Vertical or horizontal: which option is most preferable? What is the best type of shuttle in a sewing machine: description, characteristics and reviews Rotary shuttle in a sewing machine

The prevalence of malocclusion among children and adolescents is growing every year. Today, the percentage of Caucasian children with distal occlusion is greater than with orthognathic occlusion (Burstone, Charles J., Michael M. Marcoutte, Problem Solving in orthodontist). But if bite correction in patients with distal occlusion has become a routine practice for an orthodontist, treating patients with mesial occlusion sometimes causes difficulties. Fortunately, this type of malocclusion is rare and the prevalence rate among Caucasians is no more than 7%.

That is, we can say that 1 out of 13 patients who consulted an orthodontist has a mesial bite.

In the presence of a skeletal form of mesial occlusion in non-growing patients, the participation of a maxillofacial surgeon is required in the treatment process, since it is not possible to compare the bases of jaws of different sizes using teeth without complications(Fig. 1) . This is especially true if the skull grows vertically (dolichocephalic, hyperdivergent). In non-growing patients with a skeletal form of class 3 occlusion anomaly with a tendency to class 1, as well as in patients with class 1 occlusion anomaly with a tendency to class 3 or with a forced position of the lower limb, treatment can be carried out using a conservative method . To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, in addition to eliminating the dental component in the sagittal plane, it is also necessary to use the vertical and articular components of compensation, as well as control the occlusal plane. If the patient has a neutral or horizontal type of skull growth (brachycephalic, hypodivergent), vertical compensation can be used in the form of raising the height of the bite. In this case, the chin moves not only down, but also back, resulting in better conditions for matching teeth in class 1, improving the profile and facial expression.

Clinical case

Patient L.V., a 17-year-old teenager, came to our clinic for bite correction. Main complaint: periodic subluxations of the lower back when chewing solid food, accompanied by pain. The patient underwent sanitation of the oral cavity and a complete orthodontic diagnosis (photos of teeth, face, diagnostic models, bite registration, OPTG, TRG with data decoding). One of the obvious symptoms was pronounced reverse incisal overlap in the position of central occlusion (hereinafter referred to as CO). However, in the state of centric relation (hereinafter referred to as CR), the patient could easily compare the incisors in the “joint-to-joint” position, which gave a favorable prognosis when using a conservative treatment method(Fig. 2) . After processing the data obtained, the following was revealed.

Rice. 2a. Diagnostics, intraoral photos, before treatment. Rice. 2b. Face front, before treatment. Rice. 2c. Face in profile, before treatment.
Rice. 2g. Half-turned face, before treatment. Rice. 2d. OPTG before treatment. Rice. 2e. TRH before treatment.


  • The type of skull growth is neutral, with a tendency towards horizontal.
  • The type of growth is horizontal.
  • The jaw relationship is skeletal class 3.
  • The position of the military unit is neutral.
  • Protrusion of the lower part (forced protrusive position in the central organ).

Right tooth relationship:

  • molars according to class 1,
  • canines class 3 (3 mm).

Left tooth relationship:

  • molars according to class 1,
  • canines class 3 (3 mm).
  • Narrowing of the upper part in the area of ​​premolars and molars is 4-5 mm, reverse overlap of the lateral group of teeth on the left.
  • Moderate crowding in the frontal region.
  • The vertical overlap of the incisors is 4-5 mm.
  • Reverse incisal overlap along the sagittal 3-4 mm.
  • Deficiency of bite height, insufficient vertical support of the joint.
  • Stretching of the joint capsule, habitual subluxations, painless.
  • The profile is concave, class 3, the height of the lower third of the face is reduced.

At the stage of agreeing on the treatment plan, the patient was offered 2 options: the method of orthognathic surgery (shortening the length of the body of the lower part to compare with the base of the upper part) and the conservative method (dental-alveolar compensation and matching of teeth in centric relation, since with central occlusion there is a forced position LF). The patient refused the treatment plan using orthognathic surgery. Further treatment planning was carried out taking into account the use of a conservative method.

Treatment Goals

  • Expansion of the midsection in the area of ​​molars and premolars.
  • Raising the height of the bite.
  • Closing gaps at n/h.
  • Protrusion of incisors.
  • Control of the relationship of teeth according to class 1 in the area of ​​canines and molars.

Treatment plan

  • Orthodontic device Hyrax on onlays (7th free) in/h.
  • Rings for the upper and lower 7th teeth + intermaxillary elastics (4.6 mm, 150 grams).
  • Stabilization of bite height on 7 teeth.
  • Bracket system low, high (MBT 0.022), rings for the first molars low, high.
  • Installation of a multi-loop lower jaw arch (MEAW, S.Sato), short intermaxillary elastics according to class 3, extrusion of lower middle premolars, stabilization of the new bite height.
  • Creating a Positive Overjet.
  • Box elastics in the lateral group of teeth.
  • Detailing.
  • Removing the braces, cleaning, polishing the surfaces of the teeth.
  • Thermocap, retainer, high-grade, low-grade for 1 year.


Since the clinical situation was characterized by the presence of a forced position of the lower limb in a state of central occlusion (hereinafter referred to as CO), it was important to determine the central ratio (hereinafter referred to as RO). This was necessary for the manufacture of onlays for the Hyrax apparatus in the central center, so that consistent extrusion of the teeth would occur in the centric position of the lower part. The second molars on the middle part are free from onlays. At the age of 17 years, it is difficult to count on a rupture of the palatal suture for stable corpus expansion of the upper jaw, since by this time almost complete fusion of the maxillary bones occurs. However, this is exactly what we tried to achieve using a conservative method. After fixing the Hyrax device, activation was carried out 2 times by 1/4 turn and recommendations were given to parents for further activation (2 activations by 1/4 the next day and 1 activation by 1/4 turn on subsequent days for 14 days). Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve rupture of the palatal suture, and the expansion was more dentoalveolar in nature than skeletal. But the required value of 5 mm was achieved in 18 days.

After expansion, it was necessary to begin raising the height of the bite. For this purpose, rings were fixed on the upper and lower second molars and recommendations were given for wearing 4.6 mm, 130 grams of Up-and-Down elastics. After stabilizing the new bite height, it was possible to switch to the braces system. At the 2nd month of treatment, the system was installed on the entire n/h(Fig. 3) , and in the 4th month (after stabilization of the expansion of the I/H)- system on the military unit. Glass ionomer onlays were also placed on the upper 6th teeth to maintain bite height along with the 7th teeth.

At this stage, there was contact on 7 teeth, 6 teeth (on the onlays) and on the teeth of the frontal group. Next, it was necessary to induce extrusion of the premolar teeth. For this purpose, a multi-loop arc was prepared for low-frequency MEAW from BlueElgiloy 16#22 alloy. Activation type StepUp on the 2nd loop and StepDown on the 4th loop. An SS 0.018 arc is installed on the military unit. Elastics given are 4.6 mm, 150 grams, short, class 3(Fig. 4) . After creating a positive overlap on the incisors, the elastics are given in the form of a Box, for premolars, 6.4 mm, 146 grams(Fig. 5) .

Afterwards, the onlays were removed from 6 teeth and with the help of Up-and-Down elastics, the 6th teeth were tightened. Detailing of teeth to create fissure-tubercle contacts, checking forward and lateral movements of the lower jaw, no interference was detected.

After 9 months, the braces were removed, the surfaces of the teeth were cleaned and polished(Fig. 6) . For further stabilization, removable thermal caps and retainers were used, which the patient was recommended to wear constantly for the first 2 weeks (except for meals). Then only at night for one year.

Control was carried out 6 months after removing the braces(Fig. 7) .

Rice. 6a. The end of the active phase of treatment with the brace system is 9 months. Rice. 6b. Face front, after treatment.
Rice. 6th century Face in profile after treatment. Rice. 6g. Half-turned face after treatment.
Rice. 7a. Control after 6 months. after the end of treatment, fas. Rice. 7b. Control after 6 months. after completion of treatment, occlusion.
Rice. 7th century Control after 6 months. after completion of treatment, profile. Rice. 7g. Control after 6 months. after the end of treatment, turn it halfway.
Rice. 7d. Control after 6 months. after treatment, OPTG. Rice. 7th. Control after 6 months. after treatment, TRG.


The presence of a pronounced anomaly and malocclusion in a patient in some cases can disorient the orthodontist during the initial examination, however, a thorough analysis and diagnosis of the initial data, along with an assessment of the influence of favorable and unfavorable factors, can contribute to the development of a preliminary treatment plan. Of course, an orthodontist paired with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can achieve much better results than alone. However, if for some reason such cooperation is impossible, the use of the knowledge and strength of an orthodontist can give a fairly high aesthetic, functional and stable result.

Table 1. Decoding according to S.Sato before treatment.

Sato analysis











54 %









23.0 mm



50.0 %


U1-AB (degree)



U1-AB (mm)

9.5 mm

L1-AB (degree)



L1-AB (mm)

6.2 mm

Intermolar molar angle



Kim analysis







Combination factor


Table 2. Transcript by S.Sato after treatment.

Sato analysis











54 %









23.0 mm



50.0 %




U1-AB (mm)

9.5 mm

L1-AB (degree)


L1-AB (mm)

6.2 mm

Intermolar molar angle



Kim analysis







Combination factor


Imagine that you need to quickly choose a cupcake.

What do you think is the most attractive option for displaying the assortment on the screen?

Or vertical:

Each of us faces both on a daily basis. Everyone around us: from supermarkets to online stores, attacks us with different options for presenting products:

But which one is better? And can this factor really be important and influence anything?

Maybe. And in this article you will learn about which product presentation is more effective and when.

First, we see the world horizontally. We have binocular vision and our eyes are positioned horizontally, giving us a wide horizontal view—approximately 190 degrees.

This is why computers and monitors are made wider (not taller).

Secondly, horizontal scanning is physically easier.

Due to the peculiarities of the human muscular structure, horizontal eye movements are easier to perform. Our head naturally tilts slightly forward, which makes moving our eyes up and down more labor-intensive.

In 2016, a study was conducted in which subjects were offered two options for the placement of lollipops. To study the pattern of eye movements of the participants were used. It was possible to find out that the pattern of eye movements corresponded to the type of product presentation. The eyes made movements in the horizontal plane when the goods were presented horizontally and in the vertical plane when the goods were presented vertically.

But more importantly, because horizontal movements are easier to make, people covered more objects per second with horizontal presentation (3.26 for horizontal and 2.77 for vertical).

3. Horizontal product assortment seems more diverse

Since a person can see more items at a time, he erroneously concludes that there is a wider choice of goods.

4. Horizontal display increases the likelihood of selection

In turn, a wide choice is a factor facilitating the completion of a transaction. Customers have a natural desire to seek variety, which is why they prefer product ranges that meet this criterion.

Plus, it takes people longer to browse through a more diverse selection. As a result, people view more items and have a wider pool of options available to choose from (consider purchasing more options). Unsurprisingly, horizontal presentation ultimately leads to more purchases (and more purchases of multiple items).

A few caveats

1. Use vertical view on vertical screens

Product presentation on smartphones should not be horizontal. It's just reasonable. No other explanation is required here.

2. Use vertical presentation when you need to reduce product variety

Horizontal presentation is effective because the range of products presented this way appears to be broader.

But sometimes a wide choice can be counterproductive.

If customers know exactly what they need, they are unlikely to want to browse through too many products.

Take Amazon for example.

This is right. When people are “just watching,” variety is good.

However, if you pay attention to the search results - the area where people are looking for a specific product - you will notice that here the products are presented vertically.

If users are looking for a specific product, you should reduce the apparent variety and simply help them find the product they need. Therefore, vertical presentation is most preferable.


Horizontal presentation of products is good because it increases the breadth of choice and creates the impression that the product range is more diverse. However, if your goal is to reduce and speed up selection, use a vertical view.

You can follow the example of Amazon or even Walmart. On the latter’s website, if you are not looking for a specific model of a certain product, but make a request for all categories (for example, humidifiers), the proposed results will be presented horizontally.

And this is also correct. Walmart understands that the person searching for such a generic term is in the early stages of the sales funnel, where having a wide selection is an advantage, and horizontal product presentation does just that. But if you search for a specific product, the search results will be presented vertically.

Vertical presentation focuses the buyer's attention on a specific product of interest. In addition, these products will occupy the most advantageous place on the page—that’s where the buyer’s eye will fall first.

The heart of a sewing machine is its shuttle mechanism. The choice of shuttle affects the important characteristics of the sewing machine - speed, reliability, ease of use. There are two types of shuttle mechanisms - horizontal and vertical. Vertical, in turn, can be swinging and rotating (rotational). Each shuttle has its own advantages and features; it is important to understand for what purposes a sewing machine is needed in order to determine which shuttle mechanism suits you best.

Oscillating vertical shuttle

This is a classic type of shuttle, which was used in the old domestic mechanical machines Chaika and the first foreign Veritas, but has not lost its relevance today. Almost all cars in the budget price category work on this shuttle and are widely popular. The reason for this is convenience, simplicity and reliability.

How does a vertical shuttle work?

Vertical swinging
(classic) shuttle

A bobbin with thread, tucked into a bobbin case, is inserted into a groove, where, under the action of a lever, it swings up and down like a pendulum, leading the thread along with it. This simple device has a high degree of reliability due to the fact that the lever is tightly connected to the machine body and practically does not break. You can thread any thread into the machine without fear that the mechanism will jam.

Features of the vertical shuttle

The vertical swing shuttle has two features that can be attributed to its disadvantages.

  • Firstly, it is noisy;
  • Secondly, it limits the sewing speed.

All the simplest Brother and Janome models are equipped with a swinging shuttle. But the developers of modern Bernina machines using an oscillating shuttle managed to overcome both “minuses”, turning them into “pluses”. Thus, the Bernina 330, , and models operate almost silently and develop stitching speeds of up to 900 sti/min.

The owners of machines with a swinging shuttle are creative people who not only sew, but also embroider, do quilting, and come up with new decors. They want a sewing machine that is reliable, can handle a variety of tasks and is easy to use. The undoubted advantage of such machines is their low cost.

Vertical rotary or rotary shuttle

A bobbin case with a bobbin is also inserted into this shuttle, but the system no longer swings, but rotates around its axis. The rotary shuttle is capable of achieving enormous rotation speeds. In modern sewing machines it reaches 1000 sti/min.

Features of the rotary shuttle

Vertical rotating
(rotary) shuttle

  • Since the hook is easy to adjust and fix in relation to the needle, during sewing such unpleasant moments as stitch skipping, thread breakage and tangling are practically eliminated. This leads to another advantage of rotary shuttle machines - the variety of fabrics they sew.
  • An additional advantage is low noise level with high reliability.

A significant plus for craftswomen is that this type of shuttle allows you to increase the stitch width up to 9 mm and the length up to 6 mm, in contrast to machines with a swinging shuttle, where the maximum stitch parameters are 5.5 mm and 4 mm. These technical capabilities of the machine are especially in demand when sewing clothes.

Semi-industrial embroidery machines Brother PR 655, 1000e, Brother VR, as well as modern household machines Bernina 5th series (560 and), 7th series (Bernina 740, , ,) and Bernina 880 are equipped with a rotary shuttle.

The rotary vertical shuttle allows you to sew a lot and almost without interruption.

This is the most common type of shuttle in the average price category of sewing machines. The horizontal type shuttle device has the same rotational mechanism. A stitch is formed when the shuttle makes two full revolutions. The hook works without a bobbin case, the bobbin is placed directly into the hook, making it easy to thread the bobbin. Through the transparent window on the needle plate you can see what color thread is wound on the bobbin and when it should be changed, which is also an indisputable advantage of the machine. Finally, the horizontal shuttle operates silently and, thanks to its simple design, does not allow the needle to tangle the threads and skip a stitch. Most machines have fairly high stitch adjustment capabilities: width up to 7 mm, length up to 4.5 mm. Adding to these advantages the absence of the need to lubricate the machine with oil, we get simply an ideal model.

But the horizontal shuttle also has some features.


  • The disadvantages of this type of shuttle include the inconvenience of adjusting the lower thread. To tighten the nut with a small screw, you now have to get close to the shuttle itself. Which, moreover, is made of plastic, which means that only standard threads are suitable for it.
  • Such a shuttle does not allow any creative experiments and fails. Although in some machines you can change the shuttle yourself for a new one (the main thing is to have it in stock). In modern models, replacing the shuttle is carried out in service workshops and requires equipment adjustment.

All Brother sewing machines are equipped with a horizontal shuttle type, for example, electromechanical ones from the Comfort series - Brother Comfort 10, 15, 25, 25A and 35, as well as electronic models of the Innov-is (NV) series, for example, Brother Innov-is (NV) 10 And . Most Janome household sewing machines also have a horizontal hook. These include the electromechanical Janome Lady 725, 735 and 745, as well as the more expensive Janome Decor Excel series, for example, the electromechanical machine with electronic elements Janome 5124 Exel Pro. Almost all machines of the Bernette series of the Bernina brand, located in different price ranges, are equipped with this type of shuttle.

Summary - shuttle systems are neither good nor bad

They are selected taking into account the requirements for household appliances.

  • The machine with a vertical swing hook offers a wide range of possibilities for sewing and even embroidery, depending on the model.
  • The horizontal hook type provides easier threading and, in most cases, a larger stitch width, which is especially useful when performing decorative operations.
  • Sewing machines with high technical and functional capabilities are equipped with a rotary shuttle type, which is why they are chosen by high-level amateurs and sewing masters.

Concept of organization and structure

An organization is a group of people who purposefully interact with each other. All participants in the organization subordinate their work to the general goals of the enterprise (organization) in which they work.


Organizational structure represents the formal rules that managers develop to divide labor and formal responsibilities among individuals and groups.

There is a vertical and horizontal structure of the organization, which are necessary in order to correctly determine the scope of control of managers and subordination in the company.

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is characterized by the coordination of a set of functions so that the company is able to act as a single whole.

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization are different types of organizational structures that managers resort to to externalize their ideas in the form of structural organizational charts.

The vertical and horizontal structure of the organization is presented in the figure, where you can see their main features.

Vertical organizational structure

Most businesses operate through organizational structures that are more consistent with the principles of a vertical organizational structure.

The vertical structure of an organization is the management structure of a company, in which there is a certain hierarchy, that is, lower levels of management are subordinate to higher levels.

In practice, any organization in its structure, regardless of its type and form, has an element of verticality. Company employees most often report to the CEO directly or through their direct managers.

The vertical structure of an organization can be characterized by the number of levels of subordination and the existence of one manager for each employee.

Features of the vertical structure

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is different from each other. The vertical structure is often called bureaucratic or hierarchical. This type of management structure has a high degree of centralization in decision making.

Businesses that operate according to a vertical organizational structure are led by one person or group of people (the board of directors). The manager is directly subordinate to the other heads of divisions (departments), as well as employees. At the same time, in most cases, all strategic decisions in the operation of the enterprise are made by the manager alone.

The vertical structure of the organization, on the one hand, provides a high level of control over the processes occurring in the enterprise, and on the other, significantly contributes to expanding the manager’s area of ​​responsibility, thereby increasing the load on him.

Horizontal structure of the organization

The horizontal structure is inherent in companies that carry out decentralized coordination of the actions of certain units (workers, employees) of the relevant functional units in the course of performing common tasks.

The creation of a horizontal management structure at an enterprise in practice is the most common and significant trend in the modern business world.

The horizontal management structure has a competitive advantage over other management structures, which lies in the possibility of flexible and quick response to any changes in the conditions for carrying out its activities.

A horizontal management structure, regardless of its form, has a decentralized nature of decision-making through its transfer to groups that include specialists from various departments.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Highlight the features that are inherent in the horizontal structure of the organization:

1) Increased likelihood of conflicts,

Vertical type of growth - the skull grows in height, a long elongated face, dolicocephalic. The vertical type of growth may be due to mouth breathing. Patients with a vertical type of growth have a short upper lip, the tone of the lips is impaired, the lips often do not close, and muscle changes become more and more aggravated every year.

What you should pay attention to when treating vertical growth type:

  • With a vertical type of growthit is important to prevent extrusion of molars, while the SNMP angle there will be even more. Extrusion of molars can occur due to incorrect or excessive use of elastics.
  • If at the treatment stage a situation arises that the lateral teeth do not close temporarily, then it is recommended to apply onlays to the lateral teeth, which will prevent the extrusion of the molars.
  • Moving teeth is always easier.
  • Often, orthodontic treatment involves the extraction of teeth and subsequent mesialization of molars, as a result of which the angle SNMP decreases, rotation of the lower jaw occurs, which invariably entails a decrease in facial height.

Horizontal growth type - stocky, brachiocephalic, wide face.

Features of treatment:

  • Molar extrusion is acceptable.
  • Disconnection in the anterior region with bite-sized braces leads to extrusion and an increase in facial height.
  • Treatment with removal is a rare case.
  • The movement of teeth is a little more difficult than with the vertical type of growth.

Other articles

Features of working with the Damon braces system

  • Possibility of using weak forces in orthodontic treatment.
  • When treated with the Damon system, metal ligatures and chains are placed under the arch.
  • If a metal ligature is used to bind teeth, then after installing the arch, it is pressed against the arch with a scaler for more effective hygiene.
  • The chains are placed on the upper jaw with a wide step, on the lower jaw - a medium step (the usual size of a clinical crown).

Transversal anomalies

The amount of space in each jaw is assessed separately in the anterior and lateral areas. In this case, in the anterior section, three main options are mainly distinguished (Fig. 1). The anterior portion of the teeth in the lower jaw is assessed in a similar manner. Comparison of the symmetry of each jaw is very easy to do by determining the midline of one jaw

Open bite. Causes of open bite. Types and diagnosis of open bite.

Open bite. Causes.

Dentoalveolar form:

  • sucking habits that persist after 3-4 years and have a significant duration: pacifier sucking; thumb sucking; duration more than 6 hours a day (data from the Proffit textbook)
  • tongue protrusion, for example with early loss of baby teeth.