Ordinary potatoes. Useful properties, botanical description and treatment with potato flowers

Potato flowers - against many diseases
Walking along the rows of flowering potatoes, you are surprised to see that there is not a single bug or bee on the flowers. And only when you go deep into the special scientific literature, you understand what’s what: potato flowers are simply poisonous. And they contain serious poison - the alkaloid solanine. The tops and greened and sprouted potato tubers are also rich in this substance (neither humans nor animals can eat them). Treatment with flowers and potato sprouts, cosmetic masks for those over 40.

Solanine can cause severe poisoning. Its main symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, depression of motor and mental activity, difficulty breathing, cardiovascular failure, V severe cases - coma. First aid: gastric lavage with water suspension activated carbon or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary - artificial respiration. However, in small doses, solanine has medicinal properties and has wide range actions with radical and effective results. This is what I experienced for myself and my loved ones. Treatment with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts, cosmetic masks for those over 40.

I'll start in order. I grow potatoes in clean ecological environment. I only add ash or lake silt as fertilizer. There is no question of different mineral (chemical) fertilizers! So the flowers do not acquire any unexpected, extraneous properties.

At first I was treated with potato flowers infused in water, but I was soon disappointed, since the water infusion quickly deteriorated on the second or third day: bad smell, becomes moldy. Then I started doing this: 0.8 l water infusion flowers added about 100 ml of vodka. This tincture was stored for a long time. How to treat with potato sprouts and flowers, composition of cosmetic masks for those over 40.

But over time, I switched to a different method of preparing flowers for future use. I consider him the best. I pass freshly picked potato flowers through a meat grinder, put the resulting mass (about three-quarters full) into a tightly closed vessel (a bottle with a wide screw-on neck), and fill it with vodka. After a week, the tincture is ready. But drying the flowers raises doubts: they turn black, and when they are poured in two layers, they become moldy and, obviously, lose healing properties. In vodka tincture, the flowers retain these properties perfectly. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato flowers at home. Cosmetic potato mask for facial skin for those over 40 folk remedies.

When I was still being treated with an aqueous infusion of flowers with the addition of vodka, I drank 0.5 glasses of this drug 2 times a day, morning and evening, in order to get rid of two tumors (they are on my chest, almost under my armpit, and in the groin ). At first there seemed to be an improvement, but after two weeks poisoning set in. His symptoms were the same as I described above. How to be treated with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts, how to use cosmetic masks for women over 40.

I immediately stopped taking the drug. But it was necessary to undergo treatment, especially since I knew that tinctures of potato flowers in many recommendations of traditional medicine are considered one of the most effective means recovery. Yes and from medical literature It is known that ingestion of small concentrations of solanine produces significant healing effect(back in 1965, Soviet pharmacologists discovered its anti-inflammatory and heart tone-improving properties). Cosmetic mask made from potatoes for those over 40. How to use potato flowers and sprouts for treatment, preparing a tincture.

I began to think, read some more scientific literature and came to the conclusion that solanine, like some other toxic substances, has a cumulative effect, that is, it gradually accumulates in the body when consumed over a long period of time. This gradual accumulation of toxins in the body is completely unnoticed at first, and therefore, signs of poisoning (that is, the penetration of toxic substances into the organs and the occurrence of persistent long-term disorders) are not felt. I also learned that solanine is retained firmly in the body and is excreted very slowly from it. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

I took a break for a week until I felt that the symptoms of poisoning had passed. Then he started taking the drug again (water infusion of flowers plus vodka), but in smaller doses: every other day, 2 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, and still washed it down a small amount warm boiled water. This moderate use did not have any effect toxic effect. And then I completely switched to taking a tincture of flowers, prepared only with vodka, without the presence of water. I repeat once again: since potato flowers are poisonous, they must be treated very carefully, not a single extra drop should be used. For example, I now take no more than 10 drops per day orally (I add them to tea or just in clean water). And as soon as I felt that there were even the slightest signs of poisoning, I immediately stopped taking it for 2-3 days, or even longer.

I have used and continue to use potato flower tincture not only internally, but also externally. For example, he applied thick flannel cloth, richly soaked in tincture, to his tumors. This also gave positive effect. First, I applied the fabric for 1 hour, and then for the whole night, from time to time letting the fabric cool, since it was applied to the body for a long time. long term, gets very hot. Tincture of flowers and potato sprouts for the treatment of diseases, composition of cosmetic masks made from potatoes for those over 40.

After just one treatment with the tincture, the diaper rash on my feet disappeared, although before that I had lubricated my fingers and feet with pharmaceutical ointments to no avail.

Lotions made from tincture of potato flowers completely eliminate skin itching, acne and a number of other skin diseases.

I also used the tincture for inhalation for colds and upper respiratory diseases. respiratory tract. This procedure gives amazing results: coughing, sneezing, itching of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and pharynx immediately disappear. I remember I suffered for two nights: I was choking with a cough, my nose was completely blocked, I couldn’t breathe. I took an inhalation - and immediately everything disappeared, as if it had just disappeared! Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with flowers and potato sprouts at home. Cosmetic potato mask for facial skin for those over 40 folk remedies.

I brush my teeth, rinse my mouth and throat boiled water, into which I pour a little tincture of potato flowers. As a result, the development of dental caries stopped. Those that still survived became white and fresh, like new. If only I had known about this before therapeutic effect potato flowers, I wouldn’t lose a single tooth. Now I'm glad that I found a means to preserve the remaining ones.

I rinse my nose, especially when it’s stuffy: I pour a little water into my palm with the addition of a tincture of flowers, suck it in with my nose, then splash it out. And when I have time, I treat the throat, nose and mouth with an inhaler: I inhale the sprayed particles of the solution with my entire chest, so that it reaches the lungs. I continued to study in detail the healing properties of potato flowers and came to the conclusion that they, it turns out, are unrivaled among plants capable of suppressing the pathogenic activity of fungi, primarily the candidate type, as well as Staphylococcus aureus. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, cosmetic masks made from potatoes for women over 40.

How to apply potato flower tincture externally for fungal skin infections? Simply moistening, say, nails and areas between the fingers that are infected with fungi with it is ineffective. It is best to thoroughly mix the tincture with Vaseline (although these components do not mix well), and then lubricate the fungus-affected areas with this mixture. This mixture stays on the skin for a long time, does not dry out and works better than simple wetting.

My whole family treats fungal skin sores with potato flower tincture. On my daughter’s mole on her lower back, a certain itchy growth began to grow; in addition, it was constantly irritated by the belt. The doctors didn't help. The daughter just smeared the mole with a tincture of potato flowers several times, and this stopped the growth of the neoplasm, and then it disappeared completely. Various kinds I also remove stains on my skin using potato flower tincture. At night I continue to lubricate my two tumors: although they do not disappear at all, they do not increase and do not bother me with pain. Treatment with folk remedies, tincture of flowers and potato sprouts for arthritis and joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes, home-cooked, for women over 40.

What has changed in my body? A lot of things. The main thing is that now I am not so overcome by fatigue, and leg cramps occur less often. I felt some kind of lightness in my body, emotional elation, optimism. Sometimes I even forget about my age. Rejuvenation?! Hardly. Most likely, this is the cleansing of the body, all its organs and cells, blood and brain from accumulations of fungi and other harmful microorganisms, thanks to which I feel like a healthy, full of energy person. Grigory OSCHENKO, Poronaysk, Sakhalin region. Source www.fismag.ru

Treatment with flowers and potato sprouts.
Whole potatoes and tubers, sprouts, stems, and flowers have pronounced healing properties. Potato flowers infused with vodka perfectly help with radiculitis. During attacks, rub the painful areas with the tincture and take 1 tbsp orally. spoon 3 times a day.

Whole potatoes and tubers, sprouts, stems, and flowers have pronounced healing properties. Potato flowers infused with vodka perfectly help with radiculitis. During attacks, rub the painful areas with the tincture and take 1 tbsp orally. spoon 3 times a day.

An infusion of dried potato flowers helps reduce blood pressure and also stimulates breathing. It is enough to drink 1 tbsp for a month. spoon 3 times a day so that the pressure becomes normal. For chronic hypertensive patients, this is simply a salvation. It is prepared like this - brew 1 teaspoon of dried potato flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato sprouts and flowers at home. Cosmetic potato mask for facial skin for those over 40 folk remedies.

Alcohol and water infusions are also used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and as an antitumor agent. Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried under a canopy, and stored for no more than a year in canvas bags.

Water infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of raw material with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain before use. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Alcohol infusion: fill the bottle to the top with flowers, add alcohol or vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Take according to a specific regimen (on the advice of a doctor) depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

If vision decreases, pour 1 tablespoon of potato sprouts, sprouted in the cellar, with 1 glass of vodka. Leave for 1 week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

In folk medicine cancerous tumor An infusion of potato flowers is used. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 3 hours (you can leave for 3 hours in a thermos). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Thus, during the course of treatment you need to drink 4 liters of infusion.

In scientific and folk medicine, the potato diet is recommended as a diuretic, Fresh Juice used for scurvy, scrofula, hemorrhoids, goiter, constipation, gastritis with increased acidity, in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Treatment with folk remedies, potatoes, flowers and potato sprouts for arthritis, joint diseases. Cosmetic masks from potatoes prepared at home for those over 40.

In cosmetic practice, potato juice is added to nourishing masks, and inhaling the steam obtained from freshly boiled potatoes helps with catarrh of the respiratory tract. Compresses from raw potatoes. Mashed potatoes mixed with olive oil, applied to a sore spot for joint inflammation, arthritis, hemorrhoids, as well as burn wounds, boils, ulcers and areas affected by eczema.

Potato juice is drunk to cleanse the body of toxins.
It regulates intestinal function, stops heartburn and pain, normalizes acidity gastric juice, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effects, promotes the healing of ulcers.

Women with breast fibroadenoma drink 100 ml potato juice twice a day half an hour before meals. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with flowers and potato sprouts at home. Cosmetic potato mask for facial skin for those over 40 folk remedies.

For joint pain, use a rub made from potato flowers infused with triple cologne or vodka.

Treatment of arthritis, joint pain.
1) To relieve pain in the joints and legs, it is recommended to apply compresses from green potatoes crushed on a grater or in a meat grinder to sore spots.
Wash the potatoes thoroughly and chop without removing the skins. Place the resulting mass in hot water and heat to a temperature just above 38°C. Then, without squeezing, place the potatoes in a bag made of burlap. Moreover, the bag itself should be shaped like the shin, ankle joint or fingers, depending on where you need to put the compress. You should first place an oilcloth under the bag. The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5 - 2 cm. Wrap the sore spot with this bag and cover it with oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing leaks out of the compress. You should go to bed with the compress, placing your foot on a pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as you feel warm. If the compress does not heat, it means it is poorly made. The pain goes away within 20-30 minutes and does not recur until next exacerbation. Apply the compress daily at night. This must be done within 7 days, and after that - according to the result. If the pain disappears in the first 2-3 days and then does not reappear, there is no further need to apply a compress. Treatment with folk remedies for arthritis and joint diseases with flowers and potato sprouts. Cosmetic masks from potatoes prepared at home for those over 40.

2) Drink potato decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, then during the day and before bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel.

3) Indians use next way treatment: whole potato tubers are applied to the sore joints, and if the joints of the fingers are swollen, then the potato is played in the hand like a ball, and at night a glove with a potato is put on the hand or the potato is tied to the sore joint. Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with potato flowers at home. Cosmetic potato mask for facial skin for those over 40 folk remedies.

Potion" ambulance"for joint pain.
This mixture should be in every home.
Add 1 tbsp. spoon of coarse salt in 1 liter of water and stir. Separately, take 80-100 ml of 10% ammonia and pour in 10 g camphor alcohol. Shake the mixture and combine with saline solution. White flakes will appear. Close the container with a lid and shake the container until the flakes disappear. The mixture is ready. Treatment with potato flowers at home. A cosmetic mask made from potato flowers is a folk remedy.

To relieve headaches, heat the mixture in a water bath, wet your entire head with it and tie your head with a warm scarf overnight. Potato flowers, treatment of diseases with potato flowers, folk remedy. For joint pain, apply a lotion to the joint, placing compress paper or cellophane on top and wrap it up. Lotions can be done 2-3 times a day. Cheap and effective. Folk remedies for home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, composition of cosmetic masks for women over 40.

Potatoes will relieve joint pain.
Treatment with potato flowers is a folk remedy. You need to boil the potatoes in their jackets, mash them well in the water in which they were boiled. Let it sit well. Starch remains at the bottom, and on top - medicinal infusion. Carefully drain it and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The result: pain is relieved and you can lose weight.

For those suffering from gout, arthritis, arthrosis, heel spurs The following tool will help:
Fill a light glass jar entirely with potato sprouts (choose the thickest and shortest, do not wash), lightly crush. Opened jar place on the windowsill for 2 weeks, after this period, fill the jar medical alcohol(for a half-liter jar you will need 300 g of alcohol), close tightly and place in a dark place for a month. Strain. Rub the sore areas once a day before going to bed. One course lasts 2-3 weeks, depending on how you feel. Treatment with folk remedies for arthritis and joint diseases with flowers and potato sprouts. Cosmetic masks made from potatoes for women over 40 at home.
Source zabolevaniya.ru

European potato flowers, healing properties

When debates begin about the benefits and harms of potatoes, for some reason we are talking only about tubers. But when correct use Stems, leaves, and flowers can all benefit. The latter will be discussed. Let's talk about potato flowers, medicinal properties, contained in them.

Flowers and berries

As you know, potatoes in Russia have come a long way to recognition: peasants are generally suspicious of everything new, and Slavophiles considered it alien to Russian culture, in short, a corrupting influence of the West. In fact, the fear of potatoes was due to frequent cases of potato poisoning. And of course, because the alkaloid solanine is seriously poisonous. At the same time, simple potato flowers, the medicinal properties of which have now been discovered in a new way, at that time often adorned the high hairstyles and wigs of beautiful ladies.

But they learned about their benefits not so long ago. Let's start with the fact that these are still flowers, and there will be more solanine in the berries. And yet, potatoes need this poison for something: for example, it has fungicidal (killing fungus) and insecticidal properties.

Research recent years showed that potato flowers suppress the action of staphylococci and fungi such as Candida better than other plants.

How and what to treat?

Before talking about the benefits of potato flowers, it is worth recalling once again that they contain poison. This means that their tincture can only be taken in the most homeopathic doses: up to a couple of teaspoons a day, and any extra drop can kill even a horse. But most importantly, they can protect against many ailments, because they contain not only poison, but also, for example, flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

For example, potato flowers are used to treat sore throat. It is enough to brew 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. spoon of flowers and let it brew. Once cooled, you can gargle with them. The same infusion can reduce blood pressure and improve breathing. In principle, potato flowers can also be used for inhalation: they can be useful in the treatment of tuberculosis and even lung cancer.

And yet, the water infusion has a big disadvantage: it quickly deteriorates, acquiring bad smell and even becoming moldy. That is why alcohol tincture has become very popular.

How to cook it? Firstly, the flowers must be fresh: after lying for some time, they darken and become moldy, and during drying they lose many of their healing properties. So let's collect plant material directly in the garden, put it through a meat grinder, put it in a container that closes tightly, and fill it with vodka. After a week, the tincture is completely ready. How is it used? In the form of drops, you can use it in tea.

It can be used internally only if there are fungi in the body, and also to reduce blood pressure. But this tincture is most effective if it is used externally, wiping areas of the skin affected by fungi, causing concern for moles, and it can also be used to remove dark spots. For these purposes, the tincture must be mixed with Vaseline, although this is not so simple. You can also apply a flannelette bandage soaked in tincture at night to the places where there are tumors, rinse your nose and do inhalations. This tincture is also suitable for treating diseases of the gums and teeth: after brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with it.

Safety precautions

Any poison that can be treated requires the closest attention. Thus, potato flowers should be collected long before the visits of Colorado potato beetles. In addition, you should not poison your garden with chemicals, otherwise, along with solanine, a lot of unnecessary and harmful things will get into the medicine. The alcohol tincture is even used externally in a dosage of no more than 10 drops per glass of water: solanine is still a relative of nicotine, and everyone knows about the effect of its drops...

And finally, an infusion or decoction of potato flowers is taken orally very carefully: the poison has a habit of accumulating in the body, so it Negative consequences may not float out as quickly as other poisons, but solanine remains inside us for a very long time. If you suddenly feel dizzy, feel sick and want to vomit, tachycardia and other heart problems, as well as general lethargy, stop taking the medicine, wait a week or two and start taking it again in a much smaller dosage.

Potatoes have long been eaten and considered the most high-calorie food. It is the most affordable vegetable, from which you can prepare a hearty dinner or breakfast without much effort. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the fact that potatoes are not only very delicious product, but also quite useful for the human body. This is what we will talk about today.

You need to know that potatoes can be very dangerous to your health. Its berries have long been considered poisonous. Because of this, many years ago in Europe they could not understand how to consume this vegetable. To prepare medicinal drug, you need to take not potato berries, but its flowers or tubers. If you stick to certain rules in the preparation of medicines, one can achieve required result. How to use potato flowers in folk medicine? In the fight against which disease will they be effective? How to cook medications with potato flowers? This is what we will talk about.

The use of potato flowers in folk medicine

Potato inflorescences are already long time used for preparing medicines folk recipes. It has been proven that all the tinctures that were made using these components were very useful during the period dangerous diseases person. Folk remedies are still very popular today. Recipes for preparing medicines from potato flowers are very simple, but at the same time extremely effective.

What beneficial substances are contained in potato flowers?

People mainly use potatoes to cook delicious food. But no one realizes that along with food in human body hits a lot useful microelements, without which a person could not live.

First of all, this concerns starch, which is contained in large quantities in potatoes. It is very easily digestible and also helps a person feel full.

It is worth noting that ordinary potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C. If you consume approximately 3 or 4 boiled tubers per day, the body will receive a sufficient amount of this substance.

Potatoes also contain vitamin E, various salts, phosphorus and calcium. Vitamins of group A are also present in this vegetable; it is also called keratin. He takes an active part in the life process of everyone internal organs. A lot of vitamin A is found in tubers, which have yellowish tint. This is why experts do not recommend eating white and crumbly potatoes.

Surprisingly, the product we are considering is very rich in protein and all kinds of amino acids, which are also necessary for good health person.

Potato flowers: medicinal properties

It is necessary to distinguish potatoes from other vegetables, since they contain a sufficient amount of useful substances that will help cope with quite serious ailments. It should be noted that potato flowers are used in folk medicine to eliminate inflammatory processes.

It’s not just the inflorescences of this crop that have beneficial properties. The tubers themselves, especially the starch included in their composition, also have a healing effect. very useful for the stomach, as it envelops and protects it from the effects pathogenic microbes and bacteria. Few people know, but a large number of starch avoids the development peptic ulcers stomach, as well as pathological conditions associated with the pancreas.

Solanine, which is found in potatoes of any kind, has a very good effect on the functioning of the myocardium and the entire cardiovascular system.

You can get juice from the tubers, which is excellent remedy for people suffering stomach problems And frequent constipation. is excellent light a laxative that will be very effective. This product also helps heal stomach ulcers and prevent the appearance of new wounds.

Starch, which is found in potatoes, can be used for talc. This substance is often added to medicinal medical supplies and powders.

Potato flowers: application in medicine and cosmetology

Potatoes are included in many masks that help make the skin softer, relieving it of inflammatory processes. The use of cosmetics that contain this product is useful for sunburn. Raw potatoes are actively used to combat such diseases. skin, like eczema and pyoderma.

Using potato masks will help make your skin softer and firmer. She will look well-groomed and healthy. Masks of this kind are very easy to prepare yourself. For this we need potatoes, milk and eggs. The tubers need to be boiled and mashed, then mix all the ingredients and wait until the mask cools down. Only after this can it be applied to the face. You can keep the mask on for 20 minutes to half an hour, then wash it off. warm water.

Treatment of burns with potato flowers

To quickly get rid of burns or roughness on the skin of your hands, you can prepare a mask according to the recipe described above. If the composition is used to moisturize the skin of the hands, then it should be applied for a time that should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

If a person has burns on his hands, then the potato pulp should be placed on a napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is recommended to keep it for 1-2 hours. After this, the compresses need to be changed.

How can you use potato flowers?

What do potato flowers treat? As a rule, they are not used very often by people in everyday life, but if they are used, they bring tangible health benefits.

Potato flowers are used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the organs of vision. Dried inflorescences are often used for treatment malignant tumors. And if you skillfully collect pollen from them, then with its help you can significantly improve metabolic processes in organism.

Very good potato flowers help cope with tonsillitis. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for several hours. After the infusion has cooled, it should be used to gargle. The approximate course of treatment is 10 days. And you need to gargle 3 times a day. After month break The course will need to be repeated.

Potato flowers in oncology

Potato flowers are even used to combat serious diseases. Their medicinal properties cope quite effectively with the most serious pathologies. But here you need to be as careful as possible, because the situation is in this case very dangerous. Before you bow to traditional methods treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

To prepare the medicine, we simply prepare real tea from the flowers. To do this, you will need to brew a tablespoon of flowers with boiling water and leave to infuse in a steam bath for about 3 hours. However, you can also resort to using a thermos. You need to drink tea at least three times a day. The best option It will be consumed half an hour before meals. On average, you will need to drink 4 liters of tea per day.

Potato flowers for cancer prevention

Potato flowers are used in oncology to prevent further development cancer cells. Tubers are also used for the same purposes. They have a lot useful components, which help maintain the patient’s condition at the proper level. The flowers contain a sufficient amount of amino acids, as well as phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. Each of these substances performs essential functions in the human body. Therefore, it is so important to resort to a similar method of prevention during cancer.

Despite the beneficial properties that potato flowers have, cancer treatment requires increasing the number of white blood cells. This will help make enough copper and nickel in the body.

In folk medicine, potato flowers are taken as the most reliable means in the fight against cancer. Once upon a time, this was the only sure way to help sick people. And no matter how surprising it was, it gave results!

Treating joint pain with potato tincture

Potato flower tincture for joints is very effective means. She helps to remove severe pain and improves human well-being. It’s very easy to do without leaving home:

  • Take 1 liter of purified water and throw in a tablespoon of coarse salt. It is also worth stocking up on ammonia (100 milliliters will be enough). All components must be combined and mixed well. During the process, white flakes will begin to form. The jar of liquid must be shaken until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Only after this the tincture is considered ready.

To reduce it a little painful sensations in the joints, you need to apply a gauze compress to the affected area. Be sure to cover it with a plastic bag so that the problem area can warm up. You can also cover the limb with a warm blanket. It is worth doing a similar procedure 2-3 times a day.

Recipe based on potato flowers for joints

For people who suffer from arthritis and arthrosis, using the following recipe can be very effective:

  • We take a light glass jar, place potato branches in it and compact it very well. Capacity in open form We leave it on the windowsill for about 2 weeks, after which we add real medical alcohol inside. To prevent it from evaporating, close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark place. It will take about a month for the tincture to infuse.

The method of using this medicine is quite simple. You just need to rub it into those places where the pain bothers you the most. It is recommended to continue such manipulations for 3 weeks; then you need to pay attention to your own well-being.

The use of potato compresses will help you get rid of joint pain. To do this, take an unripe vegetable and grate it on a very fine grater. After this, it is placed in water and heated to 38 degrees. Then the entire potato mass is removed and placed in a special bag. You can sew it yourself. It is this bag that will need to be applied to the sore spots. It is recommended to keep the compress for at least half an hour. It is best to do this procedure before bed. When the pain begins to subside and then disappears altogether, the application of compresses should be stopped.

Method from ancient times

Potato flowers were used in folk medicine by the ancient Indians. They came up with the following method: simply apply flowers or plant tubers to the sore spot. And when the joints on their hands swelled, they put on a glove before going to bed, into which chopped potatoes were placed.

Tincture of potato flowers with vodka

If you infuse potato flowers with vodka, they will have therapeutic effect in the presence of radiculitis. And when the pain bothers you more, it is recommended to wipe your limbs with this infusion.

The use of this medicine has positive action on the human body. As a result, it normalizes arterial pressure, breathing improves, shortness of breath practically disappears during movement. Drink this tincture for a month and you will see the result.

At all times, potatoes have been used for food as the main nutritious vegetable. It is rightfully considered not only the most accessible crop, but also the most delicious. Fortunately, besides taste qualities Potatoes are famous for the beneficial and medicinal properties that their flowers contain.

Almost all parts of the plant are used to get rid of many ailments. The most common and effective is the use of plant flowers.

It is believed that medicinal plants can replace a home first aid kit

Externally, the inflorescences are small shields on the upper part of the stem, having a cup of five petals. There are flowers white, pink and purple shades.

Potato inflorescences are so beautiful that they are used in floristry to make bouquets; in addition, flowers are used in the interior and even in beauty salons to create hairstyles.

But get carried away by these unusual flowers not worth it, as they contain toxic substances called solanine. This poison in natural conditions helps the plant get rid of many insects and diseases.

This substance is also dangerous for humans if the plant is used incorrectly. Solanine vapors cause vomiting, dizziness and general malaise.

In addition to poison, the inflorescences contain useful material, for example, a flavonoid that can strengthen blood vessels and has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Potato flowers for many years used for making medicinal prescriptions in folk medicine. Experience shows the effectiveness and feasibility of using potato-based products for many diseases.

Properly prepared remedy will help relieve pain

Preparing medicines is not difficult, and the results from use exceed all expectations.

The juice obtained from the plant heals wounds, ulcers and burns.

Potato flowers are universal and for everyone accessible remedy which successfully treats the following diseases:

  1. Joint pain.
  2. Sprains.
  3. Bruises.
  4. Burns.
  5. Warts.
  6. Papilomas.
  7. Angina.
  8. Gastritis.
  9. Haemorrhoids.
  10. Disease of teeth and gums.
  11. Arterial pressure.
  12. Myomas.

This is not the entire list of diseases that can be cured.

Despite a lot positive points, there are a number contraindications:

  • Purulent sore throat
  • Pregnancy
  • Breast-feeding
  • Age up to 12 years
  • Individual intolerance to the substance solanine

How to use potato flowers and why

Medicinal properties allow use their for preparing infusions, which are used to lower blood pressure, treat tumors and tuberculosis, sore throat, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

You can prepare an infusion from fresh and dried flowers. Medicine is poisonous, so it is important to get a doctor's prescription with a specific dosage.

In addition, juice is prepared that helps cure many serious diseases.

Treatment with flowers and potato sprouts: the difference

With skillful use of potato parts, folk remedies can be prepared to treat diseases. Most often they take for this sprouts and flowers. The differences between them are that they have different therapeutic effects, in addition, the recipes for preparing the products also differ.

To prepare the tincture, sprouted white sprouts are required in one case and fresh or dried inflorescences in another case. The degree of efficiency in this case depends on the amount of starting material.

From experience traditional healers it is believed that the inflorescences have more benefit than sprouts.

The benefits of inflorescences stand out in contrast to potato sprouts

What to do with potatoes during the flowering period

During flowering, the potato crop actively forms tubers and needs abundant watering and fertilizer. As for the inflorescences themselves, at the same time they intensively gain nutrients, which in the future will be able to cure many ailments of the human body.

At this time, the plant contains the most useful elements.

The longer dried potato inflorescences are stored, the they are less useful.


Based on the inflorescences, infusions and tinctures are prepared on a water and vodka basis.

Infusion on water

The water infusion is prepared from the following ingredients:

  1. A tablespoon of flowers.
  2. A glass of boiling water.

A thermos will help keep the prepared infusion at the desired temperature.

Infusion cooked in a thermos and leave for at least 3 hours. Use orally several times a day before meals. The product can be stored in a cold place for up to 3 days; after this time, the infusion is considered spoiled and unsuitable for use.

Water-vodka infusion

To prepare this remedy you will need 20 grams of inflorescences and a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for several hours, then filtered and mixed with 100 grams of vodka or alcohol.

This infusion can be stored for 14 days, since vodka is a good preservative.

Vodka tincture

Vodka tincture prepared from the following products:

  1. A handful of fresh potato flowers.
  2. 0.5 liters of vodka.

The flowers are placed tightly in a glass container ¾ full and filled with vodka to the brim. After a few hours of infusion, the product is ready for use. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 months.

Application should be carried out in courses, since solanine has the ability to accumulate in the human body, and constant use can lead to serious poisoning.

The average course duration is 1-2 weeks, with a break of at least 10 days between them.

Potato juice

It also has beneficial properties potato juice. Derived from tubers and stems, it is also can cure joint diseases, relieve pain from bruises. The resulting juice is stored for no more than a day and in a cold place.

Therefore, it is not worth preparing it for future use.

Use in folk medicine

Products made from potato flowers are widely used throughout the world in folk medicine to treat diseases and for cosmetic purposes.


Substances found in potato inflorescences are used for making masks for face. Such products help soften the skin, elasticity and get rid of acne.

The mask can be made at home. This requires fresh flowers, milk and a raw egg. The products are crushed in a blender and applied to the face for a few minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water.

Face masks often include unusual ingredients


Infusions on water based help cope with skin burns. Enough for this make lotions from the infusion on the affected area of ​​the body. The procedure must be repeated several times until the burn is completely gone.

The product relieves pain, reduces symptoms and accelerates healing.

Oncological diseases

In folk medicine, it is used to make products that fight cancer. To do this, take half a glass of water-based infusion before meals three times a day.

It is important that such treatment must be accompanied additional treatment And under strict medical supervision.

Joint pain

The products can relieve pain and treat joints.

For these purposes, lotions and compresses are made on problem areas from vodka or water-vodka tincture.


For colds, rinsing with infusion will help get rid of discomfort in the throat


People suffering from arthritis will benefit from a tincture of vodka and flowers. It is rubbed into the affected joints. In addition, you can make compresses based on the tincture at night.


Recipes based on potato parts and inflorescences are particularly used for hemorrhoids. The product accelerates wound healing and anal fissures, relieves pain, itching and burning.


The following elements relieve heartburn, bowel problems, ulcers and gastritis:

  • Starch
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Carbohydrates
  • Potassium
  • Iron

Thus, remedies prepared from potato flowers are universal in the treatment of many diseases. A low probability of allergies potatoes makes it accessible to most people.

Home treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, composition of potato cosmetic masks.

Potato flowers - against many diseases

Walking along the rows of flowering potatoes, you are surprised to see that there is not a single bug or bee on the flowers. And only when you delve into the specialized scientific literature, you understand what’s what: potato flowers are simply poisonous. And they contain serious poison - the alkaloid solanine.

The tops and greened and sprouted potato tubers are also rich in this substance (neither humans nor animals can eat them).

Solanine can cause severe poisoning. Its main symptoms are: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, depression of motor and mental activity, difficulty breathing, cardiovascular failure, and in severe cases, coma. First aid: gastric lavage with an aqueous suspension of activated carbon or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary, artificial respiration.

However, in small doses, solanine has medicinal properties and has a wide spectrum of action with radical and effective results. This is what I experienced for myself and my loved ones.

Potato flowers and sprouts

I'll start in order. I grow potatoes in a clean ecological environment. I only add ash or lake silt as fertilizer. There is no question of different mineral (chemical) fertilizers! So the flowers do not acquire any unexpected, extraneous properties.

At first I was treated with potato flowers infused in water, but I was soon disappointed, because the water infusion quickly deteriorated on the second or third day: it emitted an unpleasant odor and became moldy. Then I started doing this: I added about 100 ml of vodka to 0.8 liters of water infusion of flowers. This tincture was stored for a long time. How to treat potato sprouts and flowers, procurement of raw materials:

But over time, I switched to a different method of preparing flowers for future use. I consider him the best. I pass freshly picked potato flowers through a meat grinder, put the resulting mass (about three-quarters full) into a tightly closed vessel (a bottle with a wide screw-on neck), and fill it with vodka. After a week, the tincture is ready. But drying the flowers is questionable: they turn black, and when poured in two layers, they become moldy and, obviously, lose their healing properties. In vodka tincture, the flowers retain these properties perfectly.

Tumors in folk medicine, treatment with potato flowers at home: When I was still being treated with an aqueous infusion of flowers with the addition of vodka, I drank 0.5 glasses of this drug 2 times a day, morning and evening, in order to get rid of two tumors(they are on my chest, almost under my armpit, and in my groin). At first there seemed to be an improvement, but after two weeks poisoning set in. His symptoms were the same as I described above. How to treat with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts:

I immediately stopped taking the drug. But it was necessary to undergo treatment, especially since I knew that tinctures of potato flowers in many recommendations of traditional medicine are considered one of the most effective means of healing. And from the medical literature it is known that ingestion of small concentrations of solanine gives a significant therapeutic effect (back in 1965, Soviet pharmacologists discovered its anti-inflammatory and cardiac tone-improving properties).

How to use potato flowers and sprouts for treatment, properties of solanine: I began to think, read some more scientific literature and came to the conclusion that solanine, like some other toxic substances, has a cumulative effect, that is, it gradually accumulates in the body when consumed over a long period of time. This gradual accumulation of toxins in the body is completely unnoticed at first, and therefore, signs of poisoning (that is, the penetration of toxic substances into the organs and the occurrence of persistent long-term disorders) are not felt. I also learned that solanine is retained firmly in the body and is excreted very slowly from it.

Poisoning with potato sprouts and flowers: I took a break for a week until I felt that the symptoms of poisoning had passed. Then he started taking the drug again (water infusion of flowers plus vodka), but in smaller doses: every other day, 2 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, and washed it down with a small amount of warm boiled water. This moderate use had no toxic effect.

And then I completely switched to taking a tincture of flowers, prepared only with vodka, without the presence of water. I repeat once again: since potato flowers are poisonous, they must be treated very carefully, not a single extra drop should be used. For example, I now take no more than 10 drops per day orally (I add them to tea or just clean water). And as soon as I felt that there were even the slightest signs of poisoning, I immediately stopped taking it for 2-3 days, or even longer.

Treatment with folk remedies for arthritis and joint diseases with flowers and potato sprouts:

I have used and continue to use potato flower tincture not only internally, but also externally. For example, he applied thick flannel cloth, richly soaked in tincture, to his tumors. This also had a positive effect. First, I applied the fabric for 1 hour, and then for the whole night, from time to time letting the fabric cool, since it gets very hot when applied to the body for a long time.

Tincture of flowers and potato sprouts for the treatment of diaper rash: After just one treatment with the tincture, my diaper rash , although before that I had lubricated my fingers and feet with pharmaceutical ointments to no avail.

Lotions made from tincture of potato flowers completely eliminate skin itching, acne and a number of other skin diseases.

I also used the tincture for inhalation when colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. This procedure gives amazing results: coughing, sneezing, itching of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and pharynx immediately disappear. I remember I suffered for two nights: I was choking with a cough, my nose was completely blocked, I couldn’t breathe. I took an inhalation and immediately everything disappeared, as if it had just disappeared!

Treatment of caries with flowers and potato sprouts at home: I brush my teeth, rinse my mouth and throat with boiled water, into which I pour a little tincture of potato flowers. As a result, development stopped dental caries . Those that still survived became white and fresh, like new. If I had known earlier about this healing effect of potato flowers, I would not have lost a single tooth. Now I'm glad that I found a means to preserve the remaining ones.

I rinse my nose, especially when it’s stuffy: I pour a little water into my palm with the addition of a tincture of flowers, suck it in with my nose, then splash it out. And when I have time, I treat the throat, nose and mouth with an inhaler: I inhale the sprayed particles of the solution with my entire chest, so that it reaches the lungs.

I continued to study in detail the healing properties of potato flowers and came to the conclusion that they, it turns out, are unrivaled among plants that can suppress the pathogenic activity of fungi, primarily the Candida type, as well as Staphylococcus aureus.

Treatment of fungal diseases with potato sprouts and flowers: How to apply potato flower tincture externally for fungal skin lesions ? Simply moistening, say, nails and areas between the fingers that are infected with fungi with it is ineffective. It is best to thoroughly mix the tincture with Vaseline (although these components do not mix well), and then lubricate the fungus-affected areas with this mixture. This mixture stays on the skin for a long time, does not dry out and works better than simple wetting.

My whole family treats fungal skin sores with potato flower tincture. On my daughter’s mole, sitting on her lower back, something began to grow. itchy growth , in addition, it was constantly irritated by the belt.

The doctors didn't help. The daughter just smeared the mole with a tincture of potato flowers several times, and this stopped the growth of the neoplasm, and then it disappeared completely. I also remove various types of stains on my skin using potato flower tincture. At night I continue to lubricate my two tumors: although they do not disappear at all, they do not increase and do not bother me with pain.

Results of treatment with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts: What has changed in my body? A lot of things.

The main thing is that now I am not so overcome by fatigue, and leg cramps occur less often. I felt some kind of lightness in my body, emotional elation, optimism. Sometimes I even forget about my age. Rejuvenation?! Hardly. Most likely, this is the cleansing of the body, all its organs and cells, blood and brain from accumulations of fungi and other harmful microorganisms, thanks to which I feel like a healthy, full of energy person.

Grigory OSCHENKO, Poronaysk, Sakhalin region.

Source www.fismag.ru

Whole potatoes and tubers, sprouts, stems, and flowers have pronounced healing properties.
Potato flowers infused with vodka help perfectly with radiculitis. During attacks, rub the painful areas with the tincture and take 1 tbsp orally. spoon 3 times a day.

An infusion of dried potato flowers helps reduce blood pressure and also stimulates breathing . It is enough to drink 1 tbsp for a month. spoon 3 times a day so that the pressure becomes normal. For chronic hypertensive patients, this is simply a salvation. It is prepared like this - brew 1 teaspoon of dried potato flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave.

Treatment of tuberculosis with potato sprouts and flowers at home: Alcohol and water infusions are also used in the treatment pulmonary tuberculosis And How antitumor agent . Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried under a canopy, and stored for no more than a year in canvas bags.

Water infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of raw material with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain before use. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Alcohol infusion: fill the bottle to the top with flowers, add alcohol or vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Take according to a specific regimen (on the advice of a doctor) depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient.

Folk remedy, home treatment for eye problems, potato sprouts and flowers: At decreased vision pour 1 tablespoon of potato sprouts, sprouted in the cellar, with 1 glass of vodka. Leave for 1 week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

In folk medicine cancerous tumor An infusion of potato flowers is used.
Brew 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 3 hours (you can leave for 3 hours in a thermos). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Thus, during the course of treatment you need to drink 4 liters of infusion.

In scientific and folk medicine, the potato diet is recommended as diuretic , fresh juice is used for scurvy, scrofula, hemorrhoids, goiter, constipation, gastritis with high acidity, in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Nourishing mask with flowers and potato sprouts, prepared at home for women over 40: In cosmetic practice, potato juice is added to nourishing masks , and inhaling the steam obtained from freshly boiled potatoes helps with catarrh of the respiratory tract.

Compresses made from raw potatoes also have healing properties.
Mashed potatoes mixed with olive oil are applied to the sore spot when inflammation of the joints with arthritis, hemorrhoids, as well as burn wounds, boils, ulcers and areas affected by eczema.

Potato juice is drunk for cleansing the body of toxins.
It regulates intestinal function, stops heartburn and pain, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effects, and promotes the healing of ulcers.

Drink 100 ml potato juice twice a day half an hour before meals, women with fibroadenoma of the mammary gland.

Arthritis and joint diseases in folk medicine, treatment with flowers and potato sprouts at home: At joint pain They use a rub made from potato flowers infused with triple cologne or vodka.

Treatment of arthritis, joint pain

1) To remove pain in joints and legs It is recommended to apply compresses of green potatoes, grated or minced, to sore spots.
Treatment of joints (arthritis) with potato sprouts and flowers, recipe folk remedy: Wash the potatoes thoroughly and chop without removing the skins. Place the resulting mass in hot water and heat to a temperature slightly above 38°C. Then, without squeezing, place the potatoes in a bag made of burlap. Moreover, the bag itself should be shaped like the shin, ankle joint or fingers, depending on where the compress should be placed. You should first place an oilcloth under the bag.

The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5 - 2 cm. Wrap the sore spot with this bag and cover it with oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing leaks out of the compress. You should go to bed with the compress, placing your foot on a pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as you feel warm. If the compress does not heat, it means it is poorly made. The pain goes away within 20-30 minutes and does not recur until the next exacerbation.
Apply the compress daily at night. This must be done within 7 days, and after that - according to the result. If the pain disappears in the first 2-3 days and then does not reappear, there is no further need to apply a compress.

Treatment with flowers and potato sprouts for arthritis:

2) Drink potato decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, then during the day and before bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel.

3) The Indians use the following method of treatment: whole potato tubers are applied to the sore joints, and if the joints of the fingers are swollen, then the potato is played in the hand like a ball, and at night they put a glove with a potato on the hand or tie the potato to the sore joint.

First aid medicine for joint pain

This mixture should be in every home.
Add 1 tbsp. spoon of coarse salt in 1 liter of water and stir. Separately, take 80-100 ml of 10% ammonia and pour in 10 g of camphor alcohol. Shake the mixture and combine with saline solution. White flakes will appear. Close the container with a lid and shake the container until the flakes disappear. The mixture is ready.
Treatment with potato flowers at home for headaches: To remove headache Heat the mixture in a water bath, wet your entire head with it and tie your head with a warm scarf overnight.
At joint pain apply a lotion to the joint, placing compress paper or cellophane on top and wrap it up. Lotions can be done 2-3 times a day. Cheap and effective.

A folk remedy for treating joints (arthritis) at home with potatoes: Potatoes will relieve joint pain.
You need to boil the potatoes in their jackets, mash them well in the water in which they were boiled. Let it sit well. Starch remains below, and medicinal infusion remains on top. Carefully drain it and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The result: pain is relieved and you can lose weight.

For those suffering gout, arthritis, arthrosis, heel spurs The following tool will help:

Fill a light glass jar entirely with potato sprouts (choose the thickest and shortest, do not wash), lightly crush. Place the open jar on the windowsill for 2 weeks, after this period, fill the jar with medical alcohol (300 g of alcohol is needed for a half-liter jar), close tightly and place in a dark place for a month. Strain.
Rub the sore areas once a day before going to bed. One course lasts 2-3 weeks, depending on how you feel.

Source zabolevaniya.ru

Potato flowers will save your throat

Potato flowers contain solanine. It is a rather toxic alkaloid, which when used in small doses exhibits unique healing properties. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, lowers blood pressure, helps cope with allergy symptoms. Therefore, in folk medicine, potato flowers are often used to gargle a sore throat, for hypertension and rapid heartbeat, and for fungal skin infections.

Water infusion can be used to lubricate burns, scratches and pimples. You can use the drug not only for problems with gums, but also to strengthen tooth enamel. It was noticed that when rinsing oral cavity This product makes your teeth whiter.

The disadvantage of water infusion is its short shelf life. Therefore, you can cook alcohol tincture potato flowers.

To do this, you need to wash the flowers and pass them through a meat grinder. Fill a half-liter jar 2/3 full with raw materials, pour alcohol to the top. Leave for ten days in a cool, dark place. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Take two to three drops with water twice a day before meals for seven days - solanine tends to accumulate. You can use this remedy to apply compresses to sore joints at night for seven to ten days in a row.

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