Cleansing the lungs (best ways). How to clean your lungs correctly and whether you need to do it at all

When smoking, the bronchopulmonary system is primarily affected. Toxins and harmful substances released by cigarettes settle on the mucous membrane. This causes diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Polluted airways cannot function normally, as a result of which the smoker develops asthma, pneumonia, and colds progress. To restore them, it is necessary to free the respiratory organs from mucus and accumulated dirt. Folk remedies and medications will help cleanse a smoker’s lungs at home.

The lungs of a healthy person cleanse themselves, but in a smoker they are not capable of this, since their functions are impaired. Not only nicotine, but also toxic gases enter the respiratory channels. Cigarettes contain carcinogens that cause lung cancer. Flavorings irritate the mucous membranes and contribute to allergies.

In addition, dust and microscopic particles of dirt in the air settle on the surface of the lungs. The inner lining of the respiratory organs secretes mucus to get rid of toxic substances. As a result, the smoker develops a characteristic cough. When phlegm clogs all the channels, airway obstruction begins, which leads to death if left untreated. Lung cancer develops due to toxin poisoning.

Periodic cleaning of the respiratory system removes mucus from the body and restores the functioning of the bronchi and trachea. Performing this procedure prevents lung diseases and increases their volume. It is also recommended to clean the respiratory ducts for passive smokers who inhale poisonous air. It has been proven that their body is no less polluted than that of people who abuse cigarettes.

The cleaning procedure at home should be carried out carefully so as not to cause excessive mucus production. This can lead to bronchial obstruction.

Who should not undergo the procedure

To prevent treatment from causing harm, you should first consult with your doctor. Lung cleansing is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • bearing a child, breastfeeding;
  • exhaustion;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • bronchial asthma;

  • presence of oncology;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Before cleaning the bronchi and lungs, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the products used. It can be provoked by medicinal herbs, honey, berries.

Popular methods

You can cleanse the bronchi and lungs yourself:

  • breathing exercises;
  • folk remedies;
  • medicines;
  • proper nutrition.


It is important for smokers to eat right. You need to include foods that help cleanse your lungs in your diet. It is necessary to drink more fluid - up to two liters per day. This is necessary to maintain normal water-salt balance. A good cleanser is green tea. It eliminates carcinogens and poisons from the body.

Nicotine washes ascorbic acid out of cells. Its amount must be replenished by eating foods containing vitamin C. There is a lot of it in:

  • white cabbage;
  • citrus fruits;
  • sweet pepper;
  • rosehip.

There are products that reduce the craving for smoking. They also help eliminate toxins. These include:

  • a pineapple;
  • eggplant;
  • milk;
  • celery;
  • broccoli.

Plants such as ginger, garlic, and onions have an expectorant effect. They quickly remove mucus from the respiratory canals. Expectoration is caused by the consumption of broths and oatmeal. Oats are a proven remedy for reducing nicotine cravings, making them very beneficial for smokers.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises enrich the lungs with oxygen and increase their volume. With regular performance of the respiratory complex, the bronchi are freed from phlegm and their function is restored. You can clear your lungs of nicotine using one of the popular methods:

  • gymnastics Strelnikova;
  • Frolov complex;
  • yoga exercises for breathing.

It is best to master such exercises with a trainer in a fitness center. Thoughtless use of techniques is fraught with negative consequences for health.

Example of a cleansing breathing exercise:

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose;
  2. Hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. Pull the abdominal muscles inward;
  3. Exhale slowly through the mouth. The lips should be formed into a tube;
  4. After this, you need to take a break - breathe for about a minute at your usual rhythm;
  5. Repeat the exercise from the beginning.

This gymnastics is done three times a day for three approaches. The room must first be ventilated, ensuring an influx of fresh air.

Drug treatment

If a person smokes for a long time, a large amount of mucus accumulates in his lungs, which is difficult to remove with the help of breathing exercises. Then it is recommended to use medications that effectively cleanse the bronchi. Additionally, such medications remove swelling and stop inflammation of the respiratory system. Popular products sold in pharmacies:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Gedelix;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Ascoril.

Before starting treatment, you must carefully read the instructions to make sure there are no contraindications.


Tablets with expectorant action. The active substance is ambroxol hydrochloride. It increases secretion in the bronchial passages. This leads to increased mucus outflow. The product relieves coughing attacks that smokers suffer from.

The drug is indicated for diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by mucus secretion. To cleanse the bronchi, take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. You can use the medicine if your cough gets worse, regardless of food intake.


Natural preparation based on plant components. The main substance is ivy leaf extract. Available in the form of syrup. Used for respiratory infections accompanied by cough. It has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic effect.

Plant flavonoids improve the circulation of oxygen in the blood and help cleanse the mucous membranes. The syrup is taken 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. You can also gargle with this product.


Herbal preparation in tablet form. The active substance is marshmallow root extract. Additional elements: tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate. The medicine contains natural mucus isolated from marshmallow root, as well as asparagine, starch, and pectins. The elements in Mucaltin envelop the walls of the bronchi, preventing inflammation and eliminating cough.

Plant mucus protects the lungs from irritation and eliminates phlegm. The drug promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. The medicine enhances the effect of other mucolytic agents.


An effective drug with a strong bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The active substance (salbutamol) relieves bronchial spasms, eliminating cough. Reduces lung irritation and restores their functions. Bromhexine in the drug causes increased sputum outflow.

The product is available in the form of syrup. The liquid stimulates the production of bronchial secretions, reduces the viscosity of mucus, and facilitates its removal from the respiratory passages. Drink 2 teaspoons of syrup 3 times a day.

Traditional methods

You can cleanse your lungs after smoking using alternative medicine. The following methods are used for this:

  • bath;
  • inhalation;
  • taking expectorant drinks on a natural basis.

The moist hot steam created in the sauna steam room easily liquefies mucus and speeds up its transportation from the lungs. In addition, it has a healing effect on the entire body, accelerating blood circulation and increasing tone. For better results, it is recommended to use essential oils to scent the air in the bathhouse. They help clear the bronchial passages and eliminate spasms.

Inhalations are done using a special device or by breathing over a saucepan with steam. The following components are suitable for this procedure:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • dried medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils;
  • onion, garlic juice.

Add the selected ingredient to boiling water and stir well. If the inhalation solution is made on a herbal basis, the decoction is first boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the dishes from the stove and breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel.

The procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to burn the respiratory tract.


The following ingredients are used as the basis for expectorant compositions:

  • medicinal plants;
  • oats;
  • pine cones, needles;

  • onion garlic;
  • honey, aloe;
  • viburnum fruits.
  • infusion of oregano
Oregano medicine

Oregano flowers are mixed with coltsfoot leaves and ground marshmallow root. Herbs take one tablespoon at a time. The mixture is brewed with boiling water in a volume of 600 ml. Cover the jar with a towel and let it sit for 40 minutes. The composition is taken half a glass three times a day.

Thyme decoction

You need to take 50 g of wild rosemary, thyme, and chamomile. Thyme has strong expectorant properties. Chamomile stops inflammation and calms. The grass is poured with 800 ml of boiling water. Then put on fire and boil for 20 minutes.

After this, the drink is infused for half an hour, then it is filtered. The collection is drunk two tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day.

Sage tea

Sage is brewed with chamomile and rose hips. Take 400 ml of boiling water for two spoons of the mixture. The drink is tightly closed and infused under a towel for 20-30 minutes. Then the composition is filtered and a teaspoon of honey is added there. They drink one mug of tea in between meals.

Honey balm with aloe

This is an effective composition for clearing mucus from the lungs. Aloe has powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey has a positive effect on the mucous membrane, enveloping it and relieving irritation. Natural red wine removes toxins from the body.

Aloe pulp (200 g) is crushed into pulp. Add honey to it, preferably liquid, in a volume of 300 g. Mix thoroughly, pour in 300 ml of Cahors. The mixture is shaken, covered with a tight lid, and placed in a dark place for 10-14 days. Balm is consumed 20-30 ml half an hour before meals.

This remedy quickly removes mucus from the bronchi. A thick liquid of natural origin envelops the mucous membrane, relieving irritation. Kissel effectively cleanses the channels, normalizing breathing. In addition, oats are a proven remedy for reducing nicotine cravings. With its regular use, people easily give up smoking.

A glass of oat grains is steamed in boiled water, then 600 ml of milk is poured in and boiled for 50-60 minutes. When the oats are boiled down, cool them and grind them in a blender. This volume is eaten at one time for breakfast or dinner. The course of treatment is one week.

Viburnum syrup

Berries remove toxins from the respiratory tract and tidy up the respiratory system. Take 250 g of viburnum per liter of water. The fruits are poured into a saucepan, filled with water and brought to a boil. Then boil for 15-20 minutes and remove from the stove.

The drink is cooled slightly and the liquid is drained. Then add two tablespoons of liquid flower honey and leave for 4-5 hours. Syrup is taken 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Onion and garlic tincture

Natural phytoncides contained in onions and garlic create an expectorant effect. These plants are natural antibiotics. They disinfect and have an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the tincture, root vegetables (taken in a 1:1 ratio) are peeled and ground into a pulp.

Granulated sugar is poured into the mixture in a volume equal to its quantity. Knead and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Then you need to squeeze out the juice and pour it into a jar. Drink 30 ml of tincture 3-4 times a day.

Pine cone jam

Lightly boiled pine cones clean well. To do this, you need to pick young, green fruits with a light coating from the forest. It would be good if they had resin on them. The cones are placed in a saucepan and filled with cold water until they are completely covered. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer over low heat for 6-8 hours.

Then the composition is removed from the stove, strained and sugar is poured into the liquid in an amount equal to the volume of the mass. After this, cook for another hour, then cool and put in the refrigerator. Eat one spoon of jam between meals 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of fir needles

Substances contained in Christmas tree needles have expectorant properties. In the spring-summer season, you need to cut young branches from fir or spruce. Their needles are soft and light. The needles are separated from the branches and filled into a glass jar.

The container is filled in layers: one row of pine needles, one row of sugar. You need to press on the needles so that they lie tightly. After this, the container is hermetically sealed and placed in a dark place for 3 weeks. The needles will give juice, which is decanted after time. It is taken a teaspoon three times a day.

A person who is addicted to smoking probably does not know or does not want to know what changes occur in the lungs due to his addiction. But if you show a person what the lungs look like on fluorography, he will probably be interested in the topic of cleaning the lungs, because when they become dirty, they not only stop functioning normally, but also cause disruption to the activity of other organs - the heart, brain, circulatory system.

Do your lungs need cleaning?

Most of our organs are naturally endowed with the ability to cleanse themselves. But let's not forget what times we live in:

  1. The dustiness of city air, emissions from hazardous enterprises, and transport smog - all this creates additional stress on our respiratory organs.
  2. If a bad habit like smoking is added to all these external influences, it is rare that the body can withstand such a load, and it is the lungs that are most often the first to suffer.
  3. It is extremely unwise and dangerous to leave this most important organ without help, because its contamination causes the development of pulmonary diseases, negatively affects the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular, immune and central nervous systems, and affects the structure of the blood.

That is why, if the lungs are excessively polluted, you should not hope for their self-cleaning, but help them in all possible ways. Cleansing procedures will help restore normal ventilation of the lungs, and with them the activity of other organs and systems.

Can everyone cleanse their lungs?

The methods used to cleanse a smoker's lungs are not suitable for every person. Someone may be allergic to the herbal components of the simplest folk remedies, someone is in a state of exacerbation of a serious pulmonary disease. Therefore, before cleaning your lungs, it is advisable to visit your doctor and discuss this issue with him.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • reduced immunity;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant formations;
  • the presence of genetic pathologies.

Chronic lung pathologies (COPD, asthma) are also considered as an obstacle to cleansing the lungs at home.

How to prepare for cleaning?

The process of cleansing the lungs cannot be carried out spontaneously, without first preparing the respiratory system and the entire body for radical changes.

  1. First, you need to give up the most harmful habit for your lungs - smoking. Think for yourself, is it possible to cleanse your lungs if they become clogged again every day?
  2. If you have been smoking for a long period, then not only your respiratory system, but also your digestive organs, in particular your intestines, have probably suffered. Inhaled tobacco smoke and the tars and other toxins it contains contribute to the formation of mucus and even stones on the intestinal walls. Before you cleanse your lungs, be sure to cleanse your intestines.
  3. If it is possible to change your place of residence or work to less harmful living and working conditions, do so. Then your lungs will become truly easy to breathe.
  4. Be sure to consult with your doctor, find out if you have any contraindications for such a process as cleansing the lungs with folk remedies and other procedures.

Only after you are confident in the safety of cleansing techniques in your individual case can you begin the step-by-step process of healing your lungs.

Popular ways to cleanse the lungs

There are many ways to cleanse your lungs of dust, mucus and tarry compounds. Of course, the lungs of a smoker and a healthy person exposed to harmful atmospheric influences have different degrees of contamination. Therefore, the expected effect in these cases may occur at different times. For example, if self-cleaning of the lungs after quitting smoking takes approximately 1-3 years (depending on the degree of damage to the organ), then with the help of special methods this period can be reduced to 3-6 months.

What methods are popular today?

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises force the lungs to work, and, moreover, to work with a large rush of blood to the alveoli. This allows you to speed up the air exchange process and remove harmful substances from the deep parts of the respiratory tract.

  1. To fully cleanse the lungs, 15-20 minutes of exercise a day is enough. In this case, you can use the Frolov breathing simulator.
  2. You can go to your nearest fitness club to perform exercises under the guidance of a specialist.
  3. The lungs will also be cleaned well thanks to the “full yogi breathing” system, which experienced yoga instructors can teach.
  4. To cleanse the lungs of a former smoker at home, you can master the “Strelnikova Breathing Gymnastics” system.

Generally speaking, any physical exercise (exercise, jogging, jumping rope, etc.) also makes the lungs work. And this is especially useful to do in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. If you can’t do breathing exercises with a professional trainer, at least master the following exercise:

  • take a very deep breath through your nose (if your nose is not breathing, first clear it using nasal drops);
  • hold your breath for 5 seconds, trying to press your stomach to your spine;
  • slowly exhale air through your mouth, stretching your lips into a narrow tube;
  • Do not exhale all the air to the end - exhale the remaining portion in several short bursts.
  • rest (breathe randomly for a few seconds) and repeat the exercise again, after a short rest, repeat the exercise again.

It is advisable to do this exercise to cleanse the respiratory system 3 times a day for 3 “approaches”.

How to cleanse your lungs with oats?

Sometimes you can hear about such a method as cleansing the lungs with oats. Is it really possible to use this product to remove dust from the lungs and free them from mucus and toxins? Yes, but you have to work hard for it.

  1. Take 200 g of whole, unrefined oatmeal, rinse and place in boiling 500 ml of milk.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer the mixture over low heat for about half an hour, stirring.
  3. Remove the product from the heat, let it cool slightly and drain through a filter (for example, 2 layers of gauze) into another container.
  4. The resulting 100 ml of light brown viscous mass should be eaten immediately in 1 dose on an empty stomach.
  5. Do this procedure before every meal.
  6. After a few days, a productive cough will appear, indicating that “the process has begun” - we clean the lungs, spitting out light-colored (and possibly yellow-green) sputum.

The duration of treatment is 14 days.

Medicinal oregano and violet

Medicinal herbs for cleansing the lungs will also be beneficial, and oregano and violet are considered the best in this matter. You can make a healthy and very pleasant-tasting tea from them:

  • mix oregano and violet in equal parts, measure 20 g of the mixture and pour into 500 ml of boiling water:
  • cover with a lid and let sit for about 50-60 minutes;
  • Drink as much as you like to quench your thirst.

Spruce shoots

Young spruce shoots also have cleansing properties. To prepare the cleaning composition, you need to collect at least 3 kg of young spruce shoots in late spring - early summer. They are easily recognized by their lighter color and soft needles (as opposed to the hard old “needles”). The needles should be torn from the branches and a liter jar should be filled with these “needles” as follows:

  • bottom layer – needles;
  • layer of sugar;
  • needles again;
  • again sugar and so on until the entire jar is filled.

The needles need to be compacted and pressed down tightly. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and refrigerate for 3 weeks. During this time, greenish juice with a pleasant pine aroma will be released from the needles. You need to strain it and drink 10 ml 3 times a day until all the “medicine” is gone. The method is ideal for those who are looking for how to quickly clear their lungs of mucus and other contaminants.

Pine milk

The so-called pine milk cleanses the respiratory system a little longer. To prepare it you will need 3 medium-sized green pine cones. They need to be washed thoroughly, pour 500 ml of boiling milk, and put in a piece of pine resin with a 5-kopeck coin. The product needs to be wrapped or poured into a thermos (but it will be more difficult to wash this container from milk) and let it brew for 5 hours. The strained milk infusion should be drunk 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and shortly before bedtime for 1 month.

Pine jam

Another way to use pine cones to cleanse your lungs is to make jam from them. You will need very young, green with a bloom, cones (as if powdered).

  1. They need to be placed in a container and filled with water so as to completely cover the forest product.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for about 8 hours.
  3. When the broth has cooled a little, pour it into another container through a filter and add sugar 1:1, then boil the syrup for another 1 hour.

Take 20 ml of the product before each meal, unless the body “resists”. Otherwise, you can drink it after meals, the lungs will clear within 1.5 months.

Viburnum decoction

A very simple method with an incredibly affordable product - red viburnum berries - perfectly cleanses not only the lungs, but also the body as a whole. However, there is one caveat - it should not be used by hypotensive patients. The recipe is as follows:

  • boil 1 liter of water and add 200 g of viburnum berries;
  • let the product simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat;
  • let the broth cool, filter and add 30 ml of linden honey;
  • keep the mixture covered for 5 hours;

Drink 100 ml 4 times a day.

Onion-garlic syrup

Phytoncides and essential oils contained in garlic and onions also do an excellent job of cleansing the respiratory system, while also exhibiting an antibacterial effect. And this property could not but be used in the method of cleansing the lungs. Try the recipe:

  • Peel the garlic and onion, rinse and finely chop;
  • pour the mixture with sugar 1:1, mix well and place in a warm place for 2.5 hours;
  • drain the released juice through 2 layers of gauze;

Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, only 1 time a week for 1-2 months.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi with vegetables and fruits

Some products have special properties that allow them to be used to cleanse a smoker's lungs. This applies mainly to brightly colored vegetables, they contain antioxidants and will help strengthen the immune system. To achieve a cleansing effect, it is necessary to include as many fruits and vegetables in the daily menu as possible, both fresh and in the form of juices and as part of a variety of dishes.

Corn silk

Corn silk has long been known for its healing properties; they are also useful for cleansing the lungs. Grind dried corn silks into flour, mix with two parts of natural honey and take half a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Honey, aloe and Cahors

These products can be used to make a cleansing balm for your lungs. Grind 300 g of young aloe leaves (the plant should not be watered for 14 days before removing the leaves), previously cleaned with a damp towel. Add 400 ml of Cahors wine and 350 g of natural honey to a glass container with aloe mass. Close the container with a lid and shake thoroughly to mix all the ingredients. Leave in a dark place for 14 days. Then filter and drink a teaspoon of balm before meals.

Inhalations for the lungs

Inhalation procedures for the lungs are particularly effective and, most importantly, easy to use. As an inhalation substance, aqueous solutions with essential oils of plants such as sage, lavender, fir, mint, wormwood, eucalyptus, juniper, pine, and cedar can be used. You can also use decoctions from the indicated plants (leaves, flowers or bark), cooked according to the recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water. Inhalations to cleanse the lungs are conveniently carried out using a special device - a nebulizer.

Herbal infusions

When we cleanse tobacco-contaminated lungs, herbal remedies must be included in the cleansing course. You can use ready-made “breast preparations” from the pharmacy, or you can prepare the collection yourself.

  1. Take an equal amount of marshmallow and licorice roots, anise seed and coltsfoot leaves, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into boiling 200 ml of water and let stand for half an hour. Drink 100 ml of strained infusion before meals.
  2. Mix sage, anise seeds, marshmallow roots and licorice roots in equal proportions. Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and let it sit for half an hour. Take 100 ml of the strained product 3 times a day, adding honey or jam if desired.

Cleansing the lungs with medications

If you are a follower of traditional medicine, then the list below will be of interest to you. Here are the medications recommended for cleansing the lungs. These are drugs with a mucolytic, expectorant effect that help liquefy bronchial secretions and facilitate their evacuation from the lungs.


A medicine produced in the form of syrup and lozenges that facilitates the removal of sputum, dilates the bronchi and relieves bronchospasm thanks to the salbutamol contained in the drug. Taken in accordance with the instructions for use.


A mucolytic that is popular due to its affordability and therapeutic effectiveness. It is used for bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, quickly clears the bronchi of mucus, removes phlegm, and makes breathing easier.


One of the best phytotherapeutic agents, characterized by good tolerance, high efficiency and, as a rule, the absence of side effects. Promotes liquefaction of sputum and its rapid evacuation from the bronchi of smokers.


A highly effective expectorant characterized by a rapid and stable cleansing effect. It is able to cleanse the lungs even of long-term smokers and quickly makes breathing easier.

In conclusion, we can summarize - cleaning the lungs of smokers is necessary to prevent pulmonary diseases and damage to other organs and systems. Today, there are many known ways to cleanse the lungs - from medications to folk remedies, proven by many years of experience. Be healthy!

A person can live without food for a month, without water for a couple of days, and without air - only about five minutes. We breathe through the lungs and bronchi. Their importance is simply invaluable. Such a necessary part of the human body must be properly looked after. Treat and clean mucus in the bronchi in a timely manner.

Environmental problems today exist not only in megacities. Therefore, cleaning the lungs and bronchi is important for everyone: smokers and non-smokers, elderly and young, lactating and pregnant.

After quitting smoking, it is logical to immediately cleanse your lungs. It is also important to do this if the following symptoms appear:

  • Cough and expectoration;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Eczema on elbows;
  • Mucus in the nose;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Frequent yawning;

Cleaning methods

People often ask how to cleanse the lungs and how to cleanse the bronchi? You can cleanse your lungs in different ways:

  • Natural cleansing of the lungs and bronchi is a common cough. It clears out mucus, but is very often painful and intolerable;
  • Breathing exercises of various techniques. The centuries-old system of yoga, gymnastics by Strelnikova and Buteyko will help cleanse the lungs;
  • medicines. Among the effective medicines, Mucaltin is known today;
  • Traditional methods;
  • Steam bath with herbal scent, as well as massage with nettle or birch broom;
  • Cardio training – jogging, cycling, walking, swimming.

Traditional methods of cleansing the lungs

Here are the most popular and effective recipes that can quickly solve the problem of how to cleanse the lungs and bronchi at home. So, cleansing the lungs with folk remedies.

Pine milk

Bronchial treatment with pine milk is one of the most effective.

Pine milk is good for those who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases. To prepare the composition you will need to take:

  • Small piece of pine resin;
  • Three green pine cones;
  • 500 ml milk.

All ingredients are mixed with boiling milk and then left to steep for about 4 hours. It can be taken only after careful straining.

Drink one glass of milk in the morning before meals. In very severe cases, a glass of this remedy can be taken before bed.

The total treatment time in this way lasts approximately sixty days.


The process of preparing this effective decoction looks like this:

  • Add 1 liter of boiling water to a glass of collected viburnum fruits;
  • The composition is simmered over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • Three tablespoons of linden honey are added to the mixture;
  • The decoction should steep for 5 hours.

The composition is used three to four times a day, 100 ml. This is one of the most effective remedies that can not only eliminate old accumulations of phlegm and mucus, but also strengthen the human body’s immunity.

Pine jam

This jam ideally removes various harmful substances from the human body, helps clear the lungs even of old mucus, and also easily alleviates the general condition of smokers.

The preparation of the medicine is carried out as follows:

  • Green pine cones that have a white coating on them can be rinsed well in cold water;
  • The raw material is filled with water so that it is 20 cm higher;
  • The mixture is simmered over low heat for 8 hours. If necessary, remove the foam;
  • The resulting pine jam is filtered and covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, and then cooked for another 1 hour.

You should take two tablespoons of jam before meals. If this method causes discomfort in the stomach, the medicine can be taken immediately after lunch and dinner.

Garlic onion syrup

How to clean the bronchi in other ways? For treatment you will need to use the essential oils of these products. They contain phytoncides, which are characterized by unique antimicrobial and cleansing properties.

At the same time, it is necessary to note such special properties of the products as a significant strengthening of the body’s immunity.

To get the medicine you will need to take an onion head and. All this is chopped and then covered with a small amount of sugar. Leave the mixture for 2 hours to obtain a full-fledged syrup.

The product is taken three to four times a day, one tablespoon. In case of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, use for six to seven days.

The syrup can be used as a preventive measure. The only contraindication is stomach problems.


Vegetables are a unique treatment that solves issues that are associated not only with diseases, but also easily cleanses the respiratory system and other systems of the human body.

Preparation of the infusion:

  • You will need to take 500 ml of vodka;
  • Beetroot, carrot and black radish juices are prepared separately, total quantity is 500 ml;
  • Everything is mixed and then covered with a lid;
  • The container is closed with pre-prepared dough to prevent air penetration;
  • Simmer the juices in the oven for 90 minutes.

The medicine can be taken when it has cooled down. The composition should be consumed three times a day before meals.

The amount of product at one time is 50 g. The general course of treatment in this way is 30-35 days. In more advanced cases, the course of such treatment can be repeated, but only after a ten-day break.

Corn silk

Corn silk helps with the acute form of various pulmonary diseases, with an old cough, in particular.

To treat, you will need to take dried corn silks and grind them to a powder. To get a positive effect, add high-quality honey to the mixture (ratio 1:2).

Take a spoonful three to six times a day, depending on the complexity of the situation.

Oregano and violet

And violet has excellent antiseptic qualities. The product perfectly protects against allergies. In addition, the composition helps activate the bronchial epithelium.

To prepare the mixture, you will need to take one tablespoon of each herb, and then pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. The composition is taken after it has been infused for 1 hour. Tea should be drunk without sugar three times a day.

After a short period of time, the bronchi and lungs are completely cleared of dust, resins, pus and sputum. This is a very comfortable cleansing option, since during treatment there is no cough that interferes with sleep and leading a normal lifestyle.

Milk with oats

Oats with milk are simply ideal for cleansing the bronchi and lungs. The product is prescribed both for heavy smokers and for those who have a lot of mucus in their bodies due to a cold.

To prepare a medicinal drink:

  • Take a glass of oat grains and mix them with 0.5 liters of milk;
  • Cook over low heat until mixture is reduced by about half;
  • The oats are pressed through a sieve and then added to the prepared liquid.

You should get half a glass of the finished product, the consistency of which is very similar to gruel.

The finished decoction is drunk just one time before eating. The number of uses per day is three times. At the same time, the product must always be fresh. The duration of treatment should last at least a week.

Basically, after seven days, an important cleansing process begins in the human body. This is manifested by severe coughing attacks that can last up to 30 minutes. It is at this time that the sputum comes out.


This is another good remedy that helps with congestion in the lungs and bronchi. To prepare the composition, you need to take three spoons of the product, and then pour 1 liter of boiling water over them, let them brew overnight.

A glass is drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening, preferably before meals and warm, one half of a glass. The full course of cleansing should last one and a half months. If necessary, after a break of three weeks, treatment can be repeated.

Composition based on Cahors

Red wine is optimal for fighting colds; it helps to quickly improve immunity.

The bronchial cleanser is prepared as follows:

  • 250 g of aloe leaves are well wiped with damp gauze and chopped very finely;
  • The mixture is poured into 500 ml of Cahors;
  • Add 350 g of honey;
  • Place the resulting composition in a protected place for two weeks;
  • Then strain and squeeze out the mixture.

The prepared syrup should be consumed three times a day, one spoon. The total duration of such a treatment course is based on the amount of the entire prepared composition. Use it all completely.

A plant with similar properties is no less effective.

Nuts and honey

The composition of nuts and honey perfectly cleanses the lungs of phlegm and mucus, and also eliminates even an old cough.

To prepare the recipe you will need 50 g of the mixture and half a liter of wine. This mixture is cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. The medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day.

spruce shoots

Coniferous trees are distinguished by their disinfectant properties. For this reason, it is so full and easy to breathe in spruce forests.

The needles contain various essential oils, the inhalation of which helps to effectively liquefy mucus and facilitate its rapid removal. Shoots for preparing a medicinal product should be used those that are collected from the end of May to the beginning of June.

Place the collected shoots on the bottom of a regular liter jar, and then cover them with a layer of sugar. All this is trampled down by a crusher. The jar is stored in the refrigerator for three weeks.

After this, the entire composition is filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. The result of these actions is a green syrup, which is also stored in the refrigerator.

You should take the mixture three times a day, one spoon. After treatment, the bronchi and lungs will quickly clear and you will be able to breathe deeply and easily.

Badger fat

Taken orally two or three times a day and preferably an hour before meals. The treatment time for fat should be no less than thirty days.


It is prohibited to practice cleaning the respiratory system if:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Convulsive states.
  3. Reduced immunity and general exhaustion of the body.
  4. The presence of any malignant formations.
  5. Active tuberculosis.
  6. The presence of genetic pathologies.

A smoker's lungs are clogged with tar and tar, which are formed from tobacco smoke. When a person decides to give up this bad habit, he does not know what to do. How to cleanse your lungs after smoking to get rid of all the nastiness that has accumulated over many years? Of course, in a few years the lungs will clear themselves, and everything will return to normal. But this process can be accelerated using various means.

What happens in the body when smoking

By smoking a cigarette, a person primarily jeopardizes his pulmonary system.. Tar from tobacco smoke accumulates in the lungs. Nicotine is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Its action leads to temporary dilation of blood vessels. And after that they narrow for a long time, and general oxygen starvation occurs.

The smoker experiences shortness of breath. But it is not a consequence of resin deposits in the respiratory system. It occurs due to vasoconstriction. For this reason, oxygen delivery to the lungs decreases. In this state of the vessels, several times less blood circulates through the capillaries.

As a result of oxygen starvation, signals are sent from the respiratory center for a reflex that increases respiratory movements. Shortness of breath is the result of the body's fight against tobacco smoke coming from cigarettes.

When can you start cleansing your lungs?

Nicotine is eliminated within a few days, but an oily coating in the lungs and bronchi accumulates with each cigarette smoked. Cleansing can only begin after quitting smoking completely. Without this, a dense sticky film forms inside the bronchial tree, preventing proper gas exchange. This also increases your breathing. At the same time, a person begins to experience inflammation, which in medicine is called smoker's bronchitis.

To begin cleansing your lungs, you need to take steps to get rid of nicotine addiction. Without this, all activities will not make sense, because smoking a cigarette again will reduce all efforts to a minimum.

There are many ways to get rid of cigarettes. For example, Allen Carr's book tells how this can be done quickly and painlessly. But quitting smoking removes the causes of the pathologies that have arisen in the lungs, and the harmful effects remain with the toxic resins in the body.

How long does the cleansing process take?

Having decided to quit smoking, a person should be prepared for the fact that some changes will occur in his lungs. This must be taken into account when starting to clean them. Cleaning must be consistent and systematic.

Before you look for what methods to use for this, you need to understand that cleansing the lungs of tar and nicotine deposits occurs in different people over different periods of time.

Normally, the cleansing process lasts four months or more. Throughout this period, the former smoker experiences various unpleasant sensations. These may be coughing attacks, the release of bitter dirty sputum (especially in the morning) and others. The intensity of these sensations depends on how long a person has been smoking and how many cigarettes per day.

If a former smoker has not smoked a single cigarette for four months, his lungs, bronchi and trachea begin to cleanse themselves. Within a year, this process ends with complete cleansing and partial restoration of the lungs.

The phenomena of congestion in the lungs, which caused chronic inflammation, disappear. The coughing attacks gradually stop, and over time it completely disappears. The alveoli and active cilia inside the lungs are cleansed, freed from sticky resin and restored to function.

Lung restoration

In a person who has given up smoking, the concentration of sulfantant increases in the pulmonary alveoli. This is a substance due to which, when you inhale, the alveoli straighten, but when you exhale, they do not collapse completely. Nicotine coming from smoking promotes the burning of this substance, which leads to inflammation and the degeneration of cells into malignant formations.

If the flow of smoke into the lungs stops before cancer begins to develop, then the respiratory system will get rid of nicotine in 3-4 days and sulfantant will begin to be produced normally. But the resinous film remains, and it is mechanically impossible to remove it. Over time, it itself becomes thinner and gradually disappears, but this takes a lot of time.

To speed up the process, it is necessary to treat bronchitis. To do this, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the sputum and prescribe an antibiotic that will be effective against the bacteria found.

Taking antibacterial drugs leads to getting rid of microbes that bind tobacco tar in the bronchopulmonary system. The film begins to crack, releasing the cilia of the bronchi. The receptors are released, and the cough reflex becomes full and effective. The mucus comes out and removes tobacco tar molecules from the mucous membranes.

Therapeutic measures will not only cleanse the respiratory system, but also reduce cravings for nicotine.

It takes at least five months for the respiratory system to fully recover. Medical care allows you to restore your lungs quickly and effectively.

Stages of lung recovery

The process includes three recovery stages:

  1. Cleaning. At this stage, traditional medicine recipes and medications are used.
  2. Rehabilitation. During this period, inhalations with various expectorants are used.
  3. Strengthening. To consolidate the result and completely restore the respiratory system, breathing exercises are performed. The set of exercises must be agreed upon with your family doctor.

Quick cleansing has a beneficial effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the body as a whole. The faster a person gets rid of harmful effects, the healthier he will feel.

How to clean a smoker's lungs

There are several ways to cleanse your lungs after years of smoking. These include:

  • Cleaning the lungs at home using folk remedies and using medications.
  • Visits to the bathhouse. Dilates the bronchi, improves breathing, removes accumulated phlegm.
  • Regular inhalations for two weeks give a good effect. Essential oils of eucalyptus, pine and marjoram are used for them. Add a few drops of oils to boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for up to 10 minutes.

To achieve maximum effect, several methods can be used simultaneously.

When choosing a product to cleanse your lungs after smoking, you need to pay attention to contraindications. Carefully read the instructions for use of medications. When using folk remedies, one must take into account the individual tolerance of certain products and plants.

Folk remedies

You can cleanse a smoker's lungs at home using various ingredients. The most popular of them are: honey, oats, milk, garlic, fir cones, pineapples, herbal teas.

Traditional medicine recipes will help clear your lungs of nicotine. They use simple ingredients that are accessible to everyone:

  • Milk and pine cones. It has long been known that milk cleanses the lungs. It works even more effectively in combination with certain plants, for example, with young pine cones. To do this, pour half a liter of boiled milk into a thermos and put three washed pine cones and a small piece of pine resin into it. Leave for 6 hours, filter and take in the evenings and mornings on an empty stomach for about 2 months.
  • Milk and oats. To cleanse the bronchi and lungs of a smoker from the effects of smoking, you need to brew oats in milk in a ratio of 1:2. Cook over low heat until the mass is reduced by half. Drink all the warm liquid and eat the porridge by spoon throughout the day.
  • Spruce needles. To treat smoker's bronchitis, young spruce needles, light green in color, growing at the tips of branches in spring, are used. The needles are collected in a jar, sprinkled with sugar, compacted and set aside for 3 weeks in a cold, dark place. Then the resulting greenish syrup is filtered and taken three times a day, 1 tsp.

This remedy is useful not only for smokers, but also for children who often suffer from colds. Needles cleanse the pulmonary system well of mucus, dirt and various toxins present in the atmosphere.

  • Onion or garlic. These plants have a strong antibactericidal effect. Eating them raw is very beneficial. They also prepare syrup from them and take 1 tbsp. l. after meal. To do this, grate onion or garlic and mix with honey or sugar in equal parts. Leave for 2 hours. Do this remedy once a week.
  • Aloe juice, honey and Cahors. Mix 15 ml of fresh aloe juice with 250 g of honey and 300 ml of Cahors wine. Leave for a week in a warm place. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  • Aloe juice, honey, lard and wax. For this remedy, take 100 g of unsalted lard and the same amount of honey. Add 1 tbsp. melted beeswax and 1 liter of aloe juice. Boil everything and drink 3 times a day, 1 tsp. With this treatment, the body recovers after two months due to the beneficial properties of honey and aloe juice.
  • Pineapples. They are useful in raw form and in juices. Helps cleanse the lungs and the body as a whole. Their use reduces the craving for nicotine.
  • The use of herbs to cleanse the lungs is popular. Infusions and teas are prepared from them. They are freely sold in pharmacies individually or in special collections.

Before you start cleansing your lungs after smoking, you should consult your doctor. You need to know that cleansing procedures are accompanied by copious sputum production and a prolonged cough. This is normal and indicates that the cleansing process is proceeding correctly.


Modern medicine offers a large selection of all kinds of cleansing drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe them, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The following medications are used:

  • Ambroxol – treats the respiratory tract, thins and removes mucus. Does not react with other medications.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​– treats diseases and cleanses the lungs of phlegm and impurities.
  • Gedelix - prescribed for dry cough when sputum is not released. Available in the form of drops and syrup.
  • Mucaltin is a herbal expectorant drug that has no contraindications. Can be prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Ascoril is an expectorant syrup that cleanses the bronchi and lungs well.

Medications are usually prescribed in cases where there are chronic diseases of the pulmonary system. Often these patients are admitted to the hospital to avoid complications. It is in such cases that people usually decide to quit smoking.

If cleansing measures are carried out correctly, the lungs are cleared within a few months. Everyone needs different time for this. But after cleansing, a person feels much better. Shortness of breath disappears, strength, memory and other useful functions of the body are restored.

The respiratory organs pass through a large amount of negative substances that settle on the mucous membranes. Under unfavorable conditions, for example, consumption of harmful products, smoking or poor environment, the respiratory tract reduces its defenses and accumulates toxins and wastes. Deterioration of respiratory function negatively affects the function of the central nervous system and the hematopoietic system, which provokes a lack of oxygen in the internal organs. Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies is a procedure that can be performed by every person suffering from respiratory diseases.

Factors influencing slagging of the bronchopulmonary system

Toxins settling in the bronchi and pulmonary ducts impair blood supply and nutrition of body cells, as a result of which pathologies of the respiratory system can develop, which are difficult to treat.

Common causes of respiratory diseases are:

  • smoking. Tobacco is one of the main reasons for the formation of toxic mucus in the bronchopulmonary system, which impedes respiratory function;
  • polluted air, waste emissions, transport smog;
  • frequent colds;
  • poor nutrition, excessive consumption of fatty foods, bread, butter;
  • evaporation of chemicals from surrounding objects - plastic, furniture, floor coverings;
  • smoke from electronic cigarettes.

All these toxic substances instantly settle in the pulmonary tract and cause enormous damage to the entire body. In addition, they can cause many diseases: they negatively affect brain function, affect blood composition, cause cardiovascular diseases, and provoke lung cancer.

Symptoms of pollution

The following symptoms may indicate problems in the respiratory system:

  • labored breathing;
  • weak and quiet speech;
  • shortness of breath during exercise;
  • morning cough;
  • dry and pale skin;
  • chronic fatigue, loss of strength;
  • asthma;
  • pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • swelling of the face;
  • mucous discharge in the nose;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • vein problems;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • frequent yawning;
  • bad breath;
  • tendency to allergic rashes and skin irritations;
  • the appearance of a viscous coating on the tongue.

All these signs indicate problems in the respiratory tract, as well as the need to clear mucus from the lungs.

Effective folk remedies for cleaning the lungs

Before cleansing procedures, you should get rid of habits that are detrimental to your health.
, promoting the accumulation of toxic compounds and resins in the respiratory tract: only in this case can a positive result be achieved.

Self-cleaning of the pulmonary tract when quitting smoking occurs after 1-3 years, depending on the stage of the smoker. Using special cleansing techniques, you can significantly reduce the recovery time - up to 3-6 months.

Cleansing the lungs is often accompanied by a prolonged cough, which indicates the beginning of the cleansing process. With pneumonia, sputum may be released in the form of green clots.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are special exercises that force the pulmonary system to function normally. By performing certain exercises, you can increase blood flow to the alveoli and the air exchange process, which will help remove mucus in the lungs.

There is a certain system of exercises aimed at cleansing the pulmonary tract. The most popular is the yoga technique, which involves deep and leisurely breathing. Systematic application of the technique will increase the volume of the lungs, get rid of harmful substances, and also saturate the organs with oxygen.


A plant containing a huge amount of vitamins, essential oils, proteins and fats. Cleansing the lungs with oats will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system and remove phlegm from the respiratory system.

To prepare, whole, unrefined oats are combined with 0.5 liters of milk and boiled over moderate heat until half of the solution has boiled away. The resulting mass is ground and mixed with water. Consume before meals three times a day.

For inflammation of the pulmonary tract, the following recipe is used: a glass of oats is combined with 1 liter of milk and kept on fire for an hour. Strain and take 3 times a day hot, adding 1 teaspoon of honey and oil to the mixture. Cleansing course – 7 days.

Pine milk

Pine milk is most effective at cleaning the lungs of smokers
. Also, this folk remedy is considered the most harmless for people suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia.

To prepare a healing drink, you will need 3 cones, a small piece of resin, and 500 g of hot milk. The mixture is kept in a thermos for 3 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered and consumed twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed. The cleaning procedure is quite long, lasting 30-60 days..

Onion and garlic syrup

For the syrup you will need 2-3 cloves of garlic and a chopped onion. Add sugar to the mixture and leave for 2 hours. The resulting syrup is consumed 2 teaspoons three times a day..

Vegetable mix

Some products cleanse the lungs very effectively. These include radishes, beets and carrots. These cultures help cleanse not only the respiratory organs, but also other internal systems.

The duration of the cleansing course is 1 month. Juice is squeezed out of vegetables. For complete cleansing you need 500 mg of each component. The resulting liquid is combined with 500 g of vodka and mixed well. The mixture is placed in a tightly closed container and placed in the oven for 2 hours, after which it is cooled and taken 50 g three times a day. After completing the course, you should take a break for 10 days, and then repeat the cleansing.

Corn silk

The following folk recipe using corn silk will help cleanse the pulmonary tract and remove toxins. The dried plants are crushed to obtain a powder, combined with honey in a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting composition is consumed 1 teaspoon 4 times a day for 1 month.

Aloe based tincture

Healing aloe tincture is an effective way to cleanse clogged bronchi, promoting the removal of old mucus. Fresh aloe leaves, 400 g of Cahors, 350 g of honey are mixed thoroughly, kept for 2 weeks, filtered and drunk before meals, 1 teaspoon each.

Viburnum decoction

Easy to use This folk method will help not only free up the pulmonary tract, but also have a positive effect on the immune system.. The duration of the course is 30 days. For 200 g of viburnum fruit – 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 15 minutes, 30 g of linden honey is added. The resulting composition is kept for 5 hours and drunk 4 times a day, ½ cup.

Tea with oregano

An effective antiseptic that prevents allergic reactions and has a positive effect on the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory organs. To cleanse the pulmonary system of tar and dust, you need 10 g of oregano and the same amount of violet, pour 500 g of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 60 minutes and consumed instead of tea three times a day.


Horseradish roots contain a large number of substances beneficial to the body that help dilute accumulated phlegm.

For preparation you will need 150 g of roots, 2 lemons. The components are passed through a meat grinder and mixed thoroughly. Take the resulting mass 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day. Bee honey can be added to the mixture. To enhance the effectiveness, an hour after using the product, you can additionally take 100 g of radish and carrot juice.


Most often, cleansing the bronchi using plant infusions is used as an additional method, together with other means. The following herbs are suitable for cleaning:

  • marshmallow;
  • angelica;
  • coltsfoot;
  • clover;
  • sweet clover;
  • plantain;
  • caraway.

These herbs perfectly relieve inflammation, eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, promote expectoration, coat mucous membranes, and clear phlegm.

To prepare, 10 g of crushed herb is mixed with 300 g of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Take the resulting infusion ½ glass before each meal. Duration of cleansing is 1 month.

Herbal infusions

The following fees will help free the respiratory system from toxins and nicotine:

  • Licorice and marshmallow - 2 servings each, anise, sage, pine buds - 1 serving each. One tablespoon of the components is mixed with 250 g of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, filtered and consumed 2-3 times a day.
  • Promotes expectoration following collection. Blackcurrant, mint, oregano are mixed in the same ratio. For 500 g of boiling water - 3 tablespoons of herbs. The composition is kept for 1 hour and consumed half a glass, 30 minutes before meals three times a day.


Inhalation procedures are easy to use and very effective folk remedies for stagnant mucus in the respiratory system
. The procedure should be carried out using a nebulizer. Essential oils of the following herbs are used as components:

  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fir;
  • pine;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • sagebrush.

To prepare 1 tablespoon of raw material, brew 200 g of boiling water.

All methods based on folk recipes are proven and quite effective. With systematic cleansing of the lungs, you can normalize the functioning of the pulmonary tract and get rid of many diseases. However, before using any cleaning method, you should consult your doctor.