Is it good to breathe over potatoes when you have a cold? Method of inhalation with potato decoction or how to breathe over potatoes

Almost every person, at least once in his life, has used the old home method of treating a cough - breathing over potatoes. This method is simple and practical, it has beneficial influence on Airways, promotes a speedy recovery. Doctors recommend this method in the fight against cough and flu, although there are some contraindications. It should be taken into account that this type of inhalation cannot always be used, since it can cause significant harm to health. We can definitely say that doctors recommend steam inhalation with potatoes, provided there are no contraindications.

Indications for inhalation over potatoes

  • Dry and wet cough.
  • Runny nose.
  • Sinusitis (inhalations are used in combination with other procedures, for example, washing the nose and sinuses with a solution of sea salt).
  • Bronchitis.

Inhalations over potatoes can be done twice a day. Potato vapors will help clear the airways of phlegm, which helps cough up phlegm, ultimately - quick recovery. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is saturated with blood due to the inhalation of warm moist potato steam, which promotes and improves blood flow. Thus, even if bronchitis is a little advanced (just a little), inhalations will help get rid of the mucus plug.

When you have a runny nose, potato inhalation helps you breathe easier because it helps best removal stagnation, just like with bronchitis. Only steam affects blood flow, improving it, to the nasal mucosa (as well as to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract).

Contraindications to breathing over boiled potatoes

  • Children under 7 years of age are not recommended to perform the inhalation procedure on potatoes. From the temperature of the steam, and it is high enough for the baby’s body. Bronchioles small child they do not have such a large lumen as that of an adult; when inhaling steam, the mucous plug may become too large, it may swell from the temperature of inhalation, which is what it actually does, and the airways may become blocked. This is called obstruction.
  • You can only breathe over potatoes when normal temperature body, if it is increased, even not by much, it is better to postpone this method and consult a doctor (although in any case it is better to consult a doctor!), use pharmaceutical drugs.
  • In case of inflammation of sinusitis, if the discharge is purulent in nature, has a specific odor, may be with small blood clots. Under such circumstances, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and prescription of antibiotics, IVs, and even surgery.
  • Inhalations are contraindicated for hypertension - high blood pressure.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

How to “breathe over potatoes” correctly

  • The water should not be too hot so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the nose and upper respiratory tract. The optimal steam temperature for potato inhalation is 45 degrees.
  • Be sure to wash the potatoes. You can peel it, or you can boil it in its jacket.
  • Inhalations are carried out over potato vapors, covered with a towel.
  • You should not eat 2 hours before the procedure.
  • You should breathe over the potatoes for no more than 15 minutes. No more than twice a day. It's better to apply this method treatment before bed.
  • Eat and drink 45 minutes after the procedure.

Advantages of potato inhalations

  • Potato inhalations are completely safe to do during pregnancy. Provided that all instructions are followed, the inhalation is prepared and carried out correctly.
  • There is no need to consume a variety of pharmaceutical products, tablets, medicines.
  • An inexpensive, painless and simple way to treat a runny nose and cough, bronchitis, and improve the condition of sinusitis. It does not require special skills in carrying out this type of procedure and can be performed without the supervision of a doctor.

The debate about how to treat runny nose, cough and colds continues. Some people argue that it is wise to use medications, because it is modern and simple, others are exclusively in favor of folk remedies, because it is time-tested and reliable. One of these recipes says that if you have a cold or runny nose, you should breathe over a pan of boiled potatoes. Inhalations and other procedures with potatoes will be of interest, first of all, to supporters of the “old-fashioned” methods. But perhaps, having familiarized themselves with the arguments, the adherents conservative treatment will find benefit for themselves, because we all have the same goal - recovery.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of potatoes are due to its rich composition, because it contains substances such as:

  • vitamins (C, K, Pp, group B);
  • macroelements (potassium, silicon);
  • trace elements (rubidium, vanadium, boron, lithium, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum);
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • solanine glycoside;
  • starch;
  • pectins;
  • ash.

Potatoes contain substances that deserve attention in the treatment of colds, sore throats and coughs. Solanine, a poisonous glycoside that the plant uses to repel insects, is concentrated in flowers, tuber skins and sprouts. This alkaloid is toxic to humans, but in small doses it exhibits a healing effect, destroying harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. It exhibits antispasmodic and healing properties, suppresses staphylococci and streptococci, therefore potato products are used for rinsing, inhalation and compresses for infectious diseases respiratory tract.

All potato varieties are suitable for treatment and contain solanine, they differ only in starch content

As a means of relieving inflammation, solanine acts no worse than cortisone.

When boiling potatoes, vitamin C is retained in the skin, which has a positive effect on the immune system. It is indispensable in treatment colds, as it participates in the processes of healing and regeneration. Ascorbic acid increases resistance pathogens, as it promotes the production of phagocytes. These immune cells absorb foreign bacteria, thereby protecting a person from the spread of infection. Vitamin C also increases the amount of lysozyme, an antiseptic substance, in saliva.

In 100 g of potatoes - 24% daily value vitamin C. Previously, potatoes were used to treat scurvy, scrofula and rickets.

Nicotinic acid dilates blood vessels and restores normal blood supply to the site of inflammation. The body especially needs this substance when taking antibiotics and sulfa drugs, since it reduces their toxic effect. Folic acid necessary to maintain protective forces body. Starch found in tubers exhibits anti-inflammatory, softening and enveloping effects.

The loss of strength that accompanies a sore throat or bronchitis will be prevented by the macro and microelements that are abundantly present in this vegetable. It will be very useful to include it in your diet for colds or flu accompanied by heavy sweating, since with physiological fluid a lot of mineral salts are lost. These substances are most abundant in the peel, so it is better not to peel it.

Even when rinsing, the copper contained in the tubers penetrates the tissue cells and has an antiseptic effect, preventing suppuration of the throat and tonsils.

Amazingly, in the steam that forms boiled potatoes, researchers discovered paraffin, ethanol and dipropylene glycol. These substances improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the area of ​​steam action, which stops inflammation and relieves swelling of the mucous membranes.

The benefits and harms of potatoes - video

How to treat with potatoes

Depending on the nature of the disease, they are used various procedures involving this vegetable.

Inhalation for a runny nose and cough: how to breathe correctly

Inhaling steam will help with uncomplicated diseases of the respiratory tract: sputum discharge will improve, cough will soften, pain and soreness will decrease. The advantage of inhalation is that, unlike medical supplies, full and prolonged contact with the mucous membranes of the nose and throat is achieved. After all, drops leak out, the effect of sprays is short-lived, and nasal ointments do not penetrate as deeply as steam.

Potato decoction for colds, bronchitis, sore throat and other ailments

For a cold with a runny nose, especially at the very beginning, it is useful to inhale. This method is suitable even for pregnant and lactating women. With this procedure we will warm up the nasopharynx well. But warming up for sinusitis is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, if the exacerbation, accompanied by the formation of pus, has passed and things are moving towards recovery.

To enhance therapeutic effect It is practiced to add the following components to the decoction:

  • at the beginning of cooking - oat husks;
  • at the end - a few drops of eucalyptus, sage or fir oil;
  • crushed clove of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of propolis.

Prepare healing agent Easy to inhale. The main thing is to choose healthy potatoes that have not turned green.

  1. Boil 3 tubers, drain the liquid into a convenient container.
  2. Let it cool a little so that the steam does not burn your face.
  3. Tilt your head over the dishes at a distance of 30 cm and cover with a towel.

To treat rhinitis, we try to breathe through the nose, alternately pinching the left and right nostril. Don't be too harsh or deep breaths, carefully draw in hot air.

If nasal congestion is accompanied by bronchitis or a sore throat, we alternate inhaling steam: 3 times - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, then the same number of times vice versa. This is necessary to warm up all the airways.

To localize the flow of steam, you can pour the broth into a kettle, insert a funnel into the spout and breathe over it, remembering to cover your head. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. If essential oils are used - 7 minutes. After inhalation, it is advisable not to talk, lie down and rest for 1 hour, do not go outside, do not eat or smoke. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is advisable to carry out procedures daily for 3–5 days.

A decoction of fresh and dry peelings is also effective. Thrifty housewives even dry them for future use so that they always have cold medicine on hand.

The most expensive potato variety in the world is La Bonnote, so tender that it is picked by hand and sold for 500 Euros per kilogram.

Potato tubers

For bronchitis, sinusitis and flu, it is better to breathe the steam from the tubers. Thanks to the blood flow to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, congestion is eliminated.

  1. Throw 6 medium-sized tubers into boiling water so that the liquid barely covers them.
  2. Cook until done over low heat.
  3. Lightly mash the finished potatoes and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of soda.
  4. Breathe through your mouth for 5 minutes.

To treat dry cough, we prepare it differently: we clean the tubers, at the beginning of cooking we put a spoonful of salt and soda into the pan, and at the end we drain the liquid.

No other vegetable has been so unfairly criticized as the potato. Europeans believed that you could get leprosy from it, but here we called it the “devil’s apple” and grew it like flowers.

At first, people in Russia resisted planting potatoes; the main dishes at that time were turnips and rutabaga

Contraindications for inhalation at home

Breathing hot potato steam is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • age up to 7 years;
  • heat;
  • pneumonia;
  • suppuration of the nasopharynx;
  • sinusitis in the acute phase;
  • nosebleeds;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • lower respiratory tract infection;
  • cerebrovascular accident.

Before breathing steam, make sure that a purulent process has not begun in the nasal cavity. There is a danger of complications.

In children, the lumens of the bronchi are still too narrow and the mucus swollen during inhalation can clog the airways, so this procedure is prohibited for children under 7 years of age.

Inhalations with essential oils during pregnancy require consultation with a doctor.

Gargling for laryngitis and pharyngitis

Inflammatory diseases of the throat and pharynx significantly spoil life. It is impossible to enjoy food, it hurts to swallow and it is difficult to breathe. In such cases, it’s a good idea to gargle. Use it to wash away pathogenic bacteria, toxins and medicine fall directly on the mucous membrane. Rinsing has been proven to speed up recovery.


Oddly enough, the poison that will help us heal is solanine in therapeutic doses.

Potatoes belong to the nightshade family, like eggplant, tomato and pepper. And they all accumulate solanine in different concentrations.

You should not throw away sprouted potatoes; an anti-inflammatory tincture is prepared from their sprouts, which is used to gargle for sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis.

  1. Finely chop the sprouts and pour into a container.
  2. Pour in vodka so that its level is 2 cm above the level of the raw materials.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks in the dark. Strain.

For rinsing, 15 drops of solanine extract are diluted in half a glass. warm water. To relieve inflammation and pain in the throat, it is enough to carry out procedures every 4 hours for 3 days.

It happens that it is not possible to wait 2 weeks, then the tincture is prepared according to a different recipe: the sprouts are crushed in a blender, the juice is squeezed out and diluted with alcohol 2:1.

At severe cough and tonsillitis will be helped by rubbing this remedy on the throat, chest in the bronchi area and between the shoulder blades. To enhance therapeutic effect You can apply a compress to these places for 2 hours.

  1. Moisten a piece of cotton fabric or gauze with tincture of sprouts.
  2. Place on your chest, cover with plastic and wrap with a scarf.

Contraindications to tincture of shoots

Solanine is a toxic substance, so it is not recommended to use it for conditions such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a child;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies;
  • metabolic disease;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • elderly age.

Do not use sprout tincture under any circumstances while pregnant; solanine can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

This alkaloid accumulates in the body, so do not exceed the dose or take it for a long time. In case of solanine poisoning, following symptoms: shortness of breath, rapid pulse, nausea and headache. The pupils noticeably dilate, salivation appears, then diarrhea occurs with a characteristic fetid odor. Need to accept Activated carbon and rinse the intestines.

Ingestion of 4–5 mg of solanine per 1 kg of body weight can be fatal. It's quite a bit. Do not eat potatoes that have turned green in the light, they become poisonous, it is better to plant them.

How to rinse with juice

For inflammation of the tonsils, palate and pharynx, rinsing with potato juice is also carried out to relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

  1. Grate 3 washed tubers along with the peel.
  2. Squeeze out the liquid from the resulting pulp through cheesecloth.

Gargle with freshly prepared juice 3 times a day until symptoms subside. For get well soon It is recommended to alternate this fresh juice with cabbage.

This most useful remedy you can and should drink to improve general condition and increasing immunity, which is so important for colds. It is better to drink it half an hour before meals three times a day, a third of a glass. Course duration: 2 weeks. The juice will save you from headaches and insomnia, which often accompany flu and sore throat. Rinsing and drinking fresh juice is also allowed for children from 7 years old, if the attending physician does not mind.

Contraindications for taking juice

Anyone can gargle with juice except children under 7 years of age, but it should not be taken orally for the following diseases:

  • severe forms of diabetes;
  • low acidity;
  • flatulence.

Compresses and potato cakes

This is the most gentle procedure for colds and coughs. Such additional therapy Suitable even for children to relieve symptoms. Warming compresses are best applied at night.

  1. Boil 3 tubers in their skins and mash them with 1 tbsp. spoon of vodka and 1 tbsp. spoon of turpentine or sunflower oil.
  2. Cool to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Form 2 cakes, wrap them in gauze and place them on your back and chest, avoiding the heart area.
  4. Cover the top with parchment or film, wrap it in a woolen scarf and cover it with a blanket.
  5. Keep for 2–3 hours.
  6. Remove the compress and wipe the sweat dry with a napkin.
  7. Dress warmly.

This procedure has a beneficial effect on the bronchi when wet cough, as it promotes the removal of sputum and thereby softens attacks.

Adding honey will turn this compress into a truly healing remedy: 3 boiled tubers in the peel are kneaded with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil. Instead of honey and mustard, you can add 3 drops of iodine.

For rhinitis and sinusitis, in the recovery phase, boil 2 small tubers and “roll” them along the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. This warming will help clear the airways of mucus.

To quickly bake potatoes, you need to insert a nail into them. Time savings will be 15 minutes.

Contraindications to compresses

Although this is a fairly harmless event, it is not suitable for everyone. Compresses are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • age up to 4 years;
  • elderly age;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergy to ingredients;
  • heat;
  • damage or rashes on the skin;
  • exacerbation inflammatory disease respiratory tract.

Is all this possible for children?

Children are extremely fragile creatures; not everything that is suitable for adults can be applied to a child. There are a number of recommendations for their safe treatment.

  • Any manipulations are first discussed with the pediatrician.
  • Compresses and inhalations are performed before bedtime.
  • You cannot go outside for 3 hours after warming up.
  • The temperature of the steam or cake should not exceed 40 degrees to avoid burns to the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Maintain a time period of one and a half hours between procedures and meals.
  • Do not warm up your child if he or she has a fever.
  • The duration of procedures should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Compresses are allowed from 4 years old, inhalations - from 7 years old.
  • If your child is gargling, be close by and make sure he doesn't choke.
  • Before any procedure, explain the sequence of actions to your child.

Pediatricians prohibit compresses, inhalations, and sprout tinctures for very young children, but there is a way out.

Great folk recipe for children with colds and coughs, it is passed on by word of mouth. To prepare it you will need:

  • potato - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.
  1. The ingredients are placed in an enamel pan and filled with a liter of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and reduce heat.
  3. Cook until the potatoes are ready, strain.

For children under 7 years of age, the decoction is prescribed 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. Older children and adults 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Inhalation over potatoes when coughing will warm and moisturize the upper respiratory tract, increase blood circulation in the mucous membrane, thin mucus, and facilitate its release. Potato inhalations cope well with the symptoms of cough and runny nose.

Cold, one of the common diseases viral origin, which is accompanied by pronounced catarrhal symptoms, including runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat and other signs that worsen general health sick. It is necessary to treat the manifestation of a cold from the first days, using complex treatment for this.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs of systemic or symptomatic action, inhalation procedures using drugs will help speed up the recovery period, relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract traditional medicine. One of the proven, effective and available ways inhalations over potato steam are considered to help get rid of a dry cough, accelerate the liquefaction of sputum, and relieve swelling of the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa.

This procedure has been known for decades, but to this day it has not lost its popularity and is widely used both for adults during colds and for children. In order for inhalations with potatoes to bring maximum effect, it is important to know how to breathe over potatoes correctly, what benefits they provide, when inhalations with this root vegetable are indicated, how to prepare the recipe, and whether there are contraindications to such a procedure.

Benefits of potatoes for coughs

Inhalations with potatoes are considered in medicine supportive therapy to the main treatment, but for some this type procedures is a real salvation for dry coughs and runny nose. The advantage of inhalation procedures is their effect at the very site of inflammation, as well as good tolerability, absence of pronounced contraindications and side effects.

Warm steam from boiled potatoes, when inhaled correctly, increases blood circulation to the mucous membranes respiratory system and nasopharynx, eliminates stagnant processes, thins mucus, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Potato steam contains substances such as tetradecane, dipropylene glycol, ethyl alcohol, which together activate metabolic processes in the body, relieve inflammation and swelling, thin mucus, thereby preventing bacteria and viruses from penetrating into the body. lower sections respiratory system.


Many sources say that the effect of potato steam treatment can be obtained at the most early manifestations illness, but in fact, this procedure can be done at any stage of the disease.

The main indications for the use of potato inhalation are:

Use steam inhalations It is also possible for other diseases of the respiratory system or nasopharynx, but in any case, before using them, you should consult a doctor. The advantage of inhalation over potato steam is the availability of the procedure, as well as its effect at the source of inflammation.

How to make inhalations with potatoes - recipes

In order for inhalation over potatoes when coughing to bring maximum therapeutic results, you need to prepare properly, choose potatoes without fungal infections and rot, rinse them and dry them. There are several recipes for steaming potatoes that can be used when bronchopulmonary diseases viral or bacterial origin.

In order to enhance the effect of potato steam, you can add other medicinal components to it: baking soda, essential oils, salt and other ingredients that are also popular in folk medicine.

Let's look at several recipes for preparing cough inhalation with potato steam.

Recipe No. 1. To prepare the recipe you need to take a few unpeeled potatoes, put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on fire. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to drain the broth, wait 3 minutes, cover your head with a towel, and deeply inhale the steam. From time to time, when it is difficult to breathe or the steam burns your face, you need to lift the towel. When you have a dry cough, you need to breathe in potatoes slowly, without sharp breaths. The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes.

Recipe No. 2. Inhalation can also be done using potato broth, to which you can add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil, ylang-ylang, tea tree. Such inhalations have an anti-inflammatory, deodorant effect, will help cope with a dry cough, and accelerate the release of sputum from the bronchi.

Recipe No. 3. An alternative to potato inhalation is inhalation of steam coming from hot potatoes boiled without skin.

For bronchopulmonary diseases, inhalations with potatoes can be carried out 2 times a day. For bronchitis, cough and nasal congestion, you can add 1 tbsp to the decoction before inhaling. l. soda, which is bactericidal, antimicrobial effect, stimulates secretion, acts as bactericidal agent, allows you to quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.

If desired, you can add 2 drops of essential oil to the same decoction: juniper, fir, pine, cedar or eucalyptus oil. In cases where a person increased sensitivity to the composition essential oils, you need to stop using them.


Despite the fact that inhalations with potatoes are completely safe, there are still a number of contraindications to their implementation:

    Body temperature is above 37.5 °C.

    Arterial hypertension.

    Acute period pneumonia.

    Purulent-inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

    Bleeding from the nose.

    Cerebrovascular accident.

    Children under 3 years old.

In the process inhalation procedure It is important to follow safety precautions, avoid possible risks burns from steam or boiling water.

In order to properly breathe over potato steam and get a good therapeutic result, you need not only to prepare the recipe correctly, but also to follow some rules.

    During the inhalation period, you do not need to bow your head too close over the pan with steam; there is Great chance get a burn to the skin of the face, as well as mucous membranes.

    You need to breathe the steam calmly and evenly.

    It is necessary to follow the technique of the procedure: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

    After inhalation, you should not throw away the potatoes; you can make a compress out of them, which is also very useful for dry coughs caused by colds.

    During the process of cooking potatoes for inhalation, you can add 1 teaspoon of soda to the pan, and mash the root vegetable with a fork before inhalation.

    In cases where there is persistent cough, you can add not only soda, but also salt to the pan.

    For inhalation, it is better to use jacket potatoes.

Observing simple rules the effect of inhalation will be much better, and the person himself will be able not only to get rid of a dry cough, but also to reduce the manifestation of other symptoms. Many believe that inhalation with potatoes is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs with an expectorant effect; unlike drugs, steam from potatoes acts at the very site of inflammation, is well tolerated by the body, and has no contraindications.

It is important to understand that cough is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating a particular disorder in the human body, therefore, before treating a cough, you need to determine its causes. Therefore, visiting a doctor should be the initial step in treating a cough.

Only a doctor can determine the cause, diagnose correct diagnosis, appoint necessary treatment. If the doctor, in combination with pharmaceutical drugs, advises inhalation with potatoes, then it is worth performing the corresponding procedure accurately and regularly.

Many adults remember well that when they had a cold in childhood, their mothers or grandmothers tried to treat them not with pharmaceuticals, but traditional methods, for example, they suggested breathing over potatoes when coughing. This method of treating colds has not lost its popularity today. Does he have scientific basis? To whom can it be recommended? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Indications and contraindications for inhalation over potatoes for coughing

The effectiveness of potato inhalations in the treatment of runny nose and dry cough has been tested by time. However, you should not attribute any special healing abilities to this home procedure. In fact, it is a banal steam inhalation, the benefits of which for the human body are as follows:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • thinning of sputum;
  • eliminating the feeling of dry nose and sore throat.

In addition, inhaling hot steam helps warm up airways. Under the influence of heat, blood circulation increases and leukocytes and immune cells begin to actively flow to the site of inflammation.

Why is it recommended to carry out inhalations specifically over potatoes? What is the reason for this condition? The fact is that the peel of potato tubers contains a lot useful substances, including phenols and glycoalkaloids - substances with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

Steam inhalations are not prescribed for children under three years of age. In older children, they are possible if there are indications determined by a doctor.

With all that said, potato inhalations can be recommended for the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI);
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergic cough.

Some people believe that inhaling potato vapors is absolutely safe for their body. But this is absolutely not true. In some cases, steam inhalation can be harmful to health. Contraindications to their implementation are:

  1. Cough accompanied by copious sputum production. During inhalation, the steam entering the bronchi dilutes the mucus and thereby contributes to a significant increase in its quantity, which, in turn, complicates expectoration and can cause complications.
  2. Increased body temperature. At body temperatures above 37.5 °C, any thermal procedures, including steam inhalations, are unacceptable, as this contributes to overheating of the body and an even greater increase in temperature. In case of fever, inhalations are allowed only with the help of a nebulizer.
  3. Acute purulent diseases respiratory system ( purulent bronchitis, lung abscess) and tuberculosis. In these pathologies, warming procedures can increase the activity of the inflammatory process.
  4. Hemoptysis. If coughing produces sputum streaked with blood, then steam inhalations should not be done. They cause dilation of the blood vessels of the bronchial mucosa, and this can cause bleeding, sometimes massive.
  5. Some diseases of cardio-vascular system (arterial hypertension, ischemic disease hearts). Steam inhalation in this case can provoke an attack of angina pectoris, a hypertensive crisis.
  6. Neoplasms of the respiratory system. In physiotherapy there is a rule: thermal procedures for patients with benign and malignant formations cannot be carried out.
  7. Childhood. Anatomical structure bronchi in children of the first years of life has certain features, which include loose hypertrophied mucous membrane, narrowness of the bronchial lumen. Expand under the influence of hot steam blood vessels and blood flow to the mucous membranes increases, which causes their swelling. In an adult, such swelling is almost unnoticeable, but in a child it can lead to airway obstruction and the development of respiratory failure. Therefore, steam inhalations are not prescribed for children under three years of age. In older children, they are possible if there are indications determined by a doctor.
Inhaling hot steam helps warm up the airways. Under the influence of heat, blood circulation increases and leukocytes and immune cells begin to actively flow to the site of inflammation.

How to breathe over potatoes when you cough: recipe

So that inhalation brings maximum benefit, potatoes must be boiled properly. First of all, you should thoroughly wash 4-5 medium-sized tubers under running water with a brush. Place them in a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat under a closed lid without adding salt for 15-20 minutes. Drain the broth and mash the potatoes into a puree with a fork or a special potato masher. Cool to 50-60°C.

How to breathe over potatoes when coughing

Steam inhalations must be performed correctly. Let's look at this process step by step:

  1. A saucepan with mashed potatoes, cooled to 50-60 °C, place on the table. It is advisable to place a cotton or linen napkin under it - this will prevent the pan with hot contents from slipping onto the patient’s lap.
  2. The patient sits next to the table and leans over the pan, covering his head with a thick towel. You should position yourself so that the steam freely reaches your face, but does not burn it or cause discomfort.
  3. The duration of inhalation is 10-15 minutes. Inhale should be done slowly, through a wide open mouth, and exhale through the nose. The procedure time cannot be increased, instead greater benefit it will only bring harm.
  4. Inhalations should be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  5. After finishing the inhalation, thoroughly wipe the facial skin with a soft towel with light blotting movements and apply any nourishing cream to it.
  6. After the procedure, it is advisable to lie down for 20-30 minutes. Go out to Fresh air no earlier than 2 hours later.

How many days should treatment be continued? The answer to this question depends on the characteristics of the disease. On average, treatment lasts 5-7 days.

The peel of potato tubers contains many useful substances, including phenols and glycoalkaloids - substances that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

Upon request, you can find articles with photos on the website that tell in detail about other types of inhalations and their effects.

Inhalation of potato broth using a nebulizer

We have already said above that when elevated temperature bodies, as well as children early age You cannot breathe hot steam. But that doesn't mean they can't take advantage healing power potato broth. Inhalation can be done using a nebulizer.

For the procedure, you need to prepare a potato decoction. To do this, wash one tuber under running water and boil it until tender without adding salt to it. small quantity water. Strain the broth through several layers of gauze and cool to 37 °C. 3 ml of the resulting decoction is poured into the nebulizer medicine container (for children no more than 1 ml).

Potato inhalations are a time-tested method of treating colds. But only a proper approach to their implementation can guarantee quick therapeutic effect, therefore, cough should be treated by breathing potato vapors only after consulting a doctor.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Everyone knows that when you have a cold effective treatment It is considered to carry out inhalation of the respiratory tract and sinuses.

For these purposes, there are special devices that are offered by any pharmacy. But many believe that you can do it without additional costs if you learn to breathe over potatoes. And so it is. You just need to know a few simple recommendations about how to carry out the procedure at home in a safe and most effective way.

For what diseases can you breathe potato steam?

This procedure is considered good remedy for and various inflammatory processes in the bronchi. It is immediately worth noting that there are contraindications to inhalations. These are purulent processes in the throat or lungs, pneumonia and various diseases hearts. In other cases (this was practiced by our grandmothers’ grandmothers), you can try to cope with colds and coughs without drugs of synthetic origin.

Why is it good to breathe over potatoes when you have a cold?

Firstly, positive action warms up the respiratory tract with steam. In this case, the mucous membranes are moistened, which leads to the liquefaction of accumulated mucus. Moist and warm steam promotes the removal of mucus from the bronchi, which is the main condition for a positive outcome of the disease. In addition, potato peels contain great amount substances that, together with steam, penetrate the respiratory tract, soften them and even remove allergic reaction. The patient experiences relief after inhalation: it is easier for him to breathe, it is easier to cough and not in the bronchi.

over potatoes?

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than boiling potatoes and inhaling their steam. However, for a long period using potato steam in medicinal purposes our ancestors developed a special procedure for carrying out the procedure.

If this is your first time doing steam inhalation, you need to prepare in advance. When all things are at hand, the procedure will pass as comfortable as possible for you. So, in order to breathe over the potatoes, you will need a light but thick blanket, a towel or blanket to wrap the pot of potatoes and a handkerchief.

Boil clean potatoes in their skins until fully cooked, drain the water for safety and cover the pan with a prepared blanket or towel. Cover yourself and the container with a blanket and inhale the steam for at least 15 minutes. To keep your hair out of the way, gather it at the back of your head in advance. Breathing should be uniform and deep, holding your inhalation slightly before exhaling. Inhale air through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Then, on the contrary, inhale the steam alternately through one or the other nostril, and exhale through the mouth. This way you can effectively warm up both the nasopharynx and bronchi, which will enhance positive result inhalation.

You can breathe over potatoes in the morning and evening. It is not recommended to eat food an hour before and after the procedure. Adjust the temperature under the blanket based on your feelings. The steam should be slightly hot, but not scalding.