Why do I have a bad memory. Memory problems: what it means and when to worry

Memory is an amazing achievement of evolution. Even the simplest unicellular organisms have this gift, but only people can lose it with age.

You probably noticed that older people are more distracted, they remember and reproduce information worse. This may be a consequence of both age-related changes and the development of individual pathologies. Memory can weaken due to poor condition of blood vessels, circulatory disorders, oxygen starvation of brain tissues. The deterioration of the memorization process can and should be corrected. If it is difficult to do it yourself, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you what methods you can use, help you make a correct regimen, adjust your diet, prescribe additional medications.


Memory is a property of the brain that helps to remember events, information, store it for a long time and, if necessary, reproduce it. Scientists are still arguing about the nature and essence of this unique ability. There are different theories that explain the essence of memory. Even with modern technology to study, scientists are heatedly debating how the brain records the information it receives and stores it.

Most often there are problems with short-term memory. It is known for sure that memory can and should be developed, many methods have been developed for this. Numerous experiments have confirmed that certain types of memory can indeed be strengthened. If memory is gone, it's time to learn how to train it.

When a person memorizes certain information, he does it automatically, without thinking about the essence of the process itself. In addition to verbal information, a person remembers a lot of smells, colors, emotions, sounds, etc. A huge stream of all kinds of information falls on memory every day, which is needed not only for the survival of the organism, but also for its development. It is important to be able to focus on enhancing memory. This will make it easier to remember and quickly reproduce the accumulated reserves. If memory is lost, not only the physical, but also the emotional sphere suffers.

Scientists conditionally distinguish three possibilities of memory:

  1. Receiving the information.
  2. Keeping her.
  3. Playback.

Memory properties can vary from person to person. Some are easier to remember, others successfully store and reproduce information.

If you find that a certain feature is lagging behind, you need to make an effort to improve it.


Allocate the following types of memory:

  • Visual (visual). This is the most important type. It is he who helps in survival.
  • Auditory. It is well developed among musicians.
  • Verbal-logical. It is developed among politicians, philosophers, people of mental labor.
  • Motor (motor). Athletes are fluent in it.
  • Emotional. This type is the most durable. A person easily remembers those moments of his life that he emotionally experienced.

As psychologists have found out, only one type is developed in an individual. It is easier for some to remember what they wrote down, for others what they saw.

There is also the concept of "human genetic memory". It refers to hereditary reactions that one generation passes on to another through genes.

Athletes also have the concept of "muscle memory". It refers to the restructuring of muscle fiber cells for a long time under the influence of homogeneous physical activity. Constant physical activity helps athletes quickly get in shape even after a fairly long break.

What makes memory weak

Memory can be enhanced, but it can also be weakened. Why is memory lost? It depends on various factors, for example, on how important information is for a person. As psychologists have noticed, people always remember better what they really need.

If memory impairment begins, treatment should be individualized. It all depends on the specific reasons that led to such a pathology. For more than a dozen years, scientists have been puzzling over why memory is deteriorating. They attribute this to possible psychological problems, hormones, and a number of diseases. The state of the reproductive sphere has a strong influence on the memory of women. Also, endocrinologists noted the relationship between the production of thyroid hormones and the state of memory. As soon as the decrease in the concentration of hormones begins, a person begins to remember worse. To increase this level, doctors may prescribe iodine, zinc, vitamin B2. Unfortunately, it is these substances that are often lacking in the human body, so problems with memory disorders are very common.

How to check its status

The problem of memory loss is very relevant for people of age, but it can overtake younger people as well. If a person constantly processes, gets tired, the brain stops processing data adequately.

If you are faced with a similar problem, solving it is quite simple - you need to rest more, eat right, stick to the regimen.

In old age, a person remembers perfectly the events of his youth, but does not know what he did 5 minutes ago. In such cases, methods of training short-term memory will help. With the help of the Internet, now everyone can quickly find out what state their memory is in.

Memory impairment can also be different. Almost every one of us can forget where he left his hat, umbrella, gloves, phone. This is normal and is a feature of our brain. If you forget what you did yesterday or why you left the room, you should think about it, maybe it's time to go to the doctors. Also a cause for alarm - if you cannot keep information important to you in your head, even making an effort for this.

What ailments can cause

Older people most often suffer from poor memory, but there are reasons that can annoy even in young or middle age. In adults, the memory is not as flexible as in children. At the same time, the level of the memorization process may be lower than that of forgetting.

Sometimes it is very difficult to restore normal brain functions. For this process to be successful, corrective action should be taken as soon as a problem has been noticed. This can be done at home. There are a number of ailments and pathological conditions that affect the quality of memory:

  1. . A serious traumatic brain injury can cause brain dysfunction. Sometimes there is even a complete disappearance, a failure of memories of the past (amnesia). In severe cases, hallucinations or false memories may appear. Particularly severe injuries can occur in a road accident. The sad consequences of such injuries can remain for the rest of your life. Often it is not possible to return to a person all the functions of the brain, to completely restore the central nervous system. For diagnosis, you need to go to a neurologist, do an MRI of the head. Long-term complex therapy is required.
  2. Mental disorders. This may be a manifestation of Korsakoff's syndrome. With it, a person cannot remember any current event, but at the same time remembers the past. This means that it is the short-term type of memory that suffers. A person finds it difficult to navigate in time, environment, place, he can be visited by false memories. With such a disease, an examination by a psychiatrist is required.
  3. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. It leads to the fact that the blood supply to the brain area is significantly reduced, it begins to experience oxygen starvation, and there is a deficiency of useful microelements. In this case, all brain functions, including memory, suffer. This condition is accompanied by a decrease in concentration, fatigue, irritability, a person is tormented by frequent headaches. You need to pass a series of tests, undergo a brain study, visit a neurologist. The doctor must prescribe a medicine that will stimulate blood circulation. Properly selected pills will help improve the condition of blood vessels, improve blood flow.
  4. Diabetes diabetes. It leads to significant circulatory disorders. Large vessels suffer, the walls of which thicken significantly. Small vessels can completely overlap, due to which the brain receives little blood. Other symptoms: thirst, frequent urination, mucous membranes dry up, the person gets tired quickly. If diabetes is suspected, an endocrinologist will help, it will be necessary to check the level of sugar in the blood. Necessarily drug treatment, constant monitoring of glucose levels. Modern medicine has achieved impressive success in the fight against diabetes. Periodically, you will need to visit an endocrinologist. He must monitor the general condition of the patient, possible pathological changes in blood vessels, tissues, organs.
  5. . This disease is incurable. It is characterized by gradual degeneration of all brain functions. Not only memory decreases, but also intelligence. Eventually, dementia develops. This disease most often affects people over 60 years of age. A person does not remember current events, while perfectly recalling facts of 10 years ago and more. The patient may confuse the present with the past. It is noticed that men suffer from it a little more often than women. The old man gradually degrades, becomes selfish, quarrelsome, falls into senile insanity. With this disease, you should seek help from a neurologist. To slow down the course of the disease, it is important to start treating it at the earliest stages of development.
  6. Depression. It is expressed in constant anxiety, bad mood. The person is depressed, he has apathy, he seeks to avoid communication, he likes to be alone. This is where a psychotherapist can help.
  7. Pathology of the thyroid gland. This problem is due to the fact that the normal production of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) is disrupted. By the way, they are 65% iodine. This condition begins with a decrease in memory, then the patient quickly gains weight (and this despite the fact that his appetite decreases), he suffers from a breakdown, apathy, depression, and becomes too irritable. He has muscle weakness, swelling. For help, you need to contact an endocrinologist, take a blood test for hormones, and do an ultrasound. In this case, prevention is possible - you should add foods with iodine (seafood, seaweed), iodized salt, dairy, nuts, hard cheese, persimmons to the diet.
  8. Osteochondrosis. A hernia can form in the cervical region, which will squeeze the vessels through which blood enters the brain. This dangerous condition can even cause a stroke over time. The characteristic signs of osteochondrosis are frequent headaches, numbness of the fingers on the hands. The vertebrologist will help. It is possible that an MRI will be required. For prevention, you should swim, do exercise therapy.
  9. Alcoholism. Drinking alcohol is a direct path to dementia. If a person abuses alcohol, irreversible changes occur in his brain. Drunk not only looks ridiculous, he causes irreparable harm to his health. Alcohol is extremely harmful to neurons, it destroys the axons and bodies of nerve cells. At the moment of intoxication, the brain experiences tremendous stress. It is important that loved ones help a person to cope with this disaster in time. Remember that alcoholism is considered a disease all over the world.

A little about Alzheimer's disease

We decided to separately tell in more detail about this disease, since it occurs among the elderly more and more often. If it is detected in time, it is possible to significantly slow down the development of the process, but it is completely impossible to cure the patient. Changes in the brain are irreversible, and so far medicine does not have an effective remedy for this terrible disease. It is also called senile dementia (dementia).

With this neurological disease, degeneration of brain tissue is observed, due to which all its functions are irreversibly lost. Over time, a person even forgets how to eat or what the store is for, how to use an umbrella, etc.

This disease has been known since antiquity, but it was accurately described about a hundred years ago. It is still unknown why such serious defeats occur. Now it is generally accepted that the reason is that pathological proteins accumulate in the brain. Because of this, brain cells die, and its mass decreases, it literally dries out.

Due to the loss of neural mass, memory, perception, thinking, the ability to learn, habits, and motor skills suffer. In the end, a person cannot even serve himself on his own, he needs constant supervision, help.

Often strong and relatively healthy old people who do not even have chronic diseases suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

It is important not to miss the early symptoms of this pathology. They can be mistaken for simple age-related disorders, therefore, they often resort to the help of a doctor when the disease enters its middle stage.

Something happened to my memory...(c)

In this article, we will consider the most popular causes of memory loss, excluding which you can achieve a noticeable result in its improvement. Read the article about what memory is and what types of human memory are known in psychology.

Of course, many of us look with admiration at people with a phenomenal memory and secretly, or maybe openly, envy them. Most people think that a good memory is a sign of a great mind and intellect. But it is not so. Therefore, I want to encourage those whose memory is not phenomenal and forgetfulness is a habit. Many prominent personalities suffered from absent-mindedness.

Forgetfulness is not always the result bad memory. Often this is a simple inattention or a strong passion for something. So strong that everything else just flies out of my head. In addition, our brain receives a huge amount of information and simply throws out everything unnecessary and unimportant in order to make room for more significant. So, if you forgot to turn off the light in the restroom a couple of times, do not worry and sound the alarm. Most likely at these moments you were just thinking about something else. Another thing is when you notice signs of memory deterioration constantly, and this interferes with a full life. In this case, it is necessary to understand why the memory began to deteriorate, and take the necessary measures.

Causes of memory impairment

Memory problems occur in completely different people. Of course, the main risk group is people over the age of 50, however, according to some reports, memory complaints from young people have begun to appear more and more recently. The reasons may be different. From overwork to serious health problems. Therefore, if you notice persistent memory lapses, you should contact a specialist and identify the causes.

So, some of the most likely causes of memory impairment:

Stress, depression, anxiety. In an overexcited or, on the contrary, too melancholy state, a person cannot focus on anything other than those irritants that drive him into this position. Forgetting something important in this case is easy.

Sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue. Mode, mode and more mode! In I mentioned how important sleep is for remembering information for a long time. Well, chronic fatigue corny reduces concentration and attention.

Bad habits(alcohol abuse, smoking). Everyone knows about it. Tobacco and alcohol reduce the level of attention, perception and memory.

vitamin deficiency. During periods of beriberi, the body is weakened, which can adversely affect memory. Fruits, vegetables or simple ascorbic acid with vitamin C will recharge the body.

Information overload. Today this is a very urgent problem. We are literally "bombed" with information shells. The Internet, TV, radio and other media strive to stuff us with their news and "sensations". Reducing or at least filtering the incoming megabytes to the brain will help reduce the load and your bright head will not be clogged with unnecessary garbage.

Lack of oxygen. Fresh air and walking are generally good for the brain and the body as a whole. If you live in a metropolis, it would be nice to at least occasionally find time to go out into the countryside.

In most cases, in order to improve your memory and restore its former strength, it is enough to simply eliminate the above reasons for its deterioration. However, if you want more, you can use simple memory exercises.

Read about how you can in the next article.

To study short-term visual memory, a table is needed. You can also make it yourself. A sheet of paper is divided into 12 cells (3 rows, 4 cells each). Write a two-digit number in each compartment.
A person is offered to look at the table for 10 seconds, and then write down the numbers that he remembers. The average result is 6-7 numbers. Insufficient volume - less than 5.

Methodology "Study of involuntary and voluntary memory"

For the study, 2 sets of pictures of 10 pieces each are required.

Study of involuntary memory And. The person is asked to look at the pictures. each is shown for 2 seconds. after viewing, they are asked to recall the pictures that he saw.

Arbitrary memory research. Before the test, the person is asked to memorize the images. The storage method is not specified. They show the second set of pictures for 3 seconds each, then ask them to recall them in any order.

After the study, the effectiveness of the two types of memory is compared.

Memory is a property of the nervous system to remember, store and reproduce information, skills and abilities at the right time. The essence of memory is the ability to receive, store and reproduce life experience. Thus, memory is the basis of learning, therefore it is referred to as cognitive processes.

When they talk about poor memory, they mean that difficulties arise at one or several stages: it is difficult for a person to remember data. Information is not stored in memory for a long time or is replaced by new facts.
Most often, memory impairment is associated with a decrease in attention, overwork and haste. This can easily be fixed with exercise. A more serious problem is the sharp deterioration of memory associated with illness or injury. In this case, the help of a neurologist is required.

Types of memory by sense organs

  1. verbal-logical- remembering the meaning of speech;
  2. emotional- memory for experienced emotions and related events;
  3. motor- memorization and reproduction of complex;
  4. figurative- memory for images that were formed on the basis of data received from various senses;
  • visual - preservation of visual images, illustrations, table schemes;
  • auditory - helps to preserve and accurately reproduce sounds, speech;
  • olfactory - remembering smells;
  • tactile - memory for information received by touch.

By storage time

instant(iconic) - up to 0.5 seconds. stores in memory what has just been perceived by the senses;
short-term– up to 20 seconds. the volume is very limited (7 items), information is quickly replaced by new data. At this stage, useless information is eliminated, which allows not to overload long-term memory. Short-term memory is considered a filter and staging post for long-term memory, therefore, the greater the amount of short-term memory, the better long-term memory.
operational- storage for a certain period of up to several days (keep in memory until I write it down, until I pass the exam)
long-term- Stores information indefinitely. It is believed that the amount of this memory is unlimited, difficulties arise not with storage, but with recalling the necessary information.
genetic- is preserved at the gene level and is inherited.
on the participation of the will in the process of memorization:
involuntary information is stored automatically, without human effort. often this is an interesting material that is of great importance for a person, causing positive emotions or necessary in work. It often happens that involuntary memory works better than arbitrary memory - memorization is faster and information is stored longer.
arbitrary- memorization necessarily requires strong-willed efforts. In order to learn a poem, new material or foreign words, you need to force yourself, which causes additional difficulties.

What does memory depend on? (anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system)

Different structures of the brain are responsible for memory:
  • for working and short-term memory- mediobasal system (hippocampus and adjacent cortex of the temporal lobe);
  • for procedural memory- amygdala, cerebellum and cortex;
  • for long term memory- cortex.
in addition, the cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic systems of the brain play an important role in the functioning of memory. They are a collection of interconnected nerve cells that secrete one of the neurotransmitters (hormones) - acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin or dopamine.

They share many types of memory that work harmoniously, making up a single system.

Let's take a look at how memory works. Imagine a car throwing sand on the street - this is information that you have to remember. She travels, leaving a trail, from object to object (these are neurons - brain cells). For some time, this trace is preserved - the information is stored in memory. But if the car does not pass again along the same route, then soon there will be no trace left on the road. It is the same with memory, if the information is not repeated, not used, then it is gradually replaced by other stimuli.

Information (impressions, skills) pass from one nerve cell to another, forming a backbone. New information travels a different path, leaving a new trail.

Memory includes 4 processes:

  • imprint;
  • preservation;
  • reproduction;
  • forgetting.
they are provided by 4 memory mechanisms:
  • the formation of neural connections;
  • strengthening of nerve connections;
  • excitation of nerve connections;
  • inhibition of nerve connections.
Each memory process has its own mechanism. For example: information is imprinted through the formation of neural connections between a group of neurons. The imprinting process goes through two stages. The first is that nerve cells retain excitation, which provides short-term memory.

Second phase memorization- consolidation of excitation due to biochemical changes in brain cells and synapses (intercellular formations that ensure the transmission of a nerve impulse between neurons). Biochemical changes are not formed instantly, so it takes some time to memorize information. optimal memorization occurs if information is repeated several times. Then the nervous excitation repeats the same path. This provides significant biochemical changes, as a result, such information is well remembered, stored in memory for a long time and reproduced more easily. Another important factor is the extent to which new material is related to existing knowledge. Simply put, it is easier to remember what the brain has already had to deal with.

saving information in memory is possible due to the fixation of neural connections. According to recent research, information related to working memory is encoded as changes in RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules. Each nerve cell has over 1000 altered RNAs. Long-term memory is provided by changes in the DNA molecules (deoxyribonucleic acid) located in the corresponding nerve cells that took part in memorization.

reproduction of information When it is necessary to remember the right thing, it is carried out by excitation of those neurons that memorized information. At the same time, connections with other semantic components are established in the brain. In other words, the more interconnected material in the brain regarding a given information, the easier it will be to recall it.

Forgetting information corresponds to the inhibition of nerve connections. this occurs when traces are replaced by new impressions. Old data is replaced with more up-to-date information. Forgetting is considered a defense mechanism that prevents the brain from overloading.

All information contained in the memory is stored in different areas of the cerebral cortex. For example, verbal-logical information is mainly localized in the frontal lobes. One neuron or a whole network of nerve cells can take part in remembering one event. Good memory is possible with the coordinated work of the cortex of both hemispheres.

Actions brought to automatism (washing, brushing teeth, closing the door) are not deposited in the cortex of the hemispheres.

Good memory is possible with a high tone of the cerebral cortex. It, in turn, depends on the work of subcortical structures and the general condition of the body. and the reticular formation and the limbic part of the brain increase the tone of the cortex and orient the attention of a person, creating a prerequisite for memorization.

How to determine that the memory is bad?

tests are used to determine the amount of memory

short term memory

a table is needed to study short-term visual memory. you can make it yourself. a sheet of paper is divided into 12 cells (3 rows, 4 cells each). Write a two-digit number in each compartment.
a person is offered to look at the table for 10 seconds, and then write down the numbers that he remembers. The average result is 6-7 numbers. insufficient volume - less than 5.

1. memory problems
difficulty with memorization;
difficulties with the development of new information;
2. data storage problems

3. problems with reproduction (remembering) of information

The word "twists on the tongue"
memory losses

The main causes of memory impairment (the reason is the mechanism for the development of pathology)

Chronic fatigue. Prolonged debilitating mental stress leads to disruption of the higher nervous system, including memory impairment. The abundance of information, the need to make decisions quickly, a high degree of responsibility for them, and multitasking especially worsen memory.

stress. often repeated and prolonged stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the state of memory and higher nervous activity in general. Particularly affected is the preservation of information

sleep deprivation. scientists have proven that constant sleep deprivation reduces the efficiency of thought processes and memory by 30%. Most of all, the memorization and reproduction of information suffers.

Abuse of energy and stimulant drinks constant stimulation causes the brain to eventually become exhausted.

Smoking and alcohol abuse. nicotine causes a sharp narrowing of the cerebral vessels and this effect can persist for several hours. alcohol consumption (more than 40 g per day) causes intoxication of the nervous system. curiously, the complete rejection of alcohol (less than 20g per day) also negatively affects the state of memory.

Intoxication of the body with harmful substances. aluminum, lead, copper, manganese, mercury have the most negative impact on memory. these substances can accumulate in the body. this often happens in people working in hazardous industries.

Malnutrition. deficiency of protein, essential fatty acids and chemical elements impairs the course of processes in the brain and impairs its work.

Deficiency of vitamins E and group B. These substances are involved in oxygen metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters that ensure the passage of impulses between nerve cells.

Age changes associated with a decrease in brain activity, deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. If you do not take preventive measures, then even in healthy people, age-related memory deterioration occurs after 55 years.

Pregnancy and lactation. The hormone oxytocin has been found to have a negative effect on memory. Testosterone and estrogen contribute to the memorization of new information.

Taking certain medications- antidepressants, neuroleptics, painkillers, anticholinergics, barbiturates, antihistamines. In addition, when taking various groups of medicines, their action can cumulate.

Brain hypoxia. oxygen starvation of nerve cells is associated with carbon monoxide poisoning, circulatory disorders, suffocation,

Diseases of the internal organs:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • pathology of the nervous system
  • cerebrovascular accident, stroke
  • traumatic brain injury
  • neurosyphilis
  • infectious diseases meningitis, encephalitis
  • benign and malignant brain tumors

How to improve memory?

In recent years, the theory has gained popularity that the brain, like a muscle, can be trained. the more often you train your memory, the better it will be. And this rule works at any age. This way of improving memory works, whether it is a bad memory in a child or age-related changes.

Repetition. repetition for 20 seconds after information arrives allows it to be retained in short-term memory longer and
memory training

1. Write down the numbers from 1 to 20 in a column. associate each number with an object, person or phenomenon. For example: 1-apple, 5-shop. The next day, try to remember which item corresponded to which number. Repeat daily, changing items. Record the number of correct answers.
2. write down 20 two-digit numbers, assign them serial numbers. It's better if someone else does it. For example: 1. 89; 2. 66…look at the chart for 40 seconds. reproduce everything you remember.
3. Read a passage of text consisting of 10 sentences. the text should not be artistic, but scientific journalistic. after 1 minute, you need to reproduce everything that you managed to remember.
4. remembering faces and surnames. for the exercise you need 10 photos of strangers. it is required to remember 10 persons, as well as first names, patronymics and surnames. 30 seconds are allocated for memorization. Then the photos are submitted in a different order, you need to remember the names of people.

  • Medications to improve memory
OTC medicines
Drug group representatives Action Mode of application
ginkgo biloba preparations Bilobil, Memoplant, Gingogink, Bilobil Forte, Ginkgo Biloba Improve blood flow, affect the vascular system of the brain. drugs improve the nutrition of nerve cells and their oxygen. Adults - 1 capsule 3 times a day. course of treatment 3 months.
Children under 18 years of age drugs are contraindicated.
Amino acids Glycine, glycised, glycyram Improves metabolic processes in neurons. Improves memorization during periods of intellectual stress (Examination session). Tablets for resorption under the tongue. adults 2 tablets 3 times a day. children 1 tablet 3 times a day. duration of admission from 2 weeks to 2 months.
Nootropic drugs. gamma-aminobutyric acid preparations Aminalon, noofen Drugs improve cerebral circulation, metabolism of nerve cells , increase glucose uptake. Memory improves, weak antidepressant and psychostimulating effect.

Medicines prescribed by a doctor
Drug group representatives Action Mode of application
Nootropics Piracetam, Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootropil, Cerebril Enhances the synthesis of dopamine. improves the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells. Improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. Increase the uptake of glucose by neurons. Inside, 150-250 mg 3 times a day. In hospitals, drugs are administered intravenously. duration of treatment from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Nootropic and gamkergic drugs Encephabol, pyritinol Improves the capture and absorption of glucose by nerve cells. Increases the exchange of nucleic acids and the release of neurotransmitters in synapses. Tablets or suspension are taken 3 times a day after meals. The average single dose for adults is 2 tablets or 10 ml of suspension. last dose no later than 3 hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.
Psychostimulants and nootropics Phenopropyl, Activate brain activity, improving attention and memory. Regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition. Improve metabolic processes and blood circulation. Take 100-200 mg 2 times a day after meals. The doctor sets the duration of admission individually (on average 30 days).
These drugs are prescribed only after consulting a doctor! they have contraindications and side effects.

Memory Improvement Products

  • B vitamins - meat and organ meats (liver, heart)
  • Vitamin E - Seeds, nuts, avocados, vegetable oil
  • polyphenols - red and black berries (currants, cherries, blackberries, grapes), green tea
  • Choline - egg yolk
  • Iodine - seaweed, feijoa, persimmon, sea fish
  • glucose – Honey, chocolate, sugar

Memory training

  • associations. read or have someone tell you 10 pairs of dining association words. house - comfort; blonde - hair dye. after 20-30 minutes, read the first words in
  • memorizing poems. memorize poetry. when memorizing 2 quatrains a day, memory will noticeably improve in 1-2 months.
  • remembering the sequence of playing cards. Draw 6 cards from the deck and try to remember the sequence in which they lie.
  • creating images

Treating the Causes of Bad Memory

If there are signs of memory impairment, it is necessary to contact a neurologist and a therapist to determine the causes of the violations. Further, based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed. Note that in people with memory impairment (except for memory lapses), neurological disorders are rare.
  • active lifestyle. sufficient physical activity is a condition for normal blood circulation in the muscles and brain. Camping, hiking, playing sports help to restore the full functioning of the brain.
  • new impressions. bright, emotionally colored events activate a large number of neurons in the cerebral cortex. which then take part in memorization.
  • don't let it be automatic. perform actions consciously. to do this, perform actions (closing the door, turning off electrical appliances) with your left hand if you are right-handed. Such a technique will make additional parts of the brain tense and the action will be remembered.
  • tasks, crosswords, puzzles, mental calculation.
  • focus on the object of action. concentration of attention allows you to use a whole network of neurons for memorization. this will facilitate the process of memorization, improve the safety of information and its recall at the right time.
  • use associations. The brain remembers information better that is related to the data already available. Therefore, it is easier to remember a person who looks like a friend.
  • maintain a positive attitude. What causes laughter and joy is remembered well. And when a person is depressed, the memory fails. therefore, it is necessary to consciously maintain a positive attitude - communicate with positive people, watch humorous programs.
  • to study a foreign language. activates the brain.
  • develop fine motor skills. it is recommended to master a new type of needlework, to distinguish between coins of different denominations, to sculpt from kaolin clay and plasticine.
  • throw 7-10 matches. watch for 1-5 seconds, then draw how the matches fell.
  • learn how to type on the keyboard with 10 fingers. this helps to engage new associative connections and additional sections of the cortex.

Why does a child have a bad memory? (main reasons)

  • Fetal asphyxia during pregnancy associated with toxicosis, early aging of the placenta.
  • neurosis. can develop against the background of overwork at school, frequent quarrels in the family.
  • lack of assembly
  • selective memory. only what is interesting
  • regular exercise
  • game training on the Internet wikium
  • eidetic

How to improve a child's memory?

Better to remember
  • significant material - the child understands what is important and why;
  • emotional material;
  • regularly used, included in permanent activity;
  • material related to what the child knows well;
  • imaginative thinking - imagine.
  • facts to which close attention was paid
  • material that was able to reproduce, repeat in the mind
  • meaningful, structured material
  • grouped material
  • memorization of pictures for preschoolers up to 10. each image is sequentially linked to.
  • poem. pictograms. retold. repeat after 2 hours. repeat 3 times at bedtime repeat in the morning.
  • auditory memory. pronounce 15 phrases - history. specific and absurd.
  • figures are images. 3-digit dictate numbers - short stories.
  • dates of birth, dates of events Pushkin
what to do
  • determine which type of memory is leading (visual, auditory, motor, tactile). it is necessary to use this type of memory when memorizing new material. Children with auditory memory will remember things read aloud better. a child with motor memory - will remember what he wrote down. those who have a visual memory, it is easier to remember what they see. in this case, it is desirable to use a text highlighter, diagrams, tables. children of preschool and primary school age memorize the illustrated material well. determine what type it is.
  • to determine the leading type of memory, offer the child several passages of text of the same size. The first must be read "to yourself", the second aloud, the third rewrite, the fourth read to the child by you. then the child should retell the passages. the one that was remembered better, that kind of perception in the child is more developed.
  • train memory. learn by heart proverbs, riddles, quatrains, gradually moving on to longer verses. the result of training is the activation of a large number of neurons for memorization.
  • expand horizons. read to a child from an early age. educational cartoons, games, television programs also help. The more information a child accumulates in the first years of life, the easier it will be to remember in school years.
  • rest from mental stress. although children perceive information much easier than adults, they also suffer from overwork. Especially if it is accompanied by stress. This condition greatly reduces memory and affects other cognitive processes. It must be taken into account that memory deteriorates at 4-6 lessons, on Thursday and Friday. This is especially noticeable in the last weeks of the quarter. during such periods it is important to provide the child with a good rest. the best option would be active games in the fresh air.
  • improve the coherence of the work of the hemispheres of the brain. finger gymnastics. Exercise "finger-cam"
  • more material on this topic. the more the child knows about animals, the easier it will be for him to remember new facts about them.
  • game "cam - finger"
  • tactile memory. probing toys with closed eyes.
  • arrange the toys on the table, watch for 10 seconds, then pick up one item. preschoolers 5-7.
  • verbal counting
  • develop motor memory.
  • association method
  • connection of emotions
  • creating images. Helps memorize phrases and numbers.

Easy memorization tricks

  1. remembering foreign words in the form of ridiculous images
  2. memorize a list or phone number - put items in order on a well-known route
  3. remembering a person's last name is easier if you associate it with external features. Repeating to yourself several times also contributes to memorization. Then refer to a new acquaintance by name under any pretext: "Ivan Petrovich, if I understand you correctly." associate with a familiar person with the same name.
  4. text. records, pictograms - the main thing in the sentence
  5. Memory is like a muscle - it needs to be trained. as long as you train it, it improves. In the event that there is no need to use memory, then it is weakened.

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Bad memory, causes and ways to overcome….

Can you tell with certainty where the keys to the apartment are?
Where is your hairbrush? What was the hairstyle of the saleswoman in the store you went to recently? Probably, you will not be able to remember such trifles. “Think about it, it’s okay!” you say. And you will be wrong.

Light absent-mindedness threatens to turn into a bad memory in the future. Today we will talk about why memory problems occur and how to solve them.

Bad memory: causes

Memory is a mental process that combines the functions of storing information, storing it and then reproducing it.

In order to spare our nervous system, to protect it from overstrain, there is a forgetting function.

Usually the brain tries to “erase” negative information and protect a person from negative emotions. It is for this reason that we often forget to perform those actions that we do not like.

If the understanding has come that there are problems with memory, first of all, you need to determine what kind of memorization began to fail.

Based on the memorization time, memory can be divided into the following types:

direct- the phenomenon is forgotten immediately (for example, a letter printed and then safely forgotten);

short-term– information is stored no more than 30 seconds;

long-term- storage in the mind of remembered information for many years;

sliding- the phenomenon is stored for exactly the amount of time that is necessary, then it is erased (for example, a learned exam ticket).

If memory is deteriorating, the cause is not approaching old age or an injury, such as a severe concussion.

The gradual decrease in the ability to remember information lies in the disruption of the brain.

This usually happens for a number of specific reasons.

  1. Stress, anxiety, worries. The human brain focuses on the problem, because of which he is experiencing anxiety. As a result, memory deteriorates, a person becomes distracted.
  2. Alcohol. Slows down the process of thinking, reduces the perception of the world around. Antidepressants and other sedative medications can have a similar effect.
  3. Smoking. Nicotine and other toxic substances significantly impair visual and short-term memory.
  4. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep is one of the common causes of scattered memory.
  5. Lack of vitamins (folic, nicotinic acids).
  6. The most common reason is the usual habit of rushing. In a hurry, a person does not concentrate on trifles, as a result of which he quickly forgets about them.

There is no need to rush to the pharmacy for medicines for "bad memory". There are many techniques and ways to improve memory, some of which you can try at home or while traveling on public transport.

If forgetfulness is not a consequence of trauma, then it can be quite successfully dealt with. Use the following tips.

Pay close attention to the little things. Focus on the task you are doing, no matter how simple it may seem. Solve the problem as soon as you remember it, and let the accompanying information help your memory. For example, when parking a car, note that two trees grow nearby, and opposite is a store with a sign such and such. You use several types of memory in this case, and the information will be remembered better.

Try not to be distracted from the task at hand. Entering the room in search of, for example, keys, look for them, without paying attention to foreign objects.

Learn to include logic and build associative series. For example, you must remember the address of Ivanov, 12. Imagine that you have an acquaintance with such a surname who will come to you at 12 o'clock. Do the same with names. For example, you can’t remember the name of the boss in any way. Come up with some association to it. Every time you meet this person, recreate the image in your mind.

If memory is reduced due to a lack of vitamins in the body, then it is necessary to intensively replenish their deficiency. Scientists have proven that memory impairment is associated with a lack of iron, zinc, and boron. Fruits, vegetables, meat should be included in your diet constantly.

And, of course, the main enemy of memory is the wrong way of life. Alcohol, smoking, junk food, stress and constant fatigue lead to brain disorders. Let a healthy lifestyle become your companion, and then even in old age, illness will be nothing to you.

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You go to the kitchen, but in the end you have no idea why you were there, or you met someone and soon forgot the person's name.

Bad memory is the scourge of modern society. Memory problems can occur at any age. You go to the kitchen, but in the end you have no idea why you were there, or you met someone and soon forgot the person's name. Surely many have experienced this. Such lapses are usually due to information overload, but from time to time, other factors interfere with our ability to remember.

13 most common causes of memory lapses

1. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Similar to iron, B12 helps in making red blood cells, reduces lethargy and the risk of anemia, and improves memory processes. A recent study showed that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to memory problems.

The study showed that B12 works as a protective layer for myelin, the substance that coats nerves. When there is not enough B12 in our system, the layer is not thick enough and gets damaged. This damage slows down nerve impulses, which can also lead to memory lapses.

Vitamin deficiency can be caused by old age: As we get older, our stomach produces less and less acid, making it harder for our organs to absorb nutrients from food.

Other causes may be unhealthy diet choices, anemia, and Crohn's disease. B12 is most found in fish, meat, and dairy products. However, before making any changes to your diet, check with your doctor.

2. High blood pressure

If you are over the age of 45 and often experience memory problems, it makes sense to check your blood pressure.

A study conducted at the University of Alabama found that people who have high blood pressure tend to suffer from memetic omission as well as cognitive decline compared to people with normal blood pressure.

The good news is that a healthy diet, exercise, and weight loss can help reduce your risk of this problem.

3. Hypothyroidism

If you are often tired, gain weight, feel overwhelmed, and constantly experience memory problems, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism often occurs slowly and gradually, reducing the levels of the hormone thyroxine (T4), which plays an important role in our body's energy production. Low T4 causes slow metabolism and slow cognitive function, resulting in memory lapses.

A common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's where the body attacks itself. In addition, viral infections and even antibiotic overuse can also cause hypothyroidism.

4. Menopause

The general theory is that there is a link between forgetfulness and menopause in women, was recently confirmed. A study from the University of California confirms that as estrogen levels drop, memory lapses tend to set in. Estrogen protects neurotransmitters, and without sufficient levels of this hormone, they become less effective.

5. Migraine

If you suffer from migraines, you may be at risk of suffering from transient global amnesia (TGA) after the age of 50. TGA is a state, got there, still aware of who he himself is and who surrounds him.

This type of amnesia is usually thought to be caused by a genetic defect that causes nerve impulses to spread in the brain.TGA can temporarily paralyze memory, and migraines can be triggered by sudden immersion in hot or cold water, extreme emotional stress, or even sexual intercourse. Fortunately, TGA is an uncommon condition and is easily treated.

6. Long flights

Long flights lead to severe fatigue. This symptom is usually caused by poor sleep, as well as jet lag.

A study conducted at the University of California showed that feelings of drowsiness, memory lapses, and difficulty in processing information can last for some time after a flight, and even after a person's biorhythm has returned to normal. When we sleep, our brain processes memories, so sleep deprivation can cause memory lapses.

7. Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often stigmatized which are memory impairments, but in a recent study in Australia, researchers compared the performance of pregnant women versus non-pregnant women. The results were compelling: the first group had a much harder time performing memory-related tasks. The researchers suggested that the reasons for this are lifestyle and diet.

8. Chemotherapy

A common unpleasant side effect of chemotherapy is memory loss. After all, it is not just that often such therapies are called brainwashing of patients.

Chemotherapy can affect the function of brain cells, according to a Stanford University study that found that women who undergo chemotherapy to treat breast cancer had memory lapses.

This is usually a reversible situation and memory function will return to normal when chemotherapy is stopped, but in some cases improvement takes years.

9. Anesthesia

When complex operations are performed, anesthesia is often the only way for the patient to endure them. The disadvantage is that there may be memory loss and cognitive decline after surgery. The University of Florida found that about 38% of patients over the age of 55 suffered from memory loss after surgery, and 12.7% had severe recognition problems over the next 3 months.

10. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a type of "short circuit" in the brain, causing seizures and affecting more than 50 million people worldwide. During a seizure, electrical impulses are sent to the brain, leading to problems such as temporary loss of motor skills, loss of cognitive function, and memory impairment.

11. Arthritis and Asthma Medicines

Corticosteroids are steroids that the body produces and can be taken to treat asthma and arthritis. Taking high doses for six months or more can lead to memory problems.

Even though it is quite rare, corticosteroids can actually kill brain cells and lead to brain atrophy. Changing the dosage may help, but your doctor should advise you about other possible side effects.

12. Depression

Depression is associated with low levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine. These chemicals can interfere with memory-related processes in the brain. Antidepressants and psychological treatments can help with memory problems in this case.

13. Excessive drinking

The more alcohol you consume, the less your brain is able to store short-term memories. Alcohol affects the hippocampus, reducing its functions, including the formation of new memories, so we sometimes forget what we did during a party.

Long term alcohol abuse can lead to Korsakoff's syndrome - the ability to form short-term memories is lost, making it difficult to recall recent information.

Slow, controlled rehabilitation can reverse memory loss in at least 25% of patients.published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet