Visual gymnastics for primary schoolchildren. Eye gymnastics for children according to Avetisov, the Bates method, the method of Tibetan monks. Main aspects of the technique

Simple gymnastics for the eyes is effective way maintaining your child's health. Exercise daily to improve vision in children.

As soon as you close your eyes for a moment, a frightening darkness immediately spreads around. The world seems to cease to exist – it becomes faceless and uninformative. Disappear vivid images, rich colors, volume. A person loses the ability to see and navigate in space. At such moments you realize how important it is to have good vision and treat it with care from the very beginning early age. And the first step to health should be accessible and simple children’s eye exercises, the effectiveness of which is recognized by ophthalmology.

Why does visual acuity decrease?

A little person who has just come into our world has all the prerequisites for developing 100% vision. But modern life makes adjustments to the laws of nature. Reading books, electronic gadgets, even the space limited by the walls of the apartment. They force the child's eye, adapted to look into the distance, to examine objects at a very close distance. This load, as well as hereditary factors, injuries and reduced immunity have a detrimental effect on visual acuity and muscle tone, causing diseases such as:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • early glaucoma;
  • retinal pathologies.

According to World Organization Health 19 million children have some form of visual impairment. Moreover, for the most part the problems are reversible, provided proper treatment, which includes the systematic implementation simple exercises for eyes.

The principle of action and significance of gymnastics

Acuity visual perception The child's vision largely depends on the condition of the muscles that support the eyeball.

Properly selected exercises are nothing more than training and restoration of performance eye muscles, as a result of which the child’s vision significantly improves. In addition, gymnastics:

  • helps to correct metabolic processes and blood supply;
  • quickly relieves fatigue;
  • develops coordination of movements, which is especially important for strabismus;
  • stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for visual perception of information.

Besides this the best remedy prevention of eye fatigue and the development of myopia and farsightedness in children.

It is important to remember that such complexes are contraindicated in cases of retinal detachment and myopia greater than -6 diopters.

For the little ones

Already at 1-2 years old, a child can perform basic visual gymnastics. Of course, classes should take the form of an exciting game and be age appropriate.

At 2-3 years old, it is good to add a thematic rhyme to the exercises - it will make gymnastics more understandable, interesting and easy to remember.

This is a watch-eye
They tick back and forth.
They go left, they go right
And they will never subside.

Thus, children get used to doing exercises, which for now seem like fun to them, but already bring great benefit health.

Visual exercises for preschoolers

At 3-4 years old, many children begin to go to junior group kindergarten, and their lives change radically. Now the kids spend quite a lot of time doing activities. To reduce the workload, experienced teachers in mandatory alternate training with exercise therapy and eye gymnastics.

Each complex should consist of 5 exercises and last no longer than 3 to 5 minutes.

The most effective sets of exercises for preschoolers in verse still remain:

“It suddenly became very dark - we need to close our eyes. The day has come, and here we go again - we need to open our eyes. We count to 5 and close our eyes again.”

At the end of the exercise, invite the children to relax and massage their eyelids with their fingertips.

Mom can also come up with exciting games to improve vision: suggest batting your eyelashes like a butterfly’s wings, or catching a running sunbeam with your eyes. It’s good if you can find a funny verse or drawing that illustrates the movements.

Getting ready for school

In the middle (4-5 years old) and senior (5-6 years old) groups of kindergarten, intensive preparation for school takes place. The child must attend fairly long classes in reading, writing, mathematics, modeling and drawing. The load on a fragile body increases sharply. Gymnastics for the eyes is simply necessary for children of this age, and the complexes are becoming more and more complex.

As before, all classes must be conducted in game form, be understandable and easy to implement. Modern multimedia tools provide wide choose exercises for vision in the form of cartoons, animations, accompanied by rhythmic music or poems that set an additional pace for movements. You can use such programs in kindergarten and at home.

In primary school

At the age of 6-7 years, children, as a rule, go to first grade. School classes, homework, small print in textbooks, poor quality paper, poor lighting cause enormous stress on the visual apparatus baby. There is practically no rest for the eyes - after school, children are mainly busy with the computer or watching television programs. It is not surprising that 4% of first-graders are forced to wear glasses.

In this regard, physical training based on exercises from the visual gymnastics card index becomes very valuable for schoolchildren.

Useful exercises should be performed daily, starting with 3 minutes a day and gradually increasing the load. Patience, persistence and consistency will lead to the fact that your student will one day say: “Mom, I don’t need glasses anymore.”

Nowadays there are many children with various disorders vision. This includes myopia, farsightedness, and strabismus. It is important for parents to pay Special attention a regime of alternating tension and rest for the eyes. Every day you need to do eye exercises. Such gymnastics works not only as a preventive measure against vision deterioration, but also as a restoration of vision. Gymnastics for the eyes, as a rule, is given in a playful manner, and children do not understand that they are training their eyes; for them it is just a game.

We receive 90% of information through our eyes. This is especially important for young children, because this is how they learn about the world. For them this is something huge and unknown. And their eyes help them see it and understand it. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, every fourth child experiences difficulties with vision.

Causes of visual impairment

The causes of visual impairment can be different:

In most cases, vision deviation is observed in children immediately. This innate factor speaks for itself. The disease and genes are directly related here. If one of the parents has poor eyesight, then the child may also have poor eyesight. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that one of the parents has vision problems, but the child does not.

Frequent illnesses undermine the child’s health and immunity. The eyes need active oxygen consumption. Antibiotics that are used to treat a child reduce the supply of oxygen to the eyes. Because of this, the child’s vision can also deteriorate.

Prevention of visual impairment in children

First of all, parents need to understand that uncontrolled watching of TV or cartoons on YouTube affects not only the child’s psyche, but also his vision. When a person, whether it is a child or an adult, looks at the screen, blinking becomes less frequent. Oxygen does not reach the eyes as actively, and they become overstrained. This leads to poor vision.

Second preventive factor- This correct posture. The child should not “stick” his nose into a notebook or book; the distance between his face and the notebook should be sufficient.

And the third, most important preventive measure is eye exercises. It helps to rest the child’s eyes, strengthen the eye muscles and increase their tone. All this affects visual acuity in better side. Teachers and doctors say with confidence that eye exercises for children are an excellent prevention of vision problems.

Eye gymnastics for children 3 years old

In order for children to enjoy doing exercises, it is necessary special approach. Eye gymnastics should take into account the child’s characteristics before school age. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out in a playroom, interesting form, where children could show their activity. The eye gymnastics complex contains 3 parts: warm-up, main part and final part.

Part 1 – Warm-up

It is necessary for the child to move his eyes up and down, left and right, then he needs to close his eyes and count together to ten. Repeat this 1-2 more times.

Part 2 – Main

Game of Pinocchio. You need to look at the tip of your nose and imagine how it grows and then shrinks, while you need to follow this imaginary process with your eyes.

Faces. You need to turn into various animals, actively working with your eyes - look at different sides, we squint our eyes, make circular movements, protrude our eyes. Here you can connect the limitless imagination of the child.

Figures. You need to mentally draw geometric shapes along the contour with your eyes: circle, square, rectangle.

Part 3 – Final

Draw a nose. It is necessary for the child to draw various pictures or figures with his nose in the air, maybe his favorite toy or a funny fairy-tale animal. If it is difficult for him to do this, then you can show the picture. Then the baby will be able to circle her nose from a distance.

This complex is very simple and any child can perform it under the supervision of an adult.

Eye gymnastics for children 4 years old is no different. You can increase the time of the main and final parts.

Eye gymnastics for children 5 years old

Eye gymnastics for children 5 years old is somewhat different. The child already understands well what is happening, he can already count. The child is more assiduous, so the complex is designed for several repetitions of each exercise. Gymnastics for this age includes the following exercises:

  1. We blink often. Then we close our eyes and count to 5. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  2. We close our eyes tightly and count to 3. Then we open our eyes and look into the distance, counting to 5. We repeat this 4 times.
  3. Pull it out right hand forward. Slowly move your index finger left and right, up and down. At the same time, we follow him with our eyes, but keep our head in place. 4 repetitions are enough.
  4. Pull it out left hand forward, slightly bending it at the elbow. Let's look first at forefinger hands four counts, and then we look into the distance and look at six counts. Repeat 4 times.
  5. We make circular movements with our eyes 3 times to the right, then the same amount to the left. Then we look into the distance and count to 6. Repeat 1 more time.

As you can see, this complex contains enough exercises to relax the muscles of the eye (when we look into the distance). This is due to the fact that a five-year-old child’s eye strain increases, and he needs to give his eyes more rest.

Vitamins for eyes

An excellent addition to eye exercises would be to select foods that contain vitamins necessary for the eyes.

Vitamin C. It improves blood circulation in the eye area. Products with high content vitamin C: orange, kiwi, beets, green pea, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, apples.

Vitamin A. Capable of preventing the so-called night blindness and improves visual acuity at dusk. Foods high in vitamin A: carrots, papaya, melon, avocado, apricot, peach.

Vitamin E. Just like vitamin C, it improves blood circulation around the eyes. Products containing a large number of vitamin E: milk, spinach, almonds, sunflower oil, walnuts, peanuts.

Vitamin B1. Improves the light sensitivity of the retina. Foods high in vitamin B1: broccoli, rice, honey.

Vitamin B2. It also affects the ability of the retina to perceive light. Products containing large amounts of vitamin B2: apples, rice, milk.

Vitamin B6. Improves light penetration through the retina. Foods rich in vitamin B6: cabbage, wheat grains.

Vitamin B12. Improves the light sensitivity of the retina. His need daily norm- only 3 mg. Products containing vitamin B12: grapes, blueberries, dates, prunes, apricots.

As you can see, not only blueberries can help your eyes see better. Especially important for children balanced diet where vegetables and fruits predominate. In addition, it is possible to carry out vitamin treatment. But which vitamins are best to buy, your doctor should advise you. But remember that the main thing is preventative measures and eye exercises for children, which will help overcome vision problems.

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Good day, dear readers. There are few of us left who have “one” vision, and among children it is doubly difficult to find a little person with perfectly looking eyes. A lot of stress falls on children’s eyes today, from school to home devices that persistently strive to impair their vision.

Resign yourself and by the end of the first grade walk together with your children to the store for fashion accessory or try to train the eye muscle to move the time of hoisting to the nose spectacle frame, – the choice is always yours. But if you are not lazy, then perhaps children’s eye gymnastics, if it does not return what was lost, will definitely stop the process of vision deterioration that has begun.

Why do children need physical education?

Daily strain on children's eyes leads to severe overstrain, and schoolchildren are most susceptible to this due to the fact that their body is not yet fully formed, and all systems are not at the initial, of course, but not at the final point of development. This also applies to visual function.

The child’s weak eye muscles cannot cope with large volumes of incoming visual information, sometimes resting only at night, and as a result they give up and fail.

Visual overstrain at school age leads to myopia - this is when children clearly see everything that is close in front of them, and vaguely distinguish what is far away. With the help of myopia children's vision adapts to the conditions that are created for them. When either a book or a book is often placed in front of a child at a close distance, the eyes over time prefer to see close up, refusing to look vigilantly into the distance.

Children's farsightedness is a rather infrequent phenomenon, since it is not acquired during the school period due to too labor-intensive eye work. The causes of farsightedness are heredity and abnormalities in the ocular anatomy.

In both cases of visual impairment, ophthalmologists advise, after prolonged eye strain, to resort to warm-ups, scientifically called ophthalmological pauses, using exercises to weaken the eye muscles and set the eyes up for a new job.

The eyes have been doing exercises in order all week...

To train the eye muscles, there are many different exercises, all of which have the same goal - to relieve fatigue and ease the work of the eyes, improving blood supply. Perfect option– increase visual acuity and sharpness of observed objects.

It is important! For a child wearing glasses, eye gymnastics should be done in optics, one or two diopters weaker than usual. If the visual impairment is not more than one diopter, then the child should perform the exercises without glasses.

What about underwater eye exercises? Want to try? Then watch the video)

Of course, achieve significant results“on click” is quite difficult. Vision is different in that it is easy to lose it, but getting it back is problematic. Therefore, you will have to be patient, making it a rule to take breaks for eye exercises while working hard. By the way, this is also useful for adults, why not make it a good family habit?

I look forward to your eye recipes to give you that “eagle-like look.”

I wish you and your children good health!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Developing in children, it is a serious and widespread problem of our time. Therefore, gymnastics for myopia for children is important for improving vision.

High visual load at school, great amount electronic devices available to children - all this causes the baby’s visual apparatus to become overstrained, which can lead to the development of both myopia and true myopia. However, regular and correct eye gymnastics can significantly improve the situation, preventing the appearance of myopia and stopping its progress.

Visual gymnastics – preventative measure, which helps strengthen the eye muscles in children. Because eyeball growth continues into adulthood, many types of interventions (eg. laser correction vision) during this period are impossible. Consequently, a significant role in the prevention and treatment of childhood myopia is played by conservative methods, including eye exercises.

The main goal of eye gymnastics for myopia in children is to train and relax the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for accommodation. This is the name for focusing the eye on objects that are located at different distances. This allows you to relieve the spasm of accommodation, which causes the so-called false myopia, which disappears when the muscle relaxes.

Gymnastics also performs a number of other important functions:

  • improves blood supply and nutrition in the organs of vision;
  • trains the ability to focus on distant objects;
  • relieves fatigue and discomfort associated with it.

Eye exercises for myopia are guaranteed to improve vision in children if done correctly and regularly.

Exercises to relax the eyes: warm-up

Before performing eye exercises for myopia in children and adolescents, it is necessary to warm up. This activity will prepare the eyes for the main set of exercises and make gymnastics more effective.

The following light exercises are used as a warm-up:

  • The classic ophthalmological exercise “palming”, which for kids can be called by the more understandable word “palms”. Children place both hands with their palms closed on their closed eyelids, creating complete darkness under them, and gently press on eyeballs. The exercise prepares the eye muscles for the main gymnastics complex.

  • “Write with your nose”: the exercise is aimed at relaxing not only the eye muscles, but also the neck, and activating blood flow, which supplies the organs of vision with oxygen. The children are given the task of writing letters in the air with the tip of their nose. You can dictate lines from children's poems.

5-15 minutes are allotted for preparation for the main complex, after which you can do gymnastics. To improve a child’s vision, various exercises have been developed that are very effective for myopia.

Basic set of exercises

To restore vision in myopia as an important component complex treatment a charger specially designed for children is used, taking into account age characteristics. These are gentle exercises with a gentle effect on the visual apparatus, helping to prevent the disease or slow down its development.

  1. "Red dot": done twice deep breath, then gradually exhale, children should imagine that each person has a bright dot drawn between their eyebrows. Next, they should try to move their gaze to it and hold it there for 3 seconds, after which they return their gaze to its original position. Then you need to close your eyes for 5-7 seconds. Three passes 5 times are recommended.
  2. “Nose”: now we imagine a point at the tip of the nose. Having inhaled and exhaled smoothly, children focus their gaze on the tip of their nose for 3-5 seconds, then relax and close their eyelids for the same 5-7 seconds. Repeat three times 7 times.
  3. “Here and there”: without turning your head, you need to move your gaze along imaginary lines: up right, down right, up left, down left. At each extreme point, the gaze stops for 5-10 seconds, then moves to the next point. Will be performed 5 times in three passes.
  4. “Clock”: kids move their eyes left and right 20 times without pauses, and so on 5 times with breaks for a minute rest with eyes closed.
  5. “Semicircle”: the guys should describe semicircles with their eyes, first on the right, then on the left, alternating them. The eye movement begins at the highest point, describes a semicircle and ends at the lowest point. 10 repetitions, three passes.
  6. “Distance”: select a point outside the window and a second point in front of it or on the glass itself. Without moving your head, you need to look at both points alternately 25 times without a break.
  7. “Circles”: the guys perform a circular rotation with their eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

With the help of the described eye training for myopia in children, you can slow down the development of the disease or prevent its occurrence.

Measures to enhance the effect of exercise

By itself, a set of exercises for improvement works well, but its effect can be significantly enhanced by a number of important measures. In order for gymnastics to be more effective, it is necessary to follow a number of rules, including:

  • Good workplace lighting.
  • Dosing of visual loads according to age.
  • Complete nutrition including everything necessary substances, .
  • Correct mode days and enough walks in the fresh air.

All this will definitely enhance positive effect eye gymnastics.

Features of performing gymnastics by age

Effective eye gymnastics means that for of different ages performing gymnastics will have its own characteristics. For children of preschool and primary school age, exercises are carried out in a playful way, the number of repetitions is reduced. Older children and teenagers can perform the entire complex fully.

For myopia weak degree Eye gymnastics for children can even completely restore vision. This is possible in the case of false myopia - spasm of accommodation, causing symptoms myopia. Gymnastics relieves spasms of the eye muscles, restoring the child’s ability to clearly see distant objects. This myopia treatment really works.

Additionally, use fun exercises in pictures:

Eye gymnastics for myopia is a simple and effective therapeutic and preventive measure. By teaching your child simple exercises, you will help him maintain healthy vision for many years.

From an early age a heavy burden falls on one. Most information and knowledge of the world occurs through visual perception. Added to everything are electronic information tools, without which not a single person can live. This doesn't have the best effect on all of this. The fact that children's vision is deteriorating is also a cause for concern. Eye exercises are a way to improve vision, relieve stress, and also be used to prevent the development of visual impairment.

The benefits of visual gymnastics

In addition to the expressed therapeutic effect from visual gymnastics, it has a number of other advantages:

  • does not require any additional devices or costs;
  • Charging can be done almost anywhere and does not require much time;
  • the training is available as an independent exercise (no need for the presence of specialists);
  • not associated with mechanical effects on the eyes;
  • simplicity, exercises are accessible even for small children.

Principles of rational exercise for the eyes

A significant factor in obtaining a positive effect from vision exercises is adherence to the basic principles of training:

  1. Systematicity. Charging for the eyes must be systematic, otherwise the effect will dissipate.
  2. Periodicity. It is important to choose a convenient schedule for yourself, since even physical exercise for the eyes should be carried out in comfortable conditions and not in a hurry. This could be in the morning after waking up, after working at the computer, watching TV, reading a book, or before bed.
  3. Measure. And although such gymnastics can and should be performed several times a day, you should not abuse the excessive number of exercises and the intensity of their implementation.
  4. Continuity. Visual training does not take days off. You can’t miss a single day, and then you will achieve maximum effect, and already achievements achieved will not be lost.
  5. Personalization. There are different types of visual impairments. Therefore, before starting a set of exercises, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Methods for training vision in children

There are a large number of charging methods to improve vision. One of the most popular is eye exercises for myopia, since this problem is typical for children and adolescents.

Visual impairment in children is most often associated with rapid growth, and by performing a set of simple exercises, vision restoration can be achieved.

Children's visual gymnastics may include the following exercises:

  1. Rapid blinking (for 10-15 seconds) followed by relaxation of closed eyes (10-15 seconds). Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Strong squinting (5 sec) alternating with a normal calm gaze (5 sec). Perform 2-3 repetitions.
  3. Circular movements of the eyes with maximum amplitude. Perform alternately left and right. The pace is slow. Do it 2-3 times in each direction.
  4. Direct your gaze up and down, left and right. Fix your gaze at each point for a second. Perform 2-3 times in each direction.

These exercises are quite enough to relax children's eyes, restore clarity and improve visual acuity.

Time for eye exercises should be allocated in your daily routine as a matter of course. This practice should be introduced even within school walls, where considerable strain falls on children’s eyes. Ideally, it is best to conduct physical exercises after each lesson. It is enough to perform 1-2 exercises from the complex during recess and the result will be noticeable.

For younger children, the exercises can be done in a playful way to keep them interested.

Visual gymnastics for adults

The arsenal of exercises for adults can be increased, but only slightly. It will be more difficult for adults to restore their vision, but in any case, the positive effect of the exercises is guaranteed. Increase the dosage of execution to an average of 4-5 times. You can add the following useful exercises:

  1. Concentration of gaze on objects that are close and at a distance from the eyes. First, you need to look at a near object (this could be, for example, your finger or a point on the glass) for several seconds, then, passing your gaze through the near object, you need to concentrate your gaze on the far one. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Drawing with the eyes of different figures, words, numbers. Do it until you get tired of it.
  3. Solarization. The essence of the exercise is alternating light and shadow. You need to choose a light source (sun, lamp, candle). Move your hand or book in front of your eyes, now closing or opening the light. Perform slowly for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Palming. You need to close your eyes with relaxed palms without touching them. For convenience, you can rest your arms on your elbows. It is necessary to strive to achieve complete relaxation. You need to be in this position for about 4-5 minutes. At the end of the exercise, with your palms removed, it is advisable to sit for a few more seconds with your eyes closed, then slowly open them. This exercise is good both for starting exercise and for finishing it.

General rules for training the eye muscles

Like any others physical training, when implementing there is also a list of recommendations:

  • the head remains motionless, only the eyes perform the exercises;
  • body posture should be comfortable;
  • there should not be too bright or, conversely, dark lighting;
  • Stop immediately if discomfort in the eyes occurs;
  • eye exercises are performed without glasses or lenses;
  • when training for the purpose of preventing and relieving tension - do not perform special exercises aimed at correcting violations;
  • no need to cancel gymnastics if you have little time - there is great alternative– physical exercise for the eyes;
  • do not quit classes if you do not immediately notice improvements, a little patience and the result will not take long to arrive;
  • supervise children's exercises;
  • If this is an eye exercise for myopia or farsightedness, then its feasibility should be agreed upon with a doctor and its effectiveness monitored.

IN Lately a lot of time is spent in front of various kinds monitors and screens. Take pity on your eyes and remember that good vision is a gift that is worth fighting to preserve.