What does it mean if a cat coughs? Symptoms of the main types of cat cough. Infectious and viral diseases

Considering that a healthy animal normally does not make any extraneous sounds, the owner should be seriously concerned when he hears his cat coughing. It's not common for cats to cough without a reason, and leaving this condition unattended can be dangerous, as triggers can range from a cold or allergy to asthma or infection.

The owner can independently determine some of the reasons that provoked the cough by observing his pet; other factors can only be identified by an experienced veterinarian. Today we will talk about what can lead to cat cough, how to help your pet and prevent problems.

Like humans, coughing in animals occurs due to irritation of the upper respiratory tract. The body launches a protective reflex in an attempt to push out the irritating factor. These factors can be divided into three groups:

  1. Biological (associated with viruses, bacteria and fungi).
  2. Mechanical (dust, mucus, foreign body).
  3. Chemical (acid, alkali).

When an animal coughs, its airways are cleared, pushing out foreign particles, cellular breakdown products due to inflammation, or mucus. Despite the fact that the sound and general picture of a cat’s cough will be similar to that of a human, unlike humans, animals take a characteristic position - they pull their neck forward, freeze, and twist their head. Sometimes it seems that the animal will continue to vomit.

Cough has the following development mechanism: the brain cough center sends an impulse to receptors located in the laryngeal region. Receiving this signal, in the respiratory tract, in the upper compartment, the smooth muscles contract, the mucous membrane is irritated, and on inhalation a characteristic sound is heard associated with the reflex compression of the glottis.

Therefore, the owner who hears coughing sounds from his pet should be wary. If the cough happened once and does not recur, we can assume that the cat simply inhaled dust or choked slightly. If the cough has a recurring tendency, you need to carefully monitor the animal, trying to understand from its behavior what specific cough is bothering it.

Causes of cat cough

Cats don’t cough just like that – there is always a reason for this pathological condition. Cough itself is not an independent illness; it will always be a symptom of another disease. However, there is such a thing as a reflex cough - it usually occurs once and is associated with the following reasons:

  1. There is a foreign object in the respiratory tract (the cat will cough until the interfering foreign object is removed or the animal pushes it out on its own).
  2. Negative changes in the air (smoke from cigarettes, hookah, fire, steam, gas, strong or unpleasant odors, fine powders).

If we talk about cough as a symptom, then it can accompany many ailments. The most common include allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, respiratory diseases (viral or bacterial: bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis and the like).

Factors in the development of cough can be traumatic problems - scratches of the throat and trachea, injuries to the chest, neck or lungs. An animal coughs when there is a diaphragmatic hernia, when the peritoneal organs enter the chest cavity and irritate the mucous membranes. Also, a persistent unpleasant cough appears if excess air or liquid accumulates in the animal’s chest cavity, as well as neoplasms (oncology).

Let's take a closer look at some of the reasons why a cat may cough. So, with an allergic cough, irritating factors will play a key role. If animals cough while they are smoking nearby, doing painting work, spraying perfume or aerosols, we can say that the cause of the cough is external. An animal may be allergic to litter (cough after visiting the litter box) or react to flowering plants.

Types of cough in cats

Veterinarians distinguish several types of cough in cats, depending on the duration, nature of occurrence, sound, strength and presence of discharge. So, a cat’s cough can be chronic, long-lasting, or acute, starting suddenly. A cat may cough muffledly or loudly. Just like in humans, cats' cough can be dry, hacking, without secretions, or wet, when phlegm literally flies out of the cat's mouth.

Cough in cats is characterized by the time of its occurrence (morning, evening, night), strength (coughing or severe, almost reaching vomiting). All these points must be remembered or written down and described in as much detail as possible at the appointment with a veterinary specialist. Since a veterinarian cannot monitor a cat 24/7, the owner’s words will be extremely valuable in making a correct diagnosis.

Table 2. Cough in a cat: features

Frequency of occurrence
  • constantly;
  • often;
  • occasionally.
  • Cough force
  • exhausting;
  • hysterical;
  • easy.
  • Timbre
  • distinct and sonorous;
  • hoarse, dull, hissing.
  • Presence of sputum
  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • slimy;
  • dry.
  • Duration
  • acute (one to two weeks);
  • chronic (longer than a month).
  • Appearance time
  • by season (spring, summer);
  • by time of day (morning, afternoon, evening or night).
  • Cough when a cat is choking

    Many owners describe their pet’s cough as “the cat feels like it’s choking.” You need to be able to distinguish when the process simply looks like the animal is choking, and when it really is. If a cat is choking, it means that there is a foreign object in the throat or even the esophagus that is stuck and does not pass into the stomach or out through the mouth.

    This condition does not arise out of nowhere (for example, a cat is sleeping and suddenly begins to choke). Usually the animal is licking itself, eating or playing, and suddenly begins to cough. The attack occurs spontaneously; the characteristic posture with an elongated neck may be absent (the cat simply does not have time to accept it).

    We can say that in the generally accepted sense, the cough itself is not present - the animal wheezes, the urge to vomit increases, and gurgling or hissing sounds can be heard. In this case, the cat will try to rub its muzzle on objects, roll on the floor, and try to help itself with its paws. At this moment, there is profuse drooling due to the fact that the cat cannot swallow saliva due to the blocked larynx.

    In such a situation, the animal needs urgent help! You need to fix the pet and try to see what the animal choked on. It is better if there are two people nearby - one will hold the pet, the other will look for a foreign object and try to remove it.

    How to help a cat that is choking?

    First, you need to act immediately. In cats, choking develops very quickly due to the narrow larynx, and if normal air flow is not ensured, the pet will simply suffocate. The animal is caught and wrapped in thick fabric - a towel, blanket, jacket, so that only the head remains outside. Have a flashlight and long tweezers at hand.

    The animal’s head is pulled back and fingers are pressed into the cheekbone area to open the mouth. There is no need to put your fingers in the animal’s mouth or open its jaws with both hands - just fix the head from the side. Then you need to examine the animal’s oral cavity and look deeper to see the foreign body.

    If a foreign object is visible, you need to carefully remove it - with your fingers or tweezers. What to do if the foreign body is not visible? First, you need to squeeze the cat's chest or tap between the animal's shoulder blades. To do this, the animal is placed on the floor, the hind limbs are raised, and the chest is firmly but gently squeezed several times.

    It is necessary for the cat to cough deeply and independently push the object higher so that the owner can pick it up and get it out. If the cat loses consciousness, staggers or barely breathes, you need to immediately go to the clinic. Warn the veterinarians about your arrival in advance; you can also get advice on how you can help the animal on the road.

    Video - What to do if your cat chokes on food?

    Diagnosis of cough

    If you are sure that the animal has not choked, you need to visit a veterinarian, but not so urgently. Perhaps it makes sense to observe the pet for a couple of days (if the condition is stable and does not cause concern) in order to report important diagnostic data to the veterinary clinic. You cannot make an independent diagnosis, since the factors that cause cough are very multifaceted, and only a qualified doctor will be able to identify the true cause.

    First of all, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the nature of the pet’s cough, then he will look at the cat, listen with a phonendoscope to the bronchi, lungs, trachea, and conduct a visual assessment of the oral cavity and pharynx.

    Cat cough: how to treat?

    Let us repeat once again - only a qualified veterinarian, based on research and diagnostic data, has the right to prescribe a therapeutic regimen for a coughing pet. If the cough is traumatic in nature or caused by a neoplasm, surgical intervention may be required; in other situations, treatment is usually medicinal.

    Cough in cats: prevention

    Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to eliminate it for a long time, wasting time and money on treatment, as well as risking the health and even life of the animal. In order to protect your cat from both symptomatic cough and reflex cough (caused by external factors), you just need to provide the pet with decent living conditions.

    In the room where the cat lives, it is necessary to do regular cleaning, ventilation, and also limit the penetration of tobacco smoke, chemical fumes and other substances that irritate the delicate cat’s body. The animal should not catch a cold, be in a draft, or in a cold or damp place.

    It is also necessary to regularly, once every four months, carry out anthelmintic treatment for the cat, do not give it raw river fish, and exclude meat from unverified sources from the diet. Nutrition should be balanced, contain vitamins and microelements. Every year your cat should receive a vaccine against major diseases.

    It is important to understand that a cat’s cough will not go away on its own unless the owner intervenes. But you can’t make a decision on treating your pet yourself either - effective therapy can only be prescribed by a pet doctor, after diagnosis and identification of the root cause of the symptom.

    Is your cat coughing? Coughing is essentially a protective reflex. It rids the airways of secretions and foreign bodies. However, if your cat is coughing for more than four days in a row, you should consult your veterinarian. What are the different types of cat coughs and how to treat them, you will learn in this article.

    Causes of cat cough

    There are many reasons why your cat is coughing. Your pet may cough:

    • due to slight hypothermia;
    • for serious illnesses such as: cat flu, asthma, lungworms, tumors or cancer;
    • due to ingestion of a foreign body;
    • for allergies.

    Cough in cats may be due to allergies

    Currently the number is increasing. An allergy is an overreaction or misreaction of the immune system. Various factors are accepted by some cells as foreign to the immune system and fight with them. If your cat hangs out on the balcony, in the garden, or if she has access to the outdoors or wanders around the neighborhood, she may be suffering from a pollen allergy. Symptoms: itching, restlessness, heavy breathing, even shortness of breath, coughing and sneezing, especially in spring, indicate pollen allergies.

    On the other hand, your pet may have food allergies. Often a protective reaction to protein from food is the factor that triggers an allergy.

    Does the manifestation of cough depend on the age of the animal?

    It doesn't matter if your pussy is young or older. Cough occurs both in diseases that most often affect young animals, and is a symptom of diseases to which adult animals are more prone. Of course, there may be exceptions to the rules here too. A kitten may also develop severe respiratory problems or tumors, while adult animals will only develop allergies in old age.

    However, young cats are more likely to cough when they are suffering from herpes or lungworms. Kittens have a very strong play instinct; when playing, they can easily swallow small parts, so this fact can also lead to coughing.

    When elderly or very old cats cough, it is usually a serious illness, which, unfortunately, sometimes ends in death. These include malignant tumors, pneumonia and feline asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    In older cats, coughing begins relatively late in certain diseases. Before this, depending on the nature of the disease, the pet experiences lethargy or behavior becomes unusual in nature. Monitor your pet and contact a veterinarian if necessary.

    Animals, unlike humans, cannot express their symptoms and pain through speech. Each cough sounds different and to diagnose it, the doctor must know exactly the quality of the cough. A barking cough, like what happens with allergies or asthma, sounds terrible to you, but it is easier to treat than the muffled, dry cough of chronic respiratory and lung diseases.

    The better and more accurately you describe the cough and all other symptoms to your veterinarian, the faster he can make a diagnosis and begin with targeted therapy. You should not wait longer than three to four days if your cough does not improve.

    Treating a cat's cough

    Prevention is better than cure, and this rule also applies to cats. Some good things you can do for your cat include providing a balanced diet, making sure she drinks plenty and is protected from cold and moisture in the winter. But you cannot prevent your pet from getting sick. All the more important is a timely visit to the veterinarian. Modern examination and therapy will help your cat recover as soon as possible.

    If your pet is suffering from an infection, mucus will form in the respiratory tract. Mucus causes your cat to cough. The infection can be treated well with medication.

    If your pet ingests a foreign body, your veterinarian will surgically remove it using anesthesia.

    If tumors are detected early, surgical removal followed by chemotherapy provides a good chance of recovery.

    If your cat suffers from a chronic cough, as occurs with allergies or chronic lung disease, it may be that the cat's cough never goes away completely. Improvement is achieved by identifying the triggers of the allergy and treating your cat with anti-inflammatory medications.

    Preventing Colds and Coughs in Cats

    The best defense against colds and coughs is a healthy immune system. Give your cat vitamins in cold weather. Adult cats appreciate quiet, warm places and sleep more than usual on cooler days. For a young cat, exercise strengthens the immune system. Protect the animal from extreme cold, increased humidity and drafts, this can cause a cold. If your pet goes outside in winter, then you should gently rub him when returning home. Massaging the skin promotes blood circulation. As a preventive measure, you can use homeopathic remedies for your cat.

    Cats, like many other pets, catch colds quite often. When a cat coughs and wheezes, it becomes clear that the problem is in the respiratory system. Many owners, especially inexperienced ones, have no idea what to do when a coughing cat appears in the house. Initially, it would be correct to find out the cause of coughing and wheezing.

    What is a cough

    A cough is a natural defense reaction of the body. The reaction occurs when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. In this way, the body tries to push unwanted elements away. When you hear your cat breathing and coughing as if he's choking, the cause may not be a stuck bone. Coughing and wheezing indicate a cold.

    Main causes of cough

    If for some reason your cat coughs violently and heavily or you can hear distinct wheezing when breathing, you should find out this very reason. The main ones include the following:

    • a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract;
    • perhaps the cause was a respiratory viral infection (laryngitis, bronchitis);
    • the cause may also be an allergic reaction;
    • wheezing is one of the possible symptoms of cardiovascular diseases;
    • worms can enter the respiratory tract, which causes a corresponding reaction.

    How does a cat cough? By stretching out, pressing herself to the floor, drawing in her abdominal wall and arching her back, she clearly makes it clear that something is wrong with her. Everything happens as if she was choking. In this case, we will not take into account the entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract, but will focus on the following types of cough and their symptoms:

    • cardinal;
    • respiratory.

    Cardiac cough is also called cardinal cough. The main reason for this type of reaction is an increase in the heart muscle, which subsequently increases in size and begins to put pressure on the trachea. Initially, this cough is not strong and extremely rare, but the longer it persists, the stronger and stronger it becomes.

    A respiratory cough is caused by a viral disease, most often a cold. Initially it is dry and only then with phlegm.

    Is it possible to treat an animal yourself?

    If a person has enough experience, then in most cases treatment can be carried out directly at home. It is often not difficult for an experienced pet owner to clear the airways of a foreign object, such as a stuck fish bone.

    If the cough is a consequence of an allergic reaction, think about what new item has appeared in the house, because it could have triggered the reaction. In this case, it is enough to simply get rid of the dangerous object.

    In the case of worms in an animal, buy an effective remedy, follow the instructions and you can remove them without problems at home, without the help of a veterinarian. Having killed the worms, the symptoms should stop soon.

    What to do if home treatment does not help

    If all of the above actions do not correct the situation, and your pet continues to wheeze, cough and sneeze, you should immediately visit the veterinary clinic with him. Only a professional can diagnose, take tests and examine the internal organs of the animal.

    Treatment depends on the diagnosis. One of the worst options can be bronchial asthma, as it sometimes has to be treated throughout the animal's life. Asthma manifests itself in a certain season - most often in summer and autumn. In such cases, medications should be given before possible symptoms occur, so that the cat does not lie on the floor, stretch its neck, or cough.


    Antibiotics are prescribed if the doctor discovers a respiratory disease in the pet. All antibiotics, as well as drugs that help expectorate sputum, are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Do not forget that it is impossible to treat a dry cough with products for a wet one - and vice versa. There are also frequent cases when the use of such products is not recommended at all. Sometimes it is better if all the phlegm comes out on its own as quickly as possible with a cough.

    It should be remembered that antibiotic treatment has its consequences. In addition to harmful bacteria, antibiotics also kill beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora, which causes gastrointestinal upset in animals.

    You can treat an animal with antibiotics at home - the main thing is to use the remedy prescribed by the doctor. If we are talking about cardiovascular diseases - cardiac cough, then in such cases treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.


    If we are talking about such a cause of cough as respiratory diseases, then the best means of prevention would be timely vaccination. Having developed the necessary antibodies in advance, the animal’s immunity will effectively destroy the infection that enters the body and prevent it from developing. In addition, it will not be superfluous to regularly visit the veterinarian.

    From time to time, your cat may cough and wheeze. Any owner will be frightened by the hoarse voice of a cat, and he will immediately rush to the computer to look for the answer to the question: “Why?” Search engines find many options, ranging from banal allergies to such a frightening word as oncology. Before you get scared, it’s better to sit down and calmly read our article, and then call the veterinarians from the I-VET center. We tried to collect the most relevant answers.

    Just yesterday your pet was active and playful, but today it lies with its paws outstretched, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a veterinarian, who should provide qualified assistance.

    What is cat cough?

    Just like a person, cat cough is an involuntary exhalation, which is usually accompanied by a sonorous exhalation. The largest number of receptors responsible for cough are located in the area of ​​the throat ligaments. Coughing is also a protective reflex that helps resist the effects of chemical irritation or food. Among other things, coughing helps remove phlegm and mucus from the body, which only interferes with the animal’s recovery. However, coughing is not always a protective reflex, and can also cause significant harm. In this case, this condition is considered a symptom of a serious illness.

    Why does a cat cough and wheeze, what diseases can there be?

    Cat cough, as a rule, never occurs as an independent disease. Most often it is a symptom of other diseases.

    These are not all the reasons why a cough may occur. Currently more than 100 ailments are known which are accompanied by this reflex. Therefore, if your the cat is coughing, then this is an excellent reason to grab your pet and rush to the veterinarian, who will examine the furry and make the correct diagnosis.

    Who coughs and wheezes: what is the danger, symptoms, insidious and different

    An attentive owner should have noticed that A cat's cough has different sounds. Sometimes it's wheezing, sometimes it's a continuous dry sound full of agony. If you record cough sounds on a voice recorder or video camera, this can greatly help the doctor in diagnosing the disease. Sometimes the owner's description is not very accurate. Among other things, cough can be morning, daytime, evening or night. Coughing at night causes a lot of trouble both for the cat, depriving it primarily of normal sleep, and for the owner, who begins to worry about the health of his furry friend.

    During a coughing attack the animal It can also stretch out its paws and can group itself. These signals indicate that this sound has gone from a reflex, which is designed to save life, to a very dangerous state that poses a direct threat to the cat. In particularly severe cases the animal may choke, which indicates that the owner needs to contact a veterinary center as soon as possible.


    First of all, we would like to remind you that Cough therapy is individualized and it should be selected individually by the attending physician. It’s one thing to have a kitten that can’t cough up phlegm, and another thing to have an old cat with a whole bunch of illnesses. Each case requires an individual approach. Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. However, the owner must protect his animal from drafts and strong winds.

    In case of severe cough, it is best to call a veterinarian at home. This will help avoid unnecessary risks and complications, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect the animal from exposure to cold. Also, in the veterinary center itself there may be sick and infected animals. This, in turn, is also an unnecessary and stupid risk that will affect your health. Depending on the diagnosis, adequate treatment is prescribed. Also, modern pharmacology offers many cough medications, but not all human medications are suitable for treating a constantly coughing cat. The most prescribed antibiotic is amoxiclav. It should be remembered that coughing is also a signal of an extremely weakened immune system in a cat.

    If a cat is coughing and wheezing, what tests do a veterinarian need?

    After a visual examination, you sit tensely in the doctor’s office and wait for the results. A the doctor suggests additional research. For example, the doctor may prescribe fluorography, x-ray of the lungs, possibly an ultrasound. Of course, you will need a classic set of tests - urine, blood and feces. A severe cough should make your doctor consider prescribing antibiotics and other treatments.

    However, if you have The nursing mother fell ill bitch or pregnant animal, we recommend that you be more attentive to treatment. Many of the modern antibiotics are simply dangerous for cats to take due to the possible risk of miscarriage or bleeding. Most doctors recommend giving natural preparations, for example, herbal solutions that will need to be poured into the animal’s mouth with a syringe without a needle. Research in the form of tests is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that the parameters in the cat’s body do not change.

    How to choose a veterinary center to treat an animal

    If your cat starts coughing, and the cough itself becomes prolonged and frequent, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian without delay. As a rule, experienced owners already have a veterinarian’s phone number to whom they can turn for help at any time. But what to do if this is your first cat or animal in general? Of course, call the YA-VET veterinary center.

    The most experienced veterinarians work here around the clock and will be able to answer any question you ask them. It is possible that an in-person examination of the pet will be required to complete the picture. Don't refuse. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and establish the true cause of a cat’s continuous cough. A cough of unknown etiology is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor.

    In addition to qualified personnel, our medical center has the most modern equipment for both X-ray and ultrasound. The laboratory is also equipped with the latest technology.

    Benefits of in-home veterinary care

    Many owners prefer to personally take their pet to a veterinary center for first aid. However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to visit a doctor yourself. For such cases, we have a very convenient service - veterinary care at home. Within 40 minutes After you have submitted your application, any of our highly specialized specialists will come to you. So what can we do at home?

      Our range of veterinary services is very diverse. Our specialists can:
    • Take blood for analysis (both classical and biochemistry)
    • Provide the necessary assistance
    • Take an x-ray if necessary
    • For the most severe cases we have ultrasound
    • If necessary, we can transport your four-legged friend to the hospital.
    • We can also select adequate treatment that will help the animal recover in the shortest possible time and again delight the owner with playfulness.

    Only the most modern equipment and the gentle hands of veterinarians and laboratory technicians can save another little life. A huge number of branches will allow you to choose the medical center closest to your place of residence. However, there are places from where it is difficult to get to our center. In this case, there is a convenient service for providing veterinary care at home. So what are our advantages?

    • Mobility
    • Avoiding unnecessary stress that may affect test results.
    • Reducing the risk of reinfection
    • The owner will be able to significantly save his time and have complete control over the process
    • The animal will be more comfortable with the necessary manipulations.

    As you can see, there are many benefits to in-home veterinary care. Many busy owners have already appreciated the benefits of home care, because it helps to collect blood and examine the animal calmly and without stress.

    Cat cough can be a sign of various diseases, so it is necessary not only to pay attention to the symptoms and treatment of cough in cats, but also to the cause that caused this condition. In fact, treatment of attacks comes down to diagnosing the disease and identifying the root cause. As soon as the underlying disease is removed, the symptoms disappear.

    How do cats cough?

    During an attack, the cat stretches its neck forward and tilts its head slightly. The animal coughs with its mouth wide open, so at first you might think that the animal is vomiting. The cough reflex occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract and esophagus, so there are cases when vomit is released along with the cough.

    During an attack, the animal’s body uses not only the respiratory tract, but also other organs. As a result, before each attack, you can notice how the cat sucks in its stomach, focusing on the expansion of the lungs and the work of the diaphragm when inhaling. The vibrations of the diaphragm cause a cough that travels through the vocal cords, making the attack quite loud. The command to “cleanse” the respiratory tract is given by the brain, which notices a sore throat and other unpleasant symptoms of cough in cats.

    The cough is usually quite loud, although the timbre may vary depending on the source of the disease. Just like in humans, there are dry and wet coughs in cats.. This can be determined by sound, although for diagnosis it is necessary to take a sample from the oral cavity for determination. The discharge consists of mucus, sputum, and, less commonly, pus or blood. Obvious discharge does not always follow; it may be just a couple of drops of saliva.

    Cough symptoms

    It is possible to detect a cat's cough even in cases where the owner was never present during the attack. There are isolated cases, but they should not cause concern, since the animal is able to get rid of the irritant on its own. However, if the cough is a serious symptom, it will show up in your pet's behavior and appearance:

    • Snore. Airway congestion, which provokes an attack, is expressed during sleep in the form of snoring or loud snoring. Snoring can be periodic and constant, that is, it occurs throughout the entire period of the animal’s sleep. A healthy cat should not snore, although some snoring may occur if there is not enough water.
    • Wheezing. Wheezing is observed while the pet is awake. The wheezing is most pronounced during eating, when the cat tries to swallow its portion. The wheezing is not constant, but it can be easily heard in the chest area.
    • Loss of appetite and weight. This symptom cannot be called definite, since loss of appetite is typical for many types of disease, even if the cat does not cough. However, severe irritation of the respiratory tract or esophageal tube makes eating painful for the furry creature, so the animal tries to avoid eating. Along with a decrease in appetite, lethargy appears, since a hungry cat has nowhere to get energy for active pastime. This symptom should only be considered in conjunction with others.

    Causes of cough and its treatment

    The causes of cough in a cat can be associated with many diseases, not all of them relate directly to the respiratory tract. Some diseases can be independently diagnosed and treated at home; in other cases, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist.

    1. Worms

    The animal feels that the lungs are affected and tries to cough up the helminths out. Externally, a cough due to worms in cats appears as a regular wet cough.

    2. Injuries

    Cats recover fairly quickly and heal any wounds, but in some cases the injuries are accompanied by coughing and wheezing. It doesn’t matter whether the injuries are external or internal. Internal microtraumas of the larynx are formed due to the presence of small and solid particles in the cat's diet. Therefore, it is advisable not to give them food with bones. This applies to both small fish bones and large beef or chicken bones, since the animal is able to chew them into smaller pieces.

    An external injury that provokes a cough may be a bite or scratch in the throat area.

    In both cases, specific treatment for a cat’s cough is not required. If the attack is not debilitating and manifests itself only a couple of times a day, you just need to change your diet and add more vitamins for rapid tissue regeneration. This is enough to cope with cat cough on your own.

    3. Infectious and viral diseases

    Domestic cats do not catch colds as often, mainly due to the care of their owners and rare walking outside. However, this does not mean that they cannot even catch a common cold. The list of respiratory diseases for cats and people is quite similar, but infection between species is extremely rare. If the cat starts coughing, then most likely he caught:

    • Flu;
    • Viral rhinotracheitis;
    • Bronchial asthma.

    These diseases are more common than others. Cough is one of the symptoms; discharge from the nose, eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever can also be noted. In the first few days it is dry, unpleasant, and can be very debilitating for the animal, but after a couple of days expectoration processes begin, so the cat begins to cough with secretions.

    Bronchial asthma does not have such striking manifestations, since it is a chronic disease with exacerbations in different seasons.

    Asthma can be confused with an allergic reaction, because most often exacerbations occur in spring and summer, when there are especially many allergens in the air.

    Any of the diseases requires an examination by a veterinarian, who can prescribe certain medications. It could even be antibiotics. And in the case of bronchial asthma - steroids and even hormonal drugs. Unfortunately, a cough reflex appears even after the main treatment is completed. Therefore, it is possible to alleviate the disease in an animal with the help of expectorants. In some cases, cats even respond to treatment with drugs for humans, but you should not experiment with them yourself, as they can negatively affect the cat’s body.

    4. Heart disease

    It is almost impossible to diagnose a cardiac cough at home, since an examination of the internal organs is required. A dry cough in cats can quickly change to a wet cough or remain unchanged for a long period of time. The only symptoms of cardiac cough that can be identified in case of illness are progressive attacks, the frequency of which periodically increases. Coughing attacks occur more frequently and last longer.

    If an increase in symptoms is noticed, it is imperative to show your pet to a doctor. He will prescribe therapy for the heart, but will also tell you by what means this symptom can be removed.

    Most often, coughing in cats is caused by a specific brain center, which can be controlled with antitussives. Other medications may be prescribed to treat a cat's cough.

    5. Oncological diseases

    If the respiratory system is affected by cancer cells, the cat will cough and choke, as in the case of cardiac cough. The progression of the disease in this case is much faster; unfortunately, it is not always possible to help the animal. The decision about the fate of an animal with cancer is made by the doctor based on the stage of the disease. The cough does not appear immediately, so going to the clinic is too late. In such cases, the animal has to be euthanized. In critical situations, blood is released during an attack.

    During treatment for cancer in cats, your doctor may prescribe a variety of medications, including painkillers, to reduce symptoms. The course of treatment itself involves:

    • chemotherapy,
    • radiation,
    • operation.

    Not all treatment methods are compatible with antitussive drugs.

    There may be other reasons for this condition. For example, the formation of bezoars from wool in the stomach. In such cases, it seems that the animal is choking and wants to spit food out of the respiratory tract. This is roughly what happens. Treatments include medications that thin the hair in the stomach. They can be recommended by the seller of the veterinary clinic or the doctor himself during the appointment.