How does a person feel when a tumor disintegrates? Causes of cancer intoxication. Is it effective to treat liver metastases?

In some cases, tumor growth stops and damaged cells die. After a while the decay begins of this education. The body is in a hurry to get rid of harmful and unnecessary substances and removes them naturally. So that it doesn't get too much serious consequences, doctors help this process with the help of medications.

Decay cancerous tumor can happen quite easily when the breakdown products simply leave the body naturally. The occurrence of wounds is more dangerous. through which purulent contents are released from dead cells. It’s even worse if the cancer was in some internal organ. In such cases, quite serious complications arise.

It is known that in some cases small tumors and the wen disappears, as if by itself. In fact, there is an explainable reason for everything. For example, a person at will or is forced to starve. The body uses as food those cells that do not bring any benefit to it. First, growth slows down, then the tumor dies and finally disintegrates. Along the way, toxins are released into the blood, which are removed first.

If the process occurs as a result of the use of chemicals, and rapid disintegration of the tumor can be observed, its symptoms vary. In some cases, when the tumor is close to the surface of the skin, ulcers and ulcers may appear through which dead cells are removed. Cancerous ulcers become covered with oozing pus. It should be constantly removed, cleaning the wound; after cleaning, the surface is washed with hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin.

A sterile bandage is applied to the cleaned wound, which is changed depending on need. Sometimes you have to do several dressings a day, in other cases one is enough. After the tumor disintegrates, varying numbers of dead cells are released. This depends on the size of the malignancy.

When a person is diagnosed with a malignant tumor, its treatment depends on the size and composition of the tumor. They are trying to remove the larger one, but there is a danger that metastases will remain and the disease will go in a new circle. The remaining degenerated cells are exposed to irradiation and chemicals. They do the same with small sore spots. As a result, the tumor disintegrates. Treatment in this case consists of cleaning the resulting wounds and preventing intoxication of the body.

When studying fasting, scientists found that the body easily uses the proteins contained in various tumors. Now this phenomenon has not been fully studied, but many people have successfully tried it on themselves. You should imagine what the disintegration of a cancerous tumor is. First of all, it's dying cancer cells and removing them from the body. It happens that substances formed during decay begin to release toxins. It is advisable that the process be carried out under the supervision of specialists.

When the patient is in the hospital, the doctor will see signs of tumor disintegration - this heat, the appearance of wounds or ulcers. If the tumor is in any internal organ, there are other symptoms. For example, vomiting or diarrhea with a black substance, or bleeding. The specialist will be able to take necessary measures to help the patient.

Some people believe that fasting can stop cancer growth. This is due to a natural phenomenon that when there is a lack of nutrition, the body first of all begins to use adipose tissue and tumor cells. As a result of refusing food, wen gets in, sometimes miracles happen and more serious formations resolve.

Scientists have found that as a result of treating tumors, mutated cells are destroyed. They must be removed from the body, this happens through the occurrence different wounds and ulcers, which can be both external and internal.

Destruction of the cancer focus means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxins. Tumor disintegration itself is a common phenomenon observed in many patients suffering from cancer. This process further worsens the patient’s condition and poisons the body. the most harmful products its metabolism, which ultimately leads to the death of the patient.

Background, symptoms, therapy

The complexity of the situation with tumor disintegration lies in the fact that this process is often caused by the treatment carried out, aimed precisely at the destruction of cancer cells. For this reason, the process of tumor disintegration is considered natural consequence anticancer therapy. It can occur spontaneously or due to the influence of therapy. As a rule, spontaneous destruction is characteristic of neoplasms that have impressive dimensions, because when large size a network of feeding vessels may not have time to form, and a deficiency in tumor nutrition leads to the death of some cells. Malignant tumor formations localized inside the gastric mucosa or in the intestines can be mechanically damaged. Can damage them hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

The death of cancer cells provokes the formation of a syndrome of rapid tumor decay, accompanied by severe intoxication. What leads to release uric acid, as well as its salts. In addition, potassium and phosphates are released. All these components enter the bloodstream, through which they reach various parts of the body. There they damage organs and cause alkaline imbalance. Acidity is created in the blood mass, which has a detrimental effect on the functionality of the kidneys.

Chemotherapy as a cause of destruction

If too much uric acid circulates in the blood mass, sooner or later it will cause clogging of the lumens renal tubules. The consequence of such blockage is usually kidney failure. This complication most often affects people who had kidney problems before the onset of cancer.
The release of phosphates from dead cancer cells lowers the concentration of calcium in the blood serum. This phenomenon provokes convulsions and increases drowsiness. In addition, excess potassium is constantly supplied from the cancer focus, which leads to arrhythmia (which in turn can result in death).

In addition to the described metabolites, cancer cells are capable of producing enzymes, as well as other aggressive products. For this reason, tumor disintegration is often complicated by inflammation, infection, damage to a large vessel, which causes heavy bleeding. These complications make treatment more difficult. In addition, it worsens general state. In the absence of timely qualified assistance, such defects are fraught with severe blood loss.


The following signs occur:

Presence of fevers;
. nausea, vomiting;
. painful discomfort, localized in the abdominal area;
. rapid loss of initial bodily mass, which can lead to cancer cachexia;
. change of shade skin(they become pale, jaundice may appear);
. abnormalities in liver function.
It should be remembered that when various pathologies may be present various symptoms. These will be determined by the type of cancer and the location of the cancer.

Heavy bleeding

Such bleeding is detected by vomiting containing bloody impurities. In addition, tachycardia and a drop in blood pressure may be present.
- the disintegration of a cancer focus localized in the intestine is dangerous because the vessels of the intestinal wall can be damaged. Bleeding may also occur.
- the destructive process of pulmonary cancer formation is dangerous because it is ingested pleural cavity air may get in. In addition, this process is fraught with bleeding. In addition to shortness of breath and pain, the patient may be tormented by a cough, which will produce sputum that has an unpleasant odor.
- gastric formations disintegrate only if they have impressive dimensions. When such decomposition occurs, harmful particles can penetrate directly into abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes and infectious lesions. With absence timely assistance death may occur.
- with uterine decomposition of the tumor, inflammation occurs, as well as infiltration of nearby tissue structures. Inside Bladder fistulas may form.

Elimination of tumor decay syndrome

First of all, anti-emetic medications, sorbents, and laxatives for constipation are used. If the latter turn out to be useless, special enemas are done to remove feces and reduce the level of intoxication. Infusion treatment will correct alkaline balance. For this purpose, calcium medications and glucose solutions with insulin are administered. Perhaps acidification is the only therapeutically correct case for using soda. But for proper treatment, such procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is imperative to monitor the alkaline state of the blood mass.

Hemodialysis is prescribed when renal failure. For anemia, iron-containing medications are prescribed. Before starting a chemotherapy course, in order to prevent complications, it is recommended to consume large quantity fluids and undergoing rehydration therapy. It is necessary to undergo such therapy for 1-2 days. At effective prevention doctors give positive prognoses. But it should be remembered that the fundamental condition successful treatment lies in vigilance: both the patient and the doctor.

During the consultation the following will be discussed: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment to the oncology center;
- organizational matters.
After consultation, the patient is assigned a day and time of arrival for treatment, a therapy department, and, if possible, an attending doctor is assigned.

Tumor disintegration is a common process that occurs in most people suffering from oncological diseases. This phenomenon causes a deterioration in the patient’s condition, poisons the body and can even threaten human life.

Concept of pathology

Tumor disintegration is the death of malignant cells. When tumors decompose, they release a large amount of toxic waste products. As a result, the body is subjected to severe intoxication, which is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms.

Chemotherapy is the most common cause of tumor destruction. After all, treatment of cancer patients is aimed at destroying atypical structures. Moreover, this process is considered a common manifestation of antitumor treatment tactics.

But when the tumor is destroyed, it is important to provide the necessary emergency care to patients. medical care in order to remove everything from the body as quickly as possible harmful substances. Therefore, patients with signs of decay are admitted to the hospital under constant observation.

In some cases, doctors diagnose tumor decay without treatment. The focus itself disintegrates more often when it reaches large size. This happens because blood vessels they also do not have time to grow quickly, which provokes impaired blood circulation in the tumor and its necrosis.

Signs of the process

Signs of tumor disintegration manifest themselves in different ways, but the following symptoms are usually observed:

  • Constant feeling of weakness throughout the body.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Disorders of the digestive organs: stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain in the abdominal area.
  • Failure of the nervous system: fainting, coma, convulsions, loss of sensitivity.
  • Arrhythmia that can lead to cardiac arrest.
  • Sudden weight gain, exhaustion.
  • Paleness, yellowness or cyanosis of the skin.

In addition to the above symptoms, patients experience manifestations characteristic of a tumor with decay in one or another organ. For example, with the syndrome in the lungs there is a cough, sputum mixed with pus and an unpleasant odor, shortness of breath, pain syndrome in the chest.

If the neoplasm disintegrates into digestive organs, then this can lead to the development internal bleeding, severe inflammatory or purulent process, formation of fistulas in the area of ​​the genitourinary system.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment methods for decay syndrome are selected by the attending physician and are carried out exclusively in inpatient conditions, since the patient is under constant surveillance. Therapy is carried out in an integrated way. Before starting anti-cancer treatment, a diagnosis is carried out.

The list of therapeutic measures includes taking such medical supplies How:

  1. Antiemetic drugs.
  2. Sorbents that help remove harmful substances from the body.
  3. Laxatives for constipation. If they do not bring the desired result, enemas are prescribed. With their help it is possible not only to display feces, but reduce intoxication of the body.
  4. Medicines against cardiac arrhythmia.
  5. Iron supplements for anemia.
  6. Remedies that eliminate inflammatory process, pain syndrome and elevated temperature bodies.

If the patient shows signs of acute renal failure, hemodialysis is performed. All patients are advised to follow the rules of nutrition and drinking regime. You need to drink as much as possible more water or herbal decoctions. This will remove toxins from the body, destroy pathogenic bacteria, and support the activity of the liver and kidneys.

The doctor also advises taking multivitamin complexes. Thanks to them, work will be intensified immune system, which will give the body more strength to fight the products of the decaying tumor. But vitamins should be selected together with the treating doctor.

A few days before chemical treatment To avoid complications, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. During chemotherapy, blood is regularly tested to check the necessary indicators.

Life prognosis for a cancer patient during disintegration malignant tumor favorable if carried out in a timely manner preventive actions before treatment or constantly monitor blood quality. If you do not follow the process of decay, the health and life of the patient will be at great risk.

We wrote this article for cancer patients experiencing significant metabolic disturbances associated with the disintegration of tumors during treatment. We would like to remind you that cancer treatment consists of the following stages:

    Preparing the body for tumor destruction


    Tumor destruction

    Neutralization of the consequences that arise during the decay of the tumor

    Recovery basic systems self-regulation of the body

The destruction of tumors cannot be carried out simultaneously, therefore several courses of antitumor therapy are carried out, between which detoxification and correction of metabolic disorders must be carried out. IN otherwise the treatment will be ineffective (which is usually observed in the vast majority of cases).

Despite the fact that medical science has developed a whole complex of metabolic correction in the treatment of cancer, these techniques are practically not used in oncology hospitals, and patients are left with serious complications after radiation or chemotherapy without medical support. Unfortunately, this common practice indicates a huge gap between scientific achievements and medical practitioners. A change in approach and a revision of methods is necessary official medicine, since standard protocols do not solve the entire range of problems. If today all over the world the primary task is the destruction of tumor tissue, then all other stages of treatment are considered secondary and irrelevant. The tragedy is that after traumatic treatment modern oncology no organism is able to return to a state of self-regulation and self-healing, therefore the survival rate of cancer patients is very low. The main cause of mortality is complications from tumor disintegration.

The creation of rehabilitation oncology hospitals is a priority task. This will significantly improve survival rates and even the recovery of many patients.

The mechanism of development of tumor collapse syndrome

Death of actively proliferating tumor cells that have high content nucleotides and phosphate, leads to the release of potassium, phosphorus, uric acid and other toxic products. A large amount of cellular breakdown products can exceed the body's ability to eliminate them, resulting in acute disorder electrolyte-and acid-base balance, decrease renal clearance(the ability of the kidneys to cleanse the blood) and filtration rate (determined by creatinine or urea).

Conglomerates lymph nodes, metastases, hepatosplenomegaly, leukocytosis, blood acidification, impaired renal function and the accumulation of under-oxidized toxic metabolites significantly complicate the tumor decay syndrome, up to life-threatening conditions.

Lactic acidosis and renal failure are observed, according to at least, in half of cancer patients. Increased potassium levels are the most threatening moment when the tumor disintegrates. It should be remembered that an increase in potassium levels of more than 6 mmol/l leads to diastolic cardiac arrest!

An avalanche of purine nucleotides from destroyed cells (guanine and adenosine) and their subsequent destruction in the liver ultimately leads to the formation of uric acid, which in turn increases the excretion of urate by the kidneys. In this case, the acidic content of tumor cells leads to the fact that the urine pH decreases to 5.0-5.4, uric acid crystallizes in the renal pareichyma, distal tubules, collecting ducts, pelvis and ureters. Obstruction occurs urinary tract, oligoanuria (little urine), azotemia and general intoxication body.

With the breakdown of tumor tissue, hyperphosphatemia develops (accumulation of phosphates in the body), and hyperphosphaturia ( increased secretion phosphates by the kidneys), and associated hypocalcemia (decreased calcium levels in the blood). Hypocalcemia stimulates the release of parathyroid hormone, which increases the release of phosphate and leads to nephrocalcinosis. Hypocalcemia complicates the course of hyperkalemia and aggravates the process of disorder heart rate and arterial hypotension.

Tumor collapse syndrome (TCS)

    Cardiovascular system: bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, disturbance of heart rhythm up to cardiac arrest in the diastolic phase (with hyperkalemia), changes in the ECG (expansion of the Q RS complex, prolongation of the Q-T interval, high T waves).

    From the nervous system: paresthesia, convulsions, mental changes up to the development of coma.

    From the urinary system: acute renal failure (hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia), metabolic acidosis, nephrocalcinosis.

    From the gastric side - intestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, smooth muscle spasms, intestinal obstruction.

It is clear that these conditions require urgent medical intervention, since they develop quickly and threaten serious complications and even death.

Unfortunately, in current practice, only some patients can count on competent correction of these disorders in hospitals, since at home therapeutic measures impossible to carry out.

This period is the most responsible and important in the treatment of cancer patients, and the destruction of tumor tissue is just a preliminary stage. The destruction of a tumor inside the body is always very dangerous and must be carried out slowly, step by step, so that the body has time to cope with metabolic disorders. Unfortunately, standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy protocols do not take this into account, and the vast majority of patients do not receive adequate metabolic correction.


A prerequisite for successful cancer treatment during the period of tumor disintegration is constant monitoring.

    urea level


    uric acid

    electrolytes (especially potassium)

Minimal changes laboratory parameters serves as the basis for the immediate initiation of complex therapy.


One of the most effective therapeutic measures that preserve kidney function is intravenous administration saline solution 3-5 liters per day in combination with a single injection of 20 mg of furosemide.

Within 2-3 days, you can add sodium bicarbonate (soda) 100 ml of a 3-4% solution. However, it must be remembered that soda, without allowing uric acid to crystallize in the kidneys ( positive effect), promotes the deposition of carbonates in the kidneys. Sodium bicarbonate is usually administered from the third or fourth day of hydration and for a short period of time. The best option is an increase in urine alkalinity (up to 6.5-7.5), after which the administration of sodium bicarbonate is stopped.

Methodology of the Biocenter clinic

A positive effect during this treatment is provided by drinking a large amount of green tea (10 cups per day) with milk and salt (slightly salted), as well as the administration of rheosorbilact in a dose of 800-1200 ml during the day, propolis tincture (20% tincture - 50- 60 ml per day), as well as infusion of birch buds (3 glasses per day, dosage calculation: 1 teaspoon of buds per 1 glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos). Very useful to use cabbage brine(50-100 ml) 3-4 times a day, as well as applications of sour cottage cheese 1-2 kg per abdominal wall for 5-6 hours (discard the cottage cheese after use).

An increase in potassium levels to 5.8-6.0 mmol/l requires urgent administration of hyperosmolar solutions:

Slowly (5 minutes) inject intravenously 10-30 ml of 10% calcium gluconate solution, followed by 200-300 ml of 4.2-8.4% sodium bicarbonate solution (soda), hypertonic solution glucose (50 ml of 50% solution) and it is necessary to administer 10 units of insulin to return potassium to the cells. The use of the loop diuretic furosemide (or torsid) is mandatory. Sometimes it is necessary to use hemodialysis (in acute renal failure). You need to know that when the level of potassium in the blood increases more than 6 mmol per liter, cardiac arrest and death threatens.

A mandatory requirement during this period (10-12 days) is protein-free nutrition to correct hyperphosphatemia and the use loop diuretics(furosemide).

Hyperuricemia (accumulation of uric acid)

This condition leads to acute kidney failure. The drug for this condition is allopurinol (300 mg per day) for 1-2 weeks.

The most important thing is to start using allopurinol as early as possible, since the amount of uric acid begins to decrease only 48-72 hours after the start of use.

Doses of allopurinol must be adjusted if renal function is impaired. To do this, a creatinine clearance test is performed.

With creatinine clearance > 20 ml/min - 300 mg allopurinol per day

10-20 ml/min 200 mg/day

< 10 мл/мин 100 мг/сутки

In addition to allopurinol, the drugs uricozyme and fasturtek/elitek have excellent effects. Unfortunately, these drugs can only be purchased in foreign online pharmacies (Europharm, Pharmacy DE)


The most serious condition in cancer patients. An increase in the plasma concentration of calcium ions above 2.75-2.8 mmol/l is one of the most life-threatening metabolic disorders for patients. (approximately 40% of cancer patients experience this condition).

Hypercalcemia occurs for two reasons:

    Focal bone destruction (due to tumor secretion of factors leading to the release of calcium from bone tissue). In this case, the kidneys cannot cope with the excretion of large amounts of calcium. (Occurs with skeletal lesions)

    Humoral, when the tumor secretes parathyroid hormone-like protein (PTH-R) (Occurs when different tumors without skeletal damage).

In both variants, osteoclasts are stimulated and osteoblasts are suppressed in bone tissue, calcium absorption in the kidneys increases, diuresis increases, dehydration, and impaired absorption of sodium and water.

This condition is accompanied by polyuria, vomiting, dehydration, up to renal failure, coma and death of the patient.

Insufficient alertness of doctors regarding the development of hypercalcemia leads to the fact that monitoring of electrolyte status in cancer patients is carried out rarely and unsystematically, or is not carried out at all (often), and the occurrence characteristic symptoms interpreted as progression of the tumor process.

Clinical Practice for Hypercalcemia:

    General symptoms: dehydration, weakness, fatigue, thirst, weight loss.

    Central nervous system: headache, hypoflexion, muscle weakness, convulsions, lethargy, depression, disorientation, coma.

    Gastrointestinal tract: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, intestinal obstruction, flatulence, pancreatitis.

    From the outside of cardio-vascular system: bradycardia, arrhythmia, ECG changes (shortened AT intervals, wide T wave, prolonged PR interval, asystole).

    From the urinary system: polyuria, azotemia, renal failure.


Outpatient treatment can be given if the calcium level is no more than 3.25 mmol/l. Any values ​​above this indicator require immediate hospital treatment in an intensive care unit. A calcium level of 3.7 mmol/l threatens cardiac arrest.

Treatment consists of administering saline solution 4-6 liters per day (300-400 ml/hour), administering furosemide (40-80 mg every 2 hours). Particularly effective is the administration of prednisolone 40-100 mg every 8 hours (3-5 days in total) or dexamethasone 8 mg once a day in the morning (3-5 days), and then switching to oral administration 10-30 mg/day

Bisphosphonates are effective drugs for treating hypercalcemia, especially in cases of bone metastases. In general, bisphosphonates are very effective (in 80% of cases) and are fairly well tolerated. Commonly used drugs include oledronate, pamidronate, ibandronate, and zoledronate. The hormone calcitonin plays a significant role in the treatment of hypercalcemia ( thyroid). In practice, we use the drug miacalcin (salmon calcitonin), dose 4-8 IU/kg intramuscularly every 6-8 hours. Since myacalcin is effective for 40-46 hours, it must be re-administered and combined with disphosphanates.

Despite obvious achievements modern medicine in the correction of the above-described metabolic disorders, the vast majority of cancer patients do not receive adequate therapy. That is why the number of deaths is so high at the most crucial moment, which comes after the destruction of the tumor.

Cancer patients during this period should be on inpatient treatment, and resuscitators, therapists, neurologists and cardiologists must master the methods of preventing tumor decay syndrome and managing patients with the development of the complications described above.

This complex treatment can be carried out in the hospital of our clinic, or, if it is impossible to transport the patient, remotely, in the nearest hospital. Our specialists will advise the medical staff conducting treatment at the patient’s place of residence.

Contact us via Skype or the phone numbers listed on our website.

Reference values ​​of analyzes (norm) for monitoring during SRO.

    Urea: up to 14 years 1.8-6.4 mmol/l

(blood test) adult 2.5-6.4 mmol/l

elderly 2.9-7.5 mmol/l

    Creatinine: Women 53-97 µmol/l

(blood test) men 55-115 µmol/l

children 18-62 µmol/l

    pH: from 6.0 to 7.0 units. At pH< 5,5 образуются уратные камни; 5,5-6,0 — оксапатные камни;

    Potassium: 3.5-5.5 mmol/l (blood test)

    Calcium: 2.15-2.65 mmol/l

This article may be practical guide for attending physicians. Best regards, Ch. clinic doctor rehabilitation medicine Ablyazova A.M.

With locally advanced cancer, tumor ulceration of the skin usually occurs, which during the period of decay is accompanied by tissue necrosis, infection and new extensive bleeding ulcers. Similar condition significantly complicates clinical course cancer and negatively affects the quality of life of patients. In addition, it is very difficult to administer to patients with disintegrating tumors. quality treatment cancer, since the toxic effects of chemotherapy significantly delay the healing process of such ulcers.

Decaying tumors internal organs require immediate hospitalization of the cancer patient.

When the tumor disintegrates, the main symptomatic treatment aimed at stopping inflammation, bleeding and unpleasant odor from ulcers In addition, it is assigned antibacterial therapy– the medicine is selected based on the sensitivity of the microflora to it. As a result, if there is a visible decrease in intoxication, doctors can begin active antitumor treatment. If a patient with an internal decaying tumor and not taking iron supplements experiences black stools or vomiting that resembles coffee grounds, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Caring for a decaying tumor

Patients with externally disintegrating tumors require constant cleansing ulceration from pus and necrotic tissue using antiseptics. This procedure is carried out with gloves, using saline solution of sodium chloride, 3% hydrogen peroxide or solution. Pus can be washed out of the ulcer using a syringe without a needle, directing a stream of antiseptic to the wound under slight pressure.

If the bandage applied to a disintegrating tumor becomes very wet, it should be changed as often as possible to avoid permanent infection.

If a sharp unpleasant odor appears from the wound, you need to treat it with antiseptics and sprinkle it with powder from metronidazole or trichopolum tablets. Since disintegrating tumors are always accompanied possible bleeding, therefore, when droplets of blood appear on the surface of the ulceration, you need to apply a hemostatic agent to it. In case of massive bleeding, apply to the wound hemostatic sponge or multilayer gauze swabs soaked in aminocaproic acid.