Release form and recommended prices. Complete instructions for using ornidazole

Instructions for use, prices and analogues

International name: ornidazole (ornidazole)
KFG: Antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity
Owner reg. ID: ARS LLC (Russia)


Film-coated tablets white or almost white, round, biconvex; On a cross section, the tablet is white or almost white.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose 35 mg, starch 45 mg, croscarmellose sodium 10 mg, talc 6 mg, magnesium stearate 3 mg.


Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug, a 5-nitroimidazole derivative. The mechanism of action is the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group of ornidazole a by intracellular transport proteins anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. The reduced 5-nintro group of ornidazole interacts with DNA in microbial cells, inhibiting the synthesis of their nucleic acids, which leads to the death of bacteria. Active against Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, as well as anaerobes Bacteroides spp. (including Bacteroides fragilis, Bactcroidcs distasonis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bactcroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides vulgatus), Fusobacterium spp., Clostridium spp. Aerobic microorganisms are not sensitive to ornidazole.


Suction. After oral administration, ornidazole is rapidly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). Absorption - about 90%. Cmax in plasma is achieved within 3 hours.

Distribution. The binding of ornidazole to proteins is about 13%. Penetrates cerebrospinal fluid, other body fluids and tissues.

Ornidazole plasma concentrations range from 6-36 mg/L.

After repeated doses of 500 mg or 1000 mg every 12 hours, the accumulation coefficient was 1.5-2.5.

Metabolism. Ornidazole is metabolized in the liver to form mainly 2-hydroxymethyl and α-hydroxymethyl metabolites. Both metabolites are less active against Trichomoinas vaginalis and anaerobic bacteria than unchanged ornidazole.

Excretion. T1/2 is about 13 hours. After a single dose, 85% of the dose is excreted during the first 5 days, mainly in the form of metabolites. About 4% dose taken excreted unchanged through the kidneys, and 20-25% by the intestines.


Trichomoniasis ( genitourinary infections in women and men, caused by (Trichomonas vaginalis); amoebiasis (all intestinal infections, caused by Entamoeba histolytica, incl. amoebic dysentery, extraintestinal forms of amebiasis, especially amoebic liver abscess); Giardiasis

Prevention of anaerobic infections during colon surgery and gynecological interventions.


Ornidazole is taken orally after meals, without big amount water.

For trichomoniasis. Treatment is carried out for 5 days, 500 mg orally 2 times a day (morning and evening). In order to reduce the risk of reinfection, they simultaneously carry out course treatment sexual partner.

Children over 12 years old - 25 mg/kg orally for 5 days.

With intestinal amebiasis. For adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 1.5 g 1 time per day, for those weighing more than 60 kg - 2 g / day. Children weighing less than 35 kg - 40 mg/ct/day. The course of treatment is 3 days.

With extraintestinal amoebiasis. Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 g orally, morning and evening for 5-10 days. For giardiasis

Adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 1.5 g/day; children weighing less than 35 kg - 40 mg/kg/day. Duration of treatment is 1-2 days.

Prevention of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria 0.5-1 g before surgery, after surgery - 0.5 g 2 times a day for 3-5 days.


Mild drowsiness headache and nausea. IN in some cases- violations on the part of the central nervous system, such as: dizziness, tremors, muscle rigidity, lack of coordination, convulsions, fatigue, temporary loss of consciousness, signs of sensory or mixed peripheral neuropathy. Cases of perversion have been observed taste sensations, changes in “hepatic” functional tests, skin reactions and hypersensitivity reactions.


Hypersensitivity to the drug (including to other nitroimidazole derivatives). Childhood up to 12 years (for this dosage form).

Carefully. Diseases of the central nervous system (including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis), liver disease, alcoholism, pregnancy, lactation.


In the experiment, Ornidazole did not have a teratogenic or embryotoxic effect. Since controlled studies have not been conducted in pregnant women, Ornidazole should be prescribed during pregnancy (especially during pregnancy). early stages) or nursing mothers can only absolute indications, When possible benefits its use on the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and infant.


Caution should be exercised in patients with diseases of the central nervous system (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis). There is a certain risk in patients with liver disease, brain disease, alcohol abusers, pregnant and nursing mothers and children, especially if the dose is exceeded.

Influence on the ability to drive and operate machinery. Research on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive and work with complex mechanisms was not carried out, however, taking into account possible development side effects from the nervous system (including dizziness, loss of coordination of movements) during the period of treatment with the drug, you should refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other activities that require increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Symptoms: increased dose-dependent side effects.

Treatment: symptomatic, specific antidote unknown; for convulsions - diazepam.


Unlike other nitroimidazole derivatives, ornidazole does not inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase and is therefore not incompatible with alcohol. Ornidazole enhances the effect of oral coumarin anticoagulants, which requires appropriate adjustment of their dose. Ornidazole prolongs the muscle relaxant effect of vecuronium bromide.


In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date. 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Source of information: VIDAL Directory "Medicines in Russia".

Release form Price, rub.
174.00 rub.
Ornidazole 500 mg No. 10 tab Vertex (Vertex (Russia) 161.30 rub.
140.50 rub.
Gairo TB p/o 500 mg N10### 249.90
Gairo TB p/o 500 mg N3### 76.80
Gairo TB p/o 500 mg N3 (PANACEA BIOTEC (India) 88.30 rub.
Gayro tab p/o 500 mg N10 (PANACEA BIOTEC (India) 267.20 rub.
Gairo tab 500 mg N3 (PANACEA BIOTEC (India) 93.80 rub.
Dazolic TB p/o 500 mg N10### 206.20
Dazolic TB p/o 500 mg N10 (SUN Pharmaceutical (India) 226.00 rub.
Dazolic tab 500 mg N10 (SUN Pharmaceutical (India) 234.00 rub.
Ornidazole-Vero TB p/o 500 mg N10 (Veropharm (Russia) 174.00 rub.
Ornidazole-Vero tab 500 mg N10 (Veropharm (Russia) 140.50 rub.
Tiberal TB p/o 500 mg N10 497.90
Tiberal TB p/o 500 mg N10 (F.HOFFMANN La-ROCHE (Switzerland) 533.70 rub.
Tiberal tab 500 mg N10 (F.HOFFMANN La-ROCHE (Switzerland) 533.70 rub.

The description of the drug is not intended to prescribe treatment without the participation of a doctor.

Modern medicine offers synthetic effective drugs that solve such problems. Bright to that An example is the drug Ornidazole, which has a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Description of the drug

  • amoebiasis;
  • Giardia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • demodicosis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

In addition, Ornidazole is an excellent prophylactic during the period of operations on colon and internal organs in the field of gynecology. The bactericidal effect of the drug component is appropriate in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Ornidazole: instructions for use

Only the attending physician will be able to accurately calculate the required dosage and instructions for use, based on clinical picture and severity of the disease. But there are still generally accepted dosages and tips for taking Ornidazole, which must be followed exactly.

  1. Pills. As a rule, this form of drug release is used to treat adult patients. The dosage is calculated based on the person’s body weight and the presence concomitant diseases, minimum dose - 500 mg, maximum - 2 g. Established daily norm can be divided into several doses per day. The tablet is taken more often in evening time days, after eating food and at the same time. In this case, the duration of treatment can be from 5 to 7 days.
  2. Suppositories or tablets for intravaginal administration into the vaginal cavity. The daily rate of use of suppositories is 1-2 g active substance, Ornidazole suppositories are administered after hygiene procedures. The tablet is used according to the same principle.
  3. Solution, which is more often used for injections. It is permissible to use 0.5-1 g of Ornidazole per day, divided into three doses. In this case, breaks between injections should be 8 hours.
  4. Ornidazole for children Those whose body weight is less than 35 kg take 20-40 mg of the active substance per day per kg of weight.

If so drug used for preventive purposes, daily dosage is 500 mg twice a day before or after surgical procedures.

Ornidazole in gynecology

This drug treats various kinds infectious diseases to which women are so often exposed. In gynecology, the genital and urinary organs most often suffer from infections, which require treatment with Ornidazole.

But most often this drug is prescribed to women for preventive purposes before surgical intervention on internal organs (genitourinary). This will not only help to “disinfect” organs before surgery, but will also prevent the risk of getting pathogenic bacteria and infections during surgery. The drug can be administered in the form of suppositories and tablets for intravaginal use.

Ornidazole for demodicosis

Antiseptics are used for external application, and the dosage of Ornidazole is 500 mg, two doses per day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, but most often it does not last longer than 15 days. It is this drug that guarantees a therapeutic effect and the presence of a small list of side effects.

Ornidazole for giardiasis

Almost everything medications, which are derivatives of nitroimidazole, for example, Metronidazole, Ornidazole does not inhibit the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which is responsible for the destruction of alcohol in the body. Therefore, there are no categorical prohibitions regarding the use of the drug and alcohol at the same time, although such mixing is not recommended by any specialist.


Before starting treatment with Ornidazole, you should carefully read the list of contraindications to avoid side effects.

Ornidazole is contraindicated:

  • people who have an individual intolerance to one or another component of the product and to any nitroimidazole derivatives;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • people who suffer organic lesions Central nervous system, for example, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc.;
  • lactation period.

Doctors prescribe the drug with caution to elderly people, as well as those who suffer from alcohol addiction. Also, the drug is taken under the strict supervision of a doctor by people with diseases of the hematopoietic organs, liver, and those who work with potentially dangerous mechanisms and equipment.

Side effects

  1. If we're talking about about the gastrointestinal tract system - nausea and concomitant vomiting, altered taste qualities, metallic taste in the mouth and dryness, pain in the epigastric region, loose stool, constipation.
  2. If it is the central nervous system - pain in the head and dizziness, loss of coordination of movements, tremors of the limbs, drowsiness and fatigue, tense neck muscles, rarely convulsions and confusion.
  3. If we talk about the hematopoietic organs - a decrease in the number of white blood cells or leukopenia, as well as neutropenia.
  4. Allergic reactions - itchy skin and urticaria, less often Quincke's edema.

Ornidazole: analogues

Experts include Gairo, Dazolik, Avrazor, Ornisid, Lornizol, Tiberal Ornidazole and others as structural analogues of Ornidazole. And synonyms for the drug are Orgil and Merantine.

Advantages of Ornidazole

  • wide range of effects;
  • affordable price of tablets;
  • compatibility with alcohol;
  • a modest list of side effects;
  • no difficulties in the question of how to take Ornidazole.

Moreover, it is impossible to find negative reviews from cured people about such a drug, to say nothing of its excellent therapeutic effect.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Ornidazole. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of the antibiotic Ornidazole in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Ornidazole analogues if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of giardiasis and trichomoniasis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

Ornidazole- antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug, a derivative of 5-nitroimidazole. The mechanism of action is the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group of ornidazole by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. The reduced 5-nitro group of ornidazole interacts with the DNA cells of microorganisms, inhibiting the synthesis of their nucleic acids, which leads to the death of bacteria.

Active against Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas), Gardnerella vaginalis(gardnerella), Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolitica, Lamblia spp. (giardia), as well as obligate anaerobes Bacteroides spp. (including Bacteroides fraglis, Bacteroides distasonis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides vulgatus), Fusobacterium spp., Veillonela spp., Prevotella (P.bivia, P.buccae, P.disiens), and some gram-positive microorganisms (Eubacterium spp. ., Clostridium).

Aerobic microorganisms are not sensitive to ornidazole.


Ornidazole + Excipients(pills).

Metronidazole + excipients (solution for infusion).


After oral administration, ornidazole is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Absorption - about 90%. The binding of ornidazole to proteins is about 13%. Penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid, other body fluids and tissues. Ornidazole is metabolized in the liver to form mainly 2-hydroxymethyl and alpha-hydroxymethyl metabolites. Both metabolites are less active against Trichomonas vaginalis and anaerobic bacteria than unchanged ornidazole. After a single dose, 85% of the dose is excreted during the first 5 days, mainly in the form of metabolites. About 4% of the dose taken is excreted unchanged through the kidneys, and 20-25% through the intestines.


  • trichomoniasis;
  • amebiasis: amoebic dysentery, extraintestinal amebiasis (including amoebic liver abscess);
  • giardiasis;
  • prevention of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria during operations on colon and in gynecology.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets 500 mg.

Solution for infusion (injections in injection ampoules).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen


Ornidazole is taken orally after meals with a glass of water. a small amount water.

For trichomoniasis. Treatment is carried out for 5 days, 500 mg orally 2 times a day (morning and evening). In order to reduce the risk of reinfection, a course of treatment of the sexual partner is simultaneously carried out.

Children over 12 years old - 25 mg/kg orally for 5 days.

With intestinal amebiasis. For adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 1.5 g 1 time per day, for those weighing more than 60 kg - 2 g per day. Children weighing less than 35 kg - 40 mg/kg per day. The course of treatment is 3 days.

With extraintestinal amoebiasis. Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 g orally, morning and evening for 5-10 days. For giardiasis

Adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 1.5 g per day; children weighing less than 35 kg - 40 mg/kg per day. Duration of treatment is 1-2 days.

Prevention of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria 0.5-1 g before surgery, after surgery - 0.5 g 2 times a day for 3-5 days.


Intravenous administration of ornidazole is indicated for severe course infections, as well as in the absence of the possibility of taking the drug orally.

Typically, a single dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 500 mg, the rate of continuous (stream) or drip (dropper) intravenous administration is 5 ml per minute. The interval between injections is 8 hours. The duration of the course of treatment will be determined individually. The maximum daily dose is no more than 2 g. According to indications, depending on the nature of the infection, a transition to maintenance therapy with oral forms of metronidazole is carried out.

For trichomoniasis: adults - 0.5 g 3 times a day for 5 days or 1 g in combination with intravaginal administration of 500 mg ( vaginal tablets) for the night. Children - in a single dose at the rate of 25 mg/kg body weight per day.

For amoebic dysentery, adults and children weighing over 35 kg - 1.5 g per day; body weight over 60 kg - 2 g per day. Children weighing less than 35 kg: 40 mg/kg per day. Duration of treatment - 3 days.

For the treatment of other forms of amebiasis: adults and children weighing more than 35 kg - 0.5 g orally 2 times a day, weighing up to 35 kg - 25 mg/kg once for 5-10 days. Single doses for children: aged 7-12 years - 0.375 g; 1-6 years - 0.25 g; up to 1 year - 0.125 g; frequency of administration - 2 times a day (morning and evening); Duration of treatment is 5-10 days.

For giardiasis: adults and children weighing over 35 kg - 1.5 g per day; children weighing up to 35 kg - 40 mg/kg per day. Duration of treatment is 1-2 days.

Prevention of postoperative infectious complications caused by anaerobic bacteria - 0.5 g before surgery, then 0.5 g every 12 hours for 3-5 days.

Side effect

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (including nausea);
  • dizziness;
  • tremor;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • convulsions;
  • fatigue;
  • temporary loss of consciousness;
  • sensory or mixed peripheral neuropathy;
  • perversion of taste sensations;
  • changes in the activity of “liver” enzymes;
  • allergic reactions.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy (1st trimester);
  • lactation period;
  • due to the indivisibility of the dosage form, it is not prescribed to children weighing less than 12 kg (for tablets).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy (1st trimester) and lactation.

Use in children

Due to the indivisibility of the dosage form, it is not prescribed to children weighing less than 12 kg (for tablets).

special instructions

Use with caution for diseases of the central nervous system (including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis), liver diseases, and alcoholism.

When treating trichomoniasis, you should simultaneous treatment sexual partners.

Drug interactions

Enhances the effect of coumarin anticoagulants and prolongs the muscle relaxant effect of vecuronium bromide.

Ornidazole tablets are compatible with ethanol (alcohol) (does not inhibit acetal dehydrogenase) unlike other imidazole derivatives (metronidazole).

Analogues of the drug Ornidazole

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Avrasor;
  • Gairo;
  • Dazolic;
  • Lornizole;
  • Ornidazole Vero;
  • Orniona;
  • Ornisid;
  • Ornisid Forte;
  • Tiberal.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Ornidazole– a medicinal product that has an effect on anaerobic microbes (develop and multiply without the presence of oxygen) and protozoa. The effect on protozoan pathogens is called antiprotozoal action. Aerobic microorganisms (develop and reproduce only in the presence of oxygen) are insensitive to Ornidazole.

Among the protozoa sensitive to Ornidazole are Trichomonas, Giardia, mites, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, and dysenteric amoeba. Anaerobic microorganisms such as fusobacteria, clostridia, bacteroides, and anaerobic cocci exhibit sensitivity to the drug. Sensitivity of some strains of Helicobacter (a microorganism that causes peptic ulcer disease) to Ornidazole has been revealed.

Ornidazole is well (about 90%) and quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved 1-2 hours after taking the drug. Penetrates through the placental barrier, into the cerebrospinal fluid, and into breast milk.

The mechanism of action of Ornidazole is based on the effect of the drug on bacterial DNA, resulting in a violation of the reproduction of microorganisms. In addition, the drug has a toxic effect on microbes, disrupting the process cellular respiration their. This explains the bacteriostatic (reproduction stops) and bactericidal effect(death of microorganisms) Ornidazole.

Release forms

  • Tablets 500 mg, 10 pieces per package.
  • Capsules 500 mg, 10 pieces per package.
  • Solution for intravenous administration in bottles of 100 ml (in 1 ml of a solution of 5 mg of the active substance - Ornidazole).

Instructions for use of Ornidazole

Indications for use

Ornidazole is used to treat infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are sensitive to the action of the drug:
  • giardiasis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • amebiasis (amoebic dysentery, extraintestinal amebiasis, amoebic abscess of the brain and liver);
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • demodicosis (skin disease caused by mites).
WITH for preventive purposes Ornidazole is prescribed for prevention postoperative complications caused by anaerobic pathogens, in particular, after gynecological operations and operations on the large intestine.


  • Individual increased sensitivity to any component of the drug or other drugs derived from nitroimidazole;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and others);
  • age up to 3 years;

Ornidazole should be used with caution in elderly patients; persons suffering from alcoholism; in case of hematopoietic disorders; in case of liver dysfunction; patients working with potentially dangerous tools or drivers Vehicle.

Side effects

  • From the outside digestive tract: vomiting, nausea, changes in taste, dryness and metallic taste in the mouth, pain in the epigastric region, abnormal bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea).
  • From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, lack of coordination when moving, trembling of the limbs, tension in the muscles of the back of the head, drowsiness, fatigue; in isolated cases (mainly when using high doses), confusion and convulsions are possible.
  • From the blood organs: leukopenia (decrease in the number of white blood cells) and neutropenia (decrease in the variety of white blood cells that have protective function in organism).
  • Allergic manifestations: urticaria, skin itching, Quincke's edema (suddenly developing edema subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes).

Treatment with Ornidazole

How to take Ornidazole?
The Ornidazole tablet should be swallowed whole (do not crush or chew), and the capsule should not be opened. It is recommended to take the drug after meals ( better evening) and drink plenty of water.

Equal intervals of time between doses of the medication should be observed.

Considering the possibility of adverse reactions from the nervous system (impaired coordination, dizziness and others), during the period of treatment with Ornidazole it is recommended to avoid driving vehicles and work that requires attentiveness and quick reaction.

Ornidazole dosage
The dose of Ornidazole, frequency of administration, duration of treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the disease, severity, presence concomitant pathology, patient's body weight.

For adults, depending on body weight, the daily dose is prescribed from 500 mg to 2 g in one or more doses. For children weighing up to 35 kg, the daily dose is 20-40 mg per 1 kg of weight. On average, the course of treatment lasts 5-7 days.

Intravaginal administration is 1-2 g per day (a tablet is inserted into the vagina after hygiene procedures).

When using Ornidazole in the form of an injection solution, adults are administered intravenously from 0.5 to 1 g of the drug per day by drip or slow stream. The daily dose is administered 3 times at intervals of at least 8 hours.

For prophylactic purposes, Ornidazole is prescribed in a dose of 0.5 g 2 times a day (before surgery and for 3-5 days after surgery).

Ornidazole for children

Ornidazole can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. Due to the fact that Ornidazole tablets cannot be crushed or divided, the drug is not prescribed for children whose body weight is less than 12 kg.

Typically, Ornidazole is prescribed to children once at a rate of 25 mg per 1 kg of the child’s body weight. For some diseases, the calculation is 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The course of treatment lasts from 1-2 days (for example, with giardiasis) to 5-10 days (with various forms amoebiasis).

Individual therapeutic dose and the duration of treatment depend on the nature of the disease.

Ornidazole during pregnancy and lactation

Ornidazole is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Ornidazole can be prescribed to a pregnant patient when the expected effect for the woman exceeds the possible risk to the fetus.

If the drug is prescribed to a woman who is breastfeeding, then breast-feeding should be stopped. You can resume breastfeeding no earlier than 48 hours after taking the last dose of Ornidazole.

Ornidazole for men

There are no contraindications for the use of Ornidazole for men. The drug is often prescribed to men for the treatment of trichomoniasis and ureaplasmosis (both sexual partners must be treated at the same time), and giardiasis.

The dosage and duration of use of the drug depends on the nature of the disease and the severity of the process.

Ornidazole for giardiasis

In the treatment of giardiasis, Ornidazole is used in fairly high doses: adult patients and adolescents with a body weight above 35 kg are usually prescribed 1.5 g of Ornidazole once a day, preferably at night (after meals).

If the child's body weight is less than 35 kg, Ornidazole is prescribed at the rate of 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The course of treatment usually lasts 1-2 days.

Ornidazole for ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma is one of the simplest organisms against which Ornidazole exhibits particularly high activity. Therefore, the drug is used to treat ureaplasmosis.

Both sexual partners should receive treatment at the same time to prevent reinfection.

The dosage of Ornidazole for ureaplasmosis depends on the severity of the process, the patient’s body weight and is prescribed to each patient individually.

Adult patients are usually treated with Ornidazole. daily dose from 500 mg to 2.5 g. Adolescents weighing more than 60 kg are prescribed 1 g of the drug per day. For children - based on the calculation of 30-40 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Ornidazole for trichomoniasis

Trichomonas (causative agents of trichomoniasis) are protozoan organisms that are sensitive to Ornidazole, so the drug is used to treat this disease.

Doses medicine and duration treatment course determined by the doctor taking into account clinical manifestations illness and the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

Adults are usually prescribed 1 tablet (500 mg) 2-3 times a day at regular intervals for 5 days. Women may be prescribed a dose of 1 g once a day in combination with a single administration (at night) of a 500 mg vaginal tablet.

Regardless of the results of the microbiological examination, treatment is prescribed to both sexual partners at the same time.

For children over 3 years of age, Ornidazole for trichomoniasis is prescribed at the rate of 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight once.

Ornidazole for demodicosis

Demodicosis is a fairly common skin disease caused by mites sensitive to the action of Ornidazole.

Ornidazole is one of the drugs with an acaricidal (anti-mite) effect. It has a detrimental effect on ticks and also stops their reproduction.

Ornidazole is prescribed (as part of combination treatment with antiseptic drugs for external use) at a dose of 500 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. Treatment is also used in cycles of 8-10 days.

Studying comparative effectiveness Ornidazole and Metronidazole for demodicosis showed good tolerability of Ornidazole, absence of severe side effects and more pronounced healing effect: recovery or significant improvement was noted in 79% of patients, improvement was noted by 12% of patients. Therapeutic effect when Ornidazole was prescribed for any form of the disease, the onset occurred 2 times faster than when treated with Metronidazole.

You should not self-medicate with demodicosis. Treatment should be prescribed and supervised by an experienced dermatologist.

Ornidazole and alcohol

Unlike other drugs derived from nitroimidazole (for example, Metronidazole), Ornidazole does not inhibit the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body). For this reason, it is possible, although not advisable, to concomitantly use Ornidazole with alcohol.

Interaction of Ornidazole with other drugs

  • Ornidazole enhances the effect of anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting) of the coumarin series. When simultaneous use they need to adjust the dosage of the anticoagulant.
  • Ornidazole prolongs the relaxing effect on the muscles of Vecuronium bromide.
  • Drugs from the group of liver enzyme inhibitors (enzyme inhibitors) for simultaneous use increase the concentration of Ornidazole.

In our time bacterial infections are amazing in their diversity, but this is a sad statistic. If such a problem occurs, it is very important to solve it in a timely manner with the help of a properly selected medicine that has an antibacterial effect.

One of these is Ornidazole, and the description of the antiprotozoal drug and instructions for its use contain all the information about the action this drug, indications and contraindications, as well as dosages. Range therapeutic action Ornidazole is very broad, and its cost is quite acceptable.

Ornidazole is produced in the form of round, biconvex white or slightly yellowish coated tablets. There are 10 tablets in a blister, one blister in a cardboard box.

Along with tablets, the drug can also be seen in pharmacies in the form of vaginal tablets and a solution for infusion.

Antibiotic or not?

Ornidazole belongs to the antibiotics and is used in treatment quite serious illnesses, such as giardiasis, amoebiasis, infections caused by anaerobic bacteria and trichomonas. This drug is not suitable for self-medication, since its irrational use can aggravate the condition of a sick person with side effects and even affect the immune system, weakening it. An experienced doctor, before prescribing Ornidazole, will send the person who turns to him for help to necessary examination and taking tests to find out exactly what pathogen caused the disease. For some infections, Ornidazole will be powerless.

Indications for use

Ornidazole is prescribed to patients with:

  1. Giardia;
  2. Amoebiasis;
  3. Demodecosis;
  4. Bacterial vaginitis;
  5. Trichomoniasis;
  6. Ureaplasmosis;
  7. Stomach ulcer;
  8. Duodenal ulcer;
  9. Operations performed on internal organs in the field of gynecology and the patient's colon.

Contraindications for use

Before starting a course of treatment with the drug, it would be useful to look at the instructions to familiarize yourself with the list
contraindications to its use.

So, Ornidazole cannot be treated:

  • Children under three years of age;
  • Women during the first three months of pregnancy and lactation;
  • People suffering from multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • People who have an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

With caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor, Ornidazole can be used to treat people:

  • Elderly;
  • Alcohol dependent;
  • With diseases of the liver and hematopoietic organs;
  • Working with dangerous equipment and mechanisms.

Directions for use and dosage

Ornidazole must be taken strictly after eating, with a whole glass of water. The tablet should not be chewed, but only swallowed whole.

It is important to maintain an equal time interval between doses of the drug.

The instructions for use contain a list of side effects that occur on the part of the central nervous system, manifested in the form of impaired movement, dizziness, etc. This means that during the course of treatment with this drug it is better to refrain from activities that require fast reaction and attentiveness, as well as from driving a car.

The duration of the course of therapy with Ornidazole and the dosage are selected by an experienced doctor separately for each patient, taking into account the nature of the disease that has arisen in him, the severity of the course, as well as the weight of the sick person.

In most cases, the course of treatment requires five days, maximum a week. For children whose weight does not reach 35 kg, a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 mg of medication per day is indicated for each kilogram. For adults, depending on their weight, a single dose of at least 500 mg to a maximum of 2 g per day, or you can divide the daily dose into several doses.

When prescribing intravaginal treatment, 1-2 g of the drug is indicated every day, but only after all hygiene procedures.

Intravenous Ornidazole is indicated only for adults. The dose per day should be 0.5-1 g and administered in three doses, the interval between which should be at least eight hours.

Treatment of children with the drug

Ornidazole can be indicated for children only after reaching
three years old and weighing twelve kilograms. This is due to the fact that the tablet of this drug is indivisible and uncrushed.

Per kilogram of a child’s weight, 25 mg is usually prescribed, and only for certain diseases the dosage is increased to 40 mg. As for the duration of the course, for giardiasis, for example, 1 or 2 days of taking Ornidazole is enough, and for different forms amebiasis – from 5 to 10 days.

It all depends on the nature of the disease little patient Therefore, the duration of therapy and dose are selected by the doctor individually for each child.

Ornidazole during pregnancy

Since the first trimester of pregnancy is especially at risk of miscarriage and development various pathologies, then this drug is absolutely contraindicated at this time.

Pregnant women should be prescribed Ornidazole only after approval by the gynecologist who is seeing them. Here such a moment as the excess of the expected effect over possible risk for the future baby.

Treatment with the drug during lactation

If a nursing mother has to take Ornidazole, then the baby should not breastfeed during the course of treatment and two days after the last dose of the drug taken.

Treatment for men

Men can safely undergo therapy with Ornidazole, since there are no contraindications for them.

The duration of drug therapy and dosage directly depend on the nature of the disease and the severity of its course. Most often, Ornidazole is prescribed to men for trichomoniasis, giardiasis and ureaplasmosis.

Treatment of giardiasis

To treat it, the drug must enter the human body in large quantities. So, adolescents and adult sick people will need to take 1.5 g of the drug per day, strictly after meals and best at night.

For children weighing less than 35 kg, the daily dosage of the drug is calculated per 1 kg of weight - 40 mg of the drug.

In most cases, the course of therapy lasts one, maximum two days.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis

Ornidazole is excellent for treating ureaplasmosis. It is very important that sexual partners undergo the course of treatment together, this will help the sick person avoid re-infection.

The dosage of medication for ureaplasmosis, as for other diseases, is calculated for each patient separately, and depends on the severity of the disease and weight. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For adults, the daily norm varies from a minimum of 500 mg to a maximum of 2.5 g, for adolescents weighing over 60 kg - 1 g, and for small children - 30-40 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight.

Treatment of demodicosis

This skin disease is quite common. Ornidazole is successfully used to treat demodicosis due to its acaricidal effect on ticks.

In this case, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with antiseptics twice a day at a dosage of 500 mg for 10-15 days.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate demodicosis; it is better to entrust this to an experienced dermatologist.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is caused by protozoa trichomonas, and they are sensitive to this drug. This is why it is possible to achieve good results with treatment of this disease Ornidazole.

If trichomoniasis is detected in one of the sexual partners, then the other will also need to undergo a course of treatment.

As for children, Ornidazole is indicated for them based on weight: per 1 kg, 25 mg of the drug once.

Ornidazole with alcohol

Ornidazole differs from other drugs that are derivatives of nitroimidazole in that it does not inhibit the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in human body. Therefore, although it is undesirable, it is still possible to take this drug simultaneously with alcohol.


Ornidazole contains as an active substance a substance with the same name. And there are several other antiprotozoal drugs with the same active substance. These include:

All of the above medicines active substance is contained in the same quantity as in Ornidozole. In addition, they have similar indications, contraindications, and similar side effects.

Ornidazole cost

Depending on the region and manufacturer of the drug, its cost in Russia varies per package from 80 to 200 rubles.

Doctor's review

Ornidazole, thanks to him wide range actions taken in the treatment of many diseases. It's really good drug. It is used to treat giardiasis, and I also prescribe this drug for the treatment of a disease such as demodicosis. The drug has shown itself to be excellent and during therapy it really gives good results. It can be used for treatment acne. As you know, Ornidazole can be seen in pharmacies in the form of oral and vaginal tablets, a solution for droppers. When treating diseases that have progressed to chronic form, I recommend using it in combination, for example, regular and vaginal tablets. The solution for droppers is usually produced in glass and plastic bottles of 100 ml. And we prescribe it more often to patients venereal diseases, for example, Trichomonas urethritis or Trichomonas prostatitis. The thing is that diseases in the field of venereology are more difficult to cure oral medications. But treatment must be strictly under medical supervision. For newly emerging diseases, a five-day course of therapy with Ornidazole will be sufficient, and for chronic course doubles. Side effects the drug has quite a lot, as you understand, this is a serious drug. Self-medication is excluded, it is better to trust professional help from the doctor's side.