How to deal with cucumber diseases. Changing behavior and thinking. Powdery mildew of cruciferous plants

It’s rare that someone manages to live their life without ever getting seriously ill. How to behave in such a situation, how to maintain self-esteem in it? These questions for the magazine “ Women Health” (March 2012) answers the head of the Moscow psychological center “Prosvet”, .

– First of all: is it necessary to know the diagnosis if there is a suspicion of the worst?

– Of course, a person should be aware of what he is sick with and what the prospects for the development and treatment of the disease are. This is necessary so that he understands the seriousness of his situation, accepts adequate measures and, together with the doctor, built a treatment strategy. On the other hand, it is very important that the patient maintains positive attitude and hope for a cure. Therefore, the ideal situation is when a person has energetic relatives who will take on the hassle of communicating with doctors, provide medications, and arrange consultations in other medical institutions, if necessary. In this case, it is not necessary for the patient to know everything. Relatives can provide information to a person in doses and, if possible, focusing on good news, giving some hope for a cure. If there are no such people nearby, then the patient will have to make all decisions himself, together with the attending physician. But sometimes it happens like this: the disease develops and the symptoms increase. And a moment may come when a person says: “That’s it, I’m tired, I don’t want to fight for life anymore.” Internal refusal of treatment may be dictated by despair and awareness of the severity of the condition. As soon as the situation improves even a little, the patient will again have a desire to live. Therefore, it would be good if there was a sober relative or friend nearby who could communicate with doctors, remaining calm and supporting the patient in difficult times.

– But is it worth fighting for life if it is limited to a ward and a hospital bed?

– Life is a priceless gift. And if you can win at least a day, at least in a hospital bed, you should try to do it. The way a person experiences suffering shows how much he has learned to appreciate life, how much he has matured as a person. To understand why you exist in this world, what is worth continuing to live for, of course, is better when you are still healthy. But once you find yourself in a hospital bed, you need to use this chance to comprehend your life and find a meaning for it that will help you live the rest of it with feeling calm joy and gratitude. A person leading a hectic life constantly has a lot of reasons for... Serious problem with health, it disrupts the natural habitual circle of a person’s life. This is a situation in which you can go into illness and live only by it, or you can not give up those bright thoughts and good deeds that are available to a person and that can give positive emotions to him and his loved ones. The sun, nature outside the window, people around - why shouldn’t all this become a reason for joy. Even one’s suffering can be comprehended in such a way that it does not harm the soul, but enlightens it and deepens the understanding of the meaning of life and death. A person who learns that he has a serious illness goes through several stages of awareness. Shock: this can’t be, there’s some kind of mistake. Riot: why did this happen to me? Feeling of guilt: if I had not done this and that then, I would not have gotten sick. And reconciliation, acceptance of your illness: what happened, happened, now you need to learn to live with this disease, you need to be treated. The sooner a person gets to this last stage, the more he will save peace of mind and strength to fight your illness.

– What exactly can be done for this?

– For example, read Russian classics, which teach you to understand yourself and the world around you. These are Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Leskov, Bunin, Chekhov, especially his works such as “The Story of an Unknown Man”, “Student”, “Bishop”, “Duel”. The works of these writers will allow you to build an internal dialogue to understand the meaning of life and personal goals in it. You can listen to music - this is a great way to self-regulate. Some will be made calmer and happier by the classics - Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, others by Vysotsky, others by the group "U2" or something even more modern. You can watch good films– joyful, such as “Amelie”, “Life is like a miracle”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”. Or deep ones: “The Cranes Are Flying”, “A Beautiful Mind”, “Groundhog Day”. But I wouldn’t recommend watching TV. We are kept in front of the screen, infected with anger and irritation. This and healthy person not useful, let alone human, psychological condition which depends on physical well-being.

– There is now a lot of literature coming out that advises using visualization in the fight against disease: for example, imagining thousands of little monsters killing viruses or diseased cells in the body. Or imagine how an eraser erases a tumor...

– Belief in curability increases the possibility of recovery. And we must use everything that contributes to this. Visualization, like relaxation, helps to change your emotional state, to tune your soul, as an instrument, to get rid of the disease. The question of the dependence of human immunity on its emotional state is so important that you should not neglect the means to increase your optimism. For me, as a person dealing with emotional and psychosomatic disorders, it is absolutely clear: it is impossible to successfully treat a patient without taking into account emotional factors, without helping him to use his own capabilities of emotional self-regulation. Whether you are erasing an imaginary tumor with an eraser, or directing an armada of microscopic warriors against viruses, the main thing is that you are taking part in the treatment. And this is very important. Of course, if you do not refuse medical procedures.

To grow a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to know not only the peculiarities of the agricultural technology of this plant, but also the diseases that can cause irreparable harm plant and destroy the entire crop.

Varieties of cucumber disease

Diseases that affect cucumber vines at different stages of its growing season can be divided into three groups.

  1. Fungal diseases.
  2. Bacterial diseases.
  3. Viral diseases.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers

Most common fungal disease cucumbers - powdery mildew. The reason for its appearance on the leaves is sharp changes temperature, excess nitrogen in the soil or lack of potassium. Sick plants are covered with white powder, lag in growth and gradually dry out.

Downy mildew or downy mildew occurs as a result of high humidity, when watering cold water, sudden temperature changes. First, brown spots appear on the leaves, which dry out after a few days. WITH reverse side fungal spores remain on the leaves.

They are carried by wind and pests to neighboring areas. The disease occurs from plant debris or seeds infected with the mycelium of the fungus. The disease is provoked by high humidity and watering with cold water, as well as sudden changes in day and night temperatures.

It appears during the fruiting period.

Dangerous fungal diseases of cucumbers should also include white rot, olive spot, and root rot.

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

The main signs of bacterial wilt (caused by Erwinia tracheiphila) are:

  • sudden wilting of the plant;
  • the appearance of a white sticky mass (similar to saliva) that is released from the stem;
  • leaf spotting and wilting.

The virus remains on the remains of the stem until next year. If signs of bacterial wilt are noticed, then all dry stems must be burned. Planting melons and melons in this area is contraindicated for 5-6 years. Seeds collected from such plants are also carriers of the disease.

The causative agent of wet rot is the bacterium Pseudomonas burgeri Pot. The source of infection is untreated infected seeds.

Often the disease proceeds slowly and begins to progress only with a decrease in air temperature.

The owners complain about a bad variety or freshly harvested seeds, because the shortfall in yield due to this disease can be as much as 40%.

The first signs of wet rot:

  • slow shoot growth;
  • wilting and drying of the lower leaves;
  • a large number of barren flowers;
  • the shape of the fruit is ugly;
  • watery skin of the fruit and oil spots on the leaves;
  • rapid loss of turgor in the afternoon;
  • softening of stems and browning of blood vessels;
  • brown mass inside the cucumber pulp.

Cucumber diseases spread very quickly in high humidity. Greenhouse plants suffer the most from this virus.

Angular leaf spot causes death of cucumbers in short time and is considered the most dangerous disease, as it is quickly transmitted from one plant to another.

The infection is spread by wind, water droplets, pests and contaminated seeds. The disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on leaves and fruits, which dry out the tissue over several days.

The bacterium multiplies most quickly in warm, humid weather.

When affected by vascular bacteriosis, the fruits lose their taste and commercial qualities. They are unsuitable for food as they turn wooden. The infection spreads through contaminated seeds and plant debris.

Viral diseases of cucumbers

Viral diseases of cucumbers are characterized by a change in leaf color. Spots appear on it that resemble a mosaic, and the leaf blade itself curls and wrinkles.

All viral diseases are seed-borne or pest-borne.

Cucumber mosaic appears 25-30 days after planting on young leaves. The leaf becomes spotted with yellowing and becomes deformed. If you do not start fighting the disease, then within a few days the fruits will become infected. The carrier of cucumber mosaic is aphid.

White mosaic on cucumbers appears in the form of white and yellow star spots. Often the entire leaf turns white, and the fruits are painted with white stripes. You can infect a plant with the white mosaic virus only contact method and seeds.

Green mosaic can be confused with an ordinary type of fungal virus, but it only affects young leaves. Blister-like growths, mosaic yellowing, and wrinkling appear on them. Plants grow poorly, the ovary dries and crumbles.

How to deal with fungal diseases of cucumbers?

The most successful fight against disease is the absence of disease. Preventive measures will help achieve this result. What do we have to do?

  • Maintain crop rotation.
  • Stick to regular watering warm water.
  • Loosen the soil.

In the fight against fungal diseases, spraying cucumbers with infusion of mullein and marigold has worked well.
When infected with powdery mildew, drugs such as “Topaz” and “Qudris” are very helpful. "Oxychom."

If the first signs of downy mildew disease are noticed, then it is necessary to stop feeding mineral fertilizers and spray the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate and whey tincture. In the acute phase, such drugs as “HOM”, “Kuprosat”, “Ridomil Gold”, “Polycarbacin” help. These drugs have an excellent effect in the fight against root and white rot, olive spot.

Ways to combat bacteriosis in cucumber diseases

Bacterial diseases are the most common and every gardener needs to know the main rules for protecting plants from viruses of this group. Preventative work allows you to protect young plants from initial stage their growing season.

  • Preliminary treatment of soil against painful bacteria.
  • Disinfection of seeds before planting (soak for 12 hours in a dark solution of potassium permanganate).
  • Regular weeding and removal of their remains from the garden bed.
  • Control of pests that are carriers of infection.
  • Proper watering of plants with warm, settled water: pour water into the furrows, and not under the root of the plant.
  • Spraying cucumbers against pests.
  • Compliance with crop rotation: return cucumbers to their place only four years after melons.
  • In a greenhouse, the occurrence of bacterial diseases is directly related to the formation of condensation. To avoid large quantity drip moisture, during periods of temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to use room heating at night.

What if it was not possible to protect the plants from infection? How to treat cucumbers against diseases in order to preserve the harvest? Copper-containing preparations will help: “Kuproksat”, Bordeaux mixture. Treatment must be carried out twice, with an interval of 10-12 days.

Fighting types of viral mosaic

The best way to combat viral mosaic is prevention.

  • Before planting, soak the seeds in disinfectants or warm them at a temperature of +70 degrees.
  • Destroy all plant debris in the garden after harvesting.
  • Control aphids and other insect pests.
  • Disinfect consumables.
  • Water the furrows with warm water.
  • Tie the plants to a support.
  • Monitor the quality of the soil.
  • Discard diseased plants.

These rules will help avoid infection with viral mosaic, but if the plant is sick, you should not immediately resort to chemicals. Tinctures made from onion scales, dandelion, tobacco, and garlic will help cope with the problem.

To know exactly what virus you are dealing with, you need the help of an agronomist. You can use the Internet or books on vegetable growing, where diseases of cucumbers are shown in pictures and described characteristic features each type of infection and ways to combat them.

about cucumber diseases


Every farmer strives to grow tasty and healthy vegetables on your site.

To achieve this goal, experienced gardeners regularly apply organic fertilizers, carry out regular watering, and fight insect pests and plant diseases.

This approach always pays off and hard work is rewarded sooner or later.

Cucumbers in our country are one of the most popular vegetable crops, and every summer resident grows this plant.

Getting a generous and stable harvest throughout the summer is not easy, since the crop is susceptible to many diseases. This article is devoted to a popular topic among summer residents and gardeners - diseases of cucumbers with photos and their treatment.

Knowing the main signs of damage to this plant, you can notice the problem in time and successfully cope with it.

Root rot in cucumbers: how to treat?

Root rot in cucumbers is a fairly common plant disease that inevitably leads to its death.

The first alarming symptoms begin to appear after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent location.

A farmer may notice that the cucumber plant begins to wither when the air temperature rises above +30 degrees, and in the evening, when the sun sets, the leaves look normal again.

The photo shows root rot of cucumbers

If such symptoms appear, it is worth conducting an additional examination of the bush. Root rot gradually spreads and the farmer may notice a browned stem in the soil itself.

Every day the rot spreads and soon the lower leaves will turn yellow, and the root will become rotten, dry, and wrinkled. The color of the root and leaves becomes dark brown, which indicates a disease.

If by this time the fruits have already formed, they will not ripen.

According to the observations of biologists, the following predisposing factors lead to the occurrence of root rot, namely:

  1. Overmoistening of the soil.
  2. Use for cold water irrigation.
  3. Lack of moisture, prolonged drought.
  4. High soil salinity.
  5. Using large amounts of fertilizers.

To prevent and combat root rot, time-tested methods have been developed to completely eliminate the problem. Biologists recommend that gardeners adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use steamed soil or treated with the preparation “Hom” for growing seedlings;
  • avoid excessive soil moisture;
  • use warm water for irrigation;
  • use chlorine-free fertilizers;
  • Apply organic fertilizers after preliminary composting for 6-8 months.

Protect cucumbers from fungal infection Every vegetable grower can suffer from root rot.

If signs of root rot appear on the cucumber, the summer resident should try to grow a new root system.

For this purpose, part of the stem is sprinkled with a small layer of soil.

In just 2 weeks, several healthy roots will grow in this place, which will take a full part in the nutrition of the entire plant.

  1. Biological products: Trichodermin, Gamaira, Baktofit.
  2. Chemicals: Previkur, Hom or any fungicidal agent.
  3. Increase cucumber immunity with Effecton.

Every vegetable grower can protect cucumbers from fungal infection by root rot. The methods of control and prevention are not complicated, and the cost of the drugs is affordable for every gardener. Having received a generous harvest, you will be able to please yourself and your family with tasty and healthy fruits.

Powdery mildew on cucumbers: control measures

Powdery mildew on cucumbers spreads both in greenhouses and in open ground.

The gardener notices a white coating on the leaves that resembles flour in appearance. Soon they turn yellow and dry out.

Powdery mildew progresses in damp, cloudy weather, when the air temperature drops below +20 degrees.

Pictured is powdery mildew on cucumbers

To prevent fungal infection of crops by powdery mildew, greenhouse owners are advised to follow the following rules:

  • replace the soil annually, as fungi accumulate in it;
  • avoid watering plants with cold water;
  • in the fall, remove from the room and destroy all tops;
  • maintain a constant temperature of about +23 degrees and humidity in the greenhouse;
  • ensure high-quality ventilation in the room.

When there is an excess of fertilizers or a lack of certain microelements in the soil, when the soil becomes waterlogged or dries out, the plant weakens and becomes easy prey for fungi.

As a result, the plant’s defenses are reduced, the bush lags behind in growth and development, and soon powdery mildew on cucumbers joins these symptoms.

Measures to combat the disease come down to the following measures:

  1. Spraying leaves on both sides with mullein solution in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  2. Spraying sulfur on and around the plant.
  3. Treatment of cucumber shoots with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Using the drugs “Topaz” or “Hom”.
  5. Spraying the bush with horsetail decoction (infuse 1 kg in 10 liters of water and boil for 2 hours over low heat).
  6. Infusion of marigolds mixed with laundry soap leads to positive results. Infuse the mixture for at least 48 hours in warm water.
  7. Treating the bush with 5% iron sulfate will help with total damage to cucumbers by a fungal infection.
  8. Treatment of affected areas with 1% Saprol solution.

IN Lately A highly effective drug against powdery mildew, Karatana, has become very popular. 10 grams of the product are dissolved in a bucket warm water and cultivate the beds every 2 weeks.

about powdery mildew on cucumbers and methods of control:

Downy mildew of cucumbers, treatment

Downy mildew is also known to gardeners as downy mildew. The fungus spreads by transporting spores by the wind, as well as through fallen and fungus-affected dry leaves.

From external manifestations diseases worth mentioning is the total damage to the leaves on the bush. They fade, turn yellow, and form on the surface brown spots, as can be seen in the photo.

The spots increase in size and spread to neighboring plants.

The peculiarity of peronosporosis is that the fungus never affects cucumber fruits, but they lose their visual appeal and taste qualities deteriorate significantly.

The causes of downy mildew are the same as other fungal infections.

In order to prevent infection, experienced vegetable growers recommend treating seeds before sowing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or with the drug Trichomerdin.

Russian breeders have developed cucumber varieties that are resistant to fungal diseases, and this information is indicated on the seed package.

The photo shows downy mildew of cucumbers

An effective method of treating a plant is to spray the tops with the following preparations:

  • Planriz;
  • Quadris;
  • Acrobat MC.

At the first signs of infection, it is necessary to begin combating the fungus, as it multiplies intensively and spreads to neighboring crops. The most effective method control is considered to be the prevention of the appearance of fungi on the site or in the greenhouse.

Ascochyta blight of cucumber, control measures

Cucumber ascochyta blight can cause serious damage farming, because we're talking about about defeat large areas to which the disease spreads. If you do not respond promptly to the appearance of the first symptoms, you can lose at least half of all cucumber plantings.

Symptoms of ascochyta blight in cucumber have the following manifestations:

  • light green, watery spots appear on the stem, which gradually dry out and become white;
  • the spots spread to the entire plant, crack and white or brown liquid is released from the resulting wounds;
  • characteristic spots also appear on leaves that dry out;
  • the vascular system of the plant is not affected by ascochyta, so fruit ripening can continue;
  • on late stages the disease affects the fruits, which turn black and rot;
  • small but deep ulcers or brown spots covered with mucus may appear on the fruits, as shown in the photo. Characteristic spots of cucumber ascochyta blight also appear on the leaves, which later dry out

Ascochyta blight affects the plant as a result of weakening its defenses. This occurs when there are frequent temperature fluctuations, watering seedlings with cold water or planting infected seeds.

  1. Removing any yellowed bottom sheets.
  2. Growing disease-resistant varieties.
  3. Planting seedlings annually in a new place.
  4. Treating seeds before planting.
  5. Spraying tops with a weak solution copper sulfate.

After taking measures to combat ascochyta and rejuvenate the root, it is better to immediately destroy the affected part of the bush. We invite you to watch a video about ascochyta blight in cucumbers and preventative measures to combat it:

Anthracnose of cucumbers, treatment

The fungal disease is dangerous because it affects the bush completely. Ulcers appear on the stems and they become very fragile and brittle. Round spores in the form of large, yellow spots germinate on the leaves.

The affected area of ​​the leaf dries out, cracks and releases spores.

Mushroom mycelium does not spare fruits on which small pink spots, merging together as they grow, they grow deep into the fruit.

Anthracnose of cucumbers leads to the death of cucumbers and complete loss harvest. If control measures are taken at the wrong time, the fruits may lose their marketability.

The main methods of control include compliance with basic agrotechnical rules, namely:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • destruction of dried remains of tops in the fall;
  • protecting seeds from fungi before planting.

Pictured is anthracnose of cucumbers

To destroy anthracnose, use Bordeaux mixture in a concentration of no more than 1%. The same solution can be poured directly under the root in the amount of about 750 ml for each bush.

Gray rot on cucumbers: how to fight?

Gray mold often enters through a crack or wound in the fabric. As a result, gray, velvety spots form at the site of penetration. indeterminate form. Infection is favored by damp, cool weather and excessive thickening of seedlings during planting.

The source of gray mold infection is the affected plants, the soil on which they grew and the metal structures of greenhouses.

To combat infection, you should adhere to the following recommendations, namely:

  • immediately remove faded leaves and flowers from the bush;
  • ventilate the greenhouse well;
  • in autumn, remove the surface layer of soil from the site;
  • Use sterile treated soil for planting seedlings.

The photo shows gray rot on cucumbers

To destroy gray mold, it is recommended to use the drugs Trichodermin, Rovral or Euparen. Every 14 days, all infected areas of the stem should be treated with the prepared solution. For long lasting fixation medicine on the tops, you can add regular wallpaper glue to the mixture.

Bacteriosis of cucumbers and their treatment, photo

Bacteriosis of cucumbers is one of the most insidious diseases, leading to a decrease in yield. It is important to start treatment when the first signs appear, otherwise the lesion will quickly spread and lead to the death of the entire bush.

Bacteriosis appears on the leaves in the form of cloudy spots, which disappear over time, leaving a hole in their place. If bacteriosis spreads to the fetus, a brown spot appears on it.

After a short period of time, the fruit rots.

In the photo there is bacteriosis of cucumbers

The disease stops spreading in dry weather and it may seem to the gardener that the crop has recovered.

However, in fact, when it rains, the leaves will reappear. dark spots, which are colonies of bacteria when viewed under a microscope.

During rain, the pathogen will spread along with drops to neighboring plants and penetrate into the stem through cracks.

To prevent the spread of bacteriosis throughout the area, all infected bushes must be immediately destroyed. Still healthy cucumbers should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Prevention comes down to pre-planting seed treatment. They are soaked in one of the disinfecting solutions. For this purpose, Fas, Actellik, Farmayod and other means are used.

about bacteriosis of cucumbers and their treatment:

Mosaic of cucumbers: photos and their treatment

Cucumber mosaic is a viral disease and appears 3 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place.

The spread of the disease is facilitated by sudden warming of the air to +30 and above. It is not difficult to detect lesions. The gardener will notice wrinkles and swelling on the leaves.

In the future, the fruits will also be subject to deformation. The yield of the bush is sharply reduced.

The mosaic virus is very resistant to environment and easily tolerates any unfavorable factors. For example, it can survive for many months in fallen cucumber leaves.

In seeds stored for more than 24 months, the virus is almost completely destroyed.

In addition to cucumber waste, sources of infection can include contaminated seed material, garden tools, soil and farmer’s clothing.

Mosaic of cucumbers

Dealing with cucumber mosaic is difficult. Infected seeds must be heated for a long time to a temperature of +50 degrees, and then additionally during the day to +70.

The complexity of the method is that if the gardener is inexperienced, the result can be seeds that are unsuitable for sowing. TO good results leads to the rapid destruction of the diseased plant and treatment of the soil under it with boiling water.

All weeds within a radius of 10-15 meters must be destroyed.

about cucumber diseases and their treatment:

Undoubtedly, diseases of cucumbers, photos and their treatment at home in the garden or in a greenhouse are a hot topic for farm owners.

Undoubtedly, it is better to prevent their occurrence than to eradicate them later.


How to deal with diseases and pests of cucumbers. Ways to rid cucumbers of diseases and pests. Main diseases and pests of cucumbers. How to protect the harvest from them

Growing cucumbers involves a set of activities. One of them is proper protection against pests and diseases. After all, agricultural productivity directly depends on this.

General preventive measures

To obtain a normal and high-quality harvest of cucumbers, you must adhere to a number of requirements. These include the following:

  • Only seeds that are disinfected and prepared are sown;
  • the soil must be fertile, loose, clean, fertilized and sufficiently warm (up to +14ºС at a depth of 8 cm);
  • Crop rotation should be observed, which involves growing cucumbers in one area after 2-3 years (when sowing seeds in a greenhouse, the top fertile layer of soil should be replaced annually);
  • all remnants of vegetation are removed from the site (it is best to burn them);
  • seeds that are as resistant to diseases and pests as possible are used;
  • There is constant ventilation in the greenhouse (a warm and dry environment contributes to active growth vegetables);
  • It is recommended to grow cucumbers in an area where tomatoes, potatoes and legumes grew;
  • It is prohibited to plant seeds in a place where pumpkins or zucchini were located last summer.

There are several pests and diseases of cucumbers. To combat them, you need to choose the most effective method.

Plant diseases and their control

Powdery mildew

It is the most common disease. Characteristic- damage to leaves (very rarely petioles, stems and fruits).

A white spot covers top part leaf, gradually covering it completely. After some time, the plant turns brown. Whole lashes fall off.

The quality and quantity of vegetables decreases.

The main causes of powdery mildew:

  • high humidity and crop density;
  • presence of temperature changes;
  • weed growth;
  • watering with too cold water.

Elimination of this cucumber disease (pictured) can be done by:

  • removing and burning affected leaves;
  • treatment with 0.3% colloidal sulfur (25-30 g per 10 liters of water) or ground sulfur (30-35 g per area of ​​10 m²);
  • applying potassium fertilizer;
  • spraying leaves on both sides with liquid cow dung with urea (for 10 liters of warm water, 1 liter of manure and 1 tablespoon of urea);
  • applications chemicals(Oxychoma or Topaz);
  • destruction of remaining weeds and other vegetation.

Downy mildew in cucumbers

Manifests itself in the appearance of yellow-green spots on the upper part of the leaves various shapes, which have a light green coating.

Downy mildew stains the lower part of the leaves purple. Due to wind transfer, the spread of the cucumber disease occurs instantly. Therefore, you cannot hesitate to eliminate it.

Cucumbers should be planted in such an area after 5-7 years.

Causes of peronosporosis:

  • the presence of constant condensation (fog, dew);
  • sharp temperature fluctuations day and night;
  • cold watering.

The fight against peronosporosis involves choosing one of the following options:

  • use of potassium permanganate;
  • treatment with urea (1 g / 1 l of water) or whey (per 10 l of water, 1 l of milk and 10 drops of iodine);
  • fertilizing;
  • spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture (100 g of lime and copper sulfate per 10 liters of water);
  • application of the fungicide "Rizoplan".

The main way to combat peronosporosis is to correctly carry out preventive measures:

  • purchasing seeds of hybrids resistant to disease;
  • sowing early ripening varieties;
  • compliance with optimal temperature and humidity conditions;
  • ventilation of greenhouses;
  • collecting, burning plants and watering the beds with copper sulfate after the final harvest.

Root rot in cucumbers

Appearance yellow color and sudden wilting of well-growing and flowering cucumbers indicate damage to the roots of the plants.

In most cases the reason this phenomenon becomes root rot. You can verify this by slightly opening the stem of a plant located in the ground.

It will be cracked and yellow.

The main reason for the appearance of root rot is planting cucumbers in one area for several years in a row. Most often, the disease develops in cucumbers in a greenhouse.

To prevent root rot, you should adhere to the following measures:

  • Watering is carried out only with warm water;
  • seeds are not planted in heavy soil and at too great a depth;
  • high humidity is not allowed in greenhouses;
  • removal of all weeds.

Get rid of root rot on early stage diseases can be done in one of two ways:

  1. The stem is exposed to the root and sprinkled with wood ash or chalk.
  2. The roots are treated with a solution made from water (0.5 l), lime (3 tbsp) and copper sulfate (1 tsp).

If the cucumbers could not be saved, then:

  • they should be carefully removed from the site;
  • treat the bed with dry bleach (180-200 g / 1 m²);
  • Wash all tools with washing powder.

Cladosporiosis in cucumbers

Is viral disease, which affects the fruits. Small and watery spots cover the cucumbers. Over time, the cucumber cracks and takes on a crooked shape. The leaves also change shape, and the entire ovary dies after a week (if no action is taken).

Causes of cladosporiosis:

  • using old plastic film in the greenhouse;
  • high humidity;
  • irrigation by sprinkling;
  • weeds.

Fighting the disease involves:

  • sowing seeds resistant to cladosporiosis;
  • ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • stop watering for 6-7 days;
  • fertilizing with potassium sulfate;
  • spraying with Bordeaux mixture (15%).

White rot in cucumbers

Slime and plaque covers all parts of cucumbers: leaves, stems, flowers and tendrils. White rot develops especially often in conditions of high humidity. For example, in greenhouses.

You can get rid of the disease with:

  • soil disinfection (per 10 l of water 10 g of urea and 3 g of copper sulfate, consumption - 1 l / 10 m²);
  • cutting off infected parts of vegetables and sprinkling with ash or lime;
  • rare sowing of seeds.

Round spots of brown and Pink colour affects cucumber leaves. The bushes begin to darken and the fruits become wrinkled. If wet weather prevails, the disease spreads to the roots of the plants.

To prevent and eliminate anthracnose:

  • sowing of seeds is carried out in sufficiently heated soil;
  • the crop rotation scheme is observed;
  • Weeds and crop residues are completely destroyed;
  • plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (once a week 5-6 days before harvesting);
  • cucumbers are treated with bleach (40-45 g per 10 liters of water, once every 8-10 days, 20-22 days before harvest).

Pest control methods

melon aphid

These cucumber pests are approximately 2 mm in size. Distinguished by their dark green body oval shape. Females do not have wings. They can produce up to 15-20 generations per season.

The melon aphid eats all parts of the plant: leaves, flowers, fruits. The flowers fade and the leaves fall off. The presence of a humid environment will make it impossible to save the crop.

To kill insects, you must use the following methods:

  1. If not large quantities pests, use a soap solution with the addition of onion peels (10 l boiled water pour 50 g of soap and 500 g of husk) or an ash mixture (250 g of ash, 60 g of soap, a bucket of water). The crops are processed 2 times with a 5-day interval.
  2. For mass reproduction of aphids, karbofos (3 g / 1 m²), Fitoverm preparations (8-9 l ampoule, consumption - 1 l / 10 m²) and Iskra (8-9 l tablet, consumption - 1 l) are used / 10 m²). After applying the products, the area is covered with polyethylene for a day.

To prevent the appearance of melon aphids, adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • complete destruction of weeds;
  • carrying out timely watering;
  • planting accompanying crops that repel pests (coriander, mint, mustard, garlic or basil).

Spider mites on cucumbers

This sucking pest, distinguished by its red-green color, is located on the side of the leaf adjacent to the ground. The insect feeds on the juice of green leaves. As a result, the process of photosynthesis deteriorates. Which causes the leaves to completely fall off.

In most cases, spider mites appear in spring in a non-dismountable greenhouse. Female pests survive winter in structures without any problems.

Then they entangle the leaves with a web and lay up to 150 eggs at a time (in hot weather, females can hatch up to several generations).

The hatched larvae grow within 2 weeks.

Effective pest control of cucumbers involves performing the following actions:

  • soil moisture;
  • annual replacement of the top fertile soil layer in the greenhouse;
  • clearing the area of ​​weeds;
  • use of products containing phosphorus;
  • spraying the shoots with an onion mixture twice with an interval of 5 days (10 liters of water, 1 cup of onion minced in a meat grinder, 1 tablespoon each of liquid soap and ground black pepper, 3 tablespoons of wood ash);
  • treating plants with an infusion of 60 g of ground hot pepper, 5 tbsp. l. wood ash, 1 tbsp. l. soap and buckets of water;
  • planting dill near the cucumbers, which will attract ladybugs (they eat spider mites).

Whitefly on cucumbers

It is a small prolific and voracious insect. The whitefly is most active in late July – early August. The pest breeds larvae by flying from one bush to another. Cucumber leaves become covered with fungi, turn black and begin to wilt.

The following drugs are used to control whiteflies:

  • "Inta-vir";
  • "Phosbecide";
  • "Confidor".

You can also try:

  • washing off insects from leaves with a strong stream of water;
  • placement of adhesive tapes;
  • shallow loosening of the soil (up to 2 cm) and spreading of peat;
  • planting tobacco near cucumbers (it will attract whiteflies, after which treat the tobacco with a chemical).

Sprout fly on cucumbers

This pest lays eggs in the ground in early May. The emerging larvae reach 7 mm. They penetrate the inside of plant stems.

After two weeks, the larvae, eating greens, become adults, which also give birth to offspring.

Sometimes pests prevent cucumber seeds from even coming out of the ground.

Insects can only be eliminated by:

  • deep loosening of the soil before planting;
  • planting sprouted seeds;
  • the use of growth stimulants when soaking seed material;
  • use of finished compost in a greenhouse;
  • destroying all weeds and thoroughly digging up the area after harvesting.

Ants are harmful to cucumbers

These insects can damage the root system of cucumbers. They are also main reason the appearance of aphids.

To destroy ants you will need:

  • loosen the soil as often as possible;
  • treat the area with wood ash or slaked lime;
  • pour boiled water over anthills;
  • lay out traps (bottles filled with sweet syrup).

Slugs are harmful to cucumbers

Eating greenery and spoiling fruits at night are the “tricks” of slugs. The cucumber harvest itself will also be spoiled by pest droppings.

Slug control is carried out through:

  • adding slaked lime or wood ash to the soil;
  • treatment with the drug "Metaldehyde";
  • removal of weeds;
  • creating structures where slugs will be located in daytime(cardboard, boards, small logs, old dishes), followed by the destruction of pests.

about ways to combat diseases and pests of cucumbers.

Thanks to the work of breeders, the southern apricot tree has taken root in gardens in temperate climates. But in order for a tree to grow healthy, it requires special attention and care, as it is too susceptible to various diseases. It is not easy to recognize the symptoms of apricot disease, determine the type of disease, much less treat them.
Types of apricot tree diseases
Experts divide stone fruit diseases into 3 groups – fungal, bacterial and viral.
Fungal infections are the result of infection of a tree with spores of various fungi. Once on the leaves and bark, they take root, feed and reproduce at the expense of the tree.
During bacterial and viral diseases the tree gets sick under the influence of the smallest pathogenic organisms. They enter the plant from the soil and penetrate into the wood. The symptoms of an invisible attack are the hardest to notice.
Mushrooms love a moist environment. Therefore, rainy weather and excessive waterlogging stimulate the development of the disease. Spores are carried by the wind and insects (leaf roller, moth, moth, weevil).
There are several main types of fungal diseases. Each has its own unique symptoms that need to be noticed and taken in time.
The main types of fungal diseases and their symptoms
Moniliosis. If in the spring in cold weather you saw dried leaves at the ends of the branches, blackened, drying out and cracked branches, that the bark on the apricot was cracked, like after a fire, fallen flower buds, these are symptoms of a monilial burn. Spores of the fungus Monilia (Monilia) enter the flower through the pistil, first infecting the flowers and then the entire tree.
Fruit rot. The tree becomes infected with the same spores as with moniliosis. Before harvesting, literally a few weeks before, mass rotting of apricots begins. A small light brown spot on the skin gradually enlarges until the entire fruit rots. The fruit is covered gray coating, and on top of it you can observe a cluster of white spores.
Gnomoniosis (brown spot) first affects the leaves. Yellow spots appear on them. Gradually the leaves turn red and dry after reddening. The tree is weakening. The fruits fall off before they have time to ripen, or under the influence of the fungus they become distorted, acquiring an ugly shape.
Clusterosporiosis of apricot. When examining the leaves of a tree affected by hole spot, you will notice a scattering of spots brown color. Next to the stains you will see small holes. Young shoots are affected by the disease. When they crack, they ooze sticky juice - gum. The causative agent of clasterosporiasis is the spores of the fungus Cercospora cerasella, Phyllosticta prunicola.
Valsa mushroom. You can notice the onset of the disease by orange growths on the tree bark. They resemble in appearance a human ulcer. Fungal spores enter the wood through cuts after pruning branches, cultivating, and through cracks after frost.
Vertical wilt (verticillium wilt). The first signs are untimely yellowing of the leaves of the lower branches. The fungus grows inside the tree. Infected leaves fall off, decompose in the soil and infect new plants when they fall on a cut. To correctly diagnose the disease, the branch is cut and examined cross section. Brown spots can be seen on a diseased tree irregular shape, light and dark.
Apricot leaf curl. Under the influence of tafrin fungus spores, one of the most dangerous diseases of stone fruit crops develops. It can be diagnosed by the leaves, the color of which gradually changes from yellow to dark red. Then swollen reddish formations appear and the shape of the leaf becomes distorted.
Stone scab. On the leaves after blooming you can see dark green round spots. Gradually they change color to gray-brown and become hard. Can cover the entire sheet. The leaves begin to dry out and fall off. A plaque appears on the fruit due to the action of the fungus. Getting worse appearance fruit, pulp quality, taste.
Fusarium drying out (fusarium). The development of the disease can be determined by the leaves on which gray-brown spots appear, slightly depressed in nature. The action of the fungus also affects the fruits. Spots also appear on them, the skin becomes wrinkled, and the flesh underneath is dry. Spores enter the tree from the soil, penetrating through cracks and cuts.
Cytosporosis drying out (cytosporosis). A very serious, poorly treatable disease. Its onset can be determined by the branches and tips of the shoots, which suddenly dry out at the beginning of summer. The bark takes on a brown tint, and wounds appear that ooze gum. Black tubercles of the fungus gradually cover the bark. Next year, a black growth will appear in this place - a mushroom that has grown into the tissue of the tree. Fungal spores during cytosporosis penetrate through cuts and damage to wood. It is possible to cure a tree from cytosporosis only at an early stage of the disease.
Bacterial diseases and their symptoms
Of the bacterial types, stone carcinoma is the most common.
Bacterial necrosis (stone cancer). You can notice it by brown spots on the leaves, which later turn into holes. The branches are covered with elongated-flattened ulcers. The buds either do not open at all, or bloom with the appearance of small, non-viable leaves. The drying process also applies to shoots. The tree becomes ill under the influence of bacteria that penetrate the tree from the soil through saw cuts and cuts.
How to recognize viral diseases
Plum pox. Fruits that ripen half a month earlier have poor taste. The fruit itself has characteristic somewhat deep brownish stripes and spots. The pulp underneath is dry.
Ringpox. Why does a tree sometimes develop too slowly in the spring? It may have contracted smallpox. Watch the tree. With this disease, small leaves gradually bloom, sometimes unusual shapes. Unripe fruits with brown red-brown tubercles and rings fall early.
Viral wilting. By seeing the simultaneous flowering and appearance of green leaves, viral wilt can be confidently diagnosed. The leaves become thicker and curled; covered with light green spots. The pulp of the fruit, starting from the seed, dies. The disease usually begins after budding or grafting.
Ribbon mosaic. The leaves are primarily affected. On them you will see yellow stripes along the veins, which gradually form a lacy mosaic pattern, leading to the death of the foliage.
Among the methods of labor-intensive fight against all categories of diseases, apricot can be distinguished general measures prevention and treatment and specific ones that relate to individual species.
General methods of disease prevention
Plant the apricot tree in the warmest and windless corner of the garden. In areas with high humidity, plant on small bumps for rolling off moisture.
Use healthy seedlings for planting and proven cuttings for grafting.
When growing, adhere to scientifically based technology.
Systematically observe the trees, examine the flowers, leaves, trunk, bark, branches, shoots.
Regularly dig up the soil near the trunk, saturating it with oxygen.
Do not allow the soil under the trees to dry out or become waterlogged.
In autumn, collect and burn leaves. Some microorganisms will die and will not cause harm in the future.
Collect all diseased fruits from the tree, burn them or bury them to a depth of at least 40 cm.
Do not plant apricots on soils where nightshades such as potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries or tobacco have previously grown. If this is not possible, treat the soil with antifungal drugs.
During grafting and cuttings, do not forget to treat the sections with special antiseptics, and also your hands when you move from tree to tree while working.
Fertilize trees so that they grow healthy, strong, and hardy.
Preventively treat the tree trunk and the ground underneath it with a solution of copper sulfate.
In the fall, whitewash the trees.
Preventatively spray the tree and the ground underneath with copper-containing preparations in the spring before buds open, and in the fall after the leaves fall. Spray only in dry, warm weather and never during rain.
Cover large hollows with cement or clay solution.
Features of the treatment of diseased apricots
Spraying with copper-containing preparations. Bordeaux mixture - 3%, copper sulfate 1%. Treatment interval is 2 weeks.
Please note that crops saved during the disease period must be processed immediately. There are spores on the surface and the painful process will still occur.
If you notice at least one tree sick with cytosporosis or another disease, it is necessary to treat all the trees in the garden, regardless of whether they are sick or not.
During apricot disease and treatment, avoid pruning trees. Wounds that bleed gum, for example, with cytosporosis, must be cleaned, taking 2 cm of healthy wood around the wound, treated with an antiseptic, and covered with garden varnish.
As an antiseptic, you can use a 1% solution of copper sulfate, Fundazol or weak solution potassium permanganate.
There are many antifungal drugs available all the time. Use them according to the instructions. Some drugs are used even during flowering.
For clasterosporiosis, use 4% Bordeaux mixture or 1% copper sulfate.
For vertical wilting, it is recommended to spray Bordeaux mixture on the blossoming buds.
Carry out preventive measures, adhere to general rules Treat apricot diseases in a timely manner - and your trees will be healthy and will delight the owner with a wonderful harvest.

How to fight diseases: tips from the inside

One smart American writer said that to improve the health of the nation, you must first collect all the pills and throw them into the ocean. I completely agree with him, because I believe that treating a person chemicals contrary to his very Divine nature. With rare exceptions, this is a dead-end path: the patient receives temporary relief, but the disease is driven deeper and then comes out again in the form of “side effects.”

I have devoted the last 20 years to studying methods alternative medicine. Mikulin, Amosov, Semenova, Malakhov, Neumyvakin, Bragg, Shelton, Nishi - all these people went through illness, and their health systems contain a lot of useful things.

Unfortunately, for the average reader, making sense of this sea of ​​information is very difficult. I tried everything existing unconventional methods health improvement systematized by the type of their impact on the body and figuratively presented as 3 lines of defense in the fight against disease.

The first line is mobilization and the ability to use the hidden energy forces of a person. This includes meditation, autogenic training, Louise Hay affirmations and prayer. If your head is filled with negative thoughts, then things will also fail and, accordingly, vice versa. All these methods are based on the deepest belief that our thoughts can materialize. As they say, blessed is he who believes.

Do you ask God for health and anything else? I have an icon left from my mother-in-law, may she rest in heaven, not very old. Every evening I asked God for health for me and my loved ones. And then one day I suddenly noticed that living eyes were looking at me from the icon. Fear gripped me, some inexplicable wave passed from my back to the top of my head. And such phenomena began to repeat themselves quite often. I am sure that this is divine energy that brings health.

The second line of defense is physical exercise: gardening, exercise, running, walking, and if you suddenly have pain, you should consult a doctor without delay. The main thing is to do everything with joy, since joy is in itself the most powerful medicine. It is not difficult to learn how to create joy in yourself through meditation or autogenic training. At one time, after defending my dissertation, due to nervous overload, I got such a neurosis that I couldn’t sleep for a whole month. I don’t know what would have happened to me if one young doctor had not taught me the methods of autogenic training. Another important thing: try to smile more, even to those you don’t love.

Every child now knows that the day should begin with exercise. There are a lot of exercises, and you need to choose your favorite ones. I just recommend doing more squats. This exercise involves all the muscles and joints of the lower half of the body. The artist Sokolov (remember Kukryniksy) celebrated his 107th anniversary largely due to the fact that he did 100 squats every day (not necessarily immediately, but throughout the day). This exercise does not require much space and is well dosed, that is, if your knees hurt, do half squats. If your heart allows, pick up dumbbells - the efficiency of exercise will increase. At one time I received serious disease left shoulder joint. My arm hung like a whip, I couldn’t dress myself. Healed the joint with dumbbells. Overcoming the pain, I did and did dumbbell push-ups from the shoulder, and the disease went away.

The third line of defense in our fight against disease is everything we ingest, that is, products, tinctures, homeopathic medicines. There are also a lot of different recipes here, but each reader probably has his own favorite and proven ones. Separate group I would put plant poisons (boligal, belladonna, fly agaric). These remedies cure the most serious illnesses, you just need to use them correctly and carefully. This is where in-depth scientific research is needed!

Separately, I would like to say about nutrition. This is also a powerful health factor, and the main thing here is what you eat, but how you do it. You need to eat slowly, savoring every bite. All thoughts should be here, not at work. Simple porridge can be a cure if you eat it right and thank God for it. Talk to the porridge, ask her to treat your stomach (or something else). Don't stuff your mouth full, use a teaspoon more often. Even a simple piece of bread with onions, eaten correctly and with appetite, will bring you more benefit than eating a steak and egg on the go. And if you have, then read the information at the link.

That's all my brief thoughts on health systems. God bless you!

01 08.18

How to deal with blackberry diseases?


Blackberries are the most favorite plant of summer residents and gardeners. Recently, the berry has been gaining immense popularity. It does not require special care and produces a high yield. However, she is prone to various types diseases. To preserve the fertility of blackberries, it is necessary to take special preventive measures.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases occur due to the penetration of viruses into the plant.

Mosaic is the most common disease. Blackberry leaves become covered with yellow spots and become deformed. The plant stops developing, becomes stunted and dies. To eliminate the infection, it is necessary to burn the infected areas and treat them with a special solution.

Curly appears due to a virus that is located in the planting material. IN in rare cases The disease is transmitted by worms. The shoots become short, the leaves become dull in color and bend. To combat the disease, you need to eliminate infected shoots and plant only healthy bushes.

Yellow mesh carried by aphids. Plants become spotted and leaves expand. IN in this case Blackberries should be treated with karbofos.

Bacterial diseases

Most plants are susceptible to bacterial infection, and blackberry bushes are especially susceptible.

Most dangerous disease counts cancer tumor . During this period, bacteria penetrate the blackberry bush and damage its root. Cells suddenly begin to divide. Growing new growths appear on the root, which have a dense structure. Such bushes must be destroyed immediately. To preserve the plant, you need to cut off the growths that have formed on the root system. The shoots are soaked and placed for 5 minutes in a light solution of copper sulfate. The seedlings are washed thoroughly.


Fungus is considered the most common infectious disease. If there is an infection, the plant will experience damage to the leaves and roots. Usually insects are carriers of fungi.

Rust occurs in summer period and damages young shoots. The fungal infection is transmitted to winter period. As a result, the blackberry stems dry out. To prevent such consequences for landing, you should only use healthy varieties. The soil must be cleared of old leaves. Before planting, treat the soil with compost. The leaves should be treated with a fungicide.

Purple spot infects all parts of the stems. Dark purple spots of a vague shape form on them. They instantly infect the bush, and the leaves begin to fall off. Over time, the plant may die. The disease does not spread to fruits. To fight, you need to use drugs against infectious diseases.

White spot is a fungal disease that is characteristic of humid climate. The infection can be detected in the spring in the form of white spots with dark dots. The stems become infected, covered with mucus, and the fruits rot. Treatment of the root system and leaves with a fungicide is suitable for treatment.

Gray rot causes berries to rot. The infection affects the petals and roots of the plant. Infected berries are not recommended to be consumed. Oval-shaped spots appear on the stems. In case of prolonged infection, the bush dies. Treatment is carried out in a similar way.

Insects are the main carriers of infectious and fungal diseases. Bushes should be planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. As a preventive measure, you should use special drugs for spraying.