Why does my neck crack and my head hurt? Strong crunching in the neck when turning the head. What to apply to the neck when the cervical vertebrae crunch

A crunch in the neck is the very first sign of the onset of the development of cervical osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is a rather complex disease that is associated with degeneration of several intervertebral discs.

The main cause of disc degeneration is considered to be their reduced nutrition as a result of insufficient motor activity of the back and neck muscles. If there is no muscle function, then there are no nutrients needed for the intervertebral discs.

Movement is life, therefore the main method for treating the serious disease of osteochondrosis, as well as a crunch in the neck, is proper special gymnastics.

The twenty-first century is a century of a fairly high level of education, where many educated people must know and be able to correctly self-medicate fairly simple diseases.

If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, then you should consult an experienced doctor!

Possible causes of crunching

Experts identify a number of reasons that can cause a strong crunch directly in the cervical spine. The most common of them are the following:

  1. Increased mobility of intervertebral joints, which is typical for thin people. This manifestation has virtually no negative consequences, with the exception of psychological discomfort from strong sound.
  2. The appearance of spondylolisthesis(serious illness) causes the neck to click when bending or turning. This happens when the spine shifts forward. An emerging crunch in the neck area occurs as a result of a disruption in the relationships between the bone structures in the spine.
  3. Severe muscle tension, typical of athletes. This crunch almost completely disappears immediately after the muscles warm up.
  4. For hypermobility in the joints of the spine. Appears in case of deviation in the development of the connective tissue area.
  5. In case of accumulation of calcium salts in tendons, as well as in muscles with serious disorders of calcium metabolism. This effect can be caused by severe overload of various segments of the spine, and the development of a functional block is usually accompanied by an unpleasant sound.
  6. With the development of uncovertebral arthrosis(a disease that develops in the intervertebral joints). This disease is accompanied by acute pain in the area of ​​the damaged spine as a result of movement.
  7. A strong crunch in the neck can be caused by completely different posture disorders., which cause changes in the relationship between bone structures and muscles.
  8. In case of subluxation of small joints which appear as a result of unstable functioning of the cervical spine. This process can be accompanied by severe pain, especially if you remain in the same position for a long time.
  9. Crunching can also be caused by osteophytes.(bone outgrowths that appear when bone formation is impaired).

Other signs of cervical osteochondrosis

When you turn your head, at the same time as a crunch, you may experience severe pain in the neck area. In addition, the pain may also radiate to the upper limbs, and this should alert you.

Here it is worth paying attention to the appearance of a crunch in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, because osteochondrosis has certain features: the rapid spread of pain throughout the body.

The cervical spine is usually connected specifically to the thoracic connective tissue and the entire muscle system.

If you experience any of the symptoms described, you should contact a professional. You will likely need to undergo certain tests to get your doctor's advice.

This must be done if you do not want to develop a chronic form of this disease, osteochondrosis, by the age of 40.

Causes of neck pain

Until now, not many of us have thought that severe neck pain can arise from the most unpredictable defects and developing diseases.

For example, a simple example is the rapid enlargement of lymph nodes. This can lead to severe, aching and long-lasting pain in the shoulders and neck.

It is quite simple to determine this condition; when you do not want to experience severe pain when swallowing, constantly feel pain in this place, or simply tactilely feel the swollen nodules, then you need to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Severely enlarged nodes can create unwanted additional pressure directly on the neck muscles, which causes the intervertebral discs to move in an incorrect path compared to standard movements.

The same reasons can also be caused by thyroiditis - this is a serious inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this case, severe pain appears in the neck, aggravated by touching.

In the case when you do not pay attention to this aspect, then there is a possibility of remaining with a severely damaged thyroid gland for the rest of your days.

Severe pain in the cervical region can also occur due to the most incredible diseases, and all individual cases must be considered strictly on an individual basis.

Cervical osteochondrosis: prevention

In particularly difficult situations, it is important to contact a professional orthopedic doctor. Sometimes you may need to use certain medications, undergo physical therapy, and perform therapeutic massage.

If your condition is not completely complicated, but a crunch in your neck while turning your head forces you to do something, you need to start doing therapeutic exercises that help in case of cervical osteochondrosis.

When possible, you can sign up for a swimming pool; in the summer, you can go to the beach - swimming has a beneficial effect on all people with manifestations of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

In addition, it is also important to reconsider your own attitude towards your health in order to learn how to carefully protect your spine.

It is also important to get rid of your habit of sitting in one position for a long time, as well as leaning to one side when sitting and straining your muscles while working at the computer.

For prevention, you can buy a high-quality ergonomic office chair. As a result of this, your own health is only in your hands. When an employer does not want to ensure the ergonomics of his own workplace, you can purchase a special chair.

It is especially important that the backrest is solid and high - when you recline, then your lower back and shoulder blades will rest quite comfortably on such a backrest. An office chair can also have a special headrest - this is quite comfortable for completely relaxing the neck muscles when taking breaks from work.

Take a few frequent breaks to dedicate them to home gymnastics for your neck.. If you want to make cervical osteochondrosis invisible, you should turn your head more often. You can look at the door or window more often while working.

If you are overweight in large quantities, you need to lose at least a little weight. Severe obesity can also cause diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even osteochondrosis.

When you have already discovered the first signs of cervical osteochondrosis, it is very important to reconsider your own diet, as well as start doing fitness.

Treatment of severe crunch in the neck

A fairly effective method for the complete recovery of the entire cervical spine involves certain methods. Crunching in the neck when turning the head, which can be treated at home using special gymnastics, must be treated in the shortest possible time.

You need to take a small amount of camphor oil and use it to perform a light massage of the collar area and the entire neck area. Apply a little more camphor to your palms, then rub them thoroughly.

Lie down as comfortably as possible on the sofa or bed, then clasp your hands and then put them behind your head. Feel the occipital bone under the base of the skull, then rest your little finger and the ribs of your palms against it.

This way you can make a compress. Due to its effective warming properties, camphor oil and the warmth of the hands can have a fairly beneficial effect on the neck muscles. Having created a serious positive mood for yourself, your biocurrents will also rush to the rescue.

Lie in a relaxed state for a few minutes so you can enjoy the warmth in your neck. You can also put a pillow down and watch TV for a while. After this, rhythmically, without straining at all, you can begin to gradually raise and lower your chin.

This must be done so that the entire occipital bone of the skull springs quite strongly on the ribs of the palms themselves. The whole process is as follows: first, when you raise your chin, the muscles behind you tense a little, and after that we relax the muscles and take the initial position with your chin.

In the case of such manipulation, the following is performed: blood stagnation in the veins completely disappears, and slight traction is performed on the cervical spine.

With such actions, the size of the intervertebral foramina increases, and the spinal nerve roots are also freed from pinching. The neck muscles work in a dynamic mode, and this contributes to their significant strengthening.

Cervical osteochondrosis: gymnastics

Performing special exercises for osteochondrosis can help in the treatment of an existing disease, and will also serve as prevention.

Special gymnastics in the presence of a disease for preventive purposes can also be performed at home, but it would be much better to use breaks from work.

Gymnastics in the case of cervical osteochondrosis takes very little time, but at the same time it gives a very positive result in the shortest possible time.

Exercise 1. Sit up straight, tilt your head back and try to reach your right shoulder with your right ear, then return to the starting position. This exercise is usually done smoothly and slowly so as not to strain the muscles. Five repetitions must be performed.

Exercise 2. Sit up straight, turn your face forward and lift your chin slightly. Turn your head slowly and smoothly to the right side as far as possible. After this, return to the starting position and also make this type of turn to the left. Five repetitions must be performed.

Exercise 3. Place your palm on your forehead and then press your head against it. The palm should remain the same to resist pressure. When pressing with your head, it is important to strain your neck muscles as much as possible. Three repetitions are required.

Exercise 4. Exercise as in point 3, only now you need to place your palm on the back of your head and press it onto your palm. You need to hold the tension while counting to 5. You need to perform three repetitions.

Exercise 5. Sit up straight, tilt your head back a little and slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin firmly towards your chest. Three repetitions are required.

Exercise 6. Sit up straight, lower your head down and slowly turn your head left and right. The head should remain in a lowered position.

Gymnastics in the case of cervical osteochondrosis should never include rotation of the head without reliable support with the hands, especially when the neck is very tense and painful.

Self-massage - easy and healthy

A special massage for a crunchy neck most often resembles an effective exercise with a “lock” right on the back of the head. It is usually performed in a certain sequence:

  1. Thoroughly rub the entire collar area with camphor oil.
  2. Lie on your back in a comfortable position.
  3. Place your hands directly under the occipital bone so that your ribs rest firmly against it.
  4. You need to lie in this position for a certain time, giving the whole body the opportunity to relax. You can also visualize the heat that comes from your hands to the neck area.
  5. Raise your head, you can push it with your palms, after which you need to lower it. In this case, the hands should be securely adjacent to the cervical area so that you can massage it when moving.

The total duration of the procedure is usually limited by the health of the practitioner. If completed, it is important to stretch all the muscles of the neck with your hands, while rubbing it intensively.

The final result will be very noticeable after 2 weeks. By this time, all pinched nerve roots can be completely released, and blood flow noticeably improves.

A cracked neck can “capitulate” quite quickly before exercise and a balanced diet. If you do not want to do this, you must urgently seek help from a doctor.

In some cases, a fairly serious weapon against this symptom may be required.


You should always remember that severe pain in the cervical spine must be treated immediately after it begins to appear.

If you start this process, then it can cause the development of quite serious consequences.

At the same time, subsequent treatment in this case will be quite expensive and very lengthy, but also associated with severe pain.

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Why does my neck crack? Few people know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to devote our article to this topic. From it you will learn about the reasons for the development of this pathological phenomenon, its diagnosis and treatment methods.

Basic information

Why does my neck crack? This question interests many people who periodically encounter this problem. Most often, there is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. However, there are cases when a crunch in the neck indicates the development of some kind of spinal disease.

In modern medicine, plenty of reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon have been identified. Moreover, they are not always associated with muscle tension or banal fatigue.

Why does my neck crack?

Many people mistakenly believe that a crunch in the neck occurs only in older people and is associated with age-related changes. However, this phenomenon can occur even in a child.

So, why does your neck crack? Numerous studies have found that this unpleasant sound is created by the joints located in the cervical spine. As you know, the ligaments and muscles in this area are designed to prevent possible injuries and are necessary for the movement of the head. If the muscle tissue is overstrained or too relaxed, then a strong load is placed on the cervical spine, which contributes to the appearance of a characteristic crunch.

Doctors say that this phenomenon is completely safe, as long as it does not cause discomfort or become a source of pain.

Thus, we can safely note that the reasons why the neck hurts and crunches when turning can be different. We will present the main points that provoke the development of this phenomenon right now.

Air bubbles

The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae. As you know, there is a special liquid between them. Over time, so-called air bubbles form in it. When turning and moving the neck, the vertebrae create quite strong pressure, as a result of which the latter burst. As a result, a characteristic sound appears.


In some cases, a specific growth forms on one of the cervical vertebrae, preventing the normal sliding of the ligaments. If a person tilts or turns his head, then, passing by this growth, the ligament seems to cling to it, which creates a certain sound.

Spinal diseases

If a patient often has a neck crunch when turning his head, this may indicate the development of various problems with the spine. By the way, in such cases a person is worried not only by the characteristic sound, but also by severe pain in the neck, headaches, and discomfort in the back or shoulder blade.

The most common diseases of the spine are the following:

  • Osteochondrosis. This disease is associated with pathological changes in the intervertebral discs. It is characterized by metabolic disturbances and abnormal growth of bone tissue.

With such an illness, a person not only has a crunch in the neck, but also constantly has a headache, shoulders, and arms. A properly selected pillow for cervical osteochondrosis can reduce discomfort, but effective treatment of this disease requires more drastic measures.

  • Lordosis or kyphosis. Such diseases represent curvature of the upper spine, which can be acquired or hereditary. At the same time, certain changes occur in the patient’s muscle and bone tissues, so when you turn your head you can easily hear a specific sound.

A manual therapy clinic that provides physical therapy can help relieve the symptoms of kyphosis and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

  • Uncovertebral arthrosis. This disease is manifested by severe pain, which does not allow a person to freely tilt and turn his head, as well as move his arms. With vertebral degeneration, a crunching sound is often heard in the cervical region, which is accompanied by unbearable pain.

X-rays of the joints quite easily reveal the presence of such a pathological condition. Therefore, if you experience the symptoms mentioned above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Spondylolisthesis is some displacement of the vertebrae. With this disease, severe pain and discomfort is felt in the neck and upper limbs, especially after physical activity. Also, spondylolisthesis is characterized by a crunch in the cervical spine.
  • Impaired calcium metabolism in the body. In this condition, calcium salts can accumulate in the patient’s joints, ligaments or bones, which in the future will inevitably lead to severe stress on the vertebrae, as a result of which an unpleasant crunch can be heard when turning the head sharply.
  • Cervical spondylosis is a disease accompanied by proliferation and increase in volume of joints and bone tissue. This pathological phenomenon contributes to the narrowing of the spaces between the vertebrae, resulting in strong friction and a crunching sound when turning the head.

Most often, cervical spondylosis is diagnosed in older people and is associated with age-related changes.

Associated symptoms

A crunch in the neck can be accompanied not only by pain, but also by other symptoms. Most often these include the following:

  • dizziness, weakness, nausea;
  • headaches, tinnitus and heart pain;
  • discomfort when moving, pressure surges and neck pain;
  • numbness of the face and pain in the shoulder blades.

If such signs occur, you should immediately visit the hospital, since they all indicate pathological changes in the body.

Which doctor should I contact? Diagnosis of the disease

The manual therapy clinic can help with various diseases of the spinal column. But before contacting such an institution, you should definitely clarify the diagnosis. Specialists such as a neurologist, vertebrologist, traumatologist or orthopedist can help you with this. It is these doctors who are able to identify the exact cause of crunching and discomfort in the neck.

So, how are pathological changes in the spinal column diagnosed? First of all, doctors advise taking x-rays of the joints. In the picture you can see almost all the deviations.

Also, the patient must be sent for CT and MRI of the cervical spine, and, if necessary, an ultrasound scan is performed.

Treatment methods

Now you know the main reasons for the occurrence of a crunch in the neck when tilting or turning the head. If this phenomenon is periodic and does not cause much discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about. If a crunch in the cervical spine is accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms, then we can talk about quite serious diseases.

Most often, the described crunch occurs with the development of osteochondrosis. Many people suffer from this disease. As mentioned above, a properly selected pillow for cervical osteochondrosis can reduce pain and minimize the occurrence of crunching. In general, this will not solve the problem.

With this disease, patients are often prescribed anti-inflammatory and painkillers. After the pain has been eliminated, the doctor may recommend physiotherapeutic treatment methods (for example, neck exercises).

Cervical osteochondrosis is well treated through massage and certain physical exercises. Such methods strengthen muscles well and also normalize blood circulation.

As for other diseases, their treatment methods are similar. People are prescribed NSAIDs and advised to exercise, swim and eat right. According to doctors, only a healthy lifestyle will prevent the development of various diseases, including pathologies of the spinal column.

Preventive measures

The appearance of a crunch in the neck is quite easy to prevent if you regularly engage in its prevention. So what should you pay attention to?

  • Regular and measured physical activity. If tension appears in the neck, you should immediately change your body position and also perform several exercises (head tilts, side turns, etc.)
  • In your free time, you should definitely visit the pool, as swimming helps relieve pain and relax muscles.
  • To prevent a crunch in the neck, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and also increase the amount of protein dishes.
  • Physical therapy and regular massage will help relax the muscles of the entire back.

Also, to prevent a crunch in the neck, you should avoid physical fatigue and sudden movements. In addition, it is not recommended to stay in one position for too long.

Some people hear a crunching sound when turning their heads to the right or left. As a rule, this condition does not pose a danger and simply indicates fatigue or overstrain of the neck muscles. Although there are cases when this may be the cause of certain pathologies. Why does my neck crunch when I turn my head and is it possible to get rid of it?

Why does crunching occur?

The causes of a crunch in the neck are divided into physiological and pathological. The first can appear in a completely healthy person. These include:

  1. High mobility of the intervertebral joint in those whose weight is below normal. This condition is not dangerous for a person, although it gives him psychological discomfort.
  2. Disorders of the muscles that are responsible for flexion or extension of the neck. This is observed in athletes and completely disappears after the muscles are well warmed up.
  3. Babies can crack their necks due to a lack of fluid contained in the joint. The reason is that their body is not yet able to produce it quickly. Over time, the child's condition returns to normal.

But there are times when a neck crunch may indicate that a person has some kind of pathology:

  • A disorder of calcium metabolism, as a result of which calcium salts accumulate in ligaments, muscles and bones. This condition leads to a load on some parts of the spine and the appearance of a functional block, when removed, similar sounds appear.
  • Curvature of the spine can lead to a characteristic sound when tilting or turning the neck to the side.

Clicking in the neck indicates osteochondrosis. If the clicks are repeated time after time, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

  • Clicking sounds are accompanied by various diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis.
  • Instability of the spine in the cervical region, which is associated with minor injuries (subluxation of joints). In addition to a neck crunch when turning the head, the patient feels discomfort and a dull pain that bothers him even in a calm state. With prolonged rest and a person remaining immobile, the pain intensifies.
  • Uncovertebral arthrosis. The disease is accompanied by a strong neck crunch and sharp pain. This condition is associated with degenerative changes occurring in the small joints of the spine. Other symptoms of the disease include: unsteadiness of gait, increased blood pressure, VSD, chest pain and dizziness.

Dear readers, neurologist and kinesiologist Anton Vladimirovich Alekseev will tell you more about the symptoms of the disease:

  • A child may crack his neck if there is improper development of connective tissues in the body or high mobility of his joints. Doctors usually do not prescribe therapy in such cases. With age, such symptoms usually disappear.
  • Spondylolisthesis is a disease associated with degenerative changes and anterior displacement of the vertebrae and changes in the relationship between different parts of the spine. In this case, the neck begins to click to the left or right when moving the head.

Whatever the reason that your neck begins to crack when you turn your head, only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of a crunch in your neck after a comprehensive examination and making an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of pathology

Usually, a crunch in the neck does not bother a person much and is only a cause of discomfort. Clicking sounds may occur periodically or be felt quite frequently when you move your neck or turn your head. This symptom is always individual for each patient and is associated with a specific pathology.

Neck pain

Along with the crunch, the neck may hurt. Such sensations make a person think about the cause of his condition, since pain affects his physical activity and psychological state. Painful sensations may be as follows:

  • Aching.
  • Pulsating.
  • Burning sensation.
  • They occur on one or both sides of the neck at the same time.
  • Appear from time to time or bother the patient frequently.
  • Concentrated exclusively in the cervical region or radiating to the back of the head (or another part of the head), chest, shoulder.
  • The pain increases after moving the head.

Along with the pain, muscle spasm occurs, and the patient may notice some compactions near the spine. In this case, the mobility of the neck is impaired.

Radicular syndrome

Some pathologies of the spine lead to compression of the spinal root; the patient complains of various neurological disorders that may be associated with sensitivity, motor activity or autonomic disorders. As a result, there are:

  1. Tingling or numbness of the skin.
  2. Pale skin and increased sweating.
  3. Disturbance of surface sensations.
  4. Tinnitus.
  5. Impaired tendon reflexes.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky will additionally talk about radicular syndrome and methods of its treatment:


Quite often, when your neck crunches, your head also hurts. In this case, the pain can be different:

  • Tension pain - a feeling of a hoop encircling the head.
  • Angiodilation is accompanied by a sensation of pulsation in the back of the head or temple, and can radiate to the ear.
  • Angiospastic pain in the head is accompanied by tinnitus, lightheadedness, dizziness and flashing “spots”.
  • Venous - characterized by heaviness of the head in the morning.

This condition requires mandatory treatment. If the headache is very severe, you will need medications to relieve it.

Diagnosis of pathologies

In order to find out why the neck crunches and headaches occur, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination of the body. To identify structural changes in the spine, ligaments or muscles, use:

  1. X-ray of the spine in the neck area.
  2. Electromyography.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Echo and rheoencephalography.

Carrying out Doppler ultrasound

Additionally, consultation with a neurologist and vertebrologist will be required.


What to do if you have a crunch in your neck when you move your head? After studying the examination results, the doctor will determine why a crunch occurs in the cervical spine when the patient turns or tilts his head. After this, treatment will be prescribed, the purpose of which will be to eliminate signs of pathology and improve the condition of the spine.

Use of medications

If the patient has a headache and a neck crunch when turning, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Muscle relaxants (“Mydoclim”).
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dicloberl, Ibuprofen, etc.).
  3. Chondoprotectors that promote the production of synovial fluid and normalization of metabolism (“Artiflex”, “Hyaluronic acid”, etc.).
  4. Corticosteroids are used when the neck is sore and stiff. These drugs containing hormones are used in cases where other drugs have not given the desired effect. Their use should be short-term. The dose of the medication is calculated for each patient separately, and treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of physicians.

For headaches, caffeine-containing drugs (Citramon), antispasmodics (No-Spa) or venotonics (Detralex) are used. If radicular syndrome is diagnosed, vitamins (Milgamma) are prescribed. Additionally, antioxidants (“Cytoflavin”) may be prescribed.

Only the attending physician can prescribe any medicine to patients with a crunch in the neck when turning the head. Since self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation.

Exercise therapy

For any disease of the spine, doctors recommend physical therapy. A physical therapy specialist can suggest appropriate exercises for your case. When the neck crunches, strengthening of the neck muscles is required, for which the following exercises are used:

  1. The arm is bent at the elbow, and the palms rest on the forehead. At the same time, trying to tense the neck muscles, you need to tilt your head forward.
  2. The palms are placed on the back of the head, while the head is tilted back.
  3. One palm is placed on the temple area, and the head is tilted in the same direction as the hand you are using.

The video explains in more detail how to properly perform physical therapy. Exercises are aimed at restoring the cervical spine:

These exercises are static and do not involve head movement. Periods of tension are replaced by rest.


As an additional therapy, patients are prescribed physical procedures that help improve blood circulation and normalize many processes in the body. As a result, pain and inflammation disappear. Such procedures include:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Reflexology.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Wave treatment.

Each of these procedures has its own indications and limitations in the case of a crunch in the neck when turning.

Other therapies

Such methods usually include massage of the cervical-collar area and manual therapy. Thanks to massage, you can restore the functioning of the spine, relax the muscles and prepare the body for manual therapy or exercise therapy. In turn, manual therapy is used to eliminate muscle blockages, decompress nerve endings, stretch the spine, and also if the facet joint is injured.

Dear readers, we present to your attention a video that shows a massage course for the cervical-collar area:

A crunch in the neck is not always a harmless sign, but it can also indicate the development of pathology. Correctly prescribed treatment helps eliminate any discomfort in this area.


Not only traditional, but also folk medicine offers its own ways to eliminate the crunch in the neck when turning the head. For this use:

  1. Camphor oil. It is used for neck massage. Thanks to its warming effect, it can eliminate the crunching sounds in your neck that you may feel when you turn your head.
  2. If your head and neck begin to hurt due to salt deposits in the spine, then it is recommended to use rice. 300 grams of cereal is poured with the same amount of water and infused overnight. In the morning, 1 spoon of rice is boiled without adding salt and eaten for breakfast. Replace the water in the rest of the rice and leave it to sit for another day. And so on until you eat it all.
  3. Radish tincture. To prepare it, 200 grams of root vegetables are grated on a fine grater and mixed with 2 tablespoons of table salt, 100 grams of natural honey and 70 ml of high-quality vodka. The mixture must be infused for 3 days. After this, the tincture is used to rub the sore neck, which begins to crunch when turning the head.

Having decided to use any traditional method indicated for eliminating a crunch in the neck when turning the head, you need to consult with your doctor, because there may be contraindications to its use.


It is easier to prevent any pathology, including a crunch in the cervical area when moving the head, than to deal with the manifestations of the disease later. It is advisable to begin such prevention in childhood, when the child is actively growing, has an accelerated metabolism and mobile vertebrae. To prevent your neck from cracking when you turn your head, you must:

  1. Monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you consume. The menu should be varied and include a sufficient amount of vitamins and other nutrients. Every day an adult needs to drink up to 2 liters of clean water without gas.
  2. Do exercises regularly to strengthen your neck muscles.
  3. Monitor your body weight, as excess weight leads to increased stress on the vertebrae and neck in particular.
  1. Lead an active lifestyle, spend more time outdoors.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.
  3. Monitor the load on the spine, posture and avoid any sudden movements (turning, tilting the neck and head, etc.).

Those who have encountered this pathology often ask the question: “Is it possible to crack your neck and is it safe”? But it turns out that this should not be done under any circumstances, because this can lead to serious damage to the joint and other problems. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will identify the cause of this condition and recommend how to get rid of the crunching sound when turning your head.

Often, even the healthiest person can hear a crunch in the neck when turning their head, but what can we say about those who already have problems with the spine? Why this happens and how to deal with this phenomenon - let's try to figure it out.

Neck, its functions

The neck is the most mobile part of the spinal column. At the same time, she experiences significant stress every day. The seven cervical vertebrae, connected by discs located between them and surrounded by a muscular frame, serve as protection and provide communication between the brain and spinal cord. It is here that the four most important main vessels and equally important nerve trunks pass. Therefore, even minor disruptions in their work lead to serious consequences, but the high mobility of this part of our body makes it quite vulnerable. It’s not surprising that a crunch in the neck when you turn your head makes you think seriously. Unfortunately, the absence of pain often contributes to the fact that a person does not pay attention to such a serious symptom until the last moment and postpones examination until the moment when the problem can no longer be ignored.

Crunch in the neck when turning the head: causes

The reasons causing this phenomenon can be divided into two categories. Due to the impact of some, a crunch in the neck when turning the head will be accompanied by pain. Otherwise, this process will be painless.

A painless crunch in the neck can be caused by the following conditions:

  • excessive mobility in the neck joints in thin people;
  • calcium metabolism disorder, in which salts are deposited in the ligamentous apparatus and articular surfaces;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the neck flexor-extensor muscles;
  • incorrect position of the cervical vertebrae due to curvature of the thoracic spine;
  • the sound can occur when nitrogen and carbon dioxide bubbles collapse in the periarticular fluid.

In the case when a crunch in the neck when turning the head is accompanied by pain, the reasons may be much more serious. As a rule, this will signal the development of the following pathological conditions in a person:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • pathologies of small joints of the neck.

Physiological crunch - what to do?

As a rule, in the absence of any pathological processes, a crunch in the neck when turning the head occurs if the impact on the joint is stronger than the muscles and ligaments that prevent excessive range of motion of the joint can withstand. This usually happens when the muscles are in static tension for a long time or, on the contrary, are very relaxed. In such a situation, even the most ordinary turn or tilt of the head can cause such sounds.

To reduce the risk of crunching, you need to pay more attention to the neck muscles. Firstly, at the first signs of overexertion, you should change your position or perform simple exercises - lower your head as much as possible, turn it to the right, then to the left, fixing it in each position for a few seconds. Secondly, there is no need to load the spine by doing some kind of monotonous work for a long time. And it doesn’t matter whether a person sits for hours in an easy chair or continuously works in his garden. In addition, you should not make sudden, sharp movements. Thirdly, we must not forget about the need to regularly give additional stress to the neck muscles. This can be done by performing a simple exercise - while standing or sitting, press your palm on your forehead, first resisting the pressure for a few seconds, and then relaxing the muscles. The same must be repeated, moving the palm first to the back of the head, and then to the right and left temple. Just a few minutes of such gymnastics will significantly strengthen the muscular frame of the neck and will save you from many troubles in the future.


The most common answer to the question “why there is a crunch in the neck when you turn your head” can be osteochondrosis. This is one of the most common spinal problems. In this disease, under the influence of diffuse-dystrophic changes, destruction of the intervertebral disc occurs. It changes its shape, becomes flattened and actually loses its ability to function as a shock absorber. The distance between the vertebrae is reduced, and compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels occurs. With this disease, the crunch is accompanied by a sharp pain radiating to the arm. In addition, dizziness, headaches are possible, the sensitivity of the limbs is impaired, and if treatment is not started in time, the consequences can be very disastrous.


A strong crunch in the neck when turning the head may indicate a pathology such as spondylolisthesis. This is a displacement of the cervical vertebrae relative to each other. Most often this occurs between the fourth and fifth vertebrae. This may be caused by an injury suffered in childhood, or by pathological changes in the joints of the spine. In this case, the anatomical and physiological connections between them are disrupted. In addition to crunching, the disease is manifested by attacks of dizziness, headaches, often intensifying even after minor physical activity. The pain may spread to the shoulder girdle and upper limbs. Such conditions require urgent intervention from specialists.


Another disease that can cause a cracking neck is spondylosis. This is the name for the growth of bone tissue on the vertebrae. In this case, deformation of the cartilage tissue occurs, cracks and tears begin to form in it, and subsequently a hernia forms. Bone outgrowths (osteophytes) narrow the lumen of the spinal canal, thereby compressing the spinal cord and the nerve roots extending from it. The disease manifests itself as pain in the neck and shoulder blades. Tilts and turns of the head are accompanied by crunching and pain. As the process progresses, symptoms include tinnitus, dizziness and headaches, and decreased vision. Spondylosis is a chronic disease and usually occurs in people over fifty years of age.

Crunch in the neck when turning the head: treatment

Before starting therapy, you need to determine what is causing the crunch in the neck. If such a phenomenon is physiological in nature, then usually no special treatment is required. It is enough to remember that when working in a static position, you need to take short breaks every hour in order to relieve the load on the cervical spine. Another important point is to strengthen the neck muscles, but do not forget that there should be no pain during or after the exercises. If they do appear, it is necessary to either abandon the warm-up altogether or reduce the range of movements.

If the cause of the crunch is a pathological process, then you need to start treating the underlying disease as soon as possible. Spinal problems are usually dealt with by a vertebrologist, but since such specialists can only be found in large clinics, in the first stages you can also contact a neurologist or orthopedic surgeon. Typically, at your appointment, he will assess areas of pain, neck mobility, sensory disturbances and other indicators. In addition, to identify the full picture, radiography in several projections of the cervical spine, computed tomography or MRI will be required. After a complete examination, adequate therapy is prescribed. Modern medicine to solve such problems uses either conservative methods, the purpose of which is to eliminate pain and restore function, or surgical intervention, which allows to solve the problem radically.


A crunch in the neck, even if it is not caused by a pathology of the spine, makes you think about your health. In order to avoid the development of diseases in the future, you need to remember that the key to good health and the absence of all kinds of disorders is a strong and healthy back. Physical activity, straight posture, a balanced diet and the right bed will help maintain it in this condition. You should also avoid injury, sudden movements and heavy lifting, and combine long periods of sitting with warm-up and rest.

Although the neck is a small part of the human body, it plays a huge role in its vital functions. The larynx, esophagus and blood vessels pass through it, supplying blood to the entire brain.

Muscles of the cervical region play a significant role. They hold the head firmly, provide all its vital functions, regulate the movement and rotation of the head, and are actively involved in the pronunciation of sounds, breathing and swallowing actions.

Facial muscles play a major role in the functioning of the facial skin, show a person’s states of joy and anger, help with speech pronunciation and communication.

The structure includes lymph nodes, thyroid gland– the importance of these organs is very difficult to overestimate. Its vertebrae and muscles play a huge role in the mobility of the neck.

The importance of the neck is very important for human health, but, unfortunately, the neck is very susceptible to external influences. Consequently, there are a lot of different organs and there is always something to hurt there. There is no point in treating just neck pain, it is necessary it is necessary to determine the root cause of its origin– There are many causes of pain.

Crunching in the neck when turning the head

Quite often, people experience a situation where, seemingly without any reason, they experience a crunching sound that occurs with any movement of the head.

Crunching is the first sign of the development of the disease, and at its first manifestation, you should urgently go to an appointment for tests to identify the causes.

It can be observed not only with pain syndromes or pathologies, but also without any reason in practically healthy people.

Osteochondrosis as a cause of neck crunch

In episodes of the onset of this disease, crunching can manifest itself intensively:

  • With the disease, the disc is destroyed, it becomes denser, stops shock-absorbing, the intervertebral distance is significantly reduced and compresses the nerve endings.
  • From small growths in the bone area, the mobility of the vertebrae is significantly reduced.
  • A crunch in the cervical region is accompanied by a sharp pain that is transmitted to the shoulder and cervical regions.
  • A feeling of “running goosebumps” appears; numbness occurs from the shoulder to the fingers.
  • At night and in the morning, a headache is very common, which gradually disappears during the day, along with it the discomfort in the neck decreases.


This is a disease characterized by the convergence of vertebrae in the cervical region. In this case, significant destruction is observed between adjacent vertebrae. The reasons for this may be injuries received in childhood or dystrophic changes in the vertebral joints.

In addition to pain and crunching, a disruption in the proper blood supply system is likely, occurrence of insomnia, changes in the functions of sensory organs.

If the crunch is accompanied by throbbing pain and discomfort in the spine and in the upper extremities, there is a possibility of developing such an undesirable disease as intervertebral hernia.


This disease is characterized by the fact that along the edges of the vertebrae there is a growth of bone tissue, which rapidly deforms:

  • Microcracks and tears appear in the cartilage tissue, resulting in the appearance of a hernia.
  • Nerve endings and adjacent vessels are severely compressed.
  • Patients with spondylosis have noticed that after sleeping at night, their neck and shoulders hurt very much, and the area of ​​the shoulder blades is also susceptible to pain.
  • Tilts of the head are always characterized by a crunching sound and a sharp headache.

To the listed symptoms, after a certain amount of time, is added decreased vision, pressure surges, dizziness and ringing in the ears.

If you experience pain in the neck area, you need to immediately contact a specialist to undergo an examination.

A vertebrologist treats such diseases. Such specialists are usually located in regional clinics; in their absence, you should undergo examination by a neurologist or traumatologist.

Answer to the question: read here.

The patient will be asked to do X-rays, ultrasound cervical spine and computed tomography. The results of the examination will give an accurate result about the advanced state of the disease, and it will be suggested to undergo a medical course of treatment.

Crackling neck when turning a child's head

Many people assume that a crunch in the neck can only be observed in older people and may be associated with age-related changes.

However, this is not the case:

Very often, children experience clicks and crunches in the cervical spine if they have abnormalities in the development of the connective tissues of the spinal column.


The list of diseases that cause a crunch in the neck is very extensive.

For example, some of them:

  • Calcium metabolism disorder. This leads to the deposition of salts in joints and tendons;
  • Change in posture this is preceded by the development of diseases such as scoliosis or kyphosis;
  • As a result of degenerative processes, the formation of characteristic growths;
  • At first glance, minor dislocations of small joints, which are characterized by pain from sitting in one position;
  • Intervertebral disc disease, which are accompanied by increased pressure or pain in the chest area;
  • Development of spondylodisthesis when one or more vertebrae protrude forward, resulting in a characteristic crunching sound.

We should not forget that there are many other dangerous diseases, such as intervertebral hernia. This disease is almost impossible to cure or eliminate with surgery. It is characterized by severe pain and discomfort when sitting in one permanent position.

Susceptible to this disease feel discomfort, even while lying down. There is a misconception that it is best for them to be in a sitting position, but it is erroneous, because... standing for a long time with a straight back can cause pain even more, and if you sit hunched over, the development of a hernia can progress.

As can be seen from the above, there are many reasons for a crunch in the cervical region and a separate answer should be sought for each case.

Physiological crunch

If, when turning the head, a crunch in the neck occurs without the presence of pathological diseases, then this may indicate an impact on it, because The muscles and ligaments cannot withstand this.

This usually occurs if the muscles are very tense or relaxed. In this case, even a normal turn of the head will be characterized by a similar sound.

In order to reduce the risk of crunching, it is necessary to pay due attention to the neck muscles:

  1. At the first slight sign of increased stress, you should change your position and perform simple exercises to relieve tension: tilt your head down, as well as to the left and right sides;
  2. You should not put too much stress on your spine for a long time while doing monotonous work. At the same time, it does not matter what activity a person is engaged in; one should also not make very sharp and sudden movements;
  3. You should always give your neck muscles extra stress. It can be expressed in exercises involving resistance and muscle relaxation.

Which doctor should I contact?

As mentioned above, the treatment of this disease is vertebrologist But the problem is that doctors of this category are very difficult to find in a regular hospital. Therefore, you should head straight to the office neurologist (neurologist).

This disease can be treated orthopedist, neurosurgeon or traumatologist. In any case, it will be necessary to undergo a series of tests, undergo an ultrasound and tomography, and after this, the cause of the disease will be identified and the necessary treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment for a crunch in the neck when turning the head

Before starting treatment, the cause of the crunch in the cervical region should be identified.

Sometimes patients do not need to be treated with medications:

  • However, with diseases and pathological processes of the spinal region The attending physician makes a choice between surgical and conservative treatment methods.
  • If the crunch is accompanied by severe pain First of all, the pain syndrome should be relieved. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They regulate metabolic processes and restore cartilage tissue.
  • After the attacks of acute pain are relieved, an excellent method would be to do therapeutic exercises; Resistance exercises are great for strengthening the neck muscles.
  • Manual therapy and physical therapy will help get rid of the crunch.
  • If the crunch is associated with a disease of the spine, then you must wear a Shants collar.
  • Crunching in the neck area in children is treated mainly with massage and physical therapy.


If you lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in prevention, the appearance of crunching can be prevented:

  • You should constantly perform physical activity. If pain and discomfort appear in the cervical region, you should immediately change your body position and perform simple exercises involving tilting your head to the sides and tilting it forward. The best option would be to visit the pool for swimming; it perfectly relaxes muscles and relieves pain;
  • You should exclude fatty foods, alcohol, baked goods and cigarettes from your diet. Eat foods containing large amounts of protein more often;
  • Engage in physical therapy and constantly perform massages.

You should always avoid sudden movements, overwork and keeping your body in one position.

The first sign of the onset of development of a disease of the cervical spine is a crunching sound. A crunch in the neck when turning the head indicates thinning of the cartilage discs due to various pathologies. This occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient supply of nutrients. Pathological changes are easy to prevent. A modern person must know the basic ways to prevent diseases.

A crunch in the cervical spine appears when turning the head both in completely healthy people and in people with various spinal dysfunctions. In these cases, pain may occur.

Healthy people observe a crunching sound in the following cases:

  • When turning the head, in case of excessive mobility of the discs of this section due to the presence of excess weight. These sounds do not indicate any health problems.
  • Disconnection of the small muscles of the neck area during sports leads to the appearance of characteristic sounds during rotation. This phenomenon does not require therapy and goes away after warming up the muscles.
  • An unpleasant crunch in the vertebrae in children is observed with insufficient production of joint fluid. It passes quickly.

The main causes of a neck crunch:

Diseases leading to crunching


With this pathology, an increase in the edges of the bone tissue of the vertebrae occurs. Because of this, the cartilage is damaged and deformed. Hernias, thorns, bumps and other changes appear on them, leading to pressure on nearby vessels and nerve formations. The pain then moves to the shoulder. The vertebrae can fuse with each other, increasing the severity of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • crunching in the cervical spine when moving the head;
  • pain in the shoulder girdle;
  • dizziness and migraines;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • violation of accommodation of the visual apparatus;
  • various sounds in the ears.


The reasons for the development of the disorder are well known. The disease develops as a result of a decrease in the elasticity and strength of the intervertebral discs of this department. This develops due to a violation of the metabolism of essential microelements in the body. The vertebrae lose their function of reducing the load exerted during movements. This condition causes compression of the vertebrae. The disease is dangerous because the condition worsens in the shortest possible time, and this brings many adverse consequences. Each case requires specialist supervision.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • pronounced crunching in the cervical region when turning and bending the painful area;
  • pain in the shoulders, occipital region and neck;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • black spots before the eyes;
  • numbness of the upper extremities;
  • visual impairment;
  • loss of hearing aid functions.


This disease is expressed in a violation of the correct position of the vertebrae relative to each other. Connections inside the pillar may be lost. The disease can occur in case of dysfunction of joint formations and under intense loads.

The spine is deformed due to displacements, squeezing nerve formations, which leads to pain. The discs move in different directions. These reasons contribute to severe pain.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • severe pain in the occipital region tends to intensify with movement;
  • chronic fatigue caused by decreased muscle tone;
  • the presence of a growth when examined by hand;
  • change in the functional activity of the upper limb girdle;
  • disruption of the visual and hearing aids.

Subluxations occur due to disturbances in the fastening of the vertebrae. They are facilitated by numerous displacements between the joints of adjacent vertebrae. The minimum adhesion between them is not lost.

This pathology can be of varying severity and leads to inflammation and spasms.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the damaged area;
  • crunches, clicks and discomfort;
  • severe pain in a stationary state;
  • migraines, dizziness, hearing impairment;
  • pain in the limbs associated with the roots of this organ.

The deforming form of this disease destroys the discs lying inside the vertebrae. Cartilaginous structures serve as a cushion, reducing stress and friction between the vertebrae, insulating the vessels and nerves extending from the vertebrae. As a result of the disease, discs lose elasticity and the ability to perform physiological functions. Various neoplasms appear on the vertebrae, damaging nearby structures.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • crunching sounds when moving the head;
  • severe pain when turning;
  • unsteady gait;
  • headaches;
  • surges in blood pressure.


A constant crunch in the neck, accompanied by pain, rarely occurs alone. Often accompanied by pain in the arms. These are already strong pathological changes in the vertebrae and tendons. Such pathologies cause numbness in the hands and goose bumps in them, decreased irritability and sensitivity.

In case of osteochondrosis, the crunch can spread to the shoulder blades. The disease is caused by inflammation of the subscapular bursa. These pathologies can be acquired due to various injuries.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is impossible to establish the etiology of the crunching sound when turning the head using one’s own efforts. If these pain sensations occur from time to time, then you can cope with these ailments on your own, without the help of a specialist.

But constant pain and crunching may be an indication of a serious illness. Here the help of a specialist is needed. Treatment is provided by orthopedists, cardiologists and neurologists. To establish the etiology of the disease, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination, MRI and electromyography. Sometimes an ECG and echoencephalography are required.

Getting rid of the crunch

If studies have not revealed any abnormalities, then the causes of the crunch are dystrophies and tissue trophic disorders. To neutralize these conditions, it is enough to strengthen the muscular corset of the chest area. This can be achieved with the right loads, but it is necessary to avoid a stationary position of the neck for a long time.

The most effective exercise for this therapy is bringing the arms together in the neck area. It is necessary to take a lying position, placing your hands “locked”. The main thing in this exercise is to relax. You can use aroma oils. Next you need to move your chin towards your sternum. This exercise is done 5 times a day for 5 approaches. When the disease is degenerative in nature, treatment is prescribed by a specialized specialist.

Treatment of pathology

Before choosing a treatment plan, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research to determine the etiology and pathogenesis. Treatment is always selected depending on the patient’s situation, taking into account concomitant diseases, age, gender and lifestyle.

For severe pain, painkillers are prescribed. Pain is relieved through massage courses, physiotherapy and other methods. In case of pathological mobility, it is necessary to wear a cervical collar corset.

Once pain has been neutralized, therapy cannot be stopped. This is where gymnastic exercises and osteopathy come to the rescue. To restore tissue, vitamins, collagen preparations and antioxidants are prescribed.

Crunching vertebrae syndrome and cervical vertebral separation can be eliminated by exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. You need to start with a small load. These are warm-up exercises and stretching exercises. They are done without the participation of the head. First of all, the hands are used. The neck sections are strengthened through static exercises. Loads aimed at overcoming resistance performed best. The exercise is done to the sides and back.

After mastering these loads, you can move on to complex ones, adding bends and turns with different parts of the spinal column. In addition, you need to strengthen your entire body, paying special attention to the shoulder girdle.

Neck exercises

Therapeutic exercise for the neck muscles will make it possible to reduce pain and discomfort in this area, preventing the development of the disease. The main measures aimed at solving this problem:

  • Massage.

Manual therapy and massage help best with such problems. For vulnerable areas, non-invasive techniques should be used. The correct technique on problem areas will increase blood flow, relieving muscle spasms. These activities enhance metabolic and regenerative processes in the neck area. They are aimed at eliminating dislocations inside joint formations, stretching the spine, reducing pressure and eliminating nerve spasms.

These procedures have worked well in therapy to improve blood flow in the neck and normalize metabolic processes. These manipulations enhance reparative processes in tissues.

For crunching, the following is prescribed:

  • electrophoresis treatment;
  • magnetic field therapy;
  • wave treatment;
  • acupuncture;
  • procedures aimed at thermal effects.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional medicine recipes have been tested for many generations. The drugs help in treating problems, but are a little slower than classical medicine.

The best recipes for restoring the structure of cartilage tissue:

  • you need to drink a gelatin solution every evening;
  • taking bee dead tincture 3 times a day;
  • crushed chicken cartilage must be dissolved in juices and drunk throughout the treatment.


You need to include foods containing collagen in your diet. They help strengthen cartilage tissue. These are, first of all, seafood, dairy, fruits, vegetables and meat. It is most beneficial to consume gelatin and jellied meat. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty foods, unhealthy fats, confectionery and fast carbohydrates.

The main thing when treating a disease is to catch the moment when the transition from normal to pathology occurs. Causes severe discomfort. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your health, adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

Often, when turning or tilting the head, a person hears a crunching sound in the cervical spine. It can be accompanied by pain of various types in the neck and spine, discomfort in the joint tissues and stiffness of movement. Before Until now, medicine cannot say exactly what causes the crunch and pain in the neck. Sometimes this is a sign of the development of serious degenerative-dystrophic changes, or a physiological characteristic of a person.

The neck is an organ that supports the head and connects the brain to other organs. Without a neck, it is impossible to tilt and turn the head. The basis The connecting organ is formed by seven vertebrae, which are connected to each other by vertebral discs, articular and muscle tissue, nerve fibers and tendons. Together they form a well-coordinated teamwork. The multifunctionality of the cervical spine makes this area very vulnerable.

Why is there a crunching sound?

Most people believe that a cracking neck can only occur at a “decent age,” but this is not true. A crunching sound when turning the head often occurs in the neck in young people.

Research work has shown that the sound comes from joint tissue localized in the neck. Constant crunching occurs due to excessive strain or relaxation of muscle tissue.

Experts say that crunching in the cervical spine is absolutely safe for health, as long as discomfort does not appear.

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Causes of an uncharacteristic sound in the neck

A crunch can be a harbinger of a serious illness, or it can appear in an absolutely healthy person. Basic causes of crunching and clicking in the cervical spine in a healthy person:

  • Excessive motor activity of joint tissue in people suffering from insufficient body weight brings discomfort on a psychological level and nothing more;
  • The phenomenon of dissociation of the muscles responsible for flexion and extension in professional athletes leads to an insignificant sound; treatment is not required, as it goes away after warming up the muscle tissue;
  • A crunching sound in an infant appears due to a lack of fluid in the joints and disappears on its own over time.

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Other reasons

A crunch in the neck is heard for various reasons. Doctors identify several “provocateurs”:

  1. Air bubbles. The spinal column in the neck area consists of vertebrae that are separated by a specific fluid. Over time, small bubbles appear in it. When the cervical spine moves, tension occurs in the vertebrae, as a result of which the bubbles burst and a crunching sound is heard.
  2. Osteophytes. Sometimes osteophyte growths appear on the vertebral tissues. They interfere with the proper functioning of the neck ligaments.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes. In particular, due to an excess of calcium accumulations in the area of ​​muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments.
  4. Incorrect posture or incorrect alignment of the spinal column.

Diseases that provoke various sounds when turning the head:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis;
  • Spondylolisthesis;
  • Other diseases that cause degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine.

Joint tissue. Interruptions in the functioning of the joints can cause crunching. Small children have a cracking neck due to congenital abnormalities of the joints.

Symptomatic manifestations

A crunch in the cervical region is characterized by the appearance of pain.

The pathology also causes such unpleasant sensations as:

  • Severe pain in the head, most often in the occipital area;
  • State of dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • General weakness, malaise;
  • Noise in the ears, as if “someone is breathing into the ear”;
  • Pain in the heart area;
  • Stiffness of movements, as if something is “holding”;
  • Pain in the shoulder blades;
  • Interruptions in blood pressure, very low - very high;
  • Numbness of the skin on the face.

If these symptoms appear, you must urgently visit a medical facility, without putting it off “for tomorrow.” The sooner the patient visits the doctor, the faster therapeutic treatment measures will be taken, and the progression of the pathology will be stopped.

Which doctor can help?

At the first appearance of any sound that is unusual for the cervical spine, you need to seek an in-person consultation with a specialist. It is best to make an appointment with several doctors at once.

  • Please read the information carefully:

Doctors who can deal with neck discomfort: neurologist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon and traumatologist.

If the crunch appears due to nervousness, then a neurologist will help; if the problem is in the bones, then a traumatologist; if making an appointment is needed for preventive purposes, then it is best to make an appointment with a local therapist or pediatrician.

If possible, it is better to visit a vertebrologist. This specialist deals with problems of the spinal column. Located only in large regional medical institutions. You won't find a vertebrologist in a small town.


At the appointment, the doctor will listen carefully and then examine the patient. In order to find out exactly what caused the discomfort, a full examination of the cervical spine is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound examination;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Doppler ultrasound.

This helps to accurately determine the cause and prescribe the correct effective treatment for the patient.

Therapeutic treatment

A crunch in the neck is a symptom of some diseases, so a specialist will prescribe adequate treatment after a full examination.