What causes fluid to appear in the navel. Why does fluid come out of my belly button? Preventive treatment of the scar

Often the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the navel causes discomfort. There may be several main reasons and most of them require seeing a doctor. Why the navel smells in adults will be discussed in this article.

Poor personal hygiene

The navel is a scar left after birth. Often people do not think about the need to care for it until it appears bad smell. One of the reasons why the navel smells bad and discharge occurs can be dirt or dust.

Poor personal hygiene only contributes to the development of infections. You should never touch your navel with dirty hands.

To avoid umbilical cord odor, water treatments taken daily. The navel area is cleaned cotton swab, soaked in hydrogen peroxide. One procedure per week is an excellent prevention of inflammation umbilical region.

If, despite observing all hygiene standards, the smell remains, it is recommended to consult a surgeon.

Most often, the navel becomes inflamed when a fistula appears, since with this phenomenon it gets wet. If you experience symptoms such as inflammation and redness in the navel area, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

The second most dangerous disease that leads to the appearance of odor from the umbilical cord is omphalitis.. This inflammatory process occurs when the umbilical fossa is not properly cared for and dirt accumulates in it.

Inflammation can also occur in case of unsuccessful piercing.. You should remove the earring and contact a specialist for help.

Also, one of the main reasons why women may have a bad smell from their navel is endometriosis.

Also, One of the main reasons why women may have a bad smell from their belly button is endometriosis.. This inflammatory process causes symptoms such as nagging pain, bloody issues.

Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor during an examination, based on the results of a study of discharge from the navel and blood tests. Treatment is carried out using hormonal drugs. If after the course there is no positive result, undergoing surgery.

The reasons why the navel smells are very different, and one of them is a fungus.. Such diseases are divided according to the degree of spread and danger.

  • poor body hygiene;
  • contact with a sick person or animal;
  • internal health problems, and as a result, damage to the skin around the navel.

The main symptoms of a fungal infection are itching, redness, change in skin color and peeling. With such an infection, if you do not receive proper treatment on time, the rash will spread to healthy areas of the body, and the itching will intensify.

The main symptoms of a fungal infection are itching, redness, changes in skin color and peeling.

Ointments and creams are used for treatment. You cannot self-medicate! All medications must be prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to maintain personal hygiene, take a shower daily, and wear comfortable and clean underwear.

Skin diseases as a cause of unpleasant odor from the navel

Infections skin often result in serious illness.

One of them is omphalitis. His reasons:

  • reduced immunity;
  • overweight;
  • infectious diseases skin;
  • pneumonia;
  • pustular diseases;
  • tight, dirty clothes.

Signs of omphalitis include: unpleasant odor, redness of the skin, mucous discharge, discoloration of the skin to gray-yellow.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. Firstly, apply processing antiseptics. Secondly, immunostimulants and vitamins are prescribed. The skin is lubricated with heparin ointment. Physiotherapy includes UHF, electrophoresis, microwave and ultraviolet irradiation.

IN difficult cases Surgical methods are used when the abscess is opened and the pus is removed using a probe.

Functions endocrine glands affect the functioning of the body. In case of metabolic disorders and malfunction organs, an unpleasant odor may appear from the navel.

Major diseases endocrine system, are:

- Thyroid cysts.

— Adenoma of the thyroid gland.

Such diseases lead to disruption of the functioning of the entire body and can become the main reason why purulent discharge and the navel smells bad.

In such cases, p Besides drug treatment, a review of the diet is necessary. Exception harmful products, leading to disruption of the endocrine system, will help in the fight against the disease.

Treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus differs depending on its degree

Treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus differs depending on its degree. It is mandatory to follow a diet, avoid sweets and starchy foods, and completely eliminate alcoholic beverages. In some cases, insulin therapy is prescribed.

Adrenal insufficiency is treated with medications containing glucocorticoids. At acute failure it is performed in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

The causes of navel odor may be related to the urinary duct. It is a tube that runs from the bladder to the navel.

A fistula may form in its area. With this disease, urine is released from umbilical ring, which leads to an unpleasant odor and redness of the skin.

It is important to know! Diagnosis of any disease is carried out by the attending physician, based on examination and test results.

A bladder cyst is no less dangerous. When it increases, suppuration may appear, unpleasant aroma And elevated temperature bodies.

A purulent infection caused by blood poisoning is sepsis. Its main symptoms are fever, change in skin color, herpes, and an unpleasant odor from the navel.

The cause of its occurrence can be blood diseases, oncology, wounds and burns, intrauterine infections. Define accurate diagnosis the doctor can. To do this, it is necessary to submit a blood culture for sterility and bacterial culture of purulent wounds.

Sepsis can be caused by blood diseases, oncology, wounds and burns, and intrauterine infections.

Treatment includes antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and immunotherapy. In difficult cases, surgical treatment is performed.

  • promptly treat any wounds and pustular formations;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • Maintain personal hygiene after visiting medical institutions wash your hands with soap.

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother until birth. During pregnancy hormonal balance changes, and the likelihood of inflammatory processes increases.

If there is discharge, this may be the main reason for the unpleasant odor from the navel. If the skin becomes red, itchy, or pus is released, you should consult a doctor. Inflammation occurs due to the penetration of bacteria or dirt into the navel.

While expecting a baby, it is important to careful care behind the navel and adhere to personal hygiene rules

Expectant mothers may develop thrush, or candidiasis. This is a fungal infection that occurs when the immune system is weakened. It is accompanied by a white discharge with a characteristic sour smell And possible inflammation umbilical cord.

With an enlarged abdomen, you may also experience painful sensations. They are due to the fact that the skin stretches and can form umbilical hernia, causing odor, which goes away after childbirth in most cases.

Note! While expecting a baby, it is important to carefully care for the navel and adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

If the smell is accompanied by discharge and pain

Why the navel smells and pain appears can be associated with several types of diseases.

An umbilical hernia leads to intestinal dysfunction, which causes pain in the abdominal area. Adults should consult a doctor if these symptoms occur.

Omphalitis may also be accompanied by pain and discharge due to inflammation of the skin. For prevention, you should carefully monitor the hygiene of your navel. Treatment is carried out locally, using anti-inflammatory drugs.

Carefully! An incorrectly performed piercing can lead to inflammation of the skin, pain and bad smell in the area of ​​the navel puncture.

Despite the fact that the main reasons for the appearance of a bad smell from the navel are quite dangerous to health, this does not mean that no action should be taken before consulting a doctor.

The first step is to treat the umbilical ring. After taking a shower or bath, take a cotton swab, dip it in hydrogen peroxide and gently clean the navel. Afterwards, wipe the navel with a cotton pad so that no moisture remains.

After taking a shower or bath, take a cotton swab, dip it in hydrogen peroxide and gently clean the navel

If a wound has formed on the navel, then it must be treated with brilliant green. Under no circumstances should the navel be covered with a bandage; air must flow.

While wearing a piercing, you need to take care of not only your navel, but also the earring. Once a week, take out the jewelry and wipe the metal with a disinfectant. If, in addition to an unpleasant odor, additional symptoms causing discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out inflammation and various diseases.

Regular care of the navel will help avoid the appearance of inflammatory processes. If the reason why the discharge appeared has been determined, but there is still a smell from the navel after applying disinfection measures, it is recommended not to delay it and go to the doctor.

Some interesting facts about the navel:

How to treat an adult’s navel so that there is no smell:

What is important to know about the navel? Elena Malysheva:


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There was such sadness after the puncture. I had to take out the earring every day and process it, and everything dragged on for a couple of months. Chlorhexidine 2 times a day helped save the situation.

An unpleasant odor can occur anywhere in our body, even in the navel. The navel is a scar left as a memory of our intrauterine life. In this place there was once an umbilical cord, which supplied us with all the necessary nutrients. And few people take care of their belly button. But if this is not done, an unpleasant odor may appear.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odor from the navel. This may be a symptom of a disease or normal pollution. In addition, the unpleasant odor may be accompanied by discharge, discomfort and irritation. In this article we will tell you why an unpleasant odor occurs in the navel area in adults and children and what needs to be done in such cases.

Unpleasant odor from the navel

Not only adults can experience an unpleasant odor in the navel. This problem is also common among children. If you bathe your baby every day and follow all the rules of hygiene, and the smell does not disappear or is accompanied by discharge, then the baby should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible so that he can establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

An unpleasant odor from the navel in infants may appear as the umbilical ring heals. Crusts often form in this area, and the skin may turn red. An unpleasant odor can be caused by fistulas, complete or incomplete. Incomplete fistulas appear much more often and with them the navel first gets wet, then irritation appears around it and the fistulas themselves are lined with mucous membrane. In addition, fistulas can occur on the urinary and bile ducts.

Whatever the cause of the unpleasant odor, the baby should be immediately shown to a doctor and examined. Unfortunately, in many cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. You cannot try to cure an unpleasant smell in the navel on your own. This can complicate the disease and lead to negative consequences.

One of the types of fistula during the healing of the umbilical ring is intestinal fistula. At the time of healing, the umbilical cord is no longer present, and part of the intestinal wall dies off (the alloyed area). As a result, a fistula appears, which is the cause of the foul odor. If treatment is not started on time of this disease, then he can go to chronic form, which will negatively affect the baby’s well-being.

One of the most dangerous diseases, which causes an unpleasant odor from the navel - this is omphalitis. Omphalitis is inflammation of the bottom of the navel. The inflammatory process is provoked by staphylococcus and coli. There are three stages of this disease: simple, phlegmonous and necrotic.

The symptoms of this disease are specific: redness of the umbilical ring, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the navel, yellowish discharge from the navel, while the umbilical area becomes covered with crusts and the baby’s body temperature rises to 38 degrees. The disease can only be treated in a hospital, as constant medical supervision is required. In addition, every day the navel is washed with special solutions to remove pus. In very difficult cases, doctors prescribe surgical intervention. But this rarely happens, and if timely treatment was started, then the disease will not lead to such consequences.

To reduce your risk of illness, follow simple rules hygiene. Approach your baby only with well-washed hands. In the first three weeks after the baby is born, wash his clothes well and iron them on both sides. Bedding in the crib needs to be changed every day. After each bath, the wound must be treated. This is done very simply. Remove the crusts with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then dry the area well and apply a drop of antiseptic or potassium permanganate to it.

Why does fluid come out of my belly button?

An unpleasant odor in the navel area may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, the release of fluid.

There are many reasons for this:

  • Dirt getting into the navel. Dust, particles from clothing, sand and other pollutants can get into the navel, especially if the navel is deep. This can lead to tissue irritation, which can further lead to infection. Initially, itching appears, then discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • Inflammation. Inflammatory processes near the navel rarely occur, but cause a lot of trouble. When inflammation occurs, purulent masses begin to accumulate around the navel. Often such suppurations break through and the release of pus begins, which causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • A bladder cyst can also cause an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel. Initially, pain appears in the navel area. After some time, the body temperature rises. The cyst leads to the appearance of surges from the inside, as a result of which fluid begins to ooze from the navel and an unpleasant odor appears.
  • Candidiasis. All women are familiar with this disease. Common thrush can cause an unpleasant odor from the belly button. This happens because a fungus called Candida begins to develop in the navel area. With this disease, there will also be discharge from the navel. curdled discharge. Very often this disease affects people who have weak the immune system. In such cases, immediate treatment should be started.
  • Pathological development of the urinary duct. The urinary duct is a tube that connects the top of the bladder and the umbilicus between the transverse fascia of the abdomen and the peritoneum. Sometimes it happens that the urinary duct does not close this tube after birth and this leads to the fact that fluid begins to be released from the navel, an unpleasant odor appears, and a cyst forms. In addition, the patient has urinary incontinence. Surgery is prescribed to correct the defect.
  • Various fungal infections provoke the appearance of discharge and an unpleasant odor from the navel. They are often accompanied severe itching and burning.
  • Sepsis. This disease can develop in those people who have their navel pierced. An incorrectly done puncture can lead to the development inflammatory process, bleeding and sepsis. If a white liquid begins to ooze from your navel after the piercing, and you feel a putrid odor, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

What to do if there is an unpleasant odor in the navel area?

If an unpleasant odor appears, all hygiene rules must be followed. It is also very important to properly care for your belly button. You need to shower at least once a day with soap. After showering, wipe your navel with a soft cloth to remove moisture. If you have a deep navel, then twice a week you need to clean it with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic.

From time to time, carefully examine your navel to see if there is a dirt plug in it. This phenomenon is often observed in fat people with a deep navel. Dirt, lint from clothing, and skin particles accumulate in the navel - all this can lead to an inflammatory process.

If you take care of your navel hygiene, but the unpleasant odor does not disappear, be sure to consult a doctor. An unpleasant odor in the navel area can be caused by diseases such as urachus cyst, umbilical fistula, fungal diseases, omphalitis and other diseases. You need to contact a dermatologist and surgeon, as a last resort, to a therapist.


If you notice an unpleasant odor from your navel, be especially careful about your personal hygiene. Wash 1-2 times a day with mild soap or shower. Blot deeply with a napkin or toilet paper so that water does not accumulate in it.

Clean the deep, folded navel 1-2 times a week with a cotton swab and disinfectant liquid. Can be used . Hydrogen peroxide and fucortsin dry fabrics well and get rid of unpleasant odors.

If you carefully observe navel hygiene, but the unpleasant odor is still present, pay attention to whether there is any discharge from the navel. If the belly button is, this may be a sign of an umbilical fistula, omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical ring), urachus (urinary duct) cyst, or other urachal abnormalities. A dermatologist or surgeon can detect an abnormality and prescribe treatment.

Remove the piercing if you notice pain or discharge from your belly button. The reaction may cause tissue irritation. An associated infection can cause omphalitis - inflammation of the umbilical ring.


The most common cause of a weeping navel is omphalitis - bacterial inflammation umbilical wound, umbilical vessels, umbilical ring or subcutaneous fat around the umbilical ring. Symptoms of omphalitis are weeping discharge, swelling, redness, unpleasant odor, itching and pain. At neglected form omphalitis in the umbilical cavity pus and. If not purulent, it will quickly spread to neighboring tissues. When the umbilical fold is treated with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, but when advanced stage Only surgery helps. Omphalitis can have a simple, purulent, phlegmonous or necrotic form. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli.

Umbilical fistula

Umbilical fistula is congenital pathology, which develops as a result of non-fusion of the umbilical-urinary or umbilical-intestinal duct. When the umbilical-urinary duct is not closed, the navel secretes small portions urine, this defect is especially noticeable during urination. Non-closure of the umbilical duct is fraught with intestinal or mucous discharge from the navel. In some cases, an umbilical fistula may appear as a result of a long-term inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when the navel is opened purulent abscess. An umbilical fistula is treated by excision and suturing of defects in the wall of the bladder or intestine.

Other causes of a weeping navel

In addition to omphalitis and fistula, a weeping navel can be associated with structural features of the umbilical canal, complications after piercing, and insufficient hygiene during the hot season. The narrow and deep umbilical canal is more likely to accumulate sweat and dead skin particles. This leads to infection and inflammation of the umbilical area. In some cases, the appearance of discharge from the navel may be associated with complications after piercing, which is open wound. To keep your navel healthy, it needs to be washed daily. soap suds or liquid soap, and then wipe dry with a soft towel or napkin. And remember that a clean navel is healthy skin, which is not afraid of any bacteria!


  • An adult's navel gets wet - what does it mean?
  • 10 Interesting Facts About Your Belly Button
  • Inflammation of the navel in adults

The navel is a scar that forms on the human body after the umbilical cord falls off, which becomes an inconspicuous part with age. There are people who complain that it gets wet. There are several reasons for this illness.


Most often, the cause of a “wet navel” is the disease omphalitis, in which a person feels healthy, while noticing only small discharge in the form of serous or purulent-serous fluid, drying out as a crust on the body around the navel. The reasons for this are fungal or bacterial infections associated with the structural features of the navel. For example, with a narrow and retracted channel, separation of work products sebaceous glands and dead skin cells are difficult to remove, which can easily lead to infection if personal hygiene is insufficient. For omphalitis it is carried out ambulatory treatment, which consists in processing problem area cauterizing and antiseptic drugs, the use of antimicrobial or antifungal ointments.

Phlegmous and necrotizing omphalitis is less common. With this form of the disease, the surrounding skin becomes inflamed, redness, thickening, pain, purulent discharge appear, and body temperature rises. The treatment is complex. The affected area is treated with antiseptics, bandages are made with antibacterial and wound healing ointments, antibiotics are injected intramuscularly, and physiotherapy is prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is required to open the abscesses.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis is very rare; it is a complication of the phlegmonous form. With this disease, the infection enters the abdominal cavity, necrosis and exfoliation of dead tissue occurs. This type of development of umbilical sepsis is dangerous, hematogenous osteomyelitis, peritonitis. For necrotizing omphalitis, gamma globulin injections, blood transfusions, and vitamin therapy are given.

Another cause of a “wet navel” may be a fistula. This pathology most often it is congenital and is characterized by a patent vitelline or urinary duct. If the urinary duct is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula occurs, through which urine oozes. If the vitelline duct is not closed, an intestinal-umbilical fistula occurs with discharge from the intestines. In the presence of inflammation, the discharge becomes purulent.

Discharge from the navel area is a pathology, since this area of ​​the body should be dry. There should be no itching or other extraneous discomfort. It is important to know why discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor appeared in women, the reasons for this manifestation. You should contact a specialist doctor immediately. He will appoint complex treatment which will help eliminate mucus.

Causes of navel discharge in adults

There can be quite a lot of reasons that entail the appearance of discharge from the navel with a corresponding unpleasant odor in women - this is the presence heavy weight, poor hygiene, fungal infectious diseases.

If the navel area has become red and there is a slight swelling and discharge, then it is necessary to reveal the causes of this anomaly:

  • Bacterial infections – insufficient hygiene (accumulation of sweat, detergents etc.), leads to the appearance of favorable conditions for the emergence of various bacteria. As a result, an odor and mucus appear in the umbilical area. He becomes yellow color or brown tint, there is slight swelling and severe itchy pain in this area.
  • Fungus - here the main symptom that most often manifests itself will be pain and a large accumulation of purulent discharge. The reason for this symptomatology is the appearance of fungi of the genus Candida, which love moist and warm surfaces and multiply very quickly in such conditions.
  • Fistula – bladder It is connected to the umbilical region by the urinary duct, which must close after birth. But sometimes this does not happen, and this duct is subject to “attacks” of infections, leading to the formation of a fistula and, as a result, the release of mucus.
  • Surgery can provoke inflammatory manifestations.
  • – can lead to deterioration of the navel area, which becomes moist, discharge (similar to cottage cheese) and an odor appear.
  • Atheroma - neoplasm of the duct sebaceous gland(otherwise a cyst), which when mechanical damage(scratch) can become inflamed and cause discharge and odor from the navel.
  • Extra pounds can cause inflammation in the navel area, where sweat and dirt accumulate and bacteria develop accordingly.
  • Insufficient hygiene.

It is important to find out why the smell and discharge from the navel appeared in an adult. This will help to assign effective therapy, which will quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of the navel and diagnosis of discharge

If you find that your navel has become wet, purulent discharge has appeared and strong smell, then you need to try to eliminate possible root causes:

  1. Follow all rules of body hygiene. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the navel area and dry it completely.
  2. If the navel is deep, then it must be treated with a cotton swab moistened with any antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Remove dirt, lint and skin particles.

Having eliminated the basic points related to hygiene, you should then (provided the symptoms of the disease persist) contact a surgeon who will perform full examination and then prescribe the necessary treatment.

Methods for diagnosing diseases associated with discharge.

  • Examination of the patient.
  • Blood test for content ( increased level) leukocytes.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Examination of a smear of the navel area for the presence of an infectious pathogen.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • X-ray of the navel area.

Treatment method:

  1. If the cause of navel discharge with an unpleasant odor in women is umbilical fistula, then only surgical method you can get rid of problems in the future.
  2. In cases related to diabetes mellitus requires creation rational menu and its correction in order to lower blood sugar levels. Thus, the symptoms will disappear on their own.
  3. Excess weight is also easy to eliminate, just lose weight and carefully maintain hygiene.
  4. Causes associated with bacteria and fungi can be eliminated by treating the affected navel area with antiseptic agents. After the discharge from the navel is washed off with water, it is necessary to treat it with a cotton swab soaked in saline or hydrogen peroxide (disinfecting germs) and wipe the navel dry. Next you need to anoint antibacterial ointment, which will gradually relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In order to dry the umbilical area, you can use Syntomycin or Zinc ointment. Levomekol is also well suited for these purposes. Some patients treat the area with brilliant green. However, you should not use brilliant green solution if there is severe redness or bleeding.

Folk remedies for the appearance of discharge and odor from the navel

Can be used at home traditional methods getting rid of inflammation in the umbilical area.

  • Remedy No. 1. Salty water.
    Salt is known to be wonderful natural antiseptic and its use will help get rid of fungal infections. One tablespoon of the product is diluted in a glass warm water and the navel is treated with this composition, the procedure must be repeated three times a day.
  • Remedy No. 2. Use of oils.
    Oil tea tree is very effective in treating a weeping navel, which perfectly kills all infectious diseases and relieves inflammation, healing the wound. A few drops of tea tree oil mixed with half a teaspoon olive oil, moisten the cotton wool and apply it to the wound for five minutes. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.
  • Remedy No. 3. Vinegar.
    Vinegar is an acid that can kill any infection and therefore, after wetting cotton swab in vinegar and treating the umbilical wound, you can kill the bacteria. Treatment with vinegar is done several times a day and then the discharge will become smaller and the smell will gradually disappear.
  • Remedy No. 4. Alcohol.
    Pure alcohol is antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, which perfectly disinfects wounds. Alcohol also relieves pain and removes redness quite well.
  • Remedy No. 5. Use of spice – turmeric.
    A spice such as turmeric has antiseptic properties and helps fight infection in the navel area. One teaspoon of spice is diluted in forty milligrams of water and the affected area is lubricated with this mixture. The procedure must be repeated until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • Remedy No. 6. Aloe.
    Very good and effective remedy, from suppuration in the navel area, this is aloe. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing.

If the symptoms do not disappear and there is still discharge and smell from the navel, then you need to contact a specialist to find out all the root causes and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Various discharge from the navel, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, is considered a pathological phenomenon. U healthy woman the scar formed at the site of the umbilical cord should always remain dry.

If fluid is released from the umbilical area, then one can assume the development of an inflammatory process or the presence of abnormalities in genitourinary system. The appearance of unpleasant-smelling discharge can be caused by debris getting into the navel area.

Main reasons

Discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor in women is often found in medical practice.The reason for their appearance may be:

  • poor hygiene;
  • inflammatory process;
  • problems with bladder or genitals.

To make a diagnosis and begin to fight unpleasant phenomenon, you should promptly seek qualified medical help.

Poor hygiene

The structural features of the navel in some women (narrow, deeply retracted umbilical canal) are favorable for the accumulation of dead epidermal cells and sebum. They are a beneficial breeding ground for the proliferation of various bacteria.

If particles of clothing, dust, sand or any other substances get into the area of ​​the retracted umbilical ring and remain there for a long time foreign bodies, then they provoke the development of an infectious process.

First, the woman notices itching in the abdominal area. A little later (when skin tissue begin to decompose) and discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.


The penetration of anaerobic bacteria into the body can lead to inflammation of the umbilical area and the accumulation of pus in it. There are several reasons contributing to this:

  • Due to an infection in the umbilical area or trauma to the navel, a woman may experience an inflammatory process in the umbilical region. subcutaneous tissue(omphalitis). The pathology is accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge.
  • In some women, the abnormality may be caused by a fistula. Most often this pathology is congenital, but it can also be acquired. In adulthood, a fistula is formed due to a chronic inflammatory process on the anterior wall of the abdomen. After some time, purulent discharge, accompanied by a foul odor, comes out.
  • Some women carrying a baby notice that as their belly enlarges, the navel begins to smell unpleasant, and the skin around it becomes wet. The anomaly occurs due to an inflammatory process in the navel due to changes in its size.
  • Punctures in the navel area (piercings), performed without following the rules of hygiene and the use of antiseptics, provoke the appearance of white fluid with putrid smell. Absence timely treatment may lead to the development severe inflammation, bleeding, sepsis.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Diseases can provoke the appearance of unpleasant-smelling discharge from the navel urinary tract and genital organs or anatomical abnormalities. These include:

  • Cyst on the bladder. A woman appears painful sensations in the stomach, body temperature rises. A liquid with an unpleasant odor begins to ooze from the navel.
  • Endometriosis. The pathology is characterized by ingrowth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus into abdominal tissue. The problem can only be solved with surgery.
  • Thrush. Candidiasis is one of the most common reasons why the belly button smells bad. This is explained by the fact that a specific fungus develops in the folds of tissue, leading to the appearance of cheesy discharge.
  • Incorrect structure urinary tract. The urinary ducts are tubes that connect the bladder and the navel. Sometimes the ducts do not close the tubes immediately after a person is born. This provokes the growth of the cyst, problems with urination, the appearance of mucus and an unpleasant odor from the navel. The defect may not appear for a long time and only become apparent with age. Only surgical intervention helps to cope with the pathology.