How to deal with snoring: effective tips. Fighting snoring at home

Typically, two fundamentally different groups of patients turn to somnologists:

  1. Young people who have snored since childhood/adolescence;
  2. People over 40 (usually) who started snoring as adults.

These groups differ greatly in three respects: the causes, the severity of the condition and, as a result, the appropriate treatments.

Let's discuss how to deal with snoring for older people.

Why do adults snore?

There are 5 main groups of reasons why an adult may snore.

1 . Excess weight

As people age, many people gain weight. High employment and disordered eating, a slower metabolism, a less active lifestyle than before - all this contributes to obesity. An interesting observation: men often begin to gain weight after marriage! Comfortable living conditions and quality food do their job.

Adipose tissue is found not only under the skin, but also in tissues, as well as between internal organs. When you gain weight, its volume increases wherever it is located. The volume of the tongue, uvula, and soft palate increases. The fat layer around the pharynx grows. As a result, the lumen of the upper respiratory tract narrows.

During wakefulness, this does not interfere with breathing in any way. But in sleep, all the muscles of the body (including the pharynx) relax. Its walls lose tone, become softer, more pliable, and “flabby.” Under the pressure of the fatty “muff,” they come closer together, begin to tremble, and touch each other when breathing. This is what creates snoring.

2. “Adult” habits: smoking, alcohol, sleeping pills, tranquilizers

Here's how these factors work.

  • Alcohol, sleeping pills, tranquilizers: increase muscle relaxation, suppress the breathing center in the brain.
  • Smoking: causes inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane, reduces the tone of the muscles of the palate and pharynx.

That is, under the influence of these factors, the mechanisms of snoring development are triggered or strengthened: an increase in the volume of tissues, a decrease in their elasticity.

3. Age-related wasting of the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate

After 30 years, the aging process begins in the body. The muscles no longer grow, but, on the contrary, decrease in volume and gradually begin to be replaced by connective tissue. Their contractility and tone decrease. A decrease in the tone of the pharyngeal muscles naturally causes snoring.

The older a person is, the higher his risks. Estimate: 1-3% of children, 30% of people over 30, half of people over 60, 60% of people over 65 snore.

Most often, muscle wasting is an additional reason that enhances the main one.

4. “Childhood” problems that were not corrected in time, and congenital anomalies

If a child has enlarged tonsils (adenoids), he will begin to snore. If they are not removed, snoring is likely to persist throughout your life. And sometimes it gets worse...

A child with adenoids cannot breathe through his nose and breathes through his mouth. Due to the constantly open mouth, the structure of the facial skull changes. An elongated face, a lower jaw displaced back, crowded teeth, a hump nose - by the age of 12-13, such a patient develops the so-called “bird face”. The structure of the respiratory tract also changes. At this point, it is no longer possible to combat the problem with the help of surgery to remove the adenoids - it will not help. The person requires more aggressive treatment.

Take a look at our patients.

Patient S. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, severe (own data).

There are also congenital causes of the disorder: a reduced lower jaw, anomalies in the structure of the soft palate (low palate, elongated uvula). In childhood, it may not affect breathing. But when a person grows up, it causes snoring.

Patient N. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, severe (own data).

5. Combination of several problems

An adult often has several health problems at once. A person over 40 usually has not one, but two, three or more reasons why he snores. When choosing a treatment method on your own, one cause is often eliminated, but the others remain, so snoring persists.

Another important point: in adults, the “self-maintenance mechanism” of snoring is often pronounced.

While snoring:

  1. The walls of the respiratory tract vibrate and shake;
  2. Air passes through the narrowed throat with difficulty;
  3. The snorer's mouth opens.

The result is microtrauma, dry mucous membranes, inflammation, and swelling. These factors themselves provoke snoring and make it difficult to combat it, especially given the decreased ability of tissues to recover after 35-40 years. A person tries to be treated, but he fails.

If you don’t stop snoring after 40, why is it dangerous?

The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea increases with age.

Over time, snoring becomes more pronounced. At some point, it begins to become complicated by respiratory arrests. The walls of the pharynx come closer together during sleep, and sometimes collapse completely. Blockage of the airway causes an attack of suffocation, which can last from 10 seconds to a minute or two. 30% of adults who snore have sleep apnea.

Look at a fragment of a polysomnogram (polysomnography is an overnight study performed to accurately diagnose sleep disorders). You see periods of no breathing in a sleeping patient (highlighted in red).

And here is a video explaining the mechanism of apnea development. It shows a real patient who has not been breathing for more than a minute.

The vast majority of patients with sleep apnea (more than 90%) are over 40 years of age...

Fighting snoring “like an adult”

The author of this article has been dealing with sleep disorders for 23 years, runs the largest somnology center in Russia and specializes in the treatment of snoring and apnea in adult patients. Even for severe apnea, there are effective treatment methods that quickly eliminate snoring, sleep apnea and other symptoms, and reduce the risks of the disease. At the same time, refusal of therapy means continued sleep problems and the risk of complications. With sleep apnea, the likelihood of heart attack and stroke increases 5 times, and the risk of death during sleep increases. The life expectancy of such patients is reduced by at least 5 years.

If you have signs of this disease, consult your doctor. Enter your details in the registration form, the administrator will call you back before the end of the working day.

Many people snore, if not all the time, then at least from time to time. As a result, everyone sleeps poorly - both those who snore and those who try to sleep next to them, and lack of sleep is extremely harmful to a person. How to get rid of snoring, what can you do? Here are six ways.

Close your mouth

The main external respiratory organ in humans is the nose. If you sleep with your mouth open, the air you inhale reaches the soft tissues at the back of your throat, causing them to vibrate with a characteristic sound. About 45% of adults snore periodically, 25% snore constantly. About every tenth child also snores, but this usually goes away by the age of seven, when the adenoids naturally shrink. In adults, the situation can only get worse, so if you snore, pay attention to special face coverings made to keep your mouth closed.

...and open your nose

If your nasal passages are open, you are less likely to breathe through your mouth. Alcohol and smoking contribute to nasal congestion, so it's best to avoid them if you're prone to snoring (limit drinking to twice a week and don't smoke four hours before bed). If your nose is already stuffy, a special spray based on, for example, sea water will help. If your nasal passages are blocked due to injury, surgery may help.

Lose weight

Snoring can be a result of too much snoring in the neck area. This fat compresses the airways, making it difficult for air to pass through. Fat deposits in this area are more common in men, and the stronger sex snores more often than women.

Check bite

In some cases, snoring is caused by incorrect jaw position - retrognathia. If, when you close your mouth, you feel that your lower teeth are located far behind compared to your upper teeth, contact an orthodontist to correct your bite. Perhaps this will also help cope with snoring, since with the correct position of the jaws, the tongue will not sink in during sleep, and the airways will be free.

Turn on your side

Sleeping on your side is much healthier than sleeping on your side. This can be achieved in several ways - for example, buying a special pillow or putting something uncomfortable inside the pajamas or T-shirt you sleep in (for example, a tennis ball). The latter method works in much the same way as a nudge from a partner who can't sleep, but it is less traumatic (and less offensive).

Consult a doctor

Snoring can be a symptom of short-term cessation of breathing. This condition requires medical intervention.

Almost every person has at least once in his life heard his roommate, relative, or overnight guest snoring. And this is not surprising, according to statistics, 30% of the entire world population suffers from snoring.

Approximately 60% of US residents snore in their sleep, and in our country - every fifth Russian. But why does a person snore, and is it dangerous for his health? How to deal with this feature? Many questions arise.

What is snoring and how does it occur?

Let's consider the mechanism of the occurrence of loud, intrusive sounds that a person makes during sleep. When we go to bed, we don't stop breathing. The air passes through the nasal passages, then through the pharynx, after which it enters the trachea or bronchi.

Snoring sounds appear in the throat. In order for a person’s pharynx and larynx to function normally and maintain respiratory function, the muscles, soft palate and its uvula must work in a coordinated manner. If a malfunction occurs, the person makes snoring sounds. This often occurs due to narrowing of the upper airways or decreased tone of the pharyngeal muscles.

When a person snores, the walls of the breathing tube collapse, as well as its partial obstruction. Vibration of the soft tissues of the pharynx and soft palate occurs. To put it simply, the airways narrow, and the soft tissues that are present in the pharynx beat against each other under the flow of inhaled and exhaled air.

Causes of snoring in men and women

We have analyzed the mechanism of snoring. But what factors cause these changes in the body? Let's look at the main reasons why a person may snore.

Narrowing of the airways

Snoring is often caused by narrowing of the airways. These changes occur due to a number of diseases or birth defects, but sometimes bad habits can also be the cause:

  • trauma to the nose, which resulted in a deviated nasal septum;
  • the appearance of polyps. These are benign growths that appear inside the nasal passages;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa as a consequence of rhinitis, ARVI and other diseases. Sometimes swelling of the mucous membrane occurs due to the fact that a person inhales smoke from cigarettes, which is why smokers snore quite often;
  • swelling of the oropharynx caused by tonsillitis or tonsillitis;

  • inflammation of the adenoids. Most often, babies snore because of this;
  • overweight. If a person has grade 2 or 3 obesity, the lumen of the breathing tube decreases;
  • congenital narrow breathing tube or deviated nasal septum. It happens that a person is born with narrow nasal passages, a deviated septum inside the nose, or he has an inappropriate length of the uvula.
  • malocclusion, the lower jaw is smaller than the upper and seems to be pressed into the neck.

Decreased muscle tone of the pharynx

When a person goes to bed, his muscle tone decreases. However, these changes are minor, so their presence alone cannot cause snoring. Additional factors that cause excessive relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles contribute to the appearance of snoring sounds.

These include:

  • sleeping pills (a person took medications that have a sleeping pill or sedative effect before going to bed);
  • fatigue. Both physical and psycho-emotional stress can cause snoring;
  • alcohol. Most often, men suffer from this addiction, but sometimes women also drink before bed. Alcohol relaxes all muscle groups, including the respiratory tract;
  • endocrine diseases. If a person suffers from hypothyroidism, that is, he does not produce enough thyroid hormones, there is a general decrease in muscle tone in the body.

Hormonal changes in women: pregnancy and menopause

All of the above reasons occur in both men and women. At the same time, the fair half of humanity has another reason that can cause snoring - hormonal changes.

Thus, during pregnancy, women often begin to make characteristic sounds during sleep. Even more often, women who are over 50 suffer from snoring, since at this time they enter menopause.

Is snoring dangerous to your health?

The fact that a snoring person interferes with the sleep of those who are in the same room with him is no secret. And for the sake of the peace of mind of your loved ones, you should get rid of it, but this is not the main reason for which you need to be treated.

Stopping breathing (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome)

Often snoring is the only sign of such a dangerous disease as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Its other signs: a headache, a person gets tired, his attention decreases, problems begin in his intimate life - are not as noticeable as intrusive “night” sounds that prevent others from sleeping.

When the disease develops in a person, a short-term cessation of breathing occurs during sleep, due to which the level of oxygen in the blood sharply decreases, which means that all organs and tissues of the body begin to suffer from hypoxia - lack of oxygen.

If this is a mild form of the disease, then there are few such stops (from 2 to 3). In severe cases, there are up to 500 pauses in breathing during sleep - this means that a person holds his breath for 4 hours a night.

All this affects your well-being. A person cannot get enough sleep, wakes up in the morning exhausted and tired, then all day long he complains of fatigue, drowsiness, and headaches. It is difficult for him to concentrate, he begins to forget everything. If the disease is diagnosed in a man, it often affects potency.

It is very important to detect the development of apnea in time and begin treatment, otherwise the patient increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension, arrhythmia may develop, and sometimes the disease causes a stroke or heart attack. Even death in a dream is not excluded.

Normal snoring

Snoring is not always a sign of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. At the same time, the reasons that cause simple snoring and the development of this dangerous disease are similar.

In a patient who snores without stopping breathing, the walls of the respiratory tract do not block the access of oxygen, but only vibrate, which is why air still passes through. However, much less is supplied than needed, which cannot but affect one’s well-being.

If it’s hard for you to get up in the morning, you constantly have a headache, you have no strength, you can’t get enough sleep, even if you go to bed on time, it’s possible that this is because your body is weakened because it couldn’t rest well at night.

Scientists from Italy have found that constant snoring causes destructive changes, which reduces a person’s mental abilities.

How to treat snoring: what should you do?

Snoring is not the norm. You need to fight him. It is especially important to make a timely diagnosis for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Visit to the doctor

If a number of signs appear (snoring, which is sometimes interrupted, headaches in the morning, fatigue, problems with memory and attention, increased blood pressure, and others), you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. He will confirm or refute the diagnosis by performing a polysomnography.

Even if the diagnosis of apnea is not confirmed, you should not refuse to let the situation take its course. How to deal with snoring in this case?

Quitting bad habits and sleeping pills, normalizing weight

There is no universal remedy for treating snoring, since much depends on what disease, pathology or habit caused it.

  1. The simplest way that helps many patients is to lose excess weight, since it can be the cause of annoying “rattling” sounds during sleep.
  2. Giving up bad habits is also useful: you should not abuse alcohol, and it is better to quit smoking.
  3. In addition, it is worth gradually weaning off sleeping pills if you are taking them.

If snoring is caused by congestion and swelling of the nasal passages, you should consult a doctor to treat the disease that caused the problem: allergies, rhinitis, tonsillitis. In some cases, to improve nasal breathing, you have to resort to rhinoplasty.

How to deal with snoring at home?

What should a person who snores in their sleep do? The first step, definitely, is to visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations. But is there any other way to help yourself and give those around you the opportunity to get some sleep before the excess weight goes away (usually this does not happen quickly), or while waiting in line for surgery?

To prevent snoring during sleep, you can take the following simple measures:

Take care of correct body position

Buy an orthopedic pillow. She will raise her head and keep it in the correct position while sleeping. Or simply raise your head in another way. Then not only will the tongue not sink, but the swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa will also subside, as the liquid will flow down.

Perform special gymnastics

Performing special exercises helps strengthen the muscles of the pharynx:

Don't sleep on your back

Those who sleep in this position most often suffer from snoring. It is while sleeping on the back that a person’s tongue can become stuck. So try to sleep on your side.

To prevent you from rolling over in your sleep, attach a pocket to the back of your pajamas and place a tennis ball or walnut in it, which will prevent you from taking an unwanted position. In just a month, the bad habit of sleeping on your back will disappear.

Buy an anti-snoring device

Buy an intraoral device that can help prevent snoring. It looks like a pacifier, and thanks to its shape it helps to fix the tongue in the desired position. The device is worn before bed and helps in cases where a person snores due to a malocclusion.


On your doctor's recommendation, purchase anti-snoring medications (sprays, drops) that contain essential oils. They help tone the muscles of the pharynx and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

When you eliminate the cause of snoring, you will get rid of it. However, if it was caused by senile changes in the body, you will have to come to terms with it. Old age, unfortunately, cannot be treated.

Snoring is considered one of the most common causes of insomnia in adults.

Snoring is the name given to the hoarse, measured sounds produced when breathing through the mouth. Why do they appear?

Because the air passing through the pharynx vibrates the tissue of the soft palate. At the same time, cheeks, lips, and nostrils can fluctuate. As a rule, snoring occurs if you sleep on your back - then your mouth opens involuntarily and your tongue prevents air from passing freely. Therefore, the easiest way to deal with snoring is to change the position of the sleeping person. In a position on your side or stomach, the likelihood of such sounds occurring will be much less.

Can snoring be dangerous to your health?

Snoring is not harmless. Although it cannot cause any serious harm to the body, it is, however, capable of initiating a state of chronic fatigue caused by lack of sleep.

Also, the other half suffers from insomnia, and any prolonged insomnia can lead to serious illnesses. Relationships in the family can become strained and some marriage institutions even fell apart for the reason that the spouses did not know how to deal with snoring.

A dangerous condition may occur not when snoring is measured and monotonous, but in the event of a sudden short-term cessation of breathing, which is accompanied by loud snoring when it resumes. This is an alarming sign of apnea, a painful sleep disorder. Obstructive apnea can cause coronary heart disease, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and even sudden death during sleep due to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of oxygen.

To make a correct diagnosis and find out how to deal with snoring, you should first consult an ENT doctor. If it is necessary to exclude apnea syndrome, then it is worth undergoing a special diagnosis - polysomnography. A study and registration of information about the functioning of the body during sleep is carried out, on the basis of which treatment for snoring will be prescribed.

What is the cause of snoring?

Severe muscle relaxation caused by drinking alcohol, smoking, excess weight, severe fatigue, and thyroid dysfunction.

Problems in the respiratory tract: enlarged tonsils, adenoids, congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum, polyps or other neoplasms in the nasal cavity, congenital abnormalities in the structure of the respiratory passages (narrow nasal passages, tongue too large, soft palate too long, small size of the lower jaw and etc.).

Treatment for snoring depends entirely on the causes that cause it.

If the problem is in the structure or condition of the respiratory organs, then the ENT doctor will prescribe individual surgical or conservative treatment.

Changing lifestyle, sleeping habits and eating habits works well for some, and can even bring relief from snoring. The following is necessary: ​​weight loss, quitting tobacco, quitting alcohol, reducing the use of sleeping pills, a daily routine in which enough time is allocated for sleep and it occurs at the same time.

The use of special devices that prevent the body from taking a position “on its back” during sleep (a tennis ball placed in a pocket sewn to the back of the pajamas). It helps some people that the head of the bed is somewhat elevated in relation to the legs (a block located under the legs of the bed).

Persistent daily use of special training exercises from the “How to fight snoring” series: maximum protrusion of the tongue for 2 seconds in a row 30 times, moving the jaw back and forth with the help of the hand 30 times in a row. This exercise helps a lot: before going to bed, hold a wooden stick clamped between your teeth for 3-4 minutes.

Special tablets, aerosols and drops for gargling are also used in medical practice with some success.

Sometimes surgery is required to tighten the soft palate and uvula.

If you also encounter this unpleasant problem, do not despair. Knowing how to deal with snoring will make it easier for you.

Many people are interested in how to deal with snoring? There are many different medicinal ways to eliminate the disease. In some cases, traditional methods of treatment also come to the rescue. To achieve a positive result, it is important to identify the cause of snoring and promptly begin treatment in an appropriate manner.

Snoring can be treated only after identifying the cause of the disease.

General information about the problem

Snoring becomes the first sign of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. This disease is dangerous for humans due to episodic loss of breathing. Through such manifestations, acute oxygen starvation occurs. Such negative manifestations increase the likelihood of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Among them:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • rapid rates of development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia.

There are quite a lot of people who snore. Since the deviation is removable, there is no need to despair, but we must act. You can turn to traditional medicine or use traditional treatment recipes. However, in the process of self-medication you need to be very careful not to harm your own health.

Snoring increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

Effective methods of control

How to stop snoring? Doctors often use positional therapy to treat the problem for many men. Special devices may be involved that are placed in the oral cavity to eliminate snoring. Other options for therapeutic effects on the body:

  • surgical methods;
  • the use of medications that help reduce snoring;
  • CPAP treatment, applicable exclusively to those patients diagnosed with a complicated illness;
  • adjusting the patient’s daily lifestyle.

Snoring can be reduced with medications


How to beat snoring? An excellent option is herbal medicine, which is very popular among people with this problem. Some herbs have a tonic effect. Since a positive effect is produced on the muscles, snoring can be reduced or eliminated completely.

There are a lot of men among people who snore. They may wake up and feel a sore throat and have a hoarse voice. Thanks to herbal medicine, these symptoms are reliably eliminated. With the help of special decoctions and infusions, its appearance can be avoided.

The intensity of snoring can be reduced by reducing the strength and frequency of the beating of the pharyngeal wall against one another. To achieve this, it is necessary to use oils of plant origin. The oil coats the nasopharyngeal walls and helps moisturize the mucous surface.

Instilling sea buckthorn oil will help relieve difficulty breathing

This remedy even helps reduce swelling and eliminate inflammatory processes. For treatment, special oils are selected that have a combination of necessary medicinal properties. Among them: sea buckthorn oil, eucalyptus oil.

To prepare infusions, sage and oregano are used, as well as other medicinal herbs to relieve inflammation. The patient should gargle with them. The duration of such therapy and the specifics of preparing the medicine are agreed upon with the attending physician.

Simple Treatment Options

The problem can be dealt with using positional treatment. Based on many years of observations, it has been established that a person snores only when he is in a supine position, and he should lie on his back.

Positional therapy encourages side sleeping and eliminates snoring

Doctors sometimes advise their patients to make a pocket in their pajamas in any part of the back in which to place a round object. It should be voluminous and dense so that it cannot be crushed in a dream. In this way, discomfort is created for the person who will lie on his back. It turns over on its side or stomach, which helps stop snoring in both men and women.

Another option, which helps in most cases: you need to install a bed with a raised headboard in the bedroom. You can make such furniture yourself. For this purpose, a stand is made, and the headboard is raised by about 10-15 cm. Result: complete elimination or reduction in the degree of snoring.

You can also cope with the disease through the third option of positional therapy. To do this, you need to use a special orthopedic pillow. Thanks to it, the patient’s spine is in a normal physiological position throughout sleep. In this case, the patient can lie on his side or on his back.

You can sleep in any comfortable position on special orthopedic pillows

Maintaining the optimal level of humidity in the room will help cope with the deviation. Men will snore less severely if a humidifier is installed in the bedroom. If you don’t have such a device, you can place a vessel filled with water on your bedside table.

Effective methods

There are many devices available for men and women to prevent snoring. They need to be fixed in the oral cavity. Special devices do not allow the tongue to sink. Thanks to them, a reflex strengthening of the muscle tone of the pharynx occurs. Among the special devices are applicators inserted into the mouth. The Extra-lor device is a domestic product.

It will be possible to relieve men from snoring through surgical intervention. However, surgical methods are only applicable for uncomplicated snoring. This method allows you to get a positive result in most people, in about 80% of cases out of 100.

For pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, surgical intervention is performed

Provided that snoring is complicated by obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, surgical intervention is not performed. The essence of the technique is to excise unnecessary tissue of the soft palate. Sometimes doctors remove the tonsils.

How to deal with snoring? The desired effect is achieved with the help of special medications. We are talking about nasal breathing disorders. Such negative processes can be provoked by allergic rhinitis.

After a thorough examination, the attending physician prescribes Nasonex to the patient. The medication is made in the form of a spray, it is intended only for the nose.

Nasonex is an effective nasal spray for snoring

The medicine is a hormonal agent with a local effect. The effect of using the drug can be observed after a short period of time from the start of therapy. Inflammation decreases and swelling of the mucous surface is eliminated. The medicine is not only effective, but also has a high degree of safety. Therefore, it is used to treat adults and even children over 2 years of age.

Among other means, biologically active drugs can be used, but they are not medicinal. Of these, the most effective are the following: Silence, Doctor Snoring, Snorstop. These are oral sprays.

If you irrigate the walls of the pharynx with a spray, you can significantly soften it. Lubricated walls help reduce snoring, because they stick together less and do not hit each other during breathing during sleep. Biologically active products are produced using plant components that have a softening effect, and they also eliminate swelling.

Throat sprays are also used to treat snoring.

Other measures

Such a phenomenon as complicated snoring is very dangerous not only for human health, but also for life. Patients who suffer from sleep apnea syndrome are usually prescribed CPAP therapy.

The fight against snoring is carried out using a special device. During sleep, the breathing process takes place with the help of a mask. It is connected to the CPAP machine using a hose. The device itself has a built-in compressor. It causes the creation of positive moderate air pressure in the mask itself.

This occurs when a person inhales and exhales air. Due to the well-coordinated mechanism, it is possible to straighten the airways. At any level, patency of the pharynx is ensured. Thus, not only is snoring eliminated, but it is also possible to avoid the characteristic symptom associated with stopping breathing.

For complicated snoring, CPAP therapy is prescribed.

The German company has improved such products. CPAP therapy using them helps to cope with the entire spectrum of respiratory abnormalities. In this case, the effect on the body is carried out with the maximum level of comfort and convenience.

Subjects who begin to experience sleep snoring may not need specific treatment. In some cases, it is enough to change your usual lifestyle and correct some points. People who are overweight usually face this problem, since obesity can be the cause of the disease. For some subjects, it is enough to lose at least 6% of their total initial body weight. Even such improvements can make the problem disappear.

It is very important to lead an active lifestyle. Every person's diet should be balanced. You need to eat healthy food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. The body should receive useful microelements and vitamins. Bad habits need to be abandoned. This applies to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Snoring treatment must be supplemented with proper nutrition

It is important to stop taking sleeping pills. If you follow the tips listed above, you can eliminate individual causes of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to regularly conduct gymnastic exercises for the muscles of the pharynx and tongue.

The best option for dealing with the disease can be determined by the attending physician. There is no need to think that such a phenomenon is harmless and only causes inconvenience to others.

How to help a loved one not snore, you will learn from the video: