How many eggs should you eat after 50 years? Cholesterol is the main enemy of our blood vessels. How many boiled eggs can a healthy person eat per day?

Many believe that, despite the benefits of eggs, it is strictly not recommended to eat more than 3-4 eggs a day, otherwise the level of cholesterol in the blood will increase, which, in turn, will lead to cardiovascular diseases. The origins of this myth are clear - each egg actually contains 200 mg of cholesterol and 5 g of fat. However, as they show Scientific research, It is not that simple.

Modern nutritionists agree that consuming eggs in “reasonable quantities” is not associated with an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Of course, if you eat 100 chicken eggs per week, this can negatively affect your health - but, first of all, because such a diet can hardly be called correct and balanced.

In one chicken egg large size(weight about 50 g) contains about 70-80 kcal. The total protein content is 6 g, carbohydrate content is less than 1 g, fat content is 5 g (of which 1.6 g saturated fat, 2 g monounsaturated fat and 0.7 g polyunsaturated fat). One egg also contains 35-40 mg. Omega-3 fats (3% of ).

Key vitamins and minerals found in chicken eggs include selenium (16 mg per egg or 23% DV), riboflavin (14% DV), vitamin B12 (11% DV), phosphorus (10%), pantothenic acid(7%), vitamin A (5%), iron (5%) and zinc (4% of normal). Other vitamins are contained in significantly smaller quantities.

Eggs in the nutrition of children and athletes

Scientists also note that despite the absence of any upper limit for the consumption of chicken eggs, children (especially under 6-7 years of age) are not recommended to eat more than 10-15 eggs per week. The reason, again, is that too many chicken eggs make the diet “one-sided”, depriving the child of vitamins and minerals that are not present in eggs.

In turn, it is also important for athletes, bodybuilders and men who adhere to the diet to remember that chronic excessive consumption of chicken eggs (especially on empty stomach and in raw form) may cause food allergies. At the same time, we note once again that this recommendation is not at all related to the cholesterol content in eggs.

Cholesterol - benefit or harm?

You need to understand that cholesterol is not just harmful substance, clogging blood vessels. The body needs it to maintain immune functions and to produce a number of hormones (for example, cortisol and testosterone). In fact, every day the liver of a healthy person produces several times more cholesterol than can be eaten with a dozen eggs per day.

How to cook eggs correctly?

Another popular myth about eggs is that it is recommended to drink them raw. However raw egg white It is much less digestible and overloads the stomach, not to mention the fact that eating raw eggs significantly increases the risk of getting salmonellosis. It is recommended to wash and boil chicken eggs before eating.

  1. Rinse the eggs thoroughly. Remember that pathogenic microbes eggshells can easily enter the stomach and cause various (very unpleasant) digestive problems. Before boiling eggs, it is highly recommended that you wash them thoroughly in hot water and soap.
  2. Place the eggs in a saucepan with cold water . In order to cook eggs properly, the water temperature must increase gradually. That is why eggs for boiling are placed in a cold place, and not in hot water. The height of the water level should completely cover the eggs.
  3. Bring water to a boil over low heat. If you are boiling only 2-3 eggs, it is more practical to use a small saucepan for cooking - this will speed up the cooking process. cold water until boiling. Large saucepan will take longer than 5 minutes to heat up.
  4. Record the cooking time. Main secret when boiling chicken eggs - strictly adhere to the time they are in boiling water (see table of egg boiling times below). When cooking by eye, you risk either undercooking the eggs or overcooking them and getting an overly dry yolk.

What is healthier - white or yolk?

The third popular myth about eggs, widespread primarily among bodybuilders, is that it is “more correct” to eat exclusively the white, throwing away the yolk, since it contains cholesterol that is harmful to health. However, it is better to think about the composition of other food products, for example, than to be afraid of ordinary chicken eggs.

One whole large egg weighing 50 g (both hard-boiled and raw) contains about 75 calories, 5 g fat (of which 1.9 g are monounsaturated fatty acids, 1.5 g are saturated fatty acids), 0.5 g carbohydrates and 6.5 g protein. Among other things, such an egg contains about 3% of the daily value of calcium, about 4% of the daily value of zinc and up to 5% of the daily value of iron.


Despite what scientists say there is no definite maximum quantity chicken eggs, which can be safely eaten per day or per week, nutritionists remind us that excessive consumption of eggs (especially in a children's diet) makes the diet “one-sided”, depriving the body important vitamins and minerals that eggs simply don’t have.

Scientific sources:

  1. Rethinking dietary cholesterol,
  2. Daily egg consumption in hyperlipidemic adults,
  3. Egg consumption and endothelial function,

How many eggs can an adult eat per day? Chicken eggs are very valuable dietary product. At the same time, we cannot neglect the fact that eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, which is certainly harmful to the human body.

Remember a simple rule: if your blood cholesterol level is no higher than 5.5 mmol/liter, then calmly eat 1-2 eggs a day and enjoy your food.

If total cholesterol exceeds the norm, there is an increase in blood pressure above 150/80 mm Hg, you are overweight and prone to the formation of liver stones, it is better not to eat chicken eggs.

What you will learn from this article:

Chicken eggs: benefits and harm to the body

Chicken eggs are the most valuable food product for humans, rich in easily digestible proteins, vitamins, minerals, and biological substances.

The question arises - how many eggs can an adult eat per day? One, two, three, five? No one can give a definite answer to this question with certainty. Let's listen to the opinion of nutritionists. What do they think about this!

Nutritionists consider chicken eggs a very healthy dietary product:

  • Protein on balance and assimilation of replaceable and essential amino acids exceeds the proteins of meat and plants. Egg whites are absolutely essential for building up muscle mass;
  • Vitamin D, contained in yolks, helps strengthen bones;
  • Kholin, which is also abundant in yolks, is a precursor of lecithin. Without him our nervous system. It improves memory, thinking, concentration;
  • Carotenoids– not only impart a bright yellow color to the yolk, but also provide visual acuity, fighting myopia;
  • Selenium, high content which is distinguished by the product we are interested in, an indispensable metabolic activator. It has a positive effect on thyroid gland, converting the T4 hormone into its active form– T3, thereby accelerating cellular metabolism;
  • Even one egg eaten replenishes on average 25% of the human body's needs for vitamins and microelements;
  • Calorie content One egg (raw or boiled) is only 70 or 80 kcal. But anyone who loves scrambled eggs should know that the calorie content of an egg fried in butter increases by as much as 5 times!

As you can see, chicken eggs are a very valuable, healthy and necessary product for health! The only thing you need to remember is that you can’t overdo it and eat too many of them. After all, the best, as we know, is the enemy of the good!

What harm can chicken eggs cause to an adult’s body?

  • Those who like to eat them raw, risk introducing bacteria - salmonella - into their body and earning intestinal infection. These bacteria are not dangerous for chickens. Salmonella can be on the shell and penetrate through the pores into the egg even when they were in the laying hen’s body. If they are poorly prepared, then infection is possible!
  • Allergy for chicken eggs - no a rare event among people. This should not be forgotten either!
  • Cholesterol, which eggs contain, may not be safe for humans if consumed in large quantities. An excess of food eaten daily can become a threat to atherosclerotic vascular damage. A dangerous complication This process also includes myocardial infarction.

So, people who don’t think about how many eggs a day they can eat need to know the beneficial and harmful aspects of this truly folk product nutrition and now we'll talk a little about cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the main enemy of our blood vessels

– a substance that causes unconscious fear in many. People are afraid that it will harm blood vessels. After all, life itself shows why people most often die prematurely? For circulatory disorders in the brain or heart muscle. And the basis of vascular damage is the blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques.

But cholesterol also brings great benefit our health! It is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, bile, vitamin D, and strengthens the membranes of any cell in our body. So it would be completely wrong to completely give up foods containing cholesterol!

Chicken eggs actually have a lot of cholesterol. One egg contains approximately 130-150 mg of this substance. In a cooked product, the cholesterol content increases 3 times and approaches 400 mg. Same story with fried eggs!

If we consider that the human body’s need for cholesterol is 1000 mg per day, then by eating 2-3 eggs for breakfast, you can easily exceed the norm. After all, we don’t eat eggs alone. Butter, meat, and lard also contain cholesterol. Excess atherogenic substances will definitely be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Now find out what they are modern views nutrition scientists on how many eggs you can actually eat per day.

  • Nutritionists believe that if people are already sick with atherosclerosis, they suffer from overweight, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, have high total cholesterol, they are prohibited from eating this food product.
  • It is also forbidden to eat chicken eggs for healthy people who eat a lot of saturated fats - fatty pork, beef, lamb, liver and kidneys, as well as butter.
  • If you are a healthy person and your diet contains a lot of unsaturated fats (olive and other vegetable oils, nuts, fish and seafood), then you can eat chicken eggs. Don't be afraid of anything!

How many chicken eggs do nutritionists recommend to eat?
healthy adult?


Which is healthier: eating eggs raw, boiled or fried?

  • This product cannot be eaten raw due to the risk of contracting salmonellosis. Moreover, domestic, village chickens are the most dangerous in this regard. Salmonella lives in their body without causing any disease in them. During the formation of embryos in laying hens, these bacteria can enter through the pores that exist in the shell. By eating such an egg, a person can easily become infected and get an intestinal infection.
  • Eggs obtained from poultry farms are less dangerous in terms of salmonella infection because they are treated with antibiotics. Also, of course, not AH so good! But what can we do, we live in such times!
  • The white of a raw egg is less digestible than after boiling.
  • Nutritionists recommend eating only boiled chicken eggs:

Which is healthier: chicken or quail eggs?

  • Salmonella does not live in the body of quails because they have more heat bodies (above 38.5 degrees) and bacteria simply die from this. In addition, the pore size in the shell is smaller than the size of bacteria and they simply cannot penetrate inside;
  • In terms of the content of proteins, fats, beneficial nutrients and calories, quail eggs are practically no different from chicken eggs;
  • An adult can safely eat 6 times a day quail eggs, and the elderly - 4. Children up to three years old should receive 2 eggs. Further, from three to 10 years old, you can eat 3 eggs a day. IN adolescence – 4.
  • Quail eggs can be eaten raw if desired.

There is no need to guess how many eggs a day an adult can eat. If you do not have elevated blood cholesterol levels, it is normal arterial pressure, there are no signs of gallstone disease, then feel free to eat 1-2 eggs per day. It is advisable to do this no more than 2-3 times a week. Enjoy and benefit from the wonderful product that nature gave us.

P.S. That's all today more people understand the importance of choice the right products nutrition to improve your health and fight excess weight.

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I found a very interesting article: Eggs: all the pros and cons Pros last decades There have been a lot of bad things said about eggs, but recent scientific research has shown that there is absolutely no need to avoid eating eggs. They contain many necessary for the body nutrients, including essential and minerals, as well as antioxidants that help against certain diseases. And, contrary to popular belief, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, eating one egg a day is very possible. Interestingly, according to some data, Japan is recognized as the world leader in egg consumption. Every resident of the country Rising Sun eats, on average, one egg a day - in Japan there is even a famous children's song "Tamago, Tamago!" The Russians are still noticeably behind in this competition. Experts believe that the reason for everything is the variety of semi-finished and instant products. The most common foods consumed are chicken, duck, and goose eggs, and less commonly, turkey, quail, and ostrich eggs. Some people refuse to eat eggs (most often such refusal is typical for vegetarians, vegans and animal rights activists), explaining their refusal for various reasons, sometimes having nothing to do with the actual state of affairs and contributing to the emergence of various myths about this product. How good or bad are eggs? Let's try to determine this. Eggs - valuable product, especially for young and growing organisms. In addition to protein, the yolk contains a lot of fat and phosphatides, a significant amount of iron, easily digestible calcium and phosphorus, iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A, D E, niacin (vitamin B3), biotin and vitamin B12, and choline. Despite their rich cholesterol content, eggs are needed in the diet even for older people. A medium-sized egg contains 86 calories, 6.5 g of protein (that's 14% of women's daily value and 12% of men's daily value), 6.4 g of fat (of which 1.8 g is saturated). Almost the weight of fat is contained in the yolk; the white accounts for less than 0.05% of the fat. Egg white has high biological value, since it contains all the basic amino acids. Nutritional value eggs can increase due to special food laying hens, for example, produce eggs enriched with selenium. Recent studies, which, however, require further confirmation of their results, have shown that when regular use Eating eggs reduces the risk of breast development in teenage girls. Despite losses during cooking and frying, you should not drink raw eggs, since egg white contains ovidin, which binds vitamin B1 in the gastrointestinal tract, and ovomucoid, an inhibitor of the gastric enzyme trypsin. Already during short-term boiling of eggs (soft-boiled), ovomucoid and ovidin coagulate, and unwanted microorganisms die. Since eggs are not boiled for long, scrambled eggs and omelettes are fried in a matter of minutes, the nutritional value eggs remain almost unchanged during cooking; Only some vitamins are destroyed, and even then only a little - up to 10%. According to scientists at the University of Florida, increased levels of eggs in the diet are not harmful to health, do not contribute to changes in blood lipid and cholesterol levels, and do not affect development. cardiovascular disorders. On the contrary, epidemiologists have found an association of a reduced risk of death among men who eat one to six eggs per week, and a reduced risk among women. Probably, there are so many myths and misconceptions about any of the products (except perhaps competitors - sugar and salt)! Let's try to figure out where the truth is. Eggs increase blood cholesterol levels. Indeed, an egg contains about 213 mg of cholesterol, which by more than two-thirds covers the daily limit of this substance (300 mg), which is not recommended to be exceeded. But, firstly, eggs also contain phospholipids, which help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and secondly, according to doctors, eggs, although they increase cholesterol levels, do not significantly. In addition, this kind of impact is fully compensated by the presence of nutrients in eggs that have a positive effect on the body. Eggs can be eaten by everyone and in any quantity. This is not entirely true. Daily norm for a healthy person - 1-2 eggs, no more. Therefore, if you are offered to “go on an egg diet,” promising excellent results if you consume 5-6 eggs during the day, it is better to refuse and look for a more balanced weight loss recipe. When, as well as in the menu of older people, you are allowed to include one egg daily. IN at a young age It is useful to include two eggs daily in your diet - boiled or in the form of scrambled eggs or an omelet. IN dietary nutrition preference is given to soft-boiled eggs - they are easier to digest in the gastrointestinal tract. Eating chicken eggs increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. This is wrong. According to the testimony of doctors who observed almost 120 thousand people for 14 years, heart attacks and strokes in those who ate 7 - 14 eggs per week did not occur more often than in those who limited their consumption of this product up to once a week or less. Eggs are very high in calories. In fact, one egg contains only 75 kilocalories, which is not that much. Eggs are low in vitamins. A completely wrong opinion. Eggs contain 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D), biotin, folate and methionine, as well as many minerals (calcium, iron, etc.).

Eggs are a source the best protein with a full set of amino acids, which is not expensive, this product is easy to find in any store; it can be prepared quickly and without special culinary skills for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Many books and websites dedicated to fitness and healthy image life, discussing acceptable daily norm eggs a day. This is because of a study that was conducted on rabbits and showed Negative influence of this product on health, more precisely the cholesterol contained in the yolk. But rabbits are completely herbivores and their digestive system not like ours. Therefore, the question remains open: how many eggs can you eat per day and is it harmful to consume a large amount of this product?

For me personally, it all started at university, when I was strapped for cash and, as a result, was forced to go on a diet of eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. How much exactly? I won’t lie, I ate 144 pieces every two weeks. And there was even a time when I seriously thought about getting a chicken so that it would lay eggs for me and I could eat eggs several times a week.

And the most common remark that I heard then (well, besides “Terrible!” and “Are you completely out of your mind?”) was “Isn’t this dangerous for your health?” - from people who wondered how often you can eat eggs.

By all indications, egg diet didn't harm me. (Read: my cholesterol was normal.)
And yet there is a lack of confidence in eggs as " healthy eating" led me to the idea: eat eggs every day, but look at everything from a health point of view. The result was the "Great Egg Experiment", which I did to find out whether eating eggs was healthy for a man. What I found out may be useful , if you are finding out for yourself “How many eggs can an athlete or just adults eat per day?” Looking back, I decided to summarize what I learned and add a few fresh thoughts to it.

What is the Great Egg Experiment?

I started the egg experiment with one simple goal: to find out if it is a healthy food and what will happen if you eat eggs every day.

Although the parameters of my experiment were far from the strict standards of any work that might be published in scientific journals, I followed own method(as far as I could afford) studying the effect of constant egg consumption on my diet.

Along the way, I tried to track a variety of metrics, some of which were quite subjective, such as "How am I feeling today?" so that all this looks consistent and helps answer the question of how many eggs you can eat per day:

Every day during the entire experiment I ate 3 eggs (meaning the whole egg, including the yolk.
Throughout the entire period, I maintained the same calorie intake and macronutrient composition. This was the same diet that I had a month before the experiment, in order to be able to set some starting point. Over the previous month, my weight did not change, since the goal was to eat a diet to maintain it.
During the experiment, I did the same type of training as the month before, without deviating from the plan, to determine exactly how many eggs I could eat per day.

And while the general rhythm of life was great (I wasn't tired and I felt good), I wanted to get a more detailed picture, answers to the questions people always ask: how many eggs can you eat a week and do eggs affect cholesterol levels and do they lead to completeness?

Starting point

When I went to the doctor for a preliminary blood test, my initial values ​​were as follows:

  • Weight: 175
  • Total cholesterol: 132
  • HDL (good): 56
  • LDL (bad): 66
  • Triglycerides: 30

Fat percentage: 13% (This was small alarm bell. I prefer this figure to be around 10% throughout the year.)

Final point

  • Weight: 175
  • Total cholesterol: 133
  • HDL (good): 59
  • LDL (bad): 64
  • Triglycerides: 30
  • Fat percentage: 12%

How do eggs affect cholesterol?

Before deciphering these numbers, let's agree that we will not forget that a number of factors can influence the results. It is inappropriate to simply look at the end result and decide: “If I eat three eggs a day, I will have the same results,” meaning I can definitely eat three eggs a day.

The main thing to consider first is that I started the experiment when I was healthy. This would no doubt influence any research I might want to do on myself.

With that said, my good cholesterol(HDL) stood up, bad cholesterol(LDL) decreased, weight remained the same, and the percentage of fat decreased slightly. Some people may look and think, “But your total cholesterol has gone up,” so isn’t that why you can’t eat eggs?

Perhaps if I had high cholesterol, this would be a problem. But anything below 200 ml/dl is considered normal. And, again, the changes were for the better - more good, less bad. All this happened in less than 3 months of work and answered my question, is it possible to eat a lot of eggs every day.

So why do so many people associate eggs with cholesterol? In fact, this is nothing more than a misunderstanding, because eggs do not raise cholesterol in the way you think they can be eaten. There's a ton of research about the benefits of eating eggs for your cholesterol levels, which makes it hard to believe that a) eggs raise cholesterol (unless there are specific genetic factors that your doctor can identify) or b) that they cause problems. with heart. So an adult can and should eat them!

Should you eat the yolk?

And yes, and... yes. In case I didn't emphasize this enough, I'll repeat: I ate three whole eggs a day. Not just squirrels. The reason is simple: the yolk is the best part of the egg. Both in taste and nutrition.

The yolk is the center of everything fat-soluble vitamins(A, D, E, K) as well as an abundance of zinc, calcium, folic acid and lecithin, responsible for strong memory. And we must not forget about vitamin B12, which helps break down fat.

Although protein contains protein, it contains only a little over 50 percent of it. total volume. The yolk is part of what makes up the highest biological value of an egg, which is determined by how well the food meets your protein needs.

If you are most interested healthy way consumption of eggs, it is best to eat them with the yolk. (Exception: let's say you're on a "diet" and counting macronutrients or trying to minimize fat, then it's not a problem to eat only proteins and thereby limit calories. Sometimes I do this myself, but the reason to avoid the yolk is in this case not related to health; it's simply a way to eat fewer calories or reduce your daily fat intake.)

So... eggs are a healthy food?

Now let’s summarize and finally find out whether it is possible to eat a lot of eggs every day and how harmful or safe it is for health.

Eggs did not have any harmful effect on my health. And, as noted in the notes during the program, there was an increase in strength, I learned about numerous beneficial properties eggs, which led me to the conclusion that this is one of the most healthy foods in the world.

However: if you have allergies or increased sensitivity to eggs, please don't eat them. Read this line again and remember that individual characteristics should always be considered first.

Without a doubt, I would like to see more research done on this topic. We can never stop learning and making sure that everything we put into our body is good for us.

Eggs are included in the diet of most people as an independent product or as one of the ingredients in various dishes. They should be consumed in a certain quantity, which depends on the person’s age, his physical activity, need or desire to diet. It also matters in what form this product is included in the diet.

Composition and calorie content of eggs

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins and chemical elements. The most important thing is to have:
  • vitamins D, A, PP, C, K, H, E, group B;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • Selena;
  • copper;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • chlorine;
  • iodine;
  • sulfur;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • cobalt;
  • boron;
  • silicon
The yolk of a chicken egg is rich fatty acids– oleic, palmitic, linoleic, palmitoleic, stearic, linolenic, myristic. Protein is rich in natural, easily digestible protein (10%). Cholesterol is found only in the yolk; its harm is balanced by lecithin and choline.

Chicken eggs contain 74% water, 12.5% ​​protein, 12% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates.

Quail eggs contain 2 times more vitamins. Potassium, iron and phosphorus are present in fourfold quantities. The product is also rich in other minerals:
  • gray;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium
Quail eggs are rich in lysine, cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, glutamic and aspartic acid. The cholesterol content is 600 mg per 100 grams of product.

Quail eggs contain 73% water, 13% fat, 12% protein and 0.6% carbohydrates.

Chicken and quail eggs are equal in calorie content. 100 grams of the first product contain 157 kcal, the second – 168 cal. The calorie content of the product varies depending on the method of its preparation. If you boil an egg soft-boiled or hard-boiled, then its calorie content does not differ from raw product. In one fried vegetable oil an egg has 5 times more calories.

How many chicken eggs can you eat per day?

Chicken eggs must be consumed correctly. There are certain quantitative restrictions on this product in the diet of different categories of people:
  • A healthy adult should eat no more than 2 eggs per day. Experts advise eating no more than 7 pieces per week.
  • Children can eat 3-4 eggs per week. You can include such a product in your diet in the second year of life. You should start with one piece per week. The first time it is better to give not a whole egg, but a half.
  • Athletes can use the product in more, since under the influence of high loads, the body digests food many times faster. If you eat whole eggs, then it is better to limit yourself to 3-5 pieces per day. It is better to include the product in the diet once every 2-3 days. When building muscle mass, you can eat up to a dozen eggs a day. During the drying period, they are limited only to proteins - they can be consumed up to 20 grams per day.
  • Older people should limit themselves to one egg per day. The same amount of product should be used for atherosclerosis.

The rate of consumption of chicken eggs depends on your health status. Many diseases and therapeutic diets require nutritional adjustments.

How many quail eggs can you eat per day?

Quail eggs are considered an excellent alternative chicken product and are actively used in therapeutic and dietary nutrition. Despite the benefits of this product, its amount should be limited to daily menu. Quail eggs are overly saturated with vitamins and some microelements, so their abuse should be avoided.

When turned on quail eggs In nutrition, it is important to adhere to the following standards:

  • Healthy adults can consume up to 6 pieces per day.
  • For older people, the number of quail eggs should be limited to 4 per day.
  • Children can be given this product from one year of age. Up to 3 years, 1-2 quail eggs per day are allowed, after which the norm can be increased to 3 pieces. From 11 years old, children can have 4 eggs a day.
  • Athletes can eat up to 20 quail eggs per day. For women, this norm should be reduced to 14 pieces. This amount should not be eaten in one sitting, but distributed throughout the day. When using the product in large quantities It is recommended to take 1-2 week breaks once a month.

Despite the permissible number of quail eggs per day, it is important to limit their consumption per week to 20-25 pieces.

Features of the use of proteins and yolks

Opinions about correct use a lot of eggs. Some eat the whole product without hesitation, others separate the yolk and eat it in smaller quantities or exclude it completely. In fact, by refusing the yolk, a person does not receive certain beneficial substances contained in the product.

You should not separate the whites from the yolks unless this is required by the diet for the purposes of treatment, weight loss or cutting (in sports). When consuming both components of an egg, a person generally receives 2 times more protein than from protein alone. Increases and biological value product.

You should not eat proteins raw, as they contain avidin. This glycoprotein interferes with the absorption of biotin (vitamin B), which negatively affects metabolic processes.

In what form is it healthy to eat eggs?

Chicken eggs carry a risk of salmonellosis, which is why they are dangerous when eaten raw. It is generally accepted that this does not apply to quail eggs, however latest research Traces of salmonella were also found on their shells.

Eggs should not be eaten raw not only because of the risk of salmonella infection. In this case, protein absorption is 2 times less. In this case, decay products are formed that clog the gastrointestinal tract.

There is also a plus of eating fresh (homemade) raw eggs - getting the maximum amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. But it is better to expose the product from the store heat treatment no limits.

When consumed raw eggs recommend adding them Apple vinegar or citric acid, to acidic environment destroyed microbes. However, many experts consider these methods useless, declaring the complete destruction of salmonella only after boiling quail (5 minutes) and chicken (10 minutes) eggs in boiling water.

The best way to consume eggs is to soft-boil them. It should be remembered, however, that what more product subjected to heat treatment, the less useful substances remains in it.

Hard-boiled eggs are less digestible, but have another advantage. The product prepared in this way has a negative calorie content, that is, the energy required for digestion exceeds its calorie content.

It is better to avoid fried eggs completely. There is little benefit in such a dish. If you don’t want to give up scrambled eggs, then you need to use vegetable oil for frying. The best option– dry frying.

Contraindications and restrictions

At elevated level cholesterol, the number of eggs eaten should be limited to 2 per week. If you eat only proteins, then no restrictions are needed.

Some people should avoid eating eggs completely. In addition to persons with high cholesterol in the blood, this applies to those who suffer from:

  • individual intolerance to eggs;
  • psoriasis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Myths and truth about cholesterol in eggs

IN egg yolks contain cholesterol, which is why they are considered harmful to of cardio-vascular system And general condition health. In fact, this harm is exaggerated.

Let's look at a few facts about cholesterol in eggs to help separate the myths from the truth:

Cholesterol is fat

In fact, this is organic compound has a waxy texture similar to fat. Cholesterol in the blood is represented by high and low density lipoproteins.

The second option is called bad cholesterol, since the substance in this case is deposited on the walls of the arteries. With significant deposits, atherosclerosis develops, which is fraught with various complications.

If you eat boiled eggs or fry them in vegetable oil, your body will receive good cholesterol. If you use animal fat for frying (lard, butter), then bad cholesterol is formed.

Eggs raise blood cholesterol levels

Research shows that most people's cholesterol levels do not change when they eat this product. In some consumers it increases, but in small quantities. If you compare it with the effect of saturated and trans fats, the difference is colossal.

Eggs contain lecithin. This fat-like substance can increase lipoproteins high density, that is, good cholesterol. Lecithin ensures that cholesterol is kept in liquid form, so that deposits do not accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.

Lecithin helps eliminate cholesterol, not only that which enters the body with eggs, but also that which is already in it. This substance also activates enzymes that break down fats and improve lipid metabolism.

You should not consume eggs in larger quantities than recommended. It's important to choose The right way preparations and consume proteins together with yolks, unless otherwise required by the particular state of the body or sports (dietary) nutrition.