Goji is a Tibetan barberry. Compound. Properties. Recipes. Contraindications. Barberry berries

Basically, Chinese Goji barberry, or tibetan berry Goji is a barberry that has not only a unique composition, but also various kinds unique and useful characteristics.

Today it is customary to call Goji berries a plant that has been grown for thousands of years in China, in one of the provinces called Ningxia.

For a huge number of potential buyers, interest in such an exotic plant, as a rule, began to manifest itself as a result of the presence in Chinese barberry of almost unique characteristics that are not observed in any other product. Having appeared, great amount years ago, in one of the mountainous provinces of the Republic of China, such an amazing plant quickly moved to other territories.

In this regard, Goji barberry from China has become even more popular. At the same time, the process of growing this same wolfberry does not foretell any difficulties for a person. At the same time, Goji berries are now quite common in European countries. Most likely, many people have encountered this plant more than once on their way, without even thinking that it is a Chinese barberry.

This exotic plant in principle, it is considered a fairly unpretentious shrub, so it tolerates saline soils and insufficient watering. Moreover, such a unique Chinese plant may have different names, for example: Goji berry, shamballa, Tibetan barberry. The fruits, in the form of small elongated red berries, usually begin to ripen in mid-summer.

To save medicinal characteristics of this type of plant, it is recommended to dry the fruits in mandatory only naturally, that is, without the use of preservatives and high temperatures modern stoves. So, what kind unique properties does Tibetan berry have? In principle, it is worth noting here that Goji berry is a barberry that grows in China, which is an excellent antioxidant.

Constant consumption of such fruits Chinese plant capable of doing human health much stronger. At the same time, Goji berries are often used today by specialists in the treatment of various oncological diseases, in the presence of liver disease, to increase female libido, in order to relieve male representatives from sexual impotence. In addition, the Chinese Goji barberry is an excellent remedy and in the treatment of other diseases and pain.

Modern experts have conducted a huge number of experiments that are directly related to adding daily diet a person of one or another quantity of Goji berries. After all, Goji berry, shambhala is a plant that contains approximately three times more vitamin C than in other ingredients available today.

In this regard, this plant is considered to be one of the most powerful in the world. this moment antioxidants, and naturally a leader in such fights as viral and infectious diseases. And unique polysaccharides make it possible to significantly increase the human body’s resistance to diseases such as diabetes.

Barberry belongs to the thorny shrubs from the family of the same name. It is especially beautiful during the flowering and fruiting period. In total, there are approximately 170 plant varieties, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. But only a few of them grow in our latitudes, among which there are evergreen varieties that have been able to adapt to the climate.

General description and types

From the times of the USSR to the present day, “Barberry” candies, as well as lemonades and syrups based on this plant, have been popular in our country. All these products are created from edible varieties of barberry.

Shrubs grow in natural conditions in the northern countries. The average height of the bush is up to 2 meters, it bears fruit 3 years after planting, bringing up to 10 kg of berries from the bush.

The plant contains vitamins C, E, and malic acid. The seeds of the plant are used in making oil, and the bark and roots are used in the manufacture of dye. Barberry also has thorns.

Common barberry

This type of barberry grows up to 2.5 m in height. The shoots are prickly, yellow color diverging from the stem in the form of arcs in different sides. The leaves are dark green with elements of gray. It blooms in May-June. It is resistant to drought and frost. Prefers well-lit areas of the site and is absolutely undemanding to the soil.

It bears fruits in the fall - they have an oblong appearance and a sour taste. The size of the berries is slightly more than 1 cm, while ripe berries stay on the bush for a long time without falling off.

Barberry has many varieties:

  • Lutea is a bush that grows up to 2 meters, with yellow shoots and green foliage. The berries are yellow and sour. It is recommended to plant only in well-lit areas.
  • Aureomarginata - grows up to 3 meters, the leaves are very beautiful, have a golden border. The fruits are sweet and sour and at the same time tasty.
  • Atropurpurea is a small bush with purple shoots and red berries and leaves. The berries ripen in late September - early October.

Amur species

It grows in Primorye, Japan, China, mainly on rocky soil along the coast. Very similar in appearance to common barberry. Reaches a height of 3.5 m. The leaves are quite large, green in spring, dark yellow or red in autumn. The bush begins to bloom at the end of May, the berries are edible and have a sour taste.

Like many species, Amur barberry is unpretentious and can withstand winter, drought and heat.

It is undemanding to the soil, prefers well-lit areas of the site. It can be propagated by cuttings, seeds and root suckers. As for diseases, barberry has good resistance to powdery mildew, and slightly less resistance to fusarium and rust.

Ball plant

Another name for this species is centipede. Grows mainly in Central Asia. Distinctive feature- fruits that have the shape of a dark gray, almost blue or black ball. Concentrated in berries a large number of vitamin C, which is why it is often used as part of traditional dishes in its homeland.

Like many of its brethren, spherical barberry tolerates drought and heat well, and also does not require special conditions content.

It does not tolerate waterlogging or stagnation of moisture, although it often suffers from rust.

Canadian variety

As the name suggests, this plant comes from Canada, where it grows along river valleys, on hills and rocks. The height of the bush reaches 2.5 meters. The shoots are purple, similar to ordinary barberry. Resistant to low temperatures and is practically undemanding to the soil, loves light. It can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings. Rarely found in Russia.

Barberry Thunberg

Barberry comes from Asia, more precisely, from China and Japan. Its leaves are small, red, green or yellow. The shrub begins to bloom at the end of May and blooms until the end of June.

The fruits of this species are quite edible, but the taste leaves much to be desired, because the berries are very bitter. The shrub itself is unpretentious and, unlike common barberry, almost does not suffer from rust and powdery mildew.

Ottawa bush

This type of barberry is named after the Canadian city of Ottawa., where it was reproduced. It happened like this: in 1889, the Thunberg barberry and the common barberry were crossed. Natural habitat - river mouths, ravines, forests North America.

Several plant species grow in our country:

  • "Superba".
  • "Auricoma".
  • "Silver miles".
  • "Purpurea".

Basically, all these varieties are grown in decorative purposes. Well-maintained appearance they receive 5-8 years after planting. Ottawa barberry begins to bloom in May and lasts until early June.

5 years after planting, the shrubs begin to bear fruit. This happens in August-September, depending on the species. The usual yield is 10−12 kg. The lifespan of the Ottawa shrub reaches 50 years, and it can bear fruit for up to 40 years.

Features of planting and care

Barberry is absolutely unpretentious, and caring for it will not be difficult. The main requirements are light and moderately moist soil.

Its appearance is little affected by the composition of the soil., drought and temperature changes. If, in addition to everything else, barberry is regularly trimmed, then it will delight with its decorative effect and bear fruit richly.

Shrubs can be grown in different ways. It propagates by cuttings, root layering, grafting, self-seeding, and dividing the bush. If you propagate barberry using seeds, it will produce a lot of planting material, but the procedure itself will be long.

So, it is necessary to sow seeds for the winter, before the onset of severe cold. Before sowing in spring, seeds are stratified over several months. Seedlings are kept at the seedling site for a couple of years, and then for another 1-2 years for growing. Only after all the procedures are they planted on a certain permanent place. If the task is to propagate a plant as quickly as possible, then you should choose methods such as dividing the bush and root suckers. For cuttings, you can take summer cuttings and root them in moist soil.

Do not forget that the older the bush, the more difficult it is to adapt after transplantation. You can plant bushes in any way, it all depends on ultimate goal. If you plan to place only one bush, then it must be planted at a distance of at least 2 meters from other plants.

Since barberry is not particularly demanding on soil quality, it does not need to be fertilized., but if desired, you can add a little humus and sand. You can also fertilize, which will increase the yield and improve the decorative qualities of the bush. They are usually applied in the second year after planting. The first feeding in spring is carried out nitrogen fertilizers. In subsequent years, you can add them every few years.

Watering, weeding and loosening are carried out once every couple of weeks. To improve aesthetics, trimming should be done. It is usually carried out in the spring, when old and dried shoots are removed.

Barberry susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. Most often it is aphids, flower moths, fungal diseases and powdery mildew. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to carry out a treatment procedure laundry soap(30 g per 10 liters of water). If there are pests, you can treat the bush with decis or chlorophos. A solution of colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture is excellent against fungus.

Goji berries are often called shamballa or Tibetan barberry. However, Shambhala is also widely called famous seasoning, and barberry is an ordinary “Caucasian” shrub. This creates global confusion. Most often, people think that the barberry that we grow in our gardens is the mysterious goji berry. In fact, plants are not “relatives”. Chemical properties berries, and their use in Food Industry vary. Goji is called “Barberry”, rather, for its similar appearance.

Why goji and barberry are not relatives

Goji belongs to the nightshade family. If speak about family ties, these berries are most likely related not to barberry and dogwood, but to tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. It is the fact that it belongs to the nightshade family that determines its richness in essential oils and organic acids. There are so many of the latter that Chinese beauties do not take goji with their hands when collecting it. They simply spread a cloth or paper around the plant and beat the trunk with sticks until the berries fall onto the substrate. That’s why it’s quite problematic to buy fresh goji - usually the pragmatic Chinese leave them to “dry” right where the plantation is located.

Goji is called barberry simply due to the similarity of the berries, and it is visible only in dried form. It seems to non-professionals that goji resemble a rose hip in appearance, and almost half a reference book on botany. This leads to a simple thought:

  • buy goji only from trusted suppliers;
  • Don’t chase extreme cheapness, and if you decide to save money, buy rose hips at the market, they are cheap and also contain fiber and vitamin C.

Differences between goji and barberry in taste

All that a person with untrained taste buds feels in both cases is acid. However, if you chew the berries longer, they will taste completely different.

Goji gives the following flavors:

  • a little sweetness;
  • a drop of “salt”, but not like ordinary rock salt, but like, for example, the salinity of natural seaweed;
  • if you chew the berries, they will not be sour like lemon, but will only “give off” a little sourness;
  • Goji berries have a fairly distinct “fibrous” structure. Imagine that you are chewing the pulp of a slightly dried apple, the sensation will be similar.

Caucasian barberry “feels” completely differently:

  • the first note in its taste is sweet and sour and at the same time slightly spicy. The plant due to its essential oils reminiscent of... the Soviet children's soda "Duchess", but with a less pronounced sweet taste;
  • You will feel much less “fiber” and “fiber”;
  • some people do not feel the gentle sweetness of barberry at all, but only feel the acidity. This taste “haunts” those who consume sweeteners, candies and white sugar, just like most modern products.

Barberry berries do not seem salty, even if you chew them for quite a long time. It’s even easier to distinguish the berries by brewing tea based on them. The barberry drink will be lighter and more sour in taste. It will retain the aroma of barberry, and will appeal only to those who, in principle, love spices. Goji tea is more like... a mixture of rosehip infusions and a drop of tea such as pu-erh or “smoked” tea, but it has less of a “bonfire” taste. To some people, goji broth resembles miso soup. The main difference is dark color and a very subtle, almost imperceptible smell.

Additionally, berries vary greatly in how they handle transportation and storage. Many people complain that goji often clumps together in the bag and is poorly tolerated. high temperatures. This is due to the fact that the berries contain more fiber and are simply not able to dry to a drupe, like, for example, the well-known bird cherry.

If desired, barberry can be dried just until it becomes “oaky”, has a glossy skin and is completely unable to “stick together” into a lump. It will not be soft, and the older the fruit, the drier it will appear.

In addition, natural goji often loses color during drying and transportation and does not look as bright as in pictures on the Internet. If you touch them, they will most likely feel like white or yellow raisins. But barberry is the notorious dried bird cherry.

If you look at the shrubs, the difference will be noticeable with the naked eye, but who will show you exactly that plant when buying?

How not to buy regular barberry instead of goji

The easiest way is to buy goji at a regular offline pharmacy. In such establishments, official organizations monitor the quality, and bags of berries lie quietly on the display window, and you can look at them, touch them and understand what exactly is packed there.

The method, however, does not work for many regions where goji simply is not supplied. In this case, you can recommend juice or liquid extract berries, it is produced in China, and comes under fairly famous brands. Quality is also guaranteed.

But when buying online, you will have to study the reviews in detail. Indirect sign It may be that... some people are disappointed by the taste of goji. Yes, those who like sweet berries and dried fruits usually don’t like goji. In addition, ordering a trial, small batch will give you a complete impression of what and from whom you are purchasing.

When any product becomes popular, it causes a lot of controversy and conflicting descriptions. So there is an opinion that goji is one of the varieties of poisonous wolfberry. This is wrong.

Wolfberry or, as it is also called, wolf bast, belongs to the wolf family. The main distribution area of ​​this plant is considered to be the territory of Eurasia from Europe approximately to Lake Baikal. Barberry is a shrub from the barberry family. And the goji berry is not a barberry or a wolfberry, but a common wolfberry. It belongs to the nightshade family and, unlike wolfberry, is not poisonous. Goji berries are similar to barberries only in their shape and sweet and sour taste.

Goji grows in Mongolia, China, Tibet, as well as in the border areas of eastern India. The shape of the berries resembles sea buckthorn - oblong with a thin skin. They cannot be collected from the bush, as they are easy to crush. Therefore, the branches are shaken so that the fruits fall off. The berries are dried directly on the ground, and then collected and used for cooking, drinks and medicine.

To better understand what goji berries are, let's look at their composition. List useful substances, concentrated in these small sour fruits, is impressive! These are manganese, copper, chromium, zinc, selenium, nickel, potassium, calcium, iodine, cobalt and others, about 20 in total. In addition, goji berries are a source of 19 amino acids and 4 polysaccharides. And, of course, it is a storehouse of vitamin C, as well as B vitamins.

Benefits of goji berries

Medical research has confirmed high level positive impact goji berries on various systems human body. It's hard to believe that goji berries are... prophylactic with such dangerous diseases, such as sclerosis and atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart failure.

Goji berries normalize cholesterol and sugar levels in human blood, help improve vision, strengthen retina, fight hypertension, work disorders bone marrow, support liver and kidney function.

What are goji berries for people suffering from excess weight? This is real salvation. After all, they have a positive effect on hormonal background. And their energy value helps withstand strict diets without harm to the body.

Nowadays, in general, most people prefer natural fat burners. The stars are also not lagging behind, for example, they say that and Stas Mikhailova's wife lost weight on natural raspberry ketone .

Positive dynamics when taking goji berries are also noted for such problems as insomnia, decreased sexual activity, bad memory, being under stress.

How powerful antioxidant, goji berries slow down the aging process in human body, improve skin condition.

Ways to eat goji berries

Since goji berries are not poisonous, you can use various in simple ways: add to any porridge, make decoctions, compotes, tinctures and teas. Goji can be eaten in pure form. You can buy pills on the Internet and in pharmacies, as well as a variety of bars and muesli with goji berries.

It's hard to imagine home garden without fruit trees and shrubs, so even the laziest and busiest owners of their personal plots cannot refuse apple trees, currants, and raspberries. More sophisticated gardeners indulge themselves with wonders, trying in every possible way to create conditions suitable for them. And we propose to add to your garden such a not yet common, but unpretentious fruit plant as barberry. This shrub has not only decorative, but also high taste and medicinal properties.

It belongs to the huge barberry family, which includes more than 170 species, but fruit species and varieties are represented in only a small group. In the Soviet Union, the main producer and supplier of this tasty and healthy berries there was Tajikistan: favorite candies “Barberry”, lemonade, syrups, medicines - everything was made from berries grown in the hot Asian climate. But there are certain varieties and types of fruit barberries that feel great in our Ukrainian gardens. But before moving on to the varieties, a little general information.

Barberry (lat. Bérberis) is a valuable fruit shrub. In places of natural growth - in Transcaucasia, Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia - prefers to settle in dry and bright areas near forests, on mountain slopes, and infertile soils. Its rhizomes are creeping and woody. The shoots are tall, 2–3 m, erect, and depending on the species and the time of year, they are purple, yellow, gray-white in color. The leaves are elliptical, 4 cm long and 2 cm wide, located on short shoots. Spines up to 2 cm in size develop on long shoots. The fruit clusters consist of 15–25 yellow or bright orange flowers, which after a long period of flowering (from April to May) turn into scarlet or purple sourish fruits. The ripening period depends on the type of fruit barberry - from September to early November.

The ripening period of berries depends on the type of fruit barberry - from September to early November.

Types of edible barberry

Common barberry(lat. Bérberis vulgáris) – a tree-like shrub with a spreading crown. Distribution area: Caucasus, Southern Europe, but easily takes root even in Siberia. It is undemanding to soil; in its homeland it can be found even in the most unsuitable areas for cultivation, such as river pebbles and chalk deposits. The main advantage over other fruit barberries is its high winter hardiness; it can withstand frosts down to –35 °C. Prefers dry and sunny areas of the garden. Shading has a negative effect on the yield and taste of fruits. Close occurrence groundwater and excessive watering can lead to rotting of the rhizomes.

Common barberry is perhaps the only species among its edible counterparts that has the greatest varietal diversity:

● Lutea- a bush up to 2 m high with yellow shoots and light green foliage. The fruits are golden yellow, sour. It should be planted only in open sunny areas of the garden.
● Аureo-marginata– the bush can reach a height of 3 m, has a very beautiful leaves, bordered with a silver stripe. Very effective in hedges. The fruits are scarlet, tasty, sweet and sour, ripen in October.
● Atropurpurea– the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, the shoots are purple with dark red leaves and fruits. A very impressive bush. Berry picking is carried out at the end of September - beginning of October.
● Alba-variegata– the bush is valued for its high decorative value. The foliage is “painted” with white streaks, the color of the fruits is creamy-white.
● Dulcis– the variety contains all the species characteristics of the common barberry, but is distinguished by the high taste qualities of the fruit: the berries are very sweet and ripen by mid-October.
● Asperma– a tall bush bears fruit with red seedless berries.

Amur barberry(Berberis amurensis) - a low-branched, prickly tree with a spreading crown up to 3.5 m high. The shoots are colored yellowish tint, by autumn they become gray-yellow. The color of the leaves also changes depending on the time of year: in summer they are bright green, and in autumn they are red or golden-red. The flowers are light yellow, very fragrant, spines up to 2 cm. The fruits are red, shiny, edible. Harvesting is carried out in late autumn - in November.

The species is represented by two varieties:

● Japonica– characterized by more rounded leaves and a small number of flowers on the racemes.
● Orpheus- a non-flowering variety bred by Russian breeders solely for decorative purposes. Bush height – 1 m.

It is impossible not to mention several more types of barberries with fruits that have nutritional value. But, alas, these species are not entirely suitable for growing in our climate zone.

Canadian barberry(Berberis canadensis). The shrub grows in the valleys and on the banks of rivers in North America. Blooms profusely from mid-May to June, is unpretentious, easily tolerates drought and winter frosts.

Externally, it is not much different from common barberry. This species, unfamiliar to our gardeners, is being intensively improved by American and Canadian breeders who are working towards making the bush ornamental. But sometimes they get lost taste qualities berries

Barberry spherical(Berberis sphaerocarpa). It is also a multi-peduncle - a spectacular bush with a strong smell during flowering, up to 2 m high. Distribution: the mountain slopes of Central Asia, Mongolia, and the western provinces of China. It is its aromatic ones that are used to prepare traditional Asian dishes - shurpa, pilaf, lagman.

Note for the most daring gardeners-collectors and experimenters: in our winter conditions, the crop can completely die - to preserve the species and obtain a harvest, you should take care of the greenhouse cover of the bush.

barberry spherical

barberry spherical

Agricultural technology

Barberry has high adaptability to any soil and growing conditions. The main thing is to take into account several immutable rules.

1. On soils with increased acidity plant development is inhibited. The solution to the problem is to add slaked lime to the planting hole at the rate of 500 g per 1 m2 for very acidic soil or 200–500 g of wood ash.
2 . Barberry is a cross-pollinated plant, so at least 2 fruit bushes should be planted in the garden. Fruiting begins in the 4th year of planting.
3 . For high and stable yields, barberry should be planted in open sunny areas.
4 . Compact planting can reduce the yield of bushes, so the distance between fruit plants should be at least 1 m. In the case of forming a hedge from edible barberry, 2 bushes can be planted on 1 linear meter.

For high and stable yields, barberry should be planted in open sunny areas.

Landing. A planting hole for single bushes is dug 40x40 cm in size; for a hedge, a trench of the same depth and the required length is prepared. If the soil does not require additional preparation or deoxidation, sand is poured into the bottom of the hole, thereby facilitating aeration of the rhizome. Place the seedlings, lightly sprinkle with soil and water well. After the water is absorbed into the soil, the holes are completely filled and lightly compacted. Mulching the root zone will create favorable conditions for rooting the plant and will free the gardener from the necessary frequent loosening of the soil.

Watering. Excess moisture is detrimental to barberry, so newly planted bushes are watered once a week, and adult plants - as needed, 1-2 times a month.

Care. Barberry can safely be called a shrub that does not require much care - it all comes down to dosed feeding, pruning and preventive or therapeutic measures. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied only the next year after planting and thereafter no more than once every 3 years. The application of complex fertilizers containing microelements has a beneficial effect on the harvest.

Trimming. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, before sap flow begins - dried, damaged shoots and excess growth are removed.

Anti-aging pruning is also carried out in early spring. Remove old branches completely, cutting them into a stump close to the ground. Of the young shoots, the healthiest ones are left, forming a new bush.

Shaping haircut allows you to give the plant a neat look. Barberries are trimmed twice a season - in the spring after flowering and at the end of summer, in August.

Reproduction. The propagation process is simple and traditional - sowing seeds, cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

It is better to sow seeds in the fall - for this, seeds are removed from ripe fruits and sown immediately in a prepared bed.
Cuttings are carried out in July with young semi-lignified shoots in summer greenhouses.
For propagation by layering in the spring, strong annual shoots are selected, bent into prepared grooves, fixed and covered with earth, leaving only the top of the shoot on the surface. Throughout the season, the cuttings are regularly watered, and in the fall the young seedlings are moved to containers or a separate bed for growing.
Dividing the bush is the most painful method for barberry; it is done in the spring, carefully cutting the rhizomes of the mother bush with pruning shears. Newly formed divisions should be provided with maximum care: shading, watering with root-stimulating preparations, foliar feeding with Epin, humate.

Diseases and pests. Barberries are little exposed to aggressors and viruses, but still weak spots they have: possible infection powdery mildew, rust, bacteriosis.

Control measures– standard fungicides and copper-containing preparations.

Dangerous pests include barberry aphids and moths. Aphids spread very quickly, damaging the leaves of young shoots, and moth larvae destroy the tasty fruits of barberries.

Barberry - a pantry of delicacies and usefulness

Only well-ripened fruits are eaten; green berries can cause poisoning and painful indigestion. Dried whole or crushed fruits are used as seasonings for meat and legume dishes, soups and marinades. Young leaves are used instead of sorrel to make salads and green soups.

Those with a sweet tooth appreciated the pleasant berry sourness in the “Barberry” caramels. Having a sufficient number of berries, you can prepare a variety of desserts: marshmallows, jelly, jam, marmalade, compotes, syrups, juice.

Barberry jam. Rinse 1 kg of barberry berries well, add 2 glasses of water and leave for 10 hours. Then pour the water into another pan, add 1.2 kg of sugar to it and boil the syrup. Pour in the berries and cook for half an hour. Pour into sterile jars.

Barberry juice

Method number 1. Wash the ripe berries and discard in small portions in a colander and blanch in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes. Pass the prepared berries through a juicer. Boil the juice intended for storage and bottle it. Use for making mousses and jellies.

Method number 2. Ripe berries wash, drain, then press. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel bowl and pasteurize. Pour into jars, cover with lids and sterilize for another 15 minutes, then seal tightly.

Salted barberry. Washed and dried brushes with ripe fruits spread over glass jars, pour salted spring water or cold salty boiled water, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator. Add as a seasoning or as a snack on its own.

The use of barberry berries in cooking is not the only advantage of this plant. Since ancient times, the bark, leaves and fruits have been used in folk medicine for prevention and control viral infections, diseases genitourinary system, liver and stomach. Eating fruits reduces blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are used as a hemostatic and choleretic agent, as well as for the treatment of psoriasis. Berberine, obtained from the roots and leaves, is included in many medicinal preparations in modern medicine.

Eating barberry fruits helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

For economic purposes, the berries are used to dye yarn, fabrics, and leather in bright lemon-yellow colors. In the old days, shoe nails were made from hard wood, and today they make beautiful souvenir crafts and jewelry.

Large spreading barberry bushes can be successfully used in garden compositions and create reliable, impenetrable prickly hedges.

As you can see, edible barberries in the garden plot are not only a decorative decoration for the garden and reliable protection from uninvited guests, but also a whole storehouse of vitamins, spices and medicines. Try it!