Stitches on the left side of the chest. What is it when there is a stabbing sensation in the chest on the right, left or in the middle, and why is there pain when inhaling? Sharp pain in left chest

Sometimes women experience painful sensations in the chest. They are commonly called mastalgia. In most cases, these sensations are characterized as tingling. Moreover, they can be either a sign of a serious illness or a normal phenomenon.

Tingling in the chest in women - the main causes

In a number of situations similar symptom It is harmless and does not require treatment. Pain can be triggered by natural processes in female body. Many girls report such complaints on the eve of menstruation. Most often, this phenomenon is regular. This is the most common reason that causes such a delicate problem.

Tingling in the mammary glands also appears during pregnancy, in preparation for feeding. During this period, the milk ducts change, which leads to new sensations. They do not pose a danger to the girl's health. But if a pregnant woman is worried, she can turn to her doctor with questions, who will give her comprehensive explanations.

Tingling in mammary gland during lactation is normal and should not cause alarm. This is how the process of milk formation is accompanied. But if a young mother discovers lumps in her breasts and the pain is severe enough, then she definitely needs to visit a specialist.

In many situations this symptom may indicate a number of diseases. Moreover, they can affect not only the mammary glands, but also other body systems. Ailments that manifest themselves in this way include:

Obviously, there are many reasons for tingling in the mammary gland, and not all of them are harmless. Some require serious medical intervention. Such conditions should be diagnosed as soon as possible faster, and you shouldn’t leave them to chance.

If a girl notes that slight tingling in the chest is cyclical and depends on critical days, then she should contact a mammologist. He will conduct an inspection and help you understand the problem. To do this, you may need to do a mammogram, breast ultrasound, and some tests.

If there is no dependency painful sensations from menstruation, it is better to make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor may order a cardiogram, x-ray of some parts of the spine, ultrasound of the heart and thyroid gland.

Pain in the middle of the chest may be associated with injury osteochondral structures breasts, internal organs peripheral diseases nervous system and spine, myofascial syndrome, or psychogenic diseases, such as colitis.

Thoracalgia can be a manifestation of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, dissecting aortic aneurysm, prolapse mitral valve, pleurisy, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, pneumonia, malignant pulmonary neoplasms, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers duodenum or stomach, cancer or pancreatitis of the pancreas, cholecystitis), as well as diaphragmatic abscess.

They note only a weak relationship between severe pain sensations with colitis in chest and the seriousness of the reason that provoked it.

Pain in the middle of the chest - causes

Coronarogenic cardiac lesions - cause of chest pain

Acute myocardial infarction myocardium. The sensations during myocardial infarction are close to those observed during myocardial ischemia, but longer and more intense (almost half an hour), nitroglycerin and rest cannot relieve them. III and IV heart sounds often appear.

Myocardial ischemia (colitis in the chest). A feeling of pressure behind the sternum with a characteristic irradiation to the area of ​​the left arm; quite often the chest hurts in the middle during physical stress, often after meals due to emotional distress. Nitroglycerin and rest are diagnostically effective for chest pain.

Non-coronary heart lesions - cause of chest pain

Pericarditis. Pain in the chest area during pericarditis is one of the characteristic symptoms illness, but pain syndrome has characteristic features. As a rule, pain in the middle of the chest in the case of pericarditis occurs only at the very beginning of the disease, when friction of the pericardial layers occurs. If a significant amount of fluid appears in the pericardial cavity, or the cavity fusions, the pain disappears, as a result of which the pain syndrome does not last long.

Colitis in the chest in 75-90% of people with myocarditis. Most often, this is an aching, pressing or stabbing pain that appears in the chest, most often in the heart. There is no connection with physical activity, and occasionally there is a noticeable increase in pain in the periods following the exercise. Nitrates cannot relieve pain. There is no clear connection between pain syndrome and ECG changes.

The causes of pain in the sternum on the left can be various factors which are provoked various diseases. Every person experiences pain in the left side of the chest at least once in their life. Such symptoms do not have gender or age differences, affecting men and women, both old and young. People react in the same way: they begin to worry because the problems may concern the heart.

Questions of etiology

There are pains of various nature:

  1. 1. People have pain under the chest, cutting, aching, burning or piercing on the left side.
  2. 2. The intensity of symptoms in men and women can vary from mild to severe pain, periodic and constant.
  3. 3. Gives off to different parts of the body. Usually it stabs under the shoulder blade, in the area of ​​the heart, abdominal cavity, jaw, neck, upper limb or shoulder.
  4. 4. Soreness can change location when inhaling, changing posture, or performing hand movements.

The causes of such symptoms may be diseases:

  1. 1. Digestive tract.
  2. 2. Thoracic spinal column.
  3. 3. Heart, especially angina and heart attack, damage to the membranes and cardiac tissue.
  4. 4. Lesions of a rheumatic nature.
  5. 5. Neurological diseases.
  6. 6. Damage to the ribs.

Why does it hurt in the heart area? Pain in the area of ​​the left sternum is associated with the heart, and this is precisely the reason for contacting cardiologists so that they can explain what this or that symptom means.

Doctors divide heart pain into 2 large groups:

  1. 1. Anginal, which are associated with coronary disease.
  2. 2. Cardialgia caused by inflammatory diseases hearts, congenital pathologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ischemic and angina pectoris severe or mild pain appears in the chest when a person experiences emotional stress, stress, increased blood pressure or blood flow. They manifest themselves during movement, emotional disorders, leaving a state of rest, and occur in the form of attacks.

The pain differs in nature:

  • burning;
  • pressing;
  • compressive.

Localized in the left shoulder, arm, behind the sternum, lower jaw accompanied by shortness of breath. If the pain is strong and pressing, radiating to the sternum, then this is a sign of a heart attack. It is urgent to call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital, since pain cannot be relieved with nitroglycerin drugs.

The cardiological group of heart pain manifests itself in diseases such as:

  1. 1. Rheumatic pathologies.
  2. 2. Myocarditis.
  3. 3. Pericarditis.

They have an aching, stabbing character that lasts for a long time. The pain is localized to the left of the sternum, becoming stronger when coughing or sighing. It can be eliminated for a short time with painkillers, but not with Nitroglycerin.

Other reasons. Factors that provoke pain in the heart area are also caused by other diseases, not just heart ones. It can be classified according to the manifestations and intensity of pain:

  1. 1. When turning the body or bending, moving the arms, breathing, it is very painful - this is a symptom of the development of thoracic radiculitis, costal cartilage.
  2. 2. While driving appears strong pain, which affects the intercostal space, which indicates activation of the herpes zoster virus in the human body. If mild or intermittent pain is observed when walking, then this is evidence of the onset of neurosis.
  3. 3. Depression or stress provokes pain that radiates to the neck and shoulder.
  4. 4. Shortness of breath appears due to problems with gastrointestinal tract when there is pressure on the heart, especially after eating. Pathologies stand out especially small intestine, stomach ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia, accompanied by nausea and pain, the development of a hiatal hernia, the formation of cancerous growths that arise in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. 5. Shortness of breath and pain can be caused by pinching cardiac nerve, curvature of the spine, development of osteochondrosis.
  6. 6. Problems with the spleen, its inflammation or pathologies provoke a heart attack. This includes an abscess, a splenic cyst, its injuries, rupture, twisting of the leg, development infectious mononucleosis. The consequence of such processes can be a heart attack or coronary heart disease.
  7. 7. Problems with the bronchi and lungs, among which pneumonia and pleurisy of a left-sided nature stand out. Their signs include dull, weak pain in the side, back, and chest.
  8. 8. Oncological diseases of the mammary glands, or the occurrence of a cyst, abscess, fibroadenoma there.

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to clarify the initial diagnosis, which the doctor makes based on symptoms and clinical manifestations. Therefore, you need to undergo special diagnostics, which are prescribed by a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon. Traditional methods examinations are:

  1. 1. Taking an electrocardiogram.
  2. 2. Taking a stress ECG or bicycle ergometry.
  3. 3. Holter monitoring electrocardiogram, which is carried out within 24 hours.
  4. 4. Phonocardiographic method aimed at detecting heart murmurs.
  5. 5. Echocardiography - carried out using ultrasound to understand the condition of the heart muscles, valves, their structure, and the movement of blood through the cavities.
  6. 6. Coronary angiography - the condition of the coronary arteries.
  7. 7. Myocardial scintigraphy - features of the blood supply to the heart muscles.

In order to exclude causes of pain that may not be caused by heart disease, a CT scan, X-ray, or MRI of the spine is prescribed. Additionally, visits to such doctors as:

  1. 1. Medical psychologist.
  2. 2. Gastroenterologist.
  3. 3. Neuropathologist.
  4. 4. Orthopedist.

Doctors have found that if a person describes his condition in detail, then the causes of pain are not of cardiac origin. This gives reason to look for diseases outside the heart. A meager description of symptoms and manifestations, on the contrary, is evidence of the appearance serious illnesses hearts.

Almost every girl has a tingling sensation in her chest, sometimes it can be associated with serious pathological diseases. Symptoms can be completely different, and factors can be divided into natural and pathological. In most cases, such symptoms occur in women childbearing age. To accurately determine the cause of this condition, you must consult a specialized doctor.

Symptoms of tingling in the breast

The first thing that needs to be determined is the nature of the disease, duration, frequency and localization pain. The following types of pain are distinguished.

Cyclical. Associated with the frequency of production of certain hormones in different phases menstrual cycle.Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. 1. Aching and dull character.
  2. 2. Inflammatory reaction.
  3. 3. Formation of nodules.
  4. 4. Pain in both breasts.

Non-cyclical. They occur in one breast, are permanent and can get worse over time. Symptoms:

  1. 1. Burning and squeezing in the mammary gland.
  2. 2. Pain in one of the mammary glands (colic right side).

They are not associated with menstruation.

Dangerous manifestations

Related to availability various diseases.Main Feature:

  1. 1. Daily and progressive pain that lasts more than 2 weeks.
  2. 2. Localization in only one area.

Such pain interferes with a person's normal activities. You can also identify the causes of pain, which are the source of various pathologies.


In order to begin treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. They can be divided into 2 types:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological factors generally do not pose a health risk and are considered normal.

It could be:

  • Pregnancy period. There is a change in the glands that are preparing for lactation, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  • Lactation time. At breastfeeding Various pain sensations occur quite often.
  • Menstruation. Tingling occurs due to sudden hormonal surges, that is, during menstruation. Symptoms are cyclical.

Pathological factors may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • Mastopathy. It is accompanied by pain and burning in the chest; lumps of various sizes can be felt.
  • Mastitis. Occurs during breastfeeding, redness, swelling and hardening of the glands appears, and the temperature rises. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, mastitis occurs in one of the breasts (that is, right or left). Very rarely in two.
  • Various formations in the mammary gland. These may be benign and malignant tumors. You should consult a doctor, explain the problem and undergo diagnostics.
  • Disorders associated with the spine.
  • Endocrine disruptions. The thyroid gland produces female hormones, which is why, with various changes and malfunctions, pain and tingling sensations in the chest may occur.
  • Heart diseases and circulatory system. The pain is localized in the left side of the mammary gland.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Occurs when nerve endings are pinched.

Diagnosis of the disease

For determining accurate diagnosis it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and take several tests. Specialized doctor may prescribe the following set of tests:

  1. 1. Collection of general anamnesis.
  2. 2. Visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands. If during palpation various lumps are found in the chest, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy. This is necessary to determine the nature of the tumor.
  3. 3. Ultrasound of the breast and thyroid gland.
  4. 4. Clinical analysis.
  5. 5. Mammography.
  6. 6. ECG.
  7. 7. Radiography cervicothoracic region spine.

Any chest pain should be a reason to visit a doctor. It comes in different types and intensities. Tingling sensations are distinguished by their impulsiveness.

When it stings on the right side of the chest with localization in various areas, this may indicate the development of serious diseases. There are many reasons for tingling and it is worth understanding them in more detail.

In contact with

What is it like when there is a stabbing sensation in the chest?

When there is a stabbing sensation in the chest, this is a signal indicating the presence of health problems. Both a pinched nerve and a myocardial infarction can cause tingling. When this kind of discomfort occurs in the chest area, it is worth assessing how serious it is.

On right

When it stings on the right side of the chest, it may not be so easy to immediately make a diagnosis. Often appear additional symptoms like increased blood pressure, attacks of suffocation occur. Sometimes there is numbness.

One of the most common causes of tingling on the right side is diseases of the spine. Stitching in the right side of the chest when intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or costovertebral osteophyte is observed.

Many people wonder when there is a stabbing sensation on the right side of the chest, what is it? This area of ​​the body contains some important organs. Therefore, it is important to recognize the disease in time. Common reasons for stabbing on the right side of the chest include:

  1. Getting injured due to strong physical activity. If the body is not prepared for heavy loads, a significant increase in their volume will lead to stretching of the chest muscles. As a result, discomfort and pain are felt in this area.
  2. Pain in the chest on the right, stabbing, occurs due to fractured ribs. The nature of the tingling is sharp. If you start to cough or put pressure on the area, the pain gets worse.
  3. Bruises often cause stabbing pain on the right side. The presence of a bruise helps to recognize this cause.
  4. Pathologies of the respiratory system. Pneumonia can cause similar discomfort, adding general state fever, cough. may cause tingling on the right side.
  5. Constantly or periodically stabbing in the right chest due to illness digestive tract. Heartburn, food stagnation, cholecystitis in chronic form cause tingling on the right side.

Some of listed reasons can be eliminated independently, for example, by changing the training program, normalizing the amount of physical activity.

On the left side

If there is a stabbing sensation on the left side of the chest, it is recommended to visit a therapist. Ischemic disease can provoke such ailment in the form of stabbing pain. The heart muscle needs oxygen, and with a lack of it, pain receptors begin to be irritated.

Sometimes the pain radiates to left shoulder blade. It is a symptom indicating that cardiac pathology has begun to develop.

Many people, when a tingling sensation occurs in the left side of the chest, begin to worry more than with similar sensations on the right. All because of the cardiac projection located in this area. Left-sided tingling is often radiating heart pain.

Among the reasons why there is a stabbing sensation in the left chest, it is worth noting:

  • attacks of angina pectoris, manifested precisely by left-sided pain;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatic carditis;
  • tumor or tuberculous lesion of the left bronchus.

An accurate diagnosis can be found by undergoing an examination.

In the middle

Stitching between the chest in the middle is often due to pathologies associated with the heart. The most common diseases causing this symptom are:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • aortic aneurysm.

Angina pectoris is one of the first signals indicating problems with coronary circulation. The pain manifests itself not only in the middle, but can radiate to the shoulder, left hand, under the shoulder blade. The attack appears suddenly, causing the patient to literally freeze in place. The pain has different intensities, from strong to barely noticeable, more like discomfort. In addition to tingling, a burning sensation and a feeling as if there is pressure on the chest may occur.

Stitching in the middle of the chest is often due to myocardial infarction. An attack of pain can be single and prolonged or occur several times, each time increasing in intensity. One of the differences between myocardial infarction and angina is the nature of pain. They last longer and are more intense. Among accompanying symptoms it is worth noting:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath or an attack of suffocation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate.

Weakness, fever and dizziness appear much less frequently. Pain during myocardial infarction is characterized by a constant increase. It is difficult for the patient to tolerate it. If there is a slow-flowing myocardial rupture, “dagger pain” may occur.

The formation of an aortic aneurysm interferes with the normal flow of blood. With this disease, pain occurs that can radiate to the back and neck. The pain is severe and lasts from several hours to a couple of days. The following symptoms may also occur:

  1. The appearance of shortness of breath. May be accompanied by noisy wheezing. Inhalation is difficult.
  2. Difficulty swallowing.
  3. Pressing pain in the stomach area. May be accompanied by heartburn and vomiting.

When inhaling

Stitches in the chest when inhaling, if the standard volume of physical activity is exceeded, when walking. Pain of this nature can be provoked by a variety of factors.

When committing take a deep breath tingling sensations can radiate to any area of ​​the chest, including right area, left and in the middle.

Such pain is usually accompanied by several other symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • the temperature rises;
  • shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness appear;
  • cough.

Among the most probable causes why the chest tingles upon entry, it is worth noting:

  1. Pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Then it stings on the left side of the chest when inhaling. With such indicators, a common diagnosis is angina pectoris, which appeared against the background coronary disease. The impetus for the appearance of the disease is excessive physical exercise, overexertion and stress.
  2. Pathology associated with the respiratory system. Taking a strong breath, the patient, in addition to tingling, may feel weak, shortness of breath will appear, and attacks will begin. severe cough. There will be a feeling of lack of air. Pain of a stabbing nature with localization in the middle can indicate any bronchopulmonary problem.

Why is there a stabbing pain under the chest?

Pain appears in the area under the breast due to diseases of the lungs, heart, intestines, musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is important to find out the cause of tingling and start treatment on time.

On the right side

When it stings on the right side under the chest, various factors could provoke it. It is worth noting the most common diseases:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary system;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • injury to the chest area.

The listed reasons can cause pain on the right under the breast. Final diagnosis The doctor will determine it after the examination.

Left side

When it stings in the left side under the chest, you need to quickly find out the cause. The most common include diseases of the heart, spleen, stomach or lungs. Severe pain sometimes indicates cancer. Therefore, you need to quickly consult a doctor. The left side may hurt for the following reasons:

  1. Diseases respiratory tract and lungs. Maybe also left-sided pleurisy.
  2. Diseases of the spleen or pancreas. The appearance and enlargement of a cyst, injury to the spleen, blockage of large vessels.
  3. In older people, it often stings under the chest on the left due to osteochondrosis, neuralgia or colitis.
Colitis may cause stabbing pain in the chest area. However, other symptoms will also be present, such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and weakness.

Heart pain is different in that it does not decrease after taking painkillers, it occurs suddenly, and its intensity constantly increases. Also, when changing the position of the body, the strength of the pain does not change. In other cases, particularly with osteochondrosis, the pain may subside and after a while appear in another area; painkillers help improve the condition, while heart medications do not work. Often the intensity of pain changes when changing body position.

Useful video

For more information about the causes of chest pain, watch the following video:


  1. There are many reasons why there is stabbing in the chest. Stitching pain, occurring on the right or left side, may indicate osteochondrosis or problems with the respiratory system.
  2. Discomfort in the central part of the chest is often associated with heart pathologies, such as myocardial infarction.
  3. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system can manifest as pain appearing on the right side.
  4. If it stings in the left side, you can assume colitis, diseases of the spleen or cardiac irradiation.