How to prepare medicine from potato flowers. Potato flowers, medicinal properties. How to prepare potato flowers for use

Potato flowers contain solanine in large quantities, which is a toxic substance. However, in small doses, potato flowers help with a number of diseases. The solanine found in them is effective against a number of diseases and has a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Although potatoes and their above-ground parts do not belong to poisonous plants, a green and sprouted tuber, like stems with flowers, can pose a health hazard due to the solanine present in it. Such potatoes should not be eaten or fed to livestock.

However, what is poisonous in large doses can effectively cure many diseases in small quantities. Flowers help with tumors of various etiologies, with purulent skin diseases, infusion and decoction saves from diaper rash, removes fungus and skin itching, treats viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Potato flowers are harvested in the spring, during the flowering period of this plant. The collected flowers are dried well in a ventilated room, an aqueous solution is prepared and 100 grams are added there. 40% vodka per 800 gr. aqueous solution of flowers.

For tumors, compresses from this infusion are applied to the sore spot. First for an hour, then the duration of the compress is increased to 6 hours. In addition, an infusion of potato flowers is taken orally according to Art. spoon twice a day: morning and evening. The infusion tastes bitter, so a tablespoon of it is diluted with a small amount of water. The growth and development of the tumor stops, and your health improves.

Potato flowers are used for inhalation during ARVI, influenza and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The procedure gives an amazing effect in the first minutes after application. Cough, itching in the mouth, nose and nasopharynx, sneezing disappear immediately after inhalation. Compressor inhalers - will help you carry out this procedure with maximum quality and ensure a long-lasting effect from the procedure.

An infusion of potato flowers acts instantly and reliably against skin lesions. To treat such skin lesions, steam a tablespoon of potato flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for about a week and drink 2 tbsp. spoons twice a day, washed down with water. Treatment lasts up to one and a half months.

You can use tincture of potato flowers. To do this, pour two tablespoons of dried potato flowers with 70% alcohol, leave for a day in a warm place and drink 20 drops with two tablespoons of water. Drink for a month first, then take a 10-day break and drink again for a month.

However, corned beef and potato flowers as a medicinal product are not yet used in pharmacological practice. Preparations made from them are not present in pharmacological reference books, although this remedy is potent and folk healers have been successfully using corned beef and potato flowers for the treatment of skin diseases. I hope that those who create medicines and treat with them will pay attention to such effective folk plant materials.

Potatoes have been eaten since ancient times and have always been considered the most high-calorie product. It is widely available and easy to prepare a delicious and satisfying breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, few people know that such a product not only has high nutritional properties, but is also very beneficial for the human body.

In addition, potatoes can also be harmful to health. For a very long time it has been considered poisonous, and therefore in Europe they could not figure out how to properly consume this vegetable. In order to prepare a medicinal remedy, it is not potato berries that are taken, but its tubers or flowers. If you follow the manufacturing rules, you can achieve the desired result. We will talk about how potato flowers are used in folk medicine, what diseases they help to successfully fight, and how preparations based on them are properly made, we will talk in this article.

Potato flowers and their use in folk medicine

Potato flowers have been used for many years to prepare medicines according to folk recipes. Their benefits during dangerous illnesses are widely confirmed. Folk remedies based on the inflorescences of this vegetable are still popular today. The recipes are very simple, but do not lose their effectiveness.

Useful components of potato flowers

Most often, potatoes are used by people to prepare delicious food. However, few people think that along with food, various useful microelements enter the human body, without which human life would be impossible. Of course, this primarily applies to starch, which is contained in large quantities in potatoes. It is very well absorbed and also helps saturate the body. Treatment with potato flowers is also very popular.

In addition, potatoes contain quite a lot of vitamin C. By consuming about three or four boiled tubers per day, a person receives the required amount of this substance.

Potatoes also contain vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus and various salts. It also contains vitamin A (or keratin), which is actively involved in the vital processes of all internal human organs. It is present in large quantities in tubers, which cause them to have a yellowish color, which is the reason for the undesirable consumption of crumbly white potatoes.

In addition, this product is also rich in various amino acids and contains protein. These substances are required to maintain good health. Why are potato flowers used in folk medicine? Let's figure it out.

Medicinal properties of potatoes

Potatoes stand out among other vegetables because they contain as many useful substances as are necessary to combat quite serious illnesses. Potato flowers are used to block inflammatory processes. However, the benefits are not only contained in them. Tubers that are richest in starch also have a healing effect. Boiled potatoes are of great benefit to the stomach, as they envelop it and thereby protect it from the influence of various bacteria and pathogenic microbes. In addition, starch in large quantities makes it possible to block the development of peptic ulcers and pathologies associated with the functioning of the pancreas.

The solanine contained in potatoes has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system in general and the myocardium in particular. The juice obtained from the tubers serves as a remedy for those who suffer from stomach problems and frequent constipation. It acts as an effective and mild laxative. In addition, potato juice promotes the healing of stomach ulcers and does not prevent the appearance of new ones.

The starch present in potatoes can be used for baby powders and talcs. It is often added to powders and various medications.

How exactly are potato flowers used in folk medicine? Let's figure it out.

Use in cosmetology and medicine

Potatoes are an integral part of a large number of masks that help make the skin softer and more elastic, eliminating inflammatory processes. Cosmetics containing this product are also used for sunburn. Raw potatoes are used to combat skin diseases such as pyoderma and eczema. This vegetable perfectly treats gum diseases.

Potato-based masks make your skin healthier and more well-groomed. Moreover, every person is capable of preparing them. For this you will need potatoes, eggs and milk. The tubers must be boiled, then mashed and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. After the resulting mass has cooled, it can be applied to the face and kept for twenty minutes to half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Potato flowers help against papillomas.


To eliminate burns or roughness on your hands as quickly as possible, you can make a mask according to the recipe described above. If you use it to moisturize the skin of your hands, you need to apply it and leave it on for no more than ten to fifteen minutes. If there are burns, the potato pulp should be placed on a napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is recommended to keep it for about an hour or two, after which the compresses need to be changed. The properties of potato flowers are very diverse.

What do potato flowers treat?

Potato flowers are not used by humans too often in everyday life. However, their use brings significant health benefits.

In folk medicine, potato inflorescences are used to treat eye diseases. In dried form, they are used to treat malignant tumors. If you collect pollen correctly, then consuming it will help improve metabolic processes in the human body.

Potato flowers also help fight tonsillitis and gum disease. In this case, you need to take a tablespoon of dried raw material, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for several hours. When the broth has cooled, they need to gargle three times a day. The course of treatment is approximately ten days. Then you need to take a month's break, and then repeat the course again.

In addition to the above, potato inflorescences also treat diseases such as osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers, liver disorders, polyarthritis, tuberculosis, diabetes, fungal inflammation, blood pressure, acne and various types of rashes. For these purposes, you need to take infusions and tinctures based on flowers. They help cleanse the body and treat these diseases.

The use of potato flower tincture for oncology

Potato flowers are used in the fight against even serious diseases such as cancer. Their healing properties make it possible to cope quite effectively with very serious pathologies. However, in this case you should be especially careful, since the situation is dangerous. Before using traditional methods of treatment, you should consult a specialist.

To make a medicine, you need to make real tea from the inflorescences. For this purpose, you need to brew one tablespoon of raw material with boiling water and leave in a steam bath for about three hours. In this case, you can also use a thermos. This tea should be drunk at least three times a day. It is best to do this half an hour before meals. On average, four liters of infusion should be drunk throughout the day. What are other uses for potato flowers?

Potato tincture for joint pain

For joint pain, a tincture based on potato inflorescences is a fairly effective remedy, not only helping to relieve pain, but also improving a person’s overall well-being. It is done quite simply: add a tablespoon of coarse salt and 100 milliliters of ammonia to one liter of purified water. All ingredients must be mixed well. At this time, white flakes will begin to appear, so the jar of liquid must be shaken until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. After this, the tincture is ready. To reduce joint pain, you need to apply a gauze compress to the inflamed area, and then cover it with plastic or a warm blanket to keep it warm. It is advisable to carry out this procedure two to three times a day.

Arthritis and arthrosis

People suffering from arthrosis and arthritis may find this recipe useful: place potato branches in a glass jar and compact them thoroughly. Leave the open container on the windowsill for about two weeks, then add medical alcohol to it, close the jar tightly and keep it in a dark place. The tincture will be ready in a month. It needs to be rubbed into those places that are especially bothersome for three weeks. After this, you need to navigate according to your well-being.

Potato compresses are very helpful for joint pain. To cook them, you need to take an unripe vegetable and grate it on a fine grater. The resulting mass must be placed in water and heated to thirty-eight degrees, then taken out and placed in a special bag. It is this that will need to be applied to the disturbing areas. You need to keep this compress for at least half an hour. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime. As soon as the pain stops bothering you, you need to stop applying compresses.

For radiculitis

If you infuse potato flowers with vodka, they will help with radiculitis. If the pain intensifies, then you need to wipe your limbs with this infusion. In principle, such a remedy has a positive effect on the body, normalizes blood pressure, helps get rid of shortness of breath and improves breathing. If you drink this tincture for a month, you can evaluate its effect.

So, we talked about how potato flowers are used in folk medicine.

Potato flowers contain beneficial vitamins and microelements in ideal proportions.

They contain a lot of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which protects against infections, triggers immune processes, promotes the regeneration of tissue cells and blood vessels, and helps better absorption of iron.

  • Magnesium promotes the conversion of food into energy, helps the formation of strong bones and teeth, regulates body temperature, causes the secretion and proper action of insulin.
  • Iron helps the process of hematopoiesis, increases the vital activity of cells, improves immunobiological processes and redox reactions. A sufficient level of iron affects the good condition of the skin, reduces fatigue, drowsiness, and protects against stress and depression.

Potato flowers contain a steroidal alkaloid, which gives the inflorescences healing properties. This powerful poison is contained in the tubers, leaves, and stems of the plant. But its highest concentration, 1600-3500 mg, is contained in the flowers. When used correctly in small doses, solanine has health benefits, and many different diseases can be treated with tinctures and decoctions of potato flowers.

Also potato inflorescences contain a flavonoid that has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire human body.

At the same time, the calorie content of flowers per 100 grams of product is only 15 kcal.

What are the benefits for the body?

Infusions of potato flowers have long been used in folk medicine for various medicinal purposes:

  • relieve nasal swelling;
  • relieve allergic reactions;
  • activate the work of the heart muscle;
  • normalize blood pressure and pulse;
  • have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • promotes the healing of wounds and scratches;
  • reduce pain symptoms;
  • destroy many viruses and fungal diseases;
  • fight the tuberculosis virus.

Infusions from potato inflorescences are most often used in the presence of tumor formations, both benign and malignant. For external formations, lotions are used.

Flower infusions are very effective for colds. And if you mix a drop of the product with toothpaste, it will help whiten your teeth and prevent caries.

Cosmetics containing potato inflorescences treat sunburn and get rid of warts and papillomas.

What harm could there be?

When treating with potato flower tinctures, it is very important to follow the correct dosage. Any excess of the norm threatens the following side effects:

  • bitterness and dry mouth;
  • burning tongue;
  • severe dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heart failure;
  • loss of motor activity and decreased mental response;
  • pain and stomach cramps.

Important: It should be remembered that with frequent use, solanine accumulates in the body, and it is excreted very slowly. Before treatment, you should consult a specialist.


Treatment with poisonous tincture is strictly prohibited for the following categories of people:

How to use it correctly?

As soon as the potatoes bloom with white and pale pink flowers, they are collected along with the stems and dried in the shade. After this, the product can be used to prepare healing tinctures and decoctions at home.

To get a truly healing remedy, you need to be very careful about the technology of its preparation, with the correct proportions and exposure time.

Using vodka tincture

Herbalists most often use fresh flowers to prepare the medicine, since they are the ones who give the tincture all the necessary medicinal properties. The collected flowers are ground in a meat grinder or blender, placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid and filled with vodka at the rate of 100 ml per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers. The medicine should be infused in a dark place for 7 days.


  • For high blood pressure and fungal diseases, the infusion is added to tea (dosage in drops).
  • For pigment spots, the tincture is used externally by applying it to cotton swabs.
  • Bandages soaked in alcohol tincture help against wounds and warts.
  • For chronic tonsillitis, prepare a solution for gargling: 5 drops per glass of boiled water.

The alcohol tincture should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 1 year.


To prepare this tincture you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of potato inflorescences and pour 800 ml of boiling water over them. Leave for 3-4 hours. Then add 100 ml of vodka to the cooled broth. The decoction can be strained through cheesecloth before use.


  • For high blood pressure 1 tbsp. spoon of decoction 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • It is very effective to rinse your mouth and throat for colds and infectious diseases.
  • For joint pain, it is used externally as a lotion.

The broth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Potato flowers owe their medicinal properties to the steroidal alkaloid solanine, which many members of the nightshade family are rich in. Solanine is found in all parts of the plant, but its highest concentration is observed in flowers (ranging from 1580 - 3540 mg%), so they are not inferior to, and often surpass in strength, sprouts (in sprouts the presence of solanine varies between 565 - 4070 mg%) .

Pharmacological properties of solanine

It is necessary to consider the pharmacokinetics of the action of potato flowers based on the pharmacological properties of solanine, which, in its chemical structure, has a common skeleton with corticosteroids and cardiac glycosides. Obviously, this structure of solanine gives every reason to assume that the substance, on the one hand, affects cardiac activity, and on the other, the kidneys and adrenal cortex. The results of experiments carried out in the study of solanine made it possible to determine a lot of the medicinal properties of this alkaloid.

Here are just some excerpts from the experiments:

A persistent and long-term decrease in blood pressure was observed with the administration of solanine at a dose of 3 mg/kg.
- Solanine at a dose of 1 - 20 mg/kg delays inflammatory processes (the experiment was conducted on experimental animals with “kaolin arthritis”).
- Solanine and cortisone at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg showed equal effectiveness in relieving burn shock.
- Solanine has an analgesic effect.
- Solanine effectively inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Candida fungi.

The official conclusion on solanine is as follows: “The alkaloid is characterized by low toxicity and is no less effective than cortisone. It causes increased cardiac activity, helps to increase the amplitude and at the same time reduces the rhythm of heart contractions. The antiallergic effect of the drug has been proven.”

Preparations based on potato flowers.

1. Water infusion. The preparation is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. potato flowers per 250 ml of boiling water. The infusion can be used both externally (for rinsing with a sore throat) and for internal use (lowers blood pressure and relieves bronchial spasms). A significant disadvantage is that the infusion is stored for a short time (2 - 3 days). To preserve the water infusion, you can add 100 ml of vodka per 800 ml of the drug - this method allows you to preserve the product for a longer time.

2. Tincture is the most promising method of preparing for future use. Pass fresh potato flowers through a meat grinder, place in a glass bowl and fill with vodka. The container must close tightly. Infusion time is from 14 to 21 days. Compared to aqueous infusion, tincture has a stronger effect, since solanine dissolves much better in alcohol than in water. You can take up to 10 drops of the medicinal tincture orally, but you must monitor the condition of the body, and at the first signs of poisoning, stop taking it until the symptoms disappear.
What is treated with potato flower preparations?

Potato flower tincture has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of dermatological skin problems and traumatic injuries (including burns). The tincture can be used for the prevention and treatment of neoplasms (for example, when there is a threat of malignant degeneration of moles and papillomas). A diluted tincture is used for rinsing the throat and mouth during an epidemic of acute respiratory and viral infections (both for prevention and for treatment purposes). Rinsing the mouth is recommended in case of diseases of the gums and teeth. In gynecology, the tincture can be used to prepare douche solutions (against vaginal infections).

The internal use of the tincture was mentioned earlier.

Side effects and precautions

Solanine, although not highly toxic, can accumulate in the body (cumulative effect), so long-term use of medicinal preparations based on potato flowers can cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning are as follows: dizziness, nausea and vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances (for example, tachycardia) and other unpleasant sensations. If symptoms of poisoning occur, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


When treating potato flowers, follow these rules:

  • Solanine can accumulate in the body, so do not take medications for more than 3 weeks in a row. After this time, take a break for 1 week, then continue treatment.
  • Monitor your health, if nausea or vomiting occurs, stop taking it immediately. After the condition normalizes, continue treatment, but take a lower dose of the medicine.
  • This treatment is contraindicated for children, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

How to collect and dry potato flowers

Potato flowers are in full bloom

The difficulty of harvesting potato flowers for medicinal purposes is that they need to be collected from plants that have not been sprayed with pesticides against the Colorado potato beetle. For external use, it is better to collect flowers that have just bloomed - they have the most powerful healing properties. For internal consumption, it is safer to collect those that bloomed about a week ago. Collected by hand with small stems, preferably in the morning, when the dew has dried. Dry under a canopy, spreading in a thin layer. Dried flowers retain their color and are easily rubbed by hand. Store them in fabric bags in a dry place.

Potato flower tincture and water infusion

Traditional medicine uses a water infusion and an alcohol tincture of fresh or dried potato flowers. It is believed that alcohol tincture is more effective, since alcohol dissolves solanine better. To prepare the product:

  1. Fresh flowers are passed through a meat grinder (dry ones are ground with your fingers), the glass container is filled to ¾ of the volume, filled with vodka to the top, and closed tightly.
  2. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, filter.

An infusion of water is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 p. l. flowers (fresh or dried) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water (in a thermos), let it brew for 3 hours, filter.
  2. Without loss of beneficial properties, it can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Potato flowers in folk medicine

In folk treatment, preparations from potato flowers are successfully used internally and externally for various diseases. They treat:

  • Joint pain. At night, rub the sore joint with tincture or make a compress and insulate it well. This is one of the best traditional medicine methods for joint pain, especially in the knees.
  • Osteochondrosis. Apply compresses with tincture to sore areas at night and wash off with warm water in the morning. Continue this way until the pain disappears completely.
  • Headaches, migraines. A towel moistened with a solution of alcohol tincture is applied around the circumference of the head - to the back of the head, temples, forehead.
  • Varicose veins Apply compresses with tincture to areas with vascular networks. In addition to the tincture, a product prepared like this helps a lot: fill a liter jar (tightly) with flowers, add 200 g of bee honey, close it, put it in a dark place, filter after 1 month, store in the refrigerator. This product is applied daily to problem areas, wrapped in cling film, insulated, and kept for 2 hours.
  • Sore throat, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity. Gargle your throat and mouth (without swallowing) with a warm water infusion with healing properties 2-3 times daily for 5 days in a row.
  • Tuberculosis. It is effective, as an addition to modern medicine, to rub an alcohol tincture into the chest for 1 month and drink it three times a day, 3 drops, mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • High blood pressure. It is recommended to drink half a glass of water infusion before bedtime, washed down with warm milk and honey for 2 weeks. The blood vessels are strengthened, made more elastic, and the pressure is stabilized.
  • . An infusion of fresh flowers quickly restores the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers. Every day for 2 weeks, 30 minutes before meals, take 1 s. l. warm infusion. Taking the drug significantly improves the well-being of patients.
  • Vision. Lotions with infusion relax the eye muscles and restore visual acuity after prolonged work at the computer. Cotton pads soaked in the infusion are placed on closed eyes and lie quietly for 15 - 20 minutes.

Potato flowers for skin problems

Lotions with tincture help with almost all skin diseases, relieve acne and itchy skin. Even problematic skin will become smooth and clean.

  • For warts and papillomas, a concentrated infusion is used. A cotton swab soaked in it is fixed to the problem area. This is more effective than celandine juice; with this method, no stains remain on the skin.
  • For thermal burns of small areas of the skin, lotions with infusion help well. They relieve pain, promote rapid tissue healing, and prevent the formation of spots and scars after a burn.
  • A mask of fresh flowers (crushed in a blender), milk and raw eggs is applied to the face for a few minutes to soften the skin and get rid of acne.

As you can see, potato flowers have amazing medicinal properties, and traditional medicine made from them helps effectively. But do not forget that they contain solanine - a toxic substance; do not exceed the dosage and duration of administration (especially when consumed orally).