Recipe for Tibetan garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels? Composition and action. Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels - Tibetan recipe

A long time ago, a monk from Tibet came up with a truly amazing recipe that helps maintain health and good spirits. Despite its antiquity, medicine became aware of it only towards the end of the twentieth century, and for more than 40 years thousands of people have been using this method. Our article comprehensively describes what garlic tincture is for cleaning blood vessels. Tibetan recipe for making it, others medicinal recipes and application features.

Garlic is perennial herbaceous plant, which is characterized by an antisclerotic effect. It cleanses blood vessels of low-density lipoproteins, breaks up salt accumulations and cholesterol blockages, and eliminates viral organisms.


Garlic contains adenosine, a substance that normalizes platelet concentration and prevents blood viscosity. It also prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic has a little secret: it should be used for preparing any dishes 15-17 minutes after chopping. Just during this period there are chemical reactions, which, when entering our body, stimulate various processes in it.

Important! If you take garlic every day for 3 months food supplement, the number of cholesterol blockages will decrease by 19-23 percent.

Learn how to properly prepare a drink

The Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is not complicated. You are required to:

  1. Peel 365 grams of garlic, wash it thoroughly.
  2. Pour into a wooden container and crush with a wooden or clay masher.
  3. Pour 240 grams of the resulting mass into a jar and add 200 ml of 70 percent ethyl alcohol to it.
  4. Screw the lid on well and shake.
  5. Place in a cool, dark place for a week and a half.
  6. After this period, pass the liquid through 7 layers of gauze.
  7. Squeeze the gauze into a clean bowl, pour the resulting liquid into a jar and leave for five days.

On the sixth day the extract is ready for use.

Chopping garlic

Important! To make the drink, you should take garlic that appeared in the fall of the current year, since it will be maximally saturated with beneficial properties.

Tibetan tincture of garlic with alcohol for cleaning blood vessels: dosage regimen

The alcoholic drink should be taken step by step only according to the instructions of the monks. You must carefully count the drops according to the information given in the table. If for some reason you are unable to calculate the dose, take 7 drops per 65 ml of milk three times a day during meals.

Ordinary day Number of drops per single dose
Morning Dinner Evening
First 2 2 3
Second 4 5 6
Third 7 7 8
Fourth 9 10 11
Fifth 12 13 14
Sixth 15 15 14
Seventh 13 12 11
Eighth 10 9 8
Ninth 7 6 5
Tenth 4 3 2
Eleventh and to the end 23 24 22

Garlic-alcohol tincture

Benefits of garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels

Application of the recipe from Tibetan monks brings us undeniable benefits because:

  1. Immunity is strengthened.
  2. The person feels a surge of strength.
  3. Internal toning increases.
  4. Prevents depressed mood.
  5. Makes a person more resistant to stressful situations.
  6. Relieves emotional fatigue.
  7. Cleans and strengthens bone joints.
  8. Cleanses lymph.
  9. Normalizes the functionality of the thyroid gland.
  10. Improves cardiac activity.
  11. Reduces the risk of developing headaches.
  12. Stimulates the work of brain centers.
  13. Cleanses the blood vessels of the brain.
  14. Minimizes the risk of blood pressure changes.
  15. Removes toxins and waste from the intestines.
  16. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  17. Rejuvenates the entire body.

Scientists have proven that this tincture thoroughly removes limescale and fat accumulations in blood vessels and stimulates metabolic processes. Thanks to cleansing, the overall vascular tone improves: they regain their natural elasticity, so they move blood more intensively throughout the body. And rapid blood circulation is the key to health and longevity.

Contraindications to the use of tincture

Despite positive properties Garlic tinctures for cleansing blood vessels; its use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Patients suffering from epilepsy.
  2. Children under 12 years of age.
  3. For expectant and nursing mothers.
  4. At acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract.
  5. For renal and liver failure.
  6. Prostate adenoma.
  7. Oncological pathologies.
  8. Ulcerative pathologies.
  9. Chronic and acute form hemorrhoids.
  10. Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the infusion.
  11. Excess weight. Garlic stimulates appetite, so patients suffering from obesity are not advisable to clean blood vessels in this way.

So that the garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels brings maximum benefit, it is recommended to stick to a few simple conditions when preparing and taking it:

  • Tibetan sages advise to take into account lunar phases when creating a drink. They claim that you need to start preparing the elixir on the waxing moon, and finish everything on the full or waning moon.
  • The longer the drink is infused, the higher its healing properties. The monks advise using an infusion aged for 24-36 months.
  • The tincture should be drunk only with milk, as it removes bad smell and protects the stomach from irritation.
  • There should be 3-4 hours between drinks. Eating during these breaks is prohibited.
  • Throughout treatment course You need to drink one and a half liters daily mineral water, because the garlic drinks negatively affects the kidneys.

Waning moon

It will also be useful to practice simple physical exercise or go to the pool 2 times.

The Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is simple and effective method improve your body health. But don't forget that positive effect depends on the correct reception and consideration of all recommendations.

In addition to the Tibetan recipe for cleaning vessels with garlic and alcohol, there are several other methods.

Vodka with garlic for cleaning blood vessels

  • Prepare 175 grams of garlic and 175 ml of alcohol.
  • Pass the herb through a meat grinder, pour into a jar and add vodka.
  • Screw on the lid and shake the mixture well.
  • Wrap the container with thick cloth and leave for a week and a half.
  • On day 11, everything is filtered through cheesecloth and left to stand for four days.
  • On the fifth day, the tincture is filtered again.

After this, it can be taken 10 drops with each meal for a month.

Garlic tincture for cleaning brain vessels made from garlic, honey and lemon

The combination of these components has a beneficial effect on our body. The beneficial properties of garlic include:

  1. Positive effects, blood vessels, liver and kidney functionality.
  2. The ability of lemon to stimulate performance and endurance human body, strengthen nervous system, increase the resistance of immunity to viral and infectious diseases, improve concentration.

To make this drink you will need:

  1. 5 large lemons, 10 large cloves of garlic and 230 grams of honey.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly with a blender.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into a jar, screw on the lid and place in a secluded corner for 12 days.

The infusion should be taken twice a day, twenty minutes before meals. 1 tablespoon of tincture is diluted in 150 ml of water.

Tincture of garlic, honey and lemon

This recipe is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia, as it has an invigorating property. The shelf life of the drink is 3 months.

Regardless of the recipe you choose, remember that garlic is a powerful stimulant processes occurring in our body. Therefore, before deciding to be treated with garlic, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid side effects.

Excess cholesterol in the blood is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and provokes the development of atherosclerosis. Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is a remedy that truly works wonders and restores health. There are several recipes for preparing the tincture - we bring them to your attention.

Helpful information

Garlic is a healing vegetable crop that has a beneficial effect on the body complex action. Traditional medicine The bactericidal and cleansing properties of garlic are actively exploited. Garlic tincture can be based on alcohol or vodka. Sometimes red wine is used to prepare the drug. When trusting your health to the tincture, do not forget about the benefits of raw garlic - it is believed that if you regularly use it for 3 months, the number of cholesterol plaques will decrease by 12-20%.

Red wine tincture

Garlic infusion for cleaning blood vessels can be prepared using red wine - this drink also has the property of dissolving cholesterol plaques. Peel 12 cloves of garlic, cut each of them into 4 parts. Place everything in a clear glass bottle. Add 750 ml of dry red wine into the container (it must be of high quality, so do not take cheap ones). Place the tincture on the window (the side should be sunny). Insist healing agent 2 weeks, shaking the garlic mixture daily (three times a day). Then strain the wine and pour into a dark bottle. Take 3 tsp daily. tinctures (1 tsp before main meals). The cleansing course takes 1 month.

Vodka tincture

Peel the garlic, chop it to a pulp, transfer it to a half-liter jar (fill it 1/4 full). Add vodka to the top, close the jar, and leave to infuse in a dark place. The process will take 3 weeks. Shake the product periodically. After the specified time has passed, strain the product and pour it into a three-liter jar. Add equal amount honey and lemon juice, mix well. Take before bed (2 tbsp.), The course takes 1 month.

Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels

Chop the garlic (you will need 350 g). Leave the mixture in a dark place for several days. When the mixture separates, drain the juice, combine with alcohol (200 ml), leave in a cool place for 10 days (do not put in the refrigerator). Then filter the resulting tincture and refrigerate for 3 days.

Take the product before meals (about 20-25 minutes before them) for a month (mix drops with 50 ml of milk). Add 1 drop to each dose. Day No. 1: 1, 2, 3 drops; Day No. 2: 4, 5, 6 drops... Day No. 5: 13, 14, 15 drops. From the 6th day, begin to reduce the number of drops according to the same scheme. Reach the 10th day when the number of drops returns to the minimum number. After this, drink tincture 25 drops for 20 days.

The oldest recipe for an anti-aging product in detail

In 1971, a UNESCO expedition discovered a recipe for an ancient anti-aging remedy in a Tibetan monastery.

The most interesting property This infusion lies in the fact that with strict adherence to the application regimen and precise doses, it exhibits a strong rejuvenating effect on the body.

This infusion is used to improve metabolism, cleansing circulatory system, removing lime and fat deposits from the body, which helps improve the elasticity of blood vessels, and this, as is known, is a very important factor in the prevention of angina pectoris, sclerosis, myocardial infarction, tumors, diseases of the organs of vision, etc.
Ancient Tibetan recipe youth

To prepare, you need to take 350 grams of well-washed and peeled garlic, finely chop and grind in a wooden or porcelain bowl, weigh 200 grams of this mass, taking it from the bottom, where there is the most juice, put it in a glass (clay) vessel, and pour 200 grams 96 - percent alcohol.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave for 10 days in a dark and cool place. Then the mass is filtered and squeezed through thick fabric (multi-layer gauze). After 3 days you can start treatment. The rejuvenating infusion is taken strictly according to the scheme: take ¼ glass of milk (50 grams) and add the required number of drops of tincture. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals, and so on until completely used.

Reception day

1st day
2 drops
2 drops
3 drops

2nd day
4 drops
5 drops
6 drops

3rd day
7 drops
8 drops
9 drops

4th day
10 drops
11 drops
12 drops

5th day
13 drops
14 drops
15 drops

6th day
15 drops
14 drops
13 drops

7th day
12 drops
11 drops
10 drops

8th day
9 drops
8 drops
7 drops

9th day
6 drops
5 drops
4 drops

10th day
3 drops
2 drops
1 drop

11th day
25 drops
25 drops
25 drops

From the 11th day, take 25 drops with milk 3 times a day before meals, until the tincture is drunk.

The course of treatment is repeated no earlier than after 3 years.

Garlic tincture cleanses the body of fats and lime deposits, improves overall metabolism, vascular elasticity, prevents heart attack, angina pectoris, sclerosis, paralysis and tumor formation, and improves vision.

But if during use you feel discomfort or an exacerbation of any chronic disease, you will have to stop rejuvenation and consult a doctor.


— garlic tinctures are not recommended for use by people suffering from epilepsy (patients with this diagnosis are not recommended to use garlic even in food)
- children under 12 years old
- pregnant women
- at acute illness stomach
- intestines
- for acute kidney disease
- in acute liver disease
- prostate adenoma
— in case of individual intolerance to product components
- with exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
A few additional tips

1. To obtain a good tincture, the garlic must be very fresh and large, with large white cloves. The bottle in which the liquid will be infused must be made of dark glass (you can wrap a transparent bottle in dark paper), with a well-ground stopper. In addition, it is recommended to heat the bottle immediately before preparing the tincture.

3. Unlike fresh garlic, which long-term storage spoils, garlic tincture only multiplies its useful qualities. During aging in the tincture, enzymes are formed that have an antitumor effect and thin the blood, like aspirin. Therefore, tinctures aged for 2-3 years are the most healing.

4. C therapeutic purpose It is necessary to use only fresh garlic or after short storage. Antibacterial properties garlic that has been in the refrigerator for four months is reduced by half and is completely lost when garlic is stored at room temperature for eight months.

Ancient homeopathic recipe to influence blood vessels, found in the east. A UNESCO expedition in 1971 in one of the monasteries of Tibet found a recipe several thousand years old. In the distant past, it was used very actively for cleaning blood vessels, helping people maintain health. What worked well then can have a great effect now.

Effects of garlic tincture

People in the East have long known that garlic can have a healing effect on humans. The Tibetan recipe provides the following effect on the body:

  • removal of cholesterol, lipids and salt deposits from blood vessels, which can form atherosclerotic plaques;
  • improvement for the most part metabolic processes with the effect of rejuvenating cellular structures;
  • positive impact on vascular wall with increased elasticity, strengthening of arteries and veins;
  • increasing immune defense.

Garlic tincture has a fairly strong and pronounced effect on blood vessels, so this technique must be used with extreme caution. A preliminary consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to the treatment method are mandatory.

How to prepare an ancient tincture

At the stage of preparing the tincture with garlic, you must strictly follow the recipe. The technique includes the following steps:

  • finely chopped garlic (350 grams) must be ground in a mortar made of wood until smooth;
  • take only 200 grams of gruel from the bottom (there is more garlic juice there);
  • pour in medical alcohol in a volume of 200 ml in a glass jar or vessel;
  • Infuse the tightly packed container for 2 weeks.

How to take the tincture

Taking garlic medicine strictly regulated. Required condition– regular use, taken before meals and mixed with milk (a quarter glass at a time). The dosage indicated in the table must be strictly observed.

Dosage table (in drops)

The remaining medicine should be continued to be taken 25 drops three times a day until the entire preparation is completed. A repeat course is possible only after 6 years.

What complications can there be?

The safety of cleaning blood vessels using garlic tincture is relative: even in very small doses, the ancient recipe can cause the following complications:

  • exacerbation of inflammation in the stomach or pancreas;
  • deterioration of the condition against the background serious illnesses(malignant and benign tumors, vascular pathology, endocrine diseases);
  • increased symptoms of diseases of the pelvic organs (cystitis, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids);
  • worsening neurological conditions (epilepsy);
  • sudden allergic reactions from rash to anaphylactic shock.


Cleansing blood vessels using garlic tincture has a serious impact on the human body. It is advisable to take into account the possible risk and the onset of complications: the technique can be used only after consulting a doctor with the exception of all contraindications, which include:

One of the most effective products to cleanse the arteries of cholesterol deposits - this is garlic, this confirmed by research.

To clean and strengthen blood vessels, it is used in the composition pharmaceuticals and home-prepared medications.

Infusions and tinctures made from this spicy vegetable are especially popular. They contain everything useful material highly concentrated, quickly absorbed into the blood from digestive tract and show high efficiency, quickly bringing the arteries to a normal, functional state.

Useful properties of garlic

About the influence of garlic on human health in general and on its condition blood vessels known since ancient times. been repeatedly proven in numerous studies (, ).

Using it to lower cholesterol too scientifically justified.

Thanks to vitamins, minerals, phytoncides, essential oils and a substance called allicin, the vegetable works real miracles in the body:

  1. reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  2. dissolves atherosclerotic plaques that have already clogged the arteries;
  3. reduces blood clotting, reducing the risk of vascular blockage and strokes;
  4. strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels.

All this has a beneficial effect on improving the condition of the body as a whole. A person taking medications and home remedies from this amazing plant notices that:

  1. atherosclerosis recedes and symptoms of varicose veins go away;
  2. activates brain activity, memory is strengthened;
  3. vision and hearing improves;
  4. the body's resistance to unfavorable external factors is observed;
  5. The immunity of the body as a whole increases.

Also check out the infographic:

Even if it's just there raw garlic Several times a week for three months in salads and snacks, the amount of cholesterol deposits in the arteries will decrease by 20%.

7 rules for the procedure

Despite the fact that cleaning blood vessels with garlic tinctures is a folk remedies, they must be used with great care and in compliance with all rules. This is due to the fact that healing products can have a very strong effect on the body.

  1. You need to make sure there are no allergies before starting to prepare and take the garlic preparation. To do this, you need to analyze your previous experience of use and apply a little garlic juice to a sensitive area of ​​the skin to make sure there is no allergic reaction in the form of redness or swelling. People prone to allergies need to be doubly vigilant: it is recommended to consult a doctor and do a garlic allergy test.
  2. Take contraindications seriously. Garlic tinctures are prohibited for kidney disease, epilepsy, gastritis, stomach ulcers, high obesity, during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Do not perform the procedure frequently. Up to 50 years of age, it is better to do the cleansing procedure no more often than once every 3 years. Then you can reduce the breaks in treatment to 1 year. The frequency of courses is related to the degree of development of atherosclerosis, age and general health of the patient.
  4. You need to start with following a diet. A few days before the start of the course, you need to worry about the cleanliness of the intestines and exclude all foods that are contraindicated in atherosclerosis: fatty meat, lard, smoked foods, fatty dairy products, fried foods, industrial sauces, fast food, sweets with high content Sahara.
  5. Drink more water. You must consume at least two liters of pure drinking water per day. Intensive cleansing processes are underway: without a sufficient amount of water, it is difficult for the liver and kidneys to cope with the toxins released from the body at this time.
  6. Eliminate some foods from your diet. It is not recommended to drink alcohol strong tea and coffee, cocoa, hot spices and seasonings.
  7. Lead healthy image life. Exercise physical activity, move a lot, be in the fresh air.

How to cook - 5 recipes and regimen

Among garlic preparations, garlic tinctures are especially popular - drugs prepared using alcohol-containing substances. Since they are stored for a long time, they are well absorbed into the blood and give the desired therapeutic effect.

Sometimes infusions are also called tinctures - medicines prepared not with alcohol or vodka, but with water.

The action of these drugs is almost the same, although they are different in composition. The difference is that infusions are stored in a cool place, as they have a shorter shelf life compared to tinctures. In addition, infusions can be taken by those patients for whom doctors do not allow alcohol-based products. So, how to prepare an alcohol extract from garlic? See below.

1. Tibetan recipe for alcohol

The medicine must be infused according to the recipe, which is called the recipe for youth, for 10 days. has been known since ancient times and is very popular in both the East and Western countries.

  1. Crush 200 g of garlic, preferably in a wooden or ceramic mortar, pour in 200 ml of alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place.
  2. After the period has passed, carefully filter the resulting liquid and begin taking it.
  3. The dosage regimen is as follows: consume three times a day, 20 minutes before meals, dripping into milk at room temperature.
  4. Start with one drop, increasing the dosage drop by drop until the end of the 5th day (in the evening you get 15 drops).
  5. From the 6th day they begin to reduce the dosage drop by drop, starting with 15 drops. On the 10th day, take only 1 drop in the evening.
  6. From the 11th day, take 25 drops three times a day until the tincture runs out.

This classic recipe the famous tincture of long-livers - that’s what it’s called, because in addition to cleansing and increasing the elasticity and strength of blood vessels and fighting atherosclerosis, she is also known for:

  • cleanses the blood;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases vitality generally.

Also check out the video:

The contraindications for this medicine are the same as for all garlic tinctures.

2. On vodka

You can prepare a more gentle version of the tincture - with vodka. To do this, take so much garlic that, when peeled and chopped, it occupies 1/4 of a half-liter jar.

  1. The spicy vegetable, crushed to a pulp, is poured into a half-liter jar to the top with vodka, closed with a lid and left to infuse in the dark for three weeks. Shake the medicine from time to time without opening the lid.
  2. After three weeks, the product is filtered into a three-liter jar and honey and lemon juice are added in the same amount as the tincture obtained after filtering. Stir.
  3. Take 2 tablespoons at night for a month.

This drug is dosed differently than Tibetan tincture, but has the same beneficial properties for blood vessels. In addition, it is believed that it boosts the immune system well, helps restore the body to postoperative periods, supports potency in men and improves the tone of the body as a whole.

If strong alcohol does not suit you, you can use.

You can check out this video recipe:

3. With lemon

The combination of two ingredients - lemon and garlic, infused with alcohol or vodka, is also well known. It is not difficult to make such a drug at home. The proportions in this recipe are not so precise, but it simplifies the task of preparing a healthy product.

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and grind the garlic into a paste. Take approximately the same amount of garlic and freshly squeezed juice so that the resulting mixture fills about a third of the glass container.
  2. Pour the mixture with vodka or alcohol, diluted so that its strength is no more than 50 degrees.
  3. Leave for two weeks in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, but without opening the container.
  4. After time, filter and take according to this scheme: three times a day, dropping 5 drops into a spoon of water or into a cup of weak tea or coffee.

This tincture not only cleanses blood vessels, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, prevents vascular spasms, but also tones the body well, recommended for initial stage obesity and is considered an excellent prevention of cancer.

We suggest watching this recipe on video:

In order to help the kidneys better cope with their excretory function during cleansing, it is recommended to drink at least one glass vegetable juice in a day. It is especially useful to prepare freshly squeezed carrot or carrot-beet juices. If desired, they can be diluted with water.

4. Infusion of water

This drug is suitable for those who suffer from alcohol intolerance or simply wants to prepare a medicine without this ingredient.

  1. About 400 g of peeled garlic is ground into a pulp, placed in a glass or ceramic container, covered with a lid and left for 2 days in a dark place.
  2. Then the liquid is separated, squeezed out of the pulp, and filtered.
  3. The resulting juice is mixed with 500 ml of water, closed and infused in a dark, cool place for 3 to 5 days, shaking from time to time.

The medicine is taken 8-10 drops before meals for no more than 15 days. Even during this period you can feel a surge of strength and energy. The drug increases the lumen in blood vessels, dissolving cholesterol build-ups, improves blood circulation and invigorates well. It is recommended to be taken as a cleanser at any time of the year and as a tonic - especially during the cold season and spring.

5. Lemon and honey mixture

Three anti-sclerotic ingredients - honey, lemon and garlic - can be infused without water, vodka or alcohol. It’s easy to remember the number of ingredients: it’s 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic and a liter of liquid (fresh, not melted) honey.

  1. Lemons are peeled, be sure to remove the grains and chop with a knife, in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Garlic is peeled and crushed into puree.
  3. Mix the products and pour liquid honey.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a glass jar and cover with a cloth to allow air access.
  5. Leave for a week in a cool place, protected from light.

This mixture is consumed one teaspoon 4 times a day before meals. There is almost no garlic smell left, so you can safely take the medicine.

A mixture of lemon, garlic and honey should not be eaten just before going to bed, especially for those who suffer from insomnia. The drug is very invigorating, so it is preferable to distribute its intake during periods of active wakefulness.

How to eliminate the smell?

When grinding, the fragrant vegetable produces a persistent aromatic substance - allicin. It is to him that garlic owes many of its beneficial properties, including those associated with its anti-sclerotic effect.

But the specificity of this substance is such that even with one-time use, the smell remains for a long time. Moreover, the aroma comes not only from the mouth. His sources:

  • digestive tract;
  • lungs;
  • leather;
  • excretory system (through urine).

You can weaken this effect and even eliminate it by knowing about ways to neutralize the smell:

  1. After using the product, you should immediately brush your teeth, otherwise the smell will intensify.
  2. You can't interrupt him chewing gum: its effect is illusory and noticeable only to those who have eaten garlic.
  3. You can drink milk before taking the garlic preparation or along with it. Simultaneous use helps dissolve the odor in the milk fat.
  4. Eating fruits, vegetables, and herbs neutralizes the smell of garlic well.
  5. Nuts, cinnamon, cardamom, sour juices and herbal infusions also help.

If, simultaneously with garlic preparations, the listed products are regularly introduced into the diet, then cleansing will not be accompanied unpleasant moments associated with a pungent odor.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch these videos:

Garlic - effective remedy for cleansing, but its effect is clearly noticeable mainly on initial stage getting rid of cholesterol. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the anti-sclerotic diet. IN otherwise With age, the condition of blood vessels will deteriorate, and pinning your hopes only on garlic will be useless. Tinctures trigger the cleansing mechanism, but do not eliminate “bad” cholesterol, which enters the body with food every day, forever.