Olga Butakova cleansing the lymphatic system recipe. Methods for cleaning lymph at home. When and how often to clean

  1. Good health is the result of effective lymph cleansing.
  2. Cleansing lymph using traditional methods:
  3. lymph cleansing using the Walker method: raising vitality;

    lymph cleansing according to Butakova: prevention and treatment;

    cleansing with celandine juice;

    Tibetan cleansing recipe;

    lymphatic cleansing with onion and garlic.

  4. Lymph cleansing with herbs (5 options)

The lymphatic system is an essential part of the immune system. It consists of lymph nodes, the main task of which is to protect the body from toxic products, bacteria, and poisons dissolved in the intercellular fluid. If the lymph nodes - the main filtering elements - are overfilled with toxic products, then they become inflamed. The patient's tonsils and adenoids become enlarged, he suffers from a constant runny nose, his joints become inflamed, and swelling appears. Therefore, regular lymph cleansing is required. It involves replacing poisoned water with fungi, microbes and bacteria with clean water.

Good health is the result of effective lymph cleansing

Modern medicine fights intoxication of the body using extracorporeal hemocorrection methods. The most commonly used:

  • Lymph stimulation (outflow is regulated). Methods:
  • Physical (wraps, contrast shower, dry heat);
    Mechanical (gymnastics, massage);
    Chemical (clay therapy, hirudin, herbal remedies - lymphostimulants, sorbents).

  • Lymphoprotection (improving the sorption qualities of lymph by including dietary fiber, products containing adaptogen-vitamins, lactobacilli in the diet).
  • Lymphatic correction (physiotherapy, administration of drugs into the lymphatic system).
  • Plasmapheresis (removal of the liquid part of the blood along with pathological products).
  • Themosorption (removal of toxic products from the blood by connecting the blood with a sorbent located outside the body)

Lymph cleansing using traditional methods

If the feeling of fatigue is constantly present, diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidney disease occur, then in the spring you can cleanse the lymph at home.

Lymph cleansing using the Walker method: raising vitality

chronic thrombophlebitis;

osteocondritis of the spine;

joint diseases;

diseases of the paranasal sinuses;

cardiac ischemia

Necessary preparations.

  1. Before cleansing, you need to cleanse the intestines, after which you need to give an enema once a week.
  2. A day before the start of cleaning, 2-3 liters of spring water are frozen in the freezer. After thawing, the melt water is drained. No sediment should be allowed to enter the liquid.
  3. On the first day of treatment, a special remedy is prepared from freshly prepared juices of grapefruit, oranges and lemons in a ratio of 900:900:200. After mixing them, add 2 liters. melt water.

Cleansing scheme:

1st day:

  • Cleansing enema;
  • Ingestion 100 g. water in which 1 tbsp is dissolved. Glauber's salt;
  • Taking a hot shower;
  • Ingestion 200 gr. remedies (profuse sweating will begin, and then a frequent urge to have a bowel movement)
  • Take 100 g every 30 minutes. mixture until it runs out.

On the 2nd and 3rd days, the dosage regimen is similar.

Repeat cleaning no more than once a year.
intolerance to citrus fruits, diabetes, possible inflammation of the appendix.

Lymph cleansing according to Butakova: prevention and treatment

Stagnation of bile;

Detoxification of the body;

Diseases of the pelvic organs (including cystitis);

Skin diseases;

Atopic dermatitis;

Endocrine diseases.

Treatment regimen:

  1. Cleansing begins with ingestion of licorice root: one tablet should be dissolved in 250 ml. hot water. Take 250 ml. coral water (to enhance the effect, you can brew licorice in combination with rose hips or currants). The norm per day is 3 rubles. 1 t.
  2. An hour after cleansing, you need to take a sorbent - brown algae (mandatory, otherwise the poisons will begin to return to the lymph) and drink 250 ml again. coral water. The sorbent will absorb poisons and remove them from the body through feces. The norm per day is 3 rubles. 2 t.
  3. Artichoke (replacement - garlic, lecithin) with nanoclusters - will cleanse the bile ducts. The norm per day is 3 rubles. 1 capsule per 30 minutes. before meals.
  4. Ultimate (spirulina, alfalfa, etc.) – replenishes vitamins lost at the previous stage.
  5. Activin (binds poisons) – taken as well as artichoke.
  6. Coral probiotic - capsule three times a day to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora.

Treatment time is 10-14 days.

Cleansing with celandine juice

Hypertonic disease;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;




Necessary preparations.

In May, you need to collect celandine growing in a sunny meadow and grind it in a meat grinder. Next follow the recipe: 450 gr. squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth, add medical alcohol (70 g) and leave to infuse in the cold.

Cleaning scheme:

  1. Breakfast – 1 drop.
  2. Lunch – 2 drops.
  3. Dinner – 3 drops.

Tibetan cleansing recipe

Involves the simultaneous use of alcohol tincture of celandine (see the recipe above), as well as drinking a mixture of freshly squeezed juices: apple or carrot in combination with beetroot (proportion 4:1) in an amount of 150 ml. (before meals).

Lymphatic cleansing with onion and garlic


Liver diseases;


Urolithiasis disease;


Necessary preparations: you should prepare a decoction of onion, garlic, lemon, taken 1 piece each and one liter of milk. Chop the onion and garlic without peeling; we also cut the lemon with the peel (wash it first). Place all ingredients in a saucepan and add milk, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, strain – 4 cups should come out.

Treatment regimen:

  1. Treatment lasts 4 days. The decoction, stored in the refrigerator, should be taken twice a day before meals, half a glass 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Any dairy or hard-to-digest foods are completely excluded.

Repeat the course twice a year.

Option 1. Dried oregano in the amount of 1 tbsp. pour 250 g of boiling water. Place in a thermos overnight to infuse.

Dosage regimen: 3 weeks, 50-100 ml. before eating three times a day, then a 7-day break and the 3-week course is repeated again.

Option 2. Take the rhizome, shoots and leaves of cinquefoil, chop them and place them in a liter jar (so that it is one third full). Pour boiling water into it and let it steep for 2 weeks.

Dosage regimen: Jar - for a course of treatment. There are three of them in total - repeat no earlier than after 20 days. Take 1 tsp before meals. 3-4 times a day.

Option 3. Take horseradish and water in equal parts, mix and drink 3 r. a day before meals, a teaspoon. Course – 10 days.

Option 4. Aspen bark in the amount of 400 g. boil in 2 liters of water for half an hour. After 6 hours of infusion, alcohol is added (150 g per 1 liter).

Dosage regimen: 3 days, half an hour after any meal, three times a day, a dessert spoon. 7 days in the same way, but 2 tbsp each. After 5 days, repeat the course.

Option 5.

Composition No. 1: boil 1 tsp in one glass of water for three minutes. sage leaves. After removing from heat, add 1 tsp. thyme, horsetail, calendula. Leave overnight.

Composition No. 2. Boil 1 tbsp in a glass of water for 15 minutes. dandelion (roots).

  1. Day 1: absolute fasting. You can only drink.
  2. Day 2: at 8 am we take both decoctions (2 cups) orally. Then we place a heating pad on the spleen area and warm it up for 2.5 hours. We combine warming with the resorption of propolis. Absolute fasting (green tea allowed).
  3. Repeat after 2 weeks.

It is advisable to cleanse the lymph twice a year. You can turn to doctors for help, but traditional medicine recipes can also bring relief. Lymph overflowing with toxins and wastes will not be able to protect the body even from a common cold. Help her work at full capacity!

People remember the nervous or blood systems, how both are important for the body, and the concept of “lymph” seems mysterious, vague. Even many doctors do not pay attention to it, simply noting the fact of its existence as “another of the systems,” nothing more! What Olga Butakova says: the lymphatic system, which 90% of doctors do not know about.

Marvelous. Okay, ordinary people, they have a vague idea of ​​where the organs are distributed throughout the body, confuse the liver with the spleen, or find it difficult to tell what size the stomach should be. But doctors! There are only 200-300 truly knowledgeable lymphologists in the country who are ready to grab their heads! 90 out of a hundred possible doctors have no idea what effect the lymphatic system has on the functioning of the entire body, and this is sad. No, catastrophically! So, the topic of our article is “Olga Butakova, cleansing the lymphatic system: what 90% of doctors do not know about.”

In this case, we will not be talking about ordinary local therapists, but highly specialized professionals, experienced surgeons or professors who claim to be high specialists! Many perform life-saving operations and help patients recover. And for them, the importance of the lymphatic system became a discovery after the speeches of Professor Levinets, an amazing scientist who devoted many years to the study of alternative medicine.

Why is it so important to cleanse the lymph, and how does it affect the rest of the body? It's hard to imagine what it even looks like, what it is, not to mention the cleaning methods. It seems that she exists, but where and what she is responsible for is difficult for the average person to understand. What is sad is not the ignorance of ordinary people, but of doctors, who spent so many years studying to become doctors, thoroughly studying the structure of a person, the work of his organs and, in general, the body as a whole system! They often forget about the lymphatic system, as if it doesn't exist!

Like the circulatory or nervous system, it covers the entire body, is connected with its cells and organs, complementing the circulatory system. The tasks of lymph are to transport fluid in tissues, as well as proteins, which ensures timely cleansing of tissues and supplying them with nutrients. The system constantly transfers accumulated fats from the small intestine to the blood, simultaneously protecting the body.

What does it consist of:

  1. Small lymphatic capillaries, also vessels, whole trunks: there are tubes through which fluid constantly flows;
  2. Lymph nodes: they can be found throughout the body;
  3. Lymphatic organs: the spleen, also the thymus, tonsils;
  4. Lymphatic ducts: only two - the lymphatic duct on the right, the second thoracic duct, which then flow into the right and left subclavian veins;
  5. Lymph: The fluid itself, constantly circulating through the vessels.

Lymphatic capillaries are a complex and closed chain that runs through all tissues, covering organs. The walls are thin, through which liquid with proteins and other large particles easily get inside. Blood vessels have stronger walls, so proteins work bypassing, using lymph capillaries. Lymphatic vessels are formed when small capillaries merge and their structure is more like veins, only with thin walls equipped with valves that constantly regulate the movement of lymph.

Each of the lymphatic vessels has a dozen nodes, which are then combined into groups located along the path of the vessels. Then the afferent vessels bring the lymph to the node and then it flows out following one or two efferent vessels, respectively. Lymph nodes look like a bean, a circle, an oval or a ribbon, up to a maximum of 2 cm in length. Here the lymph must be filtered, all foreign particles and waste are removed. Lymphocytes, the first fighters against various infections, are immediately created. The efferent vessels connect into large lymphatic trunks, which themselves form two ducts: the thoracic and the right.

System objectives:

  • Remove accumulating tissue fluid from the intercellular space;
  • Then transfer it with proteins to the subclavian veins, then return it back to the blood;
  • Transfer of fats from the small intestine back to the blood;
  • Produce lymphocytes as needed, maintaining the level of immunity;
  • Lymph nodes, as purification centers, remove and destroy unnecessary foreign substances with waste products and toxins.

This is why the lymphatic system is so important. Its work is invisible if you look at the state of the body as a whole picture, but it itself depends on many factors. Therefore, lymph cleansing is necessary along with blood or liver cleansing.

Lymph cleansing

It's not difficult at all! First, it is necessary to achieve regular movement of lymph so that it does not stagnate somewhere along the way, forming places of blockage. Movement. Start with gymnastics - any kind, the main thing is to be active and move a lot. Some people dance, others prefer yoga or martial arts, others prefer recreational gymnastics. You can buy a book from Katsuzo Nishi, it describes a set of the most important rules for healthy exercise, a whole way of life adjusted to modern man.

Gymnastics should be truly enjoyed and become something integral and permanent, like breakfast or lunch! The main thing for maintaining not only the lymphatic system, but the entire body is movement with proper nutrition!

Massage? Be careful with this. Most massage therapists simply do not know about the lymphatic system and with their actions they can simply do harm, disrupting its work! As Olga Butakova says, what they don’t know about the lymphatic system is the pattern of lymph movement, because most massage therapists only have licenses to work, and not serious knowledge. They study massage methods, techniques, and must also undergo anatomy, or at least basic training. Therefore, when choosing a massage therapist, be extremely careful!

What does the lymph cleansing mechanism itself look like?

After much research, it was found that all liquids can be safely divided into two different types: either a person loses something important: memory, potency, health in general, or, on the contrary, gains unnecessary things: dandruff, allergies, hemorrhoids. Regarding lymph:

Some try to stimulate it so that it comes out faster (they dilute it), all the harmful substances are with it. Others block it on the contrary or somehow weaken its flow.

The lymph itself contains a lot of hyaluronic acid, which can be a gel (like a thick jelly) or a sol (this is a liquid jelly). If you go to a bathhouse, your nose starts to run, you sweat; in an ice hole, everything thickens, the temperature contrast affects it. In order for a trip to the bathhouse to be fruitful, you need to visit it regularly, at least once a week, but keep the temperature at 60 degrees. Then the lymph flows well.

Stimulants are also used - licorice, or echinacea, as well as celandine or Glauber's salt with magnesium sulfate. As soon as you use the drug, the lymph instantly invigorates and begins to move faster towards the exit.

This procedure is called lymphostimulation and is only useful on an empty stomach. This is stage 1. The lymph went to the exit, and with it, respectively, poisons, toxins, and other garbage. The collection of lymph nodes is the intestines, there are many thousands of them, and when a sorbent (usually activated carbon) gets there, the poisons are filtered to it.

Stage 2 – sorption. It is worth remembering that along with poisons, toxins and other things, useful minerals and vitamins quickly leave the body, and energy is lost.

Therefore, the next step should be stage 3 and 4, this is vitaminization with mineralization, so that the body fully replenishes its empty bins.

A comprehensive program, where both parts are: sorption of poisons, then removing them from the body, followed by restoration of lost nutrients.

Lymph cleansing from Butakova is a clear and thoughtful system where everything is written out. Lymph cleansing time, number of tablets needed, their types. It is worth remembering that each organ has its own lymphostimulation, so the basis should be cellular nutrition. For example, potassium and magnesium are good for the heart, sodium is better for the kidneys, more vitamin B is good for the brain, lecithin is good for the reproductive system. To each his own, then harmony will be restored and the cleansing method will not bring large costs.

It is necessary to withdraw everything at once, and introduce it gradually and following an individual approach. It is important to remember the principles of lymph cleansing, and not write down the names of the tablets! Sometimes it only lasts a day, sometimes it takes a week or a month.

Some are forced to carry it out after grueling chemotherapy, others after getting rid of a protracted flu, others simply for prevention, after experiencing stress or an x-ray, after surviving poisoning, doctors know that lymphatic cleansing is a super solution for recovery.

You need to understand that fluid is everywhere - in the brain, liver, even bones, especially the brain or heart. And you need to make her move right away. Let the water begin to flow faster, heading towards the exit. And when it moves, filter it in time by introducing a sorbent and clean it (it will be excreted naturally, through the intestines). Then do not forget to return the spent vitamins and minerals to the body. All! This cleaning is not something super complicated.

When is cleaning necessary? After any serious intervention, when something foreign affects the body. I've had an X-ray - please, after surgery - please, chemotherapy - please, the disease has gone away - please, the long course of heavy antibiotics has ended - please!

Lymph is almost all tissues in the body. 83% of incoming poisons then accumulate there, in the invisible intercellular fluid, which first washes them out of the cells. These are not kidneys or liver...

There are no contraindications!

Everyone just needs to choose their own, safe and suitable set of products, choosing from simple ones (this is Licorice, also activated carbon or vitamin C, citrus fruits, you can use Epsom or Glauber’s salt, various oils or folic acid). There are only contraindications for a certain drug, so it is enough to replace it. The system has nothing to do with it!

The principle of lymph cleansing is also safe. For an adult, for a baby it makes no difference. The lymph needs to be cleaned, to help the immune system, or to remove the remnants of drugs and poisons, so the lymph will retain its river configuration and not become a stinking swamp, because bacteria, the sources of many diseases, develop there!

Next – food! Stop being guided by advertising, it is only useful to advertisers who get rich from the junk food people consume. Drink less of various carbonated sweets, it's really simple.

When a person tries to think about himself and do the right thing, the body begins to resemble a Swiss watch. Ticking on time! I found viruses, removed them immediately, improved my immunity.

Moreover, you cannot stop the process of your rehabilitation. They say today is the day of treatment, tomorrow is discharge. It is like a river, useful if it continues continuously, it becomes part of life, namely relaxation! After all, cleanliness is maintained in places where people do not litter.

The lymphatic system is like a guardian of the body; it carries out a huge amount of work every day and requires respect accordingly. The stomach is able to forgive all possible incidents and experiments. The reproductive system is only partially, the lymphatic system does not know how, cannot forgive!

It is the first and only one to remove all accumulated salts, antibiotic residues, various toxins, hundreds of microbes, and alcohol residues. Any failures in nutrition: stale juices, wine, various medications, spoiled or cheap food. This is first absorbed by the stomach, then into the blood, and then settles in the intercellular fluid, when it washes away the filth from the cells. Next, the lymph system needs to get rid of debris. And the effectiveness of its work determines human health.

What is the minimum that needs to be done daily?

Move! Here is a man sitting quietly for 8-9 hours, the lymph has stagnated and everything is already being milked before his eyes. An accountant will not see the difference between a plus and a minus, a student is ready to fall asleep, a personnel officer is not really able to read files... get up, move around! It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend 10-15 minute breaks and there are breaks for students and schoolchildren. But the educational system helps them, while adults must introduce rest periods for themselves. Take a walk, drink some water, the lymph will move!

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids - jump 30-40 times every day using the gluteal muscles, this way you massage the lymph nodes using a collector near the pelvis.

Important! It is forbidden to heat the lymphatic system, so forget about quartz! No compresses and remind the massage therapist to bypass the lymph nodes during the session, otherwise by accidentally pressing the leukocytes, he will simply destroy them. It is enough to damage the large lymph node located under the knees - then it will constantly swell! Remember: yes, the lymph can be cleansed somehow, but it can only move faster while the body is moving. Any physical movements! The truth here is worth clarifying - lymph moves only through clean lymph nodes. If there are bacteria there, it won't work.

There are no lymph nodes in the head; there are real lymphatic lakes there, from which the lymph rushes downwards, as if from the source.

When the cleaning of the lymph nodes is completed, the already clean lymph flows to the venous beds and dilutes the venous blood, at the same time cleansing everything there.

When the lymph nodes themselves are clogged, alas, nothing can flow in or mix. Everything oozes, because the body is not able to pass purulent lymph, so it removes it directly, through the skin. This is what causes eczema with neurodermatitis, various psoriasis with diathesis, furunculosis and acne. All skin problems. People try to cure them by lubricating the skin, although the real cause is inside!

The type of problem will depend only on the type of bacteria accumulated there. More often these are fungi living in the lymph, then come worms, then bacteria with viruses. Read the composition of anti-psoriasis ointments - there will definitely be antifungal drugs, but the skin is very far from the source of infection, it is hidden inside!

If about cleansing intestines and liver, a fairly complete picture can be obtained from popular scientific literature, then about the prevention of the functioning of the lymphatic system and methods lymph cleansing information is fragmentary and scattered.
But this method today has a leading place in modern medicine. This is a way to improve the body’s health at the cellular level, to alleviate the course of chronic diseases: inflammatory, metabolic, allergic.
And not only!

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Lymph cleansing

using International Coral Club products in 14 days
(repeat the below scheme 3 times throughout the day)
Start 1.5 hours before each meal
a) take a lymphostimulator:
Licorice root - 2 tablets. (if high blood pressure is 1 tablet) - dissolve in 0.5 glasses of heated water ~ 40-50º C), wash down with a glass of coral water, it is advisable to add microhydrin (without capsule) to the water + choleretic: lecithin and artichoke - 1-2 capsules each

After 45-60 minutes we perform the next step
b) we take the sorbent:
Brown algae (kelp) - 2 tablets, wash down with a glass of Coral water
after 30 minutes we perform the next step

c) during meals we take: activin + superfood or spirulina + probiotics: megaacidophilus - 1 capsule or Coral-Probiotic

It is advisable to visit the sauna/bathhouse these days. Play sports or physical work until you sweat + shower.

Lymph cleansing in 14 days

in combination with systemic body cleansing Colo-Vada

1st stage. Preparing the body for cleaning From the 1st to the 7th day.
Packet No. 1 Colo-Vada - in the morning and evening, before meals, according to the “Instructions...” for Colo-Vada, washing down the capsules with a glass of Coral water from hydrosel.

Note: To improve preparation for lymph cleansing to bag No. 1 add 1-2 capsules of lecithin and artichoke 2 times a day.

2nd stage. Body cleansing 4 days.
On Colo-Vada powder with lymph cleansing: duration of the stage is 4 days - from the 8th to the 11th day.
Taking sachet No. 2 Colo-Vada, artichoke, Colo-Vada Mix powder (white bag), licorice root, Kelp, Kelp. At this stage, do not take food, according to the “Instructions...” for Kolo-Vada, with the exception of contraindications to hunger.

The order of taking medications during the day at the 2nd stage with powder powder Kolo-Wada Plus:
6.00 - take packet No. 2 + one capsule of artichoke and drink a glass of coral water;
7.00 - take 2 licorice tablets and drink a glass of warm coral water;
7.45 - 8.00 - stir Colo-Vada Mix powder in cold water and drink, then drink 2 kelp tablets, wash everything down with 1-2 glasses of coral water;
11.00 - drink 2 licorice tablets (1 hour before taking Colo-Vada Mix powder) and drink a glass of coral water;
11.45 -12.00 - stir Colo-Vada Mix powder in cold water and drink, then drink 2 kelp tablets, wash everything down with 1-2 glasses of coral water;
15.00 - drink 2 licorice tablets (1 hour before taking Colo-Vada powder) and drink a glass of coral water;
15.45 - 16.00 - stir Colo-Vada Mix powder in cold water and drink, then drink 2 tablets. kelp, wash everything down with 1-2 glasses of coral water;
18.00 - take packet No. 2 + one capsule of artichoke and drink a glass of coral water;
19.00 - drink 2 licorice tablets (1 hour before taking Colo-Vada Mix powder) and drink a glass of coral water;
19.45 - 20.00 - stir Colo-Vada Mix powder in cold water and drink, then drink 2 kelp tablets, wash everything down with 1-2 glasses of coral water;
Note: The initial time of taking the products (highlighted in red) can be shifted to suit your daily routine, but be sure to maintain other intervals between taking the product.

3rd stage. Recovery of the body after cleaning. Duration 3 days. From the 12th to the 14th day.
In the morning and evening, take packet No. 3 with food - 2 times a day after the end of the fast.
On the 12th day you can eat boiled vegetables, fruits, oatmeal and other porridges.
On the 13th-14th day, also take plant foods, adding fresh vegetables to boiled ones.
After the 14th day, you can gradually eat proteins: meat or eggs or fish.
Attention! To prevent complications of the body during its cleaning It is imperative to follow a plant-based diet in the first and third stages + drinking regime of at least 1.5 liters of coral water, and in the 2nd stage - fasting - drinking regime of coral water in an amount of at least 2-3 liters per day.
Then add Spirulina, Assimilator, Megaacidophilus to the food, washed down with Coral water.

Lymphatic cleansing you need to remember not by pills, but by PRINCIPLES! It can last one day, but it can last ten, or maybe even a month! It could be after chemotherapy, it could be after the flu, it could be a prophylaxis against the flu, or after stress, an x-ray, or after poisoning (alcoholic, for example) - lymph cleansing after intoxication - it’s just super!
Anyway, lymph cleansing- this is a huge help to the entire lymph system of your body! You need to remember not specific cleaning schemes, but its PRINCIPLES, you need to understand its ESSENCE.

Understand, you have to make it move ALL WATER in the body (in the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, muscles, bones, brain) - everything will simultaneously flow faster and begin to move towards the exit.
And when it flows, we need to filter it through a sorbent and purify it (the sorbent will then leave naturally through the intestines). And don’t forget to take nutrients, vitamins and minerals afterwards - and EVERYTHING, there’s nothing special about cleansing anymore!

You can compare the above lymph purification systems with those suggested below. Compare their practicality and expected effectiveness. And choose what suits you.

Traditional methods of cleansing lymph.

Cleansing lymph according to O. Eliseeva

Previous method lymph cleansing using citrus juices is expensive, so not all people can use it. O. I. Eliseeva offers an alternative option lymph cleansing, which will not require large expenses.
Indications. The method will help prevent venous stagnation, improve blood quality and nutrition of all cells.
Execution method. If you spend at least one day on a juice diet using citrus fruits in accordance with N. Walker’s method, you will already start the mechanism of cleansing the lymph and spleen. And on the 2nd day, you can switch to carrot-beetroot-cucumber juice (in a ratio of 6:1:3), drinking 2 liters of it.

For those who do not have time to prepare citrus juices, you can use ready-made ones (but remember that in this case the result will be only 70%).
Ratio: 200 ml lemon juice, 400 ml grapefruit juice and 400 ml orange juice plus 1 liter of distilled, purified or spring water (do not use mineral water).
If at the end of the 1st or 2nd day you feel a headache or just discomfort, do 2 cleansing enemas in the evening, 2 liters of water with lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water).

Tibetan method of cleansing lymph

Indications. Besides lymph cleansing, this procedure has a beneficial effect on hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, and osteochondrosis.
Execution method. In accordance with the Tibetan method, it is also necessary to drink freshly prepared juices - carrot or apple mixed with beetroot (4:1) - 150-200 ml before meals. In addition, the simultaneous use of alcohol tincture of celandine herb is provided according to the following scheme: before breakfast - 1 drop, before lunch - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops. The dose is adjusted to 15 drops per dose, and then gradually reduced to 1 drop.
To prepare the celandine tincture, grind and squeeze out the juice, filter it through 2-3 layers of gauze and add 70 ml of medical alcohol to 450 ml of juice. Store in the cold.

Lymph cleansing according to A. Malovichko

Chestnut buds - 2/3 cup, red rowan buds - 1/2 cup, black poplar buds, birch buds, mountain arnica herb - 1 tablespoon each.
Grind everything in a mortar, pour in 1 liter of vodka, leave for 21 days. Drink, starting with 10 drops, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Daily increase the dose by 1 drop to reach 20 drops. Drink for a month, break - 10 days. So conduct 3 courses.

Cleansing lymph with fermented milk products.

Drink 1-2 glasses of whey daily on an empty stomach. For 1 glass add 1 tsp. (without top) table salt. The procedure lasts 2 days. First in the evening, cleanse the intestines with an enema. Day 1 - drink only kefir (1-3 l) and eat nothing; Day 2 - drink only fresh vegetable and fruit juices. After 3-4 weeks, repeat the procedure.

Lymph cleansing with lemon, onion and garlic

For this cleaning, a decoction of lemon, onion and garlic in milk is used.
You will need:

1 lemon;
1 onion;
1 head of garlic;
1 liter of milk.

Cleaning takes place over four days.

Finely chop the garlic and onion or crush them together with the husks. Pour boiling water over the lemon and cut it together with the rind. Mix the ingredients, add milk, and leave on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Cool, strain. Store the resulting broth in the refrigerator.

Take ½ glass of this decoction in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.
On the days of taking the decoction, it is advisable not to eat any dairy foods. The rest of the diet is normal. But as with any cleanse, try not to load your body with heavy, difficult-to-digest foods.

We recommend the following articles:
*Lymph. All about lymph. O. Butakova
*Lymphatic system. O. Butakova "Necessary information about health"
*Skin and lymphatic system. O. Butakova.
*About lymph and cardiovascular diseases. O. Butakova.

How important is the lymphatic system, have any ordinary people far from medicine thought about it? They perceive their body as something unified, obscure, but working properly. If a disease occurs, people try to cure it; if they feel spasms or pain, they go to the doctors. But none of them thinks about the relationship between diseases and disorders in the functioning of the body. For what? Let the doctors do this, because they have education. And this is their job – human health.

However, should they even think for a moment that a few simple restrictions, healthy habits and more attention to their own health - and a person can forget about a number of diseases? Forget about anemia, learn an effective method for losing weight, getting rid of edema and much more. This is how much influence the lymphatic system has on the body. Yes, it envelops the entire body along with the circulatory and nervous systems. Controlled by the brain. And lymphologists speak directly about the relationship between human lymph and the occurrence of various diseases, the removal of dangerous poisons and, in general, the state of the human defense system! All this is directly related to the functioning of the lymphatic system.

We do everything wrong

Not long ago, videos appeared on the Internet - Olga Butakova, the lymphatic system and what 90 doctors don’t know about, in which a woman talks about the importance of lymph for the body of every person. And how incorrectly it is treated not only by the people themselves - specialists.

Wrong massage!

Massage procedures are done to a lot of people. Those who receive treatment are referred by specialists, some go for themselves, for pleasure, while others need them to recover from serious injuries and for health reasons. However, who thought about the possible harm from massage? People feel a pleasant relaxation of muscles after the actions of a massage therapist, but in addition to muscles, it affects other systems, especially lymph.

For example, the correct direction of lymph is “bottom-up” and not vice versa, starting from the very tips of the fingers and up to the central thoracic lymphatic accumulation. How is massage most often done? That's right - top to bottom! It doesn’t matter what: therapeutic, preventive, ordinary! That is, the massage therapist deliberately disrupts the entire flow of lymph and disrupts the usual rhythm in the lymphatic ducts. What if massage sessions are regular for various reasons? Now, it’s worth thinking about the benefits of such procedures.

Lymphatic ducts are different from vessels. They have special valves that close, allowing lymph to pass through. So she got up - the valve closed and didn’t let her back in. However, several sessions of improper massage and such valves can be completely destroyed. How do they massage their faces in beauty salons?

The correct direction is from the center towards the ears. However, 60% of massage therapists, even with a license in their pocket, do not know about lymphatic drainage, that the flows go “bottom-up” and cannot be interfered with.

Incorrect operations

Yes, any surgical intervention is stress for the body, after which it takes a long time to recover. But which of the surgeons (even experienced and venerable) can admit that after operations they do not sew up the lymphatic vessels along with the blood vessels? But this happens all the time! So they stop the bleeding, carefully squeeze all the blood vessels in the area of ​​​​the surgical intervention.

Then they stitch everything up so that the blood can move as before. What about lymph? 50% of doctors, even good, conscientious ones, simply do not notice it! At one time they did not receive a free specialization in clinical lymphology, where they would have been explained how to deal with lymph. Other doctors do not know whether there are lymphatic vessels in the head or not... alas, the patient cannot monitor the progress of the operation, even if he is without anesthesia, because the common man does not know what doctors are doing wrong! Therefore, every time they go under the knife, they trust their lives to the doctor.

Of course, there are institutes of Lymphology not only in Moscow. And they train people there, but graduates of such institutes clearly do not sit in the chairs of local doctors in the cities of the country! But it is to therapists that people most often run for help... Science is moving forward with really big steps, it has great goals ahead: to defeat AIDS, cancer, old age. But running ahead, she left ordinary people far behind. How to catch up with her?

Lymphatic flows as is

What do lymph nodes look like? Just imagine an ordinary blood vessel, red blood cells and leukocytes constantly circulate through it, and nearby there are cells that receive oxygen. And from each of them comes a complex network of lymphatic vessels. They come directly from the fabric and constantly filter streams of excess liquid. It comes out along with various liquid vitamins and other substances.

The circulation of substances must occur constantly, leaving the cell clean! Useful substances come in, the excess goes out, and so does the processed stuff. Cancer begins with damage to the lymph nodes and metastases also spread through them. Lymphocytes live in the lymph nodes, which are responsible for fighting various viruses.

The importance of the lymphatic system cannot be overestimated! It, together with the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, is responsible for release through the mucous membranes to the outside. Such a unique phenomenon, because nothing can be spat out through the skin. The fastest way to get rid of poisons and toxins is through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a hard epidermis.

First place - how does lymph get rid of unnecessary things? Where do the corpses of all defeated bacteria and viruses go? Through the nasal mucosa? No, because lymph flows only according to its own “bottom-up” laws. Therefore, a convenient place for the waste to “land” is the vagina for women and the urethra for men.

However, medicine also first struggles with secretions: snot, lacrimation, excessive sweat and other secretions. So what's going on? A tablet taken from the discharge can reduce the amount of disturbing fluid, but where will all the bacteria and viruses then accumulate? Millions of fungal colonies will settle in tissues, settle in the liver and kidneys, and disturb the intestines. Moreover, the drugs are so strong that they hit the liver doubly.

The result is not bad: three or four days without discharge, then everything goes again. For example, thrush. What exactly is thrush and what discharge does it cause? This body gets rid of fungal corpses destroyed by leukocytes! Therefore, there is no need to engage in the work of the morgue service - getting rid of corpses. They are already dead. It’s better to fight the causes of such corpses, which means boosting your immunity! Other methods will not give results, because you cannot kill all living things in the body.

The second place for the “landing” of unnecessary, superfluous and destroyed by the lymphatic system is the intestines. Through it, the body gets rid of many poisons, breakdown products of drugs, and unhealthy foods. When mucus is detected in a person’s stool, this means that his lymphatic system removes clouds of dead viruses and bacteria, various Salmonella fungal bacilli, and so on. Thousands of lymph nodes are directly connected to the intestines.

The third place where the corpses of bacteria, dangerous poisons and other things “land” are the sweat glands, often in the armpits. A healthy person must sweat every day, constantly, because the body needs to remove pus, poisons and hormones faster. But what do people do to get rid of sweat? That's right, they smear themselves with an advertised deodorant that promises 24-hour protection, make painful Botox injections, apply various gels and ointments, tablets to block the lymphatic system, which, with continuous use, can cause speech impairment, taste disturbances, various difficulties in chewing or swallowing, dryness, constipation When a person suffers from hyperhidrosis, doctors prescribe sedatives, although the real reason for profuse sweating is that the body is heavily polluted. The lymphatic system works in increased mode, trying to get rid of the consequences of intoxication, and by taking terrible chemistry a person simply kills himself.

Where will the poisons go later if their path to natural elimination is blocked? In the nearest place - the mammary gland. And then it’s just a stone’s throw away from mastopathy and lymph pollution. After all, she pushed all the dirt out, and you sprayed yourself with deodorant and that’s it, sweating stopped! Deodorants contain special substances that constrict blood vessels (preserving dryness in the armpits) for up to 48 hours, and new super products for up to 7 days. This way you can specifically “plant” your protective system for removing toxins...

This is all the lymphatic system. It envelops all cells, reaches bones and blood vessels, and penetrates joints. What does the joint look like? Two smooth ends of the bone, and around it there is a joint capsule. And now a person suffers from joint swelling. What could possibly be swelling here? However, at the back of each joint there is a large lymph node that nourishes its cells, supplies it with lubrication for good gliding, and if it is bombarded by bacteria and viruses, then arthritis occurs. The system itself tries to fight bacteria, so a person develops fever and swelling. What will help best is cleansing the lymph! Do not use ointments or gels to warm the sore spot.

Mechanism of lymph cleansing

Lymph cleansing according to Butakova is a whole system consisting of several stages. It should not be confused with cleansing the same intestines or liver.

The first stage is to carry out lymphostimulation. Lymph must constantly move in the body, and with it, poisons must be eliminated. A huge number of lymph nodes are located in the intestinal area - there is a whole network of them there! And when a dose of sorbent (usually activated carbon or another similar agent) enters the intestines, poisons are filtered through the sorbent.

The second stage is when sorption begins. However, it is worth remembering that along with dangerous poisons, the body also loses useful substances, minerals, and energy.

The third and fourth stages are, respectively, vitaminization and mineralization, so that the body can replenish its lost supply.

It is worth remembering that every organ has lymph nodes and when working with them, we pay attention to the organs too. The heart needs potassium and magnesium more, the kidneys prefer sodium, the brain needs vitamin B, and the reproductive system likes lecithin. Everyone needs to be given something special, because during lymphostimulation everyone will lose valuable substances!

Therefore, the output for everyone is simultaneous (poisons, toxins), and the input is gradual and individual. Therefore, it is important to memorize the cleaning method not with tablets, but with principles. You can spend it for a day, or a month! Sometimes the procedure is needed after chemotherapy, sometimes after the flu or to serve as a prophylaxis against the flu, sometimes after an X-ray or severe stress, sometimes after long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Lymph cleansing is always a huge help for the body! Therefore, it is important to comprehend the very essence so that all the water in your body begins to move. All the water, like a big cleaning conveyor, will flow faster and lead all harmful bacteria and slag to the exit. And when it moves, you need to take the sorbent in time to filter it and clean it. The used sorbent itself will then leave along with toxins through the intestines. Then don’t forget about replenishing lost nutrients with minerals. Return to the body everything lost. That's the whole method!

It is important to understand that lymph needs to be cleansed after every major intervention in the body. We went for an x-ray - cleaning, went through chemotherapy - cleaning, took antibiotics - cleaning, got sick with something - cleaning!

After all, lymph is simultaneously all the tissues in the body. It is in it that 83% of dissolved poisons, drug processing products, and junk food accumulate. First in the lymph, when it washes out the cells, ridding them of excess... 20% of the remaining poisons accumulate in the intestinal area.

As a rule, there are no contraindications for cleaning! Of course, before any procedure it is better to consult your doctor, especially when choosing a sorbent product. This could be licorice or vitamin C, activated carbon, oils.

Liver– one of the most important organs of the human body. One of the important functions liver is the release of foreign substances from the blood, control over the constancy of the internal environment of the body.
To keep things running liver at the proper level, a number of regularly carried out activities are necessary. It is better to do this preventively, and not in the “ambulance” mode. Cells liver those experiencing colossal overloads especially need complete cellular nutrition.



Artichoke is currently considered one of the best hepatoprotectors. It contains silymarin, which provides cell protective function liver.
The liver is very sensitive to Lecithin deficiency. It helps increase the body's resistance to the effects of toxic substances (alcohol, drugs, preservatives, etc.), improves its detoxification function, and helps normalize the composition and outflow of bile.
Mineral balance in the body can be maintained through Alfalfa. In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels.
To maintain the normal amount of enzymes in the body, it is often necessary to consume them additionally. An assimilator is a unique complex of enzymes necessary for the body for the digestion process.
It is necessary to maintain an optimal balance of water reserves in the body, giving preference to clean, biologically accessible Coral Mine water.
And the coolest assistant for your liver will be Microhydrin - the most powerful antioxidant in the world. It is a powerful electron donor. It is their electrons (their energy) that liver cells spend to neutralize poisons and toxins in order to protect us. And it is very important to give liver cells the opportunity to fully recover.

When overloaded liver toxins clog the bile ducts and form bilirubin, cholesterol and lime stones, the sizes of which can range from a few millimeters to the size of a plum, but the amount that has accumulated over many years and is removed from the body during cleansing can stagger anyone’s imagination. In such cases you can resort to liver cleansing.

Methods for cleaning the liver.

Now that the large intestine has been cleansed, dysbiosis and hemorrhoids have been eliminated, we move on to liver cleansing . The purpose of the procedure performed by a healthy person is to prevent liver activity. If healthy liver– the whole body is healthy. How does a diseased liver manifest itself? Symptoms of a diseased liver: a person is often irritated, angry, has headaches, increased blood pressure, angina pectoris, possible impotence in men or menstrual irregularities in women, pain in the hips and knee joints, lower back and genitals, difficulty urinating, trembling hands, The eyes get tired quickly, and yellowness of the sclera is observed. There may be completely opposite symptoms: weakness, a feeling of powerlessness, indecisiveness, depression, fear, dizziness, lack of coordination, weakness of the legs and muscles, intestinal upset, indigestion, nausea, pale skin. The liver in the body symbolizes hell, because... the process of neutralizing poisons occurs in it. What is there in the liver? All waste and toxic substances pass through this filter and purifier.

When cleansing the liver, preparation is important. 3-4 days before cleansing, it is advisable to switch to plant foods (vegetables, fruits, grains). It is necessary to drink natural juices (apple, beet), do enemas to cleanse the intestines, take a warm shower or bath. Before you start cleaning, you can brew chicory root as tea and drink chicory root (20 g of crushed root per 1 glass of boiling water), or a decoction of corn silk (10 g per 200 g of boiling water, drink 1 tablespoon after 3 hours).

The simplest method liver cleansing is “blind probing” or “tubage”.

1st method.
In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 200-300 ml of mineral water“Borjomi” or “Esentuki” (after releasing the gas) at room temperature. Gradually, every 15-20 minutes, drink a glass water. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters water. Then for 1.5-2 hours you need to lie on your right side on a warm heating pad. It is good to use decoctions of choleretic herbs and olive oil.

· 2nd method.
Open a bottle of mineral water in the evening and wait for the gases to come out. Wounds in the morning take a glass of mineral water with xylitol (1 teaspoon) or magnesia dissolved in it. Then put the heating pad on liver and lie down for half an hour, and then drink the remaining mineral water. It is best to use “Esentuki-17”, “Borjomi”. This will be tubage. Repeat in two days.

Do the tubage 10 times, i.e. complete it within 25 days. Then you can take on any liver cleansing. Before cleaning drink an infusion of choleretic collection.

4th method. “Tubazh” according to Gogulan.
Preparation of the infusion: brew 0.5 liters of rosehip infusion (3 tablespoons of berries) in the evening. In the morning in a glass with 3 tbsp. l xylitol or sorbitol, pour hot rosehip infusion (200 ml), stir and drink in one gulp. Exactly after 20 minutes, drink the remaining rosehip infusion in the thermos (without xylitol or sorbitol) After 45 minutes. - breakfast: fruit or vegetable salad + nuts, as well as an infusion of raspberry, rose hip, and currant leaves. You can eat a piece of dried bread. Between each intake of liquid and food, you need to actively move (and stay closer to the toilet). Repeat this 6 times every 2 days on the 3rd (for example: Friday, Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday). Then you can repeat this liver cleansing weekly (once a week).

Liver cleanse.

Liver cleanse held on the full moon. For a week, a strict vegetarian diet and daily enemas.

1st and 2nd day cleaningliver accompany with exercises to stimulate liver function. In the morning, 4-6 liters of cleansing enema with chamomile. During the day, drink only juices: from fresh apples, carrots, beets, combined or rosehip infusion, at least 2-3 liters.

Day 3. Drink the juice before 21:00. Next, lie down in a warm, slightly hot bath to warm up. liver. Breathe through your right nostril, closing your left nostril with your finger. As you inhale, imagine the inhaled silver color of the moon flowing into your lungs and filling your entire chest. While exhaling, we directed silver light to the liver area. Repeat 10-15 times, then rest. and so “breathe” 2-3 times, taking up to 22 -00 hours.

Get out of the bath and take 100 g of heated olive oil and wash down with 100 g of lemon juice, or hot tea with lemon, or rosehip infusion. After half an hour, repeat everything. For better relaxation liver take 2 tablets of No-shpa and 2 tablets of Allochol. Lie in bed with a heating pad on your right side, bending your left leg under you and sleep. At the first sign cleansing do enemas cleansing 2 liters every 2-3 hours. During the day 6-8 pieces. Eating is optional. It is better to abstain and drink herbal tea with honey; an hour later, a glass of beet juice, left in the refrigerator. It will be great if you go to the sauna. There are gray porridges with vegetables (rolled oats, wheat, barley). Over the next day, do another 2-3 enemas. Over the next week, drink choleretic preparations. The stones will come out in several stages, so the procedures should be timed to coincide with the weekend.

Walker Liver Cleanse

During the day, drink 3-5 times or more a glass of a mixture of juice of one lemon, diluted with hot water, carrot, beet and cucumber juice (half a glass of each juice). They take several days or weeks, depending on the number and size of the stones and their “desire” to move.

Liver cleansing according to A.V. Ignatenko (soft)

Stage I - preparatory: 40 g of flowers or the whole marigold plant (calendula) are brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. This infusion is drunk in three doses a day, 20 minutes before meals, for 2-3 weeks.

Stage II - removal of stones: prepare a mixture of 100 g. olive oil and 100g of freshly squeezed lemon juice are mixed and cooled to +10 C

Day 1: have lunch, but no dinner. Before going to bed, stirring constantly, drink the mixture in small sips and then do not get out of bed.

Day 2: enema in the morning, drink only boiled water during the day water with the addition of honey and lemon juice or citric acid.

Day 3: enema again, eat boiled vegetables and dried fruits. During the day there will be another enema and stones should pass.

Liver cleansing according to A. Zaraev
A vegetable diet is followed for a week. On the eve of the event liver cleansing, in the evening they eat a vegetable salad with lemon juice. The next day at 9 am, eat porridge from "Hercules" in water; at 12 o'clock, drink 2-3 tablets of buckthorn or senna extract and tea: for 200 ml of boiling water, 1.5 teaspoons of St. John's wort and 0.5 teaspoons of mint with the addition of lemon juice and honey. At 2 p.m., place a heating pad on liver, after an hour, drink 2-3 tablets of buckthorn or senna extract and hot tea to warm up liver.

At 18 o'clock you need to dry the black crackers in the oven and add some salt. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, brew 2 tsp coffee. for 1 glass of water. Take 1 tablet of no-shpa and a tablet of papaverine

At 19:00 they drink 150 g of heated olive oil, wash it down with lemon juice and coffee, and eat breadcrumbs. After everything, lie down in bed on your left side and relax. After an hour, drink another 150 g of oil. Enema in the evening and morning.

Liver cleansing according to A. A. Zakharchenko

1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mixture of herbs in equal proportions: horsetail, corn silk, knotweed, calendula flowers, pour 2 cups of boiling water, heat for 1-2 minutes. leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after a week of break the course is repeated.

Preventive liver cleansing. Methodology of Zh. A. Shishko
(best done during the fasting period)

The following choleretic mixture is used: 3 cups of unseasoned oats with peel, rinse well with warm water, pour into a 5 liter enamel pan, add 3 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry leaf and 3 tbsp. spoons of birch buds, pour four liters water and put in a cool place for a day.

Wash in cold water and mash 1 cup of dried rose hips, pour it into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew in a sealed container for 1 day in a cool place.

After a day, bring the infusion of oats with birch buds and lingonberry leaves to a boil. Then, stirring the broth, add 2 tbsp. spoons of knotweed grass and 2 tbsp. spoons of corn silk. Boil all this for 15 minutes, let it brew at room temperature for 45 minutes. Without shaking, strain both infusions separately through cheesecloth, then combine. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days in dark-colored bottles. Take the infusion warm.

Adults - 150 ml - 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals
Children from 2 to 3 years old: 1 dessert spoon
Children from 3 to 5 years old - 1 tbsp. spoon no later than 19 hours

The course of treatment is 10 days. Then you need to take a break, during which you take vegetable juices, rejuvenating baths of birch leaves, pine needles with branches of dried nettle grass, oat straw and other medicinal plants. After two weeks, the course can be repeated. In order to enhance the effect of treatment, it is proposed to conduct a blind probing of the gallbladder once during the course of treatment: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm decoction (1/2 tbsp. immortelle flowers + 1/2 tbsp. corn silk, boiled in one glass water and infused during. 30 minutes). After an hour, drink a laxative (magnesium sulphate or Carlsbad salt, diluted in 1 glass of any alkaline mineral water). Take a heating pad, place it on the liver area and lie on your right side. After loosening the intestines, do a good enema. On the day of the procedure, it is better not to eat anything or take a light vegetarian meal.

Liver cleanse according to the method of doctor, herbalist M.N. Lushchik

This is a new method that came to us quite recently. The drug SODIUM THIOSULPHATE (its other name is sodium hyposulfate). It is sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules. Cleaning course – 10 ampoules. The contents of the ampoule are diluted with the same amount of boiled water at room temperature and drunk in two doses - in the morning half an hour before meals and in the evening before bed.
Thiosulfate washes out from the liver salts of heavy metals that have accumulated over the years, drug residues (including antibiotics), all poisons and harmful chemical components that cause cleansed the liver our blood, but which are stuck in its cells and in the intercellular space. After such ten days cleaning, liver It works great, the general condition of the body improves dramatically, a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength appears. A very good sign of effective cleaning is the clear whites of the eyes, acquiring the bluish tint that they had in distant childhood. The course can be repeated. After it, your hair becomes stronger and begins to shine, and your nails become younger.
For liver cleansing It is very good to use herbs that have yellow colors. The best of them are immortelle and caraway seeds. It is available in pharmacies. The best thing is sandy immortelle tea. He's great cleanses the liver, relieves her of all accumulations.

Liver cleansing with clay
Drink clay 3 times a day for at least a month water(stir 1 tsp clay in 1 glass water, drink only the settled liquid, leaving sediment at the bottom.)

Drink for cleansing the liver ducts
Day 1: add 1 tbsp to 200g of fermented milk. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. raw prunes (jam), 1 tsp. l. honey, beat with a mixer and take at one time.
Day 2: Take the drink in the morning and evening. So 5-7 days monthly. Going and gallbladder.

Liver cleanse by Nishi

Brew 0.5 liters of rosehip infusion (3 tablespoons of berries) in a thermos in the evening. In the morning, pour hot rosehip infusion into a glass with 3 tablespoons of xylitol or sorbitol, stir and drink in one gulp. Exactly after 20 minutes, drink the remaining rosehip infusion in the thermos (without xylitol and sorbitol). After 45 minutes - breakfast: preferably juicy fruits or vegetable salad, nuts, as well as an infusion of raspberry and currant leaves. Between each intake of liquid and food (you can have a piece of dried bread), you need to move actively.
Carry out the course 6 times every 2 days on the 3rd. Next you can do this liver cleansing weekly (once a week). Wherein are cleared The lymph nodes liver.