Escherichia coli in a smear in women, treatment. Treatment of Escherichia coli in gynecology with antibiotics

The human body contains great amount bacterial microflora. Most bacteria are saprophytes, bacteria that coexist with the host’s body without causing disease, but on the contrary, bringing benefits. Escherichia coli or Escherichia collie is a vivid representative of such cohabitation.

The normal habitat for E. coli is the intestines. Being here, Escherichia collie fully fulfills its positive functions:

    • E. collie is an antagonist (irreconcilable enemy) in relation to pathogens intestinal infections(shigella, salmonella, putrefactive microbes).
    • Actively involved in education local immunity.
    • Helps in the synthesis of vitamins B, K, folic acid, nicotinic acid.
    • Takes part in water-salt and lipid metabolic processes.
    • Promotes intestinal function (improves peristalsis and absorption processes nutrients; helps break down complex carbohydrates).

As you can see, coli positive bacteria on all sides. But we must not forget that Escherichia colli is called an opportunistic organism. Why?

The fact is that in case of decreased immunity, or when it enters other parts of the body, E. coli causes diseases. Representatives of the fair sex, young children, and elderly people are at risk. In cases with children and the elderly, the occurrence of diseases is more influenced low immunity. It is worth understanding why women also fall into this risk zone.


A woman's anatomical structure increases the chances of E. coli entering her organs genitourinary system(vagina and anal hole are nearby). This happens under the influence of many factors.

Decreased immunity. U completely healthy woman The vaginal microflora performs protective functions and completely suppresses the growth of pathogenic (disease-causing) flora.

However, in case of a decrease in local (dysbacteriosis) or general immunity women, the vaginal microflora is not able to destroy the offender. And Escherichia collie, when it gets into a humid and warm environment, begins to multiply, causing inflammatory processes in the vagina.

Violation of hygiene measures. Wrong process washing (washing the genitals from the anus to the pubis), rare washings without using detergents(soap, special gels) help E. coli penetrate the vagina. Wearing very tight, tight and synthetic underwear, using common hygiene items (towel, washcloths, etc.).

Passion for anal sex. Non-compliance elementary rules safety during anal sex (sex without a condom, without changing the condom after inserting the penis into the anus) leads to insemination of E. coli first in the penis and then in the vagina. It is also possible for a man to develop inflammation of the urethra, followed by the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate and kidneys.

Ladies entering menopause have the maximum high risks insemination with Escherichia coli. This is due to a decrease in immunity, a change in hormonal levels, age-related changes vaginal microflora.

What is the danger of getting E. coli into the genitourinary system?

E. coli, entering the vagina and urethra, cause inflammation of these organs. Subsequently, the infection can rise higher and cause damage to the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

Detection of E. coli in a smear in women during pregnancy can threaten the health of the child. E. coli is unable to overcome the placental barrier. However, there is a possibility of E. coli entering the child’s body during the process. labor activity(the passage of the child through the birth canal). As a result, the newborn may develop meningitis.


If E. coli enters the vagina or urethra slightly, there will be no symptoms. The body will suppress the growth of these bacteria. However, if E. colli colonies have expanded, inflammatory process. Depending on the generalization of the process, the following manifestations of the disease occur:

  • Frequent, painful urination(symptoms of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder).
  • Copious vaginal discharge. The discharge may be white or yellowish. These are symptoms of vaginitis (colpitis) - inflammation of the vagina.
  • Painful sensations during sexual contacts, loss of sexual desire.
  • Lethargy, weakness, headache, increased temperature (symptoms of intoxication).

It is almost impossible to detect the presence of E. coli in a simple microflora smear. Will tell about the development of the inflammatory process high content leukocytes as a result of the analysis.

Therefore, when high level A bacterial culture of leukocytes is always prescribed, which will show E. coli. Simultaneously with the identification of the pathogen, an antibiotic sensitivity analysis will be carried out (this will be necessary to prescribe the maximum effective treatment).

In cases where a smear of Escherichia coli is detected in the culture up to 104 CFU/ml and the vaginal microflora is good, treatment is not necessary. But if the microflora is weak, or the indicators exceed the norm, then a course of treatment is necessary.


Treatment is prescribed on a strictly individual basis, based on the results of bacterial culture. Antibiotics are prescribed according to the degree of sensitivity. That is why you cannot self-medicate; the wrong antibiotic will not destroy the infection, but will weaken it. protective forces own microflora. As a result, the infection will penetrate deeper and cause more severe inflammation. Good effect will show treatment with bacteriophages (literally “devouring bacteria”).

Proper adherence to personal hygiene measures will enhance the effect of treatment. It is recommended to wash with a decoction of chamomile and calendula. These herbs have pronounced anti-inflammatory and calming effects.

To increase local immunity, vaginal suppositories (Acylat, Vaginorm) and douching are used medicinal solutions. It would be useful to use drugs that eliminate dysbacteriosis: Linex, Bifiform and others.

During the treatment period you must follow the following diet:

  • You should avoid fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods.
  • Any baked goods from yeast dough is also prohibited.
  • Pickled foods (cabbage, cucumbers) should be temporarily excluded from the diet.
  • Beer, wine and other alcohol are prohibited during treatment.
  • It is allowed to eat boiled and steamed food. Use non-fat meat.
  • It is necessary to introduce yoghurts (natural) and biokefir into the diet. This will help in recovery normal microflora intestines (and therefore improve immunity).

If general state is not severely impaired, then treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. At the end of the treatment cycle, repeat tests must be taken.


As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, prevention is everything to us! First of all, it is necessary to carefully observe personal hygiene measures. Regular proper washing perineum and genitals will prevent E. coli from entering the vagina. Avoid synthetic, tight underwear. It is better to replace thongs with slip panties made from natural fabrics. Try not to use other people's towels, washcloths, razors, etc.

If possible, avoid anal sex. Or protect yourself as much as possible: use a change of condoms after inserting the penis into the anus.

Visit your gynecologist regularly. The frequency of visits should be at least 2 times a year (once every 6 months). This frequency of visits will allow timely detection of developments. pathological conditions and take appropriate measures.

Maintaining normal immunity is of no small importance. To do this, it is recommended to eat right (abstain from fatty, unhealthy foods, increase the amount of fruits in your diet, introduce vegetables, fish, low-fat varieties meat, etc.), visit more often fresh air, play sports and exercise.

Of great importance for maintaining normal microflora of the body is timely treatment diseases among specialists. Self-medication, namely the illiterate use of antibiotics, leads to the emergence of strains of bacteria resistant to most known antibiotics. Emerging diseases caused by such superbugs are very difficult and take a long time to treat.

Our body is home to many positive and opportunistic bacteria, which are necessary for its normal functioning, maintaining immunity, and even for the synthesis useful vitamins and other substances. However, in some cases, such particles can harm our health, for example, if they migrate to inappropriate areas of the body. This situation is often observed with a microorganism such as Escherichia coli, which is found in places that are quite understandable from an anatomical point of view. Let's talk about what to do if E. coli is in a smear in women, and how such patients should be treated.

In most cases, every woman tries to look into the antenatal clinic to carry out the examination. When examining the genital organs, the gynecologist must take material - a smear on a specially designed glass. After this analysis is sent to the laboratory for detailed examination.

Inside female vagina inhabited by many particles that make up vaginal microflora. Such organisms are designed to protect a woman from the penetration of infectious particles in a given area. Carrying out laboratory research A vaginal smear helps determine the health of the local microflora.

Just analysis using a microscope and a series chemical reactions helps to determine the presence of E. coli in the taken material.

There are several factors that can cause E. coli to get into a smear. In most cases, such a violation occurs due to violations of hygiene standards and rules. E. coli in the vagina may be due to either irregular toileting of the genital organs or due to incorrect implementation of this procedure.

In addition, such a nuisance can happen as a result unprotected sex with a casual partner or combined sex (anal-vaginal). In addition, E. coli often enters the vagina when a woman wears excessively tight underwear.

E. coli is especially dangerous for women expecting the birth of a baby, because if pathological processes occur, there is a possibility of developing an ascending infection or getting a tiny infection when passing through birth canal.

How is E. coli suppressed, what treatment helps?

Therapy of E. coli in a smear is carried out in mandatory under the supervision of a gynecologist. In case if pathological process managed to become the reason inflammatory lesion– vaginitis or endocervitis, then treatment should be comprehensive.

Local treatment implies systematic hygiene of the external genitalia. At the same time, doctors often advise not to use pharmaceuticals, but different herbal infusions, for example, based on chamomile color. Therapy may also include medicinal douching and administration vaginal suppositories with antiseptic properties. The drugs of choice are often suppositories with. In addition, doctors may advise injecting a twenty percent borax solution into the vagina. Some patients are prescribed sessions ultraviolet irradiation to the genital area.

However, if the lesion is serious, treatment should be more thorough. In these cases, in addition to local therapy the doctor prescribes a systemic drug treatment.

Antibacterial correction should be carried out taking into account the antibiogram of the detected pathogen. Quite often, doctors use drugs from the fluoroquinolone group, for example, ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin. Amoxicillins, nitrofurans, etc. can also be used. The dosage of the medication and the duration of its use are selected exclusively by the doctor. Self-medication is under no circumstances recommended, as it may cause the pathogen to develop resistance to antibiotics.

To restore optimal vaginal microflora, appropriate medications are used. Vaginal probiotics, which contain many lactobacilli, can play a role in this. Preference is given to those compositions that are also a source of a special component that restores the epithelium.

Excellent effect when used vaginal tablets Gynoflor. Also, to restore optimal microflora, medications such as Vagilak and Ecofomin are often used. Sometimes the doctor prescribes the use vaginal suppositories Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin. In addition, experts often recommend oral consumption of such drugs, for example, Normoflorin.

To strengthen general immunity, it is extremely important to maintain as much healthy image life and accept vitamin preparations.

Quite often, E. coli is found in the smear of pregnant women. In this case, therapy is selected taking into account interesting situation patients.

Subsequent prevention of E. coli infection is extremely important. All women are strongly recommended to practice systematic and correct intimate hygiene, protect themselves during intimate relations, and also systematically change their underwear, which should be cotton and not tight.

For timely diagnosis coli in a smear, you should regularly visit a gynecologist.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

It may not always cause only harm to the body. She is a representative opportunistic flora human, and necessarily takes part in the digestion process. Thus, it is impossible to say that this microorganism is an exceptional evil. Without it, we simply will not be able to function normally, we will not be healthy. But what happens in the human body when, for example, E. coli is detected in a smear?

In fact, this is a very bad sign. After all, according to experts, there are two types of this microorganism. These are Citrobacter and E. coli. The wand was discovered by T. Escherich at the end of the nineteenth century. And if the first type of bacteria, being in the human body, does not cause any diseases, then the second can bring a lot of trouble. So, if, for example, E. coli is found in a smear of a pregnant woman, then there is serious danger infect the fetus in the womb. In general, the presence of this microorganism can lead to a very serious form of cystitis, and the treatment will be long and painful.

That is why, if you find these microorganisms in a smear, you must immediately take emergency measures. As a rule, such patients are prescribed antibiotics. But, as already mentioned, if E. coli is found in a smear of a pregnant woman, then one must be very careful with antibiotics. Although, according to some doctors, one must choose the lesser of two troubles, and for quite long periods pregnant women are sometimes prescribed these strong drugs to combat the identified scourge.

But, if treatment is not carried out, it is quite possible that E. coli will be detected in the baby. If this happens, it is necessary that treatment be carried out simultaneously for both mother and baby. The fact is that E. coli in infants can lead to dysbiosis and diarrhea. Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist; no self-medication is allowed. As a rule, children are prescribed the drug "Hilak Forte" and bacteriophage. Moreover, the first one must be given between feedings, because it is prohibited to take it with milk. And in order to choose the right bacteriophage, it is necessary to do a special test for sensitivity to phages. After all, in fact, there are a huge number of them. But all this must be prescribed by a doctor.

If E. coli is detected in a smear, antibiotics are usually prescribed. But you need to know that long-term use These drugs disrupt the bacterial balance in the human body. E. coli naturally dies, and then begins to develop. Vaginal dysbiosis is also quite common in women. In this case, in the flora female body not only chlamydia, but also other pathogens, including those described. And this happens most often due to sharp decrease beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

How can an adult become infected with E. coli? As a rule, this is the oral-fecal method or sexual contact through the anus. But there are also cases when such a stick entered the human body through the blood. The consequences of infection with this microorganism are quite serious. It usually infects organs located near the intestines: the uterus, urethra, vagina, gallbladder and so on. But in young children this bacterium is found even in the lungs. If the entire body is completely infected, sepsis can occur. And the consequences can be unpredictable. So, if you have E. coli detected in a smear, then, without delay, immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. And this bacterium can only be detected by examining a smear.

Among the many microorganisms inhabiting human body, Escherichia coli is released. There are different strains of this bacterium, most of which are harmless and are part of normal flora intestines. E. coli is necessary for the production of certain vitamins (for example, K) and also to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. However, some strains of E. coli are pathogenic and can cause serious poisoning if they enter the gastrointestinal tract.

If they enter other organs and body cavities, even non-pathogenic strains of E. coli can cause the development of pathologies. What happens to the body if a smear test reveals E. coli in it?

Causes and symptoms of the presence of E. coli in a smear

During a preventive examination by a gynecologist, women undergo a flora smear - an analysis that allows one to assess the composition of the microflora, the presence pathogenic bacteria in the vagina, to diagnose diseases. In a healthy woman, 95% of the vaginal microflora consists of lactobacilli. E. coli should not normally be present in the smear. The presence of this bacterium in the genital tract may not give visible symptoms, but most often, in this case, the woman has yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Once in the vagina and multiplying, E. coli leads to a violation normal balance microflora and can cause an inflammatory process. Thus, this bacterium is often the cause of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, adnexitis, etc. Further, the infection easily spreads to the cervix and ovaries. Having penetrated the urethra, E. coli can cause cystitis and also affect bladder and kidneys.

There are several reasons for the presence of E. coli in a smear:

The presence of E. coli in a smear is especially dangerous for pregnant women, since during childbirth the child can also get an infection through the birth canal.

How to get rid of E. coli?

If E. coli is detected in the smear, then treatment must be started immediately. Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist on an outpatient basis and consists of a course of antibiotics lasting about 7 days.

Before appointment medicines As a rule, the sensitivity of bacteria to certain antibiotics is determined. This is very important procedure for effective treatment, since some strains of E. coli may be resistant to the action various types drugs.

If a woman is pregnant, then antibiotics are prescribed that are approved for use during this period and do not affect the growth and development of the fetus. Strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations will help avoid negative consequences.

After the course antibacterial therapy It is recommended to take medications that promote recovery normal balance of microflora (probiotics). Immunomodulators may also be prescribed local action, promoting recovery protective functions vaginal walls.

When, after tests, E. coli is detected in a smear, the question arises of what to do and how dangerous it is. E. coli is found in all warm-blooded organisms and brings great benefit provided she doesn't change her strain. Changing the strain of E. coli leads to serious food poisoning and diseases. Especially severe forms lead to death.

The danger of E. coli in a smear

If E. coli leaves its habitat (the intestines) and enters other organs, even the usual non-pathogenic species of this microorganism causes serious violations. The presence in a vaginal smear indicates that the healthy microflora and as a result, inflammation occurs. In this case, the following diseases arise:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • adnexitis.

E. coli entering the body can cause many diseases.

Infectious inflammation spreads to the uterus and ovaries, penetrates the urethra, bladder, organs of the genitourinary system and nearby organs. In newborn children, the bacterium provokes vomiting and bowel dysfunction. Loss of appetite and frequent regurgitation. Infection abdominal cavity caused by E. coli, which can be detected in a smear, eventually leads to peritonitis.

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome occurs when immunity decreases and disrupts blood microcirculation. Possesses bright severe symptoms: colitis, accompanied bloody discharge with feces, necrosis develops and renal failure jaundice develops. Timely submission of a smear for analysis and competent treatment allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

Routes of infection

There are several reasons that lead to E. coli entering the vagina or urethra: lack of regular personal hygiene; improper washing; uncomfortable underwear (tight thongs, synthetics); anal-vaginal sex. A newborn baby can receive pathogenic E. coli from the mother through the birth canal.

Manifestations in women

E. coli is present in a smear in women in small quantities, without causing pathogenic reactions. But its reproduction in the vagina inevitably leads to bacterial vaginosis. From the vagina, the microorganism infects the uterus and ovaries. If there is no proper treatment, E. coli in women will penetrate urethra into the bladder, which can then lead to kidney damage.

Manifestations in men

Basic hand washing helps prevent infection.

First of all, E. coli is detected in a smear in those who neglect the rules of personal hygiene and come into contact with infected partners. Infection occurs through food and liquid. Often, with a smear from the urethra, E. coli in men is detected completely by accident, since there are no signs and symptoms of infection. In this case, the urethra becomes inflamed, gradually causing severe forms of pathology. Possible symptoms bacterial growth in the urethra:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • green vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea, poor appetite and weakening of the body.

These symptoms can disappear in men on their own within 2 days, since the intestines tend to cleanse themselves in such a disease. The flora recovers on its own. If they do not go away, you should consult a doctor. The main reason for the appearance of symptoms is poor hygiene. Promiscuous sexual intercourse and unprotected sexual intercourse can also cause infection.

During pregnancy

E. coli in the vagina during pregnancy is especially dangerous for several reasons. Firstly, during pregnancy a woman’s immune system is weakened, which contributes to the occurrence of various infections. This threatens the fetus, as the infection affects the placenta. Secondly, during the birth process, when the baby passes through the birth canal, he himself can become infected with E. coli from his mother. If, during pregnancy, E. coli caused bacterial vaginosis and disrupted the vaginal flora, this could provoke premature birth. Therefore, if you are planning to give birth, you need to get a smear test in advance and undergo necessary treatment if necessary to avoid further problems.

Manifestations in infants

If the child is not treated in time, serious consequences are possible.

After birth, the child enters an environment full of dangerous viruses, bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, in the body of a newborn there may be harmful bacteria, which cause pathogenic changes in microflora. When hemolytic Escherichia coli multiplies even with small quantity The child’s body begins to function incorrectly. The following symptoms appear:

  • skin rashes, diathesis;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • pain and colic in the abdominal area;
  • the stool has a greenish tint or color and a mushy consistency.

These are signs of bacteriosis that must be treated, otherwise it will become the root cause of frequent ailments and provoke further development serious pathologies. The outcome of treatment depends on how quickly treatment begins. If you do not pay attention to infections, pathological irreversible processes in the body will follow. For example, chronic renal failure manifests itself.