Conjunctivitis in a child. How to treat purulent conjunctivitis in children. Conjunctivitis in a child, treatment

Not so with children rare disease, and it mainly develops against the background of violation of hygiene rules. But there are other causes of inflammation, therefore, if symptoms of conjunctivitis appear in a child, treatment at home should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Causes and symptoms of childhood conjunctivitis

Inflamed eyes are hard to miss: they are swollen and red, and pus may accumulate on the eyelashes and in the corners. At the same time, the child becomes lethargic and capricious, constantly cries, rubs his eyes with his little hands.

Symptoms such as:

  1. Photophobia.
  2. Sticking of eyelids.
  3. Deterioration of appetite and sleep.
  4. Tearing.

Older children may complain of a burning sensation in the eyes and discomfort, a feeling foreign body, vision problems.

Causes of childhood conjunctivitis

The main causes of childhood conjunctivitis: viral and bacterial infections. An accurate diagnosis must be made by a doctor (ophthalmologist), who will also prescribe treatment. Usually these are eye ointments and drops, eye wash solutions. If the cause of inflammation is an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed and it is recommended to avoid contact with the allergen (dust, fur, pollen, etc.).

For get well soon some rules must be followed: parents must wash their hands with soap before medical procedures. You also need to keep your child’s hands clean, cut his nails in a timely manner, and provide him with a towel. To treat each eye you need to use a separate piece of cotton wool, disk or swab.

Important! You cannot prepare infusions or solutions for washing your eyes for future use; they should always be fresh.

First aid for eye inflammation

Often conjunctivitis is a symptom of the development of infectious diseases, so it is necessary to carefully consider the child’s condition. Need to check The lymph nodes and examine the throat, measure the temperature (antipyretics are given only if it exceeds 38 C). It is not always possible to see a doctor immediately, so parents must themselves help the child:

  • Be sure to rinse your eyes to relieve the condition and prevent further development infections.
  • Call a specialist if the child is too heat, chills, cough.
  • Clean children's eyes from purulent crusts before visiting a doctor.

Conjunctivitis in a child requires treatment at home; hospitalization is extremely rarely required - only when conjunctivitis is accompanied by a more serious condition. systemic disease. Therefore, although only a doctor prescribes a treatment regimen for children, every parent should have the skills to treat this disease at home.

Inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. The baby becomes restless, irritable, and following symptoms(all or some of them):

  • reaction to bright light;
  • tears flow, mucus and pus appear;
  • eyes turn red and itch;
  • eyelids swell;
  • eyes may become sticky after sleep.

The principles of therapy vary depending on the cause of the inflammation. Symptoms also vary, although the overall picture is similar. In particular:

  • the bacterial form is different copious discharge pus;
  • with a viral discharge, the discharge is mostly mucous;
  • In case of allergies, the main symptom will be severe itching.

But rely entirely on this brief classification It’s not worth it: the symptoms may be vague, and only a doctor will determine the exact cause.

This condition occurs quite often in children because they do not yet have stable hygiene skills and unwittingly introduce infection into their eyes when they touch them. with dirty hands. Allergies are also common in childhood.

It is important to identify the cause of the disease in time in order to prescribe adequate therapy, which in children can be carried out in home conditions that are comfortable for the baby.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children at home

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children is usually carried out at home, since this disease, although unpleasant, is in most cases not dangerous and can be successfully treated at home according to the doctor’s instructions.

Despite its apparent harmlessness, the disease has a number of complications, so you should always start with a visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist. It is he who will determine the cause of inflammation and explain to parents how to cure conjunctivitis in a child at home quickly and effectively.

Pharmacy drugs

Conjunctivitis in children, when treated at home, cannot be done without medications. Among them:

  • eye ointment;
  • drugs for oral administration.

The doctor decides what is best to use depending on the exact diagnosis. It is important to start therapy in the first days of the disease to prevent progression and deterioration of the child’s eye condition.

  1. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis. Prescribed first antiviral drugs local action: eye drops “Ophthalmoferon”, “Ocoferon” are approved for use even in infants. Acyclovir ointment is also used, especially if conjunctivitis is caused by the herpes virus, or Tebrofenovaya.
  2. Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Various types of bacteria cause. To combat it, children are prescribed drops and ointments containing an antibiotic. The classic remedy is Albucid solution (20%), but in children it causes severe irritation mucous membrane. Better to use more modern drops, for example "Tobrex". Place it behind the eyelid at night antibacterial ointment, for example Erythromycin.
  3. Therapy for allergic conjunctivitis involves, first of all, avoiding contact with the allergen that caused the eye reaction. Antiallergic drops are prescribed (Lecrolin, Cromohexal), and sometimes medications for oral administration to relieve symptoms: Claritin, Zyrtec.

Extremely important point when fighting infectious species conjunctivitis at home is to wash the baby's inflamed eyes. It should be done in the morning, at night and before each instillation of drops or placing ointment behind the eyelid.

If you have allergies, there is no need to rinse.

How to properly wash children's eyes

For children, it is especially important to follow all the rules for home rinsing so as not to harm the baby’s sensitive eyes.

  • For each eye, take a separate sterile gauze pad or cotton swab.
  • Carry out the procedure only with clean hands.
  • The direction of movement is from the temple to the nose.
  • The movements are soft, smooth, without pressing or friction.
  • Do not try to tear off the dried crusts, just soak them.
  • Use decoctions medicinal plants(chamomile, calendula) or antiseptic solutions(for example, furatsilina).
  • The solution should not be hot: ideally, body temperature.

If the child is 3 years old or older, he can be persuaded to endure this home procedure. In children under 3 years of age, active resistance may occur, but it is necessary to wash the eyes, especially if there is pus.

By removing mucus and pus, you mechanically cleanse the eye of some infectious agents, preparing it for active influence medications - drops or ointments. This important stage home treatment diseases.

Folk remedies

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children with folk remedies cannot replace basic therapy, but can quite effectively complement it. Homemade decoctions and infusions help a lot medicinal herbs, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, for example, chamomile is very effective for conjunctivitis.

  1. A warm decoction of chamomile, calendula, and cornflower has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes and helps physically wash away some of the germs.
  2. Ancient home methods - lotions and rinsing with weak brewed loose leaf tea.
  3. For compresses, use a warm decoction of aloe leaves.

Traditional medicine and home remedies should not be the main method of therapy in children and cannot replace the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Features of treatment of newborns

Newborns also sometimes suffer from conjunctivitis. An infant can become infected with an infectious form while passing through the birth canal if the mother has infection sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia. In case of infection, symptoms appear in the first days after birth, while still in the maternity hospital. Sometimes the infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Features of treatment at home are as follows:

  1. Not all medications approved for use in infancy. Before use, you need to make sure that the drug can be used for infants.
  2. Baby's sensitive eyes require careful handling. Do not press or rub your eyes when rinsing.
  3. If the baby cries and closes his eyes, not allowing the drops to drip in, just drop the medicine on the closed eyelid and do not let him turn his head until the eye opens. Then the medicine will automatically reach the mucous membrane.
  4. If there are any changes or signs of worsening, see your doctor again.

The baby's immune system is still weak, so keep an eye on pathological manifestations in a home environment you need to pay special attention.

Preventive measures

Prevention infectious forms conjunctivitis consists mainly of establishing the child’s personal hygiene, both at home and in the garden or school. Teach him:

  • do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands;
  • wash your hands thoroughly after a walk;
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products.

In children, conjunctivitis of various natures can be successfully treated at home, but always under the supervision of a doctor and according to the regimen he prescribed.

Additionally, we invite you to watch a video from an ophthalmologist about treating childhood conjunctivitis at home:

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can occur in every child, regardless of age. Even in the first hours after birth, babies can develop conjunctivitis. The symptoms of this disease bring a lot of unpleasant emotions to the child. Treatment is required immediately to prevent unwanted and dangerous complications.

The most common types

There are many reasons that lead to conjunctivitis. Scientists number more than a hundred of them. For simplicity and convenience of diagnosis, doctors use clinical classifications. In them, all variants of conjunctivitis are divided taking into account various reasons that cause the disease.

All conjunctivitis, which is most common in children, can be divided into several groups.

Caused by bacterial flora

They occur when bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the eye. They are the most common among all inflammatory ophthalmological diseases in children. The disease is quite severe. Usually incubation period is 10-14 days. Treatment requires antibiotics. It is not advisable to treat bacterial conjunctivitis at home on your own.


Second most common in children. Caused by various viruses. The most common sources of disease in childhood are adenoviruses. The disease is usually relatively mild. Suppuration and fever to febrile levels occur in 10% of cases. Viral conjunctivitis usually resolves within a week. Mild forms of the disease can be treated at home, under the supervision of a doctor.


They occur as a manifestation of allergies. Often develop in children with developmental tendencies similar diseases. Symptoms of conjunctivitis are accompanied by other manifestations of exacerbation of an allergic reaction. Children's well-being suffers greatly, their mood and sleep deteriorate. Treatment is provided immediately.


They occur if the baby accidentally damages the mucous membrane of the eye. Immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. After additional examinations and conducting tests on special equipment, the doctor will determine the tactics and tell you whether the child can be treated at home.

Conjunctivitis resulting from other chronic diseases. Often such variants of the disease occur in children with exacerbations of otitis media or sinusitis. In some cases, diseased teeth can also lead to symptoms of conjunctivitis. With this option it is necessary primary treatment causative disease that caused inflammatory process.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell us the whole topic about childhood conjunctivitis in the next video.

Variety of options and clinical forms The disease does not allow us to unequivocally state that every conjunctivitis can be treated at home. There are forms of the disease that are not life-threatening for the baby - and therefore can easily be treated at home.

However, first of all, you should show the child to a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist. They will install accurate diagnosis and tell mommy further tactics treatment.

Main symptoms

The inflammatory disease occurs with a huge amount various clinical manifestations. They can vary significantly among children of different ages.

How to massage the lacrimal canal for conjunctivitis can be seen in the following video.

Most frequent symptoms with conjunctivitis are:

  • Tearing. Occurs in all variants of the course of the disease. Typically appears first on early stages diseases. Babies are bothered by severe lacrimation throughout the day. In most cases, the discharge is light and abundant. To eliminate this symptom, eye rinsing is mandatory.
  • Redness. Occurs in all forms of conjunctivitis. Often the entire surface is white eyeball turns red. IN severe cases hemorrhage may occur.
  • Sensation of “sand” in the eyes. Children often complain about a subjective feeling of the presence of some foreign object when opening the eyes. Trying to remove it, children begin to blink more often. This increases pain and impairs vision.
  • Discharge of pus. Occurs in bacterial and chlamydial forms of the disease. Suppuration, as a rule, occurs in both eyes at the same time. Pus sticks the eyelashes together and makes blinking difficult. To remove discharge from the eyes, regular washing is required using special solutions or decoctions.
  • Painful perception of sunlight. The irritated and damaged mucous membrane of the eyes is very sensitive to insolation. In the first days of the disease, babies feel better in dark rooms or during sleep.
  • Violation general condition child. During acute period sick children begin to be capricious and eat poorly. Older children do not play with toys. Kids become weak and drowsy. Sleep brings temporary relief.

We treat at home

Conjunctivitis of any etiology is sufficient dangerous disease for babies. At the first sign of inflammation in the eyes, be sure to show your child to the doctor. It's better to consult a specialist. Sometimes quickly curing conjunctivitis at home becomes a very difficult task. Often, additional tests and auxiliary tests are required to establish a diagnosis. They help to accurately establish the diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

Conjunctivitis can be treated quite well. As a rule, in case of illness viral etiology in quite mild flow Doctors allow treatment at home. Any therapy inflammatory disease the eye requires a whole complex therapeutic procedures. Daily execution treatment recommendations will allow in short time eliminate adverse symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery.

For the treatment of the inflammatory process in the eyes, the following is used:

  • Hygienic washing of the eyes. A variety of decoctions and infusions are used for this procedure. Great option for kids of any age will be chamomile. This flower helps relieve inflammation and has an antiseptic effect. Soak cotton pads in the previously prepared decoction and rinse. This should be done in the direction from outer corner eyes to nose. In this case, the possibility of injury or infection is reduced to zero.
  • Prescribing medicinal drops for the eyes. They are usually prescribed by a doctor. Are being selected eye drops taking into account the cause that caused a particular disease. For bacterial conjunctivitis, medications that have bactericidal effect. Doctors often prescribe albucid, chloramphenicol or tetracycline ointment. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for 7-10 days. In some cases - up to two weeks.

  • Taking angistamines. This is necessary for allergic conjunctivitis. All antihistamines reduce inflammation and exacerbation of allergies. The most commonly prescribed are Claritin, Zyrtec, Erius and many others. Antihistamines are taken for 10-14 days (depending on the severity of the initial manifestations).
  • Taking vitamins and microelements. During acute illness doctors prescribe vitamin complexes. They help strengthen the immune system and promote rapid recovery. For a month from the onset of the disease, you should take tablets or effervescent vitamins. Special attention it is worth paying attention to sufficient income ascorbic acid. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and also helps fight any infection.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, or conjunctiva, which covers the whites and inner surface of the eyelids. Typical symptoms diseases: lacrimation, itching, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes, burning. Treatment of conjunctivitis in children depends on the type of pathogen.

Children's conjunctivitis is not considered a dangerous disease. Often it goes away on its own, without the use of special medicinal drugs in the form of drops and ointments. Washing with disinfectant solutions is sufficient. However, this eye disease cannot be left without attention, because it can develop into chronic form. The child must be examined by a specialist - an ophthalmologist. Inflammation of the conjunctiva in newborns is especially severe.

Types of conjunctivitis and methods of their treatment

Depending on the causative agent of the disease, three types of conjunctivitis are distinguished. As a rule, the doctor determines the type of inflammation when visual inspection, by the nature of discharge from the eyes and associated symptoms. Sometimes the doctor prescribes taking a swab from the eyes to accurately determine the causes of inflammation and determine the causative agent of the bacterial infection. How to treat conjunctivitis in children? For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of inflammation. In case of allergies, it is important to eliminate the allergen; in case of bacterial infections, it is important to choose the right antibacterial drug; in case of viral infections, it is important to prescribe antiviral agents in a timely manner.


The cause is various allergens: household dust, flowering plants, food, household chemicals, medications, care products, washing powder, toys, etc. The allergic type includes reactive conjunctivitis, which occurs under the influence of irritating substances: chlorinated water in swimming pools, smoke, fumes, poisonous gases in the air.

  • Main symptoms: lacrimation, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. Characteristic sign- severe itching. The child often rubs his eyes with his hands. Such signs most often appear in the spring and summer, when plants begin to bloom. Also, a runny nose and cough often appear, without fever, intoxication, or lethargy.
  • Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in children. First of all, you need to identify and eliminate the allergen. This type of eye inflammation is treated by an allergist. New generation antihistamines are prescribed, as well as antiallergic eye drops. They are used: “Allergodil”, “Olopatadine”, “Lecrolin”, “Cromohexal” and others. The doctor may also prescribe glucocorticosteroid drugs.

If a child has a tendency to allergies, it often occurs allergic rhinitis, cough, conjunctivitis, it is necessary to see an allergist. It is important to maintain sanitary hygiene indoors: constant Fresh air, regular wet cleaning, minimal use of household chemicals, only high-quality and certified products for children. Everything needs to be eliminated irritating factors. Launched forms allergies often lead to bronchial asthma.


Caused by various types of bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci, chlamydia, staphylococci. Bacteria enter the eyes from the surface of the skin or mucous membranes respiratory tract during illness. You can also become infected from a sick person.

  • Main symptoms. If redness, swelling of the eyelids, and inflammation of the mucous membranes are accompanied by purulent discharge, this indicates the bacterial nature of the inflammation. Also when bacterial inflammation Eyelashes often stick together after a night's sleep due to heavy discharge.
  • Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Antibacterial drops will be effective: “Albucid”, “Levomycetin”, “Ciprofloxacin”, “Fucitalmic”, as well as tetracycline and erythromycin ointments. For inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) and the resulting bacterial conjunctivitis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics systemic action. To defeat the bacterium, local treatment is not always sufficient antibacterial drops. Need high concentration antibiotic in the blood.

Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis in children is effective only with the right antibiotic. If after use antibacterial drugs there is no improvement, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics of a different series, to which the pathogen is less resistant.


This type of conjunctivitis occurs as a symptom of ARVI. The most common is adenoviral inflammation of the eye mucosa, which occurs against the background of pharyngitis. Herpes viruses, coxsackie viruses, and enteroviruses can also be causative agents.

  • Symptoms In addition to the redness of the eyes, watery eyes, burning, swelling characteristic of conjunctivitis, signs typical of ARVI are often observed: fever, enlarged lymph nodes, cough, runny nose, general weakness. The virus infects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and also enters the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Treatment of viral conjunctivitis in children. If a herpetic origin is identified, ointments will be effective: Acyclovir and Zovirax. Antiviral drops are also used: “Trifluridine”, “Poludan”, “Aktipol”. Viral conjunctivitis being treated antiviral ointments: “Oxolin”, “Tebrofen”, “Florenal”. Treatment adenoviral conjunctivitis in children requires use antiviral drugs, interferon and strict adherence to personal hygiene rules. It is this type of conjunctivitis that can become epidemic in nature because the adenovirus is extremely contagious.


Initially appears as acute, may have different nature. Usually conjunctivitis is successfully treated and goes away quickly. However, if the child weak immunity, vitamin deficiency, there are problems with metabolism, diseases of the nose and tear ducts, then the inflammatory process can turn into chronic stage. Also constant irritants in the air ( tobacco smoke, plant pollen, chemical substances) can cause long-term allergic conjunctivitis. The child may complain of frequent burning, blurred vision, and tired eyes.

Conjunctivitis in newborns

Often acquires severe forms, with secondary bacterial infection. This disease is especially difficult for premature, low birth weight babies who have weak immunity. Most common species conjunctivitis in a newborn - blenorrhea. Infection occurs when it passes through birth canal. The causative agents of blenorrhea are chlamydia and gonococci.

Often newborns' eyes water and stick together, which is explained by blockage of the tear ducts. As a rule, these symptoms disappear during the first month of life and do not require drug treatment. If there is prolonged inflammation of the conjunctiva of the newborn, it is necessary to show it to a pediatrician.

Features of procedures and safety measures

At allergic inflammation The mucous membrane of the eyes does not need to be washed. On the contrary, they can worsen the condition. Frequent rinsing is indicated for bacterial and viral conjunctivitis. How to perform these procedures correctly? Is it also painless and safe to instill drops, remove dried crusts, and apply ointment?

  • All solutions, ointments and drops should be at room temperature.
  • For rinsing, use a solution of furatsilin (1 tablet of furatsilin for half a glass of water) or folk remedies- strong brewed tea, weak chamomile decoction.
  • Rinsing should be done every 2 hours at the initial stage, with acute conjunctivitis in children.
  • Disinfecting and anti-inflammatory drops are also used. IN initial stage diseases - every 2-3 hours, then less often.
  • For older children, Vitabact, Picloxidine, Colbiotsin, Eubetal, Fucithalmic and other anti-inflammatory drops are used. When treating conjunctivitis in infants, Albucid (10% solution) is used.
  • Rinsing should only be done in the direction towards inner corner eyes.
  • Use a separate cotton pad or napkin to wash each eye.
  • Used wipes must be thrown away, as they can be a source of infection.
  • If one eye is inflamed, procedures are performed on both.
  • To apply the drops correctly, you need to carefully pull back the lower eyelid and drop the liquid onto the mucous membrane.
  • Treatment with ointment is carried out in the same way.
  • If there are crusts on the eyelids, they should not be peeled off dry. After washing, the crusts soften and are carefully removed using sterile wipes, bandage.
  • After the procedure, there is no need to rub anything; the medicine is evenly distributed when blinking.
  • Excess medicine accumulated in the corners of the eyes can be carefully removed with napkins.
  • When instilling into the eyes of infants, you need to use special pipettes with rounded ends.
  • Older children can be taught to carry out procedures on their own.
  • If the child is afraid and closes his eyes, you can drop liquid between the eyelids. When he opens his eyes, the medicine will get onto the mucous membrane.
  • You need to carefully monitor the dosage. If the doctor prescribed one drop, there is no need to take two. This is especially true for antibacterial drugs.
  • It is also important to monitor the expiration date of medications. Most packages, after opening, are stored only in the refrigerator; they can be used for a short period of time.

For infectious conjunctivitis in children, doctors recommend throwing away medications after a course of treatment, because infectious agents may remain on the bottle. Infection may occur again. For the same reason, the drops must be individual.


Is conjunctivitis contagious in children? More often, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes is infectious in nature, is considered contagious and is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Therefore, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:

  • keep your hands clean;
  • carry out regular eye hygiene;
  • Do not rub or scratch your eyelids, as the other eye will become infected;
  • The child must have an individual face towel;
  • during epidemic outbreaks of viral conjunctivitis in schools and kindergartens, do not contact the children's team.

If a child has had an eye injury (a speck, a midge, an eyelash has gotten into it), this can lead to bacterial infection conjunctiva and acute conjunctivitis. It is imperative to show the baby to an ophthalmologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the mucous membrane and, if necessary, prescribe preventive treatment.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children? Disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiallergic eye drops are successfully used. Ointments and folk remedies for washing are also used. Treatment of bacterial and viral conjunctivitis is carried out by a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist. With persistent allergic conjunctivitis You need to consult an allergist.


Conjunctivitis is a very common disease in children, characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. It is always easier to prevent any disease than to worry, see your baby suffering, torment your child with visits to doctors and unpleasant treatment. Most often, conjunctivitis is associated with hypothermia in a child, a cold or allergic reactions.

To avoid the occurrence of conjunctivitis, you must:

  • carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene of the child
  • monitor the cleanliness of the bed, his toys, room
  • Wash your baby’s hands frequently and teach older children to wash their hands regularly on their own.
  • Ventilate the room frequently and use air purifiers and humidifiers
  • monitor the correct, nutritious, fortified diet of the child
  • control the purity of the products your baby consumes
  • the child should only use a personal towel
  • Walk regularly with your baby for at least two hours a day
  • avoid contact with unhealthy children

Tear fluid and eyelids are serious barriers to the penetration and proliferation of bacteria, infections and viruses in the eyes, but even they sometimes become powerless when the child’s immunity weakens.

Conjunctivitis - symptoms in children

Conjunctivitis in an adult or child is easy to identify, since the signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes are the same. However, children react more violently to such a disease; they become lethargic, restless, often cry and are capricious.

Most often, conjunctivitis is associated with bacterial, viral infection or allergies. The main signs of conjunctivitis: the child complains of pain or a feeling of sand in the eyes.

Signs of conjunctivitis in children:

  • Eye redness, swelling
  • Photophobia
  • Appearance yellow crusts on eyelids
  • Gluing eyelids after sleep
  • Tearing
  • Purulent discharge from the eyes
  • The child's appetite and sleep deteriorate

Older children also have the following complaints:

  • , the visible becomes blurry, indistinct
  • There is a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes
  • Burning and discomfort in the eyes

How to treat conjunctivitis in children? It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, who will determine what causes inflammation in the child’s eyes and prescribe effective treatment. Redness and slight inflammation in the eye can be caused by an eyelash or other small particle entering the eye, or an allergic reaction to various irritants. Even more is possible serious reason inflammation, such as increased intraocular or intracranial pressure.

How to determine the type of conjunctivitis?

  • Purulent discharge from the eyes- that means bacterial conjunctivitis
  • The eyes are irritated and red, but there is no pus– allergic or viral conjunctivitis or other eye diseases
  • Pharyngitis and conjunctivitis– these are manifestations of adenoviral conjunctivitis
  • No effect local treatment antibiotics- Not bacterial cause conjunctivitis or flora resistant to this antibiotic.

Rules for treating conjunctivitis in a child

  • Before being examined by a doctor, it is better not to do anything, but if for some reason the visit to the doctor is postponed, then first aid before the doctor’s examination: if viral or bacterial conjunctivitis is suspected, then drip Albucid into the eyes, regardless of age. If an allergic reaction is suspected, then the child should be given antihistamine(in suspension or tablets).
  • If the doctor diagnoses bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, then every two hours the baby needs to wash his eyes with chamomile solution or Furacilin (1 tablet per 0.5 cup of water). The direction of movement is only from the temple to the nose. Remove crusts with sterile gauze wipes, one for each eye, soaked in the same solution, and you can also wash the child with it. Then reduce washing to 3 times a day. If this is an allergic reaction, then there is no need to wash your eyes with anything.
  • If only one eye is inflamed, the procedure must be done with both eyes, since the infection easily passes from one eye to the other. For the same reason, use a separate cotton pad for each eye.
  • You should not use a blindfold when your eyes are inflamed; this provokes the growth of bacteria and can injure the inflamed eyelids.
  • Place only those drops into your eyes that have been prescribed by your doctor. If these are disinfectant drops, then at the beginning of the disease they are instilled every 3 hours. For infants this is a 10% solution of Albucid, for older children these are solutions of Futsitalmic, Levomycetin, Vitabact, Colbiotsin, Eubital.
  • If the doctor recommended eye ointment- tetracycline, erythromycin, then it is carefully placed under the lower eyelid.
  • Over time, when the condition improves, eye drops and rinsing are reduced to 3 times a day.

How to properly put drops in a child's eyes

  • If conjunctivitis occurs in children under one year of age, then instillation should be carried out only with a pipette with a rounded end, to avoid damage to the eye
  • Place the baby on a surface without a pillow, let someone help you and hold your head
  • Pull back the lower eyelid and apply 1-2 drops. The medicine will distribute itself over the eye, and the excess should be blotted with a sterile gauze cloth, for each eye - its own cloth
  • If an older child closes his eyes. This is not a problem, no need to worry, shout at him or force him to open his eyes. This is not necessary; in this case, it is enough to drop the medicine between the upper and lower eyelids. The solution will get into the eye when the child opens it. But even a closed eye can be opened by simply stretching the eyelids in different directions with two fingers.
  • Drops from the refrigerator should be warmed in your hand before use; cold drops should not be instilled to avoid additional irritation.
  • Cannot be used if the expiration date has expired, without labeling, or if they have been stored open for a long time.
  • It is better to teach older children to do the procedure independently, under your supervision; sometimes children do not like that someone touches their eyes

How to treat different types of conjunctivitis?

It is known that, depending on the cause of eye inflammation, the following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished, the treatment of which is different:

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children

Treatment is carried out with Albucid, local antibiotics in drops (chloramphenicol), ointments (tetracycline). It occurs when bacteria and microbes penetrate the mucous membrane of the eye. Most often these are staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia. If conjunctivitis is one of the manifestations of another serious disease or is protracted, then oral antibiotics and other treatment for the infection are necessary (see).

Viral conjunctivitis in children

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after examination. Typical pathogens- herpes, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, coxsackie viruses. If the virus is of herpetic etiology, then Zovirax ointment and Acyclovir are prescribed. Drops with antiviral effect Actipol (aminobenzoic acid), Trifluridine (effective for herpes), Poludan (polyriboadenylic acid).

Allergic conjunctivitis

Called various stimulihouse dust, plant pollen, household chemicals, food, medicines, strong odors and others. Like bacterial conjunctivitis, it is accompanied by redness, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, itching (the child constantly scratches his eyes). It is necessary to find out which allergen irritates the child’s eye mucosa and, if possible, limit contact with it.

Antihistamines and antiallergic drops reduce the manifestation of the disease. IN mandatory should go comprehensive examination from an allergist, since the tendency to allergic reactions in children, with other provoking factors, it can contribute to the development of more serious manifestations of allergies, including bronchial asthma.
Treatment: Cromohexal, Allergodil, Olopatodine, Lecrolin, Dexamethasone.

With timely and proper treatment Conjunctivitis goes away quite quickly. But do not self-medicate, do not risk the baby’s health. Since only a doctor, based on an examination, determines the type of conjunctivitis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky about conjunctivitis in children