A ball under the skin in an intimate place. Small lips in women. Infections leading to the appearance of lumps in the labia area. How symptoms develop

It happens that during self-examination or by chance, a woman may identify some kind of lump in the vaginal area. Such a situation will seriously alarm you and throw you out of emotional balance. Various guesses will begin to appear, most often with negative connotations. But what a formation in the vagina actually means can be found out only after consulting a doctor. Until then, it’s better not to worry in vain.


A mass formation in the area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia can have different origins. And you need to understand all the reasons so as not to miss the really important ones. A lump in the vagina, as ordinary people call it, is the result of inflammatory, hyperplastic or other processes. The source of pathological growth can be the glands of the vulva, the vaginal wall (mucous, muscular, serous membranes) or nearby tissues. The cause of this formation is most often benign diseases:

  • Bartholinitis.
  • Cyst.
  • Fibroma.
  • Lipoma.

There are cases when the cervix is ​​mistaken for a lump, which, due to weakness of the pelvic muscles, descends all the way to the vestibule of the vagina. But a similar situation is more often observed in old age in women who have undergone more than one childbirth and have been involved in heavy physical work in the past. But young girls are most afraid of oncology, although this is also unlikely, because malignant processes are more typical during menopause, when the activity of hormonal control decreases. Then the appearance of vaginal carcinoma is possible.

The origin of a lump in the vaginal area is most often associated with benign processes, but in certain cases, oncology cannot be ruled out.


The doctor, conducting a gynecological and physical examination of the patient, identifies symptoms confirming the nature of the formation. Pay attention to local and general signs. First, complaints are analyzed, and then it’s time for examination and palpation. In this case, any concomitant conditions that, one way or another, may be associated with the appearance of a lump are taken into account.


Inflammation of the glands at the base of the labia, i.e. bartholinitis, occurs quite often. The lump near the vagina is precisely connected with it. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be various microbes: strepto- and staphylococci, E. coli, candida, but also more specific representatives - gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas. The gland duct is blocked, and purulent exudate accumulates in its lumen. This leads to the formation of an abscess (false or true) and the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Painful swelling.
  3. Enlarged gland.
  4. Blocking the entrance to the vagina.
  5. Pain when moving.
  6. Temperature increase.

With a true abscess, the glandular tissue melts, which is accompanied by more severe symptoms. Regional lymph nodes enlarge, the labia swell, and the woman’s general condition suffers (malaise, headaches). When the abscess is opened, it is not completely emptied, which is a factor in recurrence and protracted course.

The chronic process can worsen during menstruation, with a decrease in the body's immune reactivity or with concomitant diseases. A sensitive lump forms in the area of ​​the gland; discomfort is noticeable when moving, but there will be no sharp pain. Subsequently, a cyst forms at this site.

Bartholinitis is a consequence of microbial inflammation of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina. It is accompanied by the appearance of a painful lump.

Vaginal cyst

The cause of a lump in the vagina is a cyst. This is not such a common disease, but you need to remember about it. A cyst is formed from the wall of an organ and is filled with epithelial tissue or liquid contents. The origin of the pathology is congenital or post-traumatic, and it is mostly asymptomatic, therefore it is detected more often during preventive examinations. The exception is cases with large cyst sizes, when subjective signs arise:

  • Foreign body sensation.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Urinary disorders (dysuria).
  • Difficulty in defecation.

During a gynecological examination, the cyst does not cause pain, its surface is smooth and does not differ from the rest of the mucous membrane. Large formations create an obstacle to the birth of a child. If an inflammatory process occurs, pathological discharge and soreness in the vagina appear. Then the cyst can ulcerate and even open on its own.

Benign tumors

True vaginal tumors of benign origin include fibromas, lipomas and fibromyomas. They are formed from layers of the vaginal wall and do not show signs of atypical growth. In most cases, such tumors develop asymptomatically and are localized along the anterior surface of the vagina. Sometimes there are periodic pains of a pulling or aching nature, discomfort during sexual intercourse, disturbances in urination and defecation. But this happens only when the pathological formation is large (about the size of a chicken egg).


The greatest danger among all lumps is carcinoma or vaginal cancer. Most often, oncology develops secondarily, that is, when it spreads from other sources (cervix, uterus, metastases). Some patients with cancer are asymptomatic, but most often there will be the following signs:

  • Scanty bleeding at any time, including between menstrual periods.
  • Pathological discharge: cloudy, whitish, liquid.
  • Pain - first during sexual intercourse, and then constant.

If the tumor grows into neighboring areas, dysuria and defecation disorders are possible. And in advanced cases, the woman’s general condition also suffers (cancer intoxication).

Cancer is the most serious and dangerous cause of a large process in the vagina. Oncological alertness should be present in all women, especially those who have crossed the threshold of menopause.

Additional diagnostics

To establish the nature of the lump in the vaginal area, additional methods are required. The diagnostic process may include various techniques that help the doctor determine the cause of the formation. These include:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections, tumor markers).
  3. Analysis of vaginal discharge (microscopy, bacterial culture, PCR).
  4. Smear for oncocytology.
  5. Colposcopy.
  6. Biopsy with histology.

Having received all the results, the specialist makes a final conclusion and can definitely say whether the woman should have worried. And taking into account the nature of the pathological process and the clinical situation, therapeutic measures will be taken and recommendations will be given that the patient must adhere to.

Any changes on the surface of the female external genitalia cause us concern, because they can be symptoms of many dangerous diseases. And for their effective treatment, it is necessary to diagnose and identify the causes of formations.

Lump on the female genital organs - possible causes:

  1. Inflammation of the hair follicle.
  2. Local irritation.
  3. Blockage of the sebaceous gland.
  4. Bartholinitis.

Below we will look more specifically at each factor.

Inflammation of the hair follicle

This is the most common reason why a lump appears on the labia majora or minora. Epilation and depilation contribute to the ingrowth of hair into the skin, as a result of which an inflammatory process often begins. The neoplasm is initially small in size and can be slightly felt with your fingers. Over time, the lump fills with fluid and pus and grows. If the inflammation is not stopped and infection is not prevented, the abscess will burst under the skin and the infection will spread to nearby tissues. In this case, bumps may also appear near the labia.

Local irritation

There are enough factors that cause skin irritation:

  • shaving the intimate area;
  • poor quality linen;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • long cycling or horseback riding, etc.

Initially, irritation manifests itself in the form of redness and a small rash; it may disappear on its own. The addition of an infection entails purulent inflammation and an abscess. It looks like a lump on the female genitals and can be painful.

Sebaceous gland blockage

Excessive dryness of the skin or inappropriate hygiene products lead to the fact that the pores become narrower and the sebum cannot come out. As a consequence, the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with its own contents, and it gradually accumulates, turning into a subcutaneous seal. Most often it looks like a large, hard lump on the labia that does not hurt or cause much concern. If you press hard, the contents of such a wen may come out, but it is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself.

Bartholinitis - cyst of the labia gland

The Bartholin gland is located near the vagina and due to damage to the excretory duct of this gland and its tissues, a small painful lump first appears on one labia or on both labia. The causative agents of the disease are:

  • staphylococcus;
  • gonococcus;
  • trichomonas vaginalis;
  • coli;
  • mixed infections.

Sometimes bartholinitis goes away on its own after some time, and the lump and swelling around it disappear without a trace. In other cases, infiltration and pus accumulate in the clogged gland, and a purulent lump forms directly inside the labia or on the labia in the vestibule of the vagina. An abscess follows, the formation becomes very painful and often oozes.

Lump on the labia - treatment

In cases of inflammation of the hair follicles and local irritation, therapeutic measures are reduced to applying local antiseptics or antibiotics. It is also recommended to pay more attention to personal hygiene and wear high-quality cotton underwear.

If the lump appears due to blockage of the sebaceous gland, it is better to consult a gynecologist and surgeon. It is advisable to remove such neoplasms before the onset of the inflammatory process surgically or using absorbable drugs.

Treatment of bartholinitis must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The scheme usually consists of relieving inflammatory processes and opening the cyst, followed by its drainage.

On women's forums you can often find a message with the following content: “Girls, what could this be? A small lump appeared on the labia. They are red and painful when pressed, but there is no pus yet. Help! Have you had this happen and, if so, how to remove this lump?”

Lump or bartholinitis?

A lump on the labia has a medical name and a very clear gynecological definition, namely bartholinitis.

The causes of a lump on the labia lie behind factors such as:

  • Infections that a woman can contract from her sexual partner;
  • An infectious process that could come from an infected tooth or inflamed tonsils.

Also, among gynecologists there is an opinion, proven by facts and diagnostics, that purulent lumps and lumps on the labia are formed as a result of infection entering the labia through the so-called Bartholin glands. Every woman physiologically has them and their ducts extend to the surface of the labia.

Common causes of lumps on the labia

Among the common and most common causes of lumps on the labia (bartholinitis) are the following:

  • Constant observance of the rules of personal hygiene - this means that you should under no circumstances use other people’s towels, soap, etc. Naturally, you need to do labia hygiene at least 2 times a day, especially if there is inflammation.
  • Decreased body defenses, decreased immunity.
  • Damage to the body by pathogenic microorganisms, infections, bacteria.

In most clinical cases, it is infections such as streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, and gonococcus that cause bumps on the labia and other pathological formations.

Well, the disease and its active course are activated at the moment when the woman’s body begins to attack pathogenic microorganisms in the aggregate. Microbes, as you may have already understood, quite easily penetrate the glands of the labia, and already multiplying and developing in them, infect the tissues.

How does infection penetrate the genital tract?

Infection in the labia can also penetrate through the urethra, as well as through the woman’s circulatory system.

When bartholinitis occurs in a woman, an inflammatory process occurs in only one of the glands. When the gland is blocked by an infectious process, pus begins to accumulate in it, or it is called purulent secretion.

Pus can accumulate inside the gland very quickly and eventually have no natural outlet. Therefore, in some women, on the labia it can reach the size of a chicken egg and even a large orange.

Against the background of a pathological increase in purulent lump, the patient notes such symptoms as:

  • Chills;
  • Fever;
  • Increased temperature;
  • Pain in an intimate place;
  • Burning;
  • Tingling;
  • Unpleasant pain radiates to the vagina and anus.

If a purulent lump opens spontaneously, then a very foul-smelling, greenish-yellow liquid mixed with blood comes out of it.

After the lump on the labia opens on its own, the symptoms of the disease will subside a little, but, again, this is temporary. There is a huge risk of recurrence and formation of an infectious process.

Do not under any circumstances delay a visit to the gynecologist if you notice a lump on the labia. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. The sooner you see a doctor, the higher the chances of recovery.

How to diagnose a lump on the labia?

How can you independently diagnose a lump or bartholinitis?

This disease can be very easily diagnosed at home. As a rule, you can see a small lump on the labia. If you touch this place with your hands, you will get the feeling that there are grapes or beans under the skin.

Initially, the swelling may be red, and a little later this swelling turns blue. If you put your hand into a lump, it will be hot to the touch. Also, the temperature begins to rise rapidly to 38 degrees.

Symptoms such as increased weakness in the body and lethargy cannot be ruled out. At this stage, if you press on the lump, you will experience a very strong, excruciating, sharp, dagger-like pain.

Seeing a doctor

If you do not consult a doctor at this stage, the lump will open on its own. But don’t think that this is the end of the disease. She became a chronic form of the disease.

If, again, chronic bartholinitis is not treated, then a gland cyst will form in place of the lump.

When visiting a doctor, the specialist must undergo a complete standard examination of the female labia.

Also, vaginal discharge should be taken from the patient for microbiological determination of the causes of the disease. Based on the results of laboratory tests, it will be possible to determine the cause of the formation of a lump on the labia and subsequently prescribe therapy.

Characteristic symptoms of bartholinitis

The symptoms of bartholinitis completely depend on the course of the disease.

If we talk about acute bartholinitis, then this disease is very difficult. The woman feels severe acute pain in the labia area, and her general health begins to deteriorate quite sharply.

If bartholinitis occurs in an acute form, then the woman cannot even sit, stand or move fully. When the abscess breaks out, the state of health improves slightly.

From the acute stage of the disease, the lump on the labia becomes chronic.

An aggravation of the lump on the labia occurs during menstruation; after a long stay in the cold; as well as during the off-season, when a woman’s immunity decreases.

Treatment of lumps on the labia

Treatment of bartholinitis should be carried out exclusively in a medical facility.

Therapy includes:

  • Opening the abscess;
  • Use of antibiotics;
  • Removal of Bartholin's gland;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • Taking antibacterial baths.

It should be noted that only a qualified specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the disease that provokes the appearance of a seal on the labia. Therefore, if any neoplasm is detected, it is advisable to immediately contact a gynecologist, who will prescribe the necessary examination and, according to the results, prescribe adequate and correct treatment therapy.

There are several reasons that contribute to the formation of inflammation of the Bartholin glands: failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, which leads to infection of the genital organs with various microbes, as well as bacteria that cause inflammatory processes, as a result of which a seal occurs on the labia; a general decrease in the immune system, which appears due to stressful situations and after suffering any diseases; a number of diseases of the pelvic organs, such as thrush, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. In addition, on the labia it can be a consequence of tumors directly in the organs of the reproductive system. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. As a rule, lumps that form on the external genitalia are benign.

Symptoms of bartholinitis

If the disease is advanced, the lump on the labia can be quite painful. In addition, there is a burning sensation, as well as tingling at the site of compaction. A distinctive feature is significantly increasing pain due to the neoplasm. In addition, the following symptoms occur: the compaction increases to the size of a chicken egg, the area of ​​formation acquires a bluish tint, body temperature rises, chills and general malaise, apathy and lethargy are observed. It is worth considering that in difficult situations, pain reaches such a degree of severity that the woman is unable to move normally.

Therapeutic therapy for bartholinitis

Basically, treatment of this disease is carried out directly in the hospital under the close supervision of medical staff. This is due to the need to open the purulent compaction. Also, to prevent an abscess, the woman’s condition should be monitored every three hours. The principal treatment for bartholinitis is the use of antibiotics and painkillers. If a cyst occurs in the area of ​​the labia majora and minora, surgical intervention is mandatory. It is worth noting that after treatment it is advisable to exercise genital hygiene very carefully. Sitz baths based on decoctions of eucalyptus and chamomile, as well as a weak solution of potassium permanganate are recommended.