A series for newborns: how to properly brew and prepare a bath and ⑤ special recommendations for bathing. Features of therapeutic bathing of newborns in a series: recipes, proportions, rules of application

Bathing a newborn baby is a very serious and responsible matter, especially for parents who have their first child. Often added to a baby's bath various means, improving the effect of the water procedure. Many parents actively use a decoction of the string.

How to bathe a newborn in a line

You can use a series for bathing newborns when the baby is two weeks old. However, you can bathe him provided that the umbilical wound has completely healed. Before you start bathing your newborn in a series, you must be sure that he does not have an allergy to grass. To do this, when carrying out the procedure for the first time, you need to use a decoction of the lowest concentration.

There is no need to get carried away with bathing your child in the grass every day; it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week. Bathing a child in the grass should not last more than 15 minutes, and it is prohibited to use any detergents; you should even avoid baby soap. After completing the procedure, there is no need to rinse the baby’s body clean water, just dry your skin with a towel. Sometimes, as a result of the influence of the infusion of the string on the baby’s delicate skin, peeling may appear on it. If such manifestations occur, apply baby cream to it.

How to prepare a decoction of string for bathing a baby

You need to prepare the decoction in advance, no later than two hours before taking a bath. In the pharmacy this plant is sold in bags and in bulk. The amount of herb used depends on the size of the container in which you will bathe the baby. Be sure to follow the proportions when bathing a newborn in a series: for every 10 liters of water, take 10 g of grass.

The average children's bathtub is designed for 30 liters of water; for such a capacity you will need 30 g of grass or 20 filter bags. To prepare an infusion of string for newborns, follow these steps:

  • Place the grass in bulk or in filter bags in a glass jar;
  • Place the jar in the pan so that it fits completely;
  • Pour 600 ml of boiling water over the herb in the jar, and also pour water into the pan;
  • Cover the jar with a lid or saucer and boil everything over low heat for 15 minutes; stir the contents of the jar 2-3 times during the entire preparation of the decoction;
  • Remove the pan from the heat and leave the broth for at least an hour.
  • When it’s time to take a bath, strain the broth before the procedure and pour it into a prepared container with warm water.

There is another way to prepare a product for bathing babies, but this requires much more time. Instead of a decoction, you can use an infusion: simply add water to the herb and let it brew for about 12 hours. The jar with the medicinal plant must be well wrapped so that the water in it does not cool down during the entire infusion period.

If you leave the series for not so long, beneficial features the herbs will not have time to go into the water, so there will be no benefit from its use. Bathe your child only in the evening, as the herb has a calming effect on the entire body. You can carry out such care for your baby’s body not only when there are indications for using a medicinal plant, but also as a preventive measure, the main thing is not to abuse it.

Bath for a newborn with a series: benefit or harm?

The plant has been used for centuries to bathe newborns and infants, as this plant is endowed with many beneficial properties. It has long been proven that bathing a baby in the grass has a calming effect not only on the skin, but also on the child himself, so sleep after water procedures will be calm and deep. The benefits of the plant are due to its rich composition, which includes essential oils, tannins, bitterness, vitamins C and A, flavonoids, micro- and macroelements. So that they provide therapeutic effect on the body, it is not necessary to consume the series internally; taking a bath will be enough.

Sequence grass is powerful antibacterial agent, which is due to the manganese content in it. When in contact with the delicate skin of a baby, it treats diaper rash, irritation and other skin damage. Pediatricians themselves prescribe bathing children for problems such as:

  • diathesis;
  • hives;
  • sweat rash;
  • diaper rash;
  • weeping inflammation in the folds of the skin.

The therapeutic procedure will relieve itching, irritation and inflammation from the delicate skin of a newborn. If you have diaper rash on your baby's body, you can get rid of the problem after 5 procedures. To speed up the process of skin restoration, in addition to bathing, it is advisable to apply compresses to the affected areas.

The sequence is one of the most powerful means against diathesis, using it, you can do without medical supplies. In addition, parents noticed that after carrying out a water procedure using a decoction of the string, their child got rid of colic.

Like every other plant, a string can bring not only benefits to a child’s body, but also harm. The main disadvantage of using the herb is the likelihood of drying out the skin. We should not forget the possible allergic manifestations from the skin of the baby after contact with the string. However, at the same time, this remedy has an antiallergic effect on the skin, eliminating the manifestations of diathesis, but this is only possible in the absence of allergies to the components of the herb.

Another disadvantage of using a decoction of string is its strong pigment, which can leave stains on baby towels. You should know that the string cannot be combined with other medicinal herbs; it can only be used separately.

To prevent harmful effects strings on children's body, use this plant correctly when bathing your baby from the first months of his life.

Bathing a newborn is a very responsible procedure for parents. For this, mothers use various cosmetics, which are presented in a wide variety on the market today, but some parents prefer to bathe their baby the old fashioned way - with the addition of folk remedies. More often, mothers prefer chamomile, dandelion, burdock, and sometimes they use a series of everything. Is the sequence good and healthy for babies? How to bathe a baby with useful decoction from the series according to all the rules and eliminate side effects?

Do not thoughtlessly prescribe baths from medicinal plants to your child. If parents decide to do this, they should carefully monitor the baby’s reaction and cancel the series if an allergy occurs.

Pros and cons of the plant

Since ancient times, the string has been valued by our ancestors as a healing folk remedy, getting rid of skin diseases. IN folk medicine and pharmacology, this medicinal herb is known thanks to high content contains manganese, which is perfectly absorbed into the child’s skin, providing an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect.

The benefits of the sequence when bathing newborns:

  • eliminates diaper rash on the thin and delicate skin of a newborn;
  • fights the manifestations of diathesis and dermatitis;
  • reduces skin itching;
  • disinfects and soothes the skin;
  • eliminates skin inflammation, rash, pimples, seborrhea;
  • stabilizes nervous system.

Like any remedy, the sequence can have by-effect associated with improper use of the herb.

Negative effects of the sequence when bathing newborns:

  • the grass has a drying effect, making it thin;
  • the plant can cause allergic reactions if the child has an individual intolerance to this plant;
  • The baby may feel weak after bathing in the healing solution.

Despite the popularity of the string, do not forget that it is a vegetable medicine which can cause allergic reactions

Rules for preparing a bath with a series

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For the bathing procedure medicinal bath You must first make an infusion or decoction of the string. If you wash your baby in the evening, then prepare the decoction during the day, but no later than 1 hour before the procedure. Don’t be afraid to brew the herb in the morning: the broth will not spoil until the evening - on the contrary, it will become even more saturated.

Recipe for infusion from a series

  • Pour 15 grams of dry plant with three glasses of boiling water.
  • Wrap the container with the brewed herb in a warm towel and leave it in this state for as long as 12 hours in some shaded place. For this for a long time the series will give the water all its beneficial properties, and the infusion will be rich, ready for use.

How to prepare a decoction?

  • Prepare a porcelain or enamel container for the decoction. Put 15 grams of dry herb in it and pour two glasses of boiling water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and place it on water bath. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and then let it cool for 40 minutes.

These proportions are suitable for bathing in a small bath. If you need a larger volume, then proceed from the following calculation: 10 grams of string per 10 liters of water.

In pharmacies you can find string (like chamomile) in bags, which is also perfect for bathing your baby (we recommend reading:). In this case, you can dilute it like this: 6 packets per 10 liters of water.

The infusion turns out to be more concentrated in contrast to the decoction: it retains most of the useful substances, but you need to prepare in advance. With a decoction, everything is much simpler: it can be brewed literally an hour before swimming, however, the benefits will be slightly less - due to prolonged boiling, a smaller proportion of healing substances will be retained in the decoction.

If you don’t want to brew the herb, you can do it simpler: buy ready-made string extract at the pharmacy - it’s quick, practical and will appeal to those mothers who don’t have enough time to prepare infusions or decoctions.

This extract is already ready for use, and there is no need to calculate the proportions, since it contains the necessary concentration acceptable for bathing the baby. Pharmacies offer similar extracts from other herbs, including chamomile.

In addition, there are ready-made baby bath products on sale with the addition of a string, among them:

  • Our mother " Natural complex string extracts";
  • Country Zdravlandiya “Terring extract for bathing babies”;
  • Magic Herbs “Extracts for bathing a baby” with blackberry, burdock and birch.

How to use a string when bathing newborns?

The bathing technique is quite simple:

  1. Strain the decoction (infusion). In a bath with water desired temperature add the prepared infusion, decoction or string extract. Attention: do not allow any grains or foreign bodies to get into the water!
  2. Place your baby in the bath and gently bathe him in healing water with a sequence of no more than 15 minutes (we recommend reading:). If you are doing this for the first time, then 5 minutes will be enough for the baby.
  3. Upon completion of the procedure, do not use your usual detergents, even baby soap or shampoo.
  4. Before removing the baby, do not rinse it with plain water, otherwise the effect of using the medicinal product will decrease.
  5. After drying, lubricate your baby's delicate skin with baby cream or special oil to prevent flaking and dryness.

You shouldn’t wipe your baby after bathing so that the herb can continue to “work” with the skin - provided that this herb suits the baby

It is best to perform the “ablution” procedure in the evening before bed: this will calm him down and relax him. After such a bath, the baby will sleep well.

Next, we will give some tips aimed at competently carrying out the procedure of bathing a baby with the addition of a series. Do not neglect them, because a child is the most important thing in your life. Here, some extra advice from professionals will never hurt:

  • To carry out the procedure, use herbs (including herbs) purchased at the pharmacy.
  • You should not bathe your baby in healing water often. One or two procedures per week is enough.
  • It is known that in the first days you cannot bathe a newborn at all until the umbilical wound dries out (we recommend reading:). Moreover, in the first days of birth it is impossible to do this in water with a string. Start healing “ablutions” after about two weeks from the day the baby is born.
  • To avoid allergic reaction, you need to conduct a preliminary test for the tolerance of the herb. To do this, lubricate the baby with the extract or prepared infusion. inner part forearms, watch the reaction. If the skin color has not changed, there is no redness, this means that the decoction will not cause any side effects.
  • You should not combine the series with other herbs, even chamomile. Use only one herb when bathing.
  • Keep in mind that the plant includes a coloring pigment. Use a special towel to dry the child, preferably a dark one, since it will not be possible to wash it to its original condition.

How many useful things have you learned about bathing babies in a healing series! Be sure to follow these recommendations, and then your baby will be healthy, calm and happy.

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Children's skin is different high sensitivity and tenderness, she can react with rashes and hyperemia to any external stimulus. That is why baths with medicinal herbs are so useful for her. More often than others, pediatricians recommend a series for bathing newborns, which has long been known as one of the most the best means from skin diseases.

It’s easy to arrange such a water procedure if you know certain nuances: optimal proportions for dilution, indications and contraindications, features of decoctions, infusions and solutions with this herb. We invite young parents to familiarize themselves with all this information in detail.

You need to understand that bathing a newborn in a series has healing and preventive action. This is a medicinal raw material that is used only in special cases. A mistake many parents make is the uncontrolled use of herbs in baby baths. This entails dangerous consequences and a lot of side effects.

The series has the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • drying;
  • disinfectants;
  • restorative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • calming;
  • antipruritic.

The string is so useful for bathing newborns because it contains a lot of vitamins (C, A), tannins, essential oils, minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese). Each of these elements has a healing effect on sensitive and delicate skin. Therefore, there are strict medical indications for such baths:

  • allergic rashes;
  • sores;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • irritation;
  • inflammation;
  • milky crust on the crown of the head;
  • sleep disorders.

At the same time, parents should understand: when using a series for bathing babies, there is no need to wait for instant action. Skin rashes will not disappear the next day. Therapeutic effect usually occurs only after 4-5 procedures. If during this period of time no improvements have occurred, according to the doctor’s recommendation, it is worth replacing the raw material with another one. medicinal plant. There are many analogues - chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, etc.

To avoid disappointment, it is better to consult a pediatrician from the very beginning. If for some reason he does not approve of bathing a newborn with a string, there is no need to show independence in this matter. Moreover, such water procedures have many contraindications, and if these are not followed, complications cannot be avoided.

Dossier. Chereda is a medicinal plant from the Asteraceae family. The procurement of this herb as a pharmaceutical raw material in Russia was carried out in the 19th century in 29 provinces - almost everywhere. It was used only by domestic pharmacology, since in the West it medicinal properties were not admitted. At the same time, it was actively used in such famous medical practices, like Chinese and Tibetan, as a remedy for joint diseases and dysentery.


Previously, potassium permanganate was used for bathing newborns as a good disinfectant. But modern pediatricians oppose its use. It dries out delicate baby skin very much, and if there are undissolved crystals in the bath, burns are possible.

As a safe and natural alternative were just proposed medicinal herbs and in particular - a series. However, here too I had to face the fact that it has a strong drying effect.

Contraindications for its use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • too dry skin with areas of peeling;
  • allergic reaction;
  • elevated temperature.

And, perhaps, one of the most important contraindications for bathing newborns using a series is the lack of skin problems. If the baby has a clean, velvety, tender body, there is no need to use herbs. Let these be baths without any impurities. Otherwise, you yourself may harm him.

In many ways, the effectiveness of such hydro-herbal therapy will depend on how correctly the parents prepare the infusion (decoction, solution). This is something to learn. Our short instructions will explain in detail how to do this.

Other names. People call the string differently: scrofulous grass, marsh arrow, trailer, bident, dog lover, dog burrs, shabashnik, goat horns.

Cooking rules

If you bought a ready-made mixture, the instructions for it should indicate how to brew a series for bathing newborns. IN different sources Not the same proportions are prescribed, sometimes very far from each other in values. Which one is the most optimal? It is better to listen to the opinion of pediatricians.

  • Infusion

The infusion of the series takes the longest to prepare for bathing newborns, so you need to take care of it in advance. Pour 30 grams of dry herb into a glass of boiling water that has just been removed from the heat. If you do this in a thermos, the healing liquid can be filtered after 6 hours and poured into the bath. You can simply leave it in any container, covering it with a lid. But then you will have to wrap it in a warm terry towel and keep it there for 12 hours before using it directly.

  • Decoction

A decoction of the string is prepared much faster, which can also be used for bathing newborns. Here, a lower concentration of medicinal raw materials will be required, because it will give all its beneficial properties to water much faster under the influence of heat treatment. A glass of water is poured into 15 grams of dry plant. After this, there are two ways to continue preparing the potion:

— place the container in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes;
-put it directly on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and keep on it for 10-15 minutes.

Now the broth is filtered and poured into the bath while hot.

  • Phytopackages

If you have a string in bags, brew it in the same way as regular plant materials:

— for infusion - 2 packets per glass of water;
- for decoction - 1 packet for the same amount.

After 6 hours of settling or 15 minutes of boiling on the stove, strain and pour into the bath.

Eat different opinions regarding how many packets of string to brew for bathing a newborn. The most important rule here is to do no harm. And to do this, you need to remember that the herb has a strong drying effect on children's skin, so it is better to reduce the proportions somewhere, but not increase them, so that the solution in the bath does not turn out to be too concentrated. And this applies not only to phytopackages.

  • Solution

It remains to figure out how to create a series for bathing a newborn, so as not to harm, but to get the maximum benefit from this herbal bath. In different sources you can find proportions that differ from each other, but it is better to take the average value between them:

- a glass of infusion/decoction for the bath;
- a glass of infusion/decoction for 30 liters of water.

The question of how much string is needed to bathe a newborn is decided by the parents themselves almost “by eye.” In doing so, they must be guided by two points. Firstly, the solution should not be concentrated so as not to dry out the delicate baby skin. Secondly, it should be light brown in color, reminiscent of weak tea.

  • Combo

If the pediatrician advised bathing the newborn in string and chamomile (for rashes on the body inflammatory in nature), dry herbs are mixed in equal proportions (1 tablespoon for infusion, half a tablespoon for decoction, 1 filter bag) and filled with water as indicated in the recipe.

However, you should not do such combinations on your own: they require a doctor’s prescription. There is an opinion that it is better to use herbs for such purposes alone, without mixing with other plants.

Now you know how to brew a series for bathing a newborn and dilute it in water. If you do everything right, you will get a real healing solution, which will improve the condition of children's skin and protect it from infections and germs. But that is not all. In order for it to work and fulfill its purpose, the process of the water procedure itself is very important, about which it will be useful for parents to learn a few nuances.

Helpful information. Medicinal properties has only one variety of succession - tripartite. Radiation and drooping are very similar to it, but they cannot be used in folk medicine.

Bathing process

When preparing a bath with a string for bathing a newborn, remember: the process should bring him pleasure. You should try to exclude any discomfort and inconvenience. Think through the smallest detail.

Do not lose sight of the fact that the procedure will also be of a therapeutic nature, so you need to get the maximum benefit from it. To do this, follow the following tips.

  1. You can start fully bathing your baby with grass from 2 weeks after birth, if the umbilical wound is dry and does not get wet.
  2. One day before the first therapeutic bath Prepare a solution of the string in the concentration that you are going to use for bathing, and lubricate the baby’s outer elbow with it. This will allow you to identify an allergic reaction, if any, in advance. If there is no redness or rash on the treated area during the day, the plant can be safely used for water treatments.
  3. It is necessary to properly brew the series in accordance with the instructions and pour it into the water immediately before lowering the newborn into it.
  4. Do not allow the herb itself to get into the bath: the infusion or decoction must be carefully filtered.
  5. Not a large number of The solution can be left for the final stage for rinsing.
  6. The duration of the first bath can be limited to 5 minutes so as not to dry out the skin. The next water procedure can be extended for another 5 minutes. Finally, bring the third to 15 minutes and leave this time interval for all subsequent baths. This series is quite enough to treat sore skin.
  7. This medical procedure, so use any cosmetics Prohibited: soap, shampoo, gel. They can react with the sequence, and it can turn out to be unpredictable, especially for the newborn himself.
  8. Since the series has a pronounced calming effect, combine business with pleasure: bathing a newborn in the evening will provide him with a sound, quick sleep.
  9. To treat skin diseases, the procedure is performed 3 times a week. For prevention - once a week.
  10. And don’t forget to prepare not the most beautiful towel for drying the baby, but even better, an old sheet. After all, they will then turn brown under the influence of tannins contained in the string. And you are unlikely to be able to wash them.

After bathing a newborn with a series, carefully monitor his condition. You should be wary excessive excitability after the procedure, because the herb has the exact opposite effect. The problem will also arise if there are more rashes on the skin after a therapeutic bath. Then the only way out You will need to contact your pediatrician for advice.

Remember: only a competent attitude towards such important water procedures will help your baby benefit from herbal medicine.

Bathing a newborn is an important ritual in every family. Despite the abundance of cosmetics on the shelves of pharmacies and children's stores, many mothers prefer the time-tested method of bathing in herbs. Baby bathing pot is one of the most recommended herbs by pediatricians. Its popularity is due wide range effects on the body of infants - it can combat many problems of infancy.

The benefits of a bath with a string for a baby

The grass is a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements. It is most often prescribed for bathing newborns due to complex impact for the entire body of the child:

  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - due to the content of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium and essential oils, it gently dries out inflammation and redness;
  • its disinfecting properties eliminate the need to boil water intended for bathing;
  • after a series of baths, babies fall asleep faster, sleep becomes sound and calm; because of positive influence sequences on the child’s nervous system, it is indicated for all children who have a sleep disorder - long periods of falling asleep, restlessness during sleep, shuddering, awakenings accompanied by crying -;
  • a large amount of vitamin C in the composition helps the fragile body fight unfavorable conditions external environment, especially in season respiratory diseases; bathing in a series also serves preventive measure if one of the parents has a cold;
  • for a newborn who eats little, a bath with a series will increase appetite and improve digestion, which will have a positive effect on the condition of a child suffering from infant colic - and also;
  • if the child is on breastfeeding, she is able to cope with allergies that are caused by the food consumed by the mother.

An infusion of succession, prepared for bathing newborns, will help in the fight against many problems affecting infants. But do not forget about the need to consult a pediatrician - he will give recommendations regarding correct application baths for every individual occasion.

At what age can you add string to bathing water?

After discharge from the maternity hospital, they give a recommendation that the newborn should be bathed exclusively in boiled water, adding a little potassium permanganate to it. It is not recommended to add a decoction of all kinds of herbs to the water until it is completely watered; this process lasts, on average, 2-3 weeks.

It happens that soft skin baby responds to the action of potassium permanganate severe dryness and and then the best alternative becomes a decoction of the series. It contains potassium and gently dries the wound without overdrying. skin baby. In this case, there is no need to boil the water; the herb perfectly neutralizes all bacteria contained in the water supply.

There is only one limitation for bathing in a series - the presence of an umbilical remnant; until it falls off, you need to bathe the newborn in boiled water without additives.

Preparing a bath with a series for babies

In order to properly prepare a succession, it is important to take care of the quality of the grass. It is recommended to buy it only in pharmacies, in bags, or in bulk. The dried and crushed plant retains all its beneficial properties as much as possible thanks to special collection and drying technologies.

How to prepare a series so that bathing is beneficial? There are 2 ways:

1. Make a decoction

It doesn’t take much time to brew a batch for bathing a newborn. It is important to take care of the availability of enamel dishes in advance - you only need to prepare the decoction in them, aluminum products easily react with the grass. IN as a last resort porcelain will do.

It is necessary to pour 15 grams of string with two glasses of boiling water. After this, the container is covered with a lid and placed in a water bath. The boiling process takes about 20 minutes, then the broth should be cooled and added to a bath of water.

2. Prepare an infusion

You need to take care of this in advance; an infusion prepared a day before swimming is considered ideal.

About 15 grams of string should be poured into three glasses of boiling water, the dishes (it should also be enameled) should be covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm towel.

The infusion is better than a decoction, since the concentration of useful substances in it is higher - during the boiling process, some of them are destroyed.

Before swimming you need to follow a few rules:

  • for a newborn, the water temperature should be about 35C, but not higher than 37C; for an older baby, the water may be a little cooler - 33C, the main thing is that he feels comfortable in it;
  • the infusion or decoction of the string must be poured into the water before bathing; it should be carefully filtered so that no grass particles get into the bath;
  • The pediatrician should tell you how much of a batch is needed to bathe a particular newborn, but it is important to know that you cannot brew more than 30 grams of herb, this will definitely cause an allergic reaction; a solution that is too concentrated will not only not eliminate existing inflammation, but will also aggravate the situation;
  • For bathing in the line, it is recommended to use a towel, which can then be thrown away - it has a strong coloring effect, and the fabric does not wash off afterwards.

Bathing with a series should not be carried out more than once a week.

How to properly bathe a newborn in a herbal bath

After preparing water with a decoction or infusion of the string, you can begin the bathing process.

A newborn is very sensitive to any influences on him, so the bathing procedure should be carried out taking into account some nuances:

  1. It is necessary to gradually immerse the baby in the water, let him get used to temperature conditions. A baby's crying signals to parents that the water is too cold or, conversely, too hot. Perhaps the bathing time is also not suitable: if the newborn is too active after taking a bath, then it is better to bathe him in the morning, if he relaxes and falls asleep quickly - in the evening. It is necessary to focus on the indicators of everyone’s well-being specific child, he should be comfortable in the water.
  2. If you are getting acquainted with the series for the first time, then the duration of the bath should be about 5 minutes; in subsequent times you need to increase the time to 15 minutes. After the bath, it is important to observe the baby’s condition a little - if he becomes restless, capricious, or redness appears on the body, then the sequence must be excluded, this is definitely a reaction to it.
  3. During bathing, you do not need to use any cosmetics; water with the addition of a series has cleansing and bactericidal properties. In addition, various gels and foams will prevent the penetration of beneficial substances through the child’s skin pores and the procedure will be ineffective.
  4. After finishing bathing, the newborn should be wrapped in a towel. You cannot rinse it with clean water, since the series will still affect the body for some time.

The string is a medicinal plant and you need to take into account the existing contraindications before you start swimming in water with its addition.

Contraindications for bathing a child with a string

Like any herb, the string has, albeit a small, drying effect. If there are already dry areas and flaking on the child’s body, then it is better to postpone bathing. herbal bath, and lubricate the baby’s skin with baby cream until the dryness completely disappears.

Any plant can provoke an allergic reaction, so before the first bath in a series it is important to conduct a sensitivity test.

To do this, you need to prepare a highly concentrated decoction and cool it. Afterwards, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in it and rub it over any part of the baby’s body, without touching the face. Observation of the child should last about half an hour, if no reaction follows - rashes, redness, then the series is suitable for bathing a newborn.

After several procedures you can cook herbal teas, add chamomile or lavender to the sequence in equal proportions. Depending on the problems bothering the baby, the attending physician will give recommendations regarding the use of herbs.

When using turns, remember that the use of such baths has contraindications. The string, like any other medicinal plant, can cause allergies. It is advisable to do this before first use skin test. For this purpose, moisten small area skin decoction and wait half an hour. If you do not see redness, itching, or rash, you can bathe your child.

When taking baths with a series of baths, the baby may develop dry areas of skin; in this case, use baby cream. If a child does not have any skin problems, then it is not recommended for him to take special baths.

How to prepare a bath with a string for a baby?

In order for bathing in a series to bring only joy, you need to know how much grass is needed and how to brew it correctly.

To prepare a bath, you can use both an infusion and a decoction. For any chosen option, adhere to the following proportion - we take herbs at a rate of approximately 10 grams. for 10 l. water. At the same time, you should not bathe your child in a series of large baths, since the recommended amount of herb per procedure is no more than 30 grams.

To prepare a decoction of the string, you need 15-20 grams of dried herb, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. After steeping for 40 minutes, the decoction is ready for use.

To prepare the infusion of the string, you need to brew 15 grams of herb per 0.7 liter. boiling water and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. It is convenient to prepare the infusion in a thermos. It has an advantage over decoction; it contains more useful substances, since during its preparation the ingredients are subjected to shorter heat treatment.

To prepare an infusion or decoction of the herb, it is best to purchase the herb at the pharmacy. This guarantees quality control of raw materials, compliance with storage conditions and expiration dates.

How to bathe a newborn in a bathtub with a string?

Bathing in a line of newborns requires compliance simple rules that will save you from mistakes and negative consequences related to them:

  • You can start bathing only when the child has;
  • be sure to test for allergies by dropping a little decoction of the string on the skin and waiting half an hour;
  • observe the proportions of preparing the decoction; its excessive concentration can cause dry skin and cause allergic reactions;
  • do not bathe your baby in a series more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Do not spend the first bath of a newborn in the broth for more than 5 minutes, in the future you can extend it to 15 minutes;
  • If your baby's reaction after bathing worries you, for example, he is more agitated and restless than usual, do not repeat the procedure in a week. Give more long terms to adapt the child’s body;
  • do not use additional detergents, when bathing in a series, put foam and soap aside, and then do not rinse your baby in the water. This will preserve the healing effect;
  • use the same towel or diaper for bathing in a decoction of herbs, since the coloring pigment of the string does not wash off.

The most convenient way to bathe a baby in a row is to use a small baby bath. The optimal water temperature is from 35 to 37 degrees. Make sure that water does not get into your baby's mouth, but if this happens, don't panic. A small amount of solution swallowed will not harm your baby. After bathing, gently pat your baby's skin dry.