What curse awaits a person for a gift. Ancestral Power, or a Dangerous Gift? From all curses

Clairvoyance (fortune telling) - a GIFT from God?

One of the most popular topics in “The Adviser” is, undoubtedly, fortune telling. There are regular requests for the coordinates of familiar grandmothers and fortune tellers. The desire to look into your future and change a difficult situation in life is quite understandable. Who wouldn't want to avoid misfortune or catch luck by the tail? And how interesting it is to find out who you will have: a boy or a girl, how many times you will get married, whether you will be happy or not... And this terrible mythical scourge is “damage”, which the modern healthcare system cannot treat...

Reading such topics leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Why do people always take the path of least resistance? Why, despite the fact that many position themselves as “believers,” do they consider fortune telling a harmless activity? And they choose the criteria of correctness according to their own standards or mercantile considerations: if a clairvoyant does not take money from me, then he is good; if he helps people, it means he is doing good; if his predictions are correct, then his abilities are a gift from God; There is “black” magic, and there is also “white”...

Really, why bother?! So I’ll go to Grandma Manya, she’ll write everything down for me for 10 years in advance, she’ll cure my illness like eggs, she’ll remove the evil eye, and you’ll see, life will get better. And there is no need for treatment! And I will marry an oligarch, and I will have children from the holy spirit! And most importantly, everything was decided for you long ago, from now on you will be a puppet of your “good” or “bad” fate. They told you fortunes, which means they deprived you of your free flight. They deprived you of the right to choose and control over your destiny. No? Otherwise, your fortuneteller is a charlatan...

Many people think of fortune telling as a harmless form of entertainment, but the Bible shows that this is not the case. Unfortunately, the ban on prediction is interpreted very wrongly. They say that God does not want us to interfere in His providence. After all, it is He who supposedly decides what fate to give a person: let Masha be hit by a car, and let a brick fall on Katya ((Can you imagine such sick fantasies and still believe in predestination?

Each person is the architect of his own happiness and God has endowed EVERY person with free will!!! At any stage of our lives, we can change everything! You should never be afraid or despair! After all, difficulties are life lessons, another step towards our maturity and spiritual growth. This is not a reason for hysteria! This is not a reason to run to dubious women and aunts with a deck of cards!

So why does God forbid turning to fortune tellers, soothsayers, and clairvoyants for help? Is he really hiding something good from us? Does he really want to deprive us of something beautiful? The reason for the ban is quite simple. Spiritualism (this includes: astrology, fortune telling with a magic crystal, dream interpretation, palmistry, physiognomy, card fortune telling, looking for signs, dream interpretation etc.) - this is connection with demons . I don’t think anyone needs to explain who demons are. The Bible shows that fortune tellers and evil spirits work together. For example, Acts 16:16-19 mentions a “divining spirit” that enabled one girl to practice “divination.” However, when the demon was exorcised from her, her ability to predict the future was lost. Obviously, fortune telling is a bait that demons use to lure people into their trap. Don’t hope that by giving you something they won’t demand something in return ((What will it be? Your health? Your life or the life of someone dear to you? Would you like to take a risk for the dubious prospect of knowing the future? It’s not a fact that what was said fortune teller will be true. But the fact is that your life will no longer be the same.

One woman, who was a spiritualist medium, was convinced of this from her own experience. Demons turned her life into a nightmare. She recalls: “The spirits... took possession of me, they told me what to do. I kept losing consciousness and was temporarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The demons tormented me so much that my nerves could not stand it. I took sedatives and started drinking and smoking. This went on for years."
I won’t scare you girls, but I used to do fortune telling too. I can say that it was terrible. It’s scary to hear voices, scary to wake up from horror in the middle of the night and lie there, feeling like you’re going crazy from chilling fear. From obsessive thoughts about suicide... These are just flowers.

It is important to understand that there are NO fortune tellers, healers or soothsayers from God. These abilities are not from God! God never acts through what He himself condemns! He does not act through his enemies! Does not act through magic or the occult and does not declare its will to mediums. “The prophets prophesy lies in my name. I did not send them, I did not command or say anything to them. False vision, fortune telling, All empty and they present the deceit of their hearts to you as a prophecy” (Jeremiah 14:14).

Wishing us well, God warns us not to become involved in any way in spiritualism. He loves people and cares about them. And he knows that those who contact fortune tellers are doomed to suffer.

Everyone has the right to have their own opinion, the choice is yours. The main thing is to remember that the future of all fortune-tellers, grandmothers and clairvoyants and THOSE WHO TURN TO THEM FOR HELP has long been predetermined and it is sad ((After all, “God will judge all who are involved in spiritualism and will reject them” (Revelation 22:15). And you build your own life. Yes, it consists of ups and downs. But this is YOUR life, YOUR choice. Don’t let anyone make this choice for you!

In the entire history of mankind, there is hardly a single settlement, much less a country, where there are not people who have unusual, inexplicable, and therefore mysterious abilities for others. What thoughts arise when meeting such a miracle? “I can’t do this!”, “How does he manage to do this?” or “Why did the healer, just by passing his hands over me, save me from many years of illness?” And here’s another curiosity: a woman tightly blindfolded reads books by just touching them with her fingers!

Rice. Are superpowers a gift or a curse?

But if we take an excursion into history, we will notice that along with admiration, such phenomenal personalities also caused rejection: they were blamed for natural disasters, livestock deaths, mass epidemics and other troubles. Having obvious superpowers that have been proven over the years, these people very often became outcasts! They are feared and accused of being representatives of the devil and other dark forces. Previously, such people were quartered, stoned, and burned at the stake. You don’t have to look far for an example: let us at least remember Kuprin’s “Olesya”. In general, superpowers are sometimes a gift and sometimes a curse!

That is, it turns out that, on the one hand, we willingly turn to sorcerers, witches, healers, clairvoyants, psychics, sometimes as the last resort. And if it doesn’t help, we are indignant and blame them for our troubles. And of course, we consider them charlatans, crooks, and scammers.

But blaming and saying, like Stanislavsky, “I don’t believe it!” is the easiest thing to do. Many generations of sages racked their brains to understand how to heal without touching the patient’s body, walk on water as if on land, and if not fly like a bird, then at least rise a few centimeters above the ground. In accordance with their religious beliefs, experience and knowledge, ancient philosophers, scientists, and researchers put forward various versions, trying to explain the nature of these unusual phenomena, but most often they appealed to the divine will.

But these are things of a long time ago. And what do we see in our enlightened times, when science has reached unprecedented heights? Perhaps clairvoyants, possessors and others have sunk into oblivion? And if some of them appear on the horizon of our everyday existence, will scientists quickly figure it out and unravel the nature and mechanisms of the miracle with the help of their ultra-modern methods? Nothing happened!

People who amaze ordinary citizens still walk our land, moreover, at the junction of two eras, two centuries, there are more of them! And respectable men, awarded high titles and honors from the Academy of Sciences and various institutes, as in the old days, do not always agree on whether this is quackery or a truly rare gift that waits, asks, and then demands an explanation! But in most cases, scientists do not ignore such phenomena, study their nature, conduct tests and conduct experiments...

People with superpowers have always attracted the attention of not only ordinary unremarkable people, but also scientists who tried to study the essence of this phenomenon. If you believe history, then it is these people who need to be thanked for the development of civilization, for certain achievements in one or another sphere of life of ancient peoples. Mere mortals cannot see what people endowed with such a gift see. They are immersed in a special state, which allows them to communicate with representatives of other worlds. They help in solving a complex issue and relieve illness, guide and warn about danger. Such people are capable of both helping and harming a person, so it is better not to conflict with them. Scientists have still not been able to fully study the nature of such special people, and this is due to the limitless abilities of the human brain, which can manifest themselves differently each time.

Previously, when asked about the manifestation of superpowers, a very definite answer was given that they are transmitted exclusively by inheritance. Now there is a lot of information both on the Internet and in print publications on the topic of developing such abilities, and anyone can do this. Interest and fear simultaneously seize people, because it is not completely known what this can lead to, how to use it all, and whether it is dangerous.

Studying the history of unusual phenomena, you can find a lot of publications about the manifestation of superpowers in ordinary people who find themselves in a stressful situation. It is this state that in an unknown way contributes to such actions of a person that in ordinary life are not characteristic of him and are beyond his power. There are cases when a person lifts a car, eats various objects, bends metal with one glance and does not sleep at all. And this is only a small part of the phenomena, which once again proves the power and strength of the human brain and the body as a whole.

Another phenomenon that is now becoming more common is special children called indigos. These children are different from their peers and experience certain difficulties in establishing contacts with them. They have their own world, closed from other people, which they value very much. It is difficult for them to accept and follow the rules that are characteristic of the society around them; they have their own opinion on this matter, and they do not want to go against it. Sometimes, such children can be dangerous, especially if they do not find understanding in loved ones, if they are pushed away and not accepted in society. Knowing the characteristics of indigo children, it is important to communicate with them in a certain way and in no case resort to deception. Only complete trust, support and understanding of parents can make such a child a full-fledged member of society and will not allow his individuality to be lost.

Another human superpower is the gift of clairvoyance, when future events are narrated in real time. Such people know in advance what awaits a person and can warn against possible troubles. One of these people is Nostradamus, whose predictions are known to everyone for their ability to come true. The role of such people in the history of the country as a whole is very great, because they talk about what awaits it in the future, what events will happen, and what consequences they will lead to. Among modern clairvoyants we can single out Vanga, whose predictions have come true and continue to come true to this day. The information is not always deciphered correctly, since there are certain difficulties, especially with those predictions that were made by ancient clairvoyants.

Often in everyday life you come across the concept of intuition, but not everyone can answer clearly what it is and why some people have it and others don’t. Intuition is a person’s ability to make the right choice and anticipate it. Scientists are confident that the lack of intuition is not a reason for frustration, because it can be easily developed.

The important point here is that a person needs to listen to his inner voice more often, be calm and attentive to himself and the world around him. A person must not only look inside himself, he must believe in himself limitlessly. Faith works miracles, and this is no secret to anyone.

With the development of clairvoyance, the situation is more complicated, but if you have the desire and desire, you can achieve good results. The most important thing is to do certain exercises regularly, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a knowledgeable person. Lack of knowledge can lead to disastrous consequences for the student, so moderation and caution are important in everything. The desire to look into the future seizes a huge number of people, and today this trend is more popular than ever. There are even special centers that provide such training, and they are popular.

However, the limitlessness of human abilities should not prevail over the caution of their use and application in everyday life. By delving into the development of the clairvoyance center, you can become successful and popular, or you can fail completely. This often happens to someone who wants to achieve results in too short a time, but there is no need to rush in this matter. The slower you learn and immerse yourself in the world of a person’s superpowers, the greater the likelihood of becoming a true professional in this field. It is important not only to keep your thoughts and body under control, but also to be able to manage your desires. This is the only way to achieve your goal, the only way to become a successful and useful person for society in the field of clairvoyance.

You shouldn’t be afraid of people with superpowers, they are no different from us, they just see and know a little more. This is a gift, and it is not given to everyone, and everyone chooses independently to use it for the benefit of society or to harm it. Here it’s all about who is closer. Each person has his own path, his own destiny, and clairvoyance is also a great responsibility, and it is important to cope with it with dignity.

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 This power is within us, it is capable of changing this world, and our ancestors called it Ancestral.
The capabilities of the human body are so great that no science is able to fully explore this area. We still don’t understand what power is hidden inside each person, how to learn to control it, what is Generic Power and how does it usually manifest itself in real life? Mysteries, hypotheses and assumptions around this problem have always been, are and will be. But they are all shrouded in mystery. And in order to understand what is hidden from us by time, we need to look into the depths of the human subconscious.
A very ancient secret legend says: “In every family there is Ancestral Power, but not everyone born on Earth is able to receive it, not everyone deserves it and not everyone can hold it.” A person born for this must be strong, resilient, undaunted, not backing down from difficulties and not yielding to the temptations of this world. There are still very few such people, but they are being born, and will be born as long as their Spirit and the ancestral memory of thousands of generations are interested in this. Ancestral Power is usually transferred to the strongest of the clan, and not in the physical, but in the energetic sense of the word. A person endowed with such Power lives for a very long time (and in several worlds at once) and leaves only when he passes on what he had to the next generation.

Grandma's inheritance

The process of transferring Ancestral Power is somewhat reminiscent of the cycle in nature; the older generation passes on knowledge, strength and experience to the younger. This happens, as you understand, not on the physical level either. At the moment of transfer, the candidate for the Force is between sleep and reality, on the so-called “astral plane”. The one who leaves for another world transfers to the one who remains an energy ball, or ancestral memory, a certain energy clot that is introduced into the body and increases the person’s energy potential by more than a hundred times. Most often, Ancestral Power is transmitted through three or four generations. So, for example, grandparents give what they should give to their grandchildren, it is rare for mothers or fathers to pass on the Power to their children. It also happens differently: a long-dead relative waits for a long time, being in the world of the dead, for someone to be born in his family who can take his Power, hold it and put it into practice. Therefore, the most vital question for those who have received Ancestral Power is the question of what to do with it next. This question is key for anyone who begins to see, feel and understand what others do not see, do not know and do not understand.

What to do?

People endowed with Generic Power have the ability to predict the future, see the past and present, treat their own kind, and control the processes occurring in nature. They can change events at their own discretion, secretly control people, and provide assistance in any life situations, especially critical ones. But in order to master all these developments and learn all this, a person needs to overcome many trials and tribulations that befall him as a test of strength and endurance.
Ancestral Power becomes a blessing for the one who has it only when he learns to properly control and manage it. It can also be a curse if a person does not know where to apply it and what to do with it. Therefore, as soon as you feel that something unusual is happening to you, find knowledgeable people who will help you understand yourself and teach you to live with this unusual ability in the world.


What happens to a person if he receives the Power of the clan? Such a person changes greatly at the energy level, his energy system becomes more powerful, and he himself is stronger both physically and energetically. People endowed with this gift pass through themselves rays from infrared to ultraviolet without any harm to health. They are not afraid of radiation, it is very difficult for them to get sick, to become infected with a dangerous disease, because their body, under the influence of a large amount of energy, begins to mutate and the cellular structure is restored five times faster than that of ordinary people.

Dubious pleasure

If you often see prophetic dreams, and even if you have learned to predict the future of other people from cards or dreams, this does not mean that you are endowed with the Power in question. Remember: if the Ancestral Power is transferred to you, then you will never forget it and will not escape from it, because you cannot escape from yourself. And if this happened to you, and you received what you deserved or didn’t deserve, then now you are the chosen one in your family, and all responsibility for what you will change in your life or in the lives of other people lies entirely with you. From the moment the Ancestral Power comes to you, you will feel within yourself extraordinary power, confidence and desire to know the Unknown. All paths will be open to you, and everything will be under your control. But! The Power that will live inside you needs practical application, otherwise it will eat you from the inside. You will have to engage in your spiritual development and study a lot. Believe me, Generic Power comes when it is usually not expected. As practice shows, this occurs most often in women aged 13-14 or 26-27 years, in men - at 16-20 or in their fourth decade. There is no point in talking further about the plan for your implementation, because if the Power came to you at a later age, then the period of its practical use is too short. Therefore, if there were people in your family who had any abilities, then know that these abilities can go to you, your children, and grandchildren. But in order to fully understand what Generic Power is, you need to receive it and try to live with it. But this, believe me, is much more difficult than it seems at first glance.

A secret behind seven seals, or a danger that no one knows about

A person endowed with the Strength and power of thousands of generations is exposed to very great danger. You probably know the main rule of this world: you have to fight for everything you have or have received. So, you will also have to fight for Ancestral Power, since many of those who did not receive it will try to take it away from you. Many enemies immediately appear, more hidden than obvious. Every day becomes torture, they put pressure on you, they attack you from all and sundry. They want to destroy you, wipe you off the face of the earth. More often this happens in dreams. They attack you because you represent real power and can make big changes in life on a subtle level. In this difficult period of life, you must learn to protect yourself and not give away what you have the right to. Let's say right away that it is very difficult to survive and not go crazy in such a situation. According to statistics, every third person survives and remains normal, the rest slowly go crazy and are either considered crazy or strange, not like everyone else. The fact is that these people really fall out of the general gray mass. They are unique, and in their sometimes hidden and sometimes obvious madness lies the secret meaning of human existence. They learned and felt what was inaccessible to others. They stepped beyond the line and learned the secret of death, they touched a more subtle world in which they are now destined to live a second life. They knew the Power of their kind, theirs. endowed with the ability to see the astral plane and even walk along it in a subtle astral body. To understand this, each of you can imagine your own double, who is capable, for example, of traveling to the world where we will all go after death. And this is a game not only of life, but also of death.
If you have received Generic Power, then life has a completely different meaning for you. A reassessment of values ​​occurs, and you begin to look at the world with completely different eyes. For example, you know what will happen tomorrow to you or other people living next to you. But this knowledge is not given to you just like that; you will also have to pay for it. Therefore, remember, you are responsible for your every word, every thought, every action. Make sure that your Ancestral Power finds worthy use in practice, and for this, study until you become a real specialist in your field.

How the school principal was saved

Once upon a time, a tearful woman came to a bioenergy therapist and brought her 14-year-old daughter Ksyusha by the hand. Between the sobs and lamentations of the mother, he found out that she was afraid for her child, and heard the following story.
Several years ago, an unhappy woman divorced her husband and found herself another “good man.” But for some reason her daughter didn’t like him and after a while he died from an unknown disease. At that time, no one connected his death with the words of his daughter, “May you die,” which she said after this man. But when this story repeated itself with another “good person”, and misfortune visited this family again, then, according to the mother, everyone decided that something had possessed the girl, probably the devil.
And the child looked no different from his peers, only his eyes did not look childishly seriously, and suffering was felt in them. To the question: “Who are you harassing now?” - she answered smartly: “The school principal.”
After conducting a little research, the bioenergy therapist found out that Ksyusha received the Generic Power at the age of 13, and that this power prevents her from living like all normal children. Several generations ago, her witch relative was burned at the stake, and since then the belief began that every third girl from their family becomes a witch. Ksyusha received her Power from her grandmother. But since the girl did not know how to control her Power, during times of resentment she inserted it into the source of irritation, namely, into those men whom her mother brought home.
Since it is impossible to get rid of this Power or give it to someone during life, I had to give this girl to be trained by a more experienced witch. This is how the school principal was saved...

Another story about a girl witch

The heroine of this story once had a child - a pretty gray-eyed girl, who was very weak and frail as a child. Having become seriously ill and having spent a long time in the hospital, she survived to the surprise of all the doctors. However, the consequence of the disease was frequent loss of consciousness, which torments her to this day. The mother, thinking that her daughter would die anyway, gave birth to three more children: a girl and two boys. So the eldest girl, whose name was Tanya, had competitors for the Ancestral Power. And so, when she turned 14 years old, literally in one week her younger sister grew a tumor in her brain, from which she died suddenly...
Feeling something was wrong and fearing for the life and health of her little boys, the mother purchased protective amulets for them. But time passed, the children grew up, and the woman calmed down, lost her vigilance, relaxed, and after 4 years 4 months a new tragedy came to her house.
The eldest son forgot the amulet in his old trousers and, going out into the street, was hit by a car. He was literally smeared across the asphalt for five meters. At the funeral they didn't even open the coffin...
The mother managed to wash the amulet of the last youngest son along with the trousers in whose pocket it was lying. The result was again fatal - a new death exactly 1 year 4 months later. Trouble knocked on the house the very next day after the fateful wash. Having put on these trousers with the already washed amulet, the child calmly went for a walk. While playing hide and seek with his peers, he climbed onto the roof of the barn, and a whole pile of bricks fell on him, which had lain there for years. As the examination subsequently established, only one blow was fatal - the one that hit the child directly on the head and fractured the skull.
From that time on, in our heroine’s house, death became a frequent and almost common occurrence, merging into one continuous nightmare. 9 months after the funeral of the youngest child, the dog died without any reason. Another 9 months later, the unfortunate woman’s sister died. After another 9 months - her brother. And when, finally, she was advised to go and make an amulet for protection, her first, only surviving daughter promised that if she went without her consent, she would be next...

And mother didn't go anywhere...

An interesting pattern: after every death in her house, a woman’s tooth fell out. Now she is almost toothless. Her husband tried to commit suicide twice, and after unsuccessful attempts was paralyzed. And now this family has one problem: to have time to save money for the next funeral. After all, life goes on, and there are still nephews left...
The reason for these terrible events is that the child who receives the Power usually gets rid of other contenders. In this case, the girl, whose name was Tanya, acted unconsciously, that is, without controlling her emotions and her Power. This is what led to such a large number of victims.
If such a problem arises in your home, go to a place where you will be taught how to control and manage the Force, feel the energy and help your loved ones. Otherwise, your life can turn into a living hell...

To understand what a curse can lead to, consider the complex human physio-bioenergetic system. All its parts are closely interconnected. Therefore, each of them is of particular importance. Before we get close to the question: “How to curse a person and what can happen to him after that?” - Let's get acquainted with such concepts as fate and karma. After all, negativity sent through magical rituals is fraught with danger not only for the person to whom it was intended, but also for his descendants.

Philosophical concept of what is important

So, let's talk about fate. This is a chain of events and facts that arise in a person’s life in connection with his certain character traits, actions, and deeds. All episodes that occur with a person in society are quite closely related to the structure of his physiobioenergetic system. It attracts those events that it can accept, and is responsible for those actions to which it can react accordingly.

Karma is a rather broad concept, unlike fate. It covers all the earthly lives of a person, including the history of his genealogy. Karma can be corrected, but no one has yet been able to completely change it. That is, if you made a mistake in past reincarnations, then the act itself cannot be changed. But it is quite possible to mitigate and change the negative impact on a person’s current life. "What does this have to do with the curse?" - you ask. The most direct. This is food for thought for those who are about to inflict negativity or have already received it in retaliation.

How does the process work?

A curse can be compared to a clot of thought, which is emotionally sharply sent to the victim and digs into his unprotected energy shell. Methodical destruction begins. The human energy structure falls into a chaotic state, all its subtle bodies become confused and come into conflict with each other. Alien energy, like the tentacles of an octopus, penetrates all important centers of the human physical body, causing destructive effects. This can be expressed in a sudden deterioration in health, financial collapse, tragic events in the life of an individual. The most unpleasant thing is that it can be passed on from generation to generation.


One more point: esotericists are convinced that when such a destructive program is removed, there is a high probability that the negativity may return to the instigator of the actions. This directly concerns those who think: “How to curse a person?” After all, if the charge was sent by a person with remarkable energy, using magical rituals, then the victim may die. And if the victim is lucky enough to get rid of the negative in time, then he will return with redoubled force to the author of the damage and can take his life.

Is it possible to curse a person accidentally?

Imagine an ordinary domestic quarrel. For example, a brother and sister share the TV remote control. None of them makes concessions. Unable to bear it, the sister throws the remote control to her brother and shouts out in her hearts: “Damn you!” Of course, the young man will not immediately fall ill on the spot and die. But the negativity will take hold in his subconscious. And if you add sisters to this, the curse can begin to act like a time bomb.

It would seem that a lot of time passed, and both forgot about this incident. My sister is doing great in her studies and in her personal life. She easily walks the steps to her success. But my brother’s situation is different: he periodically finds himself in various unpleasant situations, health problems arise every now and then, and his personal life is not very successful. In this case, we can say that the person was cursed accidentally, out of emotion, and now this program is working. What to do in this case?

Fortunately, healers have their own rituals that will help free a young man from the curse. True, for this you should turn to a trusted magician. He will carry out ritual cleansing of negativity, and may advise the sister to visit a church temple to confess and ordain her relative. A master of his craft will definitely explain to the culprit of the incident how one can curse a person accidentally and what to do in such a case. Under any circumstances, you should be careful in your statements and wishes to your interlocutor. There is also a so-called spontaneous curse, without the use of magical tools, but based on fierce hatred. Unfortunately, this is facilitated by the terrible tragedies that have occurred in people's lives.

For example, in the world of esotericism there is a case where a woman verbally cursed the killer of her child. She considered the criminal punishment for the offender not harsh enough. Therefore, she cursed him right in the courtroom, putting all her indignation, pain, anger and despair into her verbal message. Thus, the death wish worked within a short time. Already on the third day the criminal died of a heart attack. But this does not mean that such negativity will work for everyone. How to curse a person? This must be a powerful energy message. Such a desire must be accompanied by a sufficient release of emotions towards the offender.

Magic rituals

Professionals in the field of esotericism believe that if a negative charge was sent by a person using magical rituals, then this is fraught with even greater danger. In the modern world, you can create a deliberate curse yourself if you have the necessary energy for it. Otherwise, you can contact a magic specialist. However, the full danger must be realized by the person who curses another. An individual must remember: no matter what method he chooses, negativity can spread not only to a certain person, but also to his entire family.

This is how the esotericists themselves explain it: a person who has received a curse and has not had time to get rid of it during his life can unwittingly pass it on to another soul according to his pedigree. And such a chain can last a long time, forcing people to think about why they are unlucky in finances or why newborn female children in their family die. After all, the victims themselves did not do anything bad. Is it possible to curse a person with words if he does not deserve it? Practitioners believe that this happens. This is the case when the negative will disappear with the death of its owner, without spreading to subsequent generations. In this case, higher powers themselves decide whether the cursed person is really guilty and whether it is worth punishing the remaining members of the clan, dooming them to a family curse.

How to bring negativity at home?

Magicians and psychics believe that this type of damage is imposed when there is no other way out. For example, the enemy paid off justice, crippling your fate with humiliation, and took away the health and life of dear people. It is not possible to legally punish such a person, but you also cannot forgive him. There is also no financial opportunity to order this service from a professional magician.

Then the question arises: how to curse a person at home? Experienced people warn that you can resort to this, but only if you are in full health, feel a surge of strength, and have a strong desire for revenge. The ritual itself is quite simple. However, certain emotional vibrations should be created for it. This is a necessary rule for those individuals who are thinking about how to curse a person with words at home.

What should be done?

First, you must be alone in the room. Secondly, you need to have with you a photo of the offender and a pre-written text: “In the name of the great Darkness, I curse you (name). Amen! Forever - damn you (name) Amen! You suffer endlessly! Amen! You are exhausted from the curse, you are dying from the curse (name). Go to painful hell. Amen!"

It is recommended to read this with an angry, derogatory tone, as if you are injuring this person in various places. Low-frequency emotions are important in this ritual: anger, hatred, aggressive attitude. You need to repeat the action for 5 days, and the words should be pronounced until you feel very tired and satisfied. To enhance the effect, you can use runes if you own them. If everything is done correctly, the curse will gain power and work within 2 weeks from the date of the last ritual. Please note that the article does not encourage readers to take specific actions. After all, higher powers always advise to forgive your enemies without stooping to curses. Remember that any negative message sent will always come back to you, multiplied many times over. But the choice, as you know, always remains with the person.

As you read our article, the reader should have a completely fair question: what if he or his loved one found himself in the role of a victim? If a person is cursed, what should be done in this case? First of all, it is advisable to carry out a diagnosis from a professional if the following signs are noticed: a series of various troubles, a protracted “black streak”, diseases that cannot be diagnosed, hereditary alcohol (drug addiction), an ongoing series of deaths in the family, causeless

It is impossible to remove the curse from yourself, since this requires a huge potential of energy. Only experienced magicians who have been practicing for more than one year have the necessary power. Each specialist has his own method of removing the curse. It all depends on his direction in magic. The victim is only required to strictly follow the necessary recommendations. A cleansing crisis can occur from one day to several weeks. During the removal of negativity, physical changes often occur in the human body: headaches, upset stomach, high body temperature, apathy. You can enhance the effect of treatment yourself with a special text.

From all curses

This is the name of a prayer that will help you recover from the negativity caused. It can be read at night for as long as the victim sees fit:

“I, (name), call on my angels and all the light Divine energies that will save me from various curses! I ask you, Higher Powers, to forgive me - if I have ever intentionally and unwittingly cursed in my life. I am aware of these mistakes and I burn with Divine fire all this negativity committed by me in the past and present! From now on, I forever forbid the dark force to use my curses in their unpleasing deeds!

As I created these curses, so I destroy them! (repeat three times). Also, if I, (name), still have curses left on me, caused by other people, I also deprive them of energy and strength! I burn them with the eternal fire of the Universe! Let the Higher Powers fill me with their light and rid me of all negativity! I free all people from my curses! I myself (myself) am freed from all curses!

With all my heart I wish all people love, kindness, light and happiness! I put all my energy into this! Let the forces of light rule the world, and the forces of darkness dissipate! (repeat three times). As a sign of my serious intentions, I send rays of light and love to all beings of the planet, space and the Universe! May my wish be heard and felt by all beings, in all dimensions and spaces! Let all the angels and the Creator himself hear my words! From now on, I will forever deprive my thoughts and words of any destructive energy! Also, let my words and good intentions become a shield for me from all curses! Let them burn as soon as they touch the amulet shield! (repeat three times). Let it be so! Amen".

We hope that our article has fully revealed the problem of the curse and its effect on a person. We also advise you to think carefully before resorting to this magical service. After all, the Russian proverb says: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.” We wish peace and goodness to all readers!