Why dream of eating cherries from a tree. Your affairs will turn out well. Miller's Dream Book - good relationships

Seeing a cherry tree in a dream - perhaps you will owe your popularity to such spiritual qualities as friendliness and selflessness.

If the cherry blossoms are all in bloom, this means happiness and good fortune.

Climbing a cherry tree means a lucky turn of fate will change your whole life.

A cherry full of ripe berries means a happy home, a loving spouse, grateful children.

Picking cherries is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Picking a cherry blossom means joy is just around the corner.

Eating ripe cherries in a dream means well-being, but if they are sour, give up dreams of the impossible.

Unripe cherries mean illness. Picking cherries means entering into a secret love affair.

Cutting down a cherry tree means vain expectations.

Planting means getting wealth.

Drinking cherry tincture means an upset stomach; giving it to someone means causing an insult in a public place.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing Cherry in a dream

Seeing a cherry in a dream means that you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness. Eating cherries - portends the possession of some very desirable item. Seeing green cherries is a harbinger of approaching good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do Cherry dreams mean?

Cherry - illicit relationship - blooming - happiness and favor of fate - with berries - happy home - pluck - joy and pleasure - eat - pleasant moments await you - sour - do not crave things that are not feasible - cherry blossom - happiness is close.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Cherry mean in a dream?

Cherry in a dream represents disappointment, unrequited love and grief due to your family. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illicit love affair will bring you a lot of grief and disappointment. Cherry is a fruit that does not last long, and therefore seeing it in a dream means fragility of feelings, false promises, and wasted work. Seeing a cherry tree in bloom in a dream foretells happy changes in fate. Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream is a sign of happy changes. Planting a cherry tree means wealth. Picking cherries from a tree is a sign of joy and pleasure. Eating cherries in a dream means disappointment and a lot of worries. Eating a sweet cherry in a dream means pleasure and enjoyment. See interpretation: garden, trees, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Cherry

Seeing a cherry orchard in a dream, and also eating cherries, regardless of whether they are red or green, means for a woman gaining popularity in any society, be it a work team or a group of friends. The main thing is to show friendliness and selflessness towards others. Depending on what you were preoccupied with before going to bed, cherries can mean either successful completion of a task or a quick acquaintance with a representative of the stronger sex.

If a woman in a dream admires golden fruits hanging high on a pear tree, then fate will open promising prospects for her both on the love front and in the professional field. Eating a pear means poor health and not very successful completion of business. Picking ripe pears in a dream means some pleasant surprises, which, however, can turn into disappointment and sadness. If a woman, after completing the harvesting of fruit for the winter, continues to dream for some time how she cans pears, this means not only fatigue, but also a philosophical attitude towards the vicissitudes of fate. Dried pears dream of boring flirting, which will later turn into outright dislike for the object of your attention.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does Cherry mean in a dream?

To a great harvest. Seeing a cherry tree in bloom means being present at someone’s wedding. Picking cherries - soon fruitless efforts await you, a lot of work that will not lead to the desired result. Seeing and eating just berries, not on a tree, means that the loss of something (some thing, money, time) is soon possible. If you had a dream in which you eat cherries one of the nights from Friday to Tuesday, then it promises separation from a loved one. The separation, contrary to your expectations, will drag on for a long time, and perhaps forever.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What Cherry predicts in a dream

Seeing a cherry tree in a dream, abundantly strewn with berries, means you will achieve recognition from the people you need.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

What does it mean to see Cherry in a dream?

A cherry tree in a dream means that you will achieve popularity due to qualities such as friendliness and selflessness. Eating cherries means waiting for the possession of some very desirable item. Unripe cherries dream of quick success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Cherry

Picking cherries - a dream means that your devotion to friends will be rewarded. Making jam from ripe cherries is a good sign: you will succeed in life and get everything you want.

Imagine that you are collecting a rich harvest from a cherry tree and making jam.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

See Cherry in a dream

If you saw a cherry in a dream, you will soon achieve universal popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness.

If you dreamed that you were eating a cherry, you will become the owner of some very desirable item.

Green cherries dream of good luck and receiving what was promised, ripe ones - of prosperity.

If you saw a cherry blossom in a dream - you will soon meet your love.

A fruiting cherry with ripe berries promises a passionate relationship with a new acquaintance.

Dried - dreams of loss of feelings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream prediction Cherry

Eating cherries in a dream means joy and profit.

Eating ripe cherries means prosperity.

Eating unripe or sour cherries is a sign of good luck or receiving what was promised.

Rotten cherries often dream of slander.

Planting a cherry tree in a dream means wealth.

Climbing a cherry tree - someone is just flirting with you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Most berries and fruits seen in a dream foretell good luck and joy to the sleeper. Likewise, cherries, if they were ripe and sweet, promise entertainment, pleasure and even wide popularity. But depending on the plot of the dream, a cherry can be a signal of illness, hostile actions of competitors and betrayal of loved ones.

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It is important to remember what the berries looked and tasted like, and to recall your actions in the dream.

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      Who is the dreamer

      Usually, the image of a cherry in a dream promises happiness, pleasure and well-being both in your personal life and in business.

      But in order to accurately unravel the secret meaning of the dream, it is worth clarifying who exactly dreamed of these berries.

      Seeing currants in a dream - interpretation from dream books

      Married woman

      The lady dreams of a cherry to fame in wide circles.

      A dream in which another woman eats a cherry with pleasure indicates the presence of a rival. If this is an acquaintance or close friend of a married lady, then she is the one who wants to use cunning to penetrate the dreamer’s family and destroy it.

      • Young woman

        Large and ripe berries dreamed of by an unmarried girl foreshadow a quick acquaintance with the man of her dreams.

        If the berries in the dream turned out to be rotten, then the young man uses the acquaintance for his own selfish purposes.

        Pregnant woman

        In night vision, a woman expecting a child can see many different berries and fruits.

        If she chose cherry from all the variety, then she will probably have twins or a daughter.


        For a man, a dream about a walk through a blooming cherry orchard means that he will soon attend a fun wedding.

        Collecting small berries in a basket in a dream means troubles that will not lead to the desired result.

        If a man ate cherries, then in reality he will be expected to lose expensive things or even loved ones.

        What was the cherry like?

        The determining factor for the correct interpretation of night vision is the external and taste characteristics of the berries.

        The cherry could be large and ripe, rotten, small and dried out.

        Type and taste of berries

        Dream books give the following interpretations:

    1. 1. Ripe berries are a good sign. Such a dream promises financial stability and success in business.
    2. 2. Sour fruits indicate that the dreamer should reconsider his desires. His goals are exaggerated and unrealistic.
    3. 3. A dried or rotten cherry lying in a bucket or basket is a hint that the feelings in the relationship with the chosen one have cooled down, and the former passion no longer exists. In addition, such a dream can promise disappointment in a close friend.
    4. 4. If you dreamed of large berries lying on the ground, there is a danger that someone will take advantage of the dreamer’s feelings for selfish purposes.
    5. 5. Frozen cherries mean suppressed sexual desire due to lack of a partner.
    6. 6. Ripe berries mixed with unripe ones on a cherry tree foreshadow a difficult choice in the dreamer’s life.
    7. 7. Rotten fruits hanging on a tree promise difficult negotiations with the authorities.

    A bad sign is to see a small cherry in a dream and eat it. The dreamer should be prepared for troubles and rumors, because of which he risks losing trust in loved ones and others.


    A very good dream in which a blossoming cherry tree appeared. This dream foreshadows unprecedented love and new relationships in the very near future.

    There is a real possibility that the person you have liked for a long time will reciprocate the feelings of the sleeping person.

    Berry color

    Red berries promise success in romantic relationships. Such a dream comes to the sleeper if he is accustomed to taking everything from life and knows how to enjoy it.

    Seeing black fruits in a dream is a bad sign. This vision foreshadows betrayal, deception and betrayal of a loved one.

    Green cherry - for a successful period and repayment of debts. This can be not only money, but also help from a person who owes something to the sleeping person.

    Dream scenario

    Cherry can be both a favorable symbol and a harbinger of trouble. Therefore, it is important to take into account what happened in the dream.

    The dreamer could collect, eat or pick berries from the branches.

    eat cherries

    If you happened to eat a cherry in a night vision, then it is important to remember what it tasted like:

    1. 1. Eating sweet berries means your wish will come true.
    2. 2. If the fruits turn out to be sour, then such a dream speaks of overwork and loss of strength of the sleeper.
    3. 3. Feeding a child with sweet cherries in a dream means a desired gift or receiving a well-deserved reward.
    4. 4. If there is one seed in the berry, then the dreamer will face an obstacle on the way to achieving his goal.
    5. 5. A dream in which you saw cherry pies speaks of an upcoming search for truth. They are probably trying to hide the truth from the sleeping person. However, according to the dream book, soon all the secrets will be revealed.
    6. 6. Making dumplings with cherries is a symbol of the future. The better the dumplings turn out, the more successful the circumstances will be. Treating yourself to dumplings in a dream means profit or meeting a pleasant man.

    If in a dream you had to eat berries directly from a tree, then in reality a joyful event awaits the dreamer.

Usually, seeing a cherry in a dream is a good sign. Basically, it is a symbol of love relationships. For a more correct interpretation, you need to delve into the subconscious and remember the smallest details of the dream. When you wake up, it is important to feel positive emotions from what you see, then expect good things in reality.

Seeing a ripe bright red cherry portends love to the dreamer. But the presence of a bone inside indicates a certain fly in the ointment in a future or existing love relationship.

A beautiful juicy berry in reality foreshadows a romantic, pleasant, but short-lived relationship. And not alone. Perhaps just pleasant, useful acquaintances.

Black cherries do not bode well. Expect a bad ending to flirting or betrayal by colleagues.

What does cherry mean in dreams, appearing in different forms, types and guises:

  1. Immature - good luck. Tasting a berry in a dream means that old forgotten debts will be returned to you.
  2. Rotten or overripe - to problems in relationships. If you lost a loved one the day before, then it is impossible to get him back after such a dream.
  3. Dried berries promise a difficult decision to break up with a partner. There was love, but it dried up.
  4. Canned food in a waking dream warns the dreamer about his repressed sexuality. You need to let it out and liberate yourself, be yourself, give free rein to your feelings.
  5. A tree with many ripe berries for a family man indicates the emergence of an outside relationship. It’s important to remember: this relationship will quickly fade, but you won’t be able to hide it from your family. A heavy trail will haunt the family for a long time, until it breaks up.

If the berries are hard to reach, then expect hard work that brings success. If it’s easy to get, then you won’t have to put any effort into it; success at work will find you on its own.

A lot of berries hang on the tree, ripe and unripe - to a difficult life choice. Rotten - an unpleasant conversation with management will take place.

Buying a berry promises the dreamer a pleasant long trip for the purpose of relaxation. Do you see yourself as a cherry seller? There will be surprise from the non-standard actions of a loved one.

In a dream, pay attention to the tree itself:

  • Blooms profusely - for a new romance.
  • Has dried up - parting.
  • The gardens are blooming - you will be the life of the party.

The interpretation also depends on the time of year when he dreamed:

  1. In winter - the end of a relationship, disagreements at work.
  2. In the summer - do not solve important problems, put them off.
  3. In autumn - understand yourself.
  4. In spring it is good for a woman, problems for a man.

Berries in an unusual situation in a dream (in the snow) are a sign of deception or your plans are out of place right now.

Dreaming of picking cherries

Picking berries in a dream promises the dreamer a bright streak of life and wonderful wonderful events.

For a woman to see that it is not she who is taking it from the tree - it is her husband’s mistress who is taking it from her loved one - a feeling of terrible jealousy.

Eating cherries in a dream

The ripe large cherry that you eat foreshadows the arrival of pleasant guests. Eating a bone leads to a dispute where you will prove and defend your position.

Eating one small signifies the announcement of an old acquaintance. A handful - to improve the dreamer’s physical condition.

Serve as a treat for guests, for example, a pie - pleasant events will occur that will bring peace to the dreamer’s soul.

Treating yourself to aromatic compote in a dream means pleasant memories of bygone days in the company of past acquaintances. Some dream books consider such a dream to be a harbinger of diseases of the digestive tract. Spilling compote on yourself in a dream means groundless accusations of actions that the dreamer did not do.

It is important to remember what container the drink was in:

  • In a bucket - to unexpected money.
  • In a glass - the bosses will appreciate the dreamer and promote him.

After drinking, the seeds remain - a sign of serious financial problems; the berries themselves remain - a sign of enrichment.

Blooming cherry

In reality, a flowering tree looks gorgeous! Small white flowers against a background of green foliage evoke peace of mind.

Seeing a tree in flowers in a dream promises prosperity, the fulfillment of a distant dream, and anticipation of a big event.

Cook with cherries

Seeing the dish “dumplings with cherries” in a dream means a profitable business or a good friend will appear in your life.

Cooking dumplings with berries promises the dreamer:

  1. Making your dreams come true by cooking beautiful dumplings and getting pleasant emotions when cooking in your dreams.
  2. It will be difficult to achieve results, but it is possible with heavy cooking of ugly dumplings in a dream.

Eating in a dream or cooking pies with a cherry inside portends secrets from you. Relatives are hiding something, it remains to be found out. Another interpretation: the dreamer looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.

What do dream books interpret?

Why do you dream of ripe cherries on a tree? Vanga's dream book considers such a picture to bring good luck, success and wealth. Seeing a green cherry in a dream means quick success.

The Islamic dream book also promises wealth and good luck to the dreamer when he sees a cherry in a dream. Also, according to this dream book, you can expect an addition to the family or soon finding a soul mate.

Tsvetkov’s dream book considers a cherry tree in a dream as a sign that there will be trouble. But according to the dream book, ripe berries promise love. A flowering tree means great mutual love. Dried - kills hope for a return to the old relationship.

The French dream book interprets the picking of fruits by a young girl as the imminent appearance of a lover. Eating sweet cherries means good news, sour cherries mean sadness.

Fedorovskaya’s dream book foretells when picking berries from a tree:

  • The dreamer means minor troubles.
  • For someone else - troubles for relatives, and for the dreamer - a large financial loss.
  • A large cherry in a dream promises a big win, and if you water the tree, the amount will increase.
  • The dreamer enjoyed the taste of the berries - for the arrival of the welcome guests.
  • Swallowing a bone is a solid proof of your thoughts.

The interpretation depends on the number of berries:

  1. One is to receive the expected call.
  2. A lot - to improve your health.

Treating someone means a dream will come true. Drinking delicious cherry juice means having a pleasant time.

Seeing dumplings with cherries means wealth and winning. Prepare them for the implementation of plans. If the process of preparing a delicacy is difficult, expect difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal.

Freud liked to explain visions from the point of view of psychology, namely the intimate component of human life. He believed that reality during the day becomes a dream at night. Seeing a cherry blossom means a new pleasant relationship soon. Sweet red large fruits - to a pleasant intimate relationship that will lead to something more. A rotten or withered tree means a loss of passion, a desire to return to the previous relationship.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller considered a dream with a berry a symbol of the dreamer's approaching popularity, thanks to his good character. Eating with pleasure means receiving the necessary item for use. Large fruits promise sincere love for excellent spiritual qualities.

Seeing a tree with an unripe berry is a sign of love. Picking berries from a tree is a sign of an easy, carefree streak in life. It can be difficult to reach berries in a dream - this means problems that are difficult to solve in reality.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book considers a dream with a large bright red cherry as a harbinger of people’s respectful attitude towards the dreamer. Climbing a tree promises surprises for the dreamer. Cherry blossoms promise well-being in life. Collecting fruits or flowers is a sign of joyful events.

The dreamer's actions with the tree are interpreted as:

  1. Planting a tree means finding the bright side in life;
  2. Chop - dreams will not come true.

Collecting fallen cherries is a sign of a casual relationship, a mistress.

Why do you dream of Cherries (esotericist E. Tsvetkov’s dream book)

Cherries, like many other berries, portend sadness in reality. It is believed that if you dream of cherries, it means tears. There is nothing unusual or tragic in this, our life consists not only of joyful moments, sadness is one of the most human emotions. Therefore, if you dreamed of cherries, do not rush to get upset. Remember that even the darkest streak of your life will definitely be replaced by a white one.

Esoteric dream book

Cherries in night dreams

  • You see cherries has several interpretations. When you dream of fresh cherries, this is a warning about the danger of poisoning, especially when visiting or in an unfamiliar environment, or while traveling. If you dreamed of cherries, be careful, avoid eating in dubious establishments and do not eat any unusual exotic dishes.
  • If you are boiling cherries, the meaning of the dream is that you are overcomplicating things. You find difficulties where they don't really exist. This is what prevents you from achieving success in some endeavors.
  • Seeing that you are eating cherries is a warning that in reality you should not particularly trust other people’s promises, whether it concerns help, money or something else. Most likely, they will never be fulfilled, and you will only waste time waiting for what was promised.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are picking cherries means disappointment from unfulfilled promises and broken hopes. The dream tells you to rely only on your own strength. Especially if we are talking about something that is really important to you.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Cherries

What does it mean to dream about cherries? Unfortunately, the dream does not promise you anything good. Cherries, if you dream of them, warn that your expectations will be in vain. In other words, if you are waiting for something in reality, for example, news or a marriage proposal from a loved one, alas. This is not destined to happen. Therefore, do not waste your time on empty hopes, but start looking for alternative options. Or start acting yourself.

Why do you dream of Cherries (Small Velesov’s dream book)

  • Seeing cherries in a dream has many meanings, often they directly contradict each other. So, if you ate cherries, this predicts some joyful event in your life.
  • But cherries can, on the contrary, predict sadness, beatings, troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, first of all, decide what feeling you had after you woke up, whether it was joyful or, on the contrary, anxious and painful.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are eating sweet cherries means good news, recovery from illness, good health.
  • If the cherries were sour or bitter, in reality you will have to shed tears over something bad.
  • Seeing a cherry tree is a sign of pleasure and amusement.
  • Planting cherries yourself means wealth.

The meaning of a dream about Cherry (Modern dream book)

If you dream of cherries, the dream tells you that an illicit relationship, forbidden love, awaits you. You are not a free person, have a family, and suddenly fall in love, start an affair on the side. But, on the contrary, your chosen one or chosen one will not be free. But in any case, such relationships bring much more suffering and trouble than pleasure. Therefore, before you rush headlong into this pool, you should think carefully. This is what the cherries are warning you about.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Sweet Berry was dreamed

  • The cherry is a symbol of virginity - remember the famous expression “pick the cherry.” If a girl dreams of cherries, this indicates her fear of losing her virginity.
  • If a young woman has a dream, it is caused by her subconscious or conscious regret about the loss.
  • In some cases, the cherries you see hint at your bisexuality or repressed desire for same-sex love.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Cherries?

  • Cherries - why do you dream? Its interpretation depends on some other details. To dream that you are eating cherries is a positive sign, promising that you will get what you want, that you will have what you have been seeking for so long.
  • Seeing unripe green cherries means good luck awaits you in reality; you will be lucky in some situation. For example, you can win the lottery or get rid of some danger.
  • Well, if you saw a whole cherry tree, this is a sign that you have a friendly and unselfish character, thanks to which you will be able to achieve popularity.

I dreamed about Cherries (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

  • You not only saw cherries, but ate them - this is a positive dream. In reality, some kind of joy and pleasure awaits you.
  • The taste of cherries is also important if you remember it. Sweet, tasty cherries, expect to receive good news that will give you no less pleasure than the cherries you ate in your dream.
  • But if the cherries seem bitter to you, this is a bad omen. The dream warns that an event will happen soon that will make you cry.

Seeing Cherry, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Cherry - According to the interpretation, seeing a CHERRY ORCHARD, as well as EATING CHERRIES, regardless of whether they are red or green, means for a woman gaining popularity in any society, be it a work team or a group of friends. The main thing is to show friendliness and selflessness towards others. Depending on what you were preoccupied with before going to bed, cherries can mean either successful completion of a task or a quick acquaintance with a representative of the stronger sex.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Cherries were dreamed

  • Cherry - According to the interpretation, seeing a cherry blossom in a dream means that a wonderful feeling of love will soon descend on you.
  • A fruiting cherry with ripe berries predicts a person will enjoy an intimate relationship with a new partner. The beauty lies in the novelty of the relationship.
  • But a dried cherry, alas and ah, indicates that your feelings have faded and there is no hope of returning to the past.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about cherries in a dream?

  • The meaning of the dream in which you saw cherries must be determined by its other details. Eating cherries is a good sign that promises you profit. Or expect some joyful event for you.
  • Ripe juicy sweet cherries are a symbol of your future well-being.
  • If you dreamed of eating unripe or sour cherries, this is also good. The dream foreshadows a successful combination of circumstances. Or - you will get what you were promised.
  • Seeing rotten cherries, especially eating them, such a dream often warns that you may become a victim of slander.
  • Planting a cherry tree is a good omen that promises you wealth.
  • But if you are climbing a cherry tree, you should not attach much importance to the fact that someone is showing you unambiguous signs of attention. In fact, this is nothing more than light flirting.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Cherries from your dream

What does it mean to dream about cherries? Unfortunately, the dream does not promise you anything good. Cherries warn that your expectations will be in vain. In other words, if you are waiting for something in reality, for example, news or a marriage proposal from a loved one, alas. This is not destined to happen. Therefore, do not waste your time waiting for the weather by the sea, but start acting yourself or look for some other ways to get out of the current situation. Another meaning of a dream with cherries is that you will be sad or cry in reality.

Ancient French dream book

Cherries - interpretation of a dream

  • Seeing cherries - in general, the dream is favorable for you; it often predicts the receipt of good news, joyful news.
  • To see that you are eating cherries and they were sour, unripe or bitter - in reality some event will happen that will greatly upset you and cause tears.
  • If you saw a beautiful girl picking cherries, it means that very soon there will be a pleasant acquaintance that will develop into a love affair.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Cherries in a dream?

  • You have seen cherries, it is interpreted in different ways, but in any case, it is positive. Seeing ripe juicy cherries - you have a friendly and selfless character, thanks to which you will achieve popularity.
  • If the cherries were green and unripe, you can rejoice. Your luck is just around the corner; in reality you will achieve success in business or you will be very lucky in something.
  • To see that you are eating cherries - very soon you will be able to get some item that you have dreamed of for so long.

Why do you dream of Cherries according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • Seeing cherries - your dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on what its circumstances were. Therefore, you need to remember what exactly happened in the dream. In many cases, seeing cherries foreshadows an illicit relationship in reality. Perhaps you will have a lover or mistress.
  • To see that you are eating ripe sweet cherries - expect some joyful event or pleasure.
  • Sour cherry warns that your desire is unrealistic.
  • If you saw a cherry tree in bloom - this is a good sign that predicts a happy life; fate is clearly favorable to you.
  • I dreamed of cherries with berries - prosperity in the family, a happy and cozy home.
  • If you saw not cherries, but cherry flowers, your happiness is already close, you just need to wait a little.

The meaning of a dream about a Twig (Numerological dream book)

  • Cherry - Seeing two cherries on one branch means that you are overly concerned about your finances and have completely neglected your education.
  • If the cherries seem wilted, then after 20 days you will be offered to enroll in courses or go to a thematic seminar or prestigious conference. Don’t refuse, there you will be able to make important contacts for you and agree on future cooperation with people you are interested in.
  • If the cherries are bright and fresh, then the same problems will affect your children - be persistent and send them to study, in two months you will understand that it was not in vain that you insisted on this.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Cherries mean, taking into account your date of birth?

  • In the spring, why do you dream of cherry blossoms - a loss of honor. Eating cherries means marrying a widower.
  • In the summer, why did you dream of a cherry tree, abundantly strewn with berries - you will achieve recognition from the people you need - this is the meaning of what this dream means.
  • In the fall, why did you dream about cherry blossoms - to unexpected joy.
  • In winter, why do you dream about cherries - vain expectations.

Seeing a cherry tree in a dream - perhaps you will owe your popularity to such spiritual qualities as friendliness and selflessness.

If the cherry blossoms are all in bloom, this means happiness and good fortune.

Climbing a cherry tree means a lucky turn of fate will change your whole life.

A cherry full of ripe berries means a happy home, a loving spouse, grateful children.

Picking cherries is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Picking a cherry blossom means joy is just around the corner.

Eating ripe cherries in a dream means well-being, but if they are sour, give up dreams of the impossible.

Unripe cherries mean illness. Picking cherries means entering into a secret love affair.

Cutting down a cherry tree means vain expectations.

Planting means getting wealth.

Drinking cherry tincture means an upset stomach; giving it to someone means causing an insult in a public place.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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If you dream of cherry blossoms, get ready for love to suddenly illuminate you.

Cherry fruits, ripe and large, portend pleasure from sexual relations with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Dried cherries, on the contrary, promise a cooling of feelings and separation from a former partner.

Interpretation of dreams from