Sea buckthorn oil: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues. Indications for treatment with sea buckthorn. Face mask with sea buckthorn oil and yellow clay

In the mid-twentieth century, the industrial pharmacological production of sea buckthorn oil began in the USSR. Today, the “sea buckthorn boom”, which, for example, was observed in the 70–80s of the twentieth century, has subsided a little. In those days, this remedy was a scarce medicine. It could only be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. Read more about the application in our other article.

Features of sea buckthorn oil

At the pharmacy you can buy sea buckthorn oil in bottles with a volume of 20, 50 and 100 ml. It is recommended to store it at a temperature no higher than +10°C and protect it from direct sunlight.

What's in the chemical composition

The drug contains:

  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, C, E, F, P, B;
  • phytoncides;
  • coumarins;
  • microelements;
  • pectins.

Sea buckthorn contains a high concentration of carotenoids. It is thanks to these substances that it is so valued in medicine.

What are the pharmacological properties

Instructions for use of sea buckthorn oil indicate: the drug belongs to the group of agents that affect tissue metabolic processes. It is also classified as a multivitamin preparation. plant origin. But the spectrum pharmacological action this medicine much wider. What are beneficial features sea ​​buckthorn oil?

  • Epithelializing.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Laxative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Regenerating.
  • Wound healing.
  • Tonic.
  • General strengthening.

Indications for use

Sea buckthorn oil taken orally, also widely used externally. For what diagnoses and symptoms does this medicine provide a good therapeutic effect?

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product has anti-inflammatory, enveloping properties. Therefore, it is often prescribed in gastroenterology: for stomach ulcers, chronic inflammation intestines, pancreas (pancreatitis), gastritis with low acidity.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for weight loss. The product normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines well, and acts as a mild laxative. It is prescribed for obesity and diabetes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for newborns. Only external use is allowed. From the first days of life, the product can be used to care for the delicate skin of a baby. It is used to treat diaper rash, lubricate wounds on the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums during teething. A local allergic reaction is possible with overdose and frequent use.
  • Antitumor agent. Sea buckthorn has been proven to stop the growth of malignant cells and is considered a powerful natural antioxidant. It is prescribed for cancer of the stomach, esophagus, and skin. But this remedy is considered effective early stage diseases.
  • The cardiovascular system. Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, for removing excess cholesterol, and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. The oil also helps with hypertension, dilates blood vessels, and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Benefits for vision. Vitamins, organic acids and microelements normalize work optic nerves and retina, improve blood circulation, reduce intraocular pressure, relieve inflammation. For cataracts, glaucoma, retinal blood supply disorders and central vision you can take the medicine orally. Externally they treat the eyelids with inflammatory processes. You can find information that in diluted form the drug is dripped into the eyes. You cannot self-medicate! Only an ophthalmologist can recommend or refute this method of treatment.
  • External use. The drug is widely used in otolaryngology. They treat tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis, used after tooth extraction. Also this an indispensable drug for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, burns (thermal and radiation), phlegmon, non-healing wounds, boils, bedsores. The drug leads to fast healing tissue in case of burn without scarring. In addition, sea buckthorn oil is good for hair and face.
  • Immunostimulating agent. Useful to drink to prevent colds, viral diseases, to strengthen the body's defenses. It is often included in rehabilitation therapy after radiation, serious illnesses, and operations. This is the first remedy for vitamin deficiency.

How to use

Exist various methods use of sea buckthorn oil. Dosage, course of treatment, method of administration depend on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, and age of the patient.

  • How to drink sea buckthorn oil? 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment can last from 10 to 30 days. For prevention, drink 1 tsp. once a day. Preventative treatment can be carried out no more than 2 times a year and no more than 2 months. It is recommended to drink the oil before meals. The pediatric dosage is determined by the doctor. You can also buy sea buckthorn oil in capsules at the pharmacy, which belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Adults can take 8 capsules per dose.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil. Product for external use. Prescribed for hemorrhoids, fissures, proctitis, ulcers, rectal erosions.
  • Inhalations. The oil is used for inhalation procedures for diseases of the upper respiratory tract- tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Tampons. Widely used in gynecology, primarily for cervical erosion.
  • Microclysters. Prescribed for diseases of the rectum. Used in combination with medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Compresses and dressings. Apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Side effects

In case of overdose, long-term use, individual intolerance, the following side effects are possible:

  • digestive disorders: heartburn, nausea, diarrhea;
  • allergies in the form of itching, burning, urticaria, swelling;
  • when inhaled, bronchospasms.

What are the contraindications of the drug? Acute forms of pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. At chronic diseases gall bladder and pancreas, before taking the drug, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Individual intolerance and allergy to carotenoids is also possible. It is not recommended to take the drug when chronic diarrhea, gastritis with increased acidity, hypotension.

Features of the use of sea buckthorn oil

Today, sea buckthorn oil is produced by many domestic pharmacological manufacturers. You need to pay attention to the certification of this medicine and purchase it only at the pharmacy. You can also make your own butter.


How to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home from cake? First you need to get the cake. For this:

  • you should pass the berries through a juicer;
  • You can make syrup or jam from the resulting juice;
  • The cake, rich in fatty oil and carotenoids, is used to prepare butter.


  1. Dry the pulp for 24 hours.
  2. Grind it into powder.
  3. Pour into a jar, fill olive oil, heated in a steam bath.
  4. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place.

Before use, strain, pour into a dark glass container, and store in the refrigerator.


Sea buckthorn oil is used to produce creams for various types skin, face and hair masks, shampoos, lip balms, massage and aromatherapy products. Why is sea buckthorn so popular in cosmetology?

  • The oil contains vitamins A, E, C, microelements and organic acids that are beneficial for hair growth and facial skin.
  • Improves metabolism, lipid, acid-base balance skin.
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration, does not leave scars after traumatic injury skin, burns.
  • Acts as an antiseptic acne, acne.
  • Acts as an anti-aging agent, stimulates collagen synthesis, increases skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Whitens the skin, eliminates defects - freckles, age spots.
  • Softens and protects the skin during the cold season, prevents drying and flaking of the skin during the heating season.
  • Strengthens and nourishes eyelashes and nails.
  • Strengthens hair follicles, helps against hair loss, effective against seborrhea.

Precautionary measures

  • What to do if during cosmetic procedures, did sea buckthorn oil get into your eye? There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to thoroughly rinse your eye with clean running water. If there is redness or a prolonged burning sensation, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Can it be used in pure form? Cosmetologists still recommend diluting the oil so as not to cause skin sensitivity to the drug. It must also be remembered that under prolonged exposure to carotenoids, the protective properties of the skin are weakened. During treatment, direct contact should be avoided ultraviolet rays on the body.


Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology - effective remedy, which is most often prescribed for the following gynecological diagnoses:

  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa);
  • endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal).

How is the treatment carried out?

  • IN complex therapy with other drugs.
  • The vaginal walls are treated with oil.
  • Tampons are placed overnight, pressing against the erosive surface during cervical erosion.
  • An option for tampons can be vaginal suppositories.
  • For colpitis, the course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.
  • For erosion and endocervicitis - at least 8 procedures.
  • A repeat course of treatment is often prescribed after a month.

You can also take the product internally to strengthen the body's defenses. After all, many gynecological diagnoses are associated with the condition immune system women. A lot of positive feedback about the treatment of cervical erosion with oil at an early stage. However, you need to go through gynecological examination, pass necessary tests to determine the cause and stage of erosion.

Widespread use of sea buckthorn oil in folk and traditional medicine due to its bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, multivitamin, and antioxidant effects. This remedy is often used in gynecology, dentistry, dermatology, and otolaryngology.

The use of sea buckthorn oil is in demand in cooking as a salad dressing, in folk and traditional medicine, and in cosmetology.

Sea buckthorn oil - oil solution amber color with a pleasant characteristic odor. Its peculiarity is the perfect balance of all the vitamins and microelements included in the composition. Useful and medicinal properties sea ​​buckthorn oil are due to synergism (that is, the effect of all substances is mutually reinforcing).

Sea buckthorn berries contain from 3% to 10% vegetable oil. Its rich composition includes:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins K, E, P;
  • many microelements, including calcium, magnesium, silicon, molybdenum, iron, etc.;
  • fruit, salicylic, succinic organic acids;
  • Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids;
  • carotenoids (vitamin A is synthesized from them);
  • pectins and many others etc.

Useful properties and contraindications

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Acceleration of wound healing and analgesic effects;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Healing effect on vision;
  • Improved skin condition;
  • Rejuvenating effect;
  • Restoring hormonal balance;
  • Reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • Improving blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Laxative property.

The only contraindication to external use of sea buckthorn oil may be individual intolerance. But it should not be used internally when acute form diseases of the digestive system.

Certainly, ready-made remedy sold in any pharmacy. But anyone can also prepare sea buckthorn oil at home. For this ripe berries wash under running water, dry slightly and pass through a juicer.

Pour the juice into glass jar with a tight lid. Place the pulp on a baking sheet lined with paper towels and dry in the oven at low temperature or on fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight.

Further actions with juice:

  1. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a while until the surface becomes covered with an oily film;
  2. Carefully remove the top of the oil with a spoon and pour into a dark glass container.

This is how easy it is to get the highest quality product.

Dry berry pulp should not be thrown away either:

  1. Grind it in a coffee grinder as finely as possible and transfer it to a jar;
  2. Heat vegetable oil (preferably olive) to 45-50 °C. Pour it into the container with the fruits, lightly covering them;
  3. Close the jar tightly and place it in a dark place for a week. Stir the contents daily with a wooden spatula or spoon (precisely wooden, not metal!);
  4. After 7 days, the infusion must be filtered through gauze folded in three;
  5. Finished product pour into glass or ceramic containers and store it in the refrigerator.

The resulting oil will contain 5-15% sea buckthorn oil, so in essence it is more of a sea buckthorn tincture. However, it can be significantly enriched by heating it to 50 °C and pouring it into another portion of cake from dried berries and then repeating the steps above. Thus, the concentration of the product almost doubles.

Treatment methods with sea buckthorn oil

There are many medicines based on sea buckthorn, which are prescribed to patients for prevention and treatment various problems with health. Sea buckthorn oil is popular in gynecology, proctology, and the treatment of colds and gastrointestinal diseases. We propose to consider in more detail all possible areas of its application.

For more than half a century, representatives of the fair sex, thanks to sea buckthorn, have been cured of unpleasant female diseases without side effects. This universal remedy helps well with such gynecological diseases, like cervical erosion and vaginal candidiasis(thrush).

Cervical erosion is a very insidious disease, which is accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix. Visible symptoms however, they are usually absent and even during a medical examination it is not always possible to identify the presence of a problem. And thrush is recognizable by heavy discharge, similar in appearance and smell to sour milk.

Benefits of sea buckthorn oil treatment:

  • it can be carried out in comfortable conditions right at home;
  • in 3-4 days improvements become noticeable, and in just 14 days both erosion and candidiasis can be cured completely;
  • The procedures are absolutely painless and easy to perform.

You need to start by douching with warm boiled water or herbal infusion(a gynecologist will help you choose the right herbal collection). It not only cleans perfectly, but also disinfects. After this, insert a tampon soaked in sea buckthorn oil into the vagina so that it fits snugly to the cervix.

Tampons with sea buckthorn oil should be inserted for 16-24 hours, so it is best to do this at night. Carry out the procedure daily for 8-14 days.

Treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician, because it is impossible to monitor the degree of epithelization on your own. The doctor may also prescribe taking the oil orally - one spoon three times a day.

Let's heal the gastrointestinal tract

Sea buckthorn oil is often used for gastritis, stomach ulcers, and also for the treatment of duodenum. It should be taken three times a day, one spoon half an hour before main meals, and in the morning - always on an empty stomach.

At the beginning of the course of treatment, unpleasant sensations may occur, for example, bitterness in the mouth or heartburn. You just have to endure it! The duration of the course is 30 days.

An excellent remedy for stomatitis

Not only lubricate areas that require treatment with sea buckthorn oil, but also apply lotions on them: cotton wool, a piece sterile bandage or soak a cotton pad in oil and apply to the sores for 5-10 minutes.

After this, try not to eat or drink anything for at least half an hour to an hour.

Sea buckthorn oil is especially effective for colds. Such diseases include runny nose, cough and sore throat.

Runny nose

Drip sea buckthorn oil into your nose, 2-3 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can also use another additional tool. You will need:

Want something interesting?

  • 30 gr. sea ​​buckthorn oils;
  • 20 gr. calendula juice;
  • 15 gr. melted cocoa butter;
  • 10 gr. natural honey;
  • 5 gr. propolis.

All ingredients need to be mixed. Soak cotton swabs in the resulting mixture and insert them into the nasal passages for 20 minutes.


Gargle every half hour with this solution: 1 tsp. half a liter of oil warm water. You can also use the same solution to make compresses on the throat area.


Carry out a course of inhalations with sea buckthorn oil, consisting of 10 procedures. Each session lasts 15 minutes.

Forget about proctological diseases

Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids is one of the radical methods treatment of this disease. For greater efficiency, you can use A complex approach. Take the oil either internally, a teaspoon per day, or use it to prepare compresses on the area around the anus.

Apply the soaked cotton pad to the sore spot for at least an hour (you should lie still during this time). The longer the compress lasts, the better.. In general, it is advisable to use it up to five times a day (at least twice).

There is also rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, which are sold in pharmacies. They promote the healing of cracks anus and ulcers, as well as relief of inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Acceleration of healing of superficial skin lesions

Burns, shallow wounds, bedsores, frostbitten areas of the skin can also be cured thanks to sea buckthorn tincture. First, treat the wound with furatsilin solution, and then apply a bandage with sea buckthorn oil to it. The bandages need to be changed every day.

Sea buckthorn oil in cosmetology

The instructions for using sea buckthorn oil provide the following ways to use it:

  • locally;
  • rectally;
  • inhalation;
  • inside.

How to pamper your hair

Sea buckthorn oil has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, strengthening it and making it thick and shiny. Hair begins to grow faster, noticeably acquiring a healthy, well-groomed appearance. In addition, trichologists recommend sea buckthorn oil to treat dandruff. Good effect You can achieve this even if you just drop a couple of drops of this miracle product into your hair balm.

You can use sea buckthorn oil for hair in several ways, which we will now share with you:

Bringing weakened hair back to life

The product can be either undiluted or as part of a mixture of several natural oils(for example, eucalyptus, burdock and castor). In this case, it is recommended to first warm this mixture to a comfortable temperature in a water bath and only then rub it into the scalp two hours before washing your hair.

After the specified time, rinse your hair warm water and a decoction of chamomile and nettle.

Rescue for dry, brittle hair


  • 3 tbsp. l. burdock root;
  • 1.5 glasses of water.

Pour water over the crushed root, boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth slightly and strain through cheesecloth. Add 80 ml of sea buckthorn oil to it. Rub the resulting product into your scalp.

My light, mirror, tell me...

Sea buckthorn oil for the face works wonders as part of nourishing care for all skin types:

  • tightens sagging skin, preventing premature aging processes;
  • moisturizes dry skin;
  • cleanses problematic skin from blackheads and inflammatory rashes;
  • restores damaged skin;
  • lightens freckles and age spots;
  • relieves puffiness and bags under the eyes.

You can safely experiment with methods of using sea buckthorn oil due to its versatility:

  • It is not forbidden to add various ingredients to it depending on the desired effect. Sea buckthorn masks solve skin problems, pleasantly surprising with the results!;
  • Be sure to try a facial massage using a mixture of several natural oils, including sea buckthorn;
  • You don’t even have to mix the oil with other components, but make lotions and compresses from it;
  • If an anti-inflammatory effect is needed only on problem areas of the skin, then making small applications can be done Special attention exactly to them;
  • It is no secret that the condition of the skin, among other things, depends on the health of the stomach. Therefore, regularly use sea buckthorn oil to restore cells throughout the body.

Your favorite recipe for a moisturizing, nourishing, drying or other face mask can be supplemented with just a spoonful of oil to significantly increase its effectiveness. Such masks are especially good for comprehensive skin health. Just 20 minutes of exposure will be enough, after which the mask must be washed off alternately with warm and cool water.

Remember that sea buckthorn oil in its pure form is not recommended for basic facial skin care. This may lead to weakening protective function skin.

Sea buckthorn oil and pregnancy

Being in a position future mom worries about her health, because the baby’s well-being depends on it. Taking medications can harm a growing baby children's body, so many women prefer everything exclusively natural. Sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy is also one of these remedies and is famous for its effectiveness.

This oil can be used for both prevention and treatment purposes. various diseases. It is absolutely safe, therefore it is recommended for use by pregnant women in the same way as for use by non-pregnant women. Therefore, all the areas of its application discussed in our article do not lose their relevance if you are waiting for the birth of a new little person.

It's good if home medicine cabinet everyone has a place for sea buckthorn oil, which can help out if necessary. However, its use, like any other folk remedy, requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. Remember this!

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from ripe sea buckthorn fruits, which, in turn, contain saccharides (3.5%) and organic acids (3.2%). The finished oil is a thick liquid with a specific odor, from light to dark orange. Many people have personal plots two or three trees grow with bright berries, housewives make jams and jellies from them, but not everyone knows how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Meanwhile, with a little effort, you can provide yourself and your loved ones with excellent wound healing, anti-burn vitamin preparation own production.

Composition of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn berry oil is a leader among known vegetable oils in terms of carotenoid content. It is this natural pigment that gives ready-made oil from sea buckthorn bright orange color. Beta-carotene, for example, is a precursor to vitamin A, which plays a huge role in metabolic processes body.

This oil contains a large number of vitamin E, known as the strongest antioxidant.

The next feature of sea buckthorn oil is its huge content of vitamin C, which it contains more than citrus fruits. It is worth noting that ascorbic acid, contained in the oil, is highly resistant to heat treatment, and all thanks to the content of a special enzyme ascorbinase in sea buckthorn, which converts this acid into an inactive form.

Due to high concentration vitamins, sea buckthorn oil can have a general strengthening, wound-healing, granulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effect on the human body. That’s why it’s so important to know how to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

Despite wide range beneficial properties sea buckthorn oil has some contraindications. It should not be used by people suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the product. It is also not recommended to be taken orally for gastritis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, in the presence of inflammation in the liver and pancreas. Like any other oil, sea buckthorn oil, regardless of the method of its preparation, is contraindicated for diarrhea.

Use oil with caution for cosmetic purposes people prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting treatment with sea buckthorn oil, you should consult your doctor.

Preparing the berries

Today, there are several known methods for producing sea buckthorn oil, and each of them requires careful preparation of the berries, for which it is very important to comply with certain requirements during their collection and processing. Thus, preparing sea buckthorn oil at home is only possible if the berries are collected during the first frost. This ensures the integrity of the fruit and its content the largest number useful substances.

Before processing, the collected berries should be rinsed well under running water and dried, spread in one layer on a horizontal surface covered with a clean cotton or linen towel.

Cold method of preparing butter

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil at home by cold pressing is recognized as the most in a simple way receiving it. To do this, you need to grind the washed and dried berries in an enamel or glass bowl, then squeeze the juice out of them well through double-folded gauze, pouring it into a jar. One kilogram of berries will yield half a liter of sea buckthorn juice.

The container with juice should be placed in a dark place for a day. This time is just enough for separation naturally oily and watery parts from each other. After the time has passed, carefully, using a pipette or dessert spoon, the resulting oil is removed from the surface and poured into a glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. The procedure should be repeated after 24 hours.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home: method two

Sea buckthorn oil can also be prepared using vegetable oil. Olive oil is best suited for this purpose, but if it is unavailable, unrefined sunflower oil can also be used.

  1. the mass obtained after squeezing must be dried in the oven over low heat so as not to burn;
  2. as soon as the mass begins to crumble, it is pulled out and transferred to a coffee grinder;
  3. the resulting powder is poured into a dark glass jar and filled with vegetable oil, preheated to 40 degrees, proportion 1:3;
  4. the mixture is stored in a dark place for three weeks, and from time to time it must be carefully mixed;
  5. after the allotted time, the mass should be filtered through several layers of gauze and squeezed thoroughly;
  6. the resulting sea buckthorn oil should be allowed to settle and carefully pour it into another container so that no sediment gets into it;
  7. container with oil is placed on water bath for 5-10 minutes for pasteurization so that it can retain its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil: method three

Compared to the previous one, much less time is spent on this method of obtaining oil from sea buckthorn fruits. First, you need to squeeze the juice out of the berries, then pour the remaining mass with olive oil. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath and left for 24 hours, the water temperature should not be more than 50 degrees. After the specified time, the oil is squeezed out and poured into a previously prepared glass container with a lid. The finished product can be immediately used for its intended purpose.

Storing sea buckthorn oil

However, it is not enough to know how to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home. To get maximum benefit from the product, it is important to provide it the right conditions storage

Sea buckthorn oil should be stored in a tightly closed container, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +10 0 C. And the refrigerator is best suited for this purpose. In this case, oil prepared for future use must be poured into glass bottles to the top. When stored under such conditions, it will not lose its beneficial properties for one year. The shelf life of oil may vary depending on the quality of its purification.


Registration number:

R No. 00245/02-2003

Tradename drug: Sea buckthorn oil

Dosage form:

oil for oral and external use


A preparation obtained by extracting sea buckthorn fruits sunflower oil, contains a mixture of carotene and carotenoids (not less than 180 mg%), total tocopherols (not less than 110 mg%), chlorophilic compounds, as well as glycerides of oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids.


Oily orange-red liquid with a characteristic odor.

Pharmacological properties:

Stimulates reparative processes for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of various etiologies(radiation, burns, ulcers, etc.). This effect is due to the presence of carotene (provitamin A), tocopherols (vitamin E) and other lipophilic substances in sea buckthorn oil.


The drug is used for radiation injuries and burns of the skin and mucous membranes;
In gynecology - for colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosions;
In gastroenterology - with erosive and ulcerative lesions esophagus, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
In proctology - in adults and children with hemorrhoids, rectal fissures.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

For internal use sea ​​buckthorn oil is contraindicated in inflammatory processes in gallbladder, liver, pancreas, gallstone disease.

Directions for use and dosage:

Sea buckthorn oil is used externally and internally.

For skin lesions, it is used in the form of oil dressings. Sea buckthorn oil is applied to an area of ​​skin previously cleared of necrotic tissue, followed by a cotton-gauze bandage, which is changed every other day. Treatment is carried out until granulation appears.

In the treatment of colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosions, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, they are used in the form of tampons heavily soaked in sea buckthorn oil. The course of treatment for colpitis is 10-15 procedures; for endocervicitis, cervical erosions, 8-12 procedures.

When treating rectal fissures and hemorrhoids, the course of treatment is 5-7 days. For gastric and duodenal ulcers, take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Side effects:

Possible allergic reactions. When applying sea buckthorn oil to the burn surface, a burning sensation may occur; When taking the drug orally, you may experience a bitter feeling in the mouth.

Release form:

20, 50 and 100 ml in orange glass bottles.

Storage conditions:

In a cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Best before date

1 year 6 months since release.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Without a doctor's prescription.


CJSC "Altaivitamins"
Address: 659325, Russia, Altai region, Biysk, st. Zavodskaya, 69

By sending a request “sea buckthorn oil instructions for use”, you can receive great amount links to pages describing healing properties this natural product. Orange berry extract includes a unique set of microelements, thanks to which it is truly capable of curing diseases and increasing the body's resistance. Sea buckthorn oil can not only improve your health, but also improve your appearance.

Composition of sea buckthorn oil

The healing liquid can be found at the pharmacy in the dietary supplements section. It is sold as a liquid solution or gelatin-coated capsules.

The cost of the product depends on the method of preparation. The cheapest remedies are obtained by infusing sea buckthorn fruits with vegetable oil, usually sunflower. The finished solution is a mixture of various oil fractions. Expensive drugs are pure fat concentrate obtained by chemical extraction.

Sea buckthorn oil has no equal in carotenoid content. Thanks to this feature, it has such a pronounced effect on the body.

Retinol is formed from provitamins, which is involved in the process of tissue growth and regeneration and is responsible for reproductive function, beauty of hair, skin, nails. Vitamin A (retinol) increases protective forces body, helps normalize metabolism and how powerful antioxidant prevents premature aging.

Nature treats her creations with trepidation; in the vegetable oil of bright orange fruits, she realized all her possibilities. Each component unique product not only valuable in itself, but also enhances the effect of other beneficial components.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is involved in the formation of sex hormones and helps maintain pregnancy. One and the best natural antioxidants, inhibits oxidation processes. Not only inhibits aging, but also prevents formation malignant tumors. Working together with retinol, it builds powerful immune defense.

Vitamin F (better known as a mixture of essential fatty acids) is needed for normal fat metabolism. In its presence, heavy cholesterol turns into light form. Vitamin F intake is important to prevent the deposition of sclerotic plaques. Among other things, this valuable component helps to absorb vitamins C and B1, which are also found in sea buckthorn oil.

The list of useful substances does not end there. It is complemented by:

  • vitamin K, present in the blood clotting system;
  • phospholipids, which are building material cell walls and participate in the formation of nerve fibers;
  • minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, which normalize the functioning of many organs and tissues.

Combination chemical compounds determines the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil:

  • restores skin;
  • promotes healing of wounds and cuts;
  • accelerates the formation of new tissue after burns;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates discomfort for dermatitis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.

The oil extract promotes the healing of ulcers and erosions of the mucous membranes. Used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Has an antiseptic effect. Effective for tonsillitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis.

Among other things, sea buckthorn squeeze is capable of:

  • relieve pain;
  • stimulate bile production;
  • improve the appearance of skin and hair;
  • strengthen the immune system.

When consumed active additive fat metabolism processes are normalized and, accordingly, excess weight is lost.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used as a natural laxative. It envelops the walls digestive tract, promoting the promotion of processed masses. It acts on mucosal receptors, causing the intestines to contract more actively.