Shilajit against the “orange peel” on your butt. DIY cellulite cream recipes. What components should be in creams?

Mumiyo is a dark, almost black viscous mass with a rather specific aroma and bitter taste, called mountain resin. There has long been debate about its composition and origin: some believe that it is fossilized bat excrement, while others see it as vegetable origin(caked roots, leaves). This natural substance is healing and helps the body cope with many diseases, including cosmetic problems.

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How does the anti-cellulite effect of mumiyo manifest itself?

Mountain resin can be part of various cosmetics - scrubs, masks, creams, baths, which actively fight cellulite. And indeed, after several procedures, there is a decrease in the intensity of the “orange peel” manifestations, the skin becomes smooth, velvety, and toned. When carried out regularly cosmetic procedures with mumiyo it is possible to achieve elimination from the body excess liquid, which causes the disappearance of edema.

But the anti-cellulite effect can be most fully manifested only if integrated approach to solving the problem. It's about about specific massage, physical activity and a low-calorie diet. Mummy will become auxiliary, which will provide skin care and organize the process of breaking down fat cells located in the shallow layers of the dermis.

Recipes for cellulite and stretch marks

You can carry out alternating procedures, for example: take baths with mumiyo in the evenings, visit a massage room once or twice a week, and use creams and masks every other day. But to get a greater effect, you should familiarize yourself in advance with recipes for products that can be prepared and used at home.

Homemade cream for wrapping

You will need mummy, which is sold in bags and is a viscous, viscous and black-brown mass. One sachet is single dosage to carry out the procedure. And preparing a cream for wrapping at home is quite simple: you need to take a regular cream (can be for children) in the amount of 100 g and add a bag of mumiyo to it, mix thoroughly. The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  • steam problem areas of the body in a hot bath, sauna or bathhouse, under a running shower and rub them with a terry towel;
  • put on prepared skin cream with mumiyo, lightly rubbing it into the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • cover everything with cling film and wrap it in something warm - a towel, blanket, scarf.

It is worth paying attention to some nuances:

  • the layer of applied cream must be at least 0.5 cm;
  • the cling film should not fit too tightly to the skin, as this can cause compression of the blood vessels;
  • wrapping time – an hour;
  • The best option would be to combine the procedure with physical activity.

If you plan to use cream with mumiyo without wrapping, then the product is applied to problem areas of the body in a thin layer and actively rubbed into the skin.

The aroma of such a product is quite specific, and so that it does not accompany a person for several more days, you need to add 20 - 30 drops to the already prepared cream with mumiyo essential oil lavender, orange, lemon or juniper.

In addition to baby cream, you can use cosmetics as a basis for preparing the product. vegetable oils. An excellent choice would be wheat germ, grape seeds, avocado or orange. When mixing this component with mumiyo, you will need to add only 5 drops cinnamon oil– this will give the cream a pleasant smell.


To prepare the product, you need to mix 1 bag of mountain resin with 500 ml of warm water, mix thoroughly and pour into hot bath. The procedure takes 30 minutes, during which time the water will definitely cool down, so you need to make sure you have hot water to add it to the bath.

This procedure not only relaxes and soothes, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the entire body - it tightens, moisturizes, makes it smoother and velvety. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to take a bath with mummy 2 - 3 times a week immediately before bed. But it also has contraindications:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • heart diseases, including arrhythmias;
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding and even a tendency to such pathology;
  • skin diseases characterized by pustular rashes;
  • increased body temperature, regardless of cause.


Shilajit is not used in such procedures pure form, it is added to massage oil or cream - 1 sachet per 50 ml of the main product, but first you will need to dissolve the mountain resin in 50 ml of water.

For massage with mumiyo to be effective, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • perform the procedure every other day;
  • all movements should be in the direction “towards the heart” - from the feet to the knees, from the hands to the shoulders, from the lower back to the shoulder blades;
  • the buttocks are massaged from the middle to the edges, and the waist - from the sides to the lower back.

The procedure begins and ends with calm stroking, but in general patting, shaking, pinching, and kneading with friction are also acceptable. The only place where these manipulations are prohibited is the chest, it is only stroked.


The most effective scrub in the fight against “orange peel” is considered to be coffee scrub, but if you add a few grams of mountain resin to it, you will achieve results faster. To prepare the product, you need to combine it in equal quantities. coffee grounds(drunk natural drink), sour cream (preferably “rustic”), mumiyo and fat cream. This product cannot be stored, so it is prepared for one-time use only.

The scrub is applied to problem areas of the body and rubbed thoroughly for 10 minutes.. Then the product remains on the skin for another 5 minutes and only then is washed off with a shower. It is recommended to take a contrast shower to enhance the effect.

Treatment with tablets

They are much easier to find on sale, and the effectiveness of the tablets is no less than pure product. This form of mountain resin is used to prepare creams, scrubs, and even baths. But mumiyo tablets will not need to be further diluted with water - they are simply crushed into powder and added to the desired main component.

As for scrubs, you can prepare it from tablets with any essential oil: take a teaspoon of liquid for 1 tablet of mumiyo. The resulting mixture can be used for deep cleansing of the skin in areas where cellulite is located, and for wraps. Mumiyo for cellulite with baby cream


Yes, mumiyo is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the category of harmless and hypoallergenic. But still, doctors identify several health conditions, which are contraindications to the procedures:

  • oncological diseases localized in any organ and system;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • person's age over 70 years;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm.

To avoid mistakes, it is worth being examined by a doctor and getting approval before starting anti-cellulite procedures.

What result should I hope for?

You will not be able to lose weight with the help of mumiyo, and cellulite will not disappear only under the influence of this natural substance. But more smooth skin, visual concealment of the “orange peel”, increased skin tone will certainly be present. True, for this you will need to perform the recommended manipulations for 2 - 3 months.

Mumiyo is a gift from nature that definitely needs to be taken advantage of. This substance will restore the beauty of the skin and help get rid of intense manifestations of cellulite. But to receive positive results Caring procedures should be performed regularly and over a long period of time.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to use mummy in tablets:

Anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo is effective folk remedy for the treatment of orange peel. Although traditional medicine talks about the incurability of cellulite and stretch marks, positive reviews women who use these products say the opposite. Cellulite is a problem that many women face. Pronounced bumps on the skin in the most problematic areas make themselves felt, causing embarrassment and discomfort for women. This disadvantage is especially acute in the warm season, when women wear open clothes. Anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo is a remedy that will help solve this problem for a long time.

Interesting! Mumiyo is mountain resin, which has a sharp and pronounced odor, as well as a bitter taste. The natural substance is a viscous mass of black or brown color. In cosmetology, natural resin, extract in tablets and balm in capsules are used.

Anti-cellulite effect

Incredibly, this substance can fight many skin imperfections and body diseases. Very effective, as well as tablets that are used for hair growth, nails, improving skin condition and normalizing the functioning of internal organs.

This natural component copes with “orange peel” much better than many commercial cosmetics and even some salon procedures.

This cream provides:

  1. Activation of skin cell renewal;
  2. Eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
  3. Stimulates metabolism, due to which fat accumulations (cellulite tubercles) are removed from under the skin much faster;
  4. Accelerates blood microcirculation;
  5. Removes toxins;
  6. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  7. Heals minor damage to the skin;
  8. Restores skin immunity;
  9. Restores the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, gives it a healthy natural color;
  10. Tones the epithelium;
  11. Preserves the beauty and health of the skin.

Interesting! There are many recipes and methods for using this product. The most effective are massage, wraps and regular daily application of an anti-cellulite product after a shower. Each recipe for cellulite cream with mumiyo has an amazing effect.

Anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo and oils


  • Baby cream – 1 tube;
  • Mumiyo – 2 tablets;
  • Citrus oil (any) – 10 drops;
  • Juniper oil – 10 drops;
  • Cinnamon oil – 10 drops.

Not only this healing resin is useful for the anti-cellulite effect, but also essential and vegetable oils. This cream consists of the most active elements and has effective action. Other oils that promote weight loss and skin tightening are also suitable for this recipe: rose, mint, lavender, sandalwood, all citrus fruits.

Preparing this anti-cellulite remedy is as simple as using it. To do this, pour out a tube of baby cream (you can use any other light cream for the body) into the container in which we will store the final product. Gradually add oil; we will need an equal amount.

Shilajit tablets should first be crushed into powder and poured into last resort. They dissolve well and combine perfectly with the other ingredients.

It is recommended to use airtight glass containers with a lid for storage. This product must be applied daily, rubbing it into the most problematic areas. For these purposes, you can use a massage glove.

A simple recipe for cellulite cream with mumiyo


  • Shilajit extract in tablets – 5-6 pcs.;
  • A small amount of water;
  • Any ready-made cream – 100 gr.

Indeed, this recipe is one of the simplest and does not require much effort and time to prepare.

To begin, squeeze a portion of the finished cream into a convenient jar. It must be with a lid, since mumiyo has a slightly sharp bad smell and storing open containers in the refrigerator is unacceptable.

Next we start adding the active ingredient. We will need boiled and slightly warm water. IN dessert spoon Dissolve the tablets with the extract in water. They dissolve very easily and quickly. Pour the resulting slurry into a jar of cream and mix.

We use the mass regularly, preferably after a shower. Apply to the most problem areas especially carefully, rubbing the portion using massage movements.

Anti-cellulite cream-scrub with mumiyo


  • Freshly ground coffee or coffee grounds;
  • Mumiyo – 2 g;
  • Moisturizer or baby cream;
  • Sour cream.

All ingredients except mumiyo must be taken in equal amount. Mix them thoroughly and add the crushed tablets. This product perfectly exfoliates the skin, renews epithelial cells, and activates metabolic processes and blood circulation.

The coffee included in this product is no less effective than the main component and helps eliminate the “orange peel”.

Interesting! No less useful is a wrap for the treatment of cellulite. To do this, use any of the listed creams, apply it to problem areas and wrap them in cling film. You can wear warm clothes on top. It is recommended to walk with such a compress for 15 - 30 minutes.

Anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo: reviews

Review 1.

I didn’t believe that this foul-smelling product could do anything to the orange peel on my thighs, but I decided to take the risk anyway. After a week I got used to the smell, and after a month the result was amazing. I couldn’t believe my eyes – the hated tubercles didn’t exist!

Review 2.

For more than two years now, the procedure with mummy cream has been mandatory for me. It doesn’t take much time to prepare a portion and apply it, and I completely forgot about cellulite. The skin became smooth, and the figure acquired the desired contours. My friends are also delighted with this product.

Review 3.

I started using cellulite cream with mumiyo for stretch marks after pregnancy, however, several years later I can say with confidence that this remedy is effective for many problems: for improving the condition of facial skin, for cellulite, even for nail growth!


Anti-cellulite cream with mumiyo is a very effective remedy that will help restore the beauty of your skin and the slimness of your figure. It’s very easy to prepare the cream, but mumiyo costs just a penny.

The problem of cellulite is familiar to many female representatives. Structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to disruption of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, lead to the formation of unsightly dimples and tubercles in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Doctors diagnose cellulite as congestion in adipose tissue, leading to its degeneration.

In the fight against this unpleasant phenomenon use many various means: anti-cellulite creams, lotions, serums and ointments; massage and other physiotherapy; dietary food. Moreover, without physical activity aimed at burning fat mass, cellulite cannot be defeated. Therefore, for extermination orange peel you will have to make an effort.

Following a diet will help activate metabolic processes in adipose tissue. special exercises and the use of cosmetics made from natural ingredients. Creams, scrubs and oils with mumiyo are considered one of the most effective means aimed at combating cellulite. You can prepare medicinal cosmetics against orange peel yourself, at home.

Useful properties of mumiyo

Shilajit is a complex mineral complex, consisting of more than 80 healing components. As part of this natural remedy amino acids, fatty and organic acids, phospholipids, essential oils, resins, enzymes, vitamins, macro- and microelements were discovered.

Such a complex useful substances helps to activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the dermis, burning subcutaneous fat, toning the skin and eliminating the appearance of cellulite on it. Cosmetics with mumiyo are used in the treatment of stretch marks and cellulite in women. These products are used for massage, wraps and scrubbing problem areas of the skin.

Recipes with mumiyo for cellulite

We invite you to learn how to properly prepare anti-cellulite home remedy with this natural product.

Cream with mumiyo for cellulite

Preparation and use: mix one tube of any baby cream with two powdered mummy tablets, add 10 drops of citrus, cinnamon and juniper esters to the mixture. Stir and pour the mixture into a sealed container. You can store the cream in the refrigerator. Apply it daily to problem areas of the skin after water procedures.

Anti-cellulite wrap with mumiyo

This procedure will help you achieve beautiful smooth skin and lose excess volume in problem areas.

Preparation and use: take 2 g of crushed mummy and dissolve it in boiled water until a thick mixture forms. Add some baby cream to it. The resulting mass should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin for 15 minutes.

Then the body should be wrapped in cling film and wrapped in a warm blanket. After an hour, you can wash off the wrapping mixture. You will be pleased with the effect after just a few procedures.

Coffee scrub with mumiyo

Preparation and use: mix coffee grounds, sour cream, 2 grams of mumiyo with water and moisturizer until a thick consistency is formed. The resulting composition should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin in a circular motion for 15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week.

Massage oil with mumiyo

To carry out an anti-cellulite massage, it is recommended to pre-steam and scrub the skin to open the pores and allow the active substances of the oil to penetrate damaged tissue dermis. Apply the oil in a circular motion, after which a vacuum cupping massage is performed. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

The recipe for making massage oil is simple: mix 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil with 2 g of mumiyo powder, add a few drops of orange and grapefruit ether. Massage Oil It is recommended to use at least twice a week for quick fix orange peel on the skin.

As you can see, preparing homemade cosmetics based on mumiyo is very simple. Therefore, each of us is able to cope with this task. Well, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-cellulite products from mumiyo very soon if you combine the use of cosmetic procedures with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Good luck and great results!

Mumiyo is known to many as medicine it has been used since ancient times. But it turns out that this substance is successfully used for weight loss and getting rid of cellulite.

Composition and beneficial properties

Resins mined in the mountains (color from brown-black to black) mixed with sand, small stones- this is the so-called raw mumiyo. After processing and removal of impurities, it can already be used in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes.

Mumiyo is distinguished by shape and location:

  • coprolite (Altai or Bashkir, Pamir, mumiyo-asil, mumiyo-salaji). These are fossilized remains of plant and animal origin, mixed with “garbage”: fragments of rock, earth, sand, clay;
  • mummifying breccias. They consist of large rock fragments and mummifying clay mass;
  • evaporite - deposits, icicles, films in the form of spots (gray or black) inside caves and grottoes.

The product is used in the form of powders, tablets, mixtures, lozenges, and suppositories.

Altai mumiyo is most often used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The mountains where it forms reach three thousand meters. At such a height you will hardly detect radiation.

How to distinguish a real mumiyo from a fake

Natural mumiyo completely dissolves in warm water, without sediment. If you knead it with your hands, it quickly becomes soft - just like plasticine. The fake will remain hard. Also, natural resin will not acquire a moldy coating during prolonged storage.

Composition of the product

The composition of mountain resin is incredibly rich: scientists have identified about thirty biologically active substances and more than fifty macro- and microelements, as well as natural antibiotics. That's just small part what mumiyo can give to the body:

  • resins and essential oils;
  • vitamins P, B, C and E;
  • amino acids (including tryptophan, valine, methionine);
  • poly- and monounsaturated fatty acid;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • tannins;
  • enzymes;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

And this is an incomplete list.

Such a powerful “cocktail” of vital substances and elements, such as mumiyo, eliminates symptoms and fights the causes of many diseases.

Properties of mumiyo, valuable for weight loss and in the fight against cellulite

When using the substance, the following occurs:

Many weight loss products have a laxative effect and can remove not only harmful and excess substances, but also necessary. When taken orally, mumiyo gently cleanses the body.

Application for weight loss

How to take orally

There is a lot of protein in the following foods:

  • lean meat (chicken, veal, turkey);
  • lean fish (pollock, cod, carp);
  • kefir.

Vegetables, berries, and fruits will provide carbohydrates:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • broccoli;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberries;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • grapefruits.

After the diet, you can begin a course of using mumiyo.

  1. The first serving is about thirty minutes after you wake up, on an empty stomach.
  2. The second is a couple of hours before dinner. Because of the bitter taste you can drink it green tea(better with lemon).
  3. After twenty days, a ten-day break is taken, then the cycle repeats.
  4. There should be four such courses.

Single dosage for oral use:

  • if the weight does not exceed 70 kg, take 0.2 g of resin;
  • at 80 kg - 0.3 g;
  • at 90 kg - 0.4 g.
  • with a weight over 90 kg, the dose is increased to 0.5 g.

Children are given no more than 0.05 g at a time.

Detox drink for weight loss

To prepare the product you will need:

  • 300 ml of purified water (temperature no more than 38 degrees);
  • 0.2 g natural mumiyo;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • 1.5 tsp. chopped ginger root.

The ingredients are mixed and infused for about half an hour. Before drinking, the mixture must be strained. Honey must be taken fresh, unpasteurized.

To lose weight, drink the drink in the morning and evening (one and a half to two hours before bedtime) on an empty stomach.

External use for weight loss and cellulite control

The recipes listed below are suitable for both weight loss and the fight against cellulite.

Recipes for home use

Mumiyo is added to many masks, lotions, scrubs, creams, which can be freely purchased in stores and pharmacies. Some people prefer to do cosmetical tools on one's own.

Cream with added mumiyo

Required ingredients:

  • 5 g of natural mumiyo or 2 tablets;
  • 100 g of cream: for children, anti-cellulite, stretch marks, massage (for massage).

Dissolve mumiyo in a spoon of boiled hot water and mix with cream. After adding the product, the color of the cream will change and the smell will change.

Judging by the reviews, this fragrance becomes a stumbling block for some women: they refuse to use mumiyo for cosmetic purposes just because of it. The situation will be corrected by a few drops of essential oil (20 or 25 drops per 100 g of cream), for example, lemon, orange, grapefruit, juniper, which will only speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite. You can choose one or mix.

Lubricate with cream problem areas once a day. The first results appear within a month.

The cream should be stored in the refrigerator or small portions(for each procedure separately). Otherwise it will become practically useless.

Video: mumiyo cream

Mumiyo with oil against cellulite

You will need:

  • 1 g natural mumiyo;
  • 1 tbsp. olive or aromatic oil (rose, orange or mint).

Dissolve mumiyo in oil, apply before bed to areas affected by cellulite and rub in with massage movements. The procedure should be carried out daily for a month. This is when the first results should become visible.

Before using aroma oils, make sure that you do not have any allergic reaction. To do this, literally apply a drop of the selected product to inner part forearms. Wait a little. If skin irritation does not appear, you can safely use it.

Rose oil smoothes the skin, “renews” it, and gives elasticity. Orange makes it more elastic and smooth. Oil based peppermint has a calming and softening effect.

Also good against cellulite the following oils: grape or plum pit, oil wheat germ. For aroma, you can take about twenty-five drops of cinnamon oil (two or three drops, no more).

In combination with oils, mumiyo helps eliminate bumps on the skin.



  • 5 g mumiyo;
  • 500 ml boiled water.

After diluting the resin in water, pour the resulting solution into the bath (water temperature - 37–38 degrees). Take once every two days for about twenty-five minutes reclining or sitting. The water should not touch solar plexus. Before taking a bath, the skin should be cleansed with a scrub, thus opening the pores.

If you begin to feel dizzy, short of breath, feel nauseous, or weak, immediately get out of the bath. At temperature or feeling unwell Such procedures with mumiyo are strictly prohibited.

Before baths you must not eat for an hour and a half. The process of losing weight is long, you will need to take from seven to fifteen procedures.

Anti-cellulite wrap

Wraps help break down fat deposits, renew and tone the skin, and improve blood circulation.

To begin, prepare a nutrient mixture:

  1. Three grams of mumiyo dissolve in one teaspoon of warm water.
  2. Mix with three tablespoons of honey (liquid). You can add oil (jojoba, sesame, rose, almond).
  3. The product is infused for twenty to thirty minutes.

Before use, you need to cleanse your skin. After a light massage of the areas for which you will perform the procedure, take a shower (warm) and use a scrub.

Now you can proceed directly to wrapping:

  1. The mixture is usually placed on the stomach, buttocks, and thighs.
  2. For convenience, use a cosmetic brush.
  3. After application, wrap problem areas with cling film.
  4. After fifteen to twenty minutes, rinse off the product. This is done warm water no soap or shower gel.
  5. Then moisturize the skin with anti-cellulite cream or oil.

After three or four courses of 10 wraps, the “orange peel” will begin to disappear. There is a two-day break between procedures. Between courses there is a three-month period.


Shilajit cream is prepared immediately before the massage. The recipe is described above, but here it is better to use massage cream. For one procedure you will need one or two mummy tablets.

To achieve visible results, massage is done daily. Spend half an hour on this at a time convenient for you and you will soon notice the changes you were looking for.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to cleanse the skin with a scrub:

  • 100 g coarse coffee;
  • 1–2 glasses of boiled water;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.

Coffee poured hot water, leave for twenty minutes, add oil. Scrub is used no more three times per week, applied with massaging movements for ten minutes. Afterwards, take a contrast shower.

Contraindications for using mumiyo

Contraindications for use are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergy to substances in mumiyo;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood clotting;
  • presence of tumors;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • skin damage: abrasions, open wounds;
  • age - up to twelve and after sixty years.

When taking mumiyo orally, you should never use alcoholic drinks and even medicinal alcohol tinctures.

If the dosage is not followed, therapy may not improve, but rather worsen, a person’s condition. For example, it can negatively affect digestion and contribute to intoxication of the body. And when long-term use the effectiveness of the product decreases as a result of addiction.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using mumiyo.

How to tidy up your skin after losing weight and get rid of stretch marks? We are finishing the publication of advice from Ekaterina Mirimanova, the author of the “Minus 60” system. Last time it was about . Today - in detail about the second stage of skin care according to the "Minus 60" system - massage with mumiyo, which gives an anti-cellulite and restorative effect.

So, the second stage of improving the condition of the skin according to my system is a massage with mumiyo. Shilajit (in modern literature it is sometimes called “mountain balm” and “mountain resin”; in English it sounds like “amberat”), as established modern research, is quite complex in its chemical structure substance. It is mined exclusively in mountainous regions of the world, including in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

The fact that mumiyo is effective for treating a huge number of diseases was often mentioned in ancient oriental literature. There are various medical books and treatises containing a lot of information about the versatile use of mumiyo by ancient doctors as a means of enhancing recovery processes in various tissues of the body, as well as about its positive effect on health in general.

"Mummy" - word Greek origin, it means "preserving body." This is a natural mixture of organic and inorganic substances, highly soluble in water, which forms in rock cracks, voids, niches in the form of films, crusts, growths of black, dark brown and brown resin-like masses. Purified from impurities and extracted mumiyo is a homogeneous mass dark brown, elastic consistency, with a shiny surface, a peculiar aroma and a bitter taste. During storage, the mummy gradually hardens due to loss of moisture.

The inorganic part of the mumiyo contains more than 50 chemical elements. The organic part includes about 30 groups of biologically active substances: micro- and macroelements, proteins, amino acids, organic and fatty acids, alkaloids, coumarins, steroids, vitamins and much more. Each component is able to influence the corresponding processes of the body and accelerate the regeneration of various tissues. Microelements have a significant impact on protein, carbohydrate, fat, mineral metabolism, on redox processes, on regeneration processes, participate in the processes of reproduction and growth, hematopoiesis and immunogenesis.

I think this one comprehensive information about what mummy actually is will help you better understand why you should use it and not ready-made creams. Why did I decide to use mummy in the fight against stretch marks? My path, as I said, was thorny and long. I persistently searched for a product that would help cope with the problem, because I understood that only a coffee scrub and ordinary serums against stretch marks would not give results.

I've tried almost everything famous brands: cheap, middle class, very expensive and already desperate to find a way out. Suddenly one day I met with my friend, who several years earlier had been in a very serious car accident. She had a fairly noticeable scar on her temple, and then the specialist Chinese medicine advised her to use Shilajit to make the scar less rough. Now I would never believe that the scar ever existed.

What you need to know about massage with mumiyo?

Shilajit does not dissolve in oil or very fatty cream. If you use something like this, first dissolve the tablet or powder in small quantity water and then mix with cream.

If you really don’t like the smell of mumiyo, you can add aroma oils, for example, mint, orange, fir - they go well together. Be careful! Oils can cause allergies, and not all of them are approved for use during pregnancy.

By the way, I do not recommend using mumiyo during pregnancy and breastfeeding, especially on the chest. Just massage with cream after scrub, adding approved oils.

Do not use mumiyo more than once a day; try to massage with mumiyo immediately after the scrub.

For one massage you will need an amount of cream that will be enough to work on all problem areas.

If you don’t have stretch marks, you don’t need to use mummy; massage it with cream or aromatic oils.

For each massage you will need 1-2 mummy tablets.

Do not mix the cream with mumiyo for several doses; it is better to do it before each shower. Before entering the bathroom, throw a couple of tablets into the cream or water, and by the time you leave they will be almost completely dissolved.

Massage with mumiyo must be done daily.

It is very difficult to say when the first results will appear, since there are many factors involved, but most likely, within a month you will already notice changes.

Why is daily massage so important?

First of all, massage improves blood circulation and supply of nutrients to the skin, improves lymph flow, promotes the breakdown of fats and evens out the structure of the hypodermis. More to the point in simple words- melts, the skin tightens, volumes decrease.

Why can't you just go to a salon and take a course? The answer is still the same: you will see significant improvements, but immediately after stopping the procedures everything will return to its place. You might argue that you don't have time to commit to daily self-improvement. However, going to a massage therapist is not a matter of half an hour, but a much longer procedure. So why not give yourself less than 10 minutes a day (2 minutes for a scrub, 2 for a mummy and 5 for a massage) and enjoy a much greater effect with less energy and material costs.

Over time, you will get used to the need for daily procedures, and they will become a necessary kind of ritual for you, indicating that you start or end the day well. That is, it really doesn’t matter what time of day you manipulate the skin, the main thing is to do it every day.

What you need to know about massage?

Massage is performed only in the direction of lymph flow.

The session must begin and end with stroking.

On almost any part of the body (except the chest) you can do not only simple stroking movements, but also rubbing, squeezing, shaking, etc.

Massage of any limb should be done “towards the heart”.

So, if you take your hand, we begin the movement from the hand and go higher - to the shoulder. Leg - from the foot to the knee, from the knee - to the buttocks.

The abdomen is massaged in a clockwise circular motion.

Buttocks - movements from the spine to the edges alternately.

The waist is massaged, like the limbs, towards the heart, that is, from the bottom of the hips to the chest.

Doing all these not so cunning tricks, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin very soon.

My favorite recipes for facial, body and hair care

Lips without wrinkles. Lubricate a thin slice of cucumber with lavender oil and press it between your lips for a few minutes (ideally 10-15). Helps make lips smooth and restore color.

Mask "Instant Beauty". Add rose, mint and sage oils (two drops each) to your regular face cream, spread a thick layer on your face and leave for 15 minutes. After the specified time, remove excess with a paper napkin. This mask will help hide signs of fatigue for 10-15 hours. It improves blood circulation and eliminates swelling.

Restoring breast elasticity. To a guide oil, such as almond or olive, add a drop of lemon, orange, lavender, mint, rosewood, lemon grass. If you don't find all the components, don't worry. Key role lemon, orange and lavender play here. After showering, apply to chest skin in circular motions without pressing. Wait until completely absorbed.

Bath "Cleopatra". 3 liters of milk (3.2 fat content), 1 tbsp. l. honey (buckwheat or sweet clover), 3 drops rose oil, 3 drops rosemary, 3 drops mint, 1 glass sea ​​salt. Dissolve honey in milk, add aromatic oils and salt. First, wipe with a cotton pad soaked in the solution, then pour the solution into the bath. Take a bath, water temperature approximately 37°C, for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water without soap.

Ekaterina Mirimanova


I really liked Cleopatra's bath. Milk and honey are real magic for our skin, to give it special beauty and attractiveness)) It’s a little expensive, but it’s worth it!

Shilajit doesn't help me, apparently it should surgical intervention already

Comment on the article "Massage for stretch marks and cellulite: cream with mummy and 4 more recipes"

pros cupping massage for cellulite? helps to cope with the most “neglected” areas of the skin; in the process, blood circulation improves; metabolism in the subcutaneous layers is normalized; toxins, salts, and urea are removed; swelling disappears; after several sessions, body contours are significantly strengthened; the figure looks more toned with the help of vacuum massage cells begin to renew faster, which allows you to preserve youth and elasticity of the skin for a long time, muscle pain, stiffness goes away...

Please advise good cream from cellulite, after giving birth I have it all over my body, I wanted to at least remove it a little, I don’t even dream of the complete disappearance of this defect(


Personally, nothing helped me with cellulite. After giving birth, I lost quite a lot of weight, 25 kg. I went in for sports, watched my diet, but the last kilos never went away, and they concentrated on my stomach. I'm already desperate to get it on my own slim stomach and decided to encourage myself, to help myself in the struggle for beauty. I decided to have liposuction. I turned to S.N. Usov [link-1] After the operation, the stomach was close to ideal, there were no sides, there was no fat! A little later, my stomach became completely flat and even, all the swelling went away and I, like a butterfly that had escaped from its cocoon, began to flutter and was incredibly happy!

Who uses what anti-cellulite cream? Which is the best, which is the most effective?


Read about lymphatic drainage massage on [link-1] it will improve blood circulation in the legs and cellulite will not appear, and the cream is unlikely to have helped anyone in this case. Lymphatic drainage massage helps me very well and relieves fatigue in my legs and cellulite does not appear.

Evelyn anti-cellulite serum

Our mothers have never heard of remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy. But the beauty industry is evolving. And now every self-respecting woman follows the latest beauty trends. To be honest, I don’t really believe that any cream can protect you from stretch marks, but it certainly won’t make it worse. If you have a hereditary predisposition to stretch marks, then, unfortunately, you will probably have them too. But why not try to protect yourself from this trouble. In addition, do not neglect breast care before...

Cleansing foam with vitamins. VITA-ZEN VC Facial foam. 50ml. Price 350 rub. Suitable for oily and combination skin. Effectively cleanses, improving complexion. Rice real cleansing foam 150ml. Price 500 rub. Thanks to deep penetration into the pores, the foam easily removes makeup and impurities. Rice bran, included in the product, gently and effectively cleanse the skin without disturbing the protective barrier, prevent its dehydration, and have a toning and exfoliating effect...

Every woman has beauty recipes. We offer to replenish the treasury of beauty secrets with new recipes. Bath with corn starch Baths with corn starch have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, make it less susceptible to external irritations, and calm the nerves. Cornstarch imparts water White color, that’s why this cosmetic bath is called “milk”. Pour 500 g into warm water potato starch(or pour in a thick decoction oatmeal) and 1 tbsp. l. pine extract...

A very simple recipe, easy to prepare, all preparation takes about 40 minutes. You need: for the base: 4 eggs, 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar for the cream: a can of boiled condensed milk 400 g, 400 g sour cream 20-25% fat How to: Beat the eggs with sugar until a thick, uniform foam Add flour and beat again so that there are no lumps. The oven must be turned on in advance to heat up. Pour the dough onto a sheet of baking paper, which is spread on a baking sheet. After 10 minutes the basis for...

like good remedy, but zapaaaahhh-ah!
Read Mirimanova's. She describes the whole process very well.