How do fashion models eat? Eat for energy. How does Adriana Lima prepare for shows? Losing weight before a fashion show

As is known, modeling career lasts nothing at all: at 25 you are already a pensioner, at 30 you are a mummy. Only a few manage to stay in the fashion industry, if not on the catwalk, then as a TV show expert. Divas and muses are lucky to sign contracts with famous brands and remain the face of a new line of cosmetics or perfume. And only a few are in demand after 30, a few - after 40. What about a career after 60 years?

Yasmina Rossi - 62 year old model, who burst into the fashion world already in adulthood, signed her first significant contract after 40 and became the representative of a new line of swimsuits and underwear famous brand at 59 years old! Put aside all prejudices: she did not go under the surgeon’s knife and did not undergo beauty injections. The French model follows. And, as we see, they work.

5 simple rules of Yasmina Rossi

If they really are that simple, why aren't we surrounded by leggy models of all ages? Because at certain periods of life we ​​first simply lacks willpower follow them, and then - to .

  1. Olive oil
    The model doesn't just use it for cooking. With its help, Yasmina Rossi takes care of her hair and skin. To make hair soft and nourished essential vitamins, she mixes olive oil and sugar until it becomes a paste, apply it to the hair for half an hour, and then rinse it off in the usual way.
  2. Healthy Fats
    They are the key to healthy, beautiful and young skin. Add them to daily diet. Also, avoid processed foods. It is better not to heat food in the microwave at all.
  3. More seafood
    Yasmina Rossi was born in Corsica. Local residents prefer Mediterranean cuisine . The beauty practically grew up on it and claims that its unfading beauty is mainly due to the red and white fish in the diet.
  4. Avocado every day
    Source healthy fats, masses of vitamins and microelements, it has long become an indispensable product in the model's diet.
  5. More vegetables
    The model prefers with walnuts and soft cheese. She also doesn't refuse stewed vegetables, soups, eggs (boiled and fried).

    Yasmina Rossi also completely stopped taking medications. The beauty's calling card is her silver hair. Having gone completely gray, she did not change her hair color or have complexes about it. Fans keep telling her to dye her hair brown-haired to look even younger, even more beautiful. But Yasmina Rossi politely refuses and continues to bring naturalness into fashion in everything.

    Moderation in sports

What she eats always affects her appearance, well-being and mood. The specifics of the profession do not allow regulating the working day, and, of course, maintaining a diet in such conditions is extremely difficult. Almost everything here depends on the model itself - how correctly it manages to organize its nutrition. First of all, we must not forget that quality and balanced diet- This clean skin, shiny hair, healthy white teeth. You won't get far on youth and natural abilities alone - you need a reasonable diet, refusal bad habits etc.

Diet is an individual concept. It is advisable to have it prescribed by a specialist. But there is also general principle- food should be varied.

    Carbohydrates - the main “fuel” of the body, a source of energy for mental and physical activity. Products containing them: potatoes, fruits, soybeans, bread. Sugar is also a carbohydrate, but it's not the most useful product. Carbohydrates should make up up to 50-60% of all food consumed, but their excess leads to fat deposition.

    Fats . With their deficiency, the skin becomes dry, the hair becomes brittle and faded; if there is an excess, a rash may appear on the face. Fats provide reserve energy and help retain heat. Daily ration equal to 30% of all consumed products. To maintain this ratio, it is better to consume low-fat dairy products, vegetable fats and oils.

    Squirrels (protein). It's vital required product for the growth and development of tissues, however, its excess will “settle” at the waist in the form of fat deposits. The daily protein intake is 10-15%; they are found in meat, poultry, fish, nuts, legumes, etc.

    Vitamins necessary for normal development body. If the diet is balanced, there are enough of them in the food.

    Iron . The absence of this component leads to weakness, loss of appetite and fatigue. The most iron is found in meat, liver, prunes, apples and beans.

    Calcium models need it, so the diet should include dairy products, canned salmon and greens, especially sorrel, lettuce and spinach.

    Water . Daily requirement adult person in liquid - 1 liter. But it is recommended to drink as much as you want, and even more. Water perfectly cleanses the body and refreshes the skin. A large number of waters contain melons, watermelons and cucumbers.

There are also a number of foods whose consumption needs to be monitored. For example, it is better to refrain from butter, bacon, sausage, eggs, peanut butter, mayonnaise, ice cream, puddings, biscuits, chocolate; minimize salt and sugar intake, and drink wine and beer instead mineral water- alcoholic drinks are very high in calories.

For many models, dieting is the most difficult part of the profession. Some people start smoking to reduce their appetite, but this is very harmful to health.

Each famous model has its own secrets. They say, Claudia Schiffer eats so little that her managers wonder how she even lives.

Claudia Schiffer:“I don’t count how many calories I get, I just make sure that the food is fresh, tasty and healthy. I take vitamin C every day, I think it’s very important. I don't drink coffee for breakfast; I think caffeine is bad for the skin. I drink water fruit juices and eat fruit. For lunch I eat salads from vegetables and fish. I love meat very much, but I eat it quite rarely. My dinner is light - rice with fresh fish and fruit.”

Linda Evangelista:"Less alcohol and more water, maybe with lemon (or tea). No dairy, not too much meat, lots of vegetables, nothing sweet and no chocolate.”

Karen Mulder:"Breakfast - Orange juice, fresh fruit, toasted bread with honey, coffee"

Elle Macpherson:“Three liters of water every day!”

Magdalen Wrobel:"Lunch - sandwich, celery, grapes, lots of water."

Gabriella Rijk:“No alcohol, coffee or tea, but about a gallon of water a day. In addition, three protein-rich meals daily: eggs, chicken, vegetables, potatoes, rice and pasta.”

Larry Scott:“No beef, no lamb. Turkey meat, vegetables, fruits.”

Adviсe John Casablancas:

  1. It's ideal to eat meat for breakfast. It is better to replace red meat with fish or poultry.
  2. It's good to eat apples - they clean your teeth well.
  3. It is better to steam vegetables to avoid boiling and preserve large quantity vitamins
  4. Eat little by little 4-5 times a day.
  5. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.
  6. Don't forget that to get results, the diet must be combined with physical activity.

The diet of models is extremely interesting - they are so slim! How do they do this? Models share secrets.

For example, Belarusian model Tatyana Diaghileva, according to Esquire magazine, is one of the sexiest girls in the modeling business. In addition, Tatyana is included in the ranking of the most slender models. The girl does not hide the fact that the basis of her diet is green cocktails and smoothies, as well as vegetable salads. The fast food model completely denies it, declaring that it is better not to eat anything at all.

Karolina Kurkova- a model who dropped out of the modeling business in 2008 due to gaining extra pounds. To return to modeling work, the girl began to eat once a day fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking 3 liters of water during the day. Of course, this emergency measure, but in two months she managed to return to her previous form. By the way, for snacks Carolina advises eating canapés - a piece of watermelon and feta cheese.

Russian model Natalya Polevshchikova admits that after giving birth she was helped to maintain an excellent figure by playing sports and special food. The model eats a lot of vegetables and drinks green smoothies, which are very popular among models. He allows himself fruits only occasionally because they contain a lot of sugar.

Cindy Crawford - model from the 90s admits that he can sometimes afford baked goods and sweets. In general, Cindy is picky about food: vegetables, grains, quite a bit of dark chocolate and, of course, a lot of water. Also, the models of the 90s, although thin, never looked morbidly anorexic. The reason is that the models of those years did not deny themselves food, but simply played a lot of sports.

Every girl wants to have a model appearance - Beautiful face, well-groomed hair, impeccable figure. But the work of a model is hard work, so don’t rush to envy the girls on the cover: their whole life is a continuous schedule with no schedule, their every step is under the control of both the agents and the girl herself; they often cannot afford many of the small joys available to each of the other girls - gorging themselves on cakes or eating a large plate fried potatoes, lie at home all day, etc., but their day is tightly packed with activities, there is no routine, they often sleep very little and are very nervous, and walking in heels for several hours is real hell. In order to withstand all this, the diet of models must be special..

It is very difficult to organize, because the girls are constantly in one place and then in another, you can’t eat before the shoot, before the show - too, and after - you are tired. The models’ diet leaves much to be desired, so the girls try to at least compensate for the lack of it with proper and healthy food.

The diet of models is not only food for burning fat, it is good nutrition, which should give the girl the necessary energy and provide, with a limited calorie diet, everything her body needs nutrients, microelements and vitamins, reduce negative effect from all harmful factors, such as lack of routine, heavy load, including emotional, inability to eat constantly homemade food, lack of sleep. This is not only nutrition for a figure - it is nutrition for health. We have all heard about unfortunate models who could not stand their work, they had physical and psychological problems due to which they had to end their careers, and there were also tragic cases. The power supply of the models should protect them from harmful consequences their works, which are not visible to us, ordinary people, behind the shine of glossy covers.

What are the risks for models?

The main risk factors for models are as follows.

Hectic schedule. Model work can start at 5 am or 1 am, or it can last from 5 am to 1 am, and the model must be active, smiling and look impeccable. When a girl sleeps, eats, how she manages to find time for sports amidst all this remains a mystery, but she does it. With such a schedule, it’s difficult for models to eat home-cooked meals—you have to snack here and there. Whatever one may say, this cannot but affect digestion and figure - therefore, the diet of models should take care of the digestion of girls and not allow them to gain weight.

Aggressive effects of cosmetics. The model has to spend most of her time with makeup on her face. In addition, they also draw on it, they can stick something on it, smear it with paint or soot. The skin suffers greatly from this, and another task of feeding models is taking care of the skin. The same goes for hair - not every hair can withstand countless dyeing and styling.

Swelling of the legs, osteochondrosis. Constantly walking in heels on a slippery catwalk, unnatural poses in which girls are photographed - all this leads to the fact that their joints become stiff and sore, and in the end have a hard day My legs also hurt terribly. The models' nutrition should help them cope with swelling and strengthen their joints and muscles..

Sport. Yes, with all this, girls also play sports to keep fit, so they need a lot of protein and a sufficient amount of fluid.

Lack of sleep. It results in problems with appearance and lethargy, and the diet of models should also neutralize these consequences.

Alcohol. Unfortunately, most models use it quite often, which leads to excessive calorie consumption and problems with health and appearance. Therefore, it is very important for girls to get rid of toxins that poison their body.

Nervous tension. Girls are constantly in a state of stress - did they pass the casting, did their rival do harm, did they gain weight, the young man is jealous, problems with their studies, and lack of sleep affects them. Nutrition of models should strengthen them nervous system and allow them to cope with stress.

What should a model's diet be like?

The main purpose of feeding models is to maintain the girl’s health and activity, but do not forget that models must have an impeccable figure. With a fairly limited diet, girls should get the maximum benefit from food.

The most important thing that models need is vegetables. This is both nutrition for the figure and useful material for health, and vitamins and microelements. Vegetables, fruits and berries are the basis of the models’ diet. They contain potassium for muscle function and fighting swelling, vitamins for immunity, and antioxidants to compensate adverse effects external factors, and enzymes and amino acids that neutralize the effects of toxins, and carbohydrates for energy and vigor.

But you won’t live long on fruit alone, and no nutrition for your figure can be an excuse. Models also need grains, grains and legumes. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, nuts, stewed beans - these products will help models improve digestion due to fiber, cope with stress and be always cheerful thanks to B vitamins, look beautiful and have good skin, hair and nails thanks to mineral compounds.

Models need proteins. Models' diets must contain foods that are sources of easily digestible proteins.– fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs. Fish (and nuts) also contain beneficial unsaturated fatty acid, which are not deposited in fatty tissue, but they support the health of girls, help them fight stress, improve their appearance and help prolong youth. But girls can safely refuse meat and poultry - compared to fish, these products are not as healthy, and they are absorbed by the body much worse.

Well, sweets - you can’t live without them, you need to please yourself with something. Only models do not eat cakes and custard pies; they eat light curd and berry desserts, ice cream, jams, honey, nuts, candied fruits and other healthy sweets.

Nutrition for burning fat

But sometimes a model gets fat. Not much - maximum 3-4 kg, but she really needs quickly come to your normal weight, otherwise she will be left without a job. Then the girl goes on a diet. The fat burning period lasts no more than 2 weeks, during which time the model loses from 2 to 5 kg and is ready to work again.

The diet for burning fat in models differs little from the usual diet of models, but there is more protein and less carbohydrates and fats. Desserts are completely excluded, cereals, nuts and grains are often excluded too, with the only exception being unsweetened oatmeal with water for breakfast (the girls still need energy). The basis of nutrition is proteins. An approximate diet for burning fat could be as follows: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee or green tea and bran toast with or without low-fat cheese, for lunch - boiled fish and spinach salad with lemon juice, for dinner - an omelet with fat-free cottage cheese, between meals as a snack - kefir or yogurt or half a grapefruit.

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Podium. Fashion show. Slender and fit models. Every girl dreams of having such a figure.
How do these beauties stay so slim? Do they really have no weaknesses for sweets, meat, and fatty foods?

What do top models eat?
No. Models also have addictions and weaknesses for food. Let's find out how then they manage to maintain their shape.

Sexy and feminine Gisele Bundchen never suffered from lack of appetite; on the contrary, she loves to eat deliciously. Backstage at fashion shows, the top model is often photographed with pizza and donuts. However, from time to time she also has to limit herself and follow the recommendations of nutritionists. Here approximate diet famous Brazilian woman on such days:

What do top models eat?

Breakfast One cup of freshly ground coffee, no added sugar or sugar substitutes. Egg soft-boiled Cereal bread. A couple of fresh fruits.

What do top models eat?


Fish or lean meat. Garnish: quinoa and light salad from greenery. Quinoa is a wild South American grain yellow color. In its composition high content proteins, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and almost no fat.

What do top models eat?


No later than seven o'clock in the evening. The basic rule for Giselle's dinner is nutritious and light. Stewed chicken, small cheese sandwich low-fat varieties, vegetable salad, light fruit dessert.

What do top models eat?

So balanced and proper nutrition plus physical exercise- cycling, volleyball, swimming - allows Gisele Bundchen to maintain her shape and remain the highest paid model.
Forty-year-old Naomi Campbell never ceases to amaze everyone with her beauty, youth and slim figure. At the same time, she does not exhaust herself with diets and does not try to eat right. On the contrary, Naomi never denies herself high-calorie dishes such as pizza, hot dogs, and pasta.

What do top models eat?

The whole secret is in the detox lemonade specially developed for Naomi. It contains a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and still water.

What do top models eat?

Naomi drinks this lemonade once a year for ten days. This drink helps restart the entire body. The result is cleansing and removal of toxins and impurities, as well as rejuvenation of skin cells.

Russian model Irina Shayk has a weakness for harmful and delicious food. Her favorite food is bacon. But due to her work, she rarely treats herself to bacon, and to maintain her figure she drinks thick smoothies made from fruit. They allow you to achieve in a few days flat stomach, while satisfying hunger well. The beauty's favorite drink is berry smoothies.