5 months after mammoplasty. Rehabilitation after mammoplasty under the muscle: duration of the period, reviews. But we should not forget about restrictions on food and drink

Women's breasts have always been the main canon of beauty. With age, it undergoes changes and begins to sag. The development of medical technologies, in particular plastic surgery, has opened up new opportunities for preserving beautiful breasts beyond age. We are talking about mammoplasty. Rehabilitation after mammoplasty is a long process.

For centuries, representatives of the fair sex have come up with many ways to enlarge the mammary glands - various oils, herbal decoctions, medicinal baths, corsets with iron plates.

Breast plastic surgery (mammoplasty) is a complex operation during which the shape of the breast, its size, the shape of the areola and nipple are corrected.

The biggest plus of this method is maintaining a beautiful breast shape for many years, the minus is serious stress for the body, the operation can cause complications and worsen your health for a month after mammoplasty.

In order to decide on it, every woman must understand:

  1. You can only trust your life and health to a surgeon with a name and appropriate license, who works in a clinic with a good business reputation. It is better to trust the institution where relatives and friends had mammoplasty to evaluate the results of the work.
  2. You need to know everything about the possible complications of mammoplasty, their prevention and elimination, discuss all the points with the doctor before signing the contract.
  3. Much depends on the quality of the implants that will be inserted into the mammary glands. Ideally, it should remain in the chest throughout life. The selection of implants is carried out taking into account individual characteristics.
  4. No less important than the operation itself is the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty. It is important to strictly follow medical prescriptions and take responsibility for your health.

A woman is motivated to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife by the desire to feel self-confident in order to successfully build a love relationship or career. Often she decides to do this for the sake of her beloved man, who is not satisfied with the condition of her breasts. Mammoplasty is also prescribed for medical reasons - after removal of the mammary gland due to oncological pathology, due to congenital asymmetry of the breast, if too large breasts pose a threat to the spine, if the mammary glands are underdeveloped and severely sagging.

Types of plastic surgery

We list the main types of plastic surgery on the mammary glands:

  1. Breast augmentation. During the operation, a breast enlargement implant is inserted and the woman's breasts are enlarged to the agreed size. The mammary glands can become classically shaped.
  2. Breast lift (mastopexy). By removing excess skin, the shape of the mammary gland is adjusted. Used for sagging (ptosis).
  3. Breast lift with reduction in size, change in the shape of the areola and nipple. The most traumatic option of mammoplasty, due to the application of many stitches and a difficult rehabilitation period.

The mammoplasty operation lasts 1-4 hours, depending on the chosen tactics and the condition of the mammary glands. Then rehabilitation begins after breast surgery, which, according to specialists, lasts 2-6 months.

Stages of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a breast lift includes the following stages:

  1. The most important first stage of rehabilitation is the first month, during which the woman must adhere to the regime, eliminate any load on the shoulder girdle, not raise her arms above her head, and wear special compression garments with a fastened tape (day and night).
  2. In the following months, restrictions are gradually lifted - you can do gymnastics, run and swim. The discomfort should go away completely. At the end of the second rehabilitation period, in the absence of complications, the woman is allowed to wear her usual bra.

Features of the first stage of rehabilitation

How easy and problem-free the entire rehabilitation period and the desired result of the operation will depend on how a woman processes the sutures after mammoplasty and follows medical recommendations.

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation lasts about 6 months. Immediately after the operation, the woman is under medical supervision for 24 hours. In the event of sudden complications, she will be provided with emergency medical care. During this period, the patient suffers from severe pain caused by tissue swelling and muscle damage. She is prescribed painkillers and antibiotics to prevent purulent inflammation of the operated areas.

On the second day, the doctor assesses the condition of the breast after mammoplasty and, if the situation is favorable, there is no point in staying in the hospital; he discharges the patient to a home regimen. From now on, the outcome of the first stage of the rehabilitation period depends only on herself.

Home mode

In the first two days at home, a gentle regime is observed, you should not get tired, you need to sleep more, so family members should take on household chores. On the fifth day after the operation, the woman comes to the clinic for a follow-up examination, and if necessary, her sutures are treated. Next, she will have another week of gentle home regime, during which it is prohibited:

  • sleep lying on your stomach
  • make sudden movements with your hands
  • load the shoulders
  • tilt the body parallel to the floor
  • raise your arms above your head
  • can lift no more than 1 kg

After 7 days, the woman again undergoes a follow-up examination at the clinic. On days 10-14, her stitches are removed. If everything goes well, you can do light housework, but for now do not bend forward or carry heavy objects. The best way to gradually return to your normal lifestyle is to walk in the fresh air.

In the first week after surgery with implant installation, an increase in body temperature may be observed. This is considered normal - the body gets used to a foreign body inside itself. In order to bring down the temperature, you can take simple paracetamol so as not to create unnecessary stress on the liver.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to eat properly. Food should be light, but nutritious and varied. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish will contribute to a speedy recovery. To quickly remove toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink herbal teas, plain still water with ginger and lemon.

In the first month after surgery, it is forbidden to have sex - this can lead to displacement of the implants. As mentioned above, during the first rehabilitation period it is necessary to wear compression garments day and night.

Why do you need to wear compression garments? After surgery, the mammary glands are very vulnerable at the suture line. If during this period they experience the heaviness of the mammary glands, they may not be able to stand it and stretch, the breasts will become soft, in which case the thin seam will turn into a wide strip that will not disappear without appropriate treatment.

Another argument is that silicone implants are not yet supported by injured breast tissue and, without fixation, can migrate towards the nipple. Visually, this will reduce all mammoplasty efforts to zero. When the breasts are increased by 2 or more sizes, the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle, with the help of compression, will quickly get used to the new physical activity.

Compression garments with a certain degree of fixation are prescribed by a doctor. The bra is made of soft but durable elastane, which will provide the necessary support and at the same time massage the mammary gland, ensuring lymph outflow and normal blood microcirculation. The size of the cup should ensure a fixed position of the breast - it should not move when tilting or turning. The straps are made specially wide to take the load off the shoulder girdle. It is recommended to select the fixing belt at the top and bottom of the bra so that it holds the chest well in one position, but does not press the body across.

How long should you wear compression garments? It's different for everyone. During the first month of rehabilitation, it is worn around the clock. Afterwards, it must be worn during sports, regardless of the level of physical activity. The time when a compression bra can be replaced with a regular one is determined by the attending physician. He also gives recommendations on what model of bra you can wear in the first six months after surgery. Some modern models of underwear can cause stagnation of lymph and lead to the development of tumor diseases; there are models that do not provide proper support. Breasts after mammoplasty without support may stretch again and lose their beautiful shape.

Caring for sutures after mammoplasty

Breast correction surgery is always accompanied by suturing. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to properly care for them to avoid complications.

In the first few days after mammoplasty, a woman’s breasts can be bandaged; in some cases, drainage is installed in the seams to drain excess fluid. At this moment, it is not recommended to touch the seams and remove the bandages yourself. As a rule, on days 3-5 after surgery, the doctor himself removes the bandages and removes the drainage.

Until the stitches are removed from the breast after mammoplasty, the patient wears compression garments. She is prohibited from getting the seams wet or lubricating them with any creams, gels or alcohol-containing liquids. When showering, sterile adhesive strips are applied to the stitches. The main condition of this rehabilitation period is to prevent inflammation of the sutures.

After removing the stitches, it is necessary to maintain hygiene until complete healing. As a rule, this happens in 14-20 days. Sutures do not heal well if a woman smokes (nicotine prevents the flow of oxygen into tissues) and takes hormonal contraceptives. Women who are obese and undergoing treatment for cancer are at risk of poor suture healing. When installing implants, sutures that do not heal for a long time are a sign of implant rejection, which can lead to infectious inflammation. Vacuum closure of wounds is used to speed up the healing of postoperative scars.

So, during the rehabilitation period, caring for surgical sutures comes down to regularly changing underwear and keeping them clean and dry.

Features of the second stage of rehabilitation

What must be observed in the second stage of rehabilitation? After 2 months after the operation, all the most difficult and difficult things were left behind. The woman returns to good health, the swelling subsides, the stitches lighten and become less noticeable. Until the end of the full rehabilitation period - 6 months, the woman must follow some rules:

  • avoid strenuous physical activity that causes muscle fatigue
  • do not sunbathe without a bra; it is better, in general, not to expose your breasts after mammoplasty to direct sunlight
  • do not visit the solarium
  • Avoid visiting saunas and Russian baths, where temperatures reach over 100 °C.
  • avoid prolonged contact of the mammary glands with water

Also during this period, breast massage is performed. In some cases, massage is not necessary, for example, when installing teardrop-shaped implants. But if a massage is needed, then the doctor should tell you about it and show you how to do it correctly. Massage can be done approximately 15 days after surgery.

Why do you need a massage:

  • increases blood circulation
  • reduces pain
  • accelerates the wound healing process
  • prevents the occurrence of edema

After the end of the second period, you can drink alcohol, sleep on your stomach and play sports.

During the second period of rehabilitation, you cannot become pregnant; changes in hormonal levels can lead to undesirable consequences. In addition, the breast tissue and ducts have not yet come into proper shape.

Recovery in the second period of rehabilitation will be faster if the woman does not get nervous and worry about trifles. You should enjoy life and your new toned breasts!

When mammoplasty surgery is left behind, an equally important stage of rehabilitation begins. You won’t be able to evaluate your new breast immediately, but only after a few months. It should be remembered that the success of the operation depends not only on a good surgeon, but also on the patient herself. All individual recommendations for breast reconstruction can be obtained from the attending physician, but the main stages and features of the postoperative period of mammoplasty are standard.

Early recovery period

After a successful operation, the patient is sent to a ward for a period of one to three days in a hospital. At this time, postoperative complications can be noticed. For example, bleeding or a reaction to anesthesia. However, with stable good health and a rapid recovery process, discharge may take place earlier.

During the first hours, the patient must be brought out of anesthesia. At first it may seem that the breasts are a little larger than planned, but after some time the swelling begins to subside and the desired size is acquired. There will be fresh stitches on the body, so the attending physician will prescribe painkillers.

As a result, the pain becomes insignificant and is reduced to slight discomfort. Every other day, the doctor examines the stitches, makes a bandage and gives the patient recommendations for favorable healing.

Discomfort and pain after surgery will be more intense if the implant is installed under the muscle; they usually last 10-12 days.

Sometimes after surgery you may experience difficulty breathing. This is due to a very tight bandage that is applied to avoid displacement of the implants and the correct formation of the future bust.

The first days may be a little difficult to get out of bed on your own, but already on the 3rd day you will begin to feel better.

With a stable normal temperature, good health and the absence of primary complications, the patient is discharged home. The surgeon must give complete instructions on rehabilitation after mammoplasty, lifestyle and prescribe the necessary medications. After this, the next, home rehabilitation period begins.

For one or two weeks, a special medical bra will be placed on the chest, which cannot be unfastened during this time. Short water treatments will be allowed only after it is removed. Such measures are necessary to keep the breast in the desired position, eliminate its mechanical damage and reduce pain.

The first week you need to be very careful and attentive to your breasts. If any unexpected symptoms appear, you should immediately report them to your doctor.

During the same week, it is prohibited to play sports or carry heavy objects. In addition, activities that raise blood pressure and increase heart rate are not allowed. It is recommended to rest more, lie on your back.

Rehabilitation in the first months after mammoplasty

The bust may not look its best at first. Experienced plastic surgeons often fill the upper part of the breast implant with “extra” volume. Under the influence of gravity, the internal tissues of the breast silently fall down, filling the lower part with the required volume and the breast takes on a natural shape. You can see the new form no earlier than in two months.

The duration of rehabilitation after mammoplasty is influenced by various factors: method of administration, age, size of sutures, health and personal characteristics.

Many patients are frightened by the density of the mammary glands; this does not give the desired naturalness to the touch. The mammary glands are dense due to edema. After 1.5–2 months, severe swelling subsides, the breasts become soft and mobile. In addition, during this time the central nervous system adapts to the implants.

After mammoplasty, your lifestyle will undergo some changes. If the patient’s work does not involve physical labor, then after a week it will be possible to return to it.

After the sutures are removed, it is advisable to eat a certain way and maintain a light daily routine in order to avoid increases in blood pressure and blood clotting disorders. Most often, women take time off during this time so that the rehabilitation period can take place in the most comfortable, home environment.


The patient may experience several discomforts.


Tolerable, but unpleasant sensations may occur at first. The pain syndrome is easily relieved with painkillers.


It is this syndrome that causes the greatest discomfort. Depending on personal indicators, the mammary gland itself and even the abdominal area may swell. Minor swelling will subside within a few weeks, after which the new breasts can be assessed.

To reduce swelling, you will have to wear compression underwear constantly, do not overheat, and monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

Bruises and bruises

Rarely appear. It happens in women with sensitive, thin skin. Special absorbable ointments can easily get rid of such troubles.

Since mammoplasty is a serious surgical operation, the doctor prescribes various medications for the first time of rehabilitation.


To ensure favorable healing of the suture and prevent inflammatory processes, patients may be prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy.

To make the recovery process after mammoplasty comfortable, the surgeon may prescribe the following remedies:

  • Painkillers. It will help women with low pain tolerance. Pain after surgery is standard and occurs due to stretching of the internal breast tissue. There are medications that relieve swelling and other syndromes, but the pricing policy for such drugs is much higher.
  • Hormonal ointments.

In case of illness or special recommendations, the doctor may prescribe a course of drugs in this direction.

Caring for stitches and breast skin

Sutures are removed a few days after mammoplasty. This procedure and the first dressings are done by the doctor himself. However, some surgeons use absorbable suture material, so there is no need to remove sutures.

You will still have to come for a consultation on the healing process. The doctor explains how to care for the suture. It is advisable to use tinctures with alcohol, but ointments are prohibited for 20 days.

To avoid the appearance of a bright scar and swelling, it is better to use special regenerating ointments, such as Mederma and Contractubex. It should be remembered that the use of such ointments is allowed several weeks after surgery. It is recommended to use them together with a light chest massage.

This will help avoid compaction of the seams and give the breasts the correct shape. The massage technique must be shown by the doctor himself and his instructions must be followed exactly.

During the initial period of rehabilitation, the following cosmetics should absolutely not be used:

  1. Stimulating products that contain mint, menthol, pine needles.
  2. Fat oils
  3. Aggressive body scrubs.
  4. Creams with high content chemical substances and fragrances.

If the patient wants to have beautiful breasts without stretch marks, it is necessary to take care of the bust even after the recovery period. Special serums and lotions will help moisturize and nourish the skin of the breast. Scrubs will improve blood microcirculation. It is recommended to periodically use stretch mark creams and do salon or home wraps.

After breast surgery, it is necessary to wear special compression garments (bandage) to avoid complications. The period of these measures is always individual.

Removal of the band will depend on the healing process of the breast. Some people can comfortably wear regular underwear within a month, but for some this process can take up to a year. But you should not remove compression garments before the first month.

If, after a doctor’s examination, you were allowed to switch to regular underwear, you should carefully choose it and pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Form calyx follows the shape of the new mammary glands.
  • Textile natural and hypoallergenic.
  • Bones elastic and do not compress the chest.
  • Straps wide enough to distribute the load evenly.
  • New underwear comfortable and does not rub the chest.

For six months you should not wear bras without straps or with a push-up effect. This can lead to breast deformities or other complications. To avoid sagging breasts, it is recommended to go without a bra only after complete healing.

Regeneration of the body is always accompanied by a number of restrictions. Breast surgery is no exception.

For the first two weeks, a woman is prohibited from lifting weights of more than 2 kg, raising her arms, or making sudden movements or bending. You will also have to postpone long trips, flights and housework for this time. While taking medications, you must avoid drinking alcohol.

An important aspect of rehabilitation is proper sleep. For the first week you will only have to sleep on your back. Then, if there is no pain, you can sleep on your side.

Sleeping on your stomach is allowed a month after mammoplasty. In addition, during the recovery period it is forbidden to have sex, as a woman’s blood pressure may rise and her pulse may increase, which will lead to unwanted complications.

You will have to give up baths and saunas for several months, because the implant heats up and cools down more slowly than the rest of the body. Swimming and taking baths are also not recommended for the first months. You can shower gently 4–5 days after surgery.

A solarium is especially prohibited for the first 2-3 months. You will be able to sunbathe 3-4 months after the stitches have healed using a cream with a high level of protection. Such measures are necessary to avoid the occurrence of capsular contracture and unwanted pigmentation of the suture.

Sports and fitness activities

After mammoplasty, you will have to reduce physical activity. This will promote tissue restoration and eliminate unwanted complications.

During the first week, the desire to play sports will most likely not appear due to pain and discomfort in movements. Physical activity should be introduced gradually, carefully developing the muscles. But you should start working on the chest muscles only after 3-4 months.

After a month or two, you can begin working with dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg. You should forget about swimming, stretching, and abdominal exercises for several months after mammoplasty. It is not recommended to engage in technically complex sports (kickboxing, rock climbing, yoga, tennis, etc.) for six months.

It should be noted that during rehabilitation you can only play sports in a sports or regular, but tight bra.

There are a lot of recommendations and restrictions for the rehabilitation period after breast augmentation, but all these measures are necessary for the successful recovery of the body. If you carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations and wishes, you will soon be able to return to your normal lifestyle.

Mammoplasty is an operation that is performed on a woman’s mammary glands. For females, beautiful breasts are a source of pride that gives them self-confidence. This is the part of the body that primarily attracts a man.

The most popular is augmentation mammoplasty, which allows you to change the volume and shape of the breast. There is also breast reduction, this is its reduction and tightening.

The duration of this operation is approximately 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.

The services of a plastic surgeon are used by young mothers whose breasts have changed their shape after breastfeeding. Mammoplasty surgery solves all aesthetic problems associated with the mammary glands.

How long does it last

The rehabilitation period is the time after surgery during which the patient must follow certain recommendations in order not to harm the result obtained.

Full recovery after mammoplasty will take approximately two months.

The postoperative wound itself heals within a few days, but the process of implantation and breast formation takes longer, usually within 6-8 weeks.

With augmentation mammoplasty, the recovery period usually takes about 6 weeks. This time is necessary for the implant to be firmly fixed in the woman’s tissues.

Video: Question to a plastic surgeon

What is?

The recovery period after mammoplasty can be divided into two stages.

  1. First stage– this is an important period, the first three weeks, when you need to almost completely eliminate physical activity. It is necessary to get rid of the strain on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, so it is necessary to constantly wear compression garments both day and night with the tape fastened.
  2. Second phase– this is the next three weeks, a less strict period, because a slight increase in physical activity is already possible. Sports such as swimming, running are encouraged, you can raise your arms, so it is at this time that the patient feels more confident, and there is no longer any discomfort associated with the surgery.

As a result, six weeks end with the removal of compression underwear, then the woman can choose new underwear for herself, which significantly improves her mood.


Scarring after surgery is completely normal.

Large scars can only occur if very large implants were used.

Mammoplasty is a surgical operation, and any operation is stressful for the body, and therefore it is necessary to take a conscious approach when deciding to take such a serious step; very serious attention should be paid to all factors, especially the rehabilitation period.

Of great importance in the success of the operation and obtaining the desired result depends on the choice of the clinic and the doctor. The doctor must be a professional and have extensive experience.

When breast augmentation occurs, the quality of the implants plays a very important role. More complex and traumatic is the operation, which is performed to tighten or reduce the mammary glands.

With this type of surgery, more incisions are made and therefore require a longer recovery period.

  1. insufficient seam care;
  2. refusal to wear compression garments;
  3. Inappropriate physical activity can lead to very undesirable consequences.

The postoperative period depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor and the work he performed, but also to a great extent on how the patient follows all the recommendations.

When preparing for surgery, you should be aware of the importance and be prepared for the fact that you will definitely have to adhere to the rules, and only if you follow all the recommendations will you get the desired result.

How is recovery after mammoplasty going by day?

  • The first day after the operation, the patient will be under the supervision of a doctor.

So that if complications develop after surgery or anesthesia, you can immediately receive emergency help.

Most likely, you will have to take painkillers for the first few days, since most women experience pain during this period.

Pain is associated with breast swelling, tissue stretching, and muscle damage. The doctor will also prescribe antibiotics to prevent purulent complications.

By the evening, if the patient is in satisfactory condition, you can get up and walk around. After three hours you can drink water, and after five hours you can eat a little.

  • On the second day, the doctor examines the patient, and, if necessary, a dressing is done.

If the course is favorable, hospitalization is no longer necessary, and the patient can safely go home, making sure to take with her recommendations for recovery.

  • On the third - fourth days, you should follow a home regime.

It is worthwhile to restore the body. Good nutrition and walks will help with this. You can gradually return to your normal lifestyle. It is useful to engage in regular walking.

A careful approach to the restoration process guarantees the absence of complications and proper implantation.

  • On the fifth day the patient should come to the clinic for an examination, change the dressing if necessary, and if everything is in order, then she can go home for a week.
  • Then, if there are no deviations, then only on the twelfth day the patient will have a follow-up examination in the clinic.
  • Six weeks later, the last examination, evaluation of the result of the operation.

During this time, the patient’s sensations returned to normal and she can fully return to a full, active life.

When can you play sports?

During the recovery period, your physical activity should be limited.

During the first week you cannot:

  • sleep on your stomach;
  • make too sudden movements;
  • in particular, it is worth reducing the load on the shoulder girdle;
  • You cannot raise your arms above your shoulders or bend over;
  • Lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited.

After a week or a week and a half, you can start doing light housework, but you still can’t lift heavy objects or bend over. It is also not recommended to drive for the first two weeks.

You will have to stop playing sports for a month to avoid displacement of the implant. You will have to avoid sex for a month.

For a few weeks you should take care of yourself and not overexert yourself. You can return to training no earlier than after four weeks, be sure to consult your doctor first.

Loads should be increased gradually, and be sure to wear compression garments during training.

Why do you need compression garments?

Immediately after the operation, the doctor should put on compression garments; it will help the breasts take the correct shape and prevent the implants from moving, and also support the breasts.

Compression garments prevent the implants from moving below the desired level, promote faster fixation and correct breast formation due to a good supporting effect:

  • Due to tight fixation, it prevents the sutures from coming apart, and also prevents them from stretching and expanding, blood circulation improves, which helps speed up healing.
  • By reducing sensitivity to touch, it helps reduce the severity of postoperative pain.
Photo: compression garments

Compression underwear needs exactly the same care as regular underwear, so you should purchase at least two sets.

Important! You should not immediately switch to regular underwear; the transition should occur gradually, and be sure to consult a doctor first.

In some cases, patients after surgery complain of decreased immunity and poor health. Don’t be scared, because during the rehabilitation period your body will have to adapt to the implants.

Often in the first days, patients feel that breast sensitivity is increased and nipple sensitivity is reduced.

Don't worry about this, after a while everything will go back to normal.

  • You should be prepared for the breasts to be hard for the first few months as they get used to their new condition.
  • It is recommended to give up alcohol for two weeks.
  • You shouldn’t worry about trifles; you need to carefully monitor your health.

The most important things during the recovery period:

  1. rest;
  2. proper diet;
  3. walks in the fresh air and following the doctor’s recommendations.

Plastic surgery is the most effective method for breast enlargement. Once in the hands of a good surgeon, a woman will receive beautiful, firm breasts of the desired size.

But the postoperative result does not entirely depend on the qualifications of the doctor and the quality of the work performed. The quality of compliance with medical recommendations during the recovery period plays an important role.

Insufficient care of the postoperative scar, refusal to wear compression garments, early return to physical activity, and even incorrect posture in bed lead to unpleasant consequences that can negate all the efforts of surgeons.

First days after surgery

Immediately after the intervention, the woman is sent to the ward for observation.

As you recover from anesthesia, discomfort and pain in the mammary gland increases. The chest is swollen and there may be bruising in places. This is a normal process that will gradually pass.

In case of severe pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers. First, they are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, and then the medications are given in tablets.

The next day after the operation, the woman’s condition returns to normal and she goes home.

Hospital stay

The length of hospitalization after breast surgery depends on the type of operation and the patient’s health condition. The woman remains in the clinic for at least a day; in the normal course of the operation, this time is enough.

Hospitalization is necessary in order to detect early postoperative complications, such as an adverse reaction to anesthesia or bleeding.

The day after breast augmentation surgery, the doctor examines the postoperative wound, makes a dressing and gives the woman recommendations for a favorable course of the recovery period.

If any complications arise on the first day after the operation, the woman remains in the hospital as long as necessary to stabilize her condition.

Compression underwear

Immediately after the operation, the breasts are covered with elastic bandages. They fix the glands well and reduce swelling. The next day, during the first dressing, the elastic bandages are removed, the wound is treated, a bandage and special compression garments are put on.

High-quality compression garments, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, make it easier to endure the postoperative period and reduce its duration by several weeks.

The composition of the compression underwear includes elastane, which allows you to regulate the tension, providing the necessary support and at the same time without squeezing the mammary glands.

The functions of compression garments are as follows:

  • tissue support;
  • preventing seams from coming apart;
  • removing swelling from soft tissues;
  • giving the mammary glands the required shape.

In addition, constant compression stimulates metabolism and epithelial regeneration, due to which postoperative wounds heal faster.

Compression garments should be worn around the clock for 3-4 weeks after mammoplasty, and over the next month they should be worn during the day and during physical activity.

After removing compression garments, you should not immediately put on a luxurious bra that does not support your breasts. Throughout the year, you should wear underwear with a dense base, voluminous cups and wide straps.

Seam processing

Postoperative sutures must be cared for until a full scar is formed.

Until the stitches are removed, the wound should be treated with antiseptics, which will be recommended by the attending physician. This measure will eliminate the risk of infection in the wound. Suppuration of the postoperative scar will lead to the fact that the recovery period will increase and as a result a rough scar will form.

Sutures are removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Some specialists prefer to use absorbable suture material, so suture removal is not necessary in this case. However, after 5-7 days the woman will still have to come for a consultation to assess the quality of healing.

An important point in treating seams is the use of special creams. Contratubeks gel stimulates the formation of new epithelial cells, which leads to the formation of a gentle, invisible scar. Creams for epithelial regeneration should be used after the sutures are removed and the wound has healed.

Limiting physical activity

For several weeks after the operation, it is strictly forbidden to exercise or overexert yourself. The attending physician, depending on the type of operation, stipulates this time.

This does not mean that a woman should lie in bed and not move. A week after mammoplasty, you should perform light exercise, which will improve the recovery of breast tissue.

Preventive massage after surgery

Breast massage for women with implants should be done regularly. It will prevent the formation of connective tissue around the endoprosthesis and the appearance of stretch marks.

The doctor will tell you when you can start doing massage. The surgeon will also tell the patient massage techniques that will not harm the breasts and will be effective.

How long does the rehabilitation period last?

The duration of the rehabilitation period after breast surgery depends both on the type of operation and on the quality of implementation of recommendations.

Let us highlight the following points of the rehabilitation period:

  • Return to normal life usually occurs after 2-3 weeks.
  • The appearance of the breast is restored after 1.5-2 months, when bruises and swelling go away.
  • The rehabilitation period is considered completed only after the restoration of the mammary glands. This is observed after 6 months, when the final effect of mammoplasty is recorded.
  • It is believed that the breast tissue itself is completely restored a year after the installation of implants.
  • Constant use of special creams. This is necessary to ensure that the breast tissue receives enough nutrients and does not stretch.
  • You should not shower until the postoperative wound has healed, otherwise you may get an infection.
  • The first time (7 days) after surgery you should sleep on your back, then on your side, and only after a month you can lie on your stomach.
  • At the end of the recovery period, you should gradually return to sports.

Losing weight after

Small breasts do not allow for large implants because they will be contoured and the breasts will take on an unnatural shape. If there is a large amount of fatty tissue, a woman has the opportunity to install large implants that will look natural.

When losing weight, fat deposits from the chest area are one of the first to disappear. This will cause the implant to be contoured and immediately make the breast unnatural. In addition, this can serve as an impetus for the development of complications, in particular, the growth of connective tissue around the implant (capsular contracture).


How long do implants last, and do they need to be replaced?

It is believed that modern implants have a lifetime service life and do not need to be replaced. However, 10 years after the operation, half of the women need to have it repeated, and the quality of the implants does not play a role here. Over time, the soft tissues undergo changes, become thinner, and the endoprosthesis begins to contour. Connective tissue develops around the implant, which requires repeated surgery.

When can the final result be assessed?

The final result is assessed after six months. However, after 3 months you can assess whether the operation was successful and see the first results.

When can you plan a pregnancy after breast augmentation?

Pregnancy can be planned only one year after the operation. It is by this time that the mammary gland is fully restored and ready for breastfeeding.

When can I return to normal life (workouts, intimate life, swimming)?

You can fly on an airplane within 7-10 days after the operation. Heavy sports should be avoided for at least 3 months, with light exercise allowed after 3-5 weeks depending on the condition. It is recommended to swim and visit the sauna no earlier than after 3 months.

Intimate life should be excluded for at least a month after breast augmentation. During excitement, blood flow to the gland tissue increases, which will lead to increased swelling and slow down recovery.

When can you shower after surgery?

You can wash yourself using a shower 5-7 days after surgery, but taking a bath is allowed only after a month.

Is it necessary to wear special underwear?

Yes, the patient must wear special underwear, otherwise the result of even the most successful operation will be spoiled.

Can I return to diving lessons?

After mammoplasty, a woman can lead a normal life, as before the operation. The main thing is to meet the deadlines necessary for this. You are allowed to return to diving after a month.

How often do you need to see a surgeon after surgery?

After breast augmentation surgery, there are mandatory examinations by a surgeon. They are held the next day, after 3 days, a week and 10 days. The doctor then schedules a consultation at 1, 3 and 6 months. However, they are optional and the woman does not have to attend them.

Video: Difficult rehabilitation after breast surgery

Video: Breast surgery: 1.5 months after surgery

Video: How is recovery after augmentation mammoplasty

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery is a long process. In order to significantly reduce the likelihood of complications, a woman must strictly follow all the surgeon’s recommendations.

The final result depends on how the patient behaves during the first few months.

For various reasons, the fair sex resorts to volume correction and changing the shape of the breast. Some people are dissatisfied with the size and asymmetry from birth, while others have a changed bust after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Mammoplasty helps women gain not only a beautiful body, but also confidence in their beauty. This is the only option for those who have had to lose one or two mammary glands due to illness.

Like any surgical intervention, mammoplasty is a serious operation. The health and sometimes even the life of the patient depends on how well the rehabilitation goes.

This is why it is so important to strictly limit your usual lifestyle in the first months.

Rehabilitation rules

The surgeon must tell you in detail about all the features of the recovery period and possible risks before the operation.

But no doctor can tell in advance how long it will take for rehabilitation. The timing depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Recovery is harder and longer if:

  • the size of the implants is too large, the skin of the breast is stretched and the muscle is subjected to pressure;
  • the prosthesis is located under the muscle of the gland, as a result of which its final descent occurs only after 3–6 months;
  • The implant is placed through the axillary approach (armpit area), then discomfort can be observed for more than 10 days.

On average, the main stages of rehabilitation are as follows:

Prohibitions after surgery

Any operation implies specific lifestyle restrictions for the patient during the recovery period. Mammoplasty is no exception.

To maintain health, you must follow simple rules:

  1. For at least a week, and if necessary, even more, you cannot be sexually active. This is explained by the fact that excitement causes severe tension in the chest, which often leads to inflammation and divergence of the seams.
  2. When the risk of bleeding is still high, you should avoid stress, anxiety and negative emotions. They increase the heart rate, which increases blood pressure.
  3. To prevent bedsores from appearing and swelling to increase, sleeping on your stomach or side is prohibited.
  4. You should not take aspirin, medications containing vitamin A, or other pharmaceutical or homeopathic blood thinners for two weeks. This may cause bleeding.

  5. For up to 10 days, it is forbidden to raise your arms above your head to prevent the stitches from coming apart. If the implants were placed through an approach in the armpits, then this period increases to 2 weeks. For the same reason, you should not strain your hands for several weeks, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, or doing housework.
  6. Any heavy physical activity should be avoided.
  7. While pain is felt, it is not advisable to drive. Seat belts will only increase discomfort.
  8. Throughout the year, exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated. This can harm the thinning skin of the glands.
  9. The chest should not be exposed to heat; you should forget about visiting a bathhouse, solarium, or hot bath.
  10. Until complete recovery, special attention must be paid to contraception. Pregnancy is one of the contraindications within a year after surgery.

Video: Features of the operation

Restriction after mammoplasty

For at least six months after breast surgery, you must adhere to strict restrictions.

In the first weeks, you should avoid long trips and air travel.


After discharge, physical activity is prohibited for two weeks, but regular walking is necessary. Walking prevents new swelling from forming.

You cannot bend down or make sudden movements with your hands.

Simple exercises for the lower body are allowed only after a month. And for the top one - after another 2 weeks.

Photo: Rules for lifting things from the floor

They begin to engage in sports with light, short-term loads.

The level of difficulty and intensity of the exercises increases gradually.

They begin to do push-ups, pull-ups, aerobics and running no earlier than after 8 weeks.


To help the body regain strength faster, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet. Food must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The diet must include fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, eggs and nuts.

But we should not forget about restrictions on food and drink:

  • It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • you need to reduce your salt intake;
  • you can’t drink a lot of liquid;
  • smoking is strictly prohibited;
  • You cannot gain or lose weight.


If all is well, then you can take a cool shower on the 4th day.

But you need to avoid overheating your chest, so the water should never be hot.

The glands should be touched with caution. Help may be needed during washing.

You still can’t raise your arms above your head, so it’s difficult to wash your hair yourself.

Wounds do not need to be rubbed with a washcloth or towel. Dry them easily using a hairdryer. The dressings also need to dry.


After this, it is replaced with an elastic sports bra, which tightly tightens the breasts.

You can return to regular underwear no earlier than after three months.

Until the glands acquire their final shape, it is better not to wear open bodices with underwires or push-ups. It is preferable to choose linen made from natural cotton.

Dangers and complications

Many women experience loss of sensation in their nipples and breast skin. Some, on the contrary, complain of hypersensitivity.

This condition is not dangerous to health and is considered a side effect after surgery. Over time, the sensations return to normal, but in rare cases they may remain so forever.

If you do not adhere to the restrictions and prohibitions, then there is a risk of dangerous health complications:

  • consuming large amounts of liquid, alcohol or salt, visiting a bath or sauna leads to swelling lasting longer or increasing;
  • swelling and bruising go away more slowly due to overheating of the glands, incorrect body position during sleep;
  • Smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and the ability of cells to repair, which leads to longer tissue healing;
  • nicotine and alcohol undermine the immune system and increase the likelihood of infections;
  • an infectious process not detected in time poses a threat to life;
  • strenuous physical activity increases the risk of wounds opening and causing bleeding;
  • ultraviolet radiation provokes pigmentation of the seams, after which it is more difficult to get rid of visible marks;
  • weight loss leads to loss of shape and breast ptosis;
  • an increase leads to the formation of stretch marks.

To alleviate the postoperative condition, you can use the advice of specialists:

  1. In the first days after surgery, severe pain is possible, and painkillers cannot be avoided. Discomfort increases in the evening and at night. During the day, the dosage of the drug can be reduced, and at night – increased.
  2. Tension from the seam area will be helped by removing adhesive plaster or special protective strips.
  3. To treat formed scars, it is recommended to lubricate them with gels (for example, Contractubex, Emeran, Dermofibraze). But this can only be done after the wounds have healed and the stitches have been removed, otherwise the scars will not resolve, but will harden.
  4. The feeling of tension in the skin of the glands persists for a long time, especially if the prostheses are large. For relief, you can ask the surgeon to prescribe a special massage. This also promotes a speedy recovery, prevents the formation of capsular contracture around the prosthesis, and relieves swelling.
  5. To make swelling go away faster, it is better to sleep not lying on your back, but propped up on 2-3 pillows, in a semi-sitting position. This position reduces pressure on the chest and abdomen and reduces pain.
  6. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the mammary glands may swell, which causes discomfort. In this case, antispasmodics prescribed by the doctor will help (for example, “No-shpa”).
  7. Heavy objects can be carefully lifted after a month only from a sitting position. In this case, the elbows must be placed close to the torso. This need arises if there are small children who need to be cared for. But it is still better to avoid physical activity.
  8. If you experience severe chest pain, elevated body temperature, vomiting, difficulty breathing, or discharge from wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of infection.
  9. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, a month after surgery, you can use special lotions, gels or serums with the consent of the doctor. This will maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Homemade masks based on mineral clay, essential oils, and salon wraps with algae are effective.
  10. If scars are noticeable after healing, they can be easily removed in a beauty salon. The specialist will individually select the appropriate method (laser resurfacing, peeling, dermabrasion, radiotherapy).

At first glance, restrictions after mammoplasty may seem too strict.

But these measures are very important to ensure that recovery occurs as quickly as possible and that the final result lives up to expectations.

The most dangerous period is considered the first week. After which a slow but steady recovery begins.

The more responsible the patient is in following the doctor’s recommendations, the faster she will return to her previous lifestyle.