How to properly rinse your ears at home? The harm of daily cleaning. Causes of earwax accumulation

If you ask anyone how to properly clean your ears, you will most often hear the answer: “Of course, with cotton swabs.” But the most common answer does not mean it is correct. And in in this case- This is an almost universal misconception. Because just cotton buds- is far from the most effective means for cleansing the ear canal. It is also important to know not only what is the best way to clean your ears, but how to do it correctly.

Cleaning correctly

You can clean your ears yourself only if there are no inflammatory processes, viruses and infections in an active state. If your ear hurts, you can’t hear well, or there is periodic noise or painful “shooting” in it, you should immediately go to the doctor. Self-invasion ear canal can only aggravate the condition and contribute to the spread of infection, if any.

In addition, it is very important to know and follow the following simple rules:

  1. The human ear is designed in such a way that healthy condition it has the ability to self-clean. Therefore, you just need to clean it thoroughly auricle And outer part ear canal. And from the inside, sulfur itself is pushed out when the chewing muscles contract.
  2. With increased secretion of the sulfur glands, care must be taken not to form sulfur plug. For prevention, before cleaning your ears, once every 10-14 days, drip a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and lie there for 10-15 minutes with your ear up. Then tilt your head down so that the remaining peroxide flows out and clean the ear canal with a cotton swab.
  3. Cleaning your ears too often causes the earwax glands to become more active and begin to secrete more secretions. To a healthy person To maintain hygiene, it is enough to clean the ear canal no more than twice a month.
  4. Under no circumstances should solids be inserted deep into the ear canal. sharp objects: hairpins, toothpicks, twigs and sticks (including cotton swabs). Such objects can easily damage eardrum, when ruptured, hearing decreases sharply. In addition, there is a high risk of infection in the middle or inner ear.
  5. remember, that medical alcohol– this is not an ear cleaner and you should not pour it into your ears, you can get a serious burn. Sometimes heating is used for otitis media alcohol solution boric acid, but this must be done very carefully and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Alcohol does not soften or dissolve sulfur plugs.

The choice of what to clean your ears with depends on the age and financial capabilities of the person. Modern medicine has a whole arsenal effective means for this simple procedure.

There is even a special lotion on sale for cleaning the ears, which softens wax well, helps remove dead epidermal cells and does not irritate the skin.

Cleaning products

So, what do those who care about preserving their hearing clean their ears with? Definitely, not with cotton swabs, which only drive and compress the wax inside the ear. Cotton swabs can only be used for external cleaning of the auricle and ear canal. But even these areas are best cleaned with a cotton or gauze swab.

A product for cleaning the ears of a person of any age should first of all be safe. Therefore, from all the devices that are offered by various manufacturers, we have chosen the TOP 3, which are as easy to use as possible and at the same time highly effective:

  • wax tubes;
  • mechanical cleaner;
  • vacuum cleaner.

And now about each of them in a little more detail, taking into account all the pros and cons.

Mechanical cleaner for children

A small mechanical ear cleaning device that runs on batteries. Used to safely clean ears and remove wax in infants and children under two years of age. Wax is carefully removed from the external auditory canal using a silicone tip, which rotates at an adjustable speed when the device is running.

The silicone tip of the device is shaped like everyone's favorite cotton swab. But in fact it is a thin tube with a soft silicone head, which very delicately touches the skin, thoroughly cleansing it and without irritating it at all. You can purchase replaceable tips and illuminated tips to better see where and how deep it is being inserted.

The main advantage is simplicity and ease of use for very young children.

Disadvantages: quite high cost and ineffective use for adults.

Wax tubes

One of the most ancient methods of ear treatment, which was known back in Ancient Egypt. IN modern medicine it was revived just a couple of decades ago and quickly became popular due to its effectiveness and absolute safety. Sticks are successfully used even to treat such serious illnesses, How:

  • otitis (not purulent);
  • eustachitis;
  • ear pain;
  • noise in ears;
  • "shots".

Wax tubes are also effectively used to clean ears and cause wax plugs. They perfectly warm up the ear, forming a draft, like in a chimney, under the influence of which dirt and excess sulfur are “pulled out.”

The method of using a wax tube is very simple. It is carefully inserted into the ear canal of a person who lies comfortably on his side and is set on fire. Ten minutes is enough to relieve pain, eliminate tinnitus and headache and even make breathing easier when you have a runny nose. For treatment you can use 2 times a day, for prevention 1-2 times a month.

Pros: high efficiency, ease of use, low price.

Minus: small child It’s hard to lie still for 10 minutes.

Vacuum device

The vacuum ear cleaner is a universal device that can be used for both adults and children aged 2-3 years. The ear canal is cleaned using a small pump that pumps air out of the ear, creating a weak vacuum there. Using the principle of a vacuum cleaner, it draws in particles of dust, dirt and wax from the ear canal through a tube, and also removes dead cells from the surface of the skin.

The complex usually includes not only the device itself, but also several multi-colored attachments. Thus, one device can be effectively used by several family members at once. Special shape The nozzle protects the ear from the tip penetrating too deeply and damaging the eardrum. The device runs on batteries or rechargeable batteries, and its price is quite affordable.

Pros: safety, ease of use, versatility.

Disadvantage: the attachments are not suitable for use in children under 2 years of age.

Using specially designed ear cleaning products and devices makes the process as effective and safe as possible. And if the rules for cleaning the ears described above are followed, then you can be sure that cleaning will not cause harm and will not become unpleasant or painful.

Earwax is a secretion produced by the ceruminous glands. This consistency contains components that have antibacterial effect. In addition, sulfur has a protective effect against fungi, bacteria, and also prevents excessive wetting of the ear cavity. Thus, it is a good prevention of inflammatory diseases auditory organ, and also prevents damage to the skin.

As a rule, cleansing the ear canal from accumulated wax occurs naturally on its own. But in some cases, sulfur masses begin to accumulate excessively, forming sulfur deposits. Therefore, it will be useful for each of us to learn at home.

Most ENT specialists say that it is enough to maintain ear hygiene two to three times a week while taking a bath or sauna. To do this, just lather your little finger and cleanse it with gentle circular movements. There is no need to stick your little finger deep.

Important: Do not use cotton swabs or other improvised means (match, bobby pin, pin, etc.), even if you do it very carefully. These devices can not only provoke the development of sulfur plugs, but also cause infection.

Symptoms of having wax plug

Enough long time thickening of the ear secretion exists completely asymptomatically. Depending on the consistency and location of the clot, a person feels certain characteristic symptoms. As soon as the plug blocks the passage by 70-80%, noticeable changes appear:

  • (most pronounced after taking a shower or bath);
  • hum/noise;
  • pain;
  • decreased hearing acuity;
  • autophony (perception own voice in the ear).

How to clean in the ENT office

The best and effective cleansing ear from cerumen plug can only be carried out. Timely appeal seeing a specialist will save you from developing unpleasant consequences. The procedure is carried out in a specialized room. In most cases, the doctor performs a rinsing procedure.

The removal algorithm in the doctor’s office is as follows:

  • sterile saline solution or furatsilin solution is brought to a temperature of 37 degrees;
  • 150 ml of the prepared solution is taken into a special Janet syringe;
  • the patient tilts his head in the opposite direction to the sore ear;
  • Using a syringe, the prepared solution is poured into sore ear;
  • after 2 minutes, the patient turns his head in the other direction so that all the liquid flows out of the ear canal.

Sulfur plugs of a harder consistency must first be softened. To do this, you need a couple of days before the intended procedure or special drops based on oils. Before instillation, the solution must be brought to a temperature of 37 degrees. You need to instill 3 times a day.

If the plug cannot be removed by washing, then the doctor performs dry instrumental removal. This procedure involves removing the plug using special ear devices: tweezers, a hook, a spoon.

How to clean your ear yourself

You can remove wax from your ears at home. However, if there is a plug, experts do not recommend removing it yourself, since without the necessary knowledge and skills, the risk of ear injury and infection increases.


Today, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large assortment preparations for cleaning ears from wax. The most effective pharmacological agents, which are the safest even for small child, are:

  1. Aqua Maris (natural sea ​​water);
  2. (promotes complete dissolution sulfur formation in the ear and further removal from the ear cavity);
  3. Audi spray;

Before use medicinal product You should read the instructions carefully.

Folk remedies

Very effective alternative pharmacological drugs are the means traditional medicine. Let's look at the most effective folk remedies:

  • Baking soda - used to remove wax plugs soda solution. To prepare it we need 2 teaspoons boiled water and ¼ teaspoon baking soda. The components are combined and mixed thoroughly. We instill the prepared solution for 3 days, after which we rinse the ear with a bulb or a syringe without a needle with warm water. boiled water.
  • Oil solutions ( Castor oil, olive oil, almond) – effectively moisturize the ear canal and soften hardened wax plugs. At the same time, dryness, burning and itching are eliminated. Oil products are instilled for 2 days, after which the ear canal is washed using the method described above. Not intended to split ear plug components.
  • Wax funnel () – widely used for removal at home. A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the ear, after 15 minutes you need to pour out the solution, lie on your side, insert a funnel and set it on fire. This procedure is carried out with an assistant to avoid burns to the external auditory canal.

Precautions when cleaning ears

In order to properly clean your ears from wax and not harm yourself, you need to know certain rules procedure and precautions:

  1. Cleaning the ears is most effective after visiting a shower or bath, when skin will be best steamed.
  2. Do not go deep into the ear canal.
  3. It is best to clean the ear canal not with cotton swabs, but with flagella. They are easy to make; just twist a small amount of cotton wool, form a flagellum, dip it in cleansing liquid and clean the ear canal with smooth circular movements.
  4. Pressure cleaners should not be used as this may disrupt the cavity. inner ear, as well as the eardrum.
  5. It is not recommended to use cold liquid for cleansing. Any product that needs to be instilled should be brought to a temperature of 37 degrees, otherwise dizziness may occur.


As a rule, poor ear hygiene, or its complete absence, leads to the appearance of wax plugs. Therefore, the main prevention is proper toileting of the ear canal. What every patient should be aware of:

  • The use of cotton swabs entails a violation of the natural self-cleaning mechanism, as well as the compaction of sulfur masses.
  • Do not clean too often or intensively;
  • After washing, you need to dry your ears well with a towel;
  • Once a month, cerumenolytic agents can be instilled into the ears;
  • Only the outer part is cleaned.

Overproduction of ear secretions can also lead to blockage of the ear canal. Therefore, prevention in this case consists of complete and timely treatment everyone colds, dermatitis, etc. Don't neglect your annual preventive examination see a doctor who will also advise you on how to clear wax from your ears.

How to clean your ears? — actual question for many people. Most of them are overly concerned about the hygiene of their ears and do it incorrectly, which is caused by a lack of awareness about what earwax is and what its role is.

Sulfur is an important biological material that performs many important functions:

  • Protects the inner ear from bacteria and infections, since it is an unfavorable environment for their reproduction.
  • Clears the ear canal of foreign bodies, epithelial particles, etc.
  • Maintains optimal microflora in the ear and moisturizes its walls.

During normal functioning of the body, sulfur is produced exactly as much as needed. It does not “stick out” and does not spoil appearance person. If you begin to actively and regularly cleanse it, you artificially irritate the sulfur glands and activate greater sulfur production. In another case, synthesis biological material may stop altogether, which will lead to irreversible consequences and complications. Yes, when increased production sulfur plugs form, and with reduced production, itching and excessive dryness appear in the ear canal.

Is it possible to clean ears with cotton swabs?

The most popular accessory for cleaning ears is cotton swabs. Initially they intended for local application of brilliant green or iodine, as well as for use in for cosmetic purposes. However, inventive people have come up with a new use for them - cleaning their ears. But few people know that using cotton swabs will do more harm than good:

  • Using chopsticks risks rupturing the eardrum, which can subsequently lead to complete loss of hearing and attacks of dizziness.
  • Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs can damage the skin and introduce infections into open wounds. This threatens the development - inflammatory disease ear.
  • Pushing the resulting plug deep inside the ear canal, as a result of which it is possible to get rid of it only with the help of special rinsing.

How to clean your ears at home

In order to clean your ear and not damage it, follow these simple recommendations:

Proper care of the auricle and canal will help maintain the health of the organ and its normal functioning for a long time. Remember, ear cleaning is more cosmetic procedure rather than hygienic.

According to statistics, every second person on the planet suffers from the appearance of wax in the ears. But the problem is different: most of these sufferers are in no hurry to get an appointment with an otolaryngologist, but cope with unpleasant illness at home. And, indeed, there are many ways to remove earwax yourself. But before you begin to study the question of how to effectively clean your ears from excess wax, you need to make sure that the person actually has a plug of wax.

IN human body all organs, without exception, are interconnected, and each substance plays a role inherent in nature. Earwax also serves its purpose: it lubricates and protects the ear canals from contamination. Its absence may open the ear canal for penetration various infections, but when dry sulfur swells and thickens, it causes serious physical troubles: lumbago, pain and tinnitus; congestion gradually turning into partial or complete loss hearing If a person experiences such symptoms, this indicates that it is time for him to think about how to remove the accumulation of wax from the ear. In this case, affordable ingredients will come to the rescue; to purchase them you won’t have to worry too much about the family budget.

Olive oil

Although vegetable oil from the fruits of the olive tree is recognized by the Sanitary Inspectorate as absolutely safe for human health, it is still high content in the oil oleic acid may have a negative impact on the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the structure of the mastoid process behind the ear, medically called mastoiditis;
  • perforation (violation of integrity) of the eardrum;
  • frequently recurring ear infections: auricular mycosis, polyps, otitis externa, otalgia, inflammation of the middle ear.

If the listed diseases are absent, you can begin to remove wax plugs at home. To remove you will need: 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 5 drops of any essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, garlic, oregano or St. John's wort).

Important! Before removing excess sulfur with oils, make sure there is no allergic reaction on different types oils To do this, in the evening, put a couple of drops on inner side wrists. If no irritation is detected in the morning, feel free to proceed with the home operation.

Step 1. Softening the wax plug.

  1. In a water bath, heat the olive oil to 36.6C (human body temperature).
  2. Now you need to add the selected essential oil and mix thoroughly with a sterile spoon.
  3. Fill a new pipette with the mixture.
  4. Place homemade drops in the ear (5-6 drops). In this case, you need to tilt your head so that the affected ear “looks” at the ceiling, and wait in this position for 15 minutes. After straightening up, use a pre-prepared napkin to collect the leaking liquid.
  5. You cannot clean or wash your ears for the next 3-4 hours, as the next step is the washing process.

Do not despair if the first procedure does not bring relief. Firstly, you can repeat cleansing up to 3 times a day for 5 days. Secondly, it is quite possible that relief will come if you rinse your ear after the oil has softened its waxy contents.

Step 2. Rinse.

  1. Fill the rubber syringe warm water(36.6 C).
  2. With your head tilted over your pelvis (the sore ear “looks” down), grab your fingers upper area pinna and pull it back and up in one motion. This simple action will help straighten the ear canal.
  3. Without changing position, slowly pour water into the sore ear. The tip of the bulb should not be inserted too deeply (5-6 mm inside is enough) to avoid pressure on the eardrum. The pressure should initially be weak, followed by an increase in the infused stream of water to medium pressure intensity.

Although the earwax will already be softened olive oil, it’s not a fact that it will come out the first time. If time is lost and the sulfur mass has become very dense, several washes may be necessary.

If there is no result, you should turn to another, more productive method: cleaning the ears using one of the representatives of peroxides, which, for sure, can be found in any home medicine cabinet.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medical product has long been famous for its high antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide is often used not only for processing purulent wounds and cuts, but also for the treatment of ear diseases. Bacteria, getting into the ear along with dust and dirt, can easily enter the body, moving along the common channel that connects the ear to the nasopharynx. Therefore, it is important to promptly clean your ears of excess wax that absorbs germs.

Removing ear wax with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Many people injure their ears when using pure product peroxide. This is absolutely impossible to do. To remove sulfur, you need to dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm boiled water (1x1).
  2. Using a pipette, drop the cleaning solution into the damaged ear (5-10 drops) and, holding it in the “horizontal upward” position, wait exactly 5 minutes. During this time, the peroxide will come into contact with the sulfuric substance and cause the plug to soften. In this case, crackling and hissing will be felt in the ear, and visually the auricle will be filled with foamy bubbles.
  3. After 5 minutes, tilt your head with the affected ear down so that the lump of wax comes out along with the hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Then rinse ear canal as described above in step 2.

To completely restore hearing and cleanse the ear canal of wax, this procedure can be repeated 2 times a day for one week.

But if negative sensations arise, the home procedure with hydrogen peroxide should be stopped immediately. If you wish, you can try a very ancient one, but effective method, with the help of which our great-great-grandmothers got rid of sulfur plugs and deafness.

White candle

High effectiveness of this the old way tested and proven over thousands of years. But such removal of sulfur requires extreme caution. It is advisable that someone from the household be present with the patient during the procedure. To “expel” wax from the ear, you will need a regular white candle, cotton fabric, ordinary pencils and matches.

Removing excess sulfur with wax:

Don't panic when you hear a crackling sound in your ear. This sulfur mass rises upward due to the draft that is created during combustion. Wax removal earwax– the process is physically unpleasant, but not fatal. Subsequently, after completing the procedure, you can unfold the tube to see the amount of sulfur extracted.

Pharmacy products for “expelling” sulfur plugs

Of course, there are people who doubt the safety of home methods and continue to look for ways to remove wax from their ears. For those who prefer to use medications, you can purchase cerumenolytic drops: “Remo-vax” and “A – Cerumen”. It’s not for nothing that these drops are very popular on the market. pharmaceutical market, since they are capable of a short time quickly dissolve even old, very hard sulfur plugs.

Pharmaceutical herbal candles made from beeswax, which not only eliminate excess sulfur mass, but also relieve inflammation, preventing reappearance traffic jams.

What not to do when cleaning your ears

Whenever cleaning the ear canal, safety precautions must be observed. The wax plug is located too close to the eardrum, so it is strictly forbidden to:

  • remove sulfur plug with matches, hairpins and other sharp objects;
  • fanatically get involved in cleaning your ear with cotton swabs, as there is a risk of greater compaction sulfur deposits.

If the above methods are ineffective, do not waste precious time - you need to urgently consult a doctor. Medicine is still equipped with special tools with which an otolaryngologist can clean out the ears without leaving a trace of wax. To prevent a relapse, you can use homemade ear drops made from hydrogen peroxide twice a month as a prophylactic, and also constantly monitor ear hygiene.

Maintaining personal hygiene not only characterizes a person positively, but also promotes health. One of its aspects is ear care. As you know, there are special glands in the hearing organs that secrete sulfur. The production of this secretion is necessary for the proper functioning of the ears. However, sulfur tends to accumulate in the ear canal and close it. As a result, the audibility of sounds is dulled. IN similar cases Cleaning the ears of wax is necessary. To prevent blockage of the ear canals, hygiene should be maintained.

Not everyone knows how to properly clean their ears. Many people do not practice proper hearing hygiene. Some people clean their ears too often, others don't do it at all. If a person does not know how often to treat the organ of hearing, he should ask a doctor. The otolaryngologist will advise you on why to clean your ears and give useful recommendations. After all, improper hygiene can be dangerous. It leads to injury to the eardrum and ear canal. This, in turn, is fraught with the penetration of microbes into the ear cavities. It is especially important to properly treat a child’s ear canal.

Functions of sulfur

Before you remove wax from your ears, you should learn about its properties. After all, this secret stands out for a reason. It performs several important functions. A small amount of sulfur is considered normal, so you shouldn’t get rid of it every time you find it. The opinion that frequent cleaning ears is necessary, is false. On the contrary, constant irritation of the glands will only lead to their activation and the production of secretions will increase.

Highlight following functions sulfur:

  • Protective.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Cleansing.

Sulfur is Chemical substance, which is produced in the membranous-cartilaginous part of the auditory canal. There are more than 2 thousand glands there. Normal quantity sulfur is considered to be 20 mg per month. If you clean your ears too often, the function of the glands will be impaired. As a result, the hearing organ may be damaged.

The composition of sulfur allows you to fight microbes that enter the ear from external environment. It quickly clears the ear canal of foreign bodies, as it is in direct contact with the skin.

Sulfur is a viscous secretion that lubricates the internal surface of the organ. It improves conductivity sound waves By auditory canal. The secret also moisturizes the skin and prevents it from drying out and becoming damaged. Before you clean your ears of wax, you should think about whether it is necessary.


Everything is provided in the human body. Therefore, unnecessary intervention is not always necessary. It is generally accepted that in addition to washing your ears, you need to clean them of wax. Some do this once a week, others a little less often. There is no clear answer to the question of how often you should clean your ears. This depends on the type of human activity, as well as on the functioning of the glands. Exists controversial issue about whether you need to clean your ears at all. Naturally, hearing hygiene is necessary. Doctors say that cleaning should be done about 1-2 times a month.

After all, the ear canal has the ability to independently get rid of accumulated wax. Self-cleaning allows you to promptly remove not only exudate, but also old epithelial cells, as well as dirt. It is carried out thanks to the movement of the joint located between lower jaw and temples. Its work helps push wax towards the ear. This occurs when chewing food or talking. It is believed that if you don’t clean your ears in a timely manner, nothing bad will happen. But too frequent intervention, on the contrary, leads to a violation of the protection of the ear canal from bacteria and provokes the development.

One of important issues is: how to clean your ears. It has great importance, because non-compliance with this methodology hygiene procedure leads to damage. It is important to clean your ears correctly and at the right time. This should be done after taking a bath. At this time, the skin is steamed and softened, so the sulfur becomes more liquid and easier to remove. It is also necessary to observe the depth of penetration foreign object into the ear canal. Don't push the cotton swab too hard. This will lead to rupture of the eardrum, because its tissue is quite thin and can be easily damaged.

One more important aspect Hearing hygiene is the question of how to clean a person’s ears. In most cases, cotton swabs are used. It is not prohibited to use them, but doctors do not recommend it. Doctors believe that it is safer to use cotton or gauze tourniquets (turundas) to clean the ears. They are moistened before insertion into the ear canal. sunflower oil. This way, some of the cotton will not remain inside the ear.

For people who have abnormalities of the ear canal ( pathological tortuosity or narrowness of passages), turundas are the only way out. Any hard objects can cause injury to them. Including cotton swabs.

It is forbidden to place various foreign objects. These include: pins, tweezers, pencils, needles, etc. It is important that the end of the cleaning item is soft and rounded. This is the only way to avoid rupture of the eardrum. In addition, any foreign body can cause infection of the outer and middle ear. In addition to cotton swabs, they were invented to clean human ears. special apparatus. It pulls out sulfur, water and dirt like a vacuum. In this case, the device does not penetrate deeply. They clean the ears of not only adults, but also small children at home. The risk of injury when using the device is minimized.

Rinsing a child's ear with a solution

For children

Correct treatment of the ear canals in children early age very important. Cleaning wax is done with cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide or oil once a week. Children often have diaper rash behind the ears. To get rid of them, the use of detergents. The folds can be lubricated with baby cream or sunflower oil. They also use a spray that is sold in pharmacies.


Hygiene issues include not only cleaning, but also washing the ears. Skin treatment helps get rid of various microorganisms, dust and dirt. You should wash your ears much more often than brush them. People who deal with various dust particles and occupational hazards must pay attention to hygiene Special attention. The answer to the question of how many times a week you should wash your ear can be this: this should be done as it gets dirty.

Various are used to cleanse the skin. antiseptic solutions and water. To clean the ear from dirt, you can use ordinary soap. The ear canal is washed with hydrogen peroxide and other solutions. You can purchase special lotions for hearing hygiene at the pharmacy. If you wash your ears with peroxide, you should observe the interval between its use. It is used as an alternative to cleaning the ear canal. Therefore, it is not recommended to wash your ears more than 2 times a month.

Hygienic procedure technique:

  • The person lies on his side.
  • The head should be tilted back slightly.
  • The ear skin is treated with gauze moistened with water or a special lotion.
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide are injected into the hole.

The ear canal is then closed using cotton swab. You should lie on one side for several minutes. This will help prevent premature removal of the solution. Thus, peroxide will rinse the outer ear and have an antiseptic effect. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated on the other side. Washing is performed not only for people, but also for pets. For this purpose, use a special Otofri solution - an ear cleaning lotion for cats and dogs.

Sulfur plug

If your ears are not cleaned, wax plugs may form. Children are more susceptible to its occurrence, as well as people who use cotton swabs too often. The cause of sulfur accumulation may be endocrine disorders and impaired mobility of the temporomandibular joint. Often, a person is unaware of the presence of a plug in the ears. It makes itself felt when it reaches a large size.

The sulfur lump increases when water gets into the ear canal. For example, after swimming in a pool or bath. A large plug begins to put pressure on the eardrum, which is accompanied by painful sensations, tinnitus, nausea. The main signs of the presence large quantity sulfur is decreased hearing on one side and a feeling of stuffiness. This begs the question: is it possible to clean your ears if you have a plug? Of course no. Under no circumstances should you use cotton swabs or other objects if you have hearing loss. They will only push the wax plug deeper, and it will be even more difficult to get rid of it.

Rinsing with a syringe


To get rid of the problem, you should seek help. An ENT doctor is in charge. He does this using a special syringe-zhane. You can also get rid of traffic jams at home. To do this, sulfur is soaked using vegetable oil, Vaseline or hydrogen peroxide. The product is selected individually. After 2-3 days of soaking, rinse with a regular syringe without a needle. Injected into the ear canal under pressure warm water. Along with it, the wax plug also comes out of the ear. After the procedure, you cannot go outside without a hat for at least 1 hour.

Ear hygiene is important process which helps to avoid the development of diseases. However, the procedure should be approached with caution so as not to cause harm.