Why is breast milk good for a baby? Vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Mom doesn’t need to eat anything special to make her milk healthier

Breast milkunique product baby food. Today, not a single analogue has yet been invented that fully corresponds to it, because its composition was approved by nature itself. Only this food satisfies needs infants at 100%. The composition of the natural product contains up to 500 necessary for the baby substances, many of them cannot be created artificially. The mother's body begins to work on creating a food product even before a new person comes into this world.


The appearance of milk in the mammary glands of women is due to the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for its secretion. The basis of breast milk is lymph and blood, where nutrients, modified during the digestion process, enter from the body.

Composition of breast milk

Every woman’s milk is unique, just like herself, but the set of components of this product is the same for all nursing mothers. Composition of breast milk:

  • Biologically active water (88%) – the main component, perfectly absorbed by infants. If the baby is completely breastfeeding, then there is no need to give him additional water;
  • Carbohydrates (7%) presented in the form of lactose (milk sugar), which accelerates brain development and nervous system, promoting the complete absorption of iron and calcium and bifidum factor with antifungal and antibacterial effect, normalizing intestinal function;
  • Fats (4%) – a source of strength for the baby: thanks to them, the immune system is strengthened and a full-fledged central nervous system is formed. Fats contain cholesterol (for the production of vitamin D), bile and major hormones. Balance of fats and carbohydrates in mother's milk ideal for a growing baby;
  • Squirrels (1%) - the basis for the growth of infants who quickly gain weight. They contain whey protein, taurine (for the development of the central nervous system and brain), lactoferrin (a source of iron), nucleotides (building material for DNA), lactase (for the breakdown of lactose), lipase (for complete absorption of fats);
  • Remaining components (0,2%) - iron, vitamins, minerals, 20 types of hormones (growth factors), antibodies, leukocytes (protection immune system).

The quality of breast milk in a nursing mother is not constant; its composition can change under the influence of many factors:

  1. The time of day is more dense during the day than at night.
  2. Weather - in the heat milk is liquid, in the cold it thickens.
  3. Mom's health - with weakened immunity, taking medicines The composition of the product is different.
  4. The baby's activity - at first the milk is liquid (instead of water), with intense sucking it thickens and becomes fatty.

A mother breastfeeding twins may have a different composition of milk food, because it must be adapted to the needs of each baby. The volume and quality of milk largely depends on the health of the nursing mother, good nutrition, sleep and rest patterns, medication intake, bad habits(nicotine, alcohol).

It is important to know: the more often you put your baby to your breast, the more invaluable product it produces. There will be exactly as much as the baby needs, so you need to feed him on demand! Read about which feeding method to choose — .

Types of milk by age

  • Colostrum – a thick sticky yellowish liquid is produced in small quantity in the first 4 days. Its composition is close to the baby's blood serum - a significant amount of proteins, leukocytes, vitamins, immunoglobulin, and salts. Promotes rapid adaptation of the newborn to a new way of eating. This is why it is so important to put your baby to the breast in the first hours after birth. If the baby was born premature, mother's milk for 2 weeks is close in composition to colostrum, since this is exactly the food the baby needs during this period. On this topic: ;
  • Transition milk produced in the first 2-3 weeks. In composition, it is more nutritious and less protein, adapted to a growing body and new products;
  • Mature milk appears from the third week. It is more oily and watery. Protein is produced less and less with age, mainly in mature milk. fatty acid, which are responsible for normal brain function. Normally, a woman produces up to 1.5 liters of mature breast milk per day. A distinction is made between foremilk and hindmilk:
    • Front - bluish and liquid - released in the first minutes of feeding, it contains carbohydrates, salts and water, serves to quench thirst.
    • Rear– yellowish and thick – complete food for a baby.

Benefits of breast milk

Breast milk is unique not only in its composition, but also in its properties. For the baby, food from mother's breast– this is active mental development, normal digestion, strengthening the immune system, preventing pneumonia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, allergies, atherosclerosis, diarrhea and many other dangerous diseases.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Mother's milk is an excellent antidepressant for the nurse herself. Here we're talking about not about the food product, but about the benefits of the processes of its formation and feeding, which develop the maternal instinct and tender feelings for the child.

According to Swedish scientists, alpha-lactalbumin in breast milk can successfully fight 40 types of cancer.

Breastfeeding can enhance the immune system's response to vaccinations.

Milk shapes protective forces baby, protecting against allergies and infections. The presence of stem cells in it provides regeneration and protection, as a source of antibodies, resistant even to diseases that the baby could receive from the mother.

The antibacterial properties of milk can be used for treatment, eye drops for conjunctivitis, or healing cracked nipples in a nursing mother.

For a baby, breast milk is not just food, the very ritual of communication with the mother is important for him: the opportunity to calm down, get rid of ailments, fears, and sleep sweetly.

IN breastfeeding You can also see the economic benefits: mother's milk is always suitable for consumption, it does not need to be prepared, it has no expiration date. Invaluable milk is free, for the family budget of a young family the savings on formula are significant.

NUK nutritionist consultant Petra Fricke: Why mother's milk is the most better food for my baby in the first months of his life?

Perfect color and taste

Many new mothers are concerned about the color and taste of their milk. The color, as already mentioned, depends on the fat content and time of feeding: the front (liquid) is bluish, the back (thick and fatty) is white or yellow.

The taste of the milk will change depending on the mother's diet. It is especially affected by salty, spicy, smoked foods, consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and medications. A certain taste appears depending on the emotional and physical condition nursing woman.

According to the observations of scientists, babies who are breastfed from the first days of life grow up strong, sociable, and kind. As they get older, they develop resistance to stress. From the first days to the expectant mother she must be determined that she must breastfeed her child. Then the baby will always be fed and healthy, and the mother will be calm and happy.


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Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Exists the only product food that is suitable for a small child without any reservations is breast milk.

It is this that is the key to not only the current, but also the future baby. Let's figure out how it is produced, what its composition and beneficial properties are.

As you know, this product is a nutritious liquid that is produced in the mammary glands of a woman. To understand how it is formed, you need to delve a little deeper into physiology female body. Education of this product is caused by the body's production of three hormones, namely:

  • placental lactogen, which begins to be released in the placenta as early as later and prepares the mother’s body for;
  • , which runs and supports ;
  • oxytocin, thanks to which the produced fluid moves through the milk ducts.

The alveoli, located in the chest and secreting this product, are connected by ducts to the lacteal sinuses (this is, in fact, an expansion of the duct), concentrated around. Milk coming from the breast accumulates in the sinuses, and the baby squeezes it out with his jaws.

Breast milk is ideal for a baby. It quenches thirst and hunger, provides the baby with microelements necessary for development, and its composition changes over time (even throughout the day), adapting to the needs child's body. It is also an antidepressant for a child, increases it, protects against infectious and other diseases.
Breast milk contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, various minerals, as well as many other components, including about twenty types, antibodies and leukocytes. The basis of this product (almost 90%) is biologically active water. Throughout the entire lactation period, the composition of this product changes. There are three successive states: colostrum, transitional, and then mature milk. Let's look at these types in more detail.


This type of breast milk is produced only in the first few days (no more than five) of feeding and is a thick liquid yellowish color, especially rich in proteins. Its composition is exactly what is needed for the transition from intrauterine nutrition to external nutrition. The composition (per 100 g) contains:

  • proteins - 2.3 g;
  • fats - 2.6 g;
  • carbohydrates (mainly lactose) - 5.7 g;
  • potassium - 74 mg;
  • sodium - 50 mg;
  • calcium - 48 mg;
  • vitamin A - 0.17 mg;
  • vitamin E - 1.5 mg.

Did you know?Breast milk contains about 700 species of bacteria, including bifidobacteria, which suppress the development of putrefactive and pathogens, as well as helping to absorb carbohydrates.

After a woman stops producing colostrum, transitional breast milk appears, characterized by higher fat content and lower protein content. It continues to be produced for about two to three weeks. Its composition (per 100 g) is given in the following table:

  • proteins - 1.6 g;
  • fats - 3.5 g;
  • carbohydrates (mainly lactose) - 6.4 g;
  • potassium - 64 mg;
  • sodium - 30 mg;
  • calcium - 46 mg;
  • vitamin A - 0.09 mg;
  • vitamin E - 0.9 mg.

From approximately the third week of feeding until the end of the entire lactation period, mature breast milk begins to be produced. Its peculiarity is the ability to change during one feeding. At the beginning of feeding, the so-called foremilk. It is watery, bluish in color and low calorie content, his task is first of all to give the baby something to drink.

  • proteins - 1.1 g;
  • fats - 4.5 g;
  • carbohydrates (mainly lactose) - 6.8 g;
  • potassium - 50 mg;
  • sodium - 17 mg;
  • calcium -35 mg;
  • vitamin A - 0.06 mg;
  • vitamin E - 0.2 mg.

The composition of these two products is very different. So, women's milk has approximately two times less protein and twice as many carbohydrates as cow's milk. But qualitative differences are also important. In cow's milk, the main protein component is casein (women's milk also contains it, but in much smaller quantities), which complicates the baby's digestion process and can cause.

Breast milk contains less calcium and phosphorus than cow milk, but thanks to other components they are absorbed much better. In general, the composition of vitamins and minerals in it is ideal for a child.
Breast milk, unlike cow milk, is very rich in various enzymes (amylase, trypsin, lipase), which are important for the functioning of the baby’s body. On the contrary, the amino acid content in breast milk is lower than in cow milk. This is preferable for a child, since his body is not yet ready to absorb them in large quantities.

So, having figured out how breast milk is produced, what it consists of and what benefits it has, we can say that this product is extremely beneficial for the baby and cannot be fully replaced by any other. Therefore, it is desirable that the birth of the baby occurs naturally.

Often women give up breastfeeding after giving birth. Many people associate this with urbanization - they say that the environment and nutrition are changing, and health is getting worse. Meanwhile, breastfeeding experts say that only 3% of women are unable to breastfeed their children. medical indicators. Other women, if desired and certain conditions are created, are quite capable of doing without artificial mixtures. Often women do not want to breastfeed because they have heard a lot of myths about it. Meanwhile, they deny their babies the most valuable thing - complete and balanced natural nutrition. Let's try to understand the most common myths about breastfeeding.

1. Breasts lose shape during feeding

Changes in breast shape occur during pregnancy, during hormonal changes: glandular tissue, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, grows, it gradually replaces adipose tissue. The breasts begin to swell and grow, and then in the last trimester of pregnancy and lactation they become soft. It takes time for the breasts to recover and fill with fatty tissue again. Regardless of the mother’s decision to feed the baby with milk, the breasts increase in size as much as possible with the arrival of milk (3-10 days after birth). The shape of the breasts is negatively affected by feeding according to a regimen when excessive amounts of milk accumulate in the breasts, constant or incorrect manual expression, and poor skin elasticity. The baby, no matter how much he wants, cannot spoil the shape of the breast - after all, he only grasps the nipple and areola with his mouth. With a smooth completion of breastfeeding, the shape of the breast is restored.

2. Breastfeeding can ruin your figure

Some women, while breastfeeding, begin to eat for three and can actually gain weight. In order to have milk, you do not need to increase the amount of food you eat; it is enough to eat foods that increase lactation. Plus, you can include auxiliary products in your diet. For example, which includes natural herbs, which have lactic properties. With normal nutrition during breastfeeding, a woman even loses weight. But after he finishes feeding, he can gain several kilograms excess weight. It's connected with hormonal imbalances, but over time, the woman’s weight will stabilize and return to what it was before pregnancy. Provided, of course, that she follows her diet and exercises.

3. Chest with flat or inverted nipple the baby won't take it

A child, expressing milk with his tongue, sucks more actively on the areola than on the nipple. When a baby is properly attached to the breast, the nipple is located under the baby's palate and serves as something like a “milk tap.” Of course, if the nipple is inverted or flat, it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to it and will take time to adjust. But the sucking reflex is the strongest in a baby; babies can suckle at the breast in any position, and even the flattest nipple is not a hindrance for a hungry baby.

4. 7-15 minutes are enough for feeding, then the baby simply “plays around”, using the breast as a pacifier

This is not true, very few babies nurse actively, the rest need breaks to rest and even sleep. Therefore, the average feeding time should be 40 minutes. If you take the breast before the baby releases it on his own, there is a risk that the baby will remain hungry. In addition, in the first minutes the baby sucks out the “front”, less fatty milk and may not receive enough “hind”, more fatty milk. Over time, the baby will become stronger and learn to breastfeed more actively. And by six months he will become an “expert” in this matter. By the way, how much breastfeeding to feed and until what age is decided by each mother individually.

5. Milk disappears due to stress

The amount of breast milk depends solely on the hormone prolactin, which is produced during feeding of the baby. The more often you feed your baby, the more milk comes in. Mom's nerves do not affect lactation. But the release of milk from the breast depends on the hormone oxytocin; if the mother is nervous, oxytocin stops being produced and the milk stops flowing. Therefore, before feeding the baby, you need to relax, you can drink tea that stimulates lactation, for example, ignore external problems.

6. When breastfeeding, you still need to supplement your baby's food

Breast milk is both food and drink for the baby. This is how nature intended. If you want to give your baby something to drink, just put him on your breast, because milk is 90% water. It is necessary to supplement the baby's food when artificial nutrition, since it is more concentrated. It is allowed to supplement the child's drinking with clean boiled water during periods of high heat and severe dehydration baby.

7. Modern mixtures no worse than breast milk

No matter how well-balanced the formula is, it cannot replace breast milk. Human milk contains more than 400(!) components that meet the baby’s different requirements: to eat, drink, calm down, sleep, normalize the stomach microflora, and recover. Breast milk can adapt to the needs of a sick baby. Naturally, the composition of the formulas is much poorer, not to mention the fact that it cannot be changed to suit the needs of your child.

8. Breasts don’t have time to fill if you feed too often.

Milk arrives in the breast as the baby demands. How bigger baby sucks the breast, the more it fills. On average, a newborn needs to be applied to the breast from 12 to 20 times a day; if the child is applied less than 12 times, it means that the mother simply does not notice his requests. As the baby gets older, the number of feedings will decrease.

9. If your breast size is small, there will be no milk.

The presence of milk is not related to breast size. Sometimes a woman with large breasts has less milk than a woman with small breasts, because breast size most often depends on fatty tissue, which has nothing to do with lactation. The only caveat is that a mother with small breasts will need to latch on to her baby more often and not take long pauses between feedings.

10. You need to eat a lot for milk to come in

Nature designed it so that the baby would receive everything he needs in any case. Therefore, the fat content of milk changes in accordance with the needs of the baby, and the composition of the milk also changes over time. According to WHO, even undernourished women can produce milk in sufficient quantities and with sufficient fat content. Therefore, the main thing is not to eat too much, but to eat balanced food, rich in vitamins and microelements.

11. You need to drink a lot of fluids to produce more milk.

Everything is good in moderation. You need to drink as much as you want. However, it is worth remembering that many pediatricians recommend that women follow daily norm in 3-4 cups of tea. The fact is that tea, like coffee, is one of the natural energy drinks. Theine in tea has a slightly milder effect than caffeine in coffee; however, you shouldn’t drink too much tea, even with milk, to rule out the possibility Negative influence caffeine on a child's health. Many mothers add sugar to tea, and excess sugar can cause colic in the baby. The question of how to increase breast milk is not faced experienced mothers. To stimulate lactation, women drink special herbal teas, For example, .

12. Not all women produce milk.

Breastfeeding is a necessary function of the female body, inherent in nature. The ability to lactation is preserved even in elderly and nulliparous women. So almost any woman who has given birth can breastfeed. You just need to avoid making mistakes and be persistent if you suddenly have any problems with breastfeeding. The main thing is to believe that everything will work out!

Breast milk is an indispensable product for a newborn baby. It contains a large amount nutrients, which are formed during the digestion process. The appearance of milk occurs due to the hormone prolactin. Preparing the body for its production begins from the very first day of conception.

The milk of a nursing woman has a slightly sweet taste. Sometimes you can notice that it is salty. Breast milk contains the following beneficial components.

During feeding, the baby receives milk of different composition. First he drinks the front contents, and then the back.

The table clearly shows how healthy and rich in various nutrients breast milk is.

The composition and properties of this product do not always remain constant. They are influenced by many factors.

  • IN daytime milk is thicker during the day than at night.
  • In hot weather it thins out, and in cold weather it becomes thick.
  • Weakening of the mother's immunity, taking medications, and products with a strong, pronounced odor affect the composition, color and taste of the product.
  • Its consistency depends on the strength and persistence with which the baby sucks the breast. With strong, intense sucking, the milk becomes thick and fatty.

During breastfeeding, it is important for a woman to healthy image life. You can eat only high-quality and hypoallergenic food. It is worth giving up bad habits (alcohol, nicotine). Do not eat spicy, salty or too sweet.

It is useful to feed your baby not by the hour, but on demand. This helps improve lactation and the appearance useful substances. How much does a child need in the first days after birth?

Initially, about 40 milligrams will be enough, by a month the amount of milk will increase to 100 milligrams. The baby usually decides how much milk he needs.

Features of breast milk production

To answer the question of how breast milk is formed, you should know the structure mammary gland And physiological processes lactation.

The mammary gland consists of cavities between which there are narrow ducts. Near the nipple they expand and turn into milk sinuses. At the other base of the ducts there are cells that are responsible for milk production.

Several cells grouped together form an alveolus. IN mammary gland there are several million such alveoli.

Prolactin is responsible for the production of milk in the alveoli. It enters a woman's blood after the birth of a child. If for some reason breastfeeding is postponed, there is no need to worry. Prolactin remains in large quantities even after a month. During sucking, the muscles contract and fluid is released from the cells.

The hormone oxytocin is responsible for the functioning muscle fibers, which transport milk through the ducts of the mammary glands.

It dilates the lacteal sinuses so that it can be freely released during sucking. The work of oxytocin can be felt due to the appearance of a feeling of fullness in the chest.

It is important to know how much mature milk should be produced per day. Its quantity should reach 1.5 liters. Mature milk is divided into fore and hind milk. Each of them has characteristic properties.

Foremilk is bluish in color and is liquid. Appears at the beginning of breastfeeding. It is rich in carbohydrates, salts and water. The anterior contents help replenish fluid loss and quench thirst.

Hindmilk is yellow and thick. This is a complete food for babies. The formation of posterior contents improves due to frequent latching of the baby to the breast, during night feeding and with prolonged and frequent latching on the same breast. Hindmilk improves intestinal microflora.

In order for the baby to receive fore and hind milk evenly, you can give different breasts. It happens that the baby refuses to suck out hind milk, as it requires energy. The woman hastily offers the other breast. As a result, the baby receives only foremilk. But foremilk cannot satisfy hunger.

As the baby ages, the composition of breast milk also changes. It adapts to the needs of a growing organism, which requires only vitamins in more, others – to a lesser extent.

When the baby reaches 6 months, the need for fats and proteins decreases. A large amount of lipids and carbohydrates is produced. During tooth growth, the amount of calcium increases. It is useful to continue feeding after a year.

It is a great source of vitamins and antibodies that protect against infections. At this stage the milk is very thick and yellow.

Characteristics of milk

Many factors affect what breast milk looks like. The main characteristics that define it appearance, are:

  • color (yellow, white);
  • taste (salty, sweet);
  • consistency (thick, liquid).

The color of the milk is influenced by its consistency and the time of day at which feeding occurs. Liquid milk has a bluish color. Thick – yellow or white.

The color of the liquid depends on the food. For example, Orange color milk can come from carrots or pumpkin. Milk greenish color may indicate the presence of spinach and broccoli in the diet. Sometimes there may be pink color. This indicates blood penetration (cracks in the nipples, rupture of blood vessels). You can drink it in any case.

The taste of milk depends on the products that the woman consumed. It can be salty or sweet. Sometimes children may refuse to drink such milk. Emotional condition mothers also determine the taste and color of breast milk.

Salted milk becomes like this because large quantity mineral salts. This phenomenon is related to the needs of the baby. As soon as his body gets enough of them, salted milk will lose this property.

Breast milk is constantly renewed. For example, from four months the amount of calcium increases. This is due to the fact that the baby begins to learn to sit down and stand up. During this period, the first teeth appear. If a child is in pain, a painkiller component appears in the milk. In the case when my mother had viral infection, antibodies increase in milk and you can drink it. The amount of lysozyme increases when the child himself gets sick.

The milk is renewed almost every minute. This is very convenient, since the baby’s condition can also change very often.

Beneficial characteristics of breast milk

The beneficial properties contained in woman's milk are necessary for the full growth and development of the baby.

Breast milk provides all the essential nutrients needed for brain development, normal operation digestive organs. It strengthens the child’s immunity and can protect him from infectious diseases.

This is great prophylactic from diseases such as allergies, pneumonia, diarrhea, atherosclerosis.

The question often arises whether a woman can drink her own milk. It won't do any harm, but you still shouldn't drink it. Some women do not produce enzymes that can break down complex composition breast milk. If you drink your own milk, you may experience signs of indigestion (nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, bowel movements).

The dairy products that we are used to buying in stores undergo complex fermentation processing. As a result, complex proteins break down and are easily digested.

It is very important to establish lactation from the first days. Mother's milk cannot replace any other product. It improves the functioning of all organs, has a beneficial effect on emotional sphere not only the baby, but also the mother.

Rash in a child.

It is necessary to urgently call the child if, when a rash appears, the child has a temperature above 39 degrees, shortness of breath, swelling of the face or tongue, drowsiness, headache if the child starts vomiting or faints.

Having put the baby to the breast for the first time, the mother glows with happiness and thinks that she will share the most with the child. best year, two, and maybe more. And then everyday life and doubts begin; What if the baby is malnourished, doesn’t drink enough, what if I get better, what if the child gets sick because I ate one more orange. And when your breasts hurt from biting, there is no time to think about the benefits of breast milk, and stories about the happiness of motherhood somehow fade.

If you want your child not to get sick, breastfeed from the first hours. Kind relatives appear nearby, feeling sorry for the mother and advising her to switch to formula or offering to try it. Should not be doing that.

Breast milk is white gold.

It is healthy, tasty and safe. Only breast milk contains antibodies that will protect the baby from diarrhea, pneumonia, allergies, and the most common childhood diseases.

Do not believe those who say that putting your baby to the breast immediately after birth is not at all necessary. Necessarily.

Do not listen to those who say that the first milk, or colostrum, is too thick, so the child must be supplemented with water. No need.

Colostrum is simply a unique product, it is not only food, it contains so many leukocytes and antibodies that pediatricians call it a natural vaccine against all kinds of childhood diseases, which is why the first breastfeeding should not be postponed.

The composition of milk is not affected by the mother’s diet or her lifestyle and health. Milk adapts to the child, changing its composition according to right moment. Now you know that this is not so and you don’t have to torment yourself with questions on the topic - what if my milk harms the baby?

It will help him. Breastfeeding in the early days is especially important. Milk contains natural antibiotic- lysozyme and antibodies against many diseases that my mother managed to get sick with. Every drop of your milk contains millions of white blood cells that can kill harmful bacteria. And when you breastfeed, each time you make your baby a little stronger, more resistant to infections.

This is important because by 9 months the baby runs out of immunoglobulins transferred to him by his mother through the placenta. And if until that time he was “under the hood” of these immunoglobulins and under reliable protection, then by the end of the first year of life he will need his own system of protection against diseases, that is, immunity. Mother's milk is like a lifesaver for immunity. Together with him, the child each time receives the proteins needed to build his own immunity. The most important protein is lactoferrin. Both he and harmful microbes feed on iron. Lactoferrin “takes away” food - iron - from microbes, and they die, but the baby remains healthy.

Milk contains a natural antibiotic - lysozyme and antibodies against many diseases. Usually, mother's milk contains about 1% proteins, the baby's immunity, the growth of new cells, and the maturation of the nervous system depend on them. Fortunately, the amount of proteins is constant and does not depend on the mother’s fatigue or illness, and even the most perfect mixtures do not contain all the beneficial substances that are in mother’s milk, no matter what doctors say about their merits.

In 1989 World organization Health (WHO), having found out that every year fewer and fewer mothers breastfeed their children, began to talk about the benefits of breastfeeding. Every year, World Breastfeeding Week takes place all over the world, and each year it is dedicated to a specific theme. In 2012, the Week will begin on August 1st. And the mothers themselves will tell you that breast milk is not only the most healthy food in the world for a baby, this is also the most trusting relationship with a child, this is the happiness of closeness and just joy.

Of course, the benefits of breast milk are invaluable, but it is not a panacea; it will not protect against all diseases in the world, but it is the best support for the child’s own immunity that nature has come up with. Children raised on breastfeeding get sick less often and recover faster from ARVI, even in the second or third year of life and later. Breastfeeding is the first step towards a lifetime of health for your baby.

10 facts about breast milk

  1. Less than 40% of mothers feed their babies only breast milk for up to six months. The rest, even at such a tender age, begin to introduce complementary foods.
  2. Breastfeeding should begin within 1 hour of birth.
  3. In the first months, the baby can be breastfed on demand, even at night. It is completely safe and absolutely necessary to feed your baby as often as he wants. The baby asks for the breast not because he is hungry, but because he needs contact with his mother. Don’t be alarmed if at first you feed 10-20 times a day, then the child will choose the regime he needs.
  4. A baby can be breastfed if he is prescribed any medications
  5. 16 weeks is the minimum time that a mother needs to spend next to the child and only with the child, completely forgetting about work.
  6. Up to 6 months, it is better to feed the child only breast milk; from 6 to 12 months, alternate breastfeeding with complementary feeding. If you have the opportunity and desire to continue feeding your child, continue. It will be useful for everyone.
  7. A breastfed baby does not need to supplement with juices or water; with mother's milk he gets everything he needs. The child doesn't need excess water!
  8. Milk contains about 500 substances, most of which cannot be reproduced artificially. In terms of complexity and fluidity of composition, milk is similar to blood.
  9. Breastfeeding helps your baby stay healthy even as he grows up
  10. A breastfed baby does not need vitamins - with mother's milk he gets everything he needs.