Can Lipo 6 be taken with alcohol? Possible result in achieving goals. Directions for use and doses

Description of Nutrex Lipo 6 Black

Lipo 6 Black- the first worthy representative of fat burning complexes. Many of its components have long been in the public domain. The components are also found in other types of sports nutrition. The main advantageous feature of the complex is an individual multiphase system. One capsule of this supplement contains ingredients that differ in both fast and slow action and therefore take part in burning fat over a long time.

Getting into the human body Lipo 6 Black, immediately begins to act. Liquid form allows for maximum absorption by everyone useful substances that are included in sports nutrition. Over a certain period of time after consumption, the first results begin to appear, namely suppression of appetite and the process of breakdown of fatty acids. Also begins to work more actively thyroid, more energy is produced.

Most fat burners stop working in the first phase. And for Lipo 6 Black The presence of a second degree is also characteristic, which guarantees the effect of the drug for a long time after use. After you have dissolved the liquid capsule, the substances contained in the boluses begin to be activated. This phase is slower, thanks to which the components are sent into the body, providing long-lasting results. Below you can find out in more detail about the composition of Lipo 6, as well as what effect each of its components has.

Caffeine anhydrous - main component large quantity fat burning supplements. Here it is used in a different form, but its action is indistinguishable from the usual one. This substance makes it possible to stimulate metabolism and accelerate the process of burning fat. It has an active effect on the functioning of the nervous system. To put it simply, caffeine dampens the feeling of fatigue and prolongs workout time.

Synephrine - the most common substance in the composition of fat-burning drugs. It stimulates the activity of the nervous system and has a positive effect on metabolic rate. Thanks to it, thermogenesis increases in the body and the burning of fat cells accelerates. Synephrine helps increase the production of beta-3 adrenergic receptors, which accelerate the mobilization of fat.

Yohimbine - It is highly popular due to its strongly expressed lipolytic effect. Just like synephrine, it is aimed at stimulating additional secretion of beta-3 adrenergic receptors, which in turn suppress the functioning of alpha-3 adrenergic receptors. This makes it possible to get a greater effect than from other components. The substance takes part in stimulating the central nervous system, namely increasing mental concentration. In this version Lipo 6 Black, yohimbine is presented in 3 forms, and this is why it is much more effective than previous supplements.

Acacia rigidula plant- has many alkaloids, which contribute to additional production of adrenaline. After all, everyone knows that adrenaline is one of the main enemies of fat. Under its influence, fat cells break down faster and transfer them to mitochondria to be destroyed.

Guggulsterones- are usually used to stimulate work thyroid gland. The main function is to obtain energy from fat.

Gordenin- also often found in fat burners. It increases the secretion of norepinephrine, and due to this, lipolysis is accelerated.

Tyramine- helps increase the level of dopamine and adrenaline in the body, accelerating the process of breaking down fat deposits.

Forskolin- takes part in stimulating the thyroid gland, and increases the natural process of burning fat.

Certain components also have other effects on the body. For example, yohimbine and synephrine reduce appetite. Many diets fail because of cravings. While taking these two components you will avoid negative result and force yourself to eat well during your main meal. In turn, beta-phenylethylamine makes it easier to overcome the stress that was obtained in the process of following any diet.

Instructions for use Lipo 6 Black

There are individual standards according to which you need to use Lipo 6 Black. This is because it contains many different stimulants, so you should be careful and not take it in excess of the recommended amount. It is best to take 3 capsules, twice daily. Use on an empty stomach in the morning - 30 minutes before meals. It is at this time that it will be most effective. Next appointment take it after 4-6 hours, because it is during this time that the effect of the morning dose begins to gradually subside. It is not advisable to take this supplement 6 hours before bed due to the caffeine and other stimulants it contains.

The maximum effect of taking it is noticed in the first 8 weeks. To prevent the body from becoming accustomed to this drug, you must take a break for a month after completing each course.

If it happens that after taking 3 capsules you feel overexcited in the body, immediately reduce the dose to 2 capsules. To get even greater benefits, try following a low-carb diet and doing regular exercise.

Lipo 6 Black and alcohol

You shouldn’t make a mountain out of a mountain, especially regarding this issue. We need to start with the fact that drinking alcohol with any medications is contraindicated. If you ignore such recommendations, this may result in side effects and deterioration in your health.

Lipo 6 Black and alcohol are not compatible precisely because the fat burner contains many stimulating components. When consuming these substances together with alcoholic beverages, side effects often occur. And it’s probably no secret that when alcohol enters the body, fat burning slows down. So think about whether you should reduce the results of such a rather expensive supplement to zero?

Fat burners and alcoholic drinks- mutually exclusive things, unless, of course, you want to encounter a lot of ailments of the cardiovascular and central nervous system. So remember - no alcohol with Lipo 6! Summarizing all of the above, we can say without doubt that it is not for nothing that the drug is so popular. This is really one of the best products, which is worth the money spent.

Composition of Nutrex Lipo 6 Black

Quantity nutrients in one serving (3 capsules) of the product:

Other Ingredients:
vegetable cellulose, glycerin, purified water, polysorbate 80, hypromellose.

    • Fat oxidation stimulator double acting- 150 mcg
    • 3,3'-diiodo-L-thyronine
    • 3,5'-diiodo-L-thyronine
    • Matrix that accelerates the lipolytic process - 4.5 mg
    • 11-hydroxy yohimbine
    • Alpha yohimbine
    • Yohimbine HCl
    • Metabolism Booster Blend - 20 mg
    • Methylsynephrine
    • Synephrine HCl
    • Brown adipose tissue burning activator - 150 mg
    • B-phenylethylamine HCl
    • N-methyl-B-phenylethylamine HCl
    • R-beta-methylphenylethylamine HCl
    • Complex that releases free fatty acid- 200 mg
    • Caffeine anhydrous
    • 1-methylcaffeine

Behind last years There has been increasing attention to sports nutrition. The assortment is surprising large selection and purpose. Taking into account individual characteristics body, you can choose a dietary supplement that will not only help solve the problem overweight, but also to correct some areas of the body.

The most popular are. They consolidate the work of all systems aimed at metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins. The use of such products is accompanied by consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the right dietary supplement and calculate the dosage.

What kind of drug?

Lipo 6 belongs to a new generation of fat burners that have the ability to deliver active components in a multi-stage manner. This increases the duration of exposure fat cells, as a result of which a decrease in body weight can be noted quite quickly.

The result is effective and stable, it is not for nothing that the product belongs to sports nutrition. When combining physical activity with taking capsules, the effectiveness of the active components increases, as a result of which an intensive reduction in body weight is observed.

The dietary supplement is produced in capsules, which includes both slowly absorbed components and substances with an instant reaction. It is thanks to the combination of multi-acting components that the technology is called multi-stage.

The fat burner is designed in different forms, the difference between which lies in the composition, proportions and purpose:

  1. Lipo-6 has a universal purpose. The main actions are aimed at suppressing appetite and stimulating the production of a hormone that accelerates the breakdown of fats.
  2. Lipo-6 Hers represents an improved version of the classic fat burner composition, to which stimulants and vitamins are added. However, the amount of caffeine, unlike a regular dietary supplement, is reduced. This improves concentration and has less effect on blood pressure.
  3. Lipo-6 Black has a composition supplemented vitamin complex and calcium.
  4. Lipo-6x developed based on the components included in sports nutrition. The action of the dietary supplement is aimed at intensively burning fat cells, giving strength and energy, and improving mood.
  5. Lipo-6 Unlimited is different unique composition, which in addition to fighting weight increases potency, improves brain activity, improves mood.

The composition is developed based on natural ingredients. Among the active substances:

  • synephrine;
  • yohimbine;
  • biotin;
  • beta-phenylethylamine;
  • caffeine, etc.

Regular use of dietary supplements has the following effects on the body:

  1. Relieves the feeling of hunger.
  2. Removes excess liquid.
  3. Cleanses the intestines of toxins and other harmful substances.
  4. , actively breaks down fat cells.
  5. Normalizes water-salt balance.
  6. Promotes cell regeneration.

The principle of action is a two-phase effect on the body. At first, you feel a surge of strength and energy, forcing you to move more. Against this background, the thyroid gland is stimulated, which accelerates metabolic processes.

After this, the second phase comes into effect, which is characterized by blocking appetite and controlling the rate of absorption of all components of the dietary supplement.

Instructions for use

Taking the dietary supplement involves gradual increase dosage, which is carried out taking into account the body’s reaction and the presence of side effects.

Lipo 6 should be taken according to the following schedule:

  1. 1st and 2nd days, 1 capsule 2 times a day (half an hour before breakfast and lunch).
  2. 3rd and 4th days, 1 capsule 3 times a day (half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner).
  3. In the subsequent period, 2 capsules 2 times a day (half an hour before breakfast and dinner).

The maximum number of capsules is 6 pieces per day. Should be washed down with a glass clean water(without gas).

The course lasts 7-8 weeks, after which you need to take a two-week break.

How much weight can you lose?

The effect of the fat burner depends on the characteristics of the body and additional measures.

At integrated approach You can reduce weight by 6-9 kg in the first month. On average, each week is different by minus 2-4 kg. The main thing when using lipo 6 capsules is to follow a low-calorie diet, not exceeding the daily norm.

Side effects

During the event clinical trials serious adverse reactions was not noted, because Lipo 6 is developed based on natural ingredients. However, the stimulants contained in the product (caffeine, synephrine and yohimbine) can cause irritation, sleep disturbances, restlessness and anxiety.

Attacks of headaches are often observed, which disappear 2-3 weeks after starting to take the fat burner.

In addition to the listed factors, other reactions of the body to the components of the drug may occur:

  • increase blood pressure;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • periodically occurring rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • labored breathing;


Restrictions on the use of fat-burning products primarily apply to persons under 21 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Also, you should avoid taking it in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug:

  • yohimbine;
  • caffeine;
  • synephrine, etc.

The use of lipo 6 is contraindicated for people with the following violations health:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems related to the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • mental disorders;
  • prostate in a progressive phase of development.

In the presence of chronic diseases You should first consult with your doctor about the advisability of using the drug and possible risks.

Harm and benefit

The disadvantages of dietary supplements include the presence of stimulants, which do not have the best effect on the body. If there are any irregularities in work, it is vital important systems You should consult with a specialist about the possibility of using a dietary supplement.

The doctor will select the dosage taking into account individual characteristics.

The main advantage of lipo 6 is its effect on metabolism and blocking the absorption of free fats, which tend to accumulate.

Accelerated breakdown of fat cells leads to weight loss. During the period of taking the dietary supplement, the low calorie diet Therefore, a person gets used to a different diet. This gives you the opportunity to change not only your attitude towards food, but also your lifestyle.

Lipo 6 is an unsurpassed fat burner that does not pose a health hazard.

Price and analogues

The composition of Lipo 6 is unique due to the drug’s ability to control the speed and prolongation of the fat burning effect. It is called the leader among this type of product, so no pharmaceutical company has yet released full-fledged analogues.

The cost of the bottle depends on the number of capsules and the trade markup:

  • 120 pieces – 2350 rubles;
  • 240 pieces – 4500 rubles.

Lipo 6 is an American fat burner that contains substances that force you to expend more energy. You work out, add Lipo 6 capsules and burn 30-50% more calories than without the capsules.

Reducing fat on the stomach, thighs and other parts of the body depends on only one factor -. You get energy from food, and it is measured in kilocalories. When you burn more calories than you eat, your body begins to burn its own fat in search of fuel.

And here the fat burner Lipo 6 comes onto the scene. It belongs to the class of so-called thermogenics, due to its ability to increase the release of heat - thermogenesis, and this is an additional waste of energy.

In addition, it contains stimulants that activate nervous system, and you want to run, jump, and generally not sit still. Spontaneous activity, plus an increase in training intensity, increases energy costs even more.

The effect of taking Lipo 6 is powerful, but before you buy this drug, look at what components it consists of.

What does Lipo 6 contain?

Due to the popularity of the supplement, the manufacturer began to produce different variants Lipo 6. The composition of each is different and is intended for different groups consumers. However, all Lipo contains “common” components:

Synephrine is a substance found in bitter oranges.

Synephrine is a safe analogue of the prohibited drug. It is weaker, and this is what protects you from severe side effects. It increases heat production, reduces appetite and increases endurance. It also promotes the synthesis of adrenaline, which in turn releases free fatty acids from adipocytes (fat cells).

In doses above 50 mg, synephrine causes headaches, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Yohimbine – aphrodisiac, plant alkaloid

Fat cells have alpha and beta receptors. The beta group breaks down fats and increases adrenaline levels, while alpha receptors, on the contrary, reduce weight loss activity and promote fat deposition in order to maintain energy balance and not waste precious fat.

Yohimbine turns off some of the alpha receptors, stimulating fat burning. It also stimulates the nervous system so that you feel excited and energized, just like several cups of strong, good coffee.

Be careful. Doses above 15 mg lead to excessive agitation, hypoglycemia, headaches and dizziness.

DMAE is a nootropic that improves brain function

In the USSR it was prescribed to cosmonauts during preparation for flights. Normalizes memory, concentration and mental state. Contains fat burners to reduce stress from hunger and physical activity. The more stress, the more loss muscle tissue, which must be preserved, if only because it itself consumes a lot of calories, even during rest.

Without your mood dropping due to chronic lack of energy, DMAE makes it easier to motivate yourself to exercise and diet.

Caffeine is an alkaloid that stimulates the nervous system

You probably know the feeling of energy after a cup of strong coffee. During training, caffeine increases the synthesis of adrenaline, and this improves weight loss. It also increases endurance. Working out with caffeine is easy, whether it's cardio or strength training.

Thyroid stimulants

Many herbal ingredients have a positive effect on the synthesis of hormones T3 and T4, which regulate fat metabolism in the body. The most common are guggulsterones. They do not replace T3 and T4, and do not copy their action. Guggulsterones activate receptors that interact with thyroid hormones.

If fat cells on the abdomen or thighs cannot be lost, or go into last resort, this could be a signal bad work receptors, including T3 and T4. Guggulsterones, which are part of Lipo 6, stimulate their work, promoting natural fat burning.

The effect of taking Lipo

All components together make you move more and get tired less. If you are too lazy to study, or don’t have the strength to get off the couch because of the meager dietary nutrition, taking Lipo 6 will easily correct the situation.

Now you will sweat, move, train to your full potential, both physically and mentally. Stimulation of the nervous system will focus you on the training process. Synephrine will increase heat production, caffeine will trigger the synthesis of adrenaline, and yohimbine will invigorate.

Returning to the beginning of the article, you will lose weight because you will begin to spend much more energy. Increasing calorie expenditure is exactly how Lipo 6 works.

Side effects of Lipo 6 – reviews from doctors

Lipo 6 is a strong fat burner, so even with correct intake in the first days, people notice dizziness and pressure changes. Synephrine and caffeine will make you hyperexcited and difficult to sit still.
Yohimbine affects blood sugar and blood pressure. It can rise to high mark, which will make you feel apathy, shaking hands, trembling. And all this against the backdrop of increased heart rate due to stimulants such as caffeine.

Everyone reacts differently to Lipo 6. Most will feel uncomfortable in the first few days of taking it. Therefore, we recommend that you start taking the supplement with half the indicated dosage. After three days, you can gradually increase the dose to normal. Such a smooth transition into the regime will insure you against side effects.

If you exceed the dose, you will get a whole bunch of negative effects, starting with pressure drops and ending with nausea and trembling.

Fat burner Lipo 6 – how to take

Take the supplement every day. The first capsule in the morning, the next two after lunch, 3-5 hours later. On training days, the second serving of capsules should be taken immediately before training.

If you weigh more than 55 kg, increase your dosage. In the morning – 2, and in the afternoon – 3 (before training).
Do not take Lipo 6 less than 4 hours before bedtime, otherwise you may have difficulty falling asleep due to the presence of caffeine and other stimulants.

You need to drink Lipo 6 in cycles of 2 weeks. The fact is that after 14 days of use, the effectiveness of the supplement will decrease. The body will simply get used to the active ingredients.

At this point, you need to stop taking it for 7 days so that your body gets used to it. Then start taking the supplement again. The body will react to it as if it were the first time.

Will Lipo 6 help you lose weight?

Any fat burner, even a prohibited one, will not provide a long-term weight loss effect. Losing fat mass is a diet with nutrition. If you continue to eat high-calorie foods, no supplements will help you lose weight, since energy does not magically disappear. You and I went through this at school in physics lessons. Section – the law of conservation of mass.

At the same time, if you maintain a calorie deficit, exercise, and get good rest, taking additional fat burner Lipo 6 for weight loss will not hurt. Provided you have a healthy heart.

However, the main factor in weight loss remains control of calorie balance (getting less than you spend). Lipo 6 - like all other dietary supplements, is only an assistant. It doesn't start fat burning for you.

Who is Lipo 6 suitable for?

Lipo 6 is a strong thermogenic. The target audience is experienced athletes, fitness bikini girls and those who are already following a diet. Let's consider special cases:

You weighed 100 kg and lost up to 80 kg. The lower the weight, the less progress in losing weight. To avoid getting stuck, you use Lipo 6;

Are you preparing for a fitness bikini competition or for the beach season? You have a moderately low body fat percentage (15 to 20%). Simple Diets and training does not help get rid of the most problem areas. Lipo 6 may help by increasing energy expenditure;

You get tired during training, you can’t concentrate, and lack of progress reduces your motivation. Lipo 6 could be a push forward.

If you have not learned to control the balance of calories in your diet or exercise, then it is too early to think about taking Lipo 6 and other fat burners.

What is the difference between different types of Lipo 6

Lipo-6 STIM-FREE– there is no synephrine, yohimbine and caffeine, as a result of which the supplement does not stimulate the central nervous system and does not cause an excited state. Carnitine and guggulsterones are the main components. The supplement is suitable for those who do not like the stimulating effect;

– suitable for those who move little and don’t even train. The only stimulant is caffeine. DMAE makes dieting easier;

Lipo-6 CLA– has nothing in common with its analogues. A set of conjugated linoleic acid, which accelerates fat burning by affecting body fat metabolism. Can be purchased together with the main “Lipo”;

Lipo-6 Carnitine– pure carnitine in L-form. Not a tartate or a hydrochloride. There is nothing else in the composition. The name was chosen for marketing reasons. Buy for training, namely to tone and increase endurance;

Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrateclassic version with double the dosage of yohimbine, synephrine and yohimbine. Suitable for men and professional athletes;

Lipo-6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate– a female version of the above supplement. There are no guggulsterones, since many women have problems with the thyroid gland, and interference with its functioning is undesirable. The dosage of stimulants, in particular yohimbine, has been reduced.

Lipo-6X– the first version of the fat burner. Contains the entire list of main components in moderate amount. Suitable for everyone;

Lipo 6 Hers– version 6x without guggulsterones;

Lipo 6 Black – not available. Replaced with Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate;

Lipo 6 Unlimited – no longer available. The composition contained double dosages of all components.

How is Lipo 6 different from other fat burners?

A set of potent components. It's also important to note liquid capsules, which promote rapid absorption and full manifestation of all effects.

The supplement is not suitable for people with cardiovascular diseases and beginners, and this distinguishes Lipo 6 from many universal light fat burners.


People pay too much attention to choosing fat burners, forgetting about the main factors of losing weight. In fact, no matter what dietary supplements you use, you will not lose weight if you have an excess calorie diet.

Think of excess fat mass as a monetary fortune. When you get every day more money The more you spend, your wealth grows, right? It's the same with calories. Every additional hundred kilocalories is deposited into your “state”.

To change the situation, you just need to spend more than you receive. Lipo 6 and other fat burners will make it easier to spend "money", but nothing more. They won't be able to shop and spend money for you.

The drug “Lipo 6x” currently ranks first in the ranking of the most popular and effective fat burners on the market. Undoubtedly, this is an honored leader. It is in great demand among both professional athletes and amateurs. It is equally suitable for both men and women. This demand is dictated by the fact that this product is undoubtedly a strong fat burner. But questions always remain. How to take Lipo 6x, does it have side effects and can it be combined with other drugs?

Description of the drug

The uniqueness of the Lipo 6x fat burner lies in the successful combination of slow-acting and fast-acting components contained in one capsule in the form of boluses and liquid. This multiphase formula guarantees almost instantaneous absorption of the main ingredients. At the same time, a person’s excessive appetite is suppressed, the feeling of hunger becomes less acute. Fat burner "Lipo 6x" improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. A person feels a surge of vigor, his energy increases. The effect of the drug lasts for several hours.

To get excellent results, you need a long course of taking capsules in combination with regular physical exercise and a low-calorie diet. In this case, the person will gradually notice that the feeling of obsessive hunger is receding. The portions of food you eat will become smaller. Strength and energy will appear. As you take the drug it will gradually go away excess weight. The fat layer will become much thinner. The sagging sides will disappear, the waist will acquire more pronounced curves.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the product

The final result depends on how you take Lipo-6x. If all the conditions and requirements set out in the instructions are met, the effect will not be long in coming. Currently, perhaps better choice than this fat burner, no. A successful combination of powerful ingredients gives excellent results. But the main advantage of the drug is that all the substances included in its composition have long been known and well studied. They are used in the vast majority of fat burners. All ingredients are collected in sufficient concentrations so that a person can receive maximum benefits. Currently, Lipo-6x is one of the best-selling products in all countries of the world. Every year it ranks top in almost all ratings, receiving excellent ratings from experts.

How to take Lipo-6x?

The drug must be taken according to the following regimen. In the first two days daily norm limited to 2 capsules. The first is taken 40 minutes before breakfast. The second - in the afternoon, preferably after lunch. In the next two days, 3 capsules are needed. They are consumed 40 minutes before meals. The next two days the norm increases again. In the morning before breakfast, take two capsules on an empty stomach. In the afternoon, 6 hours before bedtime, you need to drink two more pieces.

Of course, there are some nuances to taking the drug. Firstly, there should be a break of at least 6 hours between taking capsules. Secondly, they are drunk strictly before meals. Do not take the drug on a full stomach. The best option– this is 40 minutes before meals, but no less. On rest days you should limit yourself to just one capsule. These are the basic rules on how to take Lipo-6x. For achievement best effect you must complete an 8-week course. This is followed by a rest period of approximately 3 weeks.

While taking Lipo-6x, you need to purchase a good vitamin and mineral complex. If this is not done, the effect of the fat burner will be insufficient. Vitamins and minerals are needed, especially if you follow a low-calorie diet.

How soon will results be visible?

Nutrex Lipo-6x is a very effective supplement. But you need to understand that miracles do not happen. This tool won't do all the work for you. In addition to taking the drug “Lipo-6x”, in order to achieve the desired results, you also need intense training and proper diet. The result will primarily depend on this. Active components Fat burners only enhance the process of breakdown of adipose tissue. But it does not exclude the need for low-calorie nutrition and physical activity. How less people consumes “junk” food and the more time he devotes to training, the faster the desired effect is achieved. On average, you can lose 5 kilograms in a month.

Combination with other drugs

It is important to know that Lipo-6x capsules from Nutrex cannot be combined with other thermogenerics. But you can safely take it together with Omega-3 acids, L-carnitine, and nutrient blockers. This will not have a negative impact on health; on the contrary, the fat burning effect is enhanced. Many experts even recommend combining these products. Also during fat burning should be taken 3 times a day. slow protein. Amino acids, which preserve muscles from negative impact ongoing catabolic reactions.

It is worth noting that the drug “Lipo-6x” and alcohol are incompatible substances. People need vitamins and mineral complexes. It is impossible to form a beautiful relief figure if there is a shortage of the necessary components. And if you consider that the drug “Lipo-6x” is often combined with strict diets, then it becomes clear that without a vitamin-mineral complex the body will suffer. This will undoubtedly affect your health.

Can there be harm from the drug "Lipo-6x"?

Any drug that affects the functioning of the body can cause, albeit minor, harm, and Lipo-6x is no exception. The instructions for use clearly limit the rate of consumption; in case of overdose, they can undoubtedly manifest themselves in varying degrees side symptoms. In addition, it should be noted that negative effect may occur when the drug “Lipo-6x” is combined with any thermogenics, appetite blockers and diuretics. It is important to know that the only drug that is allowed to be taken simultaneously with Lipo-6x is L-carnitine.

The drug has age restrictions. It is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age. It is also strictly not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation. The drug is contraindicated for people with diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, as well as for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus or hypertension. The drug "Lipo-6x" is not recommended for people with mental disorders.

Lipo 6x - side effects

Despite the fact that all the ingredients of the drug are recognized as safe for human health, it is impossible not to recognize that this supplement contains stimulants. These are synephrine, caffeine and yohimbine. Therefore, it is not surprising that in in some cases a person taking the fat burner “Lipo 6x” experiences a number of unwanted effects. Most often you can observe anxiety, agitation, surges in blood pressure, headaches, and work disturbances. digestive system. If such symptoms appear, you simply need to reduce the dose of the drug consumed. In this case, the side effects disappear.

Not every person is able to lose excess weight through diets and exercise. Sometimes this is due to the characteristics of the body, sometimes it is due to the lack of willpower. Fat burner drugs come to the rescue in this situation. One of the most famous such remedies is Lipo 6. It is worth talking in more detail about what it is.

Fat burner Lipo 6

The drug is available in capsule form white. Main principle The action of the fat burner Lipo 6 is that it stimulates increased calorie expenditure. It is produced by the American company Nutrex. The main advantages of Lipo six:

  1. The drug from Nutrex contains both dry and liquid components, which provides a long-lasting fat burning effect. Lipo 6 has thermogenic properties (slightly increases body temperature). This also promotes active burning of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Lipo 6 contains components that help suppress appetite.
  3. If you take the product while drying, it will stimulate the central nervous system and provide energy.

Types of Lipo 6

There are several variants of the drug in the Nutrex line. Types of Lipo 6:

  1. Steam free. The drug Lipo 6, which does not contain components that excite the nervous system.
  2. RX. Lipo 6 is suitable for people with sedentary lifestyle life.
  3. CLA. The composition of this Lipo 6 drug is completely different from the classic one. Affects processes fat metabolism bodies.
  4. Carnitine. The drug Lipo 6 tones and increases endurance. Contains carnitine.
  5. Black Ultra Concentrate. Lipo 6 preparation containing increased dosage some components. The ultra supplement can be taken by men and women who play sports professional level.
  6. Black Hers Ultra Concentrate. An analogue of the above-mentioned drug Lipo 6 for women who are not professional athletes. Hers contains a reduced dosage of stimulants.
  7. Lipo6-X. A classic drug that was the first to appear on the market. Suppresses appetite, stimulates the production of a hormone that reduces fat mass.
  8. Hers. An analogue of the classic drug that does not contain guggulsterones. Contains vitamins and less caffeine.
  9. Black. Out of production. Contained geranium extract, vitamins, calcium.
  10. Unlimited. Unlimited contains double doses of all components. It has the effect of increasing potency and improves mental activity.

Instructions for use Lipo 6

To prevent the drug from causing harm, you must take it correctly. In the instructions for use of Lipo 6 you will find information about what is included in the composition and what schedule for taking the drug should be followed. Be sure to read the list of contraindications and possible side effects. Only by carefully studying the instructions and following them, you can lose weight without causing harm to the body.

Composition of Lipo 6

The components due to which the drug gives this or that result should be listed. Depending on which version of the product you buy, it contains Lipo 6 in different concentrations can be:

  1. Synephrine. Increases heat production, reduces appetite, makes a person more resilient. It provokes the production of adrenaline, which removes fatty acids from cells.
  2. Yohimbine. It's an aphrodisiac plant origin. Stimulates fat burning by blocking the effect of some prescriptions. Gives lung condition excitement. Helps increase potency in men.
  3. DMAE. Improves brain function. Helps fight stress that accompanies the process of losing weight.
  4. Caffeine. Stimulates the nervous system and accelerates metabolism.
  5. Thyroid stimulants. Promotes natural fat burning.
  6. Bioperine. Antioxidant that normalizes insulin levels.

Application of Lipo 6

What is the effect of the drug? As a result of using Lipo 6, a person becomes more active, and movement - The best way lose weight. The drug must be taken daily. How to take Lipo 6:

  1. The first capsule is taken in the morning.
  2. After lunch they drink two more.
  3. On the days on which a workout is scheduled, it is recommended to consume lunch capsules just before the workout.
  4. If you weigh over 55 kilograms, take 2 tablets in the morning. Dose for lunch – 2 pieces.
  5. The course of treatment is two weeks. Then a break is taken for 7 days. Afterwards, use can be resumed.

While taking the drug, you should exercise and adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, otherwise everything will be in vain. The energy that the capsules will give you needs to be spent somewhere. If you don't spend it during training, the fat won't go away. Who should take Lipo 6:

  1. People who are too overweight to lose weight.
  2. For girls and women preparing for a fitness bikini competition or simply wanting to get their figure in order for the summer.
  3. Professional athletes who want to increase their training productivity.

Side effects of Lipo 6

The body can react unusually to any drug. TO side effects Lipo 6 includes:

  • dizziness and pressure surges in the first days of treatment;
  • overexcitement;
  • apathy;
  • digestive problems;
  • shiver;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea.

Lipo 6 contraindications

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. People with hypertension and arrhythmia.
  3. Children under 18 years old.
  4. At diabetes mellitus.
  5. For those who have kidney problems.
  6. At breastfeeding.
  7. Lipo 6 and alcohol do not mix. If you are taking the drug, categorically avoid alcoholic beverages.

How to take Lipo 6

Each person's body is individual. This must be taken into account when choosing the version of the drug that you plan to use. Before taking Lipo 6, it is advisable to consult a doctor to ensure there are no contraindications. Some variations of the drug are more suitable for women, others for men. In addition, you need to take into account the intensity of your physical activity and final goal reception.

Lipo 6 for women

Not all products in the line are equally good for the fairer sex. Lipo 6 options for women:

  1. Hers. The drug ensures stable weight loss and burns fat specifically in problem areas of women. Capsules tone up and improve mood. They speed up metabolic processes and reduce appetite. In addition, the drug promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue and increases endurance.
  2. Black Hers. The drug is aimed at burning fatty tissue and preventing it from accumulating.
  3. Black Hers Ultra Concentrate. The drug stimulates the thyroid gland and nervous system, destroys subcutaneous fat in problem areas. It is a concentrate of active ingredients.

Women taking the drug are prohibited from drinking alcohol, because the heart will be affected. increased load. You cannot combine capsules with other fat-burning complexes. The dosage should be gradually increased from two tablets (morning and afternoon) to four. You need to wash them down a small amount water. After seven days of taking it, be sure to take a week break.

Lipo 6 for men

All products in the line are suitable for representatives of the stronger sex, including those listed in the section above. Lipo 6 for men is very effective and is considered one of the best fat burners. It acts quickly and continuously. According to numerous positive feedback For men, appetite suppression begins after taking the first capsule. When using the drug, you need to fill your diet low-calorie foods and play sports. So in a month you will be able to lose up to 6 kg.