Aralia Manchurian: medicinal tree

Medicine natural origin. It is made from the roots of the plant in an alcohol base. Thanks to the many beneficial substances that make up the plant, it has a wide therapeutic effect. Instructions for using Aralia tincture, price, reviews are presented in the article.

Chemical composition and release form of aralia

The tincture of plant roots contains:

  • choline;
  • vitamins C, B1;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • tannins and resins;
  • mineral salts;
  • organic acids.

Take Aralia Manchurian tincture according to the instructions, in the required dosage.

The medicine is available in the form of a tincture of aralia roots, which were infused for a long time in 70% alcohol. It is a brownish-yellow liquid with a special odor. The product is available in bottles with volumes of 50 and 25 ml.

Beneficial properties of Aralia tincture

The product has a mass beneficial properties, which include:

  1. Reduced blood glucose levels. The tincture will help people suffering from diabetes. She is able to support normal level blood glucose. Improves condition skin, hair and heals diabetic ulcers on the lower extremities.
  2. Improves performance excretory system. The tincture reduces swelling, improves metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. It is useful to take the remedy for kidney diseases and Bladder during the period of remission.
  3. Strengthens immune system. The tincture is used in complex treatment colds. It improves immunity and allows you to cope with the disease in a short time.
  4. Increases Thanks to this property, the tincture is used by men who are involved in bodybuilding. As a result, the muscles return to normal and their mass increases during training.
  5. Relieves anxiety and nervous tension. This ability of Aralia tincture is the main indication for its use. It also relieves stress and psychological fatigue.
  6. Improves appetite. The tincture can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. With exacerbation of stomach ulcers and gastritis with increased acidity It is not recommended to take the product.
  7. Improves skin condition. Aralia tincture, due to its properties, has a positive effect on the skin. It is used in cosmetology to treat acne and skin inflammation.
  8. Removes radionuclides. After irradiation, the product rids the body of harmful substances and restores immunity impaired as a result of irradiation.
  9. Stimulates sexual activity. Aralia Manchurian tincture (instructions for use must be read before use) can improve performance reproductive organs. Relieves pain during menstruation in women and normalizes erection in men.

Instructions for use of Aralia tincture, indications include exact dosage and duration of use for the treatment of each disease. It is best to begin a course of treatment with the drug after consulting a doctor.

Method of administration and dose

Instructions for using Aralia tincture (reviews will be given below) are as follows:

  • It is best to take the drug in the morning and at lunch, before or after meals;
  • for an adult, a single dose is 40 drops;
  • To improve appetite in children, take 10-15 drops of the product, diluting with water to 1/2 teaspoon.

Aralia tincture therefore has evening time It is not recommended to take it due to possible violation sleep. The course of therapy ranges from 14 days to a month. After a 30-day break, you can continue taking the drug.

When treating dental diseases, use a tincture in the form of a rinse: 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml of water. You need to rinse 2-3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The effect of treatment occurs gradually over several days. If we compare Aralia with other similar remedies, then its effect develops slowly, and you will feel positive effect is possible only after a certain period of time from the start of using the product.

Therapeutic effect of aralia tincture

According to reviews, Manchurian aralia tincture has the following properties:

  1. Increases body tone.
  2. Strengthens the nervous system.
  3. Normalizes sleep.
  4. Appetite improves.
  5. The body's resistance to stress increases.
  6. Mental and physical stress is relieved.
  7. Thanks to the diuretic effect, the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands improves.
  8. Blood glucose levels are normalized.
  9. Immunity is strengthened.

Women can use the properties of the tincture to care for the skin of the face and body. It has a rejuvenating effect and perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition tinctures improve the condition of the whole body and reduce the symptoms of many diseases.

Contraindications and side effects of tincture

In accordance with the instructions for use, Aralia tincture has the following restrictions in reception:

  • Chronic sleep disorders. If you have persistent insomnia, it is not recommended to take the drug, because the disease is caused by nervous excitability and requires special treatment.
  • Epilepsy. The tincture can cause convulsions due to its tonic effect.
  • The child's age is up to 12 years. Children's body During this period, it actively grows and develops, so the tincture can negatively affect the nervous system. The child may become moody and irritable.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug. The product is allergenic, so it must be used with caution. Before use, apply to small area skin and observe the reaction.
  • Arterial hypertension and cardiac dysfunction. The tincture affects heartbeat and can increase arterial pressure.
  • Mental disorders. The tincture should not be taken for diseases associated with aggression and increased nervous excitability.
  • During pregnancy and lactation. Aralia tincture is toxic, therefore it can negatively affect the fetus and cause abnormalities in work nervous system. During the feeding period, harmful substances can enter the baby through mother's milk, which can cause poisoning.

According to the instructions for use, aralia tincture can cause adverse reactions, which include:

  • the occurrence of itching and rash;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • stool disorder.

Whenever similar symptoms Taking the tincture should be discontinued to avoid serious consequences.

Tincture analogues

Others have similar properties to Aralia tincture. medicinal substances, which are manufactured at natural ingredients. This is a tincture of ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus and Leuzea.

Terms, cost and storage conditions

The price of Aralia tincture (we have already studied the instructions for use) is budgetary and affordable for people to whom the remedy was prescribed by a doctor.

It is best to store the drug in a place that is not exposed to direct Sun rays. If all rules are followed, the tincture can be stored for 3 years.

Aralia Manchurian or Aralia high is a medicinal plant of the Aralia genus, belonging to the Araliaceae family, which is a shrub or a small tree up to 5 m high. In nature, it is found in forests in the Far East, Japan, Korea and China. However, without her special labor you can grow it yourself summer cottage or in the garden for decorative or medicinal purposes. The plant can not only become a wonderful decoration of the area, but also be used as a hedge. Remedies from the roots and other parts of Aralia have long been used in eastern folk medicine for neurological disorders, fatigue, hypotension and other diseases. Popularly, due to the characteristics of the trunk and branches covered with sharp prickly thorns, the plant was called thorn tree, devil's club or devil's tree.

Botanical description

In its natural environment, Aralia Manchuria grows singly or in groups of several, mainly in well-lit clearings and forest edges. It can form impenetrable dense thickets, growing rapidly in devastated areas where there are no other trees. The plant is frost-resistant, not susceptible to fungal diseases and pests. The devil's tree reproduces by seeds or root suckers; its maximum lifespan is 30 years.

Aralia Manchurian has a straight trunk up to 20 cm in diameter, at the top of which there are leaves. Outside, it is covered with wrinkled bark of a yellowish-gray color with numerous sharp thorns triangular shape. These thorns are also present on the branches of the plant.

Interesting: Young plants are the most prickly; thorns are present not only on the trunk and branches, but even on the petioles of leaves.

The root system is radial, superficial. At a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from the base of the soil, the roots bend sharply and go down. They are brown on the outside, white on the inside, with a fibrous structure.
The leaves are very large (length up to 100 cm, width 40 - 60 cm), located on brownish-red petioles up to 20 cm long in the upper part of the trunk. They are doubly pinnate in type, consisting of 2 to 4 first-order lobes, each of which contains from 5 to 9 pairs of ovate-pointed leaves. The leaves are bright green above, paler below, turning purple in autumn.

Aralia Manchurian begins to bloom in the fifth year of life. Small yellowish-white or cream flowers contain both stamens and pistils or only stamens, have pleasant aroma. They are collected in complex inflorescences with a diameter of 40–45 cm, decorating the tops of trees. During the flowering period, which occurs in July-August, the plant is of particular decorative value.

The fruits, which are small spherical blue-black berries, ripen in early autumn. Their diameter is 3–5 mm; inside each fruit there are 5 seeds with elongated light brown seeds.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties of Manchurian aralia are due to the presence in different parts plants of biologically active compounds important for humans. The most valuable are the roots, which contain:

  • gum;
  • resins and tannins;
  • starch;
  • vitamins (C and group B);
  • triterpene saponins (aralosides A, B and C);
  • alkaloids (araline);
  • minerals (K, Fe, Ca, Mn, Mg, Cu, Zn, Se, etc.);
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • proteins;
  • essential oil.

The leaves and branches of the thorn tree contain organic acids, essential oils, anthocyanins, alkaloids, carbohydrates and triterpenoids. The seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, remedies from Manchurian Aralia have been used for general weakness after illnesses suffered by the body, with impotence, diabetes mellitus, nervous, physical and mental exhaustion, depression, for the treatment of post-traumatic conditions. They enhance the functional activity of the central nervous system, increase protective forces body and its resistance to nervous stress, infections, toxic effects of toxins, hypoxia and others unfavorable factors. In addition, they have the ability to reduce the concentration of glucose and lipoproteins in the blood. A decoction of the plant's roots is effective for colds, diabetes, and organ pathologies. digestive tract, inflammation in the oral cavity, kidney disease, enuresis.

Aralia is also used for skin diseases caused by metabolic disorders. When taking funds from it, a person experiences:

  • improvement of well-being;
  • normalization of blood pressure and vascular tone;
  • improved appetite;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • increased performance;
  • relief of heart pain and headaches.

Interesting: An aromatic and tasty drink called “Aralman” is prepared from Aralia extract, which perfectly refreshes, quenches thirst and has a tonic effect.

Aralia Manchurian is used in medicinal purposes not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. In particular, the pharmaceutical industry produces alcohol tincture plant roots, as well as the preparations Saparal and Safinor. Saparal tablets consist of crushed and compressed roots of Aralia Manchurian and are prescribed for neurasthenia, depression, asthenia, hypotension, mental and physical fatigue. Safinor is a combination drug and, in addition to the extract of Aralia Manchurian, contains a preparation of the roots of the Siberian spleen, Inosine and Potassium orotate. It can be taken by athletes for debilitating physical activity, as well as people who have suffered serious illnesses, during the recovery period.

Due to its stimulating effect, Aralia Manchurian is used in sports. Athletes often take remedies from its roots in the first half of the day before training. They help increase the physical, adaptive capabilities and energy output of the body, and have the ability to enhance anabolic processes necessary for effectively building up muscle mass. In this regard, Aralia Manchurian is popular in bodybuilding; athletes use it during the period of carbohydrate loading.

Procurement of raw materials

The bark, leaves and roots of Aralia Manchuria are used as medicinal raw materials. The bark and roots are harvested in the spring before the leaves appear or in the fall after the fruits fall. The leaves are collected during and after flowering.

The roots of plants 5–15 years old, with a diameter of 1–3 cm, are considered suitable for medicinal purposes. They are dug out of the ground, leaving some untouched to restore the Aralia thickets. Then they are shaken off from the remaining soil, blackened and rotten areas are removed, washed and cut into pieces 8–10 cm long. Dry in warm rooms with good natural ventilation or special dryers at a temperature of 55–60 °C. For bark and leaves, the drying temperature should be slightly lower (50 - 55 ° C).

The shelf life of finished raw materials when stored in paper bags or bags in a cool place is 2 years.

Important: You can collect Aralia roots from the same area once every 10 years.

Methods of application

In folk medicine, decoctions are prepared from Manchurian Aralia, water infusions and alcohol tincture. It is not recommended to use these drugs before bedtime, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, which can cause sleep disturbances.

Root tincture

To obtain Manchurian tincture from Aralia, you need to pour 40 g of dried raw material into 200 ml of alcohol (with an ethanol content of 70%). The resulting mixture is infused for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. After time, filter and squeeze. Take 35 drops 2-3 times a day with meals for a month for asthenia, depression, sexual weakness, and fatigue.

Root decoction

Aralia roots (20 g) pour ¾ cup hot water, boil, covered, for 30 minutes, then allow to cool for 10 minutes and filter. Take 15 ml three times a day before meals for 14–20 days for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, colds, diabetes, enuresis and as a general tonic.

Infusion of leaves and flowers

A mixture of Aralia leaves and flowers (20 g) is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. water bath. Then the resulting infusion is cooled, filtered and drunk three times a day, 60 ml. The resulting product is used in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes, adding to face masks, tonic lotions and compresses.


Remedies from Manchurian Aralia have medicinal properties and contraindications. They should not be used in the following cases:

  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • febrile conditions;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • hyperkinesis.

During treatment, it is important to follow the dosage, since if it is exceeded, intoxication is possible, the symptoms of which are loss of consciousness, bleeding, and breathing problems.

Aralia Manchurian is widespread in the Far Eastern region of Russia. It inhabits light areas of the forest: clearings and edges, and often forms a dense undergrowth, sprouting many shrubs in a small area. One of the first plants capable of surviving on soils after fires, as it does not require abundance nutrients in the ground.

Features of Manchurian Aralia

WITH biological point In sight it is a tree, although visually it looks more like a shrub. An unbranched, short-trunked tree, reaching a height of three meters, almost completely covered with sharp thorns. The trunk diameter is 15-20 cm, the leaves are complex, large, grow up to one meter long and consist of five to nine smaller leaflets.

The flowers are inconspicuous, small, and appear on the tree in mid-summer and by August. However, due to the fact that they gather in lush “panicles” up to forty-five centimeters long, Manchurian Aralia looks impressive during the flowering period. By September the fruits ripen; they resemble berries with a diameter of up to half a centimeter, black and blue, round.

The plant has a developed root system located in top layer soil. As a rule, the rhizome does not go deeper than twenty centimeters. This makes it easier to collect and prepare raw materials.

Collection and preparation

The roots of Manchurian Aralia are used in folk medicine. Substances of the medicinal spectrum are also contained in the bark and leaves, but in much lower concentrations. The therapeutic effect of the leaves is so insignificant that they are added to food as an ingredient in salads. The specific effects of the bark components have not been studied.

For harvesting, the rhizome of a plant up to ten years old is used. Its small diameter allows it to be distinguished. It should be between two and four centimeters. The root is not completely removed; a part of it about a third in length is cut out. Dry, rotten, severed parts of roots are left in the soil, since from them the plant produces new shoots.

The dug up aralia root is washed cold water and cut into small pieces about ten centimeters long. Do not split along to save useful material. Lay out in one layer and dry in a hot room, in the attic under a metal roof or dryer. Sufficient temperature for the workpiece is 60°C. After drying, the raw material is usable for two years.

The specific nature of procurement work complicates the possibility self-collection and drying of raw materials in living conditions. Therefore, it is usually purchased in a ready-made form at the pharmacy chain.


First pharmacological properties the crops were studied by specialists from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal Plants (VILS). In the pharmacology laboratory, the effects of the components on experimental animals were studied.

The composition contains the following active components.

  • Tripertene saponins ABS aralosides. Substances that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Increases the tone of the middle part of the brain, motor activity, excitability of nervous processes. Reduce the duration of exposure to anesthetic substances.
  • Glycosides, essential oils . The use of Manchurian aralia does not take into account their therapeutic effect, since the effect of these substances in the roots is secondary and the quantity is small.

The plant does not contain toxic components, so its use is relatively safe. However, due to the content of substances that have a direct stimulating effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system, Manchurian aralia preparations are subject to prescription dispensing from the pharmacy chain.

Use of Aralia tincture

In therapeutic practice, a tincture of Manchurian aralia roots is used. During research at VILS and the Psychiatric Clinic named after. S.S. Korsakov, their stimulating effect on the nervous system has been proven. The animals showed an increase in heart activity and moderate excitation of breathing. Repeated administration of drugs into the stomach did not cause disruption of the functioning of organs and systems.

Particular attention was drawn to the study of the effect of the drug on patients after influenza with complications such as asthenic syndrome(nervous exhaustion). Aralia tincture for regular intake demonstrated a positive effect already in the second week of treatment. Standard therapy practices (electrophoresis, pine baths, etc.) provided a similar effect only by the end of the second month of treatment.

These pharmacological properties allow us to recommend water and alcohol tinctures of Manchurian Aralia for the following diseases:

  • asthenic syndrome - physiological and nervous exhaustion due to serious illness;
  • hypotension - chronic low blood pressure;
  • impotence, sexual weakness;
  • depression due to difficult rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury, neurasthenic reactions;
  • schizophrenia, psychasthenia, others mental disorders With pronounced syndrome nervous exhaustion.

Research by Soviet scientists VILS showed that when treating patients with normal indicators heart function and level blood pressure Aralia Manchurian tincture did not have a pronounced effect on cardiovascular system. When treating patients with hypotension and the body’s tendency to low blood pressure the drug normalized the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the data obtained, we developed pharmacological agents from Manchurian Aralia:

  • tincture in the form of alcohol drops;
  • the drug "Saparal" in the form of tablets.

These drugs are used for diagnosed nervous exhaustion of various etymologies (due to protracted illness, physical injuries and overwork, strength sports, in particular bodybuilding). Also, the instructions for using Manchurian aralia allow us to recommend it for hypotension, residual effects of meningitis, and concussions.

You can prepare Aralia tincture at home.

  1. Grind the aralia root, use 15 grams of raw material (one tablespoon).
  2. Fill with 200 ml of alcohol.
  3. Seal and leave for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

The tincture should be taken 15-20 drops two to three times a day, dissolving in small quantity cold water. The course of treatment is one month.

Traditional medicine recommends using aralia tincture for hair as a nourishing, restorative product. The effectiveness of the product has not been proven, as well as its analgesic effect in dental diseases. Also not proven positive impact for enuresis, gastrointestinal diseases and psoriasis. Tincture medicinal plant has an exceptional tonic effect.

The use of the drug should be avoided in case of increased nervous excitability, hypertension, insomnia due to mental agitation.

Manchurian Aralia is one of the few plants whose effects on the human body have been well studied. Its stimulating effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system has been proven. Observations were made on its use in patients with nervous exhaustion, hypotension, disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Use alone should be done with caution, not exceeding the recommended dosage.

Aralia Manchurian has several names - devil's tree, thorn tree, high aralia. These plants may differ somewhat, but their differences are not so significant, so they are still united by one species. It could be a bush or a not very tall tree. It grows mostly in the Far East, as well as Japan and China. The chemical composition of aralia is quite wide, so medicine has been using its medicinal properties for a long time. Aralia roots are mainly used as raw materials.

Aralia plant: description

The Araliaceae family includes about 850 various types, which grow in different places planets are, for the most part, shrubs, although they can also be trees and various perennial grasses. Only about fifteen varieties of aralia are grown in our area. The plant prefers tropical and subtropical climates.

The thorniness of the trunk, branches, and sometimes even leaves is characteristic feature many plants of the Araliaceae family.

The most common members of the Araliaceae family are Eleutherococcus and ginseng. When the search began for a worthy substitute for these long-known medicinal plants, and were open unique properties aralia.

Description of Manchurian Aralia:

  • Decorative tree, slightly reminiscent of a palm tree;
  • The trunk is straight, thin, covered with short spines;
  • The leaves are large, pinnately compound;
  • The flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences resembling panicles;
  • The fruits are dark blue, small, berry-shaped.

Aralia is not a long-liver - its life period is approximately 25 years. The tree is quite frost-resistant, it is not affected by fungal diseases and pests, grows in groups, sometimes creating dense thickets.

Aralia root: harvesting rules

Aralia Manchurian is interesting to medicine precisely for the medicinal properties of its roots. Its fruits are of no value; they have only decorative value. The leaves are mainly used as cattle feed.

Aralia roots are harvested before the leaves bloom - in autumn or spring.

For harvesting roots, middle-aged plants are used - approximately 5-15 years. IN medical purposes use roots with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm, smaller roots, or larger than this size are not used. When digging up the roots, at least one branch is left to renew the plant's root system.

Rules for harvesting aralia roots:

  • Its roots are quite fibrous, on the outside brown color, inside – yellowish;
  • The dug roots must be cleared of the soil and damaged areas removed;
  • Then the roots are washed with water and cut into pieces (about 15 cm);
  • Dry the roots in warm rooms or in dryers (at a temperature of about 50 degrees);
  • Harvested roots can be stored for two years.

Aralia Manchurian root according to chemical composition and medical indications similar to the well-known ginseng. They say that the thought of having medicinal properties in Aralia, people were inspired by animals that happily ate the plant and were different at the same time good health, and tireless agility.

Medicinal properties: Aralia Manchurian

The medicinal qualities of aralia in some aspects even exceed the effect of such famous natural healers, like ginseng and eleutherococcus. At the same time, drugs based on Manchu Aralia do not have a clear pronounced effect on a person’s blood pressure level.

General strengthening and general tonic effect - these are the main therapeutic effects, which Aralia Manchurian has.

The most important active ingredients aralia - glycosides-aralosides, which have a very versatile and positive effect on human body. In addition, aralia is also valuable because it has one of the most powerful glucose-lowering effects, and is included in most antidiabetic herbal preparations.

Indications for use of Aralia:

  • General weakness of the body after various diseases;
  • Impotence;
  • Diabetes;
  • Nervous, physical or mental exhaustion;
  • Depression;
  • Post-traumatic conditions;
  • Hypoxia;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Enuresis.

At correct use drugs based on aralia, the functional activity of the central nervous system increases in humans, appetite improves and general health, the body's defenses and stress resistance increase, blood pressure and sleep are normalized.

Aralia tincture: instructions for use

Aralia tincture is a medicine that is based on an extract from the roots of this plant. It is this part of the aralia that has the richest arsenal of chemical components and a huge list of useful and necessary for the body substances.

Manchurian Aralia tincture is prepared from a mixture of the main raw materials of the plant with ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:5.

Aralia tincture can be easily purchased at a regular pharmacy, or prepared at home. To do this, 100 ml of alcohol must be mixed with twenty grams of dried root, infuse for 2 weeks, then strain and squeeze out the infused mixture. Properly prepared tincture has a pleasant amber color.

Instructions for using the tincture:

  • The tincture should be taken with meals;
  • Frequency of use 3 times a day;
  • Dosage 30-40 drops;
  • If blood pressure increases, reduce the drug intake to twice a day, ten drops;
  • The course of treatment is approximately 3 weeks;
  • After a month, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Aralia tincture is used not only for various diseases, but also as a cosmetic product to improve the skin tone of women, as well as during intense sports – its anabolic effect will help the athlete build beautiful, healthy muscles and increase athletic endurance. To do this, drops must be taken before training.

Manchurian Aralia honey: reviews

Manchurian Aralia grows and thrives in its homeland. Its native people, the Manchus, learned to use aralia for various purposes. This tree has taken root well in some of our latitudes. Its medicinal and cosmetic properties are actively used by medicine, but few people know that the Aralia flower is also an excellent honey plant.

Aralia honey is a rather rare product; it can only be purchased on order, or from beekeepers in those regions where this plant actively grows.

The Aralia tree has good honey-bearing properties. During the season you can collect a rich harvest of honey - on average about 30 kg per hectare. The honey turns out to be light, yellowish-pink, which remains liquid for a long time and slowly crystallizes. It tastes soft, pleasant, and in addition is also uniquely medicinal.

Medicinal properties of Aralia honey:

  • Tones and strengthens the body;
  • Used as a means for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections;
  • Effectively treats prostate diseases;
  • Improves potency;
  • Serves as a tonic for hypotension and anemia.

Aralia honey has more pronounced properties than other varieties, so it is not safe to use in large quantities. To him useful qualities have fully opened and are beneficial, it is necessary to observe the dosage when consuming delicious medicine. 50 grams at one time is the optimal amount of product for the treatment or prevention of diseases.

Properties of Manchurian aralia (video)

With all its advantages and unique medicinal qualities, aralia is a poisonous plant, so treatment based on this plant also has its contraindications. Firstly, you should never abuse the medicine and exceed the recommended doses. Secondly, it is not recommended to take the medicine late in the evening, so as not to disturb your sleep. And thirdly, do not forget that aralia should not be taken by people with increased nervous excitability and hypertension. And any bleeding, breathing problems, or loss of consciousness after taking medicine, speaks of poisoning, and this is a reason to consult a doctor.