundred percent results.

Preventive measures

If Peyronie's disease is not a congenital pathology, then to prevent it, men should adhere to the following recommendations.

A pathology in which the male genital organ is bent under the influence of various factors environment, called Peyronie's disease. The main cause of the pathology is a benign compaction (plaque) that occurs in the tissues of the penis. Today, there are several medical methods to get rid of Peyronie’s disease: treatment is carried out using ultrasound, surgically, medicines. A urologist will help you decide on the optimal type of therapy.

Features of the disease

Peyronie's disease is a fibroplastic induration of the penis in men, i.e. a pathology in which a fibroplastic node forms in the tissues of the penis, causing curvature of the penis in men and leading to dysfunction of the reproductive organ. Peyronie's disease usually develops in men in middle age or adolescence, before entering into adulthood. intimate life. The second type of pathology is less common and is caused by congenital ailments or developmental abnormalities.

Most often, fibroplastic induration is diagnosed in men aged 40–60 years. At this age, under the influence age-related changes and environmental factors, the tissue of many organs loses its elasticity, biological processes in its cells are disrupted, which gives impetus to their abnormal growth. This also applies to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The tunica albuginea, which covers the cavernous canal itself, suffers the most: it is in it that a fairly dense fibrous node (plaque) is formed. These seals are most often found on the lateral surfaces of the penis or the back of it. The node that appears is quite dense, which makes it possible to detect it when visual inspection or palpation.

IMPORTANT!!! The fibrous node in some patients can reach two centimeters in diameter, but their average size is up to one centimeter. The direction of curvature of the male genital organ depends on where the plaque is located.

This pathology is one of the most common urological diseases, and therefore last years Methods for its diagnosis and treatment have expanded significantly. This allows you to quickly solve the problem if a man contacts his doctor in time.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The first case of the disease was described more than three hundred years ago, but the exact factors influencing its occurrence have not been fully established to this day. But there are supposed causes that may result in this disease manifesting itself. These include:

  • injuries and other damage to the penis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathologies of the immune system;
  • reception pharmaceuticals;
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • inflammation affecting the corpus cavernosum of the penis.

A man can damage his penis different ways: These are blows, penetrating wounds, as a result of which the tissue begins to grow together incorrectly, forming compactions. It is also possible to damage the penis in the process of unskilled surgical intervention or even when administering injections into the penis, which is sometimes required in the treatment of another disease.

IMPORTANT!!! Damage to penile tissue often causes various accompanying pathologies in men over 40 years old, because With age, the ability to regenerate decreases.

Autoimmune pathologies, as a result of which a person’s immunity is destroyed and the body begins to “kill” itself, can also be classified as possible reasons development benign tumors, and these also include fibrous formations. Common cause development of neoplasms become vascular diseases: impaired nutrition of cells leads to their dysfunction, degeneration, and the emergence of new biological processes in them. The result of such vital activity is new cells that are foreign to the body.

Reception medicines, intended for the treatment of such vascular pathologies, can also provoke similar processes in the cells of the penis. Most often, a similar effect is observed in medications intended to stabilize blood pressure, treat glaucoma, multiple sclerosis. Therefore, before starting to take such pharmaceutical drugs, you should consult with your doctor and clarify whether the prescribed medicine can provoke such a side effect. This is especially true for men whose blood relatives suffered from this disease.

Availability congenital pathology, usually found in adolescence, can be characterized by:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • testosterone deficiency in the fetus;
  • improper lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy;
  • taking some pharmaceuticals expectant mother;
  • intrauterine infection of a male child.

With a congenital disease, there are no fibrous plaques, and there is complete deformation of the genital organ with pronounced curvature.

Main complications of the disease

Peyronie's disease is divided into several degrees, which depend on the severity of the disease. The more severe the degree, the higher the risk of developing complications of the disease, the greater their severity. So, with a mild, first stage of the disease, in some patients the neoplasms disappear without outside help, on one's own. The curvature remains insignificant and can only be noticed with strong excitement.

At moderate severity During the course of the disease (the condition is characterized by palpable plaques), complications such as erectile dysfunction and calcification of plaques are possible. In this case, the deformation of the penis reaches significant sizes, leading to major changes V male body: dense neoplasms do not allow the penis to straighten when an erection occurs, this causes severe pain.

Disturbed sex life causes many physiological and psychological problems: men develop complexes, they withdraw into themselves, and consider their lives to be over. This affects psychological comfort the patient in all areas of his life: family, work, relationships with friends. Over time, the erection itself becomes weaker, the functions of the reproductive system fade away, because... her organs are not working properly. All this leads to the development of other pathologies reproductive system body.

At the third stage of the disease, multiple plaques and complete deformation of the penis are observed. This affects blood circulation in the male genital organ: tissue nutrition stops, which is the cause of necrosis, as well as impotence.

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease

With Peyronie's disease, the symptoms are very vivid, clear, and difficult to confuse with manifestations of another disease. This:

  • the appearance of lumps on the penis, easily palpable through the skin;
  • During an erection, the penis bends to the side, because a dense fibrous node does not allow the tunica albuginea of ​​the corpus cavernosum to stretch correctly;
  • erection is characterized by increased pain or is completely absent;
  • problems with potency appear.

The more plaques a patient has, the greater the deformation of the genital organ, and the more concomitant pathologies he develops. Thus, Peyronie's disease is often accompanied by inflammation of the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The latter usually cause symptoms such as redness of the skin, swelling of the tissues of the penis, increased local and general temperature, painful sensations, worse when touching the penis.

All these symptoms serve urgent reason to see a doctor. Delay in receiving medical care threatens serious complications, including amputation of the penis or complete impotence.

Diagnosis of the disease

A urologist deals with pathologies of the external genitalia, he conducts primary diagnosis, installs final diagnosis Based on the prescribed examinations and tests, selects the method of further therapy.

IMPORTANT!!! If the diagnosis is carried out on early stages development, i.e. in the first six months after the appearance of its first signs, Peyronie's disease can be cured with the help of medications.

Consultation with a doctor should be carried out at the first manifestations of the disease, even if the deformity is weak, not causing pain or other inconveniences. At the appointment, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints, collect anamnesis, and palpate the genital organ. Next, the urologist will refer the patient to visual methods examinations.

For this disease, the most informative are:

  • Ultrasound examination: determines the type of seals, their sizes, quantity, exact location. Also, in conjunction with ultrasound, Doppler sonography can be performed to assess the condition of the vessels supplying the genital organ;
  • tomography (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging): effective for small tumors that cannot be seen using ultrasound;
  • spiral CT – new method examinations that determine the density of plaques. This examination prescribed before preparing for surgery;
  • X-ray: used very rarely, because does not give full picture diseases. It is prescribed if other examination methods are not available.

Based on the results of the prescribed examinations, the doctor will determine the type further treatment, will prescribe consultations with narrow specialists.

Treatment of fibroplastic induration

How to treat Peyronie's disease? This depends on the causes that contributed to the development of the disease: they should be eliminated. The disease can be eliminated in two ways: using conservative therapy or surgical treatment.

Treatment of Peyronie's disease without surgery, i.e. medications, perhaps only with initial stages illness, i.e. the first year and a half after the appearance of his first symptoms. Mandatory drugs are vitamin complexes, including vitamin E: an antioxidant that promotes the resorption of fibrous nodes and helps normalize blood circulation. More serious medications are prescribed by the attending physician, who is familiar with the patient’s health characteristics. This allows you to avoid side effects from taking medications, increase the effectiveness of therapy with a combination of certain components, and be able to adjust it.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are also used in the treatment of fibroplastic induration. This is a treatment aimed at increasing the biochemical processes in the cells of the corpora cavernosa, performed by massages, ultrasound, and other techniques. This treatment has a number of advantages:

  • allows you to reduce the size of plaques or completely get rid of them;
  • improve blood circulation in the penis;
  • reduce pain symptoms.

At the same time, physiotherapy has no side effects and helps to improve the health of the whole body.

If treatment with medications and physical therapy does not give the desired results, the patient is advised surgery. The operation is carried out in various ways, some of which allow you to maintain the usual shape of the penis (and sometimes even increase it), erection, and sexual strength. Others only excise damaged tissue, which causes a decrease in the size of the penis and a loss of erectile function by a man. The patient decides which operation to choose, having previously discussed all options with the treating urologist.

Peyronie's disease is a pathology that is extremely difficult to cure, and therefore all possible measures should be taken to prevent its development. It is also important to consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms: this will allow you to detect many ailments in the early stages, when they can be treated easily and quickly.

Peyronie's disease– curvature of a certain area of ​​the penis in a state of erection, the cause of which is a plaque located under the skin of the penis. One or more plaques lead to curvature of the penis in one direction; this can be detected when the male sexual organ is in a state of erection.

Male reproductive system

The main function of the male penis is to remove urine from the body, as well as to release sperm into the woman’s vagina during ejaculation.
The structure of the male penis is designed in such a way that there are three tubes inside the penis, one of which is called the urethra, from which urine and sperm are released. The other two tubes are filled with blood to make the penis hard during erection.
These tubes are contained within a tough fibrous membrane called the tunica albuginea.

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease?

Peyronie's disease plaques are mainly found on the top (or side) side of the penis. The plaques make the tunica albuginea less flexible, which causes the penis to curve upward, as shown in the photo.

When plaques form at the bottom or on one side of the penis, curve downwards or sideways, respectively, as shown in the photo below. In some men, the size of the plaque is too large, which leads to severe curvature and not even the ability to have full sexual intercourse.

Sometimes plaques form around the penis, this does not cause curvature but does cause the penis to become narrow in a certain area, like a bottle neck, as shown in the photo below. If complications occur, the plaque may collect calcium and become hard.

Other signs of Peyronie's disease:

  • Curved Penis
  • Lumps in the penis
  • Painful erections
  • Problems with sex due to a curved penis

Peyronie's disease can affect your quality of life, and many men with Peyronie's disease become depressed because of it. Men with Peyronie's disease are embarrassed and prefer not to talk about the problem.
But in fact, Peyronie's disease can be treated surgically in 40-60 minutes; the operation is not considered complex, so it is performed under general anesthesia.

Peyronie's disease, according to statistics, appears in approximately 6 cases out of 100. According to the same statistics, this disease is rare in young guys, more often in men over 35 years old.

In recent years, there has been an increase in incidence statistics, some scientists attribute this to new drugs for impotence.

Causes of the disease

Peyronie's disease is likely caused by minor trauma to the penis or is a congenital disorder. This damage to the penis can occur during sexual intercourse or due to an activity. certain types sports or other injuries. Injury to the tunica albuginea can cause scar tissue to form within the cells (fibrosis). Scar tissue then forms plaque from Peyronie's disease.

Stages of Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease is divided into 2 stages: acute phase and chronic phase. In both phases, a curved penis can cause problems with sex or even lead to impotence.

  • Acute phase: acute stage lasts from 6 to 18 months. During this time, the plaques in the penis shape, the penis curves more, and you may feel pain when the penis becomes erect.
  • Chronic phase: Chronic phase when the shape of the plaques stops growing and the penis does not curve more.

Diagnosis of the disease

A urologist can diagnose Peyronie's disease only with a physical examination; in more severe degrees of curvature, you can diagnose it yourself.
To check the angle of penile curvature, your doctor may inject medication into your penis to achieve an artificial erection. In some cases, dynamic ultrasound is required, which uses sound waves to get an image to determine the presence of plaque in the penis, see where the plaque is located, check for calcium buildup, and examine how blood flows in your penis.

Treatment of Peyronie's disease

In a very small number of cases, Peyronie's disease resolves without treatment. Many health care professionals offer treatment for the condition without surgery within the first 12 months after the disease is first noticed.

Men with small plaques in the penis, in which the curvature of the penis is not large, have no pain, and do not have any problems with sex, may not be treated at all. But if you need treatment or want to correct the shape and curvature of your penis, there are many options.

Oral medications

Drug therapy can help men who suffer greatly from the disease during the acute phase. However, there hasn't been enough research done to say for sure how well these drugs work.

Oral Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol Acetate)

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is popular because of its mild side effects and low cost. Research dating back to 1948 shows that taking vitamin E can reduce plaque and help straighten the penis. But most of these studies did not compare a group of people who took vitamin E with a group of people who did not (a control group). Several studies of vitamin E that used a control group show that vitamin E is a placebo. (A placebo is a pill without drugs, it contains a “sugar pill for all diseases”)

Potassium aminobenzoate

Small studies with placebo controls show that this vitamin complex helps reduce plaque size, but not the curvature itself. Unfortunately, it is expensive and patients must take 24 tablets per day for 3-6 months. This can also disrupt the functioning of the stomach, and we described how to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in this article:


This non-steroidal anti-estrogen drug has been used for. There are only a few studies of this drug.

Injections into the penis

Injecting medication directly into the plaque is more effective than taking medications orally. Plaque injections are often used for people with the acute phase of the disease.

Verapamil injections

Verapamil is used for. Some studies show that verapamil injections also work to relieve penile pain and reduce penile angle.

Interferon injections

Interferon is a protein produced in the body that helps control tumors. Research shows that it is possible to control scarring by slowing down the rate at which scar tissue grows and by creating an enzyme that breaks down scar tissue.

Other treatments for Peyronie's disease are being studied.

Some studies have shown that stretching the penis for 2-8 hours a day for 6 months can help restore length and correct the curve.

Treatment of the penis with ultrasonic shock waves, heat and verapamil on the skin is also being studied. Their effectiveness has been proven, but many doctors do not recommend treating Peyronie's disease in this way.

Surgery for Peyronie's disease

Surgery is offered to men with severe deviations and deformations of the penis that prevent full sexual intercourse. Majority medical workers It is recommended not to rush into surgery and wait until the plaque and curve stop changing and increasing.

There are 3 main ways to correct Peyronie's disease surgically.

Narrowing of the opposite side of the plaque

This method of surgery can be done by cutting small pieces of tissue into outside curvature. The operation is safe and has low risk complications (such as bleeding or deterioration in potency). One of the disadvantages of this operation is that after the operation the length of the penis may decrease.

Operations on the side of the plaque

The surgeon cuts the plaque to relieve tension and may remove some of the plaque. The remaining space is filled with a graft; this operation will not make the penis shorter. But it is more difficult for a surgeon to carry out this operation, since there is a risk of decreased potency. This operation is only recommended for cases of severe penile deformity in men.


Transplant surgery moves tissue from one location in the body to another. The surgeon can also replace missing tissue in the penis donor tissue or a medical transplant. Your surgeon will help you decide what type of graft should be used to fill the space left by the plaque.

There are 2 types of grafts that are most often used:

  • Autologous tissue grafts: These are grafts made from tissue taken from another part of the body during surgery. The sources of grafts used to treat Peyronie's disease are veins from the leg (saphenous vein) or skin from behind the ear (temporal fascia). Because autologous grafts are living tissue, they often take to their new location much better than some other materials. The disadvantage of using an autologous graft is that the surgeon must make a second incision elsewhere in the body to collect the graft.
  • Not auto-autografts: This is material made from the tissue of another person or animal. Before use, all materials are sterilized and processed to eliminate the possibility of infection.

Penis prosthetics

Silicone implants are placed inside the penis, in most cases this will straighten the penis and allow it to become rigid enough for sexual intercourse.

Postoperative care

After the operation you need to remain in medical institution within 24-48 hours after surgery, in which case stop the bleeding and carry out the necessary medical measures on the spot. During the operation, a catheter will be placed into the urethra of the penis and bladder, the catheter will also remain with you after the operation.

Most patients leave the clinic the day after surgery. You may need to take antibiotics for a few days to reduce the risk of infection and help keep the swelling underneath, as well as painkillers. You shouldn't have sex at least 6 weeks after surgery, or longer if complications occur.


Question: Are men with Peyronie's disease more at risk of acquiring other diseases?


Some men with Peyronie's disease may develop fibrosis in other parts of the body. The most common locations are the arms and legs. Dupuytren's contracture is a flexion contracture of the fingers and is one of the health problems associated with Peyronie's disease. Dupuytren's contracture can cause the fingers to become permanently bent. It is not clear what causes plaques to appear in either disease, or why men with Peyronie's disease are more at risk of developing contractures. Victor Politin, surgeon

Question: Is Peyronie's disease turning into cancer?


Scientists took a biopsy of a cell from Peyronie's patches and studies showed that Peyronie's patch cells actually act as cancer cells and form tumors in mice and lymph nodes. But medicine does not know of cases where Peyronie's disease developed into cancer. Victor Politin, surgeon

Peyronie's disease – rare pathology male genital organ. Appears as an enlargement fibrous tissue due to the appearance of compactions (plaques) in the cavernous bodies of the male genital organ. The disease causes curvature of the penis.

The plaques themselves do not cause discomfort or pain, but over time they are replaced by connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in erectile function and affects the ability to fertilize.

Basically, the pathology develops in men who are sexually active.

Peyronie's disease is a disorder of the connective tissue structure, a type of collagenosis. Elastic soft fibers are gradually replaced by fibrous rough tissue. With this disease, collagen is not produced properly in the patient's body.

Causes of Peyronie's disease

To date, the causes that lead to the disease have not been fully identified, but there are etiological factors, contributing to pathology:

Extremely in rare cases the disease may be congenital. For example, with a pathology in the structure of the tunica albuginea, or with an abnormally short urethra. The difference between congenital and acquired is that in the first case there are no plaques. The deformity develops against the background of cords in the cavernous bodies.

Important!Minor deformations are not serious illness and do not require surgical intervention.

Classification of the disease

Peyronie's disease is classified according to stage, cause and degree of deformity.

Taking into account the cause of occurrence, the following are distinguished:

  • acquired form- developed as a result hormonal imbalance or injury;
  • congenital– formed as a result of intrauterine disorders.

According to the degree of deformation, the disease is divided into several types:

  • dorsal– the penis is directed upward;
  • ventral– the genital organ is tilted down;
  • lateral– the penis is directed to the side.

According to the degree of progression, Peyronie's disease is divided into:

  • painful– observed strong pain at rest and during erection;
  • functional– apart from pain, it is impossible to lead a normal sex life if you have the disease.

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease

The main symptoms of the pathology are:

  • painful sensations different intensity at rest and during sexual intercourse;
  • significant curvature in one direction or another;
  • change in penis size due to curvature;
  • the formation of a compaction under the skin of the genital organ.

As a rule, on initial stage the man does not feel any symptoms. This period can last up to one and a half years.

Attention!Conservative therapy will be more effective if the disorder is detected in the early stages.

Diagnosis of Peyronie's disease

The first step is to collect an anamnesis. The doctor interviews the patient to identify complaints and the duration of their manifestation, as well as the presence in the past inflammatory processes in the pelvis and injuries to the penis. The patient is asked to fill out a special questionnaire that will allow him to assess the quality of his sexual life.

Next, an objective examination of the penis is performed. To do this, an erection is artificially induced using a vacuum erector. In this condition, the doctor evaluates the degree of curvature, the shape of the genital organ, the location of the plaque and its size.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are also used:

Treatment methods for Peyronie's disease

Treatment of pathology is prescribed individually to each patient, after analyzing all the results of the study.

There are several methods of therapy:

  • surgery;
  • local treatment;
  • medicinal;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • folk remedies.

The first step is to resort to drug treatment. It involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs orally or injecting them into the penis. Additionally, physiotherapy is used.

Drug therapy includes taking the following drugs:

  • Interferon, hydrocortisone, and lidase are injected into the penis tissue;
  • Potassium aminobenzoate – 12 g/day. The drug has an antiphyroplastic effect;
  • corticosteroids, ronidase, phonophoresis with lidase;
  • pain is reduced by tamoxifen – 40 mg/day;
  • for 2-3 months, vitamin E 50-150 mg is prescribed orally 4 times a day;
  • colchicine – starting from 1 mg per day. The dosage is adjusted by the doctor.

Important!Most of the drugs listed can be purchased freely at the pharmacy, but remember that self-medication can lead to serious consequences!

If drug therapy does not give results, surgical treatment is used. It is much more effective, since the operation makes it possible not only to remove plaques, but also to correct the curvature of the penis.

The method of surgical intervention is selected individually. If the curvature is less than 45 degrees and the length of the penis is more than average size, correction is performed by applying folds on the opposite side of the organ. The tissues are sutured. The penis loses a little in length, but the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

If the curvature is more than 45 degrees, if the length of the genital organ allows, the tunica albuginea is excised, and the tissue on the opposite side of the organ is sutured.

As an addition to the main treatment, the attending physician may prescribe the use of folk remedies.

Recipes traditional medicine for Peyronie's disease:

  • chestnut decoction. Chop 20 g of chestnuts and pour a glass of water over them. Boil for a quarter of an hour and strain. Take 1/3 cup before meals for 3 months;
  • bath with. Half a kilogram of dried sage is poured with ten liters of boiling water and left for half an hour. Strain and take a bath for 20 minutes, after which they immediately go to a warm bed;
  • herbal infusion. Take equal parts of sage leaves, burdock roots, primrose, oregano and flaxseed. Mix. Pour two cups of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave overnight. Strain. Drink the infusion in three doses before meals. The course of treatment is three months.

This disease does not belong to the category of cancer and tumor diseases. Peyronie's disease is benign and attacks the tunica albuginea of ​​the corpora cavernosa of the penis in men. With this disease, plaques very quickly form on the penis, and in some cases, compactions in the area of ​​the tunica albuginea. These formations can be felt by palpation of the upper part of the penis; they are not so often localized on the sides and, in rare cases, below the urethra.

Sometimes a consequence of the disease can be: serious illness as, in which scar tissue grows. Thirty out of a hundred in men suffering from Peyronie's disease, the disease flows precisely into this state. The disease causes severe pain during sexual contact, erectile dysfunction, as well as changes in the shape of the penis.

It is the curvature of the male genital organ that can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. Basically, this symptom of the disease forces representatives of the stronger sex to consult a doctor. One in a hundred men are faced with this disease.

The true causes of this disease are: this moment still remain a mystery. The main version suggests that the occurrence of Peyronie's disease is a consequence wrong process tissue fusion when the genital organ is injured. Most patients have injured their penis before experiencing Peyronie's disease. Quite often, sexual intercourse ended in a fracture.

Doctors say that curvatures can occur both during life and be birth defect. With such changes in the shape of the genital organ, plaques may be absent in the area of ​​the white part. However, the cavernous body of the penis can be composed of cords of connective tissue, which cause deformation of the organ.

“Formation of plaques on the penis”

Basically, this disease occurs without significant unpleasant symptoms. Often the plaques that form can disappear even without special treatment for Peyronie's disease. But healing with inactivity will take quite a long time - from six months to a whole year. In the absence of complete remission during this time interval, a properly selected treatment strategy is necessary.

The symptoms include such basic manifestations of the disease as changes in the shape of the penis, unpleasant pain that bothers the patient during sexual intercourse. The patient may also encounter. Symptoms may subside or progress to acute form. The disease may last for more than a year, in which case conservative treatment will be unconstructive. The surgical approach in this situation will be the most effective.

The disease can manifest itself either with bright and unexpected symptoms or become more active gradually, increasing in momentum. Most often, men with Peyronie's disease experience the following symptoms:

  • An erection may cause the patient discomfort- from a feeling of discomfort to characteristic pain.
  • During an erection, the genital organ becomes deformed and takes on an unnatural shape.
  • There may be seals underneath skin that can be palpated.
  • In some cases, the erect penis becomes deformed and takes on an hourglass shape.
  • Also, the patient’s penis may decrease in length, which happens quite often with this disease.

In cases where the scar tissue becomes larger closer to the head of the genital organ, curvature appears in this area. When growing closer to the base, the deformation manifests itself in the corresponding area. Sometimes when plaques appear on each side of the penis, the organ resembles the neck of a bottle.

When ignored by a man of this disease, as well as when trying to carry out self-therapy at home, scar tissue often affecting the vessels of the genital organ negatively affects the patient’s healthy erection.

Scientists believe that not only injury to the penis is the cause of the development of Peyronie's disease. Disorders in the body, which are classified as autoimmune, can also cause this disease. Wherein the immune system works incorrectly in relation to injury and attacks healthy cells.

This disease can also be hereditary. The disease is the result of a deviation at the gene level, in which the production of collagen protein fails.

Taking medications can manifest itself in Peyronie's disease in the form of side effect from their use. The main reason for this treatment result is medications aimed at treating the cardiovascular system. Drugs that increase blood pressure can trigger the disease.


The principle of diagnosis is based on information about the patient’s medical history, the characteristics of his life, as well as a routine examination of the patient. Before making a decision regarding therapeutic tactics V mandatory The degree of deformation of the penis is determined. In that diagnostic method includes an element of photographing the organ.

A photograph of the penis is taken directly in an erect state, resulting from a natural reaction or when pharmacological effects on the body. This element of therapy helps to determine in the future how constructive the treatment or surgery was.

When diagnosing, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging methods are used, which make it possible to accurately determine the current condition and the presence of plaques. Sometimes, if necessary, the arsenal of research tools is supplemented.

In order to study and evaluate the state of erection during the onset of the disease, it is used, which allows one to draw conclusions regarding the state of the vessels of the male penis.


Despite the wide range of medications available, as well as a variety of physical therapy methods, the process of eliminating this disease can be quite difficult. Peyronie's disease is not always cured as quickly as we would like.

However, in mild forms of the disease with a small number of plaques formed and with slight deformation of the penis, it is used as therapy. vitamins E in significant quantities and colchicine.

Also, local therapy often includes calcium antagonists. One option is verapamil, which enters the body in the form of injections. Other medications used include protease enzymes.

Among physiotherapeutic measures, phonophoresis is mainly used with the use of drugs prescribed by the doctor. Laser therapy and some other methods of influencing the body may also be effective in treatment. Medical massage is a good help in the treatment of this disease.

If it is not possible to treat Peyronie's disease without surgery, after one or two years the patient may be prescribed surgery. Surgical method of all existing options is the most effective.

Considering that the operation eliminates the curvature of the genital organ, the issue with the provocateur of this disease – fibrous plaques – is resolved. The type of operational measures is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy

This method of treatment has proven itself with fairly good results. For treatment, a lithotripter is used, the intensity of which is a thousand pulses per therapy session. The maximum power involved is twelve to thirteen kV. The course of treatment involves weekly use of ESWT for two to twelve weeks. There is no need for pain relief during extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

For ESWT, the patient lies on the couch with his stomach down, while the penis is on a special therapeutic pad of the lithotripter and is pressed to the plane under the natural influence of the patient’s weight. The airbag pressure increases and gradually reaches its maximum level. In this way, the resulting plaques are affected.

As a result of several sessions, many men experience pain relief during moments of arousal, the penis takes more natural shape, the plaques become much smaller and not so dense. At ultrasound examination the blood flow of the genital organ becomes much smaller than the vessels surrounding the plaques.

The most top scores achieved with therapy on early stages development of the disease. In the period up to a year, tissues are in relatively healthy condition, fundamental changes have not yet occurred in them. Also on constructive treatment affected by the lack of conservative therapy.

If after the onset of the disease it passes more than two years, the patient received intracavernosal injections, which caused complications; this therapy does not provide any benefit. In this case, the first step is surgical intervention. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy does not have an immediate effect and takes time.

Among side effects Small abrasions and petechiae may appear in single quantities. There is no need for special treatment for them.

Traditional methods

There are several recipes from traditional medicine that help heal from the disease. However, provide effective assistance they are capable only at the initial stages of the development of the disease. Before treatment traditional methods It is advisable to consult with a specialist who is more competent in this matter.

Preventive measures

The main recommendation in matters of prevention is to exclude situations that could cause damage to the genital organ. These include traumatic positions and sudden uncontrolled movements during sexual intercourse, as well as other cases that can provoke injury to the penis.

Doctors consider the main traumatic positions to be positions in which the woman is on top, as well as the “man from behind” position. Sexual partners should be careful during sexual intercourse in drunkenness. In order to avoid unpleasant situations and complications in the form of Peyronie's disease, a man needs to be more careful during sexual games.