The most famous surgeon in the world. Outstanding Russian doctors who changed medicine

We present to your attention information about medical specialists in Russia

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Spine Surgery, Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS

Traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. Proficient in all modern methods of surgical and non-surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord.

Head of the course of vertebrology at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov.

For more than 30 years, he has been engaged in surgical and conservative treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord. Trained and worked in Germany with Dr. Wolfhard Caspar, the author of the microsurgical discectomy technique (neurosurgical clinic of the University of Saarland, Homburg-Saar, 1992)). Worked in Mexico, Colombia, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Turkey.

Participant of the annual AO courses on spine surgery in Switzerland (Davos) and in Moscow (organizer, lecturer and chairman).

He has 19 certificates as a specialist in spine surgery and orthopedic traumatology in Germany, Switzerland and France.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Association of Spine Surgeons. Member of the Russian Medical Association of Doctors. Member of the Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the AO Spine European Region, member of the North American Society of Vertebrologists (NASS). Author of 110 scientific publications, 7 patents for inventions, 4 patents of the Russian Federation. Author of the scientific discovery “The pattern of development of compression of neurovascular formations in the intervertebral canals of the human lumbar spine”, diploma N 114 for the discovery of 11/19/98. Author of the first monograph in Russia and the CIS on microsurgical discectomy, “Surgical rehabilitation of radicular syndrome in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.” Co-author of three textbooks. Member of the editorial board of the journals Spine Surgery, Medical Care, Osteosynthesis.
Member of the specialized academic council for the defense of doctoral dissertations of the MMA named after. I.M. Sechenova (traumatology-orthopedics), member of the specialized Academic Council for the defense of candidate dissertations of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS (surgery), member of the expert council on surgery of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Development of low-traumatic methods for decompression of the contents of the spinal canal and interbody fusion.

Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, academician Russian Academy Medical Sciences (RAMS) (1997), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1997), Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (1998), Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences , supervisor state program development of high technology medicine since 1998.
He studied at the Andijan Medical Institute, graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov in 1971. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.
Since 1971 - a local general practitioner, in 1972-1973 - a traumatologist at the Reutov City Hospital (Reutov, Moscow Region). Part-time, he worked as a surgeon at the 70th hospital in Moscow and as a traumatologist at the Balashikha district hospital in the Moscow region. In 1973-1975 he worked in clinical residency in surgery at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Since March 1975 year - junior Researcher at the Department of Microvascular Surgery, since 1978, Senior Researcher at the Department of Vascular Microsurgery of the All-Union Scientific Center for Surgery of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
In 1984, he began to specialize in cardiac surgery and was sent for an internship at the clinic of the famous American surgeon Michael DeBakey in Houston. After returning from the USA, he was appointed head of the department of cardiovascular surgery at the A.L. Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Known as an authoritative specialist who has developed unique areas in reconstructive, vascular and cardiac surgery. Works in such areas as reconstructive and plastic microsurgery, reconstructive and plastic surgery limbs, reconstructive microsurgery of the coronary arteries, surgical treatment of coronary heart disease, surgical treatment of arrhythmias, myocardial protection, laser angioplasty, issues of heart transplantation and the heart-lung complex. Became a co-author of the country's first operations on replantation of fingers, transplantation of toes onto the hand, complex toes plastic surgery for the restoration of a fingerless hand, etc.
In November 1996, he performed coronary heart bypass surgery on the first President of the Russian Federation, B.N. Yeltsin.
Author of more than 300 scientific publications. is the initiator and one of the main developers of the Federal program “High-Tech Medicine”. Elected as a member of the board of directors of the M. DeBakey International Surgical Society (1995), a member of the scientific council of the World Society of Angiologists (1994), a member of the Presidium of the Russian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (1994), a member of the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (2000).

Corresponding member RAMS, prof., doctor of medical sciences After graduating from graduate school in 1973 at the Department of Urology 1 MMI named after. I.M. Sechenov worked at the Academy, successively holding the positions of assistant, associate professor, professor, and since 1998, head of the department of urology.
In 2002 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and since 2004 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
In 2002, Yuri Gennadievich was elected an honorary member of the Russian Society of Urologists, in the same year he was awarded the “Excellence in Health Care” badge, and in 2007 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Professor of the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov.”
Alyaev Yuri Gennadievich is a famous urologist whose scientific research is devoted to various sections of urology. His publications reflect the issues of diagnosis and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, cancer Bladder and prostate gland, varicocele.
He was one of the first in Russia to use thoracoabdominal approaches for kidney operations (his PhD thesis was defended in 1973). He developed tactical and technical aspects of surgical aids for tumor thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, metastatic damage to neighboring organs, and surgery for cancer of a single and both kidneys (doctoral dissertation defended in 1989).
Under the leadership of Yu. G. Alyaev, almost all modern endoscopic and minimally invasive interventions have been widely introduced into the operational practice of urology clinics and are successfully used.
One of the first and only urologists, Yu. G. Alyaev, operated on the most severely ill patients in the barooperative room. He operated on 65 patients under conditions of hyperbaric oxygenation at an excess pressure of 2-4 atmospheres. The results of these complex operations and studies have been published in domestic and foreign literature.
Currently, the team of the urological clinic First Moscow State Medical University them. THEM. Sechenov, led by Yu. G. Alyaev, actively studies and uses in everyday medical practice all the latest high-tech diagnostic methods, from molecular to virtual.

Anshina Margarita Beniaminovna was born in Odessa into a family of doctors.

Graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in 1973,
since 1978 - employee of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the same institute, where she was accepted to create a radioimmunological laboratory. In 1982, V.M. Zdanovsky invited her to the infertility group as a gynecologist-endocrinologist. By that time, she had created a laboratory for hormonal diagnostics, which used the most modern methods for determining hormones: radioimmunological, immunofluorescent, immunoenzyme, etc. In 1985, she proposed a new, immunoluminescent, method for determining hormones (author’s certificate N 2023416), and improved other methods for determining hormones, which made it possible to quadruple the throughput of expensive imported reagents without loss of research quality. As a member of Zdanovsky’s group, since 1982, Margarita Beniaminovna began to engage in IVF, first in natural, then stimulated cycles. She is the author of a modified IVF protocol, in which, after retrieving the egg, follicular fluid was returned to the patient's abdominal cavity.
Anshina Margarita Beniaminovna is the author of the country's first popular book about infertility - “If you need a child...”, which described in detail modern approaches to solving the problem of childless marriage, including IVF. To date, the book has been published with a total circulation of about 160,000 copies totaling 9 editions. M.B. Anshina is the author of many scientific and popular articles, as well as patents devoted to the treatment of infertility and genetic diseases, mainly by methods of assisted reproduction. Since 1990, Anshina has been one of the organizers and most active participants in seminars and then conferences on infertility treatment. On her initiative and through her efforts, the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR) is created, of which she becomes vice-president. M.B. Anshina is the founder and for more than 10 years the publisher and editor-in-chief of the journal Problems of Reproduction. All this activity contributed to the introduction of modern methods of treating infertility and their popularization throughout Russia and its neighbors - Belarus, Ukraine and other republics. In 1997 For her work “In vitro fertilization program in the treatment of infertile marriages” she was awarded a prize from the Russian government. And in 2002, she established a personal award for the best scientific research presented at the RAHR conference. M.B. Anshina was directly involved in the creation of IVF centers in different cities of Russia and neighboring countries, among them such well-known ones as the International Center for Reproductive Medicine in St. Petersburg, the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Krasnoyarsk, IVF centers in Kiev, Minske and others. For many years she has been elected to the committee of advisors of the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology.
Currently, M.B. Anshina is the founder and director of the FertiMed Center for Reproduction and Genetics, Moscow. Despite the short period of its existence - only two and a half years - the center has achieved high pregnancy rates; it practices all currently known methods of assisted reproduction: IVF, ICSI, donor programs and surrogacy program, preimplantation genetic diagnostics are available own bank eggs, sperm, embryos. The center actively cooperates with the Chicago Institute of Reproductive Genetics and personally Yuri Verlinsky, the International Center for Reproductive Medicine and personally with Vladislav Stanislavovich Korsak, Gemabank, and other centers and institutes. The employees of the FertiMed center are carrying out serious scientific work to improve the conditions for cultivating embryos, which was awarded a Diploma from the Moscow Government. The center is the base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education (the head of the department is Professor N.M. Podzolkova), which provides an opportunity for doctors undergoing advanced training to attend a short course of lectures by M.B. Anshina and gain basic knowledge on reproductive medicine.

Belenkov Yuri Nikitich was born in 1948 in St. Petersburg. He graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Institute in 1972. In the same year, he entered clinical residency at the Institute of Cardiology named after. A.L. Myasnikov Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1974, he defended his Ph.D. thesis ahead of schedule, without completing graduate school. In 1982, at the age of 34, he defended his doctoral dissertation. From 1991 to 2008 he was director of the Institute of Cardiology named after. A.L. Myasnikov Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex. From 2006 to 2008 he headed Federal Agency on Health and Social Development. He is the editor-in-chief of the journals Cardiology, Heart and Heart Failure, and a member of the editorial boards of many domestic and foreign scientific journals. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1978, State Prizes in 1980 and 1989, and the Russian Government Prize in 2003. Since 1993, corresponding member, and since 1999, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, since 2000, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the founder and president of the Russian Scientific Society of Heart Failure Specialists, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Cardiologists and the Society of Cardiologists of the CIS countries. Yu.N. Belenkov is the author of fundamental works on heart failure, cardiomyopathies and primary pulmonary hypertension. In 1973, for the first time in our country, he introduced clinical practice method ultrasound examination heart, and in 1983, also for the first time in our country, the method of magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and blood vessels. For many years, Yu.N. Belenkov studies issues of space cardiology. He took part in the creation of domestic ultrasonic technology, including for equipping space orbital station. He has more than 600 scientific papers, the author of 18 monographs published in our country and abroad. He trained 64 candidates and doctors of medical sciences. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, Honor and for Merit to the Fatherland III degree. Vice-Rector of Moscow State University (since 2008).

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgery of the Aorta and Its Branches. Doctor of Medical Sciences (“Reconstructive surgery for coronary heart disease” 1987), professor. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. For studying the problems of aneurysms thoracic aorta and successful implementation of new surgical technologies was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Winner of the international award of academician Boris Petrovsky “Outstanding Surgeon of the World” (gold medal). Laureate of the Prize and gold medal named after. IN AND. Burakovsky Research Center of Agricultural Sciences named after. A.N. Bakuleva. Laureate of the Prize named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky RAMS. Vice-President of the Society of Angiologists of Russia, member of the European Society of Vascular Surgeons, member of the American Society of Thoracic Surgeons, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, member of the Scientific Council on Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

He has unique surgical experience - he has performed more than 3,200 heart surgeries with artificial circulation, 3,000 surgeries on the aorta and its branches, 1,000 vascular surgeries lower limbs.
Fluent in operations:
aorto- and mammary-coronary bypass surgery,
resection of a left ventricular aneurysm in combination with coronary artery bypass grafting;
combined operations of aorto-coronary bypass with reconstruction of arteries of other regions,
Bentall De Bono and David operations for aneurysm of the ascending aorta with aortic insufficiency,
operations for prosthetics of the aorta and its branches for aneurysms of the arch and thoracoabdominal aorta, including Borst and Crawford operations,
operations for reconstruction of extracranial arteries of the brain,
reconstruction of the renal arteries for renovascular hypertension,
aortofemoral bypass surgery for Leriche syndrome,
femoral-femoral and femoral-popliteal-tibial bypass,
operations for coarctation of the aorta, vascular injuries,
heart valve replacement,
minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery, heart valve replacement.

Published more than 850 scientific articles and 11 monographs. “Guide to Vascular Surgery with an Atlas of Operative Techniques” was awarded the prize named after. IN AND. Spasokukotsky RAMS. Yu.V. Belov is the editor-in-chief of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery and a member of the editorial boards of 6 scientific journals.

Trained 54 students in the specialty of vascular surgery, including 16 doctors and 38 candidates of medical sciences.

Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health. President of the All-Russian public organization"League of National Health". Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria is a leading cardiac surgeon, a famous scientist and organizer of medical science. International recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain. Leo Antonovich Bockeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstration operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L. A. Bockeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons, the highest title in the surgical hierarchy. Since 2003, Leo Antonovich has been a member of the Presidium (consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

L.A. Bockeria - President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved the holding of regular congresses with the wide participation of nursing staff and young specialists, and attracted leading foreign surgeons to give lectures and demonstrate operations. During 1993-1998 was the Chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important regulatory documents, the creation of new types of electrical stimulators, the formation of regional centers.
Editor-in-Chief of a number of journals: Annals of Surgery, Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases, Bulletin of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS “Cardiovascular Diseases”, “Creative Cardiology”, “Annals of Arrhythmology”, “Clinical Physiology of Circulation”, “Bulletin of Lymphology”, information collection “Cardiovascular Surgery”. Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Savelyev, L.A. Bokeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Breast and Cardiovascular Surgery”. Leo Antonovich was also the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication Doctor.
In June 2003, Leo Bockeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization “League of National Health”, in the creation of which the most prominent scientists, literary and artistic figures, athletes, politicians, and businessmen participated. The League’s task is to achieve the creation of a model of self-development of medicine, to develop “sports for all”, to strengthen the family, to spread the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, to create conditions for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, and the revival of national cultural traditions. Since 2003, Leo Bockeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the President of Russia. From 2006 to 2009 - Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Brand Yakov Beniaminovich was born on May 2, 1955 in Odessa.
Graduated from Odessa State Medical Institute in 1979,
1979-1981 - employee of hospitals in Nikolaev and Nikolaev region;
1981-1984 - resident doctor (surgeon) of the emergency microsurgery department of City Clinical Hospital No. 51 in Moscow; participant in a number of unique limb replantation operations; Leading Researcher of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
State Prize laureate, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Department of Emergency Coronary Surgery at the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky.
Priority scientific interests: surgery of multifocal atherosclerosis, surgical treatment of cancer patients with cardinal pathology; author of more than 40 scientific papers, 4 rationalization proposals.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Organ Transplantation Department of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky RAMS. Under his leadership, two fundamental directions were developed: liver transplantation for severe diffuse diseases and treatment of extensive focal liver lesions using extremely large radical resections.

S.V. Gautier has the largest personal experience in Russia to perform cadaveric liver transplantation and is the only surgeon performing related liver transplantation. His experience exceeds 140 operations.

He is the author of an original technique for transplanting the right lobe of the liver from a living related donor, which he performed for the first time in the world in November 1997. This technique has been patented and has now become widespread throughout the world. The results of liver transplantation performed at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences correspond to the most successful foreign programs, and in the field of related transplantation the results are superior to foreign ones.

Through the efforts of S.V. Gauthier and the team he heads, the only transplantation center in Russia has been organized and operates on the basis of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, providing the country's population with an independent type of transplant care on a federal scale - liver transplantation. A new direction that is successfully developing in this center is liver transplantation in pediatrics, including patients in the first year of life.
S.V. Gauthier is the only surgeon in Russia who performs liver transplantation for children.

S.V. Gauthier has the greatest experience in Russia in performing extensive and extremely large liver resections for giant tumors, having unique results on the survival of patients - adults and children. It successfully combines the capabilities of liver surgery with various transplantation technologies, allowing to expand the scope and increase the radicality of the operation. He is responsible for the only operations in Russia on autotransplantation of the liver stump after extremely large resections, as well as on prosthetics of the inferior vena cava as part of an extended liver resection.

In 2000, S.V. Gauthier headed the organ transplantation department organized at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which, in addition to the liver transplantation department he headed, included the kidney transplantation department and the hemodialysis laboratory.

In February 2002, he became the first surgeon in Russia to perform a multi-organ transplantation - a simultaneous transplantation of the liver and kidney into one recipient, and in October 2003, for the first time in the world, he performed a simultaneous transplantation of the right lobe of the liver and kidney from a living related donor. Under the leadership of S.V. Gauthier at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences began to develop a new clinical direction for Russia - kidney transplantation in young children, and the program of related kidney transplantation was resumed.

Since October 2002, S.V. Gauthier was the first in Russia to perform related transplantation of a fragment of the pancreas for type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults and children. Thus, for the first time in domestic practice, radical treatment of diabetes mellitus has been carried out.

The development of high technologies in the field of organ transplantation has contributed to scientific progress in the field of related disciplines - anesthesiology, resuscitation, perfusionology, etc. Unique fundamental scientific data have been obtained on the pathophysiological and morphological mechanisms of liver survival in extreme situations and its regeneration.

Under the leadership of S.V. Gauthier liver transplantation has evolved from an experimental operation that is exclusive to Russian practice into a routine procedure performed weekly with a predicted positive outcome. Professor Gauthier combines his high surgical activity with successful scientific and teaching activities. He created a school of transplantologists developing various areas of organ transplantation, liver and pancreas surgery. Under his leadership, 12 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. Much attention to S.V. Gauthier devotes his time to training specialists from various regions of Russia and foreign countries, implementing a program to organize new transplant centers. Students of S. V. Gauthier have already performed the first operations on related liver transplantation in St. Petersburg and Ukraine.

S.V. Gauthier is the author of more than 350 published works in the field of surgery and liver transplantation, including chapters in the monographs “Clinical Transplantology”, “Introduction to Clinical Transplantology”, “50 Lectures on Surgery”, “Practical Hepatology”, “Manual of Gastroenterology” and etc. More than 150 works have been published abroad. S.V. Gauthier is a recognized specialist among foreign transplantologists and gives lectures and reports at international congresses and symposiums. The first series of 100 liver transplant operations in Russia was widely discussed by the medical community, and the results were highly praised.

Professor Gauthier actively popularizes the possibilities of organ transplantation among the population and the medical community, speaking in the press and on television.

S.V. Gauthier is a member of the Council of the European Society of Transplantation, member of the board International Association hepatologist surgeons of Russia and the CIS countries, member of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, member of the International Association of Gastroenterologists and Surgeons. S.V. Gauthier serves on the editorial board of the journal Annals of Surgical Hepatology. In 2001 and 2004 he was awarded diplomas of the national award for the best doctors of Russia “Calling”. In 2005, S.V. Gauthier was elected corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of the Highest Qualification Category, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Head of the Neurosurgery Center, which carries out the full range of neurosurgical operations for various diseases of the brain and spinal cord, including neuro-oncology, vascular diseases, spinal diseases pathology and functional lesions of the central nervous system. During his clinical practice, the professor performed several thousand surgical operations, developed new methods of surgical treatment and organized a structure of care for patients from various regions of Russia. Honorary member of the Russian and International Societies of Neurosurgeons, constantly taking part in local and foreign congresses and conferences.

doctor. honey. Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Emergency Neurosurgery of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, chief neurosurgeon of the Moscow Department of Health, Moscow.

Davydov Mikhail Ivanovich was born on October 11, 1947 in the Ukrainian city of Konotop, Sumy region. In 1966 he graduated from the Kiev Suvorov Military School and served for 3 years in the airborne forces. In 1970 he entered the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after. Sechenov, worked there as a laboratory assistant at the department operative surgery(1971 -1973), graduated from the institute in 1975. Completed residency (1975 -1977) and graduate school (1977 -1980) at the Oncological Research Center named after. Blokhina. Defended his candidate's thesis ("Combined resections and gastrectomies for cancer proximal part stomach") and doctoral dissertation ("Simultaneous operations in combined and surgical treatment of esophageal cancer"), received the academic title of professor. In 1986 he became a leading researcher in the thoracic department, in 1992 he headed the research institute clinical oncology RONC named after. Blokhin, in 2001 he became director of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after. Blokhina. In 2003 he was accepted as a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 2004 - into the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2006 he was elected president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. He held this post until March 1, 2011.
Davydov’s scientific and practical activities are devoted to the development of new and improvement of existing methods of surgical treatment of tumors of the lung, esophagus, stomach, and mediastinum. He developed a fundamentally new technique for intrapleural gastroesophageal and esophageal-intestinal anastomoses, characterized by originality of technical execution, safety and high physiology. Through the use of mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, the results of treatment of cancer of the esophagus, lung, and stomach have been improved. Davydov was the first in oncology surgery to perform operations involving plastic surgery of the vena cava, pulmonary artery, and aorta. He developed a method of combined esophageal resection with circular resection and tracheoplasty for esophageal cancer complicated by esophageal-tracheal fistula. Under the leadership of Davydov, 70 doctoral and 100 candidate dissertations were defended. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific works, including 3 monographs and 6 scientific and methodological films. The activities of Mikhail Davydov were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Training, Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

A.B. Danilov works at MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov since 1986. He defended his candidate's dissertation in 1988 and his doctorate in 1994. Received the academic title of professor in 1999.

Trained in Italy (Neurological Institute C. Mondino, University Center for Adaptive Disorders and Headache, Pavia, Italy 1992-1993).

In 2000 for achievements in the field scientific research Due to the problem of pain, I received a residence permit in the USA. Qualification medical commission The USA has confirmed the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain, the International Headache Society, and the American Academy of Neurology. Author of 200 scientific papers in domestic and foreign press. Author practical guides and collective monographs on various problems neurology: “Diseases of the autonomic nervous system”, “Guide to autonomic pathology”, “Pain and pain relief”, “Pain syndromes in neurological practice”, “Neurology for general practitioners”, “Panic attacks”. Author of the monographs “Neuropathic Pain”, “Neurology for the Patient”, and the popular science book “Formula of Happiness”.

Member of many international congresses and conferences on headaches, autonomic pathology, neuropathic pain and other nervous diseases.

Title: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
A world-famous scientist who has made a huge scientific contribution to the development of priority areas in endocrinology, an excellent teacher and health care organizer.
Graduated from Voronezh Medical Institute in 1964.
Doctor of Medical Sciences since 1976, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy since 1987; Head of the Endocrinology Course; 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after. THEM. Sechenov since 1988, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1991, academician since 1994, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in the period 1995-2006.
From 1988 to the present, director of the Endocrinological Research Center. At the same time, the chief endocrinologist of the Ministry of Health and Social development Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova, Head of the WHO Collaborating Center on Diabetes Mellitus and the Federal Diabetology Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Dedov Ivan Ivanovich - leader of domestic endocrinology in the 90s. - beginning of the 21st century, head of large-scale research programs on key problems of modern endocrinology. Contributed to the study of neurohormonal regulation of endocrine functions, mechanisms of hypothalamic-himmapophyseal connections in onto- and phylogenesis, ultrastructural bases of hypothalamic secretion, issues of radiation endocrinology, diagnosis and treatment tumor diseases thyroid gland, development and implementation of new technologies for combined treatment of Itsenko-Cushing's disease, pituitary tumors, acromegaly.
Author of more than 700 scientific publications in domestic and foreign literature.
He was the initiator and participant in the development and implementation of Federal target programs " Diabetes" and " Combating iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland. Under the leadership of Academician Ivan Ivanovich Dedov, standards and optimal algorithms for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases implemented in our country have been developed endocrine system, and also operate the State Register of Diabetes Patients, the Growth Center, the State Register of Disabled Children with Congenital Growth Hormone Deficiency, and the State Register of Acromegaly.
Being a major organizer of healthcare and science, Academician Dedov Ivan Ivanovich great attention pays attention to personnel training and implementation of the latest technologies.
In 1997, he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, For Services to the Fatherland, II, III and IV degrees.”
The President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was elected on March 1, 2011.

Director of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery II (surgical treatment of myocardial dysfunction and heart failure) Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery FPPOV MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov.

  • Laureate of the USSR State Prize in the field of cardiac surgery
  • Laureate of the International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons Award in the year of the 100th anniversary of cardiac surgery (1996)
  • Winner of the International Society for Artificial Organs Prize for developing the concept of post-transplant cardiomyopathy (1997).
Author of the discovery of the hemodynamic mechanism of reliable and efficient work aortic valve, created an original acellular xenobioprosthesis to replace the mitral heart valve and substantiated the concept of the pathogenesis of calcification of bioprostheses.
Author of new plastic surgeries on the tricuspid and aortic valves, methods of universal replacement of mitral valve leaflets with preservation of the supporting chordae and the function of the annular-ventricular interaction mechanism, remodeling of the left atrium cavity in case of atriomegaly with a Mercedes-type suture.
He experimentally substantiated and introduced into clinical practice the extracellular colloidal solution Consol for cardioplegia and long-term cardiac preservation.
Developed the idea and model of a valveless implantable artificial heart.
He developed and successfully performed a complete anatomical heart transplantation operation in the clinic, and substantiated the hypothesis of the development of post-transplant cardiomyopathy.
One of the first in the country, Professor S.L. Dzemeshkevich performed a series of successful operations on orthotopic transplantation of a donor heart in clinical practice. He developed and successfully performed a complete anatomical heart transplantation operation in the clinic, and today patients in this group live more than 20 years after a heart transplant.
S.L. Dzemeshkevich is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, including 5 monographs. He has 27 patents for inventions and discoveries.
  • Member of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia
  • Member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons
  • Member of the International College of Surgeons
  • Member of the International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons
  • Member of the International and European Artificial Organ Societies,
  • Member of the International Committee for the Supervision of Donation in Transplantology.
Member of the editorial boards of the journals: “The Annals of Thoracic Surgery”, “Transplantology”, “Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery”, “Heart and Vascular Diseases”.
Director of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Sergei Leonidovich Dzemeshkevich, carefully and purposefully determines the main directions of development of the largest multidisciplinary surgical clinic in Russia.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Sciences, President of the International Association of Surgeons named after N.I. Pirogova, board member of the Moscow and All-Russian Societies of Surgeons, member of the European Association of Emergency Surgery and Intensive Care and the International Society of Surgeons. Head of the Department of Emergency and General Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Academic title RAMS, prof., doctor of medical sciences Director of the clinic, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Ivashkin Vladimir Trofimovich.
Chief gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Member of the dissertation council D208.040.10
In 1958 V.T. Ivashkin graduated from the Tambov Suvorov Military School, and in 1964 from the Naval Faculty of the Leningrad Military Medical Academy.
From 1986 to 1988 - head of the department of hospital therapy at the Leningrad Military Medical Academy. All these years he successfully combined teaching, medical and research activities.
From 1988 to 1995, Major General of the Medical Service V.T. Ivashkin was the chief therapist of the USSR Ministry of Defense (RF).
Since 1995, Vladimir Trofimovich has been the director of the clinic of propaedeutics of internal diseases, gastroenterology, hepatology, head of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.
Great credit to V.T. Ivashkin was the creation of the Russian Gastroenterological Association (1991) and the Russian Society for the Study of the Liver (1995), of which he is the president.
V.T. Ivashkin created a national school of gastroenterologists and hepatologists, trained 42 doctors and 78 candidates of medical sciences. He is the founder of the Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology, the journal Clinical Perspectives of Gastroenterology, Hepatology (1999).
V.T. Ivashkin is the author and co-author of monographs. In 1997, V.T. Ivashkin was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1993), academician of the Kazakh Academy of Medical Sciences (2001), full member of the American Gastroenterological Association (1996), member of the American Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, member of the European Society for the Study of the Liver, member of the Nominations Committee World Organization gastroenterologists, member of the scientific committee of the Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology.
In 1993 V.T. Ivashkin was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, III degree (1989), medals.

Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care at the State Children's Clinical Hospital named after. N.F. Filatova, professor, doctor of medical sciences

Research activities of V.N. Ilyin is dedicated to the development of the most current areas of pediatric cardiac surgery. They made a great contribution to the development modern methods:
artificial circulation during cardiac surgery in newborns and infants;
surgical correction of the most complex congenital heart defects in young children (transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, multiple ventricular septal defects, double origin of the great arteries from the right ventricle, etc.);
postoperative intensive care.

V.N. Ilyin is a member of a number of Russian and foreign medical communities:
Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons;
Association of Pediatric Cardiologists of Russia;
European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons;
European Association of Pediatric Cardiac Surgeons;
World Society of Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery.

Director of the State Institution “Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. Academician N. N. Burdenko" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Russian State Medical University, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Business Neurosurgery". Chief neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, President of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia. Absolute winner of the Russian competition “Manager of the Year - 1999”. Born on December 12, 1933. Graduated with honors from the First Moscow Medical Institute (1957). Since 1957 he has been working at the Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko (clinical resident, graduate student, junior researcher, deputy director for scientific work). Since November 1975 - Director of the Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko RAMS.
Main areas of scientific activity: neurosurgery, neurology and clinical physiology of the nervous system.

A. N. Konovalov is an outstanding neurosurgeon, a world-famous scientist who has devoted his many years of research to the development of fundamental and applied aspects of neurosurgery, neurology and clinical physiology of the nervous system.

Since 1982, A.N. Konovalov has been an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (now the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), since 2000 a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of Biological Sciences).

Academician A. N. Konovalov scientifically substantiated, developed and introduced into practice a new direction - microneurosurgery, which made it possible not only to make almost any brain formation and any zone of the intracranial space available for gentle surgical intervention, but also to develop modern clinical physiology and pathophysiology of the hypothalamic-pituitary areas and the human brainstem.

He personally operated on more than 10,000 patients with the most complex neurosurgical pathologies.

The research of A. N. Konovalov, his students and collaborators has developed the modern doctrine of compensatory-adaptive processes of the central nervous system in focal brain lesions, which underlies the concept of an effective system of rehabilitation treatment.

Under the leadership of Academician A.N. Konovalov Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N. Burdenko RAMS has become one of the largest in the world and has firmly taken a leading position as a scientific and medical neurosurgical institution, and is the pride of domestic medicine.

A.N. Konovalov trained a school of modern neurosurgeons. More than 40 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended under his scientific supervision. Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Questions of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko,” member of the editorial boards of a number of foreign specialized journals.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the RUDN University, Vice-President of the Russian Arthroscopic Society, Director of the arthroscopic surgery course. Specializes in arthroscopic operations, sports medicine, endoprosthetics large joints, and also trains specialists from Russia and other countries in the most modern techniques of arthroscopic operations.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine. Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Emergency Neurosurgery of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, head. Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroreanimation of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, member of the board of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia, member of the European and World Associations of Neurosurgeons, member of the Higher Attestation Commission, editor-in-chief of the journal "Neurosurgery", deputy chairman of the Moscow Society of Neurosurgeons, Moscow.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova, President of the Moscow Society of Rhinologists.

A.S. Lopatin is a scientist whose name is well known both in Russia and far beyond its borders, a talented surgeon who masters the filigree technique of complex otorhinolaryngological operations and endoscopic interventions on the base of the skull.

A.S. Lopatin - President of the Russian Society of Rhinologists, delegate from Russia to the European Society of Rhinologists, Chairman of the International Consensus Commission on Polypous Rhinosinusitis, member of the editorial boards of the journals Consilium Medicum, Russian Medical Journal, Russian Allergological Journal, Russian Rhinology ", "Russian otorhinolaryngology", "Rhinology" (Ukraine), "Atmosphere"..

A.S. Lopatin Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. He has 5 patents for inventions and over 400 scientific publications, including in the prestigious international journals “Laryngoscope”, “Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery”, “European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology”, “Rhinology”, etc. Member of the editorial boards of many Russian and some foreign publications. Author of a textbook on the specialty for students of medical universities, two monographs, a guide for doctors “Rinitis” (M., 2010) and chapters in manuals (National Guide to Otorhinolaryngology, Guide to Pharmacotherapy of the Respiratory Organs, Russian Therapeutic Reference Book, etc.).

His areas of interest range from the treatment of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis and snoring to endoscopic operations based on the skull and complex rhinoplasty options.

Milanov Nikolay Olegovich

Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS N.O. Milanov is the country's leading scientist in the field of plastic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, replantology and autotransplantology of organs and tissues, one of the pioneers in the development of problems of plastic surgery and microsurgery in our country. He directs his main scientific interests to the development of fundamental and applied aspects of plastic surgery and microsurgery. His research formed the basis for the creation modern system diagnosis and surgical treatment of the most complex acute injuries of the extremities, post-traumatic conditions and a number of nosological forms (obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, acute and chronic local radiation injuries, post-traumatic and iatrogenic tracheal defects, post-traumatic and inflammatory strictures of the urethra and others). He is the author and implementer of the strategy for introducing microsurgical methods into various surgical specialties, including plastic surgery, urology, pediatric surgery, traumatology and orthopedics.

  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1994)
  • Order of Friendship (1998).
  • Order of Honor (2007).
  • Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1982) for developing the problem of microsurgical replantation of fingers and hands during traumatic amputation as part of a group of scientists.
  • Laureate of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation (1996) for the work “Microsurgical autotransplantation of organs and tissues in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients” as part of a group of scientists
  • Winner of the Vocation Award (2008) for performing the world's first revascularized trachea transplantation operation as part of a group of scientists.
Author of more than 670 scientific papers. He has written 8 monographs and chapters in 4 monographs. Under his leadership, 47 candidate and 15 doctoral dissertations were completed. Co-author of 47 copyright certificates and patents for inventions on various problems of plastic surgery and microsurgery. Since 2002, part-time head of the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 1 of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov. Since 2006 - member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Expert Commission of the Higher Attestation Commission on Surgical Sciences. Since 2010 - chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in plastic surgery. Since 1994 - President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons" Honorary Professor of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS, member of the All-Russian Association of Surgeons named after. N.I. Pirogov, board of the Section of Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Society of Surgeons of Moscow and the Moscow Region, Russian Society of Andrologists, International College of Surgeons, International Society of Angiologists, honorary member of the Yugoslav Society of Plastic Surgeons. Editor-in-chief of the journal Annals of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, member of the editorial board of the journals Surgeon, Aesthetic Medicine, Experimental and Clinical Dermatocosmetology and Oncosurgery, member of the editorial boards of the journals Andrology and Genital Surgery, Sexology and Sexopathology", "Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs".

Head of the Department of Purulent Surgery, Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Higher Surgeon qualification category. Main areas of activity: wounds and wound infection, purulent surgery, purulent traumatology, reconstructive and plastic surgery of wounds and defects of soft tissues and bones. Member of the Moscow Society of Surgeons. Author of 143 scientific papers. Co-author of 4 monographs and textbooks, 2 inventions and 4 scientific and practical films.

Corresponding member RAMS, professor, head. Department of Rheumatology MMA named after. THEM. Sechenova, director of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head. Department of Vascular Pathology of Rheumatic Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honorary President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Academic Council of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Specialized Council on Rheumatology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical Medicine and a number of other medical journals.

The main directions of scientific research by E. L. Nasonova are the immunopathology of rheumatic diseases, myocardial diseases and atherosclerosis, the development of new methods of immunological diagnostics and approaches to the treatment of human inflammatory diseases. Evgeny Lvovich pays special attention to the study of immune mechanisms of thrombus formation, the role of immunopathological processes in the development and progression of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic vasculitis and inflammatory myopathies. E. L. Nasonov is the coordinator (from Russia) of several large international studies (phase I-III) devoted to assessing the effectiveness of new anti-inflammatory drugs.

E. L. Nasonov is a general practitioner. He carries out extensive medical and advisory work related, in particular, to the diagnosis of immune disorders in diseases of the cardiovascular system and rheumatic diseases.

E. L. Nasonov is the author and co-author of more than 500 published works, including the monographs “Vasculopathy in antiphospholipid syndrome” (1995), “Pharmacotherapy of rheumatic diseases” (1996), “Rheumatological problems of osteoporosis” (1997), “Vasculitis and vasculopathy "(1998), "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Prospects for use in medicine" (1999), "Rational pharmacotherapy of rheumatic diseases" (2003), "Antiphospholipid syndrome" (2004), reference guide "Clinic and immunopathology of rheumatic diseases" (1995), textbook "Rheumatology in questions and answers" ( 1994), 12 chapters in monographs, including the manual “Rheumatic Diseases” (1997), chapters “Rheumatic Diseases” in the textbook on internal medicine for medical students, more than 30 scientific articles published in central foreign journals.

E. L. Nasonov - Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Academic Council of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Specialized Council on Rheumatology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Clinical Medicine and a number of other medical journals.

Perelman Mikhail Izrailevich Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Physiopulmonology of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.
He graduated from the Yaroslavl Medical Institute in 1945. His specialty is a surgeon. From 1945 to 1951 he worked as an assistant at the departments of anatomy and surgery of the Yaroslavl Medical Institute.
In 1951 - 1954 - chief surgeon of Rybinsk, in 1954 - 1955. - Assistant at the Department of Operative Surgery at the First Moscow Medical Institute, and from 1955 to 1958 - Associate Professor in the course of pulmonary surgery at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies.
In 1958 - 1962 - head of the pulmonary surgical department of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1963 to 1981 - head of the department of thoracic surgery of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Surgery of the USSR Ministry of Health.
Since 1981, he has been the head of the department of phthisiopulmonology at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, and is a consultant to the department of lung and mediastinal surgery of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as the Medical Center under the President of the Russian Federation.
Since 1998 - Director of the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.

The activities of M.I. Perelman harmoniously combine the qualities of a unique surgeon and a great scientist. He performed more than 3,500 operations on the chest organs, mainly on the lungs (for lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis and purulent-inflammatory diseases of the lungs).
Until now, he performs 120 operations a year. M.I. Perelman is the author of 12 monographs, a textbook, 14 chapters in international manuals, 160 articles in central domestic and foreign journals.
The main works are devoted to the surgical treatment of injuries and diseases of the trachea and bronchi, the diagnosis and treatment of lung tumors, surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis, and the use of various technical means in surgery. He trained 61 candidates of medical sciences, and with his consultations, 29 people defended their doctoral dissertations.

M.I. Perelman - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1986), Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences (1988), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1975), Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974), State Prize of Russia (1997), Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1985), Prize of the Government of the USSR (1991), Prize of the USSR Ministry of Health in Oncology (1976) and Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (1979), the Bakulev Prize of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1977), the Pirogov Prize (1978) and the Spasokukotsky Prize (1989), the Herzen Prize of the Academy of Creativity (1995). He is an honorary member of the International Society of Surgeons and 13 other domestic and foreign surgical societies, General Secretary of the Pirogov Association of Surgeons.

Title: Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Graduate of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov. From 1977 to 1981 he completed clinical residency and then graduate school at the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Hormone Chemistry of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1983 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1991 he was transferred to the I.M. MMA. Sechenov for the position of assistant at the Department of Endocrinology.
From 1996 to 2010, he acted as chief physician of the Endocrinology Clinic of the I.M. Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov. Thanks to his activities, the clinic was able to significantly increase the number of hospitalized patients, improve the level of examination and the quality of treatment. New specialized diagnostic and treatment rooms were opened, schools were organized for patients with diabetes, obesity, and menopausal syndrome. A program of high-tech medical care is being successfully implemented.
For his long and fruitful work, in 2008 he was awarded the title Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in 2011 - the title of Best Endocrinologist of Russia.
As Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology V.S. Pronin combines clinical work with teaching and research activities. In 2012, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Diagnostic and prognostic factors that determine the characteristics of clinical course and tactics for the treatment of acromegaly." He is the author of 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications, including monographs and teaching aids, and a participant and winner of major international congresses. The total medical experience is 33 years.

Head department Urology MGMSU, MD, Professor Chief urologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Russian Federation Today the name of Dmitry Yuryevich Pushkar enjoys great professional authority among numerous colleagues and patients. The number of patients cured by him grows every year. Unfortunately, today, urological diseases are a fairly common problem for people all over the world. Both men and women suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, and the number of these patients is steadily growing. Many patients who despair of their own cure find real help in the hands of this doctor, who treats diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder and prostate cancer, various forms of urinary incontinence in women and potency disorders in men. Pushkar D. Yu. has accumulated many years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, which allows thousands of patients to be brought back to life, making them socially active. In our country, he was a pioneer in performing radical prostatectomy, an operation that relieves a patient of prostate cancer within 2-3 hours, and his professional skill allows him to perform a nerve-sparing operation while preserving erectile function and the ability to retain urine. He patented minimized loop operations for patients suffering from urinary incontinence, the use of which allows many women who were considered inoperable to return to an active lifestyle, reducing the length of hospital stay to 3-4 days. Professional interest and the opportunity to collaborate with European clinics allows Pushkar D. Yu. to brilliantly perform reconstructive urological operations using vaginal access. Thanks to his active participation, for the first time in the Russian Federation, a program for the early detection of prostate cancer was developed and began to be applied, which is currently implemented in all major cities Russia. In Moscow, the implementation of this program was the opening of a free office for early diagnosis of prostate diseases on the basis of the consultative and diagnostic center of the 50th City Clinical Hospital. Pushkar D. Yu. receives patients every day and performs complex and much-needed surgical interventions for patients. Despite his constant employment, Pushkar D. Yu. heads the Department of Urology at Moscow State Medical University, one of the largest urological clinics, designed for 200 beds. In 1986, he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. After which he worked his way up from a resident to a professor at the Department of Urology at Moscow State Medical University, currently the head of the Department of Urology at Moscow State Medical University. From 1993 to 1998 he was an intern and then a consultant physician at the Urology Clinic of the Pasteur University in Nice (France). Fluent in English and French. Dmitry Pushkar is the author of more than 400 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 32 videos, and has 5 Russian patents. Under his leadership, 11 candidate's dissertations were defended and 4 doctoral dissertations were being carried out. In 2005, for his services in the field of healthcare and many years of conscientious work, he was awarded the title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.” Since 2001 - consultant at polyclinic No. 1 of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, since 2003 - deputy chief specialist in urology at the medical center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Pushkar D. Yu. is a member of the European Association of Urologists, is a member of the Society for Urinary Continence, and a member of the International Urological Consilium. He is a member of the board of the European School of Urology and the Eastern European Expert Commission on Erectile Dysfunction. Since 1990 is one of the first Russian scientists, a guest lecturer at the largest institutes and clinics in France, Italy, the USA, Israel, Switzerland, Poland, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Lebanon, and Turkey. Since 1997, visiting consultant at the Newman Hospital Urology Clinic, Kansas, USA. The first specialist from the Russian Federation to join the American Urological Association and invited to the scientific committee of the International Society of Urology. Pushkar D. Yu. is the only reviewer from Russia of the leading medical publication “European Urology”, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Urology”, and since 1993 the presenter and consultant of the Russian-American teleconference

Razumovsky Alexander Yurievich Chief pediatric surgeon Department of Health of Moscow, Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Russian State Medical University, Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery and Surgical Gastroenterology of Children's Clinical Hospital No. 13 named after. N.F. Filatova. Member of the board of the Moscow Society of Surgeons and the Society of Endoscopic Surgeons of Russia, member of the board of the Russian Society of Gastroenterological Surgeons. Member of the European Association of Pediatric Surgeons and the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Russia. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize, twice laureate of the Prize named after. S.D. Ternovsky RAMS, twice laureate of the “Calling” prize. Author of more than 300 published works and 14 monographs on surgery. Member of the editorial board of the journals “Pediatric Surgery”, “Annals of Surgeons”, “Issues of Practical Pediatrics”, “Moscow Surgical Journal” and “Bulletin of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology”. Member of the problem commission " Thoracic surgery"at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. A.Yu. Razumovsky, consultant on pediatric surgery of the Federal State Institution of the Educational and Scientific Center for Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova
The scope of surgical activity is abdominal and thoracic surgery, endosurgery and vascular surgery. Many surgical operations in pediatric surgery were developed and put into practice in our country by A.Yu. Razumovsky for the first time. Under the leadership of A.Yu. Razumovsky defended 22 candidate and 6 doctoral dissertations.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Tachyarrhythmias at the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakuleva RAMS, Deputy Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Ministry of Health.

A.Sh. Revishvili has published more than 500 scientific papers (464 co-authored, of which 88 in foreign publications); including: 5 monographs (4 co-authored, 2 of them published abroad), 5 books (4 co-authored), 194 major journal articles (172 co-authored). The main direction of scientific research of A.Sh. Revishvili – study of clinical electrophysiology of the heart and the formation of arrhythmia mechanisms. He obtained priority data on the electrophysiological and anatomical substrate of supraventricular and non-coronary ventricular arrhythmias, including in children with heart defects and adult patients with coronary heart disease. He was the first to propose an original classification of variants of ventricular preexcitation syndromes and low-traumatic (catheter) methods for eliminating arrhythmias in this pathology. He was the first to describe arrhythmogenic dysplasia of the right atrium, leading to atrial flutter, and developed a method for its treatment using cryo- or radiofrequency destruction.

For outstanding achievements in the field of endovascular treatment cardiovascular diseases A.Sh. Revishvili was awarded the prize named after academician. RAMS V.I. Burakovsky for 2001.

A.Sh. Revishvili is the author of new algorithms for the differential diagnosis of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The new methods of diagnosis and electrotherapy of arrhythmias developed by him are implemented in the latest generation of implantable cardioverters - defibrillators, which are today widely used to prevent sudden cardiac death in dozens of countries around the world. His priority in the field of electrophysiological diagnostics and electrotherapy of life-threatening arrhythmias is confirmed by European and American patents. Results of scientific research by A.Sh. Revishvili and his colleagues made it possible to take a new approach to the issues of electrophysiological diagnosis and treatment of tachycardias.

For the development and introduction into clinical practice of new methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of tachyarrhythmias A.Sh. Revishvili, as part of the team of authors, was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for 1986.

A.Sh. Revishvili is one of the organizers of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, operating on the basis of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, where 117 specialists in the field of clinical cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmology have been trained in recent years. President of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Specialists in Clinical Electrophysiology, Arrhythmology and Cardiac Stimulation, member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission, member of the European Working Group on Clinical Electrophysiology and Cardiac Stimulation, editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of the journal “Progress in Biomedical Research”, member of a number of domestic and foreign societies.

Director of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers and 7 books. The main areas of activity are emergency surgery and traumatology, disaster medicine, healthcare organization. President of the National Medical Chamber, head of the department of emergency surgery and traumatology of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights, chairman of the International Committee for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars, expert of the World Health Organization, member of the board of directors International Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, President of the International Charitable Foundation for Children in Disasters and Wars, member of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of the World, British Association of Pediatric Surgeons and the International Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine. Awarded the Order of Courage, Defender of a Free Russia, For Services to Moscow, Peter the Great, First Class, and For the Revival of Russia. XXI century”, “Golden Cross”, “Glory of Russia”, “Holy Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya”, “Lomonosova”, “Golden Star of Glory”, “Pride of Russia”, LUDWIG NOBEL Prize 2010.
Titles: “National Hero”, “Man of the Year 2002”, “Pride of Russia”, “Russian of the Year”. In 2005 he received the title "European of the Year". In 2007 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. " Children's doctor world" - this title was awarded to Roshal by journalists in 1996.

Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the 1st Medical Faculty of the I Moscow Medical Institute. I.M. Sechenov.
Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov is one of the founders of the organization of perinatal fetal care in Russia. Under his leadership, the latest assessment methods were introduced into obstetric practice functional state fetus and mother with various types of obstetric and extragenital pathology. Using modern highly informative methods for studying systemic hemodynamics (echocardiography, Doppler), the pathogenesis of gestosis was studied in preclinical and clinical stage and features of its clinical course in modern conditions. Four types of maternal hemodynamics during gestosis have been identified. An algorithm for examining pregnant women at high risk of developing gestosis, a differentiated approach to the prevention of this pathology, an algorithm for examining pregnant women with gestosis, indications for early and emergency delivery, a differentiated approach to antihypertensive therapy in the postpartum period have been developed and implemented.
On the initiative of Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov, the features of fetal hemodynamics in fetal growth restriction syndrome of various origins, long-term results of the physical and psychomotor development of newborns were studied. The developed algorithm for examining pregnant women with fetal growth restriction syndrome and substantiating the indications for early delivery made it possible to significantly improve the long-term results of children's development.
Based on an in-depth study of fetal hemodynamics during postterm pregnancy (Doppler study of blood flow in arterial and venous vessels) of the fetus, early diagnostic and prognostic criteria for fetal hypoxia were developed and labor management tactics were substantiated.
Using Doppler research methods, the mechanisms of pathogenesis of systemic hemodynamic disorders in pregnant women with arterial hypotension and arterial hypertension were studied. The basic principles of drug correction of maternal and fetal hemodynamic disorders have been developed and substantiated.
A new modification of the cesarean section operation has been developed and implemented, which has significantly reduced the time of surgical intervention and intraoperative blood loss. A detailed study (transvaginal echography, dynamic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy) of the features of the course of the uncomplicated and complicated postoperative period was carried out. A new tactic for managing endometritis after cesarean section has been developed.
Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov is the initiator of the development of a new branch of gynecology in our country - minimally invasive surgery. He performed the first successful operations using the latest methods (miniscopy) for purulent inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages.
Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov made a great contribution to the problem of surgical treatment of genital endometriosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes, uterine tumors using laparoscopy and hysteroresectoscopy. Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov was the first in Russia to introduce the method of vaginal hysterectomy for tumors without disturbing the anatomy of the pelvic floor.
The accumulated clinical experience allowed A.N. Strizhakov to develop a method of dynamic prolonged sanitation of the abdominal cavity for gynecological peritonitis using a laparoscopic cannula.
A.N. Strizhakov enjoys high authority and well-deserved respect in the medical and scientific world as a scientist and an excellent surgeon. A.N. Strizhakov pays great attention to the development of pedagogical science. In numerous scientific publications, he raised issues of improving teaching in higher education, including fundamental issues of postgraduate training of specialists.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department for the Study of Borderline Mental Pathology and Psychosomatic Disorders of the National Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Interclinical Psychosomatic Department of the Clinical Center of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (one of the world's leading scientists and clinicians in the field of psychiatry and psychosomatics).

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Abdominal Oncology of the State Institution Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after N.N. Blokhin.

Syrkin Abram Lvovich was born in 1930 in Moscow, in the family of a prominent domestic hygienist, Professor L.A. Syrkina. In 1948, after graduating from high school, he entered the I Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov, who graduated in 1954. All further clinical, scientific and pedagogical activities of Abram Lvovich are connected with the Department of Faculty Therapy of the First Moscow Medical Institute, now the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, on which he went through the traditional path as a resident, graduate student, assistant, associate professor and, finally, professor.
The traditions of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, the oldest therapeutic clinic in the country, inherited by its leaders and employees, Abram Lvovich’s teachers - academicians Vladimir Nikitich Vinogradov, Zinaida Adamovna Bondar, Professor Vitaly Grigorievich Popov, were brought up by A.L. from a young age. Syrkin's qualities that have always distinguished best representatives national clinical medicine - dedication to serving a sick person, a high sense of responsibility to future generations of doctors, to whose education Abram Lvovich devoted decades, the focus of scientific activity on problems that are most clinically relevant.
The first steps of the scientific activity of A.L. Syrkin were devoted to the study of edema syndrome in cardiorheumatological practice. In 1960, he defended his candidate's dissertation on the topic “Rate of Na24 resorption from the skin in rheumatism and rheumatic heart defects.” In the early 60s A.L. Syrkin was one of the first to draw attention to the great potential of the method of electropulse therapy for cardiac arrhythmias and begins active development of this problem. The result of a number of years of hard work were clearly formulated principles for selecting patients for the EIT procedure, preparing for its implementation, and the cardioversion technique itself, as well as the principles of subsequent patient management. The research results were reflected in the doctoral dissertation of A.L. Syrkin, as well as in the monograph “Electropulse treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in a therapeutic clinic” (co-authored with A.V. Nedostup and I.V. Mayevskaya), published in 1970, for many years which is very popular among domestic cardiologists.
Further scientific and clinical activities A.L. Syrkina is largely devoted to coronary heart disease and, in particular, myocardial infarction. By the beginning of the 70s, the first cardiac intensive care unit in Moscow, created at the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic of the First MMI in 1959 by Academician V.N. Vinogradov and his students, expanded to a multi-bed intensive care unit, and since 1976, after the clinic moved to a new building, the department of coronary heart disease began to function there. Since then, for almost 30 years, Abram Lvovich Syrkin has been directing the work of these two divisions of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, which in 1998 received the status of the cardiology clinic of the I.M. MMA. Sechenov, whose director was appointed Professor A.L. Syrkin.
Over these years, Abram Lvovich has successfully developed many of the most pressing problems in this area of ​​cardiology, including aspects of the variants of the clinical course of myocardial infarction, its complications, treatment of heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and thrombolytic therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the work carried out in collaboration with a team of specialists in the field of applied mathematics, led by Academician I.M. Gelfand, and devoted to the issues of predicting the course of myocardial infarction and its complications. During this work, not only specific clinical problems were solved, but also fundamental issues of using mathematical methods in clinical medicine (formalization of the description of the patient, clinical situation, decision making, etc.).
The unique long-term experience of the country's first cardiac intensive care unit, headed for many years by Professor A.L. Syrkin, played a major role in the formation and development of the intensive care cardiological service of Russian healthcare.
The results of work in this direction are reflected in the monographs of A.L. Syrkin “Recurrent myocardial infarction” (together with A.I. Markova and L.V. Rainova) and “Myocardial infarction” (second edition, significantly revised and expanded in 1998).
In total, Abram Lvovich Syrkin published over 250 scientific papers. He generously passes on his versatile skills as a clinician and scientist to his many students: 30 Ph.D. theses were defended under the leadership of Abram Lvovich.
For many years, A.L. Syrkin has been leading a scientific student circle. Many former members of the circle became first-class doctors, candidates of science, employees of the country's leading clinical institutions, including the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic named after V.N. Vinogradova.
In his daily pedagogical work (lectures, seminars), A.L. Syrkin is distinguished by his desire to combine the solidity of the traditional pedagogical principles of the Vinogradov clinical school with the use of new methodological techniques - the development of new types of teaching aids, including elements of programming, training simulators.
Many years of experience as a clinician, combined with organizational skills and rich scientific knowledge, are used with maximum efficiency by A.L. Syrkin in his work as Chairman of the Commission on Clinical Diagnostic Instruments and Devices of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of the Moscow Therapeutic and Cardiological Societies, Head of the Cardiology Department of the National Research Center of MMA named after I.M. Sechenov. Medical talent, rich clinical experience, high erudition as a scientist and teacher, dedication in everyday work, genuine intelligence made Abram Lvovich Syrkin widely known and respected both in the medical and scientific community, and among countless patients not only in Moscow, but throughout our country .

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology of the Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Since 2008 he has been president of the Russian Headache Society. Guzel Rafkatovna is a regular participant in international conferences and symposiums. He has more than two hundred scientific papers, including articles on the topic of headaches and other pain syndromes, vascular diseases of the brain, anxiety and depressive disorders.

Academic title RAMS prof., doctor of medical sciences

  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • Full member of the Russian section of the International College of Surgeons
  • Honorary Member of the German Surgical Society
  • Co-chairman of the All-Russian Society of Gastroenterological Surgeons
  • Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Bulletin of Surgical Gastroenterology"
  • Member of the editorial board of the journals Surgery, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Annals of Surgery, Clinical Medicine
In 1961 A.F. Chernousov graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute. After graduating from the institute, he worked for 1 year as a surgeon in the hospital in the city of Pavlovo on the Oka. In 1962-1963, resident at the hospital surgical clinic of the First Moscow Medical Institute named after. THEM. Sechenov. Since 1964, he began working at the Russian Scientific Center of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1965 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences

The first doctors in history appeared more than 4 thousand years ago. The names of those who made significant contributions to the development of science are still heard today. Among the most famous doctors are women and doctors from Russia.

Founders of Medicine

Hippocrates- An ancient Greek doctor who is credited with the authorship of 60 treatises with the general title “Hippocratic Collection”. The texts group works on all diseases known in ancient times and describe methods of their treatment. Hippocrates was one of the first to study viruses.

Andreas Vesalius often called the father of anatomy. The doctor studied and worked in different European countries. He was one of the first to conduct autopsies. His work “On the Structure of the Human Body” systematized all the data in the field of anatomy.

Paul Ehrlich- a scientist from Germany who pioneered the development of immunology and chemotherapy. The doctor developed a theory of how antibodies react to chemicals. This became the basis for the creation of many effective drugs. For his work, Paul Ehrlich received the Nobel Prize together with I.I. Mechnikov.

Famous doctors of Russia

Russian doctors made a significant contribution to the development of science.

Nikolay Sklifosovsky wrote over 70 works on medicine. In Russia, he was the first to decide to perform operations to remove hernias of the brain, abdominal cavity, and ovarian cysts. Also known for having invented a new method of joining long tubular bones, which is called “Sklifosovsky Castle”. Thanks to the authority of the scientist, antiseptics began to be used in Russia.

Sergey Botkin received global recognition after the discovery of the hepatitis A virus. The practicing physician also sought means to combat cholera, typhus and plague.

Ivan Pavlov- the first Russian scientist to receive the Nobel Prize. The physiologist created his own hierarchy of reflexes. It was he who divided them into congenital and acquired, as well as conditional and unconditional. Ivan Pavlov made significant contributions to the knowledge of brain activity. The scientist also worked on sleep problems.

Gabriel Ilizarov- renowned orthopedist. His invention, known as the Ilizarov apparatus, allows fractured bones to be held together and is also used to treat congenital bone defects. The surgeon received several dozen awards.

The most famous female doctors

For a long time it was believed that medicine was not a woman's occupation. This stereotype changed radically only in the 20th century. But women began to fight for the right to become doctors much earlier.

Elizabeth Blackwell became the first representative of the fairer sex to receive a medical education. The American woman was awarded a college diploma in 1849. Due to partial loss of vision, she was unable to become a surgeon, as she had planned, but devoted her life to medicine.

Elizabeth Blackwell founded a hospital in New York City that treated the poor, including women and children.

Leila Denmark became famous as the oldest practicing physician in the world. She received her diploma in 1918 as a pediatrician, and retired only in 2001, when she turned 103 years old. Until this moment, Leila Denmark continued to practice. Thanks to her research, a vaccine against whooping cough was invented and put into mass production.

Gertrude Elion- famous biochemist from the USA. During her life, she created dozens of effective drugs. These include medications that are used in the treatment of malaria, herpes, gout and leukemia. Gertrude Elyon received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Natalya Bekhtereva I have been researching the brain for a long time. The neurophysiologist was the first to use the method of long-term implantation of electrodes into the brain. Under the leadership of N.P. Bekhtereva, a new section of neurosurgery and neurology was developed. The neurophysiologist has received dozens of awards for her achievements in the field of medicine.

In our country, the concepts of business and medicine have not been associated with each other for a long time. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unknown person appeared and spoke openly about things that were seditious at first glance: medicine can earn money, and even foreign currency. The “upstart” aggressively promoted his method of treatment, which was also not accepted. Scientists are usually quiet, modest people, sit in their offices and keep silent, and Svyatoslav Fedorov - an ophthalmologist, with high cheekbones, with a beaver always sticking out on his head - gives out interviews left and right, praising his method of treating cataracts, demonstrating his wealth. Who is Svyatoslav Fedorov and where did he get such courage?

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov, revolutionary in the field of ophthalmology, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, founding father of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Complex (INTK) “Eye Microsurgery”. Thanks to Fedorov, the development of ophthalmic surgery in Russia acquired a qualitatively new level. In the treatment of cataracts, he introduced the technique of implanting an artificial lens to replace the clouded, diseased one.

Cardiologist, academician Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov with great enthusiasm encouraged people to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this part he did a gigantic job. He himself was first and foremost a clear example that physical exercise extend human life, bring vigor and strength, make a person more resilient and resistant to damaging environmental factors. Finally, they create a safety margin in the human body.

Here is what he writes: “Primitive man almost did not walk, but ran, like all animals. Civilization took him one step further. Those excellent reserves that nature has created in humans are programmed into us very cunningly. Reserves exist only as long as a person uses them to the maximum and exercises them. But as soon as the exercises stop, the reserves melt away. This has long been known. Try to put a healthy person in bed for a month, so that he does not get up for a second - you will get a disabled person who has forgotten how to walk. It will take half a month to put him on his feet and stop his terrible heartbeat.”

Hans Hugo Bruno Selye - a doctor by training, the founder of the doctrine of stress, a world-famous biologist, endocrinologist, pathophysiologist, director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery (since 1976, the International Institute of Stress) in Montreal - for almost For fifty years he has been developing the problems of general adaptation syndrome and stress. Selye is the creator of the doctrine of the pituitary-adrenal system.

Hans Selye was born on January 26, 1907 in Vienna, in the family of a military physician-generalist, Hungarian by birth, Hugo Selye, who had his own surgical clinic in the city of Komárno (then it was Austria-Hungary, now Slovakia). Hans' mother is from Austria. Hans was educated at the Faculty of Medicine of the German University of Prague University (1922), after which he continued his studies in Rome and Paris. After graduating at the age of 22, he was an assistant at the Department of Experimental Pathology at the German University for two years. He received a Rockefeller Fellowship in 1931, worked at Johns Hopkins University (USA), and since 1932 at McGill University (Canada). From 1945 to 1976, he was a professor and director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the University of Montreal; in 1979, Selye, together with Alvin Tofler, organized the Canadian Institute of Stress.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease and is currently reaching epidemic proportions. It's about about type 2 diabetes. According to WHO, there are more than 70 million people on Earth suffering from this disease. Today, this pathology is considered one of the most mysterious and amazing. Whether you are working or relaxing, sad or happy, sick or healthy, diabetes is quietly destroying your body. We are talking about damage primarily to blood vessels, ultimately leading to myocardial infarction and stroke.

The next target that diabetes hits is the eyes: diabetic retinopathy causes partial or complete loss of vision. Diabetes is also responsible for the development of long-term non-healing ulcers and gangrene of the feet, and this, unfortunately, is not the whole “bouquet”. Complications - early atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary insufficiency, obliterating endarteritis, diseases of the respiratory system, skin, liver and biliary tract diseases, damage peripheral nerves(polyneuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis). A serious complication is hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic coma.

Ernest Jones is an English doctor, psychologist and psychoanalyst who played a fundamental role in the development of psychoanalysis in England and the USA, was a student, biographer and one of Sigmund Freud's closest associates for more than thirty years.

He received a university education in Cardiff and college at the University of London, and attended lectures at the universities of Munich, Paris and Vienna. After practical work in several London hospitals, he received a position as professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and at the same time was invited to head a clinic for nervous diseases in Ontario. But the main work of his life was the psychoanalytic movement, in which he played one of the leading roles.

Ernest Jones, Jewish, was born on January 1, 1879 in Wales. His mother was a Baptist, but later converted to the Anglican faith. Ernest was the first son in the family, and his mother idolized him. The father was not interested in religion, he was a prosperous businessman and could provide for his son’s education. Ernst described his father as a very good-natured man.

In the building of the Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky in Moscow, seminars on neurosurgery were held for front-line surgeons in 1941. Lectures on military field surgery given by N.N. Burdenko, was visited by all surgeons going to the front.

N.N. Burdenko only had a minute to examine the wounded man. During this minute, he outlined a plan for the operation and immediately began it. And this time it was the same. A complex operation on the skull was underway. N.N. Burdenko operated silently and with concentration. Those present watched the surgeon’s hands and instruments with reverence. The operation ended successfully. Nikolai Nilovich hurriedly went into the preoperative room and said impatiently:

Marfusha! Kocher and ball!

The sister silently handed over the required instrument and a sterile gauze ball. Her face didn't even show surprise. With one jerk, Burdenko removed his tooth, put a ball in the wound and sighed with relief, looking at the tooth:

So this is who tormented me for five days! Scoundrel!..

Why did people all over the globe listen to Schweitzer’s voice with such attention? Why, even now, when he is no longer in the world, do people remember him and return to his books? Finally, why was he awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953?

Einstein once said that high moral qualities are more important for a researcher than talent. Albert Schweitzer - a German doctor, philosopher, theologian, musicologist, who in 1913 founded a leper hospital in Africa with his own funds, where he worked until the end of his days, was a scientist who possessed both in equal measure. “There is no satisfaction higher than treating people,” said this man, one of the most humane people of the 20th century. He devoted more than 50 years of his life to treating blacks in the deep jungles of Gabon in Lambarene ( West Africa). Dozens of books and hundreds of articles are dedicated to him.

Albert Schweitzer was a professor of theology at the University of Strasbourg when he read an article about the plight of blacks suffering without medical care. The small French mission in Gabon issued an appeal in this article to young doctors to come and work among the local population. Schweitzer decided to answer this call. The theology professor became a medical student at his own university and paid for his studies through his organ concerts. Schweitzer's doctoral dissertation in musicology was devoted to Bach, whose biography he published in 1905.

When the first special eye clinic was opened in St. Petersburg in 1806 with funds from the Medical-Philanthropic Society, there was only one eye hospital in all of Russia - at Moscow University, opened a year before.

On September 25, 1903, the Department of Ophthalmology was opened in Odessa at the Novorossiysk University, one of the few independent ophthalmology departments in the world, one of the first in Russia. And the new department was supposed to begin its activities with a lecture by Professor Golovanov “On blindness in Russia.”

The Paris Conference of Ophthalmologists held in 1928, dedicated to the issues of blindness, established the approximate number of blind people: 6 million people in both eyes, 15 million severely disabled people. About 30 percent of them owe their misfortune to cataracts. This means that several million people around the world can gain sight if they receive a cornea transplant. But only one person could do this, the great Russian ophthalmologist Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, born on February 27, 1875 in the village of Mikhailovka, Saransk district, Penza province in the family of a zemstvo doctor.

The founder of “analytical psychology,” Carl Gustav Jung, was born on July 26, 1875 in Keeswil, Switzerland, into the family of a parish pastor as poor as a church mouse. On the mother’s side, there were six priests in the family; my father’s two uncles were also church ministers. Karl did not want to study theology, but was forced to follow in the footsteps of his relatives after the death of his father, because his aunt gave money only for theological studies, and for nothing else.

I had to go to Basel, to the gymnasium. He studied well, and in his free time he liked to be in nature. He especially liked sailing; he went to the opposite shore of Lake Zurich and pitched a tent on the rocky islands. On secluded sandbars, he spent the whole day searching for underground springs, clearing them and laying out channels for waterways... while searching for hidden sources in his own brain. Cold and clear thoughts emerged from hidden sources. He liked this deserted part of the lake; When he visited there, the peace and beauty of the marshes and small islands, over which the snow-capped mountains loomed, had a beneficial effect on his suppressed energy and creative impulses.

In Moscow, not far from Preobrazhenskaya Square, between the Yauza River and Poteshnaya Street, there is one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in our country - Moscow City Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 4 named after P.B. Gannushkina. Near Arbat Square, in Khlebny Lane at house No. 19, there is a memorial plaque with the inscription: “In this house from 1919 to 1933 lived the outstanding Soviet psychiatrist Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin, who devoted his life to the fight against one of the most serious human illnesses.” - mental illness." The words did not fit on the board: “... the creator of the concept of so-called minor psychiatry, and also one of the creators of the first Russian school and social psychiatry.”

On Women's Day, March 8, 1875, in the village of Novoselki, Pronsky district, Ryazan province, the last child, Peter, was born into the family of the zemstvo doctor Boris Mikhailovich Gannushkin. His wife Olga Mikhailovna, née Mozharova, came from impoverished small-scale nobles. As expected in noble families, she received a good home upbringing and education, spoke French and German, was fond of philosophy, loved music, poetry and painting, was sociable and responsive. Children traditionally received elementary education at the mother's.

Sandor Ferenczi was born on July 7, 1873 in the provincial town of Miskolc in northern Hungary. Parents were Jews, immigrants from Poland. He was the fifth child in a family of eleven boys and girls. His father owned a thriving bookshop and library in the city of Miskolc, a hundred kilometers north of Budapest. The head of the family published an opposition newspaper, for which the Austrians sent him to prison for a short time as punishment for excessive Hungarian patriotism.

A lot was connected with the bookstore in the Ferenczi family. First of all, she played the same role in Sandor's upbringing as his family. Being an insatiable bookworm, he grew up devouring books that came into the store, played a lot of music, and loved art. The shop united people of art, thanks to which the Ferenczi family had extensive connections with cultural figures.

Having received his Abitur at the Miklós Gymnasium, he chose the Vienna Medical School to continue his education, where he studied medicine from 1890 to 1896. Having received his doctorate in 1896 with a satisfactory grade, because during his studies he spent too much time on sentimental poetry and attending afternoon concerts, Sandor served a year in the army as a physician's assistant and returned to Budapest on the eve of the new century, dreaming of studying neurology.

On June 17, our country celebrates Medical Worker Day - a professional holiday for those who often dare to argue with death. Who are they, the modern heroes of medicine in our country? Whose names are repeated with gratitude by tens of thousands of successfully treated patients throughout Russia and in other countries?

Behind the dry facts of biographies lie many years of endless research and high-profile discoveries that can revolutionize entire industries and areas of medicine. We congratulate all medical workers in Russia on their professional holiday and talk about some of the most notable cases from the practice of doctors - the real and genuine pride of our country.

Leonid Roshal is a world-famous Soviet and Russian pediatrician and surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and public figure. Since 2015, he has been president and director of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology.

This legendary doctor has many titles: “Children’s Doctor of the World”, “Pride of Russia”, “National Hero”, “European of the Year”, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. The brave doctor personally negotiated with terrorists during hostage situations: at Dubrovka in 2002 and in Beslan in 2004.

Roshal was one of the liquidators of the consequences of the disaster at railway near Ufa, the explosion of a plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk, destructive earthquakes in Sakhalin, in the Armenian Spitak, Egypt, Japan, Georgia, California, India, Afghanistan, Turkey. He worked in hot spots of Abkhazia, Georgia, the former Yugoslavia, and was in Chechen captivity. It was he who created and joined the board of directors of the World Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine. There are tens of thousands of miraculous stories of saving patients - behind each of them there is unbearable pain, suffering, fear and the honed virtuoso work of a doctor who worked and continues to work no matter what.

Alexander Aganesov is a well-known doctor of medical sciences, professor, traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. Since 2002, Aganesov has headed the department of spine surgery at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. Academician B.V. Petrovsky, he founded the first vertebrology course in Moscow at the Faculty of Postgraduate Training of MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov, which is now in charge. The doctor has been involved in surgical and conservative treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord for more than 30 years.

Aganesov is, as they say, a magician surgeon. He was the first in the world to stitch together the human spine, bringing the ends of the spinal cord together using the technology of his own invention. Over the years, this method has saved the lives of many people, allowing them to live in a familiar way without immobilization.

Famous athletes and thousands of ordinary people turn to him for help. The doctor says that many spinal injuries are much easier to prevent with the help of moderate sports activities than to be treated by a surgeon later: “Athletes, of course, are susceptible to injuries, but the good thing is that modern technologies allow them to remain on the horse later. There are people who still continue to compete at the Olympic Games and play on national teams with a lot of iron in their backs and joints.”

Renat Suleymanovich Akchurin

Renat Akchurin is a famous Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, Honored Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. He heads the department of cardiovascular surgery at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A. L. Myasnikov of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Akchurin has been the head of the state program for the development of high-tech medicine since 1998.

First of all, this cardiac surgeon is famous for the fact that he performed coronary artery bypass surgery on the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, in 1996. This gave Yeltsin another 11 years of life.

Akchurin is the author of the world's first methods for transplanting the heart and the heart-lung complex, co-author of the first operations in Russia to replant fingers, transplant toes onto the hand, and complex plastic surgeries to restore a fingerless hand.

The doctor often recalls one operation to restore his hands, which lasted almost a day. Abdulla Ishaliev fell asleep on the tracks, and both his hands were cut off by a freight car. The surgeon sewed for 22 hours while the patient was under anesthesia. The former soldier arrived about six months later for a doctor's appointment with both working arms. By that time he was working as an accountant during the cotton harvest and could count on an abacus with both hands. Having refused to receive disability, he could drive a car.

Margarita Beniaminovna Anshina

Margarita Beniaminovna Anshina is vice-president of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction. She was awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of reproductive medicine. Anshina founded the magazine “Problems of Reproduction,” where she works as the executive editor.

Margarita Anshina has been working in the field of infertility treatment and IVF since 1982, she actively participated in the creation of several IVF centers, including the Moscow IVF Fertility Treatment Center, the International Center for Reproductive Medicine in St. Petersburg, the Institute of Genetic Reproduction in Kyiv, and the Krasnoyarsk Center reproductive medicine. All centers successfully operate using unique IVF methods developed by M. B. Anshina.

The story of the Semenov couple Olga and Igor, who first adopted twin girls and then gave birth to another pair of twins after IVF, is told on many forums dedicated to infertility problems. This woman was considered hopeless in the mid-nineties, all doctors abandoned her, but Margarita Beniaminovna’s IVF procedure helped create a real miracle and give birth to healthy daughters on her own.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria

Leo Bockeria is a world-famous Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, inventor, organizer of medical science, teacher, professor. He is an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. He works as the chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakulev since 1994. Leo Bokeria is the president of the All-Russian public organization “National Health League” and a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Among the numerous awards of the eminent cardiac surgeon is the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Lenin Prize, State Prize of the USSR, State Prize of the Russian Federation and Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Despite his age, this famous heart surgeon arrives at the clinic no later than half past seven in the morning: he claims that most heart diseases can be treated well, it is only important to do it on time. And if there were 48 hours in a day, he would spend them all treating people.

His working “norm” is five operations a day: not every young doctor can withstand such stress. Bockeria himself says that even he more than once wanted to “run away from the operating room.”

He performs the most complex heart surgeries possible, taking on what other surgeons refuse. Sometimes he performs three in one operation: changing a heart valve, performing bypass surgery, eliminating arrhythmia.

Bockeria doesn’t like to talk about the details of his operations, but he readily shares one of his cases: “In the late 1980s, a friend from Ochamchira came to me and urgently called me to see a guy who was dying in the hospital from a wound to the heart. I flew to Georgia and ran to district hospital- at that time simply terrible. I had the operation, flew to Moscow and completely forgot about this incident - this happens to me almost every day. Two years later I came to Ochamchira on vacation, and the Galizga mountain river overflowed next to my house. The whole city stands on the shore, photographing cows floating on the water, fallen trees. I too am a tourist. And only one person, standing almost up to his neck in the water, pulls the animals out of the water. He saw me, threw the cow, ran up and started throwing me in the air: yes, it turned out to be the same guy whose heart I sewed.”

You can’t get used to people’s grief: according to Bokeria, he still feels a lump in his throat when he realizes that in front of him is a patient who cannot be helped.

Yulia Dmitrievna Vuchenovich

This is a famous obstetrician-gynecologist in Russia: deputy chief physician for obstetrics and gynecology of the Perinatal Medical Center. She was the first in the country to begin accompanying childbirth in accordance with the ideas of the luminary of modern obstetrics, Michel Auden. Auden became famous throughout the world as the first doctor in modern European history to believe that a woman can and should give birth on her own, without the manipulation of doctors.

Thanks to her efforts, using a new method for Russia, women are now giving birth in Moscow maternity hospital No. 68: even after the gynecologist leaves for another medical institution, the hospital team continues to work taking into account the concept developed by Vucenovich.

It is to Vucenovich that women try to get to childbirth, determined to do it naturally - without any stimulation with medications and without the active intervention of medical staff in the birth process itself. Vaginal birth after a cesarean section in previous pregnancies in our country is considered almost impossible - and with Vucenovich this becomes a joyful reality for mothers and babies.

When asked to tell about the most amazing cases, the doctor most often puts on a stern face: “Childbirth is an endless miracle and magic, no one can estimate which of them are more difficult and which are less.” She considers herself only a guide, an assistant to any mother and her endlessly beloved baby. She calls all children born with her help “her own.”

Sergei Vladimirovich Gauthier

Gaultier - famous Russian surgeon and transplantologist, specialist in the field of transplantology and the creation of artificial organs, surgical hepatology, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. He works as the director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V. I. Shumakov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Chief Transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Gauthier is the head of the Department of Transplantology and Artificial Organs at the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov, Chairman of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Transplant Society”. He is a Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and twice laureate of the Russian Government Prize.

Gauthier is a recognized and respected practicing transplant surgeon throughout the medical world: it was under his leadership that unique and fundamental areas of liver transplantation were developed. Gauthier has the greatest personal experience in liver transplantation in Russia; he is the only surgeon in the country who performs related transplantation using his own original technique: today it is widely used by existing surgeons around the world.

He is also the author of several other unique techniques that are used in complex operations. With all this, Gauthier says in an interview that he always washes the dishes at home himself - even after gala dinners with recognized luminaries of world surgery. He says his hands become cleaner after this. And he laughs.

Just a couple of months ago, the world media reported on a sensation: a team of doctors led by Dr. Gauthier performed a complex operation for the first time on ten-month-old Polina, who was born with cirrhosis of the liver. New vital important gland the girl received it from her own mother. There was not a single cut left on the young woman’s body after the transplant.

The doctor says that every year in Russia about 100 young children were actually on the verge of life and death due to a terrible diagnosis. But now the symptoms of liver cirrhosis are no longer so fatal - unique operations are performed even on infants less than a year old.

Sergei Leonidovich Dzemeshkevich

Dzemeshkevich is a famous Russian cardiac surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize, author of more than 300 scientific publications, 4 monographs, 27 patents and discoveries. Sergei Dzemeshkevich is a board member of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgery of Russia, a laureate of the International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons award in the year of the 100th anniversary of cardiac surgery, and a laureate of the International Society for Artificial Organs award.

Dzemeshkevich developed the idea and model of a valveless artificial heart for implantation, and he also developed and successfully performed a complete anatomical heart transplantation operation. This doctor was the first in the country to perform a series of successful orthopedic transplants of a donor heart - his patients lead completely normal active lives 20 years after the transplant. The very first of them was a very serious patient - 19-year-old Natasha Piskunova, she was brought in an almost hopeless condition from Samara. Natalya lives with her new heart and continues to see a cardiac surgeon.

Diseases have existed as long as humanity, which means that at all times people have needed the help of a knowledgeable specialist. Ancient medicine developed gradually and came a long way, full of big mistakes and timid attempts, sometimes based only on religion. Only a few of the masses of ancient people were able to snatch their consciousness from the clutches of ignorance and give humanity great discoveries in the field of healing, described in treatises, encyclopedias, and papyri.

Medicine of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian medicine became the cradle of knowledge for doctors of Ancient Rome, Africa, and its origins lead to Mesopotamia, which already had its own medical practitioners in 4000 BC. Ancient medicine in Egypt combined religious beliefs and observations of human body. Imgotep (2630-2611 BC) is considered the first doctor and founder, although Egyptologists have only recently proven the reality of his existence: for many centuries he was considered a fictitious god. This man was a genius of his time, like Leonardo da Vinci in the Middle Ages. The Egyptians gained basic knowledge about the human structure through embalming the dead - even then they knew that the heart and brain were the most important organs.

Possession by evil spirits, demons and the intervention of gods were considered supernatural causes: methods of exorcism among the lower strata of the population were in great demand and existed thanks to the priests. Various recipes with bitter herbs were also used - it was believed that this drove away spirits. In total, there were about 700 ancient recipes in the medical arsenal, and almost all of them were of natural origin:

Vegetables: onions, dates and grapes, pomegranate, poppy, lotus;

Mineral: sulfur, clay, lead, saltpeter and antimony;

Animal parts: tails, ears, ground bones and tendons, glands, sometimes insects were used.

Even then the medicinal properties of wormwood and castor oil, flax seed and aloe.

The main sources for research into ancient medicine in Egypt are papyri, inscriptions on pyramids and sarcophagi, mummies of people and animals. Several papyri about medicine have survived to this day in their original condition:

  • The Brugsch Papyrus is the oldest manuscript on pediatrics. Includes teaching about the health of children, women and methods of treating their diseases.
  • Ebers Papyrus - talks about diseases of various organs, but at the same time contains many examples of the use of prayers and spells (more than 900 recipes for diseases of the digestive system, respiratory and vascular systems, diseases of the eyes and ears). This treatise has long been considered a medical encyclopedia of ancient healers.
  • Kahuna papyrus - includes a treatise on gynecology and veterinary medicine, while, unlike other scrolls, it contains virtually no religious overtones.
  • Smith Papyrus - Imgotep is considered its author. It describes 48 clinical cases of traumatology. The information varies - from symptoms and research methods to treatment recommendations.

In ancient medicine in Egypt, the first scalpels and tweezers, speculums and catheters were used. This speaks of a high level and professionalism surgeons, even if they were inferior in skill to Indian doctors.

Basic Medicine of India

Indian medicine of ancient times relied on two authoritative sources: the code of laws of Manu and the science of Ayurveda, which originates from the Vedas - the oldest sacred texts in Sanskrit. The most accurate and complete retelling on paper was written by the Indian physician Sushruta. It describes the causes of diseases (imbalance of the three doshas and gunas that make up the human body), recommendations for the treatment of more than 150 ailments of various nature In addition, about 780 medicinal herbs and plants are described, and information on their use is provided.

When diagnosing, special attention was paid to the structure of a person: height and weight, age and character, place of residence, field of activity. Indian healers considered it their duty not to treat the disease, but to eradicate the causes of its occurrence, which puts them at the top of the medical Olympus. At the same time, surgical knowledge was far from perfect, despite successful operations to remove gallstones, caesarean section and rhinoplasty (which was in demand due to one of the punishments - cutting off the nose and ears). About 200 surgical instruments were inherited by modern specialists from healers from India.

Medicine divided all remedies according to their effects on the body:

Emetics and laxatives;

Exciting and calming;


Stimulating digestion;

Narcotic (used as an anesthetic in surgery).

The anatomical knowledge of the doctors was not sufficiently developed, but at the same time the doctors divided the human body into 500 muscles, 24 nerves, 300 bones and 40 leading vessels, which, in turn, were divided into 700 branches, 107 joints and more than 900 ligaments. A lot of attention was also paid to the mental state of patients - Ayurveda believed that most of all diseases come from improper functioning of the nervous system. Such extensive knowledge - as for the ancient medicine of India - made the healers of this country very popular outside its borders.

Development of Medicine in Ancient China

Medicine Ancient East originated in the fourth century BC, one of the first treatises on diseases is considered to be “Huang Di Neijing”, and Huang Di is the name of the founder of the Chinese trend in medicine. The Chinese, like the Indians, believed that a person consists of five primary elements, the imbalance of which leads to various diseases, this was described in great detail in the Nei Jing, which was rewritten by Wang Bing in the 8th century.

Zhang Zhong Jing - Chinese doctor, author of the treatise “Shan Han Tza Bing Lun,” which tells about methods of treating fevers of various types, and Hua Tuo is a surgeon who began to use sutures in abdominal operations and anesthesia with opium, aconite and hemp.

To treat various diseases, doctors even then used camphor, garlic, ginger and lemongrass; among mineral rocks, sulfur and mercury, magnesia and antimony were especially welcome. But in the first place, of course, was ginseng - this root was idolized and many different preparations were made on its basis.

Chinese doctors were especially proud that the prevalence of a rapid pulse indicated an overly active nervous system, while a weak and intermittent pulse, on the contrary, indicated its insufficient activity. Chinese doctors distinguished more than 20 types of pulse. They came to the conclusion that every organ and every process in the body has its own expression in the pulse, and by changing the pulse at several points, one can not only determine a person’s illness, but also predict its outcome. Wang Shu-He, who wrote the Treatise on the Pulse, described all this in great detail.

China is also the birthplace of acupressure and acupuncture. Historical texts tell about the healers Bian-tsio and Fu Wen, the authors of treatises on these methods. In their works they describe several hundred biologically active points on the human body, by influencing which any disease can be completely cured.

Only weak link in ancient medicine of China it is surgery. In the Celestial Empire, methods for treating fractures were practically not used (the affected area was simply placed between two wooden planks), and bloodletting and amputation of limbs were not practiced.

Father of Medicine

This is considered to be Hippocrates (Greek: Hippocratis), a 17th generation ancient Greek doctor who lived in 460 BC and laid the foundation for the development of medicine in Ancient Rome. The famous promise of doctors before taking office - the “Hippocratic Oath” - is his brainchild. The father of the great physician was Heraclides, also an outstanding scientist, and Phenaret’s mother was a midwife. The parents did everything so that at the age of twenty their son had the reputation of a good doctor, and also received initiation into the priesthood, without which there could be no talk of quality practice in the field of medicine.

Hippocrates, in search of various successful treatment methods, traveled to many countries of the East, and upon returning home, he founded the first medical school, putting science, not religion, at the forefront.

The creative heritage of this genius is so enormous that the permanent publisher of his works, Charterius, spent forty (!) years printing it. More than a hundred of his works are collected in a single “Hippocratic Collection”, and his “Aphorisms” are still in great demand.

The most famous doctors of the old world

Many of the greatest doctors of ancient medicine contributed something of their own to this science, giving their ancestors ideas for thought, observation and research.

1. Dioscorides, ancient Greek physician of the 50th century AD. e., author of the treatise “Medicinal Substances,” which was the leading textbook on pharmacology until the 16th century.

2. Claudius Galen - ancient Roman naturalist, author of numerous works on medicinal plants, methods of their use and making preparations from them. All water and alcohol infusions, decoctions and various extracts from plants still bear the name “galenic”. It was he who began testing on animals.

3. Harun al-Rashid - Arab ruler who was the first to build a public hospital in Baghdad.

4. Paracelsus (1493-1541) - Swiss doctor, who is considered the founder of modern chemical medicine. He was critical of Galen and all ancient medicine in general, considering it ineffective.

5. Li Shizhen - specialist in the field of medicine of the Ancient East, Chinese doctor of the 16th century, author of “Fundamentals of Pharmacology”. The work, consisting of 52 volumes, describes about 2000 medicines, mainly plant origin. The author strongly opposed the use of mercury-based tablets.

6. Abu Bakr Muhammad al-Razi (865-925) - Persian scientist, naturalist, he is considered a pioneer in the field of psychiatry and psychology. The author of this outstanding doctor is the famous “Al-Hawi” - a comprehensive book on medicine, revealing to the world the basics of ophthalmology, gynecology and obstetrics. Razi proved that temperature is the body's reaction to illness.

7. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) - a genius of his time. Originally from Uzbekistan, he is the author of the “Canon of Medical Science” - an encyclopedia from which other healers studied the art of medicine for several hundred years. He believed that any disease can be cured with proper nutrition and a moderate lifestyle.

8. Asclepiad of Bithynia - Greek physician who lived in the 1st century BC. The founder of physiotherapy (physical education, massage) and dietetics, urged his contemporaries and descendants to maintain a balance between the health of body and spirit. I took my first steps in what was something fantastic at that time.

9. Sun Simiao - Chinese doctor of the Tian dynasty, who wrote a 30-volume work. “The King of Medicines” was the name of this genius, who made a significant contribution to the development of medicine. Pointed out the importance of nutrition and the right combination products. The invention of gunpowder is also his merit.

How and what was treated in ancient times

The medicine of the ancient world, despite all the genius of famous doctors, was quite terrifying. However, judge for yourself. Here are just a few interesting facts about treatment methods:

1. The method of scaring away and averting the disease was actively practiced in Ancient Babylon: in order for the disease to leave a person, they fed him and gave him rare rubbish, spat on him and gave him blows. Such “treatment” often led to new diseases (which is no wonder).

2. In Egypt, under King Hammurabi, medicine was a rather dangerous business, since one of the king’s laws promised death to the healer if his patient died on the operating table. Therefore, spells and prayers were used more often, which were described on 40 clay tablets.

3. Egyptian priests left the sick person to sleep in the temple; in a dream, a deity was supposed to appear to him and announce the method of treatment, as well as the sin for which he was punished with illness.

4. The surgery of Ancient Greece was no less impressive. Entire performances of operations were staged here, in which a made-up doctor portrayed the god of medicine, Asclepius. Sometimes in the process of action, patients died - rather from long, high-flown tirades than from the insufficient skill of the would-be doctor.

5. The widespread “falling” disease was treated with dope, henbane and wormwood.

6. In Egypt and Mesopotamia, holes were often drilled into the skull (sometimes even several) to relieve the patient from migraines caused by an evil spirit.

7. Tuberculosis was treated with drugs made from the lungs of foxes and snake meat soaked in opium.

8. Theriac (a drink of 70 ingredients) and the philosopher’s stone were considered a panacea for all diseases.

Middle Ages: Decline of Medicine

The most significant achievement of medicine in the Middle Ages was the introduction of a compulsory license for healing: this law was first adopted by King Roger II of Sicily, and was later taken up by England, forming in the 15th century the Guild of Surgeons and Barbers (who often performed bloodletting on patients) and France with the College of St. Como. The doctrine of infectious diseases and health care methods began to clearly emerge and take shape. Guy de Chauliac, a village surgeon of the 14th century, actively promoted the prevention of “charlatans” from treating people, and proposed new methods in working with fractures (traction with a weight, the use of a sling bandage, suturing the edges of open wounds).

In the Middle Ages, constant hunger and crop failures were common, which forced people to eat spoiled food, while the “cult of the clean body” was out of favor. These two factors contributed to the development of infectious diseases: fever, plague and smallpox, tuberculosis and leprosy. The unshakable belief in the healing properties of “holy relics” and witchcraft (at the same time, the knowledge of contemporary doctors was completely denied) provoked an even greater development of diseases, which they tried to treat with religious processions and sermons. The mortality rate was several times higher than the birth rate, and life expectancy rarely exceeded thirty years.

The influence of religion on medicine

In China and India, belief in gods did not particularly interfere with the development of medicine: progress was based on natural observations of man, the influence of plants on his condition, and methods of active analytical experiments were popular. In European countries, on the contrary, superstition and fear of God's wrath cut down at the root all attempts by scientists and doctors to save people from ignorance.

Church persecutions, curses and campaigns against heresy were on a gigantic scale: any scientist who tried to speak out in favor of reason and against the divine will regarding healing was subjected to cruel torture and various types executions (auto-da-fé was widespread) - to intimidate ordinary people. The study of human anatomy was considered a mortal sin, punishable by execution.

Also a huge disadvantage was the scholastic method of treatment and teaching in rare medical schools: all theses had to be unconditionally accepted on faith, sometimes without solid ground, and the persistent denial of acquired experience and the inability to apply logic in practice nullified many of the achievements of geniuses modernity.

Where were doctors trained in ancient times?

First medical schools appeared in China only in the 6th century AD; before that, the art of healing was transmitted only from teacher to student orally. The state-level school first opened in 1027, with Wang Wei-yi as its leading teacher.

In India, the method of oral transmission from teacher to student was preserved until the 18th century, and the selection criteria were extremely stringent: the doctor had to be an example of a healthy lifestyle and a high level of intelligence, know perfect biology and chemistry, have an ideal understanding of medicinal plants and methods of preparing potions, be an example to follow. Cleanliness and neatness came first.

In Ancient Egypt, healing was taught by priests in temples, and corporal punishment was often used for careless students. In parallel with medicine, calligraphy and rhetoric were taught, and each trained doctor belonged to a special caste and temple, which received a fee in the future for treating the patient.

Mass training in medicine developed on a large scale in Ancient Greece and was divided into two branches:

1. Croton Medical School. Its main idea was the following thesis: health is a balance of opposites, and illness should be treated with the opposite in essence (bitter - sweet, cold - warm). One of the students of this school was Acmeon, who revealed to the world auditory canal and optic nerves.

2. Knidos school. Her basic knowledge was similar to the teachings of Ayurveda: physical body consists of several elements, the imbalance of which leads to disease. This school continued to improve the work of Egyptian doctors, and thus the doctrine of disease symptoms and diagnosis was formed. Euryphon, a student of this school, was a contemporary of Hippocrates.

Doctor's oath

The oath was first written down on paper in the 3rd century BC by Hippocrates, and before that it was passed down orally from generation to generation for quite a long time. It is believed that Asclepius was the first to say it.

The modern Hippocratic Oath is already far from the original: its words have changed many times depending on time and nationality, the last time it was greatly distorted in 1848, when a new version of the speech was announced in Geneva. Almost half of the text was cut out:

About the promise to never have abortions or castration procedures;

Do not perform euthanasia under any circumstances;

A promise to never have intimate relations with a patient;

Under no circumstances should you lose your dignity by refraining from illegal actions;

Give part of your income for life to the teacher or school that trained the doctor in medicine.

From these points it is clear how much modern medicine has lowered the moral and ethical standard of a doctor as a highly spiritual person, leaving only basic functions - providing assistance to the suffering.