Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck. Duplex scanning of head and neck vessels: instructions for the patient. Prices for Duplex scanning of blood vessels

Duplex scanning of neck vessels diagnoses capillaries located in the neck and head. The procedure is performed non-invasively using ultrasonic waves.

The waves, reflected from the capillaries and red blood cells moving inside, form a picture of the artery being studied on the monitor. Before using diagnostics, you should find out exactly the reasons for the appointment and prepare for the event.

This research method allows each vessel to be completely separated on the monitor from many other capillaries against the background of the surrounding upper tissue.

Using duplex scanning, a phlebologist can assess the general condition of the veins in the area under study and see the anatomical structure of all blood vessels located in the epidermis of the neck and head. In addition, the first step is to diagnose lymph hemodynamic parameters.

Doppler examination has several directions, but all types have a common direction. They all use ultrasonic waves to produce research results.

The following types of diagnostics are distinguished:

  • Doppler ultrasound (USDG) - reveals the characteristics of the patency of the capillaries of the neck, and also determines the quality of hemodynamics.
  • Duplex ultrasound scanning - allows you to detect atherosclerotic plaques inside various blood arteries or vessels. The procedure allows you to detect the presence of emboli that contribute to blockage of the capillary lumen and inhibition of blood flow. It is divided into intra-, extra-, transcranial examination.
  • – records the speed of blood flow, and also displays the examined vessel in a color image on the monitor.
  • – completely displays on the monitor the entire structure of the veins and arteries located in the neck area. Reveals the characteristic conditions for the movement of blood through the vessels, and also allows you to detect pathological changes in the structure in the early stages of the development of the disease.

When diagnosing, duplex scanning of the capillaries of the neck allows you to detect the following results:

  1. condition of capillary walls and their shells
  2. identify an abnormal arrangement of capillaries that is unique to this patient
  3. detect changes in the flow of blood capillaries
  4. reveal the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels
  5. detect mechanical damage on the internal shells or detect the formation of a lumen in the wall

The examination allows us to identify a large number of diseases at an early stage. These diseases include discirculatory encephalopathy, herbal arteries or capillaries, atherosclerosis, congenital anomalies, the formation of vasculitis (inflammatory process of the veins and arteries), as well as angiopathy (hypertensive, diabetic or toxic).

Appointment for ultrasound

It is recommended that all people without exception undergo examinations. Such diagnostics should be carried out once every 12 months. Detection of the development of the disease in the early stages of its formation will allow us to prescribe effective treatment. Therapy will help avoid possible negative consequences.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck in most cases is required to confirm the established diagnosis by performing an ultrasound scan of the neck.

  • Dizziness, fainting and sudden fainting, severe headaches, tinnitus.
  • Mention in the anamnesis of previous strokes.
  • Inflammatory processes on the walls of capillaries (vasculitis).
  • Loss of coordination and loss of balance.
  • Memory loss, hearing impairment.
  • Presence of hypertensive or sick family members.
  • The occurrence of situations with numbness of the limbs.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Appearing earlier.

If you identify constantly present signs with an increase in their impact on the body, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner. He will collect a complete history of the symptoms that appear and, if necessary, refer you to a specialized specialist.

Preparation and procedure for vascular scanning

Examination of cervical capillaries does not require specific preparation. You should not adhere to a certain diet or exert physical activity on your body.

To effectively complete the procedure, you should avoid excessive use of certain drugs that help increase capillary tone:

  • Energy.
  • Morning coffee.
  • Saturation of the body with toxins from nicotine.
  • Strong tea.

Before undergoing the procedure, it is necessary to remove from the neck all additional accessories that interfere with the examination - chains, scarves, hairpins, scarves.

The research is carried out according to a standard scheme. The patient is placed on a prepared couch. Place a foam roller or hard pillow under your head. The head should be turned away from the device, turning the neck as far as possible.

If the patient uses a number of drugs that affect the movement of lymph - Cinnarizine, Betaserc, you should consult with the treating neurologist.

Before touching the sensor to the surface of the skin of the neck, a special gel is applied to the epidermis. It allows for more accurate diagnosis, eliminating the possibility of air entering the cavity of the sent ultrasonic beams, which entails data distortion.

During the event, the doctor may ask the patient to change his head tilt or position on the pillows, as well as strain, cough or hold his breath.

The duration of a simple impact on the body to obtain data on the state of the circulatory system located in the neck does not exceed 30 minutes. The examination is not prohibited for children of different ages, pregnant women, or mothers during breastfeeding.

What can the examination tell you?

As the examination progresses, the specialist receives data on the speed of blood flow, as well as the presence or absence of defects and abnormal development of capillaries.

Duplex scanning allows you to accurately determine the size of blood vessels, clarify their patency, identify a developing blood clot, and detect congenital abnormal arrangement of capillaries.

During diagnosis, the carotid artery is identified, and the detected results are compared with the norm. The following normal levels of carotid artery indicators are distinguished:

  • The percentage of stenosis is 0%.
  • The thickness of the artery wall is up to 1.1 mm.
  • The systolic velocity of blood flow in the artery at the maximum level is not less than 0.9.
  • There should be no neoplasms (thrombi) present within the lumen.
  • Peak speed of movement in diastole is not less than 0.5.

Thickening of the walls of the vessels of the circulatory system is diagnosed with an uneven increase in the surface, at the same time a narrowing of the vein by 20%. This indicates atherosclerosis of the non-stenotic type of the artery being studied.

In the case of pathological changes in the walls of the capillaries, with deterioration of echogenicity indicators, as well as changes in the differentiation of the layers of the epithelium of the walls, an inflammatory process preceding vasculitis is detected.

You can learn more about the diagnostic method from the video:

The procedure is aimed at identifying pathological changes in the cervical blood capillaries. The following advantages of duplex scanning are revealed:

  1. does not require the administration of painkillers, completely painless
  2. carried out at a clearly designated time, without prior hospitalization
  3. no body irradiation
  4. available to any patient, in most cases it is not expensive
  5. allows you to learn a large amount of information effective for further treatment
  6. Ultrasound examination does not show any negative effects, therefore there are absolutely no contraindications for use

Duplex scanning allows patients to verify a completely healthy circulatory system or detect pathological changes and diseases. Any negative change identified in the early stages of development can be cured using medications or other medicinal interventions. If left untreated, inflammation can lead to negative consequences.

Ultrasound of head and neck vessels? a modern method for diagnosing blood flow in the vessels that supply blood to the brain. Ultrasound examination allows you to accurately assess the state of patency of extracranial vessels (outside the cranial? vertebral and carotid arteries), and vessels that penetrate brain tissue (three types of arteries? anterior, middle, posterior).

It should be noted that the ultrasound procedure will not provide a complete image of the condition of the vessel and determine the ability to identify key factors of vascular obstruction. Ailments such as thrombosis, stenosis, spasms, and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques require additional procedures for examining the vascular system in the neck and head.

Indications for ultrasound of the brain and neck

  • people who have problems with cerebral circulation (acute or chronic);
  • patients who have suffered vascular injuries due to traumatic brain injury and neurosurgery);
  • after toxic vascular damage;
  • after diagnosing asymmetry or absence of pulse, blood pressure in the upper extremities (arms);
  • with a pronounced murmur on the aortic arch;
  • with sudden loss of vision;
  • various range of pathologies of the cervical spine (after diagnosing osteochondrosis, trauma, congenital anomalies, poor posture) if there is a threat of compression of the vertebral artery and impaired blood supply to the spinal cord.

Ultrasound of brain and neck vessels, price which is optimal for patients of different financial capabilities - it is advisable to repeat the available ultrasound screening procedure from time to time for re-examination of patients with atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the blood vessels of the head. The risk group for vascular diseases of the brain includes people with bad habits (tobacco smoking), overweight, and those suffering from hypertensive and ischemic heart disease.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows early detection of disturbances in blood flow to brain tissue. Oxygen starvation of tissues leads to worsening of the condition. A timely ultrasound will help prevent a cerebral stroke. Ultrasound screening is recommended for monitoring patients suffering from vascular pathologies and comparing the results of the condition of blood vessels after a course of treatment.

Ultrasound provides the specialist with important information about the patency of the arterial vessels that are responsible for feeding the brain - the value of the data obtained is immeasurable. The doctor will be able to quickly identify disturbances in the outflow of blood from the cranial cavity, which can have fatal consequences. Based on the diagnostic results, the neurologist determines the degree of development of collateral and venous pathology. Ultrasound shows the branching of the vascular system, evidence of the presence of arteriovenous malformation and impaired vascular patency. The information obtained is important for the subsequent selection of effective therapy.

Preparing the patient for ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck

Despite the fact that ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck is an affordable procedure, the patient needs to take into account some nuances for maximum accuracy of the result.

On the day of the procedure, it is advisable for the patient to:

  • stop taking medications or limit them if taking them cannot be stopped due to the presence of other diseases;
  • avoid drinking tea or coffee (caffeinated drinks);
  • refrain from smoking cigarettes for two hours before the procedure.

It is important to adhere to these rules to avoid increased vascular tone.

To ensure accurate results, it is advisable to remove jewelry from the head and neck area.

Method of performing ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck

In the office near the device there is always a comfortable couch for the client to relax. The procedure should not cause discomfort or pain. The ultrasound specialist places the device's probe on the patient's skin to direct ultrasound to the area of ​​the blood vessels that require diagnosis.

If there is insufficient blood flow in the vessel, the Doppler effect will not be displayed on the device screen. Computer processing of digital data allows you to evaluate the graph of blood movement through the vessel in real time. Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck often includes additional functional tests:

  • hyperventilation;
  • finger pressure;
  • finger pressure;

This helps to more accurately diagnose the mechanism of blood flow regulation.

For severely ill patients, the extended Doppler ultrasound procedure is used - ultrasound signals are converted into sound signals. After listening to the data, the specialist is able to accurately assess blood flow in the area of ​​the neck or head being examined. This will allow you to quickly identify a blockage or narrowing of a vessel, and determine the degree of disruption of blood transportation through the circulatory system.

The time for ultrasound diagnostics ranges from 30-45 minutes. Portable Dopplerography takes three times less time.

Contraindications to the ultrasound procedure of the vessels of the head and neck

There are no age restrictions for ultrasound. Ultrasonic waves are absolutely safe for humans. During long-term treatment of vascular diseases, the procedure can be used several times in a row.

The procedure may be difficult to implement if the diseased vessel is closed by bone tissue or a large layer of subcutaneous fat. Difficulties in performing diagnostics using ultrasound waves arise in patients with arrhythmia and cardiac pathologies, in patients with slow blood flow.

The procedure cannot be carried out on areas of damaged skin - this makes it impossible to attach the device’s sensor. It is advisable to wait for healing and only then do an ultrasound.

Types of ultrasound

There are different types of ultrasound procedures for the vessels of the head and neck:

  • Ultrasound examination of soft tissues
  • ultrasound examination of the skin
  • ultrasound examination of lymph nodes
  • ultrasound examination of the salivary glands
  • ultrasound examination of the pleural cavity
  • echocardiography
  • duplex scanning of the aorta
  • duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries with color Doppler mapping of blood flow
  • duplex scanning of thyroid vessels and ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands.

Ultrasound diagnostic devices are now available in every clinic and medical center, and therefore this type of examination is available to many patients.


Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels is one of the most common today. It is based on the reflection of an ultrasonic wave from the area under study. It is used to detect anatomical pathologies of the vertebral, basilar, carotid arteries, anterior and internal jugular veins, subclavian artery and vein, and facial vein. Ultrasound of cerebral vessels shows the diameter of the lumen, internal formations, and the condition of surrounding tissues.

The procedure, supplemented by Doppler ultrasound, allows you to detect areas of blood vessels with impaired blood flow due to their narrowing, blockage, and neoplasms. With its help, the functioning of the circuitous blood flow pathways is checked, the treatment being carried out and the results of the surgical intervention are monitored.

Today, when giving a referral for ultrasound diagnostics, a doctor separately indicates the type of examination: ultrasound, Doppler, duplex, triplex or transcranial. In most cases, a simple ultrasound is not performed, but is combined with Doppler ultrasound in order to obtain a complete anatomical and functional picture.

The advantages of ultrasound diagnostics include safety, non-invasiveness, painlessness, good quality of information obtained, breadth of use, and low price. It is also important that the study does not require administering a contrast agent or irradiating the patient. In addition, ultrasound imaging provides a picture in real time.

The study also has disadvantages: with its help it is easy to find out about the condition of large vessels, but small branches can be hidden behind the bones of the skull. This prevents us from getting the full picture. The deposition of calcium salts during atherosclerosis also interferes with obtaining accurate information. Difficulties also arise when carrying out the procedure in obese people. When conducting transcranial triplex scanning of cerebral vessels, the quality of the information received may deteriorate due to the specifics of the equipment.


Ultrasound is scheduled and performed on a regular basis for people over 40 years of age, patients leading a sedentary lifestyle, prone to severe emotional stress, depression and often experiencing stress. Regular examination is also important for those who have undergone surgery and who are suspected or have already been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • problems with blood circulation in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms in the head or cervical spine;
  • past diseases associated with inflammatory processes;
  • atherosclerosis.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics are the appearance of disorders such as constant headaches, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, weakness, tingling, numbness in the arms and legs. Other important reasons include: loss of consciousness, which happened even once, disturbances in speech, vision and hearing, attention, performance, and memory. An ultrasound is required before surgery on the brain or heart.


This study performs only one function - determining the speed of blood flow and its direction. A graph with the results of the study appears on the monitor. There is no visualization of blood vessels.

Direct Dopplerography of the brain allows you to obtain the following information about the vessels:

  • elasticity of walls;
  • characteristics of the internal cavity;
  • violation of the integrity of the walls;
  • formations inside the lumen;
  • change of course;
  • branch of a branch in the wrong place.

Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels is an ultrasound examination that combines a two-dimensional picture - the anatomical structure of the vessels, the tissues around them and the speed of blood flow. Using this method, they find atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots in arteries and veins, and check the condition and integrity of the vascular wall.

There are extracranial studies, aimed at checking the main highways, and scanning, studying the intracranial vessels located in the skull. During the procedure, the common carotid arteries are examined along their entire length, the internal carotid arteries up to the entrance to the skull, and partially the external carotid and vertebral arteries.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck makes it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage of development.

Triplex scanning

The results of intracranial and extracranial triplex scanning of arteries and veins of the brain reflect their anatomical structure. The blood flow is presented in color depending on the speed in a particular area. Depending on the subject of study - veins or arteries, the image is colored blue or red.

This is not a separate research method, but an extended duplex scanning of cerebral vessels with an additional function. The vessels are viewed in two longitudinal and one transverse planes.


Transcranial Dopplerography of cerebral vessels is a type of duplex study. Its main purpose is to study the speed and direction of blood flow in intracranial vessels. The goal is to identify hematomas, large lesions and control previously detected disorders. It is impossible to examine the walls of the vessels located in the skull. Information about the structure and lumen of the artery is available only in color mode, the change of which depends on the speed of blood flow.

With transcranial duplex scanning, brain vessels can be seen in two planes.

TCD of cerebral vessels is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Indirect signs of damage to the arteries in the skull were found.
  2. Symptoms of cerebral ischemia, the causes of which are unknown, have been identified.
  3. A duplex scan of cerebral vessels showed signs of stenosis and blockage.
  4. Constant headaches.
  5. The patient has a complex vascular disease leading to cerebrovascular accident.
  6. With brain pathology, which leads to vascular deformation and impaired blood flow.

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The most common cerebrovascular diseases: clinical symptoms and treatment

TKDS is performed only after duplex. The sensor is located on the temple, back of the head or eye socket.

A separate type of ultrasound examination aimed at checking pathologies of the newborn’s brain is neurosonography. Recently, many maternity hospitals conduct this examination even before the baby is discharged, and a pediatrician or neurologist prescribes it when the baby reaches 1 month or according to indications.

It is necessary to carry out it if the child was born prematurely, received an Apgar score of less than 7/7 points at birth, or there are suspicions of hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, malformations or developmental delays, intrauterine infections, genetic pathologies or diseases of the nervous system.

Another group of indications for neurosonography are prolonged or, conversely, rapid labor, birth injuries, Rh conflict and monitoring the dynamics of the baby’s treatment.

Currently there are 4 types of research:

  1. Transfontanel NSG is performed through the large fontanel. This technique provides a complete examination of the brain cavity, and therefore is the most common. However, it is carried out only up to a year - by this time the fontanel usually closes. The most informative examination is immediately at birth or during the first few months.
  2. When performing transcranial USG, data is obtained through the temporal and sometimes parietal bones.
  3. The combined method includes examination through the fontanelle and the bones of the skull.
  4. USG is also performed through bone defects.

There is no need to prepare your child for the examination. The procedure is performed without anesthesia or sedatives.

NSG allows you to identify signs of increased intracranial pressure. An increase in the size of the ventricles of the brain indicates the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in them and the development of hydrocephalus. The detected focus of ischemia indicates probable oxygen starvation. Detection of hemorrhage is an indication for urgent hospitalization.

During the examination, various cysts may be found. Subependymal cysts look like fluid-filled cavities and are located near the ventricles of the brain. Such formations require treatment. Appear due to lack of oxygen or hemorrhage.

Vascular cysts look like small bubbles with fluid, located at the site of cerebrospinal fluid secretion. Formed during childbirth or in the prenatal period. Usually do not require treatment.

Arachnoid cysts occur as a result of infections, hemorrhage, trauma, and can be located in any part of the head. Their rapid growth leads to compression of nearby tissues. Treatment is necessary.

Signs of some diseases diagnosed in infancy can be detected in the perinatal period. During pregnancy, 3 ultrasound examinations are performed, each of which reveals signs of brain pathology.

First trimester screening is performed at 12-14 weeks. It allows you to detect acrania, anencephaly, exencephaly, cranial hernia, as well as signs of certain chromosomal pathologies, such as Down syndrome.

In acrania, there are no bones of the skull. Anencephaly is characterized by the absence of not only the bones of the skull, but also the brain. In exencephaly, there is no bone tissue, but brain tissue is partially present. A cranial hernia is diagnosed when fragments of the meninges protrude through defects in the bone tissue.

During screening in the second trimester, features of the formation of the brain and face are checked. By this time, all anatomical structures and organs have been formed. Much attention is paid to the head circumference and its shape, calculated as the ratio of the biparietal and fronto-occipital dimensions. A lemon-shaped, strawberry-shaped shape is determined. Look at the size of the head - small or disproportionately large. The lateral ventricles are measured. Their increase indicates hydrocephalus.

The study of the cerebellum is of particular importance - the size of the hemispheres and the degree of development of the cerebellar vermis are determined. Its underdevelopment leads to an inability to maintain balance, muscle inconsistency, abruptness of movements, and trembling of the limbs. The visual thalamus, corpus callosum, horns of the lateral ventricles and many other areas of the brain are studied.

Attention is also paid to the facial skeleton. Often the shape of the nose and cleft lip are a symptom of chromosomal diseases.

The purpose of the third screening is to confirm or exclude defects detected in the first two studies. At the same time, CTG is performed - registration and analysis of the fetal heart rate. This study shows signs of oxygen deprivation, which may have a negative impact on brain development.

How to prepare for a brain ultrasound

Ultrasound of cerebral vessels is usually prescribed by a neurologist or therapist. When receiving a referral, it is necessary to discuss the use of vasoconstrictor or vasodilator drugs with a specialist. Your doctor will probably ask you to stop taking them temporarily.

The day before the procedure, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can affect the tone of the walls: alcohol, pickles, caffeine-containing drinks and foods, including coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks. Drinks with ginger and ginseng are also contraindicated.

You should have your last meal 4-5 hours before the examination. It is not recommended to take a hot bath two hours before the ultrasound. There is also no need to smoke - smoking a cigarette leads to a narrowing of the arteries and veins.

Immediately before the procedure, you need to remove all jewelry from your head and neck and tie your hair in a ponytail. To examine the cervical region, it will need to be freed from clothing.

Carrying out an ultrasound

The examination is carried out in a special room. The patient is placed on the couch so that the head is located next to the ultrasound machine. A gel or special ointment is applied to the sensor location to improve contact with the skin. Ultrasound waves pass through a blood vessel and are reflected from it in different ways. The difference in reflection depends on the speed and volume of blood flow. The reflected waves are converted into electrical impulses and transmitted to the monitor screen.

The duplex scanning technique combines two advanced studies: ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasound. Examination of the arteries of the neck makes it possible to evaluate the vessels from the inside, study possible changes in them and analyze the speed of blood flow.

As a type of ultrasound scanning, this method is absolutely safe, it uses only an acoustic wave of the required frequency, unlike computed tomography and x-rays, unlike computed tomography and x-rays. Additionally, duplex scanning (duplex) is affordable and painless. In our center, duplex examination is carried out using modern equipment by high-class specialists.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head is a combined method that includes ultrasound and Dopplerography. The study allows the specialist to see the patient’s brain vessels, study their structure, and analyze the condition and characteristics of blood flow by scanning the lumen of the vessel. Duplex makes it possible to detect atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, and pathological changes in vascular walls. This is an absolutely painless, effective and affordable diagnostic method.


  • suspicion of the presence of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • narrowing of the carotid arteries detected through other examinations;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • history of cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • detection of murmurs during auscultation of the carotid arteries.

How is it carried out?

To do the examination, the patient is placed on a couch. The neck should be free of jewelry. A gel is applied to it to facilitate better transmission of ultrasound. A special device is then applied to the area being examined. Thanks to scanning, the vessel is diagnosed, and images appear on the computer that visualize problem areas. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

In our center you can sign up not only for a duplex examination of the vessels of the neck, but also get advice from the best specialists, as well as undergo a course of treatment at the best prices. You can receive other qualified neurological care at the Neuro-Med Center for Pediatric and Adult Neurology in Moscow.

Procedure for registering with a specialist:

Call us at the registration number.

Make an appointment during open hours.

Pay the cost of the service using the payment system on the website using a bank card, or with a receipt through Sberbank. (see background information on payment for services).

Please arrive for your appointment at your scheduled consultation time.

If the service is not provided, the medical center will issue a 100% refund.

An examination of the brain and its tissues is not complete without assessing the quality and speed of local blood flow through the brachiocephalic (abbreviated BCA) and vertebral arteries.

In this case, subjective sensations do not have sufficient reliability. Because the symptoms are not specific enough, and sometimes are completely absent. This somewhat complicates a comprehensive assessment of the situation. A comprehensive diagnosis is required.

Duplex scanning is an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck and brain, performed in two modes. The technique provides a lot of information about the functional state of cerebral structures and the degree of local hemodynamics, and allows us to identify possible deviations.

However, it still remains limited in terms of identifying a static picture, which means that the anatomical state of the region of interest remains outside the scope of action. It makes sense to perform duplex ultrasound scanning (USDS) in a system with other imaging techniques.

Diagnostics using Doppler ultrasound is safe and highly effective, which makes it the gold standard in early primary examination and verification of disorders.

During the event, the brachiocephalic (carotid, subclavian, brachiocephalic trunk) and vertebral arteries are examined.

However, Doppler ultrasound also allows you to see the branches of the cerebral (intracranial) vessels, which provides even more information about the nature of the blood flow.

Therefore, the duplex procedure is considered much more effective in an in-depth assessment than the standard Doppler ultrasound.

During the event, the device used in the case operates in two modes at once. This breadth of visualization and evaluation potential makes the technique irreplaceable.

Based on the results of the examination, it is possible to detect a group of disorders of a diverse nature:

  • Aneurysms. Wall protrusions of extracranial arteries. They occur most often as consequences of various diseases. Hypertension, atherosclerosis, disorders of the structure of vascular walls. They can be one- or two-sided, protruding over the entire thickness at once.

They themselves pose a colossal danger, they can rupture and lead to massive bleeding. Therefore, they must be identified as quickly as possible.

Detection based on the results of duplex scanning is a sufficient basis for making a diagnosis even without verification or confirmation by other means.

  • Violations of the integrity and structure of the vascular wall. Occurs as a result of injuries, less often than other diseases. For example, . Autoimmune inflammatory processes in which tissues become scarred and do not carry enough blood. The formation of fibrin strands - adhesions - is possible, which is no less dangerous. All these deviations are clearly visible during diagnostics.

  • Atherosclerosis is a classic pathology, the detection of which is often aimed at duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck. A characteristic feature is a narrowing of the lumen of one or several arteries at once, problems with blood flow. This is especially often observed in hypertensive patients, alcohol or cigarette lovers.

In other cases, atherosclerotic plaques occur. Formations of lipids that bind to the body's own proteins and form an obstacle to blood flow.

Both are equally dangerous. Without treatment, ischemia begins and the likelihood of a stroke increases rapidly.

Duplex scanning of blood vessels makes it possible to identify the problem at an early stage. When there is a good chance to help with medication. This is the main value of the technique.

  • Consequences of injuries. Bruises, head injuries and other disorders. It is important to carry out the event as soon as possible after the injury. Assessment of the vessels of the neck and head is carried out on the same basis as MRI; their tasks are different, but the end result is the same. Identification of abnormalities in the structure and functions of nervous tissues and the local circulatory system.

  • Consequences of the influence of various processes. From tumors to anatomical changes. The point is to determine how much the abnormal structure compresses the vessels and disrupts normal blood flow.

In the case of cysts, neoplasms, hematomas, this is a vital event.

  • Congenital anatomical defects of tissues and structures. For example, the vertebral arteries.

They occur in children immediately after birth. But they are often not detected until a certain age. Sometimes quite significant. Manifestation can be a big surprise for a person.

Restoration is carried out after assessing the situation and the feasibility of intervention. Treatment is not always necessary.

  • Acquired disorders of vascular structure. The result of injuries, inflammatory processes and other disorders.

Much can be discovered; the correctness of all therapeutic tactics depends on the quality of the diagnosis.

Indications for scanning and contraindications

There are quite a lot of reasons for research. An approximate list is presented by the following points:

  • Frequent headaches of unknown origin. Accompanied by a lot of pathological processes. If there is a system, the regularity of manifestations, most likely we are talking about, the causes of which are revealed by duplex scanning of the cerebral vessels and arteries of the cervical localization.
  • . Part of the neurological symptoms. Characterized by the inability to orientate normally in space. Also refers to manifestations of insufficient nutrition of the extrapyramidal system (in particular the cerebellum) and disruption of the vertebral arteries (most often).

  • Nausea, vomiting without visible pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the limbs. This time the disorder is caused by damage to the parietal lobe of the brain.

  • . This is how hypoxia (oxygen starvation) manifests itself; as a rule, this symptom does not occur alone.
  • The procedure for duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is necessarily carried out in the event of the development of syncope, fainting, especially frequent ones, for no apparent reason. An alarming sign indicating the progression of ischemia. Usually by this moment a whole complex of violations is present.
  • A history of certain diseases that pose health risks. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, vasculitis, previous thrombosis. This can also include age from 45 years or more, since such patients are more susceptible to pathological changes.
  • Negative family history. If you have a complicated medical history, it makes sense to undergo preventive diagnostics once every six months.
  • Various types of vision disorders. Up to transient monocular or total blindness.
  • Changes in hearing.
  • Hallucinatory syndromes with fully preserved criticism of productive symptoms. They develop against the background of damage to the temporal lobes.
  • Epileptic seizures with normal brain activity at normal times, as shown by EEG.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Hyperkinesis. Spontaneous movements without human will. Including tiki and others.
  • Painful muscle spasms.
  • Problems with behavior and emotional background. Increased irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, depressive episodes.
  • Insomnia.
  • Apathy.
  • Weakness, fatigue, asthenic phenomena during the daytime.
  • Reduced exercise tolerance.

All of these are indications for ultrasound examination of the extracranial vessels of the head (located outside the cranium).

There are not many contraindications to diagnosis. There are practically none.

Possible reasons for refusing duplex scanning include:

  • Acute psychotic states. Alcohol delirium, reactive disorders, atypical depression, relapses of schizophrenia. Until things normalize. In this case, the patient is inadequate. Does not perceive reality and will not be able to calmly undergo the examination.
  • Hyperkinesis, excluding temporary lack of motor activity. Since voluntary movements, especially with a large amplitude, will interfere with the doctor.
  • A general serious condition that requires connection to devices to support life. Before the disorder is corrected.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications as such. Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries is a safe technique, which makes it possible in most cases.

Preparing for the study

Special events are easy. The algorithm is extremely simple:

  • You should give up coffee and tea 12 hours before. Drinks that tone blood vessels.
  • During the same period, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Bad habits will provoke even worse outcomes and cause incorrect assumptions about the presence of disorders.
  • For 7-8 hours, you cannot swim in hot baths or take high-temperature showers.
  • There is also a need to avoid certain types of medications. , and antihypertensive drugs in general. Only if there is a doctor's approval for this. It is better to clarify this point with a specialist so as not to risk your health.

During diagnosis, you must follow all instructions. If necessary, change body position, breathing rate, etc. The issue is resolved on the spot.

The event does not cause discomfort, therefore it is well tolerated by people of any age.

Progress of the procedure

From the patient’s point of view, the duplex of the vessels of the head and neck is no different except for the location of the sensor from a simple ultrasound scan, which everyone is accustomed to.

In the office you will be asked to take a sitting or lying position. Depending on the specific access method. Next, the doctor will examine the areas of interest. During the diagnostic process, there may be instructions that need to be followed.

Depending on the situation, the diagnostician may conduct a series of functional tests. Each of them is accompanied, again, by the simplest commands: bend your neck, turn your head, and others.

The entire diagnosis takes no more than 10-20 minutes. Plus or minus. Based on the results, the doctor is able to assess the state of cerebral blood flow and the local hemodynamic system. The question of the expediency of additional procedures is decided by him.

The patient receives a full description, duplex scanning protocol, and a conclusion. In some cases, images are also in digitized form, depending on the clinic.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of duplex angioscanning of the BCA are as follows:

  • Absence of any sensations or discomfort. The patient can undergo the procedure without fear.
  • High efficiency. Thanks to two scanning modes, the doctor receives high-quality and comprehensive information about the nature, speed of blood flow and all its deviations. This is the main method for functional assessment of hemodynamics from the brain.
  • Scan speed. The procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes or a little more, although this is rare. If there are no changes, less time is enough.
  • No harmful effects on the body. What cannot be said about angiography, CT, and some other methods that create radiation exposure.
  • It is possible to receive the service for free, under a compulsory medical insurance policy or its analogues in other states of the former Union. However, it is worth making a reservation. Not all clinics offer affordable prices, and not all events are offered without payment.
  • Possibility of early diagnosis of many dangerous pathological processes. From aneurysms to changes in the type of atherosclerosis - precursors of stroke.

There are also disadvantages to duplex scanning:

  • The need for highly qualified diagnostic personnel. Decoding mostly falls on these doctors, especially if pictures are not provided. Therefore, with insufficient professionalism, the risk of error is extremely high.
  • Lack of ability to assess the anatomical state of the area under study. This is a functional, not a universal technique. Which, by the way, can be called a disadvantage rather conditionally.

There are many more benefits. Besides, there are no worthy alternatives to the event.

Differences between duplex and triplex scanning

For the latter, operation in three modes is typical; the technique is considered an extension of the two-mode method discussed in the material.

A color Doppler function is added, thanks to which the doctor is able to more accurately assess the characteristics, speed and quality of blood flow.

The cost of the procedure is rising. However, the need for such a study is highly controversial. If the doctor is sufficiently qualified, it is possible to accurately diagnose the disorder with less effort.

There are clear indications for triplex scanning. And there are a minimum of them. It is better to leave the question to the discretion of a specialist. You should not thoughtlessly undertake more expensive research in the hope of getting better results.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is the gold standard for functional diagnostics, which allows you to identify most pathologies in the early stages, respond to changes in time and start treatment. It is possible to save not only health, but also life.