Where to find a good mammologist. Mammologist - everything about the medical specialty. What symptoms do you see a mammologist for?

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Mammologist-oncologist in Moscow: cost of appointment

The price of an appointment with a mammologist-oncologist in Moscow starts from 900 rubles. up to 12277 rub.

Found 592 reviews of the best breast oncologists.

Who is a mammologist

A mammologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mammary glands. A mammologist examines a woman for both oncological and non-oncological diseases. These include:

  • tumor formations in the mammary gland;
  • diseases caused by hormonal disorders: mastopathy, fibroadenomatosis, gynecomastia, etc.;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland.

An initial examination of the mammary glands can also be carried out by other specialists - if necessary, they give a referral to a mammologist.

When to see a mammologist

It is necessary to make an appointment with a mammologist for hormonal disorders, breast injuries and gynecological diseases. You should also consult before starting oral contraceptives, before IVF, and when planning pregnancy.

You should consult a mammologist unscheduled if:

  • sudden change in breast shape, size or symmetry;
  • the appearance of lumps or painful areas;
  • changing the shape of the nipples;
  • nipple discharge;
  • swelling and redness of the breast;
  • chest pain even after menstruation;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

How is a mammologist examination performed?

Before the examination, the mammologist will collect anamnesis: study complaints, medical history, ask about concomitant diseases and genetic predisposition. Next, the doctor will use palpation to evaluate the mammary glands for homogeneity, elasticity and the presence of compactions.

If the mammologist suspects abnormalities, he will prescribe examinations. Usually this is ultrasound and mammography. In addition, the doctor may order a puncture biopsy, cytological examination of fluid from the nipples, blood tests and tumor markers.

Mammology is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the breast.

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer in women. Statistics from recent years indicate the seriousness of the problem and the increase in the number of diseases. In second place among breast pathologies is mastopathy, or fibrocystic disease, which occurs in 30–40% of women. Its peak prevalence occurs at the age of 40–45 years.

What is the likelihood that I will get sick?
Predisposing factors include:

  • unfavorable environment;
  • accelerated pace of life, especially in large cities;
  • the presence of bad habits that contribute to intoxication of the body;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • exposure to constant stress.

What can I do myself?
Every woman should know the techniques of self-examination of the mammary glands, which is carried out once a month on 6–12 days from the start of menstruation:

  • inspect the underwear for stains that appear due to nipple discharge;
  • examine the nipples, paying attention to their symmetry, retractions, ulcerations;
  • examine the skin of the glands - discoloration, swelling, areas of retraction;
  • examine the mammary glands in front of a mirror with arms lowered, with arms raised, turning right and left, paying attention to the asymmetry of the glands, their location at the same level, their uniform displacement;
  • palpate the glands in a lying and standing position;
  • squeeze the nipple to check for discharge.

If any deviations are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist.

If there are no complaints, mammography (women over 40 years old) and ultrasound of the mammary glands should be done once a year.

A correct and timely diagnosis can only be established in a medical institution equipped with modern equipment and staffed by qualified specialists.

Methods for diagnosing breast diseases
Currently, a number of complementary diagnostic methods are used that can quickly detect (or confirm the absence of) certain pathological changes in organs, as well as make an accurate diagnosis. However, only a doctor can make a correct assessment of all the results obtained. That is why, if any changes or symptoms are detected during self-examination of the mammary glands, a woman should contact a mammologist (or an oncologist).

Diagnostic methods used in City Clinical Hospital No. 13:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • ductography;
  • biopsy.

Mammography occupies a special niche among diagnostic methods, representing a low-dose and completely painless x-ray examination. It is performed using a special device - a digital mammograph. As a result of this study, two projections of each mammary gland are created.

Today, digital mammography is considered one of the most informative, accurate and accessible methods for diagnosing breast pathology. With the help of this study, it is possible to detect small, not yet palpable tumor-like formations. This method is especially valuable for large volumes of mammary glands and for detecting deep-seated tumors.

If we are talking about periodic preventive examinations, That You should get a mammogram over the age of 40, preferably from 6 to 12 days from the start of menstruation. If there are additional indications and necessity, the procedure can be performed at any age.

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the mammary glands. This is a completely harmless diagnostic method for the human body. It can be performed on women at any age and in any condition of their health.

In order to clarify the diagnosis, they are actively using Ultrasound of breast vessels with Doppler color mapping. This allows one to draw conclusions about the state of blood flow in normal, as well as in pathologically changed parts of the gland, lymph nodes, etc. The technique is very informative, since it allows one to detect small cyst-like objects (less than 3 mm in diameter). Ultrasound is widely used in the examination of women who have implants in their mammary glands.

Ductography. This type of x-ray examination involves the introduction of a special contrast agent into the ducts of the mammary glands. Then a series of photographs are taken in different projections. Based on the shape, degree, and contours of the filling of the ducts, the presence of expansions, narrowings or filling defects in them, conclusions are drawn about the absence (or presence) of intraductal growths.

This type of research is clarifying. It is carried out in case of deformation of the nipple or presence of discharge from it.

Needle biopsy. The resulting material is studied cytologically or histologically. The method is carried out by a mammologist, oncologist or surgeon under the control of ultrasound scanning or digital mammography, if there are unclear nodules, cysts, or tumors.

All of the diagnostic methods described above are the main methods for detecting the presence of pathological changes in the mammary glands. In addition, they can be used to clarify the nature and structure, the degree of prevalence (stage of development) of the process. They can be carried out once (if there are indications) or at specified intervals in order to monitor changes during treatment.

Prevention of breast diseases

According to Russian mammologist-oncologists, mammography for preventive purposes should be performed on women over 40 years of age approximately once every two years. If women in this age group are still at risk, they should be examined every year.

Women under 40 years of age are advised to undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands for preventive purposes.

Remember that conducting a self-examination, as well as timely implementation of additional examination methods prescribed by a specialist, can help preserve not only beauty and health, but also life.

At your service in City Clinical Hospital No. 13 everything you need for examination and detection of breast diseases!
The most modern equipment: digital mammography, expert-class ultrasound machines, laboratory diagnostics
(cytological studies of punctates, blood tests for tumor markers, etc.),
mammologist, candidate of medical sciences with extensive experience!

Consultation with a mammologist may be required by a woman of any age, health status and lifestyle, because he treats diseases of the mammary glands, and the list of them is quite extensive.

Most often, people turn to this specialist when unpleasant or disturbing symptoms already appear, but not everyone knows that they also need to visit him regularly, at least once a year, for the purpose of prevention.

When to consult a mammologist

It is worth noting that, due to the peculiarities of physiology, women most often turn to a mammologist, but in some cases men also need his help. Hormonal disorders can cause gynecomastia - female-type breast enlargement.

In addition, breast cancer in men, although it occurs approximately 100-130 times less frequently than in women, is also quite possible. And the main difficulty in diagnosing it is precisely the conviction of men that it is impossible for them to develop diseases of the mammary glands.

There are a number of characteristic symptoms that accompany the appearance of certain breast diseases in women. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Changes in breast sensitivity and tenderness . Unpleasant sensations may not be specific to a specific area or localized, occur with pressure, or be constant.
  • Nipple discharge. If a woman is not breastfeeding or pregnant, then nipple discharge is a sign of pathology.
  • Appearance of compaction . If you find even a small lump in the tissues of the gland, painful or not, you should not hesitate to consult a mammologist.
  • Breast changes. In a woman who has gone through puberty, breasts should not enlarge, except during pregnancy and lactation. The case of unilateral enlargement of the mammary gland should be even more alarming.
  • Changing the nipple. If the nipple on one or both glands is deformed, retracted, bent, tilted to one side, or changes color or size, then this is abnormal.
  • Changes in skin areas . You should also be alerted by the appearance of an area on the skin of the chest that differs from the general background. Wrinkled, lumpy, abnormally smooth skin may be a sign of the disease.
  • Enlarged and painful lymph nodes. Often, the lymph nodes located nearby are the first to react to diseases of the mammary glands, primarily the axillary ones.

It is worth noting that both women and men should monitor the appearance of such signs, since they are also not immune to certain diseases of the mammary glands.

Preventive visit to a mammologist

In addition to the listed cases, you should also consult a mammologist for preventive purposes in the following cases:

  • After injuries to the mammary glands, bruises.
  • In preparation for pregnancy.
  • As prescribed by the observing gynecologist during pregnancy.
  • After the end of the lactation period.
  • At least once a year, even in the absence of indications.

Timely treatment and preventive control can significantly reduce the risk of severe consequences of breast diseases.

If you need a consultation with a mammologist

If you want to find a clinic where he works and make an appointment with him with a minimum of difficulties and get a mammogram as quickly as possible, you may find the “Your Doctor” website useful.

Through our service, visitors can find out where Moscow clinics are located, what specialists they employ, and what services I provide. And after making your final choice, directly on the website you will be able to make an appointment with a mammologist at the selected clinic.

A visit to an appointment with a mammologist is necessary not only if you have discovered any signs of a possible disease of the mammary glands. In general, any changes should alert a woman. However, most often such signs are the following changes in the mammary glands:

  • the presence of compactions, nodes in the chest;
  • any discharge from the nipple;
  • retraction (retraction) of the nipple;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or neck;
  • any painful sensations;
  • breast engorgement and discomfort;
  • any changes in the skin of the breast.


  • preventive examination;
  • complaints of pain in the chest;
  • the presence of compactions, retractions in the gland;
  • change in the color of the skin of the glands;
  • local increase in skin temperature;
  • discharge of fluid from the nipple;
  • the appearance of formations near the breast;
  • enlargement of the gland in males.

Consultation with a mammologist is necessary after breast injuries, before starting oral contraceptives, planning pregnancy, before mammoplasty and IVF procedures.

A special group of patients seeking mammology examinations are children and adolescents. Age-related mastopathy, fibroadenoma, hypertrophy, asymmetry, breast tenderness, trauma and inflammatory pseudotumors - this is a short list of possible problems.

A need arises and you are faced with the question - where does a mammologist see you? In most clinics and antenatal clinics there is no specialist in this profile. In the few institutions where this doctor sees, appointment tickets are sold out weeks in advance. There is a reasonable alternative - a paid doctor.

Our clinic is consulted by doctors who have sufficient experience working in leading oncology centers in Moscow. An appointment with a mammologist can standardly include various manipulations - visual and palpation examination, ultrasound of the mammary gland with regional lymph nodes. According to indications, a diagnostic set of studies may be recommended: mammography, puncture, biopsy of mammary gland formations, followed by cytological and/or histological analysis.

Oncologist-mammologist Breast examination Mammography
Puncture of formations Cytology Biopsy Tumor markers
Genetic predisposition Breast screening

At the appointment, the breast oncologist of our center, based on the patient’s detailed story about complaints and sensations, examination data, palpation, ultrasound, histological and cytological examination, medical history, will make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Our specialist can also advise a woman on issues of breastfeeding a child (maintaining lactation, stopping breastfeeding, milk stagnation, decanting lactostasis).

Breast pain, lumps, discharge from the nipple - even one of these symptoms is a reason for an immediate visit to a mammologist for a consultation. A good reason to appear to him would be a breast injury, planning a pregnancy, or preparing for corrective mammoplasty. If you take oral contraceptives, periodic examinations with a mammologist are also necessary. In a separate risk group for diseases of the mammary glands, experts include people who already have gynecological and endocrine disorders, as well as patients in whose families there have been cases of cancer. Because the risk increases with age, women in this group should undergo routine breast screening once a year once they reach 40 years of age.

Moscow mammologists never tire of warning: early diagnosis is an opportunity to save life and health! According to medical statistics, with timely treatment, the majority of patients with breast cancer survive. If you want to preserve life, health and beauty, undergo an annual medical screening without waiting for symptoms of the disease to appear!


To receive high-quality medical advice, we invite you to sign up and see a paid mammologist at our clinic. We are consulted by highly qualified oncologists who have extensive experience working in well-known oncological institutions in the capital. You can get an appointment with a mammologist, do an ultrasound, and get tested every day, including Saturday and Sunday. Registration is made in advance, at a time convenient for you.

For reference:
A mammologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the mammary glands. And it is best to contact him as soon as possible in case of any painful and uncomfortable sensations in the chest area.

Such symptoms are evidence of certain changes in the female body, and most often far from favorable. Only a specialized specialist can understand what is happening to you and make an accurate diagnosis. An examination and preliminary examination will allow the doctor to assess the condition of the breast and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Mastopathy, fibroma, cyst, lactostasis, mastitis are by far the most common diseases of the mammary glands. And in most cases, if detected early by a good mammologist, they respond well to treatment. Moreover, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms using conservative methods, without surgical intervention. This even applies to oncological pathology. The most important thing is that the mammologist has time to make the correct diagnosis and begin treatment at an early stage.

A good reason to go to a mammologist for an appointment and examination is preparation for a number of medical procedures and surgical interventions, including aesthetic ones, for example, endoprosthetics of the mammary glands, etc. Even before such a seemingly harmless undertaking as lymphatic drainage massage of the breast, it is advisable get the go-ahead from a specialist...


Often, if there are any bad symptoms in the chest, a woman turns to a gynecologist or oncologist. However, when it comes to the mammary glands, only a good mammologist can advise the patient and make an accurate diagnosis.

It also happens, and often, that a woman, suspecting that she has a serious illness, instead of enrolling in a medical institution and getting a consultation with a mammologist, begins to self-medicate, reads advice on the Internet, listens to “traditional healers,” or follows advice like “give birth.” - All will pass". This last “recommendation” is a dangerous matter. After all, if the lump felt in the chest is mastopathy, then, of course, the problem will most likely disappear. But only for a while - namely, until the end of feeding. And then it will begin to develop with renewed vigor. If the resulting node is a benign formation like a fibroadenoma, or God forbid something worse, then pregnancy will not save you at all; on the contrary, it will cause rapid growth of the tumor due to a hormonal storm in the body.


A special group of patients are children and adolescents. They are dealt with by specialist pediatric mammologists. In Moscow, this is a rather rare specialization, although there are many problems in this age group: age-related mastopathy, fibroadenoma, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the mammary glands, trauma and inflammatory pseudotumors - and this is not a complete list. Mothers must ensure that their girls receive qualified medical care on time. During the “period of hormonal storms” - and this is not only adolescence, but also pregnancy, as well as the period of fading menstrual function, a woman is especially vulnerable and must pay special attention to her health.

If a teenage girl or young girl experiences chest pain, nipple discharge or lumps, you should immediately consult a specialist. A pediatric mammologist and a pediatric gynecologist are available at our Center, and you can sign up for an initial consultation at any convenient time.


Where to go for an appointment with a mammologist, where the best specialists in this field see? If you are worried about discharge and pain in the mammary gland, lumps or other problems and you want to find a good mammologist in Moscow, the paid doctors of our clinic will be able to provide qualified assistance. There is no need to be afraid to go for a consultation, because the capital offers a large selection of doctors in this profile. Thanks to modern techniques, a qualified mammologist successfully treats up to 95% of breast diseases: oncology, mastopathy, mastitis, lack of milk for feeding, cracked nipples and many others.

A comprehensive examination, including:

Visual inspection, palpation;
- Ultrasound examination;
- Mammography (performed for women over 40 years old);
- Laboratory diagnostics (blood tests, etc.);
- Cytohistological examination (if indicated).