A miracle cure for a hundred diseases: the incredible properties of bay oil. How is bay oil beneficial for beauty and health?

Bay oil is quite ancient folk remedy, which from time immemorial was used by our great-grandfathers in medical purposes. Bay oil can be prepared for rheumatism, colds, pain of various etiologies, paralysis, scabies and convulsions. Bay oil is good for treating diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestinal spasms and biliary tract. Among other things, it destroys harmful microbes, viruses and has a strong disinfectant and soothing effect. How to cook bay oil, read further in the article.

How to make bay oil at home - recipes

The recipe for making bay oil requires the presence of the following components:

  • vegetable oil;
  • bay leaves.

To make your own bay oil, you will need to stock up on fresh or dry bay leaves and regular vegetable oil. If you're chasing medicinal purposes, use exclusively fresh leaves that were collected at least a year ago, but no more.

Visit your local market and buy some bay leaves on a branch. However, when making this choice, be careful and carefully control their quality. Fresh bay leaves good quality should have a dark green color and a pleasant spicy aroma. You should not buy yellowed or faded leaves, because they are no longer suitable for consumption. In cases where it is not possible to buy fresh leaves, dried leaves are also suitable. Dry leaves should have a light olive color.

To cure rheumatism, arthritis or other joint diseases, it is necessary to use unrefined types of sunflower oil. Such oils are an ideal base for preparing all kinds of variations. medicinal products from the listed ailments. For other cases, you can use olive or any other oil that you have at home.

Prepare about 40-50g of bay leaves and 200 ml of vegetable oil. The leaves should be finely chopped or crushed (torn) with your fingers. Then place them in a container (preferably glass). The malo that you will subsequently use needs to be slightly warmed up. To do this, place it in a bowl or pan with warm water(temperature should be 50-60 degrees). Then you need to pour this vegetable oil over the bay leaves. The resulting product must be left for 10 days in a warm, dark place. When the oil is well infused, it will need to be strained and the leaves squeezed out. Pour the resulting oil into glass bottle and keep in a cool dry place.

How to prepare bay oil in in case of emergency will suggest a recipe that will only take you 15 minutes to complete. What will you need? First of all, as usual, bay leaves in the amount of 40-50g. Grind them and prepare one glass vegetable oil. Carefully pour the leaves into an enamel pan or other similar container and fill with oil. This “composition” needs to be placed on water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Then the oil needs to be cooled thoroughly, strained thoroughly and carefully poured into a glass container for storage.

Important information about bay oil

Bay oil is the one indispensable assistant, which is used both externally and internally. And besides this, it is often used as an additive for inhalations. However, you should not treat yourself with it - first you need to consult a doctor. Although the oil seems completely harmless, you may have an allergy to laurel that you simply don’t even know about, so be careful in matters of your health.

Bay oil is a fairly ancient folk remedy that has been used by our great-grandfathers for medicinal purposes from time immemorial. Bay oil can be prepared for rheumatism, colds, pain of various etiologies, paralysis, scabies and cramps. Bay oil helps well with diseases of the cardiovascular system, spasms of the intestines and biliary tract. Among other things, it destroys harmful microbes, viruses and has a strong disinfectant and soothing effect. How to prepare bay oil, read further in the article.

How to make bay oil at home - recipes

The recipe for making bay oil requires the presence of the following components:

To make your own bay oil, you will need to stock up on fresh or dry bay leaves and regular vegetable oil. If you are pursuing medicinal purposes, use exclusively fresh leaves that were collected at least a year ago, but no more.

Visit your local market and buy some bay leaves on a branch. However, when making this choice, be careful and carefully control their quality. Fresh bay leaves of good quality should have a dark green color and a pleasant spicy aroma. You should not buy yellowed or faded leaves, because they are no longer suitable for consumption. In cases where it is not possible to buy fresh leaves, dried leaves are also suitable. Dry leaves should have a light olive color.

To cure rheumatism, arthritis or other joint diseases, it is necessary to use unrefined types of sunflower oil. Such oils are an ideal basis for preparing all sorts of variations of remedies for the listed ailments. For other cases, you can use olive or any other oil that you have at home.

Prepare about 40-50g of bay leaves and vegetable oil in a volume of 200 ml. The leaves should be finely chopped or crushed (torn) with your fingers. Then place them in a container (preferably glass). The malo that you will subsequently use needs to be slightly warmed up. To do this, place it in a bowl or pan with warm water for a couple of minutes (temperature should be 50-60 degrees). Then you need to pour this vegetable oil over the bay leaves. The resulting product must be left for 10 days in a warm, dark place. When the oil is well infused, it will need to be strained, and the leaves will need to be squeezed out. Pour the resulting oil into a glass bottle and keep it in a cool, dry place.

How to prepare bay oil in emergencies will be suggested by a recipe that will only take you 15 minutes to complete. What will you need? First of all, as usual, bay leaves in the amount of 40-50g. Grind them and prepare one glass of vegetable oil. Carefully pour the leaves into an enamel pan or other similar container and fill with oil. This “composition” must be placed in a water bath and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the oil needs to be cooled thoroughly, strained thoroughly and carefully poured into a glass container for storage.

Important information about bay oil

Bay oil is an indispensable assistant that can be used both externally and internally. And besides this, it is often used as an additive for inhalations. However, you should not treat yourself with it - first you need to consult a doctor. Although the oil seems completely harmless, you may have an allergy to laurel that you simply don’t even know about, so be careful in matters of your health.

Properties of bay leaf, description of its benefits, use of the spice in treatment and cosmetology; recipe for making essential oil at home

Calorie content: 313 kcal.

Carbohydrates: 48.67 g.

Bay leaf appeared on earth back in the era of dinosaurs. In ancient times, spices were used only to flavor water used to wash hands. Only over time did people appreciate the taste and beneficial features spices. In the Middle Ages, laurel was a symbol of goodness; it was used to scare away evil spirits. Laurel sprigs are a symbol of victory, which were awarded to the winners Olympic Games. The homeland of the spice is the Mediterranean countries. Today, laurel is grown in Turkey, Greece, etc. The taste of bay leaves is resinous and bitter, and the aroma is sweetish and even cloying.

Recommended to buy Bay leaf, starting from November to February, since it is at this time that useful substances accumulate in it. A high-quality spice has a strong aroma. Look at the leaves, they should be intact, without spots or other dirt or damage. The color of a quality spice should be dark green (see photo); old leaves become swampy in color.

It is recommended to use vacuum packaging, which has a special fastener, to store bay leaves. If you don’t find one like this at home, then give preference to a glass jar with a tight lid; it should be placed away from sun rays. The maximum shelf life of spices is 1 year.

The benefits of bay leaves are already known a large number of time. The spice is a powerful antiseptic. Thanks to the content tannins bay leaf strengthens protective functions body and resists the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Contains laurel substances that help remove toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. The spice has a positive effect on cardiovascular system Laurel is an excellent preventive measure, and is also used during the treatment of tuberculosis, fever, colitis and nervous problems.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of bay leaves are used in cosmetics. The infusion, thanks to the presence of phytoncides, copes well with various bacteria, so it is used to remove various inflammations. It acts like a peeling, which makes it possible to cleanse the skin of dead cells and excess fat.

Benefits of bay leaves and treatment

The bay leaf is already great amount time is used in recipes traditional medicine. The spice has an astringent and diuretic effect. It can also be used as a diaphoretic. A decoction made from the spice is recommended for use during the period of active spread viral infections to strengthen the immune system. It can also be used to relieve inflammatory processes, for example, with otitis media. To get rid of stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a decoction of the leaves and chew them from time to time. Baths prepared using bay leaves will help cope with such delicate issue

like sweaty feet.

Essential oil is widely used in mixtures to heal bruises and sprains. It is included in the mixture for making antiseptic soap and various cosmetics. Never use essential oil internally, as this can cause allergies and other problems. A decoction of laurel helps to remove gallstones and salt, and it also relieves inflammation, for example, with cholecystitis. The spice infusion has a milder effect and is recommended for use for diarrhea. If you add honey to it, you will get an excellent remedy for colds. In the presence of

allergic reactions

and irritation, you can use the infusion for wiping, as well as for baths.

How to make bay essential oil at home?

Take 40 g of crushed bay leaves and fill them with 200 ml of vegetable oil, maybe olive oil, which should be preheated to 50 degrees for 2 minutes. The container should be placed in a dark place for 10 days. After time, filter the oil and squeeze out the leaves. It is recommended to store the oil in a glass container in a cool place. Use in cooking, it is widely used in recipes for first courses. Laurel adds piquancy to main courses, legumes, etc. The spice goes well with various vegetables. They like to use bay leaves in sauces and gravies. The spice is also used to prepare aspic.

Bay leaf has its own characteristics in preparation. It is recommended to add the leaves 5 minutes before. until the end of cooking. They should be removed before use as the taste may become bitter. It is recommended to add pre-shredded leaves to the sauce. When adding bay leaves, you should take into account the proportion; for 1 liter of liquid you need to take 1 bay leaf.

Harm of bay leaves and contraindications

Bay leaves can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. It is not recommended to use the spice for pregnant and breastfeeding women. You should be careful with laurel if you have problems with the kidneys, liver and heart. People with ulcers and gastritis, as well as those who are prone to allergies, should avoid using the spice. It is not recommended to use bay leaf if you are prone to constipation or have severe diabetes.

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Bay oil recipes

To make bay oil at home you will need bay leaves and vegetable oil. It is better to use unrefined virgin oils.

Bay oil at home

To prepare the oil, you need to select a high-quality bay leaf, which, when dry, has a uniform light olive color. After cooking, such a leaf acquires a dark green color, which fully corresponds to the appearance of a fresh bay leaf.

If the laurel leaves are dry, faded or rusty, then they need to be thrown away, because they are not suitable for use either as a spice (the food will have a bitter and musty taste) or for making homemade laurel oil. Such leaves lack the aromatic principle - laurel essential oil.

Let's look at 3 ways to prepare bay oil:

1. Olive oil with bay leaf

  • Take 1 pack (10 g) bay leaf and 1 cup olive oil.
  • Selected high-quality bay leaves must be crushed in a mortar or mill.
  • Pour in the selected oil and keep in a warm place for 30 days.
  • After a month, heat in a water bath until boiling. Strain the cooled oil.

2. Bay leaf and vegetable oil

  • Take 25-30 g of crushed dry laurel leaves and pour a glass of any vegetable oil.
  • Mix well, cover and store for a week in a dark place.
  • Then strain.

Store in a dry, dark place.

3. Bay leaf with juniper and butter

  • Take 20 g of crushed bay leaf and 3 g of chopped juniper needles
  • Add 40 g butter. Mash everything together well.
  • Store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use for rheumatism, rubbing into sore spots.

Lavrovoe homemade oil can be used externally for radiculitis, muscle pain, paresis. For paresis, rub laurel oil into the sore spots every day, the course is 3 months.

You can also add a little laurel to hair masks, which promotes hair growth and protects against dandruff.

You can cook it yourself bay ointment. To do this, take in equal proportions crushed leaves And petrolatum and mix well until smooth. Use the same as oil.

Pharmaceutical bay oil causes severe irritation skin, therefore it is little used in aromatherapy and is rarely found on sale.

But bay oil prepared at home does not have such high concentration, which allows you to use its healing properties.

Since ancient times, humanity has been using the leaves of the bay tree or laurel nobilis for culinary and medicinal purposes. Now in the field of health they have been replaced by laurel essential oil, which has similar, but at the same time stronger beneficial qualities.

In this article we will talk in detail about this extract, mention contraindications, and also give some tips on its use.

Composition and benefits of laurel oil extract

Laurel laurel essential oil is obtained from the leaves of a tree native to what was once primarily western India and is now also found in Morocco and Spain. This product is often confused with another ester that has similar useful qualities, although related to a different plant, namely the laurel bush.

Be that as it may, both of these concentrates are obtained through steam distillation. The resulting product is quite transparent and has a yellow tint. The smell of the liquid resembles clove essential oil, although it has a more tart aroma.

Bay oil contains many chemical components, however, all of its benefits are associated with three main compounds - eugenol, estragole and myrcene. By the way, the presence of estragole in this ether is what makes it so aggressive.

It is for this reason that laurel oil is most often used in aromatherapy, but it can also be used externally, but only after mixing with other components and more gentle oils. The ester is often found in skin care products, anti-inflammatory products, and cosmetics. deep cleaning dermis and perfumes.

Let's take a closer look at all the beneficial properties that this has. wonderful oil.

  • Helps with respiratory problems. Bay leaf essential oil has proven itself to be an excellent expectorant. It helps phlegm and mucus leave the bronchi and respiratory tract, which facilitates the course of the disease and speeds up the healing process. Thus, the oil can be safely used for symptoms such as coughs, colds, flu and bronchitis.
  • Antiseptic properties. Also, laurel concentrate contains a number of substances that have strong antibacterial properties. Once in the human body, these compounds destroy any viruses and bacteria, which often cause diseases. In addition, the oil can relieve spasms, which will be additionally useful if a person suffers from a severe cough.
  • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Even in ancient times, laurel was used as a stimulant for healthy menstrual bleeding. The oil also has these properties and helps regulate menstrual cycle women. Additionally, this remedy helps relieve symptoms such as painful cramps as it has antispasmodic properties and relaxes the muscles of the uterus.
  • Pain relief. Laurel essential oil is widely known as a fairly strong external pain reliever. Most often, this concentrate is used for pain in muscles and joints associated with diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout. The oil is also used after intense physical activity.
  • Wound healing. As mentioned above, laurel oil has strong antibacterial properties, that makes him an excellent remedy for disinfecting small wounds. Ether can be used for cuts, abrasions, bruises and so on.

Topical application of the extract prevents bacteria and infections from entering the bloodstream, which can subsequently cause inflammation or tetanus. In addition, the use of laurel concentrate speeds up the healing process and prevents complications.

  • Improves digestion. Bay oil is considered an excellent remedy For digestive system, since it normalizes the processes occurring in gastrointestinal tract, and increases appetite. In addition to this, ether helps remove digestive organs gases and relieving abdominal cramps.
  • Insect repellent. Bay oil has powerful insect repellent properties. Interestingly, this applies not only to creatures such as mosquitoes, midges and other midges, but also to other pests that can enter the house. That is why adding laurel essential concentrate to a diffuser allows you to comprehensively protect your home.
  • Improves hair health. This concentrate is considered a good hair tonic as it stimulates hair active growth, promotes rapid recovery and reduces hair loss. Astringent properties oils allow the hair follicles to tighten, which further strengthens the root part of the hairline. Massaging the scalp with this oil helps get rid of dandruff.

Laurel essential oil, possible harm and precautions

Now let's look at cases where oil can cause negative effects, and also mention basic precautions.

  • Bay oil, as already noted, is an extremely aggressive agent, and therefore it is recommended to use it in combination with other, softer oils.
  • Ether can cause severe allergies To check if you have it, you need to do a small test. A small amount of bay concentrate is mixed with olive or coconut oil in a one to one ratio. The mixture is then applied to small area skin and observe - if itching, burning and redness do not occur, then the product is safe to use.
  • When applying pure oil topically, you should not use an ether that has a concentration of more than 3% - due to the eugenol, you risk getting a chemical burn.
  • This type of oil is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since one of its properties is the stimulation of menstrual bleeding.
  • Under no circumstances should you take laurel oil orally, or allow it to come into contact with your eyes or mucous membranes. This will cause a burn.
  • It is not recommended to use bay oil for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, as well as those who have problems with blood clotting. Ether inhibits this process, which can lead to severe bleeding.

Since bay concentrate is almost always used in conjunction with some other oil or product, it is important to know which products work best with it.

So, in aromatherapy, this ester is most often mixed with oils: rose, rosemary, thyme, lavender, ylang-ylang, coriander, ginger and eucalyptus. If we are talking about mixing with a base oil, then coconut, almond or olive oil.

Now let's look at the main ways to use this oil at home.

  • If you want to relieve symptoms respiratory diseases or if you are trying to recover faster, you need to add a few drops of oil to the bowl of your household diffuser. You can also perform a hot inhalation procedure - 3-4 drops will be enough.
  • To stimulate menstrual bleeding, you need to mix bay oil with the main oil in a one-to-one ratio, and then apply it to your skin with circular massaging movements. bottom part belly.
  • Laurel oil can be used in a similar way and, if necessary, relieves painful sensations. After mixing with the main product, the product is applied to the affected area and a light rubbing massage is carried out with the palms.
  • If it is necessary to disinfect a wound, diluted oil is first applied to a sterile swab and then gently lubricated with it around the wound. Here it is important to do everything as carefully as possible and not touch open areas.
  • To improve digestion, a mixture of oils is applied to the abdominal area and light massage. If the goal is also to get rid of gas, then Special attention should be given to the lower part where the intestines are located.
  • There are two methods you can use to repel insects. Or apply a mixture of oils directly to the body - it is best to lubricate them on open areas that are most often susceptible to bites. Or add 3-4 drops of oil to the diffuser. Among other things, you can drop a little oil into water and then pour it into a spray bottle, with this mixture you should spray all the cracks and crevices through which insects can enter the house.
  • As a hair product, laurel oil can be used in combination with other esters and always with base oil. Taking one part of coconut, almond or olive oil, add the same amount of the essential component, mix, and then apply to the hair and scalp. After 10-15 minutes, the mixture can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  • If you want your shampoo to be able to fight dandruff, add 2-3 drops of pure oil to the bottle and mix well. Use it as usual.

How to store bay laurel oil and its average cost

This product is stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than +25 degrees. Its shelf life, if all conditions are met, is about 12 months in a closed container.

The cost of laurel essential oil varies from 400 to 700 rubles per 5 milliliters of pure product.

Bay leaf is everyone’s favorite spice, which has long ago earned a place of honor in our kitchens. But few people know that the leaves of the evergreen Mediterranean tree can be used not only for cooking. You can also prepare from bay tree leaves healing oil which has miraculous properties.

Bay oil has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is used for rheumatism, colds, paralysis, pain of various etiologies, cramps and scabies. Laurel helps with cardiovascular diseases, spasms of the biliary tract and intestines. In addition, it kills viruses and germs and has a disinfecting and soothing effect.

Properties of bay oil:

Reduces pain;
calms down nervous system;
increases sweating;
raises the overall tone of the body;
stimulates mental activity.
In addition to the beneficial properties of bay oil for the body, it also repels insects remarkably.

To make bay oil you will need fresh or dry bay leaves and vegetable oil. For medicinal purposes, use fresh leaves that were collected no more than a year ago. Go to the market and buy leaves on a branch. When choosing them, pay attention to quality. A good quality fresh bay leaf should have a dark green color and a spicy aroma. Do not purchase faded or yellowed leaves as they are not suitable for consumption. If you can't find fresh leaves, use dry ones. Dry leaves should be light olive green.

To treat rheumatism, arthritis and other joint diseases, use unrefined sunflower oil. It is an excellent basis for preparing remedies for these ailments. In other cases, olive oil or any other oil you have on hand will do.

Prepare 40-50g bay leaves and 200ml vegetable oil. Finely chop the leaves (or crush them with your fingers) and place in a container (preferably glass). Preheat the oil you are using. Place it for 2-3 minutes in a bowl or pan with warm water (50-60 degrees). Then take the oil and pour in the bay leaves. Infuse the product for 10 days in a warm and dark place. When the oil is infused, strain it and squeeze out the leaves. Pour the resulting oil into a glass bottle and store in a cool, dry place.

In an emergency, bay oil can be prepared within 15 minutes. Take 40-50g of crushed leaves and one glass of vegetable oil. Place the leaves in a saucepan or other container and add oil. Place the container in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Cool the oil, strain it and pour into a glass bottle.

In addition to treating joints, bay oil is also used to treat inflammation. lymph nodes, headache attacks and is successfully used in the treatment of ENT diseases, especially ear diseases.
Bay oil can even replace aspirin because it can reduce fever! It will also help relieve pain in the stomach and intestines, normalize kidney and liver function, and improve appetite. To normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, just add a few drops of bay oil to a glass of kefir and drink this potion before bed.

Bay oil is a miraculous remedy that should definitely be in the house. Experience its healing properties for yourself. Bay oil will be great prophylactic, it will increase resistance to infections and boost the body's immunity. Bay oil is used as an external remedy, as an internal one, and is also added to liquid for inhalation. Before using the product, do not forget to consult your doctor.

When we hear the word laurel, everyone has their own associations. Some represent a laurel wreath, a symbol of valor and honor. Others remember a bowl of soup and a leaf of seasoning.

Oils of various plants, Lavra Noble, Kamara, Alexandria, Pimenta have different composition, are used in various fields. Culinary specialists from all over the world use the leaves of the noble laurel. Traditional healers For hundreds of years people have been healing with the help of essential oils, Tamanu, the beneficial properties of which can be listed for a very long time. They treat physical and mental ailments, cleanse joints and kidneys of salts. They help get rid of insomnia, nervous tension. Masks are prepared with them for beauty and youthful facial skin. Growth, strengthening of hair.


  1. Laurel Noble. The plant's homeland is the Mediterranean. In nature it grows more than 15 meters in height. All parts of the plant contain essential substances. The largest amount is found in the leaves from which the ether is prepared. Laurel laurel essential oil is used in cooking and folk medicine.
  2. Laurel Camara- one of the varieties of laurel, most often found in indoor floriculture. The content of essential substances is inferior to other varieties. Leaves (from home grown tree) are used for cooking various dishes. The plant also purifies the air in the apartment well.
  3. Laurus of Alexandria very tall (up to 20 m) evergreen plant. It grows in all tropical countries, with South India, Africa, and Australia considered its homeland. Prized for its Tamanu oil, the oil of the Alexandrian laurel, which is collected from the fruit of the tree. Oil dark green, has a spicy nutty smell, the consistency resembles a thick cream. Tamanu is used in medicine and cosmetology. Has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
  4. Pimenta racemosa(American laurel) belongs to the myrtle family. An evergreen tree, depending on the variety it grows from 2 to 15 meters in height. The trunk is thin with white bark. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Bay essential oil is produced from the leaves, for the perfume industry (production of refreshing lotions), traditional medicine (treatment skin diseases, depression), for the production of hair care products. Widely used in aromatherapy.

Receipt methods

Industrial. Ether can only be obtained industrially by steam distillation. Steam, under high pressure combines with volatile vapors of essential substances, carries them along with it, and later, when cooled, separates into water, laurel essential substance. The process of making one portion lasts 4 hours. The weight of the raw materials used is 35 times greater than the finished product.

Color from light yellow to olive green or just green.


  • myrcene;
  • camphor;
  • pinene;
  • linalool;
  • organic fatty acids;
  • hydrocarbons;
  • alcohols.
Before you start making oil, look at the expiration date of your leaves. Fresh leaves are green, olive in color, not very dry. If you rub them a little, you can clearly smell a spicy smell.

How to cook at home?

It is not essential oil that is prepared, but bay leaf oil.

Another recipe for making the product at home:

Beneficial features

  1. Psycho-emotional impact. Helps stimulate mental activity, calms the nervous system. It is recommended as aromatherapy for people who doubt, have low self-esteem, are insecure, and have artistic, excitable natures.
  2. Bioenergetic impact. Renders positive impact on the aura. In case of bioenergetic depletion, overwork, the use of bay leaf oil relieves tension, negative charge changes to positive.
  3. Healing effect. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, anti-infective effects. Used for treatment musculoskeletal system, lowers blood pressure, recommended for improving digestion. Cleanses skin, has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  4. Cosmetic effect. Cleanses pores, removes blackheads, reduces inflammatory processes. Stimulates cell function and their rejuvenation. When adding oil to masks, it also helps strengthen hair follicles. Rinsing with a decoction adds fluffiness and shine. Taking a bath with a decoction of the leaves or a few drops relieves tension, relaxes and improves muscle tone.
Baths with decoction and bay leaf oil are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.

Adding it to massage creams improves blood circulation, promotes weight loss, and helps fight cellulite.

Medicinal properties, use in folk medicine

Traditional healers have long noticed medicinal properties plants. Colds were treated with decoctions. Porridge from fresh leaves anesthetizes insect bites. Smoking branches were used to smoke houses during epidemics.

  1. . Application for severe cough and sore throat as inhalations. Place 5-7 drops of oil into a container of boiling water and breathe over the steam for ten minutes. If there is no oil, you can make a decoction. Pour boiling water over a handful of leaves and leave covered for several minutes. Essential substances, mixed with steam, enter deep into the lungs when breathing, have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. For prevention colds wear an aroma medallion with a few drops of essential oil.
  2. In order to get rid of salts in joints prepare a decoction. 10 crushed laurel leaves are poured into a half-liter thermos, poured with boiling water and left for 10-12 hours. Then filter and drink throughout the day. After three days of taking the decoction, take a break for 7 days. Treatment consists of 3 courses, then take a break for 6 months and repeat everything. When using essential oil, proceed as follows: drop one drop of oil onto a piece of sugar and dissolve. Eat three pieces a day. The dosage regimen is the same as for treatment with a decoction.
  3. . IN hot water drip 10-15 drops of essential oil, hold your feet in water, wipe dry, spread oil (not essential!) from the leaves on your feet and between your toes. Rub into the skin with massaging movements. Wear clean socks. Essential oil has antifungal effect and heals increased sweating legs


In the absence of appetite, increased excitability Aromatherapy sessions will help with insomnia and other problems. For achievement best result Several components are used in aromatherapy.

  1. Compatibility. Laurel goes best with essential oils of citrus, juniper, lavender, cypress, rosemary and pine. An unusual combination is obtained with incense.
  2. One session will require 3-4 drops, large quantity may lead to headaches and allergic reactions.

Use in cosmetology. Dosage

  • For body use cosmetical tools with the addition of 1 tsp. leaf oil or 3 drops essential.
  • For lips. Used in the treatment of colds pure oil, for cracked and weathered areas it is better to use in combination with almond or shea butter, 2 drops.
  • Around eyes. Apply in pure form not recommended, but 1-2 drops can be added to special creams.
  • Face. It is best to use bay oil for oily and combination skin. It tightens pores and cleanses blackheads. Relieves inflammatory processes, restores the protective functions of the skin. To make a mask, add a teaspoon of leaf oil or 3-4 drops of essential oil to the base.
  • For hair. For 30 grams of mask base, add 5 drops of essential oil or a teaspoon of leaves. At oily seborrhea You can rub a mixture of leaves with 3 drops of essential oil into your head.
  • Aroma combing. Apply to a wooden comb different places 4-5 drops of oil are combed along the entire length of the hair for 5 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to ventilate the room. Aroma combing is carried out 1-2 times a day for a week, repeated after 10 days. This extra food for hair, they are saturated with oxygen. Split ends are restored. Hair becomes stronger and grows better.
  • Aromatic baths. To relieve tension or stress, nervous stress and inflammatory processes genitourinary system Baths with essential oil or decoction of leaves are recommended. Essential oil 15-20 drops pre-mixed with sea ​​salt, pine concentrate, milk and then this mixture is placed in a bath and stirred well. The bath takes no more than 20 minutes. The shower does not rinse. A decoction is prepared from one pack of dried leaves. Which are poured with boiling water and left on low heat or in a water bath for 15 minutes. The decoction can be poured into the bath along with the leaves. The course of treatment is 10-15 times, every other day.

Miracle hair mask:


Contraindicated for children younger age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is not recommended for use by patients with chronic diseases.

Never self-medicate. Consult your doctor. Before use, do a personal tolerance test.


In cooking, laurel is used to improve digestion and give dishes a unique taste and smell. It is irreplaceable for preparing marinades, sauces, meat and fish dishes. When canning vegetables and mushrooms. However, you should know when to stop everything. If you leave the bay leaf longer than expected or increase its quantity, the dish will be spoiled.

Other uses

  1. Control of harmful insects. Repellent solutions are prepared for treating cabbage seedlings. Fresh leaves or cotton swabs, with a few drops of the product, are laid out to prevent the appearance of moths and cockroaches.
  2. Bay leaf oil is used in soap making, for making Aleppo soap. Soap is very expensive, the price depends on the amount of laurel oil. Valued for its antiseptic properties.

How to choose, buy and store correctly

Essential oil is called so conventionally and is not such. To check its authenticity you only need two drops. We put the first drop on a handkerchief and carry it with us. Smell the handkerchief periodically. The smell should change within a few hours, differently manifesting itself indoors, outdoors, in heat or cold. Place the second drop on a napkin. After evaporation there should be no stains left. IN otherwise this is not an essential oil.

Real essential oils sold in specialized online stores. They are expensive. Price for 5ml. oils from 200 rubles. The price may be more, but not less. Packaged in glass bottles with a tight screw cap. Store at home in a cool, dark place.