Early stage cervical cancer treatment. Cervical cancer is not that dangerous. What are the stages of cancer

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor, which, according to medical statistics, ranks fourth among cancer diseases occurring among the fair sex (after stomach, skin and breast cancer).

The source of cervical cancer is normal cells covering the cervix. Every year this tumor is diagnosed in more than 600 thousand patients. Although cervical cancer usually occurs at the age of 40-60 years, but, unfortunately, in Lately he looked much younger.


As with other cancers, risk factors for cervical cancer include: elderly age, exposure to radiation and chemical carcinogens.

In addition, scientists have proven that there is a direct connection between cervical cancer and the human papillomavirus. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is detected in 100% of cancer patients. Moreover, human papillomaviruses 16 and 18 strains are responsible for 70% of cases of cervical cancer.

Factors provoking the disease:

  • early (before 16 years of age) sexual activity;
  • early pregnancy and early firsts childbirth (up to 16 years);
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • abortions;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • smoking;
  • long-term use hormonal contraceptives;
  • immunity disorder.

What's happening?

Typically, a tumor occurs against the background of precancerous conditions, which include: erosion, dysplasia, flat condillomas on the cervix, scar changes after childbirth and abortion, as well as changes in the properties of cervical cells resulting from long-term inflammatory processes. On average, transformation from precancer to cancer takes from 2 to 15 years. Subsequent transition from initial stage Cancer ultimately lasts 1-2 years. At first, the tumor damages only the cervix, then gradually begins to grow into surrounding organs and tissues. During the course of the disease, tumor cells can be transported by the lymph flow to nearby lymph nodes and form new tumor nodes (metastases) there.

How to recognize?

The initial stage of cervical cancer is asymptomatic. Most often, the disease is accidentally detected by a gynecologist at scheduled inspection patients.

However, a woman should be wary if she has whitish vaginal discharge with a slight admixture of blood. The larger the tumor and the longer it exists, the more likely that there will be bloody discharge from the vagina after sexual intercourse, lifting weights, straining, douching. These symptoms appear when there are already ulcerations on the cervix with ruptured blood vessels.

Subsequently, as the cancer develops, the nerve plexuses of the pelvis are compressed, which is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the sacrum, lower back and lower abdomen.

As cervical cancer progresses and the tumor spreads to the pelvic organs, symptoms such as pain in the back, legs, swelling of the legs, difficulty urinating and defecating appear. Fistulas connecting the intestines and vagina may occur.


Diagnosis of cervical cancer begins in the gynecologist's office. During the inspection: finger examination vagina, examination of the cervix using gynecological speculum and colposcopy (a study performed using a special optical device, a colposcope), the doctor determines the condition of the cervix and the presence of tumors on it. During the study, a biopsy may be performed - taking a tissue sample for subsequent histological examination. If the gynecologist's suspicion is confirmed, the patient is referred for a consultation with an oncologist.

There is a special test to detect cervical cancer in its early stages. It is recommended that every woman over 40 undergo it regularly (at least once every 2 years). Using a small stick, a smear is taken from the cervix, then this smear is stained with a special dye and examined under a microscope. The method is called " cytological examination smear from the surface of the cervix", in English-speaking countries - the Papanicolaou test, in the USA - pap smear.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. Through CT scanning and magnetic resonance imaging abdominal cavity And pelvic organs The size and location of the cancerous lesion can be determined and whether local lymph nodes have been affected.


Treatment for cervical cancer is combined and includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In each specific case, treatment is prescribed individually, it depends on the stage of the disease, concomitant diseases, condition of the cervix, and the presence inflammatory diseases currently.

During surgery, the tumor may be removed along with part of the cervix, the tumor may be removed along with the cervix, and sometimes the uterus itself. Often the operation is complemented by removal lymph nodes pelvis (if cancer cells have managed to implant there). The issue of removing the ovaries is usually decided individually (on early stage cancer in young women, it is possible to save the ovaries).

After surgery, if necessary, patients are prescribed radiation therapy. Treatment with ionizing radiation can either complement surgery, and be assigned separately. Treatment for cervical cancer may include chemotherapy and special medications that stop the growth and division of cancer cells. Unfortunately, chemotherapy options for this disease are very limited.

The success of treatment for cervical cancer depends on the age of the patient, the correct selection of therapy, and, most importantly, on early diagnosis diseases. When cervical cancer is detected at an early stage, the prognosis is very favorable and the disease can be cured with surgical methods alone.

One of the most common cancers that, unfortunately, affects women, and which ranks second after breast cancer. How to protect yourself from this dangerous disease and how to recognize cervical cancer in time? Obstetrician-gynecologist Albina Ablyalimova spoke about this.

What is cervical cancer

Cervical cancer treatment

Depending on the stage of cervical cancer, treatment is chosen, sometimes combined.

It is possible to carry out conization of the cervix - removal of the affected part of the cervix.

Often prescribed surgery- removal of the cervix, the uterus itself, lymph nodes and, in some cases, even appendages.

Chemoradiation therapy may be independent method treatment, or additionally as postoperative therapy.

Brachytherapy is a method of local irradiation of the cervix. Most often it is part of a radical course radiation therapy.

If you think about what is the main problem in diagnosing cervical diseases, the conclusion will be unexpected: there is no problem. If you regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo routine tests (cytological examination), there will be no trace of oncology. But with an eternal lack of time for yourself, ignoring preventive examinations or, after diagnosis, fear and ignoring the prescribed treatment - there will definitely be problems

Prevention of cervical cancer

Prevention of cervical cancer consists primarily of taking measures against HPV infection. Regular use Condoms significantly reduce the risk of STDs, including HPV. It has been proven that barrier methods Contraception reduces the likelihood of developing cervical cancer by as much as 60%! In addition, you can delay the onset of sexual activity, limit the number of sexual partners, and also stop smoking.

Prevention of cervical cancer consists primarily of taking measures against HPV infection. Regular use of condoms significantly reduces the risk of STDs, including HPV. Proven to reduce the likelihood of developing cervical cancer by as much as 60%! In addition, you can delay the onset of sexual activity, limit the number of sexual partners, and also stop smoking.

Regular examinations by a gynecologist should become a habit for a woman whose body has indicated its readiness for childbearing, since the condition reproductive system is no less important than the condition of other organs. A common disease is cervical cancer - a pathology with bright severe symptoms, which is important to identify at an early stage, since an unfavorable outcome in case of late diagnosis not excluded. Why does poor quality education appear in this area and is it possible to recover?

What is cervical cancer

Doctors use the term “cancer” for low-quality neoplasms – tumors that can pose a threat to human life. Their key nuance is the rapid division of cells, and their subsequent sedimentation on tissues adjacent to the source of pathology. Afterwards, the appearance of metastases in nearby organs is possible. If the appearance of cancer cells is observed in the area where the uterus and vagina combine or in its lower third, doctors speak of malignant tumors uterine cervix.

A few points about this cancer:

  • According to gynecologists, the main risk group is women who are in the premenopausal period - aged 45 years and older. The upper age limit is 55 years, but about 20% of patients with cancer are over 65 years old.
  • Cervical cancer is the most common type of neoplasm on the organs of the female reproductive system, and in the current century the figure has increased by 37% compared to the previous one.

ICD-10 code

IN international classification diseases developed World Organization Healthcare and since 2007 accepted as the main one among doctors, low-quality pathology is classified as class II - neoplasms. This disease assigned code C53, but there are 4 more subcategories with additional markings:

  • C53.0 talks about malignant formations, appeared in the inner part.
  • C53.1 assigned to tumor on outside.
  • C53.8 is a tumor that is located outside the specified areas.
  • C53.9 is rare, since it indicates the impossibility of specifying the localization of the tumor.


Even with regular examinations by a gynecologist, there is a risk of missing the onset of the disease, since characteristic features which would help to separate it from other diseases of the genital lining, he is deprived of. A woman may experience an increase in body temperature, but within the subfebrile range, which will be attributed to hypothermia, stress, etc. Fatigue and weakness are also mainly explained external factors. However, you should be wary if you experience:


Specific signs oncology female organs- This is bloody discharge not associated with menstrual cycle. A number of women encounter them after sexual intercourse, but in most situations it is difficult to associate them with anything. The nature of the discharge can also vary: from weak, spotting, to heavy, as during menstruation. In case of endometrial cancer, they have no odor, but if the tumor has passed through the mucous membrane cervical canal down into the vagina, they are characterized by a pungent aroma.


Among the characteristic signs of the presence malignant tumor in the uterine cervix, gynecologists distinguish and painful sensations, predominantly localized in the pelvic area. They can:

  • appear after sexual intercourse;
  • be sudden;
  • accompany the menstrual cycle.

Early signs

It is difficult to independently determine this pathology at the time of the appearance and growth of malignant cells: you can only notice a number of minor problems that are inherent not only in oncology, but also in a number of other diseases of the genital organs. manifest this pathology Maybe:

Late symptoms

As the cancerous tumor on the cervix develops, it begins to affect adjacent organs, and the cells begin to disintegrate, which leads to the appearance additional symptoms, which are easier to associate with this pathology:

  • problems with urination due to pressure on bladder;
  • the appearance of pus in bloody discharge;
  • pain in the sacral area;
  • lymphostasis;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • anemia.


According to gynecologists and studies conducted in the last century, there is a strong relationship between neoplasms in/on the uterine cervix and activity sex life women. At frequent changes sexual partners increase the risk of developing a neoplasm. However, this is not the only reason - the pathology often develops against the background of the following precancerous diseases:

  • epithelial dysplasia;
  • epithelial neoplasia.

These diseases also do not occur on empty space– they are mainly provoked HPV viruses(only stamps numbered 16 and 18). However, doctors also note whole list factors that are secondary causes of tumors - they increase the risk of cancer. Among them:

  • several previous abortions;
  • early start sexual activity and pregnancy (up to 16 years of age);
  • congenital pathologies uterus and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • infections brought to the genitals;
  • injury to the uterine cervix during childbirth;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs;
  • erosion;
  • nicotine abuse;
  • radiation exposure.

How quickly it develops

Primary weak signs can bother a woman for a long time, since the growth rate of malignant cells in the uterine cervix is ​​low. The duration of the tumor spreading through the uterus and down to the vaginal mucosa can be 20 years. However, the number of factors influencing this indicator is large: external prerequisites and tumor type are key, but not the only ones. The minimum period for transition from one stage to another is 2 years.

Why is it dangerous?

Terrible consequences This pathology has many: hysterectomy or amputation of the uterus, which leads to the woman’s inability to give birth to a child, but the entire body is removed only in extreme cases, especially if they are dealing with a patient who has not given birth. If we do not consider surgical intervention, the main problem of oncology is unpredictability: in the worst case, it is possible death.


In gynecology, there are only 2 forms of this oncology, which are based on the affected area:

  • If the tumor spreads from the fundus of the uterus, it is squamous cell carcinoma. In terms of symptoms, it can look almost the same as cervical. In most cases, patients experience polymorphic changes in cells.
  • If the cells covering the cervical canal are affected, doctors talk about cervical carcinoma. At the initial stages there are no obvious signs, which leads to late diagnosis of the pathology.


Oncology cannot immediately manifest itself in a severe form. If it affects the lower sector of the uterus, doctors distinguish 4 stages of development, between which several years can pass:

  • Preinvasive cancer (intraepithelial) - an early stage in which the tumor affects only upper layer epithelium. If the pathology is recognized at this moment, only a small affected area will have to be removed.
  • Non-invasive - the tumor spreads deep into the glandular epithelium, but remains inside the uterus.
  • Invasive - already affects the vaginal cavity ( top part, bordering the neck), the size of the tumor seriously increases. Additionally, the body of the uterus and parametrium may be affected. Patients with this form have a 50% chance of successful treatment.
  • The last stage also affects the lower vaginal area. Education is possible cancerous tumors on the pelvic organs, spread of metastases to the lymph nodes in this area.


All examinations begin with a classic examination by a gynecologist, who can notice even the slightest deviations from the norm and send for additional checks. Zero stage Changes in the lower part of the vagina are not typical, so to detect cancer you will have to undergo a number of more procedures:

  • Colposcopy is the main method of studying the walls of the vagina and the entrance to the cervix.
  • In the early stages, cytological diagnostics are also prescribed. If additional examination of the mucous membranes of the cervix is ​​needed, special tests are performed using medications or a probe.
  • A tissue biopsy is performed if there is a suspicion of atypical cells and vessels.
  • Curettage of the cervical canal helps to study the condition of the endometrium.
  • Sigmoidoscopy - will be carried out only when the diagnosis is confirmed; it is a study of the mucous membranes of the rectum.

Based on a cytological smear, initial examination Using palpation, the use of gynecological speculum and a colposcope, the doctor makes a conclusion, after which he can give directions for several more checks:

  • X-ray chest(to eliminate the risk of detecting metastases in the lungs);

Cancer cell test

Main laboratory research at cancer Gynecologists call the uterine cervix a cytological diagnosis, in which a dye is applied to the resulting smear to reveal the affected cells. However, this is not the only test that a woman needs to undergo in order to facilitate the early detection of cancer: it will also be necessary to study the composition of the blood for the presence of viruses.

Is cervical cancer curable?

If you were able to notice the first moments when the pathology began to manifest itself and consult a doctor at an early stage, the chances of a cure and stopping the spread of cancer cells are high. The area of ​​the mucous membrane that has already been infected will be removed, and then long-term medication will be required to prevent the formation of a new tumor focus. However, not every case of cancer is solved so easily.


If a precancerous condition is detected, you can limit yourself to cryosurgery - the infected cells will be frozen and removed. After the same treatment cancer is already more complex and mainly involves surgical intervention. The main ways to fight cancer:

  • If the cancer is squamous cell, the doctor will recommend radiation therapy: it will be carried out externally and internally (into the vagina and uterus). Course duration is up to 2 months.
  • Conization of the cervix - consists of surgical removal tissues of the cervical canal and uterus.
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used together if the tumor has not reached the pelvic walls. At stage 3 and beyond, this combination is less effective.
  • Solo chemotherapy is recommended at the 4th stage of cancer, when lesions of the lymph nodes were detected and the appendages were affected.
  • Immunotherapy – new method, which aims to avoid hysterectomy, but it must complement radiation therapy.
  • Trachelectomy is the removal of only the cervix, which is practiced in stage 1 cervical carcinoma.
  • Hysterectomy – amputation of the cervix and body. If the tumor has spread actively, extended extirpation with appendages may be required. malignant neoplasms on them, with removal of the lymph nodes, but without removal of the ovaries.


Gynecologists say that cervical cancer is curable in most cases: even at a late stage, the chance of survival for cancer patients is more than 70%, but not all doctors share this opinion. A number of them are inclined to believe that last stage only 7.8% of cancer cases will not end in death; in earlier cases the situation looks less dire. Even after treatment, relapses are possible.

Cervical cancer and pregnancy

Any doctor will offer treatment to a woman who is carrying a child in the same way as to a non-pregnant woman, but with mandatory constant monitoring in the clinic. In the 1st trimester, medical termination of pregnancy is possible, after which there is a wait for delivery. After 2 months, it will be possible to perform excision of uterine tissue and other surgical interventions. After eliminating cancer, you can plan a pregnancy only after 2 years.


The main protective measure is regular visits to the gynecologist: even in the initial stages, cervical cancer is clearly visible during a classic examination. Additionally required:

  • protection during sexual intercourse;
  • screening examinations;
  • treatment of dysplasia when detected.

Is the vaccine effective?

The main cause of this oncology is the papilloma virus, against which doctors recommend vaccination, preferably in adolescence, since early sexual intercourse is a key risk factor. However, the effectiveness of vaccination is only 70%, and if the body is sensitive to the components of the vaccine, vaccination can become hazardous to health.



Among oncopathologies of the genital organs it occupies a leading position. It's malignant tumor disease, affecting the cervical tissue mainly in 35-50 year old women.

However, the possibility of a similar oncological process occurring in younger patients cannot be ruled out. Diagnosis of cervical cancer has vital importance, because timely detection and correct definition the nature of the pathology ensures the correctness of treatment and has a beneficial effect on prognosis.

How to identify cervical cancer by symptoms?

Oncological processes that are characterized by an asymptomatic onset are considered by experts to be very dangerous. Such pathologies include cervical cancer or cervical cancer.

At first, the pathology proceeds unnoticed and does not reveal itself in any way, however, the tumor processes have already established themselves in the woman’s body. If signs of cancer appear, this indicates the progression of cancer formation and its transition to the active stage.

Unfortunately, hope for complete cure oncopathology is justified only when cancer is detected and treated at the very initial stage, so knowledge of the first signs of cervical cancer is extremely important.

  1. ABOUT pathological processes in the body indicates the presence of weakness, anemia, excessive fatigue. Long-term causeless hyperthermia is often observed, most often of a subfebrile nature (37-38°C). Even if a woman is tired at work and often feels weak because of this, the presence of fever and signs of anemia should prompt the woman to undergo an examination.
  2. Vaginal discharge is considered an important sign, occurring between menstruation. Such discharges usually have different character- bloody, transparent, yellowish, greenish, unpleasantly smelling or odorless, scanty or abundant - all this may indicate the development of a malignant process in the cervical tissues. Often, such discharge is of a periodic contact nature and appears after sexual intercourse, after dragging or lifting heavy objects, long walking, etc. Sometimes patients observe the appearance of vaginal discharge excessively hard after bowel movement feces. At late stages Discharge diseases can acquire a pronounced stench due to the breakdown of tumor tissue.
  3. Painful symptoms. In most cases pain syndrome indicates the active spread of the tumor on neighboring organs or fabric. For example, on the plexuses of nerve tissue or on the pelvic walls. Soreness can settle in the rectum or sacrum, abdomen or lumbar area. Many patients note that they feel pain in the left thigh, which experts associate with the appearance of infiltration in the tissues. In general, pain due to cervical cancer is characterized by duration, frequency of attacks and intractability.

For more later stages malignant tumor process is typically characterized by the presence functional disorders in the intestines and bladder. Infiltrative processes lead to disorders intestinal peristalsis, which manifests itself frequent constipation, and when carcinoma grows into the intestinal tissue, fistula passages are formed.

A similar picture occurs with bladder. The tumor grows in his tissue, why woman begins to experience the urge to urinate more often.

If the infiltration is more significant, then residual urine syndrome develops, when the bladder does not empty completely. Such a violation usually leads to the development of cystitis. When oncological structures grow into the bladder tissue, fistulous tracts are also formed.

What causes the disease?

Uterine cancer develops under the influence of many factors, the most common of which are:

  • . This factor is supported by statistics according to which almost all patients in cancer cells HPV is detected. This virus is spread through sexual contact;
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. If a woman has been taking contraceptives hormonal origin, then the likelihood of cervical cancer increases many times over. However, taking hormonal contraceptives prevents the development of cancer processes in the ovaries and uterine body;
  • Mature age. According to statistics, women over 40 years of age malignant processes in the cervical tissues of the uterus are found 20 times more often than in patients 25 years old. Unfortunately, cervical cancer has begun to rapidly become younger, and every year this oncopathology is diagnosed in young patients more and more often;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners increases the likelihood of developing cervical cancer tenfold;
  • Early sexual life. If a woman begins to regularly engage in sexual relations at the age of 14-17, she is at risk of developing cervical cancer;
  • Neglect of sexual hygiene. If the partner is not circumcised, then under his flesh there are accumulations of smegma, which contains carcinogenic substances that contribute to the development of cancer;
  • . IN cigarette smoke contains carcinogenic substances that can accumulate on cervical tissues and provoke oncological processes;
  • A hereditary factor is also relevant in cervical cancer. If a woman has sick blood relatives, then her likelihood of getting cervical cancer increases.

Typically, cervical cancer develops as a result of the influence of several factors at once, i.e. the pathology is multifactorial in nature.

Diagnostic methods

Since there are no symptoms at the initial stage of cancer, diagnosis becomes significantly more difficult.

In fact, diagnostic process starts with the visual gynecological examination and only then does the specialist refer the patient to laboratory, instrumental and hardware diagnostic procedures such as:

  1. Screening;
  2. Hysteroscopic examination;
  3. Ultrasound examination;
  4. Rectoscopic and cystoscopic diagnostics;
  5. Studies for the presence of tumor markers;
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging or .

Visual inspection

A gynecological examination involves the use of a bimanual examination or examination with gynecological speculum.

During the examination, the gynecologist will be able to see a change in mucous color, the presence of ulcers or growths, etc. If there is an invasive form of cervical cancer, then examination with mirrors turns out to be a very informative technique.

Endophytic cervical cancer with visual inspection manifested by ulceration of the external cervical pharynx, and the cervix itself becomes denser and enlarges. The exophytic form of invasive cervical cancer appears upon visual examination as gray necrotic areas and red bumpy formations on the cervix.


Screening is a special test for uterine cancer, which is taken during a gynecological examination. Such an analysis has been practiced for a relatively long time, however, previously not all patients knew about it and received explanations.

A painless smear is taken from the woman, samples of which are sent to a laboratory, where specialists subject it to microscopic examination.

As a result of the study, the laboratory technician determines appearance mucous cellular structures, identifying the presence of abnormal cells.

Most favorable time For cytological screening, the middle of the cycle is considered, however, such a condition is not important. The main thing is not to use it for 24 hours before taking a smear. vaginal suppositories, lubricant and spermicidal contraceptives, which make it difficult microscopic examination biomaterial.


This technique is a diagnostic examination using a specialized device - a colposcope.

This is quite informative diagnostic procedure, used for suspected cervical cancer.

This research method allows for a more precise diagnosis. Best time to carry out such diagnostics - after the end of menstruation and before the onset of ovulation.

Colposcopic diagnosis is considered completely safe and does not cause any consequences, however, it is not recommended to conduct examination with a colposcope:

  • Within 2 postpartum methods;
  • During the first month after an abortion;
  • For several months after surgery on cervical tissues;
  • For menstrual and other bleeding;
  • With extensive inflammation, accompanied by discharge of purulent origin.

In other cases, colposcopic diagnosis has no contraindications.


Hysteroscopy or cervicoscopy is often used to examine the cervical canal. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using epidural or general anesthesia.

A device is inserted into the cervix - a hysteroscope, which is a fiber-optic probe, through which a specialist inserts the necessary manipulators, for example, for a biopsy, etc.

Types of biopsy

Often, if cancer is suspected, a biopsy is performed, which is the removal of a suspicious tiny piece of tissue for examination. Depending on the method of taking biomaterial, the biopsy can be colposcopic, wedge-shaped or curettage.


A targeted biopsy is performed during a routine gynecological examination. The patient is given a colposcope and then a manipulator to remove a piece of tissue. The procedure is absolutely painless and takes less than half a minute.

Curettage of the cervical canal

A similar diagnostic procedure is also called an endocervical biopsy and involves scraping tissue from a small area of ​​the uterine cervix with a special gynecological instrument - a curette.

Wedge biopsy

Such a diagnostic procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • Loop excisional biopsy It is considered a very traumatic technique and can lead to the formation of scars on the uterine cervix. The specialist inserts a loop-shaped manipulator into the neck, through which current flows. With this instrument he peels off the pathological tissue;
  • Cryoconization. Instead of an electric loop, it is used a liquid nitrogen, otherwise the principle is similar to the previous method;
  • Radio wave conization. A biopsy is taken using a radio wave knife.

The results of a biopsy examination are more accurate than those obtained with oncocytology or colposcopy.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

The most accessible diagnostic procedure is ultrasound.

If cervical cancer is suspected, the pelvic area and the organs located in it are examined.

Cervical cancer is visible on ultrasound when in various ways studies: transrectal, transvaginal or transabdominal.

When inserting a sensor through the rectum, a preliminary cleansing with an enema is carried out, and when examining through abdominal wall The patient must first drink at least a liter of liquid.

The gynecologist evaluates the external characteristics of the cervix, its patency and echogenicity. The presence of an oncological process may be indicated by the barrel-shaped shape of the cervix, its uneven contours or deviation from the axis in relation to the uterine body, etc.

Cystoscopy and rectoscopy

If cervical malignant oncology is inoperable, then there is a need to perform cystoscopy, which makes it possible to recognize the extent of the spread of the tumor process of the cervix. The study determines the extent of tumor invasion into the bladder tissue.

Like diagnostic method allows you to choose the right treatment tactics. Cystoscopy is also performed after preoperative radiation therapy. Rectoscopy is of similar importance, helping to determine the extent of carcinoma growth into the rectum.

HPV test

In women, a detection test is taken through a smear from the cervical canal. To do this, use a disposable soft-bristled brush that looks like a mascara brush. The gynecologist inserts the brush into the canal and rotates it in different sides, extracting the necessary biomaterial.

The biomaterial is printed on glass and examined through a microscope, and the brush in a special container is sent to a virology research laboratory.

Tumor marker analysis

If uterine cancer is suspected, the most informative test is to identify tumor markers, namely, squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA).

Practice shows that in 85% of cases of cervical cancer the concentration of this antigen increases. also in diagnosis of cervical cancer tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigen (), tissue-specific polypeptide (TPS) or CYFRA 21-1 are used.


Before the analysis for tumor markers, you need to stop eating about 12 hours, and three days before - drinking alcohol and heavy food.

On the day of collection of the biomaterial, you must stop smoking. It is recommended to avoid physical overload for 2-3 days.

You should stop taking it in about a week. medicines, and about necessary medications the doctor should be notified. Optimal time for blood sampling – 7-11 hours.

Normal tumor marker for cervical cancer

Normal values ​​are 2.5 ng/ml. If the indicators are higher and there are no metastases, then there is a possibility of relapse of the pathology.

If a repeat analysis reveals an increase in the level of a tumor marker, this indicates an unfavorable prognosis for the survival of the cancer patient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Analysis for tumor markers has special advantages:

  • It is used to determine tumor aggressiveness and assess survival;
  • The level of SCC antigen is determined by the scale and stage of the tumor process;
  • Repeated analysis allows you to determine whether the therapy is effective or useless.

Disadvantage this method is considered to have relatively low specificity. Only 1 out of 10 patients initial stages cervical cancer, the level of this antigen in the blood increases.

It often happens that the cancer does not produce this antigen, and therefore it is not detected in the blood, however, the oncological process continues to develop and progress.

CT and MRI

If necessary, the patient is referred for computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

CT is an x-ray technique and provides a detailed cross-sectional image of tissue. Such a study easily determines the extent of the spread of the oncological process to lymph node structures or internal organs.

MRI is a radio wave magnetic examination. This diagnostic procedure is especially useful in identifying tumor processes in the pelvic organs, since it is highly informative.

Professionally performed diagnosis ensures correct and timely therapy, which increases the patient’s chances of survival and sometimes complete cure of cervical cancer.

Video about early diagnosis of cervical cancer: