Treatment of adenoids in children at home without surgery: folk remedies, homeopathy and physiotherapy. Conservative treatment with drugs. Beet juice with honey

Adenoiditis is a common disease among children preschool age. The consequence of frequently recurring acute respiratory viral infections can be a decrease in the body's natural resistance to infections. Since the first “gate” that blocks the access of viruses and bacteria to the body in children is the adenoids, they often increase in size: after all, they have to constantly “fight” the “enemy.”

The result is that the adenoids themselves enlarge and become a source of danger. Of course, it is necessary to take measures to combat the disease. Is it possible to treat adenoids without surgery, or will only the desired effect be achieved? surgical removal foci of infection?

You should make an appointment with a pediatrician in the following cases:

  • if parents notice that the baby often sniffles, trying to free the nasal passages from accumulated mucus;
  • if the baby has become somewhat lethargic and does not show normal activity;
  • if at night he began to sleep with open mouth, snoring and snoring in your sleep.

The appearance of such symptoms in children indicates that not everything is fine in the body. The sooner parents begin treatment, the greater the chance that they will be able to do without surgery, which, of course, is always scary, despite the fact that the technology for carrying it out has long been worked out, and for doctors this operation is not difficult.


The first step for a mother or father should be to contact a pediatrician. He will conduct an initial diagnosis and then involve an otolaryngologist, immunologist and other specialists as necessary. The first methods used in diagnosis are visual inspection and palpation. In addition, a mandatory parent survey will be conducted. little patient. In order to determine whether adenoids can be treated without surgery, the doctor must determine the stage of development of the disease.

The first is most often quite “harmless” and easily amenable to conservative treatment. Proliferations of lymphoid tissue occupy no more than one third of the nasal passages. The disease does not bother the child very much, but if measures are taken to get rid of the disease already at this stage, it will not progress, and the result will appear quickly.

If the second degree is established, this means that the growths of the adenoids have reached a size where they interfere normal breathing– they block two-thirds of the nasal passages. Here the issue of surgery will be decided, but first the doctor will offer conservative treatment methods.

For accurate diagnosis apply:

  • PCR method;
  • ELISA analysis (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay);
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • rhinoscopy.

The classic method is rhinoscopy. It can be done through the nose or through oral cavity. The doctor will see the surface of the enlarged adenoids and determine how much they have grown. U baby Under the age of 2-3 years, posterior rhinoscopy (i.e. through the mouth) is difficult; he will be examined through the nasal passages. In older children, posterior rhinoscopy is effective.

Methods to combat the disease

Treatment of adenoids is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

If the doctor decides to treat the disease conservatively, it will offer the following methods:

  • regular rinsing of the nose with special solutions;
  • inhalation;
  • physiotherapy.

The last of these methods is used in cases where there is no acute inflammatory process.

Rinsing the nose is necessary to rid the child of mucus accumulation in the nasal cavity. You can start washing simply boiled water so that the baby gets used to the procedure, and then move on to a salt solution or pharmaceutical preparations. It is impossible to cure the disease completely with rinsing alone, but with their help you can eliminate small foci of infection and clear the airways of dead particles, mucus and crusts.

The washing process should be carried out like this. The child should stand leaning over the bathtub so that the liquid poured into the nostrils flows into the mouth without causing discomfort. You need to start with a weak stream, and then add a little pressure: a tight stream will give a greater effect.

Sea salt for home treatments can be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition, you can use decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs:

  • sage;
  • celandine;
  • daisies.

It is useful to give chamomile to a child orally, 2-3 teaspoons 3 times a day.

Inhalations can be done using inhalers with special nasal attachments. Children usually tolerate the procedure well, and the effect is long-lasting. You can also try traditional way– ask the baby to breathe over the hot steam. But this method is best used with older children.

If the doctor notices signs that the acute process, he will add drugs such as Bioparox and Polydex, which have a local antibacterial effect.

Often enlarged adenoids are closely associated with allergic reactions. Both diseases form a “vicious circle”, clinging to one another: enlarged adenoids cause a tendency to allergies, and allergies increase swelling and subsequent proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

Among the good antihistamines You can note "Nasonex" and "Nazol Baby".

Along with antiallergic drugs they are used vasoconstrictors. They will not destroy the disease, but can significantly reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the child will breathe easier, sleep more peacefully at night, have better rest and sleep.

Electrophoresis is also often prescribed for the first two stages of adenoiditis. During the procedure, anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced into the nasal cavity, which penetrate deeply into the tissue.

Perhaps the pediatrician will choose magnetic therapy - in some cases it turns out to be more effective: it all depends on individual characteristics the child's body.

The pediatrician may also prescribe homeopathic medicines, for example, “Job-baby” or “Thuya”. These remedies give the desired effect quite quickly, but the use of homeopathy in the case of young children is difficult due to the nature of the administration: here it is necessary to be precise and give the child the medicine strictly on the clock. Working parents are often unable to provide control over this.


To prevent the child from suffering from enlarged adenoids, it is necessary to take timely preventive measures. Thus, it is useful during periods of autumn-spring weakening of the immune system to give the child a course of vitamins and give the child drugs that increase immunity (for example, preparations based on echinacea).

Hardening plays a big role. If your baby is constantly bundled up during walks and is too protective of him, leaving him at home during sudden cold weather or windy weather, he will not develop strong immunity to colds. It is necessary to reduce the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, then there is a much greater chance that the tonsil tissue will not increase in size.

Non-surgical treatment methods can bring good result provided that treatment is started in a timely manner. However, if the doctor insists on surgery, do not refuse: the progression of the disease will cause serious problems and will affect the development of the child. So as not to have to talk about surgical treatment, carefully monitor your child and try to stop the development of the disease in time, without delaying a visit to a specialist.

Adenoids appear as a result of an increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil, resulting in a problem with difficulty breathing for a person. Very often this problem occurs in young children and is just a disease more childhood However, sometimes this disease can also occur in, let’s say, older people.

How can you reduce adenoids in a child using folk remedies?

First of all, we strongly recommend that you take your child to see a specialist. The doctor should examine your child, examine the pharyngeal tonsil using a special device, and also prescribe a test for the baby necessary tests. Upon completion of all manipulations, the doctor concludes that it is necessary surgical intervention. If it is possible to shrink the adenoids using conservative means, removing the tonsils can be delayed a little longer. If the ENT specialist assumes that over time the patient will simply “outgrow” this problem, and the adenoids will no longer bother him, the whole complex therapeutic measures will be aimed simply at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms accompanied by this disease.

In addition to taking those prescribed by the doctor medical supplies, physical therapy, laser treatment and others conservative techniques, it is quite advisable to try treatment through the use of traditional medicine.

These folk recipes will help reduce inflammation of the adenoids in a child

For example, you can give your baby special medicinal drops. To do this, take the following herbs and mix them in equal proportions - coltsfoot, St. John's wort, string. Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture medicinal herbs in one glass of fairly boiling water, and after an hour, strain everything through gauze rolled up in 3 layers. Add a little to this infusion eucalyptus oil(a couple of drops will be enough). This folk remedy should be regularly applied to the baby’s nose at least three times a day.

Before going to bed, you need to put drops in your child’s nose vasoconstrictor dropsthis remedy helps shrink adenoids and reduces drying of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is common symptom with mouth breathing. Choose drops that contain essential oils and other extracts from medicinal plants. However, you should not get too carried away with this remedy: firstly, once a day is more than enough, and secondly, you cannot continue treatment for too long, otherwise this could lead to the child becoming addicted to this drug.

It is also worth taking fish oil and various multivitamin complexes. Fish oil can be bought at the pharmacy in liquid form (in a bottle) - however, this risks the fact that the baby simply will not consume it in this form, because everyone, and especially small children, know how unpleasant this product tastes. It's better to take advantage fish oil V dosage form capsules, then there will be no problems with taking them. The dosage of the drug should be prescribed by your physician.

Probably some advice that would allow me to reduce them in size without surgery, No. All of the above tips help alleviate the child’s condition and reduce unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, if an ENT specialist advises removing the adenoids, agree. The operation is simple, takes place on an outpatient basis, and within a couple of hours you can take the child home. The earlier you find adenoids, the greater the chances of treating them without the help of surgeons.

Alternative ways to reduce the size of adenoids in children

In terms of treating adenoids in a child, you can try constantly rinsing the throat and nose. The best way to do this is to use sea ​​salt, which copes well with the tasks, and the iodine it contains also eliminates infection.

Also to help you in Hard time decoctions of herbs will come, for example, chamomile or sage. They act no less effectively than the previous method, also disinfecting the site of infection.

As practice has shown, the method of treating adenoids using breathing has also proven effective ( breathing exercises), which is based on physical exercise. By at least, it helps to cope with difficulty breathing.

If the doctor discovers adenoids in a child and suggests surgical intervention, wait a while with the decision. Of course, there are situations in which surgical intervention cannot be avoided. But here’s the paradox: as children grow out of childhood, adenoids decrease in size by themselves. Miracle?! No, it’s not a miracle, but a property of the body; by the age of 8-9, the adenoids become smaller and completely disappear by adolescence. But this does not happen to everyone, as a result of which your baby may suffer. Because of the adenoids, less oxygen enters the body, causing problems with breathing and lungs.

But waiting until the adenoids shrink on their own is also not an option, because the child is not a toy and cannot monitor his or her breathing or state of breathing. To make breathing easier, you should constantly rinse your nose, do inhalations, take a course of homeopathic medicines (by the way, it is recommended for all children for prevention), periodically conduct aromatherapy sessions (highly recommended for difficulty breathing in the spring - autumn period and with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract) with menthol, thuja, lavender, eucalyptus oils.

Treatment of adenoids should be carried out exclusively by an otolaryngologist, or, more simply, an ENT doctor, since self-medication without consulting a specialist in in this case categorically inappropriate, however, as in resolving any issue. Do not neglect the advice of doctors, do not engage in self-medicine - this never leads to a positive outcome!

To prevent adenoids in children, it is recommended to take multivitamins, the course should be up to four times a year, and, of course, monitor the baby, he should breathe more through his nose. With any inflammation in the body, the adenoids also become inflamed, but when the disease subsides, the child’s adenoids shrink and return to normal.

The nasopharyngeal tonsils perform important function– they help protect the body from microbes that enter the mouth along with air, food, liquid, etc. If they increase, microorganisms penetrate inside and weaken the immune system. It is important for parents to know how to treat adenoids in a child without surgery, eliminating the risk of health problems.

The correct name for adenoids is adenoid vegetations. The disease most often occurs between the ages of 3 and 7 years. If the child is prone to frequent colds and otitis media, his adenoids may have become inflamed.

Common causes of adenoids:

  1. Congenital developmental disorders lymphatic system. In addition to adenoids, there is a deterioration in the functions of the thyroid gland.
  2. Allergic diseases.
  3. Frequent colds, promoting an increase in the size of lymphoid tissues (their function is to retain bacteria and viruses that enter the oral cavity).
  4. Immunodeficiency states.

Diagnosis of adenoids in children

The main methods of diagnosis are palpation and laboratory diagnostics. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.


If rhinoscopy is not possible, the nasopharynx is examined by touch.

Some doctors are skeptical about the palpation method for identifying adenoids. The main reason is the possibility of infection; in addition, the procedure itself is painful and unpleasant. However, this method allows you to accurately determine the boundaries of overgrown adenoids and the intensity of their growth.

Laboratory diagnostics

If adenoids are suspected, more full examination child.

In addition to examination by a pediatrician, consultation with the following specialists is necessary:

  • an allergist-immunologist, he assesses the degree of sensitivity of the child’s skin to allergens;
  • a neurologist if epileptiform seizures and headaches appear;
  • an endocrinologist, if there are signs of thyroid hypofunction and thymomegaly.

When conducting laboratory diagnostics prescribed for children general analysis urine and blood, immunoglobulin E is examined, bacterial cultures from the nose are tested for the absence of foreign microflora, sensitivity to the compounds included in the treatment. An ELISA analysis and PCR diagnostics are carried out to determine the degree of infection and the presence of other viruses.

The main role in making a diagnosis belongs to the otolaryngologist. It determines all the required data for subsequent treatment. Rhinoscopy, endoscopic rhinoscopy, epipharyngoscopy are performed.

The doctor must determine the color of the adenoids, the size of the soft overgrown tissues, and the form of the disease. To clarify the data, lateral radiography of the nasopharynx is used.

Adenoid grades

There are several degrees of adenoids, which determine the urgency and method of treatment, the level of danger to the body.

Adenoid size:

  • 1st degree. Adenoids are small in size. In 80% of cases, enlarged tissues of the pharyngeal tonsil block the nasal passages by 20-30%. The adenoids are located at the top of the openings that connect the pharynx with the nasal canals and the bones that are part of the nasal septum (vomer).
  • 2nd degree. 30-65% of the entire part of the nasopharynx is closed.
  • 3rd degree. Significant enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil; it either completely or 3/4 blocks the pathways connecting the nasal canals and the pharynx. The opener is blocked.


  • 1st degree. During the day, the child is able to breathe through his nose, and it becomes more difficult to detect the disease. Incorrect breathing rhythm and difficulty appear only at night after taking a supine position. The size of the adenoids increases, and the respiratory passages become blocked. Snoring and faint snoring may occur during sleep.
  • 2nd degree. It becomes difficult to breathe through the nose both at night and during the day. It is easier for the child to breathe through the mouth. Snoring occurs at night.
  • 3rd degree. Breathing through the nose becomes impossible due to the complete blocking of the nasopharynx by enlarged adenoids. The child breathes exclusively through the mouth.


  • 1st degree. There are no problems observed.
  • 2nd degree. Hearing deteriorates in rare cases.
  • 3rd degree. Hearing problems almost always occur. The adenoids increase in size, air is not able to penetrate through the canals to the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which serves to smooth out the difference in atmospheric pressure with the cavity in the middle ear. Because of this, sounds are perceived worse. This often leads to otitis media (inflammation eardrum and adjacent internal cavity).

Treatment of adenoids

The first degree of adenoids does not require surgical intervention. The second is at the discretion of the doctor; in the third, as a rule, the adenoids are removed surgically.

There are a number of conservative treatment methods that give positive result. Here are some of them:

  1. The most effective method is rinsing the nasopharynx. Sometimes several procedures can reduce the size of the adenoids to the required size. Using a rubber can (syringe), type warm water or herbal decoction. Insert the contents into your nose.
  2. Mix beet juice (preferably freshly squeezed) with honey in a 2:1 ratio. Instill the mixture 5 times, 6 drops, into each nostril at regular intervals.
  3. Heat the salt in a convenient way and pour it into the fabric shell. Place the child under a blanket and apply salt bags to the heels.
  4. Heat 1 kg of salt and add 2 drops of sage and essential oil. Use salt for inhalation. For 1 liter of water, 3 tbsp is required. l. saline solution. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  5. Grind the St. John's wort herb and add butter (unsalted) butter in a ratio of 1:4. Place the content on water bath. Dilute the resulting decoction with drops of celandine at the rate of 5 drops for each teaspoon of decoction. Stir. Place 2 drops into the nostril 4 times a day. Treat for 10 days, then take a break for 14 days and start therapy again.

Different methods are used to treat adenoids in a child. Often, after surgery, a relapse occurs, because the operation eliminates only the consequences, and not the cause.

Consequences of untimely treatment of adenoids

It is important to promptly detect enlarged adenoids in order to prevent possible negative consequences:

  • inflammation interferes with the normal flow of air, causing stagnation in the nasal mucosa. A runny nose can cause the development of otitis media;
  • the growth of the facial skeleton is disrupted, deformities occur;
  • an incorrect bite occurs;
  • facial expression becomes sluggish;
  • skin becomes irritated, work gastrointestinal tract due to infections entering there in the form of mucus, it is disrupted;
  • the chest develops incorrectly due to constant breathing through the mouth;
  • possible development of anemia;
  • when inhaling cold air, a sore throat and prolonged bronchitis develop;
  • at large sizes adenoids changes voice;
  • sleep becomes restless, snoring appears;
  • memory weakens (in case of severe impairments), attention deteriorates, frequent headaches appear;
  • hearing deteriorates due to poor ventilation tympanic cavity and etc.

Prevention of adenoids in children

Immunity and adenoids in a child’s body are closely related. By improving health, the risk of inflammation decreases. Immunity increases in the case of:

  • proper selection of clothing (according to the weather);
  • restrictions on taking antibiotics;
  • healthy microclimate in the family;
  • use of vitamin complexes;
  • healthy healthy diet;
  • the child's stay at fresh air;
  • increasing physical activity.

These simple tips can have a beneficial effect on the body. It should be remembered that it is easier to eliminate the essence of the problem than to deal with the consequences later.

Useful video about adenoids in children

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How to properly treat adenoids in children is a question that concerns almost all parents, since adenoids become inflamed in most children aged 2 to 7 years. Vegetations can be detected in a child even at the age of 10, but at this age the tissues gradually begin to decrease on their own, so that at about 16 years they disappear completely. Therefore, the question of how to treat adenoids is not so relevant. But little kids definitely need help. Enlarged adenoids, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane in a child not only interfere with nasal breathing, but are also a constant breeding ground for pathogenic microflora, which negatively affects the condition of all body systems - any of them can be seriously damaged.

Treatment methods are selected depending on the degree of enlargement of the adenoids

1st degree – lymphoid tissues grow slightly, no more than 1/3 of the nasal passages are closed. The child feels well almost all the time, only snoring may occur at night. Inflammation of the respiratory system at this stage can cause very severe swelling adenoids, which will go away as you recover.

Stage 2 - the nasal passages are blocked by growths by 2/3, symptoms of inflamed adenoids can be observed throughout the day.

Stage 3 – swelling of the nasopharyngeal tonsils is so severe that the nasal passages are completely blocked. Air cannot flow through the nose and the child breathes only through the mouth all the time. This leads to drying out of the throat mucosa, its irritation and hypersensitivity, it becomes open to all pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, in most cases, with grade 3 adenoids, tonsillitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis are also diagnosed.

Treat grade 3 adenoids conservative methods It’s very difficult at home - it’s better not to let the child’s condition get worse. But for grade 1-2 adenoids, non-surgical treatment methods can be safely used - but you need to prepare for the fact that this process will not be quick, it will require a lot of expenses in terms of finances, time, and moral resources of the parents and the child.

Systemic drugs for the treatment of adenoids

To relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and adenoids, strengthen the immune system and improve general state two types are used in the treatment of adenoids in children pharmaceutical drugs:

  • homeopathic remedies– this is Lymphomyosot, IOV-baby, Traumeel, Cinnabsin;
  • immunomodulatory drugs – IRS-19, alfalfa extract, various multivitamin complexes containing increased amount calcium.

Antibiotics are very rarely required. Usually the indications are joining bacterial infection respiratory tract with adenoiditis. Also, you cannot do without antibacterial drops if otitis media develops. But all prescriptions should be made only by a doctor - self-medication and self-diagnosis in this case are very dangerous and can lead to unpredictable complications.

Local procedures for adenoids

The chances of recovery will increase significantly, and the treatment process will speed up, if you also do a variety of procedures local impact to remove infection from the nasal passages - rinsing, inhalation, irrigation.

Nasal rinsing must be done before each administration of nasal drops, otherwise they will not have any effect. The following solutions and products are used for washing:

  1. purified sea water;
  2. soda and iodine;
  3. chamomile decoction;
  4. solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin;
  5. saline solution

For young children, the nose is washed using a small syringe. For older children, special devices with a long spout or a larger volume syringe are used.

Every fourth mother faces the problem of adenoids in children. There are many treatment options for the disease - folk remedies, homeopathy, surgery. But many parents prefer to resort to surgical removal adenoids in the most extreme cases.

Treatment without surgery

Surgery will help quickly eliminate the problem with inflamed areas, but will not eliminate the cause. Adenoids themselves are not a disease. But they prevent the child from breathing freely and can provoke otitis media.

Adenoids are designed to protect the body from hyperventilation. And after their removal, other serious diseases may develop.

Non-surgical treatment of adenoids is divided into the following types:

  • breathing techniques;
  • drug treatment;
  • using additional devices.

Breathing techniques

Treatment using the Buteyko method

Recognized as one of the best alternative methods treatment of nasal tonsils. It can be used at any stage of the disease. This method helps relieve swelling in the nasopharynx and restore correct breathing nose ( nasal breathing returns after just a few minutes of studying). Regular use method will allow you to forget about constant runny nose And .

The exercises are done while sitting, the back should be straight. You should breathe only through your nose, using the diaphragm.

Important! In the first minutes of class, the child may feel a lack of oxygen. But you can't stop. The minimum session duration is 10 minutes.

  1. Slow breathing through the nose. Inhale-exhale-hold your breath. Each step is done on a count of 5.
  2. Gradual breathing. It is necessary to take a breath, the duration of which is 7.5 seconds. The main rule is that inhalation should begin from the diaphragm and move to the chest muscles. The exhalation should have the same duration. And happen in the reverse order (starting with the pectoral muscles).
  3. The previous exercise is done alternately with each nostril.
  4. The second exercise is repeated. But as you inhale, you should pull in your stomach as much as possible.
  5. Fast breathing. Consists of 12 cycles of inhalations (2.5 sec) and exhalations (2.5 sec).

Each exercise must be repeated 10 times. The last one is 1.

This complex is the simplest, you can do it yourself. Doing more difficult exercises should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Breathing exercises

A set of exercises by A.N. Strelnikova helps get rid of continuous breathing through the nose and. Gymnastics should be approached seriously and consciously. Therefore, it can only be performed with children over 3 years old.

Preparatory exercises:

  • clenching your fists - bend your arms at the elbows, turn your palms up. Take 4 deep breaths, clenching your hands into fists each time. You can exhale arbitrarily. Break between approaches 5 seconds. Number of approaches – 23;
  • trailer - lower your arms freely, clench your fists. Take 8 noisy breaths, each time sharply and rhythmically unclenching your fists. Do 12 approaches with five-second pauses;
  • small pump - bend your legs a little, lower your arms freely. Bend over, rounding your back. The downward movement is made while inhaling. While exhaling, you should slowly return to the starting position. The execution cycle is the same as in the “trailer”.

The basic complex is aimed at getting rid of adenoids.

  • cat - sit down slightly, bend your arms at the elbows and press them to the body. Short deep breath accompanied by a sharp turn in right side. Do 12 sets of 8 breaths each.
  • ladder - straighten your back, slightly spread your feet. Left leg bend. When pulling it towards the stomach, you should make a shallow noisy breath and squat a little right leg. Exhale through the mouth while returning to the starting position. Do 64 approaches. If physical state the child is not allowed to do this exercise - it can be done in a sitting or lying position.

Important! Famous doctor Komarovsky recommends refraining from removing adenoids unless they cause severe discomfort.

Using various devices

To remove inflammatory processes Light, steam, quartz and laser are used in the nasal tonsils.

Bioptron treatment

This device emits polarized polychromatic light. It promotes normalization cellular composition mucous membranes of the adenoids.

This lamp should be used daily for 14 days. Session duration is 4 minutes. You must first rinse your nose. After treatment, pathogenic microflora in the nasopharynx almost completely disappears. Relapse of the disease does not occur for at least 6 months.

Nebulizer treatment

This treatment method is becoming increasingly popular. With its help, the medicine is delivered directly to the nasopharynx. And the vapor state of medications allows them to be quickly absorbed.

Important! You should breathe steam only through your nose. The child should be calm and not tense.

There are special types of nebulizers for children, equipped with different attachments. This allows you to adjust the particle size in the aerosol. To treat adenoids, you will need a nozzle that produces the largest particles.

Important! Inhalations using this device are absolutely safe; the steam does not burn the mucous membranes.

Laser treatment

The use of laser therapy allows you to avoid surgery and completely restore the functionality of the adenoids.

This type of physiotherapy has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The laser is applied directly to the affected areas. This allows you to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Important! The method is absolutely painless and does not require a hospital stay. Which is very important for young patients.

Treatment is carried out in a course that consists of 10-15 procedures. To consolidate the results, you should take 2-3 courses per year.

One more effective variety physiotherapy is quartz treatment. Despite being on sale quartz lamps For home use, it is better to carry out such procedures under the supervision of a specialist.

Drug treatment

This type involves the use of vasoconstrictor sprays, hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

Hormonal agents

The most popular hormonal drug for the treatment of tonsils in the nose. It contains steroids similar to natural hormones (such substances are produced directly in the body). This spray helps relieve swelling and reduce pain symptoms.

The main advantage of the drug is that it is not able to penetrate the mucous membrane and is not absorbed into the blood. This excludes the manifestation of any side effects, usually occurring during hormone therapy. The spray not only removes inflammation, but reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Important! Use any medicinal products(especially hormonal) is permissible only after consultation with an otolaryngologist.


Antibiotics are prescribed only in the case of a bacterial infection, which is determined after a nasal culture test. To avoid the body becoming accustomed to the drug, you should inform your doctor about any antibiotics your child has previously taken.

To treat adenitis, antibiotics of the following groups are used:

  • penicillin derivatives - have wide range applications, have low toxicity and high antibacterial activity;
  • macrolides - drugs that contain erythromycin;
  • Cephalosporins are stable and active antibiotics of the new generation.

Treatment with Avamys

This drug occupies a leading position among effective drugs for the treatment of adenitis. Relieves inflammation, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. Used as part of complex treatment.

The drug begins to act after 8 hours. Treatment with this drug should not be combined with ritonavir (overdose is possible). Before using the spray, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

Important! Can be used for children over 2 years old. Refers to hormonal drugs, so there are some contraindications and side effects.

Treatment with protargol

This anti-inflammatory agent is used to disinfect the sinuses. The drug is instilled into pre-washed nostrils, 2-4 drops each. The procedure is carried out twice a day. On average, the duration of treatment is 14 days. Helps get rid of even very...

Side effects include: increased dryness in the mouth, drowsiness and headache.

Dioxidine treatment

This product can be used as drops (diluted with saline solution in equal quantities). Or use for inhalation using a nebulizer (ratio with saline solution 1:4). In this case, the child may develop a strong throat due to the rapid drainage of mucus from the nasopharynx into the respiratory organs.

Drops for the treatment of adenoids

Drops for children should consist of natural ingredients.

The following drugs are considered the most effective:

  • Collargol (Protargol) – drops containing colloidal silver relieve inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • Polydex is an antibacterial, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory agent.

Important! Do not try to speed up recovery by increasing the dosage. This can lead to immune suppression and reduce the body's resistance.

Treatment with traditional methods

IN folk medicine You can find a sufficient number of recipes to help get rid of adenoids without surgery.


Cloves are not only an aromatic spice. But it also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. To prepare clove drops, place 6 buds in 130 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for about 40 minutes (the solution should turn a rich brown color).
  3. You should drip the resulting drug into your nose every 2 hours, 2 drops.

Additionally, you can gargle with this solution.


It is an excellent plant that kills various pathogenic organisms.

To treat adenitis, a rinsing solution should be prepared.

  1. Pour fresh or dried horsetail (13 g) with water (215 ml).
  2. Simmer over low heat for 8 minutes.
  3. For each wash you will need 75 ml of decoction.
  4. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.

Important! Horsetail should not be taken if you have kidney problems.

Aloe juice

The most affordable, trouble-free and effective method. You will need freshly squeezed plant juice. It should be instilled 1 drop before bedtime. The duration of treatment can range from 2 to 12 months.

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil

This remedy is even recognized traditional medicine. It helps strengthen blood vessels, reduce the amount of mucus, and resolve adenoid formations. It should be taken in the morning and 3 drops before bedtime. Treatment can be carried out for 19 days.

In case of exacerbation of adenitis, 4 ml of freshly squeezed garlic juice add 3 drops. This solution should be dripped into the nose every 4 hours.

Treatment with natural antibiotic – propolis

You will need 10% propolis tincture. You can purchase a factory one. Or do it yourself - mix bee glue and alcohol (1:10), leave for 7 days.

  1. To prepare a rinse solution, mix 3 ml of tincture in 520 ml of water.
  2. This daily dose, which should be divided into 3 procedures.
  3. The solution must be prepared fresh every day.

  1. mix with homemade melted milk butter (1:4).
  2. For every 12 ml of oil mixture, add 12 drops of celandine juice.
  3. Pour into a well-closed container. Shake until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained.
  4. Instill 2 drops for 2-4 weeks.

Important! If there is a family predisposition to inflammation of the adenoids - oil solution with celandine will serve as a good preventive measure.

Thuja oil treatment

Thuja is also called the tree of life. Essential oils plants are very useful in the treatment of adenoids. They kill microbes, relieve inflammation, and have a vasoconstrictor effect. Thuja also helps strengthen protective functions body and restores epithelial tissue in the nasopharynx.

For treatment data herbal preparation will need at least 6 weeks. The course must be repeated after 30 days. The product must be instilled twice a day, 3 drops.

Important! Thuja oil is not used in treatment pure form. Should be purchased homeopathic medicine, with a concentration of this substance not exceeding 15%.

Oak bark

  1. Take 16 g of oak bark and add 8 g of mint and St. John's wort.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with cold purified water. Place on medium heat.
  3. After boiling, cook for 4 minutes. Leave for 60 minutes. Strain.
  4. Use to rinse the nasopharynx 2 times a day for 8 days.


Honey is quite in demand in folk medicine. It is also useful for treating nasal tonsils.

The most effective remedy obtained by mixing honey and beet juice.

  1. Beetroot small size rub. Separate the juice.
  2. Add 1 part honey to 2 parts juice. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The product is used in the form of drops. Up to 5 times a day, 3-5 drops of the resulting medicine should be instilled.

Treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy is an undeservedly forgotten method of treating many chronically inflammatory diseases. Leeches can quickly relieve the condition even with very severe forms adenitis. The treatment is long, but the result is simply excellent.

IN modern medicine use specially bred black or yellow leeches.

Adenoids can be treated different ways. But it's better to study timely prevention- , accept vitamin preparations spend more time in the fresh air and play sports.