How to take the perfect selfie in the mirror. Beautiful poses for selfies

Technologies do not stand still and finally there is an opportunity for anyone to freely engage in such an exciting activity. What are we photographing? Yes all! Including ourselves, especially after the advent of Instagram. For those who are little familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We'll tell you how to take cool pictures, for example, on ava. The main thing is that we will tell you in detail and give advice on how to take selfies correctly for girls (lessons, description).

How to take selfies correctly and beautifully with your own hands

It’s not always possible to ask a master to do a photo shoot for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have, say, a smartphone or camera at hand, ideally with good resolution, so it’s better to use Android. The most successful in this regard are iPhone, Zenphone and Samsung Galaxy. For a camera, the best option is GoPro. And it will be really great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some people manage to hold a phone or camera using improvised means, for example, a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (they take a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company doesn’t really matter; Asus, Lenovo and whatever is at hand will do.

The right to be called the pioneers of the invention of the monopod (selfie stick) belongs to the Koreans, who appreciated the idea in time, adding a little convenience to the original version in the form of a button. This method allows you to take photos from a distance.

Basic rules for girls

For a beautiful photo, two components are very important:

good camera– in most cases the frontal one is used, i.e. front (again, if we are talking about a phone). This is very convenient in all respects, for example, it allows you to immediately see the future photo and evaluate (albeit approximately) its quality. Its only drawback is that most often it has a worse resolution, unlike the main one, which produces high-quality images;

correctly chosen background– you’ve probably come across perfect pictures that were negated by the background (a naked man in the mirror, for example, or some kind of antics), so we recommend, if possible, to exclude strangers from entering the picture. Please note that if the photo is taken against the backdrop of any landmark, it is important that it stands out well against the background, but does not overshadow the poser, also make sure that the photo is not covered with your palm.

A successful selfie at home - the best poses

And now the most important thing - poses for a beautiful photo. You've probably noticed that there are both successful shots and vice versa. The whole secret is in the right pose, and if the photo is taken in a group (regardless of the number of people), you should take care of each character. We will reveal some secrets. The instructions are:

1. Good angle. For an inexperienced photographer, this can be a challenging experience. But we can fix everything. Learn to “feel” the lens. Take pictures of yourself from different angles and, as they say, feel the difference. Experiment with head tilts and choose the most advantageous option. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

2. The camera senses falsehood, so try to be sincere: smile, laughter, joy, delight or grief - everything should be extremely natural, otherwise the most important thing will be lost - naturalness.

3. Makeup or disguise. We recommend using small tricks that will add zest to your look. These can be highlighting bases, meteorites, shimmers, illuminizers, etc. If illness prevents you from creating a cool photo (puffiness appeared in the morning, for example), mask it with sunglasses and you will definitely get normal shots.

4. Use celebrities. It's no secret that the coolest photos involve stars. This will add charm and immediately raise the rating, especially if among them there are people like Brian Spielberg, Casey, Cage, or actors from the film “San Andreas”, fashion model Kim Kardashian, etc. It’s not bad if Russian stars/supermodels also get into the lens, for example , participants in “Comedy Woman”.

5. Take pictures with animals. Animals (no matter what) are always cute, and studies have shown that the vast majority of people like such photos. These ideas are very common in the advertising business, you can take advantage of them too.

6. Use your imagination and sense of humor. Yes, don’t be surprised, this is a great move. This way you will attract more viewers to your Instagram account or other network. Take pictures against the background of computer games, such as GTA, MTA, RP, Draenor or Minecraft (for boys) or pictures where you can depict yourself on paper, for example, on a tank or on a Mars rover. Add jokes, for example, draw pictures of a doll or fold your lips into a bow (for girls), in a word, don’t be afraid to fantasize and don’t be shy. Photos with a friend, for example, in the dark under an umbrella and with flowers, are suitable for girls. In a word, look for interesting and unusual options.

7. Add extreme, but make sure it's safe. Now considered mainstream (fashionable trend) are fatality shots - riding on the roof of a train or on the hood of a car. Take a few shots, capture a cool moment of euphoria step by step. You can make a panoramic video and post it on YouTube for viewing online. However, these options are more suitable for boys and slightly older boys.

Do you like to take pictures? Join the fashionable trend of photography - self-maid: original photographs - for those who like to have fun; beautiful photos in unusual places - for tourism fans; Pictures that will take your breath away - for extreme sports enthusiasts. Well, and little things - cute poses with pets, in front of the mirror, with girlfriends. Your own imagination, courage, acting skills and... our article will help you take a great selfie, capturing “outstanding” events.

A selection of the best selfie poses for girls

Self-photographing (selfie) is an incredibly popular pastime. Millions of photos of yourself/your loved one, taken independently using smartphones, tablets, are posted in, stored on the hard drives of their owners’ computers, in the gadgets’ memory. Most of the fair sex love to be photographed. Selfies provide an opportunity to take shots that will suit every girl’s taste. What poses should you take to show yourself in all your glory?

  1. High quality lighting. Daytime diffused light that hides sharp corners and shadows would be ideal. Cold light lamps will help you take cool shots. On the street, choose such poses and angles for selfies so that the sun illuminates your face without falling directly into your eyes.
  2. . When taking a winning pose, focus on the eyes and lips: well-applied black eyeliner and mascara will visually enlarge your eyes, and bright lipstick will make your lips plump. Highlighter is another indispensable item with which you can highlight the contour of your face and highlight the graceful line of your cheekbones with a darker shade.
  3. Naturalness of the pose. Who would the unknown Norma Jean Baker become if she had not practiced seductive poses in front of the mirror for a whole year? The result is obvious - for more than half a century, photos of the magnificent Marilyn Monroe have been an unattainable ideal for most women. Naturalness, sincerity of emotions, relaxed - the key to the success of your selfie.
  4. Beautiful background. The same type of photos of young beauties: “a la bow lips” in front of the mirror have become the talk of the town. Do you want your selfie to be unusual and exciting? Choose an original shooting location that will serve as an interesting backdrop for the photo. The pose when a smartphone or tablet is raised above the head creates a photo rich in composition with a beautiful background and an interesting plot.
  5. Good angle. The camera, located above eye level, visually enlarges them, lengthens the figure and hides extra centimeters of volume.

World cinema stars and politicians have not ignored this fashion trend. The photo of Hollywood celestials at the 2014 Oscars won top positions in a short time. Successful poses, beautiful makeup of the actresses, smiles of the actors, the right moment - and the photo collected millions of votes on social networks in a couple of weeks. Treat selfies as a pleasant pastime, and fashionable cool photos will get no less likes from your girlfriends and friends.

Selfie photo shoot at home in front of the mirror

Taking her own photographs in front of the mirror allows a girl to appear in a favorable light not only to her friends, but, what is much more difficult, to please herself. In daylight, try to have the lighting from the front rather than behind you. After all, with the latter option, the flash power of the front camera of a smartphone or tablet will not be enough and the face will turn out to be in the shadow.

Also watch the video on the best selfie poses.

When taking a selfie in front of a mirror, turn sideways 35–40⁰. Practice in advance: find poses that will highlight your figure and beautiful facial features. To make your facial skin look matte and wrinkles to become invisible, directed cold light with a flash is the ideal solution. What poses will help you take a successful selfie in front of the mirror:

  • Half turn to the mirror;
  • With a slight tilt of the head;
  • Full-length portrait with a 30⁰ turn left or right;
  • Leaning on some object or placing your leg on a slight elevation.

Are you interested in taking not static shots, but a living, emotional selfie with incredible poses? Natural movements and a sincere desire to have fun will give hand made photographs a vibrant shine. Don't want to repeat the mistakes of unsuccessful selfies? Avoid pretentious, tense poses and vulgar accessories. If the hand gets into the frame in the foreground, change the pose - in this case, the proportions of the figure are disrupted.

Cuddling with pets

Photos with animals are like “cutes”: touching, sometimes funny. Pets look great in any pose, so the main concern of girls for selfies of this kind remains themselves. Gentle hugs with your favorite cats will emphasize your tenderness and love for your pet. Funny selfies with dogs will lift your spirits, and pictures with exotic pandas, koalas, and camels will remind you of a wonderful vacation in . Whatever poses you take, do not forget about the naturalness of the image.

Selfie in the car

Interesting self-made photographs of car enthusiasts refute the opinion that a girl and a car are incompatible. Black sunglasses, bright lipstick - and voila, you have a gorgeous selfie of the fatal beauty. The best poses will be when the camera is to the left of the model. Young mothers who manage to do everything in the world deserve admiration: take a selfie with a baby in a child seat in the back seat; drive a car without violating traffic rules; communicate with friends sitting nearby.

Follow me style

Do you love traveling around the world? Tell the whole world about unusual places, ancient cultural monuments, cool events - just not with words, but with visual images. The “follow me” style involves a monotonous selfie pose - a rear view and an endless number of background options - gorgeous waterfalls on the Iguazu River, ancient ruins of the Roman Colosseum, museums rich in artifacts, and even the endless expanses of the sky.

Cool selfie poses for guys

How can young people excel in selfies? Sports hobbies, extreme sports, relaxing in a nightclub, pictures with celebrities - will not leave any girl indifferent. Original poses hugging a shark or in an airplane cockpit will emphasize the courage and determination of a young man. Do not forget about the appropriateness of selfies - serious events, tragic events - will certainly arouse general interest, only with a negative attitude.

Selfie in the gym during a workout

Are you proud of your success in the gym? Take a self-made photo that shows your pumped up abs. Take the pose of a real athlete by pumping dumbbells - girls will gasp when they see your biceps. But you shouldn’t get carried away with narcissism in the mirror - you’re not a young lady. And the increased load, grueling training does not leave many opportunities for selfie: performing the exercises requires both hands free from the smartphone.

In the night club

Meeting friends at a disco is great fun. A “club selfie” will help you leave a memory of a cool session in the best nightclub in the city. Relaxed poses, cheerful smiles, and a great mood will be the ideal components of a bright hand-made photo. Do you like to dance? Selfies of your own dance steps or “demonstration performances” of friends will add to your collection of self photo frames.

Extreme selfie with gopro

A selfie stick is a long telescopic stick for filming yourself, a loved one or a company at some distance from the side. To cover a larger background, capturing yourself in an extreme situation and the world around you, arm's length is not enough. GoPro provides the opportunity to film yourself in the most original natural poses, in unusual or:

  • on the roof of a skyscraper;
  • in the sky, jumping with a parachute;
  • deep underwater and skiing on its surface;
  • at an amusement park on a roller coaster;
  • traveling along a salt lake where the sky merges with the earth;
  • over an abyss with raging waterfalls;

Photos of successful selfies with friends

A bright, memorable selfie with friends will leave an unforgettable impression, lift your spirits, and bring a lot of positive emotions. The best examples of successful shots can be seen in the photo below. To have a successful photo shoot, use these recommendations from professionals:

  • The person taking the selfie photo should be positioned in the middle of a friendly group so that everyone can fit into the frame;
  • Put the camera in standby mode, agreeing with your friends on the emotional coloring of the photo and poses;
  • To process photos, use built-in filters, as well as special programs on other media.

However, not always, when there is a desire to capture yourself in an interesting place, there is a person nearby who can help. But this is not a reason to abandon the idea, because you can always take a selfie! And we asked the photographer about how to photograph yourself correctly so that the pictures turn out beautiful and interesting Arkady Sobolev.

- Essentially, a selfie is the same self-portrait. There is nothing new, except for the name, in this method of photography,- says Arkady. - Nowadays it is generally accepted that a selfie is just a photo with a face in the frame. But any photo can be made interesting. For example, you can put the camera on a tripod or any suitable surface, set a timer, step away - and also take a selfie.

As Arkady rightly noted, a selfie is an ordinary photograph, therefore the rules for these methods of shooting will be almost the same.


You should always consider what technique you use to take a selfie - a phone, a GoPro camera, a regular point-and-shoot camera, or a professional camera can come to the rescue. When capturing yourself on your phone, you need to take into account that the front camera is always worse than the rear one, so the conditions for shooting are better for it.

- The advantage of the front camera is that you can see yourself while shooting. But it also has serious drawbacks. For example, most often the camera located on the front of the phone is wide-angle, which may result in some distortion. For example, if you raise the phone higher than your head, your forehead will automatically become wider and your chin narrower. The opposite effect will occur if you lower the phone down,- Arkady enlightens us. - Considering all these factors, it is better to hold the phone at approximately eye level while taking pictures. You can slightly adjust the angle to hide any imperfections if necessary, but you should always remember that a large angle greatly distorts the proportions of the face.


-The best friend and at the same time enemy of any photographer is light,- says Arkady. - You should always try not to take pictures against the sun to avoid squinting your eyes. Having moved into the shadow, it is better to turn your back to the source of this shadow - then there will be no sudden changes in light. Otherwise, you risk getting a bleached background.

If you take a selfie indoors, you need to take into account that the light most often comes from lamps on the ceiling, and they create hard shadows under the nose, under the eyes - in general, under all protruding parts of the face. Based on this, you need to look for a place where the lighting will be as even as possible. “You need to look for balance in everything and avoid changes in light. It’s better to take pictures either completely in the shade or completely in the light - but not when you can’t open your eyes normally from the sun. Remember that the camera always focuses on the brightest."


- You should always remember that in a selfie the main character should still be the “selfie-maker”, so the key to a good photograph is the absence of unnecessary objects and unnecessary people in the frame,- Arkady warns. - You should always keep an eye on what's behind you. And when setting up the composition, pay attention to the fact that nothing sticks out from your head, for example.

When shooting - be it a selfie or a regular photograph - you always need to use your head, come up with original poses, and look for interesting “backdrops”. Because the same type and monotonous photographs quickly get boring. Selfies in which something is happening around a person always attract attention. Include your surroundings. Pictures whose composition is focused on the center of the frame always look best - for example, if you are photographing on railway tracks, then it is better to choose an angle in which the perspective lines (that is, the rails) will converge on your head.

Selfie in the mirror

- The main rule that you need to remember when photographing yourself in the mirror is not to look at yourself in the phone, as for some reason most girls do. Pictures turn out much more interesting if you look into the camera lens through reflection - then contact with the viewer occurs and the photo looks much more advantageous - Arkady repeats several times.

As for the phone itself, it can be moved to the side or played around so that it also becomes an actor in the frame. This is where imagination and hard training will come to the rescue.

And a little about the concept

- As a photographer with 10 years of experience, I have nothing against selfies. The only thing I don't like is the pictures with elongated lips. Is not cool! A million identical “duckfaces”, when each subsequent photo does not tell anything new about a person, is boring. And considering that such photographs are usually taken by girls, I, as a man, can say that no one likes these “ducks”.

A selfie is about showing a person somewhere. This is a kind of check-in with the help of photography, so it’s always interesting to look at original photographs. Don’t be afraid to come up with new concepts and create entire photo projects, as a girl from Russia did, using a selfie to show the everyday life of a mother of a small child. It's cool when photography goes beyond just fun and turns into something more.

As for people who consider selfies to be degradation and something abnormal, Arkady says this: “If you want to take a selfie, do it. If you don't want to, don't do it. And if you want to, but don’t do it, then it’s already something in your head.” news in your feed! Follow us on

Selfie is a type of self-portrait, the main feature of which is that the author is holding a mobile phone or camera. The first information about this word appeared on the Flickr network in 2004 as a hashtag. Today, the craze for photographing oneself has captured the whole world: even leaders of countries and world stars have such photographs, or as they are also called, selfies, posted on their personal pages online.

Selfie rules

In order to get beautiful pictures, and, accordingly, likes for her online, because, in fact, everyone tries for them, you must follow certain rules, here they are:

Today, no one is surprised or touched by the usual and monotonous photos near the mirror, in the elevator (this craze even has a separate name - elevator look). The coolest photos are taken when a person is teetering on the edge and is one step away from death. The most dangerous selfies are those taken at a height of several hundred meters, for example, when jumping with a parachute or from a bridge on a fixed rubber rope. No less impressive are pictures taken underwater next to predatory fish and other marine life, on the spire of high-rise buildings or in close proximity to the crater of a volcano. The safest selfie can be taken at home, in a familiar environment, although you can find a lot of interesting ideas here too.

How to take a selfie

How to take a beautiful selfie? Experienced Instagrammers say that it’s unlikely that anything good will come out the first time, but the best
The only assistant in this matter is experience. Therefore, all that remains is to pick up your phone or camera and look for it - the best angle. As already mentioned, it is better to tilt your head slightly or stand half-turned. You shouldn’t shoot from above or below: in the first case, you will only add age to yourself, and in the second, you will give yourself a double chin, and then you will frantically examine yourself in the mirror, wondering where it came from.

The recommended selfie poses for girls are: raise the phone at arm's length and try to capture the bust in the frame: the photo will turn out incredibly seductive with an advantageous emphasis on the chest. And you shouldn’t always look directly at the camera: it’s better to look a little to the side. Try placing a piece of paper just below your chin. It will reflect light and the photo will be of better quality. In any case, try to look as natural as possible: jump, make faces, smile, squeeze, or simply place your hand behind your head - such shots always turn out more successful than staged ones with forced smiles and fake emotions.

Today there are so many selfie ideas on the Internet that it is not possible to bring them all to life. Many have adopted the experience of the famous artist from Norway Helen Meldahl. The girl used to leave notes for her friend on the mirror with her own lipstick - she took this method as the basis for her selfies, and only then they were adopted by millions of users around the world. Most popular ideas for a selfie at home - with a pet or a teddy bear on the sofa, in a beautiful dress or other outfit with a hairstyle, with a mug of coffee in a chair under a cozy blanket, etc.

How to take a cool selfie? Go to a beautiful place. In any area you can find a species against which you won’t be ashamed to make a selfie. Nature in general is simply a treasure trove of backgrounds for this activity. If you like to travel, then you will not have a problem finding a place where you can make a crossbow. Otherwise, always keep your camera handy when you go somewhere: the right moment can come at any time. For example, when an unusual wedding cortege passes by, airborne soldiers are bathing in the fountain, and an old granny is chasing a little goat across the field. However, you should not cross the line of what is permissible and all manner of decency and photograph yourself at a funeral and against the backdrop of other events no less shocking to the public: someone’s suicide, emergency and dangerous situations that bring disasters and destruction, etc.

Unusual selfies

Among the most unusual selfies is a photo in which the author is wrapped in tape, or rather his head and face are wrapped. This madness has gained incredible popularity on
Facebook and is intended to amuse friends and all visitors to the page. Many people also tie various objects to their heads and paint their skin with incredible colors. Another Instagram celebrity is photographer Ahmad El Abi. He also focuses on the head, attaching a wide variety of objects to his hair - kitchen utensils, paper clips, matches, cards, spaghetti, children's construction sets, etc.

According to statistics, more than a million selfies are taken every day in the world, a huge part of which are on vacation. Seaside selfies are incredibly popular. Most vacationers start taking pictures of themselves as soon as they reach the beach. Selfies on the subway often end tragically, especially if the author does not follow safety precautions. The Internet space was shocked by the footage of the couple, who captured themselves on the subway rails in an unambiguous pose. They claim that they are not the first people on the subway to capture this moment on a mobile phone camera. Well what can I say. There is no law for fools.

Retro-style selfies are increasingly attracting the attention of users around the world, and today cameras are available for sale that allow you to bring this idea to life. All that remains is to find the appropriate surroundings, costume, accessories and other accessories of those times and forward, conquer new heights! And if you haven’t made a single one yet, try it, it’s so addictive!

Today, there is probably not a single person left who does not have his own selfie in his archive. After all, this version of a self-portrait is becoming more and more popular every day.

Who doesn’t know yet: a selfie (English “selfie” from “self”) - oneself, oneself or “oneself”, as they call it in our manner) is a picture in which a person captures himself using the front (rear) camera ) tablet or smartphone.

  • Trick 1: Posture

You may notice that some people turn out very well in any photograph. As a rule, those who manage to choose the ideal pose for themselves and carefully practice it are lucky. It’s worth looking for one for yourself, after practicing a little in front of the mirror. You can take several pictures at once in different poses, carefully studying each of them and noting errors. As a result, the best option will appear by itself.

  • Trick 2: head tilt

Is it possible and how to take a beautiful selfie by tilting your head? Girls often ask about this. Yes, and how! The correct tilt of the head will help emphasize the beauty and elegance of the face. It is enough to tilt your head slightly to the side and your face will instantly change. In this position, the cheekbones become clearer, the contours become graceful, and the eyes become large and expressive. This simple but effective trick is usually offered to their models by famous professional photographers. The main thing is not to overdo it with the tilt, otherwise the image will turn out somewhat comical.

  • Trick 3: Raise the device above your head

This way you can capture your surroundings. To make the photo original and unusual, you should take off not only your face, but also some of your clothes and surroundings. This is especially true for pictures taken outdoors. For example, take a selfie against the backdrop of a colorful landscape or a unique cultural monument. A self-portrait interspersed with the living world is perceived much more welcomingly than single faces. Thanks to the expanded borders, the photo is richer in detail. It is important to make sure that there are no unnecessary objects, people or animals in the background of the photo.

  • Trick 4: take care of high-quality lighting in advance

The right light is the key to any good photo, including selfies. With high-quality lighting, the picture turns out brighter and more beautiful. In this photo, your hair always looks healthy and shiny, and your skin looks well-groomed and smooth. Since most users do not have the opportunity to set up professional artificial light, it is worth looking for a quality replacement. First of all, it is the bright afternoon sun. If you take a selfie at home, you should go to the window and face it. The device at this moment, on the contrary, will be turned away from the light source. But you should not use the flash during the day. Otherwise, the face will turn out to be too pale and white, or completely overexposed.

  • Trick 5: Selfie-Perfect Makeup

It is important for representatives of the fair sex to remember that the usual makeup in the photo may look duller and faded. Therefore, before taking a photo, it is worth emphasizing your main advantages with the help of cosmetics. For example, create a spectacular “smoky eyes” using the power of eye shadow of different shades, and also apply a high-quality highlighter to give the face freshness and radiance. In a selfie, such makeup will not look too flashy and unnatural, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the attractiveness of the face and make it a little brighter. Still, stick to maximum naturalness and naturalness.

  • Trick 6: beautiful photo = filters + suitable applications

Today, users are offered a huge number of programs that will help make selfies spectacular. If they are not installed on your smartphone or tablet, then such add-ons can be easily downloaded. The programs and filters discussed will allow you to hide numerous imperfections in your appearance - whiten your teeth, remove skin imperfections, and more. The main thing is not to overdo it with improving your photos. Let naturalness be their main decoration.