Causes of fluctuations in blood pressure. Blood pressure - are its fluctuations dangerous?

Hypertension is the most powerful risk factor for developing heart disease. vascular diseases, including stroke, ischemic disease heart, heart failure, chronic diseases kidneys and aorta, peripheral diseases arteries.

Arterial pressure may change throughout the day. This is considered normal, but sharp changes may indicate diseases and malfunctions in the body. Most people have any fluctuating symptoms blood pressure are not noticed, which makes it difficult to detect.

To obtain it, it must be measured in different time days for several days. What pressure is considered normal?

Value 120/80 mmHg. considered the ideal blood pressure. 130/80-140/90 – normal, 140/90-160/100 – moderately high, 160/100 and above – too high.

What is the cause of pressure surges?

The most common causes of floating blood pressure

Changes in blood pressure may in some cases be due to sensitivity to certain foods. This is especially true for lovers of very salty dishes.

Caffeine. Coffee causes a temporary increase in blood pressure. Three to four cups can increase it from 4 to 13 mmHg. Those who do not regularly drink coffee may notice more significant fluctuations; regular coffee drinkers will not notice it at all. Experts don't know why caffeine raises blood pressure, but they think it's due to narrowing of blood vessels.

2. Stress and medications

During stress, the arteries narrow, making it harder for the heart to work. This increases blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate. If you live in a situation chronic stress, That constant load on the heart can damage the arteries and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Medications. Some medications, such as decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs may temporarily increase blood pressure.

3.Diabetes and dehydration

Diabetes Damages nerves and causes frequent urination. When the body becomes dehydrated due to frequent urination And nervous system is damaged due to excessive amounts of glucose in the blood, blood pressure regulation may not be optimal.

Dehydration may also lead to pressure fluctuations with a sharp drop. To raise blood pressure by increasing blood volume, water retention must be restored. When dehydrated, the body loses its electrolyte chemical balance. This can lead to weakness and blood pressure fluctuations.

4. Deposition of calcium or cholesterol in the arteries

Calcium and cholesterol deposits in the arteries make them narrower, stiffer, less elastic, and unable to relax, causing hypertension. This phenomenon is most common among middle-aged and older people.

5.Heart problems and nervous system diseases

Heart problems: such as low heart rate, heart failure and myocardial infarction can lead to fluctuations in blood pressure.

Nervous system diseases: stem atrophy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and amyloidosis (protein metabolism disorder) can damage normal system blood regulation.

This can cause many disorders, including the body's inability to regulate blood pressure.

In addition, pressure surges can lead to:

  • fever (accelerates heart rate);
  • adrenal fatigue;
  • menopause;
  • human predisposition to fluctuating blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to heat;
  • age.

In some cases, experts link blood pressure fluctuations to more high risk development of stroke.

How to deal with blood pressure instability

What to do when faced with instability, how to deal with it? A surefire way to regulate it: improve the elasticity of the arteries, strengthen the adrenal glands, and keep stress under control. Only a doctor can give specific recommendations here.

Will help you cope with fluctuating blood pressure, control your weight through diet and physical exercise, smoking cessation, deep breathing exercises, reducing salt and alcohol consumption.

The following procedure will quickly help reduce blood pressure.

Moisten with 5-6% regular table water or apple cider vinegar a napkin or piece of cloth and apply to your feet for 5-10 minutes

Folk remedies for treating pressure surges

Oat decoction

Rinse a glass of oats, fill it with a liter of filtered, or preferably distilled, water at room temperature and leave for 10 hours. Then simmer over low heat for half an hour. After removing from heat, wrap and leave for another 12 hours. Strain and add up to 1 liter of boiled water.

Take 100 ml daily three times a day for one and a half months. After finishing do month break and repeat the course. And this should be done throughout the year. In addition, this remedy is very effective for stomach and duodenal ulcers and chronic pancreatitis.


This is an old proven remedy. Peel the head of garlic, wipe them, put them in a jar and pour a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil. Leave for 24 hours, shaking occasionally (every 4-6 hours). Pour in the juice of one lemon and stir. Leave in a cool place for a week, shaking every other day. Take 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months, then a break for a month and repeat the treatment again.


Every day on an empty stomach (in the morning), take 1 tablet (0.2 g) of mumiyo for 10 days with 3 sips of milk. Take a break for a week and repeat the course. It is better to conduct at least 4 such courses.

Important! You should be very careful when taking blood pressure-lowering drugs during a hypotensive state. The pressure can either drop sharply, or if you refuse to take medications that reduce pressure, it can increase sharply and a crisis will occur. That is, the solution to this issue must be solved using an individual search method and always with the participation of a doctor.

It should be borne in mind that preparations based on St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian, nettle (including valocordin) should not be taken during pressure surges (!) - they increase blood viscosity and its tendency to form blood clots, worsen blood flow through the arteries and, therefore , increase blood pressure.

Natural remedies for high blood pressure

  • Celery. The compounds found in celery oil help relax and stretch the muscles that line your arteries. This helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Potassium in the diet. Potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, oranges, spinach, and zucchini) may lower blood pressure. WARNING: These foods may be harmful to kidney problems—check with your doctor.
  • Grape juice - good remedy to maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Black Seed Oil: Its active ingredients will lower cholesterol levels and help control blood pressure. It is enough to consume one teaspoon of this oil daily (can be mixed with fruit juice or tea)
  • Ginkgo biloba. Medicinal herb increases blood circulation in the body, expanding blood vessels.
  • baked potatoes are also effective means for the treatment of hypertension.
  • Fenugreek seeds should be taken twice a day, on an empty stomach.
  • Watermelon is another good remedy to prevent high pressure. Also a teaspoon of dried watermelon seeds, ground into powder for empty stomach twice a day with water, helps prevent high blood pressure.
  • Basil leaves (1-2 leaves) on an empty stomach will relieve high blood pressure.
  • Eating fresh papaya on an empty stomach for 15 to 20 days helps in treating hypertension.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, neurologist L. MANVELOV (State Research Institute of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

Time and again we have to return to the topic of hypertension and high blood pressure. Men's eyelids are too short (in Lately and in women) in Russia. Very often, the cause of strokes and heart attacks is an indifferent attitude towards one’s health. And here it is important that we do not monitor blood pressure. A bathhouse with beer or many hours of effort over the beds under the scorching sun can turn into a disaster for hypertensive patients. Only very often people have no idea what they have high blood pressure. However, you also need to be able to measure it, even with the help of the smartest instruments.

What is blood pressure?

1. Indicators of daily blood pressure monitoring are within normal limits.

2. Indicators of daily blood pressure monitoring in a patient with hypertension (increased blood pressure during the day and night hours).

3. The same indicators after five years of non-systematic treatment.

Determination and classification of blood pressure levels (in mmHg) in persons over 18 years of age.

A normal blood pressure level is considered to be between 139 (systolic) and 60 mmHg. Art. (diastolic).

Correct position cuff and tonometer when measured with an aneroid manometer.

Correct measurement pressure device with display.

German physiologist Johann Dogil used this device in 1880 to study the effect of music on blood pressure.

Blood pressure (BP) - blood pressure in the arteries - one of the main indicators of activity of cardio-vascular system. It can change in many diseases, and maintaining it at an optimal level is vital. It is not for nothing that a doctor accompanies any examination of an unwell person by measuring blood pressure.

U healthy people blood pressure levels are relatively stable, although Everyday life he hesitates often. This also happens with negative emotions, nervous or physical stress, with excessive fluid intake and in many other cases.

There is a distinction between systolic, or upper, blood pressure - the pressure of the blood during the contraction of the ventricles of the heart (systole). At the same time, about 70 ml of blood is pushed out of them. Such an amount cannot immediately pass through small blood vessels. Therefore, the aorta and other large vessels are stretched, and the pressure in them increases, normally reaching 100-130 mm Hg. Art. During diastole, blood pressure in the aorta gradually drops to normal to 90 mmHg. Art., and in large arteries- up to 70 mm Hg. Art. We perceive the difference in the values ​​of systolic and diastolic pressure as pulse wave, which is called the pulse.

Arterial hypertension

An increase in blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above) is observed with hypertension, or, as it is commonly called abroad, essential hypertension (95% of all cases), when the cause of the disease cannot be established, and with so-called symptomatic hypertension (only 5%), developing due to pathological changes a number of organs and tissues: for kidney diseases, endocrine diseases, congenital narrowing or atherosclerosis of the aorta and others large vessels. Arterial hypertension is not without reason called the silent and mysterious killer. In half of the cases the disease long time is asymptomatic, that is, the person feels completely healthy and does not suspect that insidious disease is already weakening his body. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, severe complications develop: for example, stroke, myocardial infarction, retinal detachment. Many of those who survived vascular accident, remain disabled, for whom life is immediately divided into two parts: “before” and “after”.

Recently I heard a striking phrase from a patient: “Hypertension is not a disease; blood pressure is elevated in 90% of people.” The figure is, of course, greatly exaggerated and based on rumors. As for the opinion that hypertension is not a disease, this is harmful and dangerous delusion. It is precisely these patients whom, what is especially depressing, the vast majority are not accepted antihypertensive drugs or are not treated systematically and do not control blood pressure, frivolously risking their health and even life.

In Russia, 42.5 million people currently have high blood pressure, that is, 40% of the population. Moreover, at the same time, according to a representative national sample of the Russian population aged 15 years and older, 37.1% of men and 58.9% of women knew about the presence of arterial hypertension, and only 5.7% of patients received adequate antihypertensive therapy men and 17.5% women.

So in our country there is a lot of work ahead to prevent cardiovascular accidents - to achieve control over arterial hypertension. The target program “Prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension in Russian Federation”, which is currently underway.

How is blood pressure measured?

Diagnosis hypertonic disease” the doctor puts, and necessary treatment he chooses, but regular monitoring of blood pressure is not only a task medical workers, but every person.

Today, the most common method of measuring blood pressure is based on what was proposed back in 1905. local doctor N. S. Korotkov method (see “Science and Life” No. 8, 1990). It is associated with listening to sound tones. In addition, the palpation method (feeling the pulse) and the 24-hour monitoring method (continuous blood pressure monitoring) are used. The latter is very indicative and gives the most accurate picture of how blood pressure changes during the day and how it depends on different loads.

To measure blood pressure using the Korotkoff method, mercury and aneroid manometers are used. The latter, as well as modern automatic and semi-automatic devices with displays, are calibrated on a mercury scale before use and periodically checked. By the way, on some of them the upper (systolic) blood pressure is indicated by the letter “S”, and the lower (diastolic) by “D”. There are also automatic devices designed to measure blood pressure at certain, set intervals (for example, this is how you can monitor patients in a clinic). Portable devices have been created for daily monitoring (tracking) of blood pressure in a clinic.

Blood pressure levels fluctuate throughout the day: it is usually lowest during sleep and rises in the morning, reaching a maximum during the hours of daytime activity. It is important to know that in patients with arterial hypertension, nighttime blood pressure readings are often higher than daytime ones. Therefore, to examine such patients great importance has 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, the results of which make it possible to clarify the time of the most rational reception medications and ensure full control of the effectiveness of treatment.

Difference between highest and most low values Blood pressure during the day in healthy people, as a rule, does not exceed: for systolic - 30 mm Hg. Art., and for diastolic - 10 mm Hg. Art. In arterial hypertension, these fluctuations are more pronounced.

What is the norm?

The question of what blood pressure should be considered normal is quite complex. The outstanding domestic therapist A.L. Myasnikov wrote: “In essence, there is no clear boundary between blood pressure values ​​that should be considered physiological for a given age, and blood pressure values ​​that should be considered pathological for a given age.” However, in practice, of course, it is impossible to do without certain standards.

The criteria for determining blood pressure levels, adopted in 2004 by the All-Russian Society of Cardiology, are based on the 2003 recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension, experts of the US Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Diagnosis, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. If systolic and diastolic blood pressure are in different categories, then the assessment is made according to more high rate. When deviating from the norm, we talk about arterial hypotension(blood pressure below 100/60 mmHg) or arterial hypertension (see table).

How to measure blood pressure correctly?

Blood pressure is most often measured in a sitting position, but sometimes it has to be done in a supine position, for example, in seriously ill patients or when the patient is standing (with functional tests). However, regardless of the position of the person being examined, the forearm of his hand, on which blood pressure is measured, and the device must be at the level of the heart. The lower edge of the cuff is placed approximately 2 cm above the elbow. An unfilled cuff should not compress the underlying tissue.

Air is quickly pumped into the cuff to a level of 40 mmHg. Art. higher than that at which the pulse in the radial artery disappears due to compression of the vessels. The phonendoscope is applied to the cubital fossa at the pulsation point of the artery directly below the lower edge of the cuff. The air must be released from it slowly, at a speed of 2 mmHg. Art. per pulse beat. This is necessary to more accurately determine blood pressure levels. The point on the pressure gauge scale at which discernible pulse beats (tones) appeared is marked as systolic pressure, and the point at which they disappear is marked as diastolic. Changes in the volume of tones and their attenuation are not taken into account. The pressure in the cuff is reduced to zero. The accuracy of fixation and registration of the moments of appearance and disappearance of tones is essential. Unfortunately, when measuring blood pressure, they often prefer to round the results to zero or five, which makes it difficult to evaluate the data obtained. Blood pressure must be recorded with an accuracy of 2 mm Hg. Art.

It is impossible to count the level of systolic blood pressure based on the beginning of visible fluctuations in the mercury column, the main thing is the appearance of characteristic sounds; During blood pressure measurements, tones are heard, which are divided into separate phases.

Phases of tones N. S. Korotkov
1st phase- Blood pressure, at which constant tones are heard. The sound intensity gradually increases as the cuff deflates. First by at least of two consecutive tones is defined as systolic blood pressure.
2nd phase- the appearance of noise and “rusting” sound with further deflation of the cuff.
3rd phase- a period during which the sound resembles a crunch and increases in intensity.
4th phase corresponds to a sharp muting, the appearance of a soft “blowing” sound. This phase can be used to determine diastolic blood pressure when tones are audible up to the zero division.
5th phase characterized by the disappearance of the last tone and corresponds to the level of diastolic blood pressure.

But remember: between the 1st and 2nd phases of Korotkoff sounds, the sound is temporarily absent. This happens with high systolic blood pressure and continues throughout the deflation of air from the cuff to 40 mm Hg. Art.

It happens that the blood pressure level is forgotten during the time between the moment of measurement and the registration of the result. That is why you should record the obtained data immediately - before removing the cuff.

In cases where there is a need to measure blood pressure in the leg, a cuff is placed on the middle third of the thigh, and a phonendoscope is brought to the popliteal fossa at the site of arterial pulsation. Diastolic pressure level at popliteal artery approximately the same as on the brachial, and systolic - by 10-40 mm Hg. Art. higher.

Blood pressure levels can fluctuate even over short periods of time, for example during measurement, which is associated with a number of factors. Therefore, when measuring it, you must observe certain rules. The room temperature should be comfortable. One hour before measuring blood pressure, the patient should not eat, exercise, smoke, or be exposed to cold. For 5 minutes before measuring blood pressure, he needs to sit in a warm room, relax and not change the accepted comfortable posture. The sleeves of clothing should be loose enough; it is advisable to expose your arm by removing the sleeve. Blood pressure should be measured twice with an interval of at least 5 minutes; the average value for two indicators is recorded.

In addition, one should remember about the shortcomings in determining blood pressure due to the error of the Korotkoff method itself, which ideal conditions, at normal level Blood pressure is ±8 mmHg. Art. An additional source of errors may be violations heart rate in the patient, incorrect position his hands during measurement, poor cuff placement, non-standard or faulty cuff. For adults, the latter should have a length of 30-35 cm in order to wrap around the subject’s shoulder at least once, and a width of 13-15 cm. A small cuff is a common cause of erroneous determination of high blood pressure. However, obese people may require a larger cuff and children may require a smaller cuff. Inaccurate blood pressure measurements may also be due to excessive compression of the underlying tissues by the cuff. Overestimation of blood pressure readings also occurs when a loose cuff is inflated.

Recently I had to talk to a patient who nurse At the clinic she said, having measured my blood pressure, that it was elevated. Arriving home, the patient measured his blood pressure with his own device and was surprised to note significantly lower values. Typical presentation“white coat” hypertension is explained by emotional reactions (our fear of the doctor’s verdict) and is taken into account when diagnosing arterial hypertension and determining the optimal level of blood pressure during treatment. White coat hypertension is common - in 10% of patients. It is necessary to create an appropriate environment in the room: it should be quiet and cool. It is unacceptable to have extraneous conversations. You need to talk to the person being examined calmly and kindly.

And finally... We are far from powerless in the face of insidious disease. It is quite treatable, as convincingly evidenced by large-scale preventive programs to combat arterial hypertension, carried out both in our country and abroad, which have reduced the incidence of stroke by 45-50% within five years. All patients received adequate treatment and strictly followed the doctor's instructions.

If you are over 40 years old, regularly measure your blood pressure. I would like to emphasize once again that arterial hypertension is often asymptomatic, but this makes the disease even more dangerous, causing a “blow from behind.” Every family should have a device for measuring blood pressure, and every adult should learn how to measure it, especially since it does not pose any significant difficulties.

“The knowledge that is most necessary for human life, is self-knowledge.” The famous French writer and philosopher Bernard Fontenelle (1657-1757), who lived exactly 100 years, came to such a conclusion that is still relevant today.

Blood pressure is quite important criterion vital activity of the body, because this indicator depends on the activity of many organs and can indicate a variety of disorders in their functioning. Sometimes blood pressure readings make it possible to notice the development of various critical conditions in time and stop them. There are several options for determining blood pressure levels. Thus, arterial oscillography is used for long-term recording of blood pressure levels. It allows you to see fluctuations in blood pressure of 1, 2, 3 orders.

Arterial oscillography allows you to graphically display the pulsations of large arteries when they are compressed by a cuff. This method records three types of blood pressure fluctuations:

Systolic waves of the first order;
- respiratory waves of the 2nd order;
- vascular waves of the third order.

1st order pressure fluctuations

These indicators are determined by the systole (contraction) of the ventricles of the heart. During the period of expulsion of blood from the cardiac ventricles, an increase in pressure is observed in the aorta, as well as in pulmonary artery. It rises and reaches a maximum level of 140 and 40 mmHg. This pressure is maximum or systolic, it is recorded by the letter combination DM.

During diastole (expansion of the heart cavities), the heart does not receive blood from arterial system, there is only an outflow of it from the large arteries to the area of ​​​​the capillaries. Accordingly, at this moment the pressure in the arteries decreases to a minimum, it is classified as minimal or diastolic, and is designated by the letter combination DD. The level of this indicator largely depends on the lumen and tone of the vessels, and on average is 60-80 mm Hg.

The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is pulse pressure, it is this that ensures the appearance of a systolic wave (first-order wave) on the kymogram. Usually the pulse pressure is 30-40 mmHg. This indicator is directly proportional to the stroke volume of the heart and indicates the strength of heart contractions, because what large quantity the heart will send blood into systole, the higher the level of pulse pressure will be.

Pulse pressure reaches its maximum value in the vessels that are located near the heart, namely, in the aorta, as well as in large arteries. In small arteries the interval between systolic and diastolic pressure is somewhat smoothed out, and in the arterioles (as in the capillaries) the pressure is constant and does not depend on systole and diastole. This feature of the body is important for stability metabolic processes, which occur between the blood passing through the capillaries and the tissues surrounding them.

The number of first order waves is equal to HR (heart rate).

Blood pressure fluctuations of 2 orders

These are respiratory waves that reflect fluctuations in blood pressure associated with respiratory function. Their number is equal to the number breathing movements.

Each wave of the 2nd order consists of several waves of the 1st order. They have quite complex mechanism occurrence: during inhalation, our body creates optimal conditions, ensuring the flow of blood from the systemic circulation into the small circle. This is explained by an increase in the capacity of the pulmonary vessels, as well as a slight decrease in their resistance to blood flow, and a greater flow of blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs. In addition, this is facilitated by the presence of a pressure difference between the vessels in abdominal cavity And chest, this difference occurs when the negative pressure inside increases pleural cavity and when lowering the diaphragm and squeezing out blood from it venous vessels in the intestines and liver.

The described mechanisms create conditions for storing blood in the pulmonary vessels and reducing the volume of its release from the lungs into the left half of the heart. Thus, at maximum inspiration there is a decrease in blood flow to the heart and a natural decrease in blood pressure. And closer to the end of exhalation, blood pressure increases.

These are mechanical factors that explain the formation of second order waves. But they also depend on nervous factors. So the activity change respiratory center which is observed during inhalation, leads to an increase in the activity of the vasomotor center, which increases vascular tone in big circle blood circulation

In addition, fluctuations in blood flow volumes can also secondary provoke an increase or decrease in blood pressure, since activation of vascular reflexogenic zones.
Blood pressure fluctuations of 3 orders

As for waves of the 3rd order, they represent an even slower increase and decrease in pressure indicators. Each of them covers several respiratory waves of the 2nd order. Such fluctuations arise due to periodic changes in the tone of the vasomotor centers. Waves of the third order often appear due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain (high-altitude hypoxia), after blood loss or poisoning by several poisons.

Thus, measuring blood pressure fluctuations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order is sometimes an important diagnostic procedure necessary for identifying and treating various pathological conditions related to the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Blood pressure level is an indicator that constantly changes throughout the day.

And this depends not only on the patient’s health status, but also on many external factors.

Let's look at how daily changes in blood pressure occur, how this indicator can be tracked, and most importantly, how it can be influenced.

The blood pressure of each person is subject to daily, or circadian rhythm. If every day a person’s work and rest schedule is approximately the same, then the peaks and valleys of blood pressure levels are almost identical, and, in medical terms, predictable.

Changes in blood pressure during the day are observed approximately as follows: in the morning the blood pressure level rises slightly, during the day there is a decline, in the evening the levels increase again, and at night, at rest, the blood pressure drops again.

How does blood pressure change during the day? The peak of indicators is usually observed from 8 to 9 am, and also around 19.00 pm. From 24 hours to 4 am there are minimum numbers, which increase until 9.00.

Specialists in cardiovascular pathologies claim: pressure should be measured in the same position, at the same time of day, ideally in a familiar environment. These factors are fundamental.

  • , overwork;
  • sudden change in weather;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • serious physical activity;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • extreme cold in the room;
  • constipation, desire to urinate;
  • a woman’s menstrual cycle (in the second half, fluid accumulates in the body, emotionality seriously increases, which can lead to an increase in the analyzed indicator);
  • impatience or excitement felt by a person;
  • some other factors.

How to take measurements?

Before contacting a doctor about blood pressure fluctuations, it is necessary to take measurements for at least one week. To build a correct picture of the disease, it is extremely important to monitor the patient’s condition as reliably as possible.

You need to keep a diary in which to record tonometer readings in the morning and evening hours for 1–2 weeks (it is extremely important to make observations at the same time).

How to measure blood pressure correctly

Brief instructions:

  1. you need to sit at the table, placing your hand on a flat surface at heart level, rest your back on the back of the chair, trying to keep your body straight (“no need to fall apart” on the chair);
  2. free your hand so that it is not pressed down by anything (even a rolled up shirt sleeve can distort the accuracy of the results);
  3. take measurements, during which you cannot move, speak, worry, etc.

Before starting the measurement, it is extremely important to calm down and try to forget about everything that is to come/happened during the day. An hour and a half before the procedure, it is forbidden to eat, smoke, drink tea and coffee, or do heavy lifting. physical labor, run or walk quickly.

When visiting a doctor, most patients notice that their blood pressure is higher than usual. This manifests itself in the so-called “fear of white coats”, that is, for 99% of adults, meeting with a doctor is a serious stress.

What is daily monitoring?

Daily blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a procedure that allows you to track how a person’s blood pressure changes during the day.

Such a study is carried out in cases where standard measurements do not reveal at what time the patient’s blood pressure levels jump.

This is extremely important in the treatment of not only hypertension, but also many other cardiovascular pathologies.

Compared to standard two or three measurements per day, ABPM is considered not only more effective way monitoring the patient's condition, but also more reliable.

Indications for daily monitoring:

  • need for selection effective scheme taking antihypertensive drugs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of treatment;
  • finding out the reasons why there is no effect from the ongoing antihypertensive treatment;
  • choice the right way delivery in women in the third trimester with a diagnosis of hypertension;
  • the patient has concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, vegetative-vascular disorders, etc.;
  • identification of systemic hypotension;
  • making a forecast for possible development diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • selection of adequate therapy for heart attack, tendency to hypertensive crises etc.

The method is used in children from seven years of age if it is necessary to identify the causes frequent fainting, hypertension, hypotension, heart rhythm disturbances.t

How is ABPM performed?

The patient comes to the hospital, the doctor installs a measuring device with a monitor, gives recommendations and sends the patient home for exactly one day.

The measurements are carried out automatically (the standard daytime interval is a quarter of an hour, the nighttime interval is half an hour), practically no manipulations on the part of the patient are required.

There are few rules: the hand must be held vertically along the body, a warning signal is given before the measurement begins, so the person has time to stop and take the desired position.

It is imperative to sleep at night so that lack of sleep does not distort the readings. In addition, it is forbidden to look at the results produced by the device in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

A day later, you need to visit the doctor again so that he removes the device, analyzes the results, selects a treatment regimen, and most importantly, evaluates and analyzes your personal circadian rhythm.

Sometimes the procedure is carried out over a different period of time, for example 12 hours.

It is mandatory to keep a diary during the day, in which you should note all the important facts about your health, for example, the time of occurrence, taking a blood pressure pill, or otherwise.

Pregnant women must stay in the hospital for 24 hours during which monitoring will be carried out. Often, to build a more accurate picture, an ECG procedure is performed in addition.

A few important facts

Let's list a few important facts about ABPM:

  1. ABPM procedure is not carried out in following cases: serious mental disorders; skin diseases; tendency to bruise due to blood problems; damage to the arteries or veins in the arms, making monitoring impossible;
  2. referral for daily monitoring can be obtained from a cardiologist, or, in his absence, from a therapist;
  3. if the doctor insists on performing ABPM, you should not refuse under any circumstances. This is one of the most effective procedures, giving real picture state of the human cardiovascular system.

Scientists were able to prove that those same “ The biological clock", which also includes daily fluctuations in blood pressure, is inherited by a person.

Video on the topic

This video presents brief information O daily monitoring blood pressure (ABPM):

Changes in blood pressure during the day are quite normal phenomenon which is observed in all people, regardless of the presence/absence of hypertension or hypotension. Healthy people, as a rule, do not notice such changes, since they coincide with the natural rhythms of the body. If you notice that changes in blood pressure levels are negatively affecting your well-being: headache, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, sleep problems or others unpleasant symptoms, this indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor in order to select drug treatment.

Blood pressure and health

Among the many health problems experienced by modern man, most often he faces problems related to blood pressure. It is widely known that high blood pressure causes diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage or heart disease. Deviations in blood pressure from the norm cause numerous diseases and complications.

High and low blood pressure

  • There are two types of high (low) blood pressure - true high blood pressure, which occurs even without a specific cause, for example, another disease, etc., and symptomatic high blood pressure, which is a consequence of diseases such as kidney disease, disorders metabolism, etc. True high blood pressure is responsible for more than 90% of problems associated with hypertension and is caused, in part, by congenital predisposition.
    If symptomatic high blood pressure occurs, it is necessary to be treated for the disease that caused it.
  • Among the factors that cause high blood pressure are the consumption of too much large quantity salt, overeating, excessive drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, overwork and stress.
    It is important to take care of your health by regularly measuring your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor and following the recommendations above.
High blood pressure caused by nervous tension

It is quite possible that the results of measuring blood pressure at home will differ significantly from those obtained in the presence of a doctor. Blood pressure may become higher than usual if you are in a condition nervous tension or feel awkward, especially in the presence of a doctor. Sufferers should monitor daily changes in their blood pressure throughout the day and seek advice from a doctor.

Fluctuations in blood pressure

Blood pressure is constantly changing - You should not be too concerned or happy about the readings obtained from one or two measurements.
Blood pressure varies both during the day and throughout the month; it is affected by the time of year and temperature. The graph below shows the increase and decrease in blood pressure over the course of a day.
If you want to measure blood pressure correctly, you should know that it changes along with atmospheric pressure even in healthy people, both during the day and over short periods of time depending on physical activity, emotional excitability, from diet, not to mention the influence of medications taken, smoking and drinking alcohol. For example, many people's blood pressure may change due to anxiety associated with the procedure of measuring it. The difference in readings in healthy people fluctuates when the “upper” (systolic) pressure changes within a range of up to 30 mm Hg. Art. and “lower” (diastolic) within the range of up to 10 mm Hg. Art.
Please try to have a clear picture of your blood pressure. To do this, you need to take measurements regularly throughout the day and keep clear records of your results.

Blood pressure measurement and health monitoring

A person's blood pressure changes significantly throughout the day depending on his emotional and physical state.
If a measurement shows that blood pressure is high, this does not necessarily indicate that the person is sick.
It is very dangerous to worry or make assumptions about a person's health without knowing necessary information and having only the results of one or two measurements.
Monitor changes in blood pressure as events occur in your daily life, and try to recognize when your blood pressure rises and/or falls. This is much more important than knowing your baseline blood pressure. Show the notes to your doctor and consult with him. There is nothing surprising in the fact that in this way you can monitor your mental and physical state on a daily basis.