If you are breastfeeding, you can roast the sunflower seeds. Pumpkin and sesame seeds. Sesame seeds during breastfeeding

In the first month after the birth of a baby, it is often difficult for a young mother to eat fully and regularly. After all, the child takes up a lot of her time. Girls resort to a proven remedy, like a snack various seeds. They are quite high in calories and help to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a short time. But can nursing mothers eat them? Are they good for new mothers and their newborn babies? What types of seeds are best for a nursing mother to buy? In what form are they available? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Pros and cons of different seeds

There are several types of seeds. Each of them has its own pros and cons.


“Men, remember: seeds are not only 1 – 2 kg of husk, but also 3 – 4 hours of female silence...” ©

Sunflower seeds are rightfully considered the most common seeds. But why are they better or worse than other seeds when breastfeeding? Let's try to figure it out.


  1. They are easy to find and buy. You may not find other types in small stores, and a young mother does not have the time or opportunity to go far from home.
  2. The habit of cracking seeds can help you quit smoking. Unfortunately, not all women quit smoking during pregnancy. Perhaps you should change your habit and start eating sunflower seeds instead of smoking?
  3. They are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They will help a young mother have a quick snack and relieve her hunger.
  4. Contains magnesium. Doctors prescribe magnesium if pregnant women and women who have recently given birth complain of stress, frayed nerves and depressive state. By regularly eating sunflower grains, you will feel a surge of strength.


  1. They are quite a high-calorie product. And women who have given birth are concerned about bringing their bodies back to their pre-pregnancy state. Limit yourself in the amount you eat.
  2. A salty delicacy can lead to swelling in the body of a young mother.
  3. They create a sloppy look. But it can be difficult for a young mother to take care of herself.
  4. The constant habit of gnawing on them can lead to damage to the tooth enamel of a nursing woman. The enamel will be severely damaged. And this will lead to the development of caries and require treatment. Pregnancy and breastfeeding often have a strong impact on the teeth of a young mother. Don't put them under even more stress.
  5. If a woman has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver or gallbladder, then large consumption of seeds can aggravate the disease. They can cause an attack associated with the outflow of bile.
  6. They have a bad effect on vocal cords, dry throat.


Many happy owners of dachas grow pumpkins in their gardens. But they don’t clean and dry pumpkin seeds, but simply throw them away. This product is useful for any person. Especially recommended pumpkin seeds nursing mother.


  1. An interesting feature of this type of seed is that it helps prevent nausea. This is often used by pregnant women. Women after childbirth also sometimes feel nauseous, various reasons. Therefore, it is worth having a handful of pumpkin seeds in the house.
  2. Pumpkin seeds are taken to prevent constipation. This is important for young mothers, because many face hemorrhoids and anal fissures after childbirth.
  3. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  4. Pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding stabilize blood sugar levels.


  1. At increased acidity stomach and gastrointestinal problems, pumpkin seeds should be taken with great caution during breastfeeding.
  2. They are quite difficult to peel.


People know little about sesame seeds. They are mainly used as a topping for baked goods. You definitely need to know a lot more about them, because they have big amount useful properties. Of course, like any product, they have contraindications. Can nursing mothers eat them?


  1. Contains beneficial antioxidants that help cleanse the body.
  2. Helps support immunity.
  3. Contains phytoestrogen that supports genitourinary system women.
  4. Are the strongest aphrodisiac for both sexes.


  1. If a woman suffers from excess calcium, then consuming sesame may worsen her condition.
  2. Sesame is contraindicated for women with varicose veins and thrombosis.
  3. Sesame promotes the formation of kidney stones.

Young mothers have many dietary restrictions. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to chew seeds during lactation? Let's consider the benefits and harms of seeds on breastfeeding.


  1. Increase lactation. This is especially important for mothers who have low milk supply. Eat daily small portion seeds, and you will notice how the baby has become calm at the breast, as there is more milk.
  2. They contain a lot of proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. This is especially important for the exhausted body of a woman who has given birth and is breastfeeding. Please note that unpeeled and unprocessed seeds contain much more beneficial microelements.


  1. The fats contained in this product may cause constipation in a nursing baby. natural feeding. The baby’s intestines are not fully mature for stable operation. This product, like any other, should be administered carefully, starting with small doses, to see how the child reacts.
  1. GW seeds can become an allergenic product. Whether your baby is allergic or not is unknown. The only possibility Is it possible to find out if breastfeeding Eating this delicacy is a gradual introduction of the product into the mother’s diet.
  2. If they contain salt, they can change the taste of the milk, which your child will not like.
  3. The peeled seeds may cause indigestion in mother and baby. They are often coated with a special substance that prevents the product from deteriorating for a very long time.
  4. Roasted seeds can have a negative impact on fragile gastrointestinal tract baby.

What seeds to buy and how to fry them yourself

In stores, you will find a huge variety of the most different types seeds They are sold in shell, shelled, unprocessed, salted and fried. In general, for every taste and color. Which ones should a young mother choose, and which ones should she leave lying on the store shelves? Can I eat any of them while breastfeeding?

Which ones to choose

  1. Eat raw but slightly dried grains. You can lightly hold the grains in water to activate all the beneficial properties.
  2. You shouldn’t rely only on sunflower fruits. It is better to diversify your menu with pumpkin and sesame seeds.
  3. Try not to buy shelled seeds. In this form they lose some of their beneficial properties. They can be applied harmful substances.
  4. Don't buy salted seeds. During lactation, this is absolutely useless, and can lead to edema and refusal of milk in the baby.
  5. You should not buy them fried. Better to fry them yourself.

Proper frying

Roasted seeds have a richer taste. There are no special recommendations for roasting seeds for a nursing woman. Observe two main points:

  1. Fry the seeds over low heat.
  2. Use little or no oil in a dry frying pan.

How to eat seeds

“If you want to test your willpower, try eating just one seed!” ©.

The benefits of sunflower seeds during breastfeeding for a newborn are very controversial. We learned about large quantities, both the pros and cons of different types of seeds. How to eat them correctly while breastfeeding?

  1. Any products new to the baby should be introduced to the mother sequentially. Let's say you ate a handful of sunflower seeds today. Wait two days and monitor your baby's reaction. If his behavior has not changed, there are no rashes on the skin and the feces are normal, then feel free to go to the store for some other type.
  2. Do not forget to rinse any purchased seeds thoroughly to get rid of possible raid harmful substances, dust and dirt.
  3. Do not mix eating seeds with other foods. Eat seeds separately from any other food. This way they will assimilate better.
  4. Try to eat less roasted seeds. Doctors do not recommend roasted seeds for a nursing mother. If you fried them, eat them as soon as they cool down. This way you will get more of their beneficial properties.
  5. Eat treats in small portions.
  6. Eat the seeds at the same time, a couple of hours before feeding.

How to get rid of addiction to seeds

“Nothing kills time like a kilogram of seeds” ©.

Sunflower seeds often cause strong addiction. Some women cannot live without them. Many girls like to crack seeds while watching TV or while walking with their child. But something needs to be done about an existing addiction. This is unacceptable for a nursing woman. Check out a few tips:

  1. Start with awareness of addiction. This is already half a step towards getting rid of a bad habit.
  2. Consistently replace sunflower seeds with other types.
  3. Do some other things. Distract yourself.


We really discussed unique product! These small grains are filled with beneficial substances, but they can also be harmful. Any nursing mother needs to know in moderation in everything, this also applies to eating any type of seeds. You shouldn’t deny yourself anything - if you want something, then your body needs it. Seeds from a nursing mother are even beneficial. But remember about the “golden mean”.

When they talk about the joys of motherhood, for some reason they forget to mention the associated dietary restrictions. Each woman experiences this differently. But many of the fair sex love to crack seeds. However, even such familiar seeds raise questions when breastfeeding.

How to choose and in what quantities can you eat seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame? Let's talk about each type separately.

The most popular among other seeds are sunflower. They are delicious, have a pleasant smell and are impossible to tear yourself away from. Next in line in popularity are pumpkin ones. These seeds have an indescribable taste with a slight bitterness, are easy to peel and are much larger in size than sunflower seeds.

And last, but not least, sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are usually used in cooking as a decoration, and less often in salads and sauces. More often used Sesame oil, the benefits of which have long been proven.


Sunflower seeds are not always beneficial when breastfeeding. But first, the good stuff. Sunflower seeds on breastfeeding are useful because they help cope with stress, thanks to a natural antidepressant. They also contain vitamin D, which is valuable for the baby, which affects the quality of the child’s development (physical and mental).

A large amount of calcium in the seeds during breastfeeding will help quickly restore the nails, hair and teeth of the new mother. If you have problems with lactation, then sunflower seeds help in milk production.

Let’s not forget about the negative impact on the body. The seeds are strictly prohibited for use by mothers who are breastfeeding if the child suffers from allergic reactions. In this case, the mother must adhere to a strict diet so as not to harm her child.

Can a nursing mother eat roasted sunflower seeds? It’s not worth it, it’s better to use unroasted and peeled (yourself) sunflower kernels. Remember about high calorie content product. If the milk becomes very fatty, it will have a bad effect on the baby's pancreas. Remember that gnawing on seeds is harmful to the teeth, and they place a significant burden on the esophagus of the mother and baby.

Whenever you start eating a new product (not just seeds), pay attention to your child’s reaction.

If you notice skin rashes, irritation or peeling, remove them from your diet. allergenic product. Avoid salted seeds. Salt retains water in the body and swelling may occur.

Based on all this, we can say that sunflower seeds can and should be eaten. But with some reservations. Even the well-known doctor Komarovsky mentioned the benefits of seeds during breastfeeding.


In the first month after giving birth, you really want to treat yourself to some food. But most often, nursing mothers exist on oatmeal, buckwheat and water. You can treat yourself and buy unpeeled, unfried, white pumpkin seeds.

pumpkin seed contains useful element– zinc, which has a beneficial effect on vision, hair, and skin condition of mother and baby. It also strengthens the baby’s immunity. Another undeniable advantage of eating white pumpkin seeds during lactation is that they do not irritate the mucous membranes and do not clog the intestines. The product is hypoallergenic, so it is safe for both mom and baby.

The downside is that you can’t eat a lot of them while breastfeeding. And the unfried option is always healthier.


Sesame seeds are rarely used for food just like that. Often white polished sesame is used in baking or in the preparation of sweets, sometimes added to different varieties of bread. More benefits will come from black, unpeeled sesame seeds. The advantage of such seeds is to increase the immunity of mother and newborn. High calcium levels affect fast growth nails, teeth and bones.

Despite all the advantages, it is thanks to high level calcium, sesame seed You cannot eat more than one tablespoon per day. If you overdo it with sesame seeds, your baby may grow overgrown faster than expected. And this will entail unpleasant consequences, as a rule, increased cranial pressure and headaches.

Rules for eating seeds

First, remember one thing: any fried seeds are prohibited. If you really want to pamper yourself with seeds, buy slightly dried ones and fry them yourself in a dry frying pan. Secondly, when purchasing, choose a non-salted option. And thirdly, buy seeds in their shells.

The last thing you need to know about consuming sunflower seeds during breastfeeding is to not overuse them. Just two tablespoons a day is enough to get healthy vitamins and microelements.

How to get rid of addiction?

Seeds for breastfeeding, that little joy that a new mother still has. And it’s so hard to deny yourself this pleasant weakness. But think about it, seeds can do a lot of harm to your baby. And this is already a big incentive to abandon them or reduce the amount consumed per day.

The diet of a nursing woman should be balanced and healthy, so the choice of products should be treated with special care. Many mothers are forced to significantly limit the list of foods they eat due to feeling unwell baby. Seeds allow you to diversify the menu. Experts say that pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding are better than others in helping to cope with problems that arise after childbirth.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding?

About unique properties Everyone knows pumpkins. Therefore, new mothers are often concerned about the question: is the dietary orange vegetable allowed and whether a nursing mother can eat its seeds. Medical workers answer in the affirmative.

It has been proven that seeds during breastfeeding, 100 g of which contain an unprecedented amount of biologically active substances, no less useful. They include:

  • about 20 amino acids (essential and essential);
  • saturated and unsaturated fats;
  • vitamins E, A, C, D, K, group B, niacin, lutein, beta and alpha carotene;
  • zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, manganese, iron, copper - minerals and trace elements;
  • curcubutin;
  • glycosides, alkaloids.

If you include this herbal product in the menu, it will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being.

For female body The benefits of pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals necessary to restore the body after childbirth;
  • work stabilization digestive tract, improvement of intestinal motility;
  • normalization of metabolic processes, reduction of glucose concentration;
  • removal of toxins;
  • improvement of circulatory and nervous system;
  • energy supply;
  • protection and mitigation skin, strengthening bones and teeth;
  • strengthening blood vessels, increasing immunity and hemoglobin;
  • improving mood, relieving fatigue, restoring hormonal levels;
  • restoration of reproductive system functions;
  • normalization of sleep, help with depression and neuroses that often accompany a woman during the postpartum period.

Another advantage of pumpkin seeds is that, unlike sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and others, they are hypoallergenic and practically safe for the baby.

In addition, entering the newborn’s body through breast milk, pumpkin seeds contribute to the development of his vital functions. important organs and systems.

The only thing that young mothers who care about their figure should remember is that pumpkin seeds - high-calorie product. 100 g contains 546 kcal, so you need to follow the measure. Safe dosage is 35 – 80 g per day.

How dangerous is the product?

During pregnancy and after childbirth (especially when breastfeeding), a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child. Therefore, when deciding to introduce pumpkin seeds, she should monitor the baby’s reaction and introduce them from the minimum allowed dose, gradually increasing it.

A plant product may be harmful in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to seeds (moreover, the mother’s body can well absorb the substances contained in them, while the child reacts with a deterioration in health, and vice versa);
  • allergic reaction;
  • excessive consumption of the product, accompanied by constipation, colic, and bloating.

At similar manifestations seeds should be excluded from the diet.

Remember that their reasonable and rational use helps to increase lactation and saturate the body with nutrients.

How to properly consume pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are allowed to be included in the menu of a nursing mother 1-3 months after the birth of the child. The digestive system of a newly born baby is not yet formed, so the little body needs time to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems.

The following will help you avoid trouble: useful tips specialists:

  • choose the product with special care: in order to increase shelf life, store-bought seeds are often treated with chemicals;
  • To avoid poisoning, you should lightly dry store-bought seeds in the oven and then send them to warm water for a while;
  • treatment with water has a destructive effect on inhibitors that suppress enzyme activity and has a beneficial effect on the properties of the natural product;
  • introduce pumpkin seeds gradually: for the first time, eat no more than 5-10 pieces. better after breakfast (it is not recommended to use them on an empty stomach);
  • do not remove the greenish film containing useful material;
  • Observe the newborn for 1-2 days after the first use: if there is no reaction, gradually increase the daily dosage;
  • do not overuse pumpkin seeds: 1 handful per day is enough;
  • do not eat harmful salted seeds, as the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are allowed during the war, since heat treatment helps increase milk production. Therefore, do not get carried away with using the product: frequent use leads to hyperlactation. Homeopaths advise taking the seeds in monthly courses of an average of 60 g per day, taking short breaks.

How to choose pumpkin seeds?

Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of products, providing them with beautiful packaging and adding a variety of ingredients to attract the attention of buyers.

A nursing mother should carefully study the composition of the purchased product. plant product, giving preference to natural pumpkin seeds without salt, sugar, honey and other additional components.

The best seeds are considered to be self-prepared ones. It won’t be difficult for mommy to get them from a pumpkin, especially since the pulp can also be used for food.

To do this, you need to free the seeds from the chaff, rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. To do this, you can lay them out on a cloth or sieve, or you can dry them over low heat in a frying pan with a thick bottom.

If you do not have this opportunity, then choose the simplest fried seeds with a minimal composition. Eat raw (healthier) or fried in moderation and without additives.

How can you prepare the product?

Proper use of pumpkin seeds by a nursing mother is a guarantee strong immunity newborn The main thing is to cook them correctly.


Since roasted seeds are allowed, it is important to follow the correct roasting procedure. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. keep in the oven on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes at 190 °;
  2. fry in a frying pan, stirring constantly, for about half an hour;
  3. V microwave oven the seeds will be ready in 5 minutes.

To increase lactation

If mommy doesn't have enough breast milk, then lactation will increase significantly after consuming seeds prepared in this way: mix pumpkin seeds and crushed walnuts V equal parts and pour the mixture with boiled milk, cooled to 60° (1:3) and leave for half a day. Drink 1 tsp. three times a day.

Pumpkin milk

Prepare pumpkin milk. For this:

  1. cover the seeds with water and leave overnight;
  2. In the morning, drain the water and rinse;
  3. grind the seeds in a blender with a small amount of water;
  4. add liquid - 3 cups of water for 1 cup of seeds;
  5. mix with a blender until smooth;
  6. squeeze the resulting mass through several layers of gauze.

Consume small portions throughout the day.

Whole or ground seeds can be used as an additive to salads and dairy products.

There are several radically opposing opinions regarding sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Some people recommend that they be included in the diet of a nursing mother, as they allegedly can increase the fat content of milk. Someone insists on their complete exclusion from the diet during lactation, since they contain protein - a potential allergen.

Lactation consultants take the position: if it’s not harmful to the baby, then it’s okay for the mother.

They often ask me: “Can breastfeeding women have seeds,” says breastfeeding consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya. - I answer this question: why not? If you like sunflower or pumpkin seeds as a snack or just to “click”, go ahead and click for fun. Moreover, they are very useful.

Product Features

The ability of seeds to increase the fat content of milk during lactation is nothing more than a myth. Research by scientists has shown that not a single product can have a pronounced effect on the fat content of breast milk. The quality of fat can indeed be adjusted by saturating milk with either valuable fats from sea ​​fish, vegetable oils or the same seeds. Or trans fats, dangerous and harmful, from high-calorie confectionery, fried food.

The benefit of the product lies in something completely different. It contains an abundance valuable substances, so pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding or sunflower seeds can be included in the mother’s diet.

  • Protein. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contain almost 40% of the daily protein requirement, necessary for a person. Vegetable protein is freely absorbed by the body and participates in metabolic processes. It is necessary for proper operation immune system, tissue regeneration. Pumpkin seeds contain less protein, only 14% of the daily diet.
  • Fixed oils. Seeds for breastfeeding are useful for containing valuable fatty acids. Similar in composition include expensive varieties of red fish or, for example, fish fat. Pumpkin seeds contain oleic and linoleic acid- essential substances that our body cannot produce. But they are extremely important for correct exchange substances, normal functioning of the nervous system, lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Vitamins. The amount of vitamins in this product is huge. Eating one hundred grams of sunflower seeds will provide 130% of the required amount of vitamin E per day. They cover the share of vitamin B5 by 70%, and vitamin B6 by 40%. The vitamin content of pumpkin seeds is not as high, but they also contain valuable components: vitamins K, C and B1.
  • Minerals. When deciding whether seeds can be consumed while breastfeeding, it is important to consider a significant amount minerals in their composition. Sunflower seed contains 115% of the daily dose of phosphorus and 113% of required quantity Selena. It covers 90% of the body's need for copper and almost 30% for potassium, zinc and magnesium. Pumpkin seeds are slightly less rich in minerals in their composition. They contain 30% of the daily value of magnesium, phosphorus and iron, and a little more than twenty percent of copper and zinc.

Get maximum benefit The product can only be consumed fresh or slightly dried. Roasted seeds (pumpkin or sunflower) when feeding a newborn are absolutely useless for the body. During heat treatment, more than ninety percent of valuable substances are destroyed. All that remains are empty calories.

Rules for using seeds during breastfeeding

“Everything must prevail common sense,” comments lactation consultant Natalya Tsareva on the question of whether a nursing mother can have seeds. - Mom’s menu should not be limited to water and buckwheat. She has the right to eat the foods she likes, but with an eye on the baby’s reaction. And you can only find out what this reaction will be through experience. So be sure to try every product you want.”

The relevance of sunflower and pumpkin seeds in the diet is determined by their benefits. But it is important to consider the risks.

  • Calorie content. Because of high content The amount of fat and calories in the product is high. In sunflower seeds it is 580 Kcal per 100 grams. Pumpkin seed contains about 440 kcal. Excessive consumption provokes weight gain. IN small quantity The seeds create a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Potential allergen. Contents in the product foreign protein requires careful attention to the child’s reaction. An allergy is possible, which usually manifests itself as a rash on the skin.
  • Difficulty in absorption by the body. Fat pumpkin and white sunflower seeds count heavy product. Therefore, when asked whether a nursing mother can eat seeds, nutritionists answer with caution. Consuming the product in large quantities may lead to constipation. However, in this case, the mother will be the first to suffer, after which a similar reaction will develop in the baby.

“Of course, it’s possible for a child to have constipation from seeds,” notes lactation consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya. - But for it to happen, you will probably have to eat at least a kilogram. And you yourself will suffer from constipation.”

Considering possible risks, follow following rules eating seeds.

  • In moderation. It is unlikely that your baby will develop any reaction if you click on your favorite seeds while walking. In small quantities this product is absolutely harmless.
  • We introduce new things carefully. Mothers who did not consume seeds during pregnancy need to be careful. In this case, the child’s body is not familiar with the product, and the risk of allergies is higher. Follow basic principle introducing a new component into the diet. Try to eat a small amount of seeds, literally ten grains, and wait a day. If everything is fine with the child, eat some more seeds and see the reaction again. So gradually increase the number of seeds to the required rate.
  • We cook correctly. Seeds purchased at the market must be washed under cold water. This way you will not only wash away the impurities, but also allow the enzyme complex contained in them to open up. In the dormant state, the seeds contain enzyme inhibitors, which give them a bitter taste. Water destroys these substances, due to which the taste of the product is revealed, and it is better absorbed in the body. After that, dry them in the oven. You cannot fry the seeds; during frying, all the beneficial substances in them are destroyed. It is also undesirable to consume it with salt, since an excessive amount of salt in the diet negatively affects the functioning of many body systems.
  • Checking the seeds from the pack. Typically, manufacturers wash the product before packaging. If there are dirty marks on your hands, it means that the manufacturer missed this stage, and you should not buy his products.
  • We buy only in the peel. When breastfeeding, it is advisable to buy seeds unshelled. Only in this form do they retain fatty unsaturated acids. Once the husk is removed, this valuable complex is quickly destroyed.
  • Better than sunflower seeds pure form than desserts from them. Oriental sweets are prepared using sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds: kozinaki, halva. A nursing mother can also eat them. But the combination of fatty grains with sugar makes them many times more caloric. Special care should be taken with such desserts.

When asked whether it is possible to have seeds during breastfeeding, lactation consultants answer: it is possible, both in the first month and in subsequent months. If you consume them in small quantities, fresh or slightly dried, they provide benefits to your body. Significant impact on digestive system they cannot provide. But allergic reactions are possible, so carefully monitor the condition of your baby’s skin when you try sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

During the period of breastfeeding, every mother knows what important has a balanced diet and special diets for good health. With every drop of milk, beneficial and harmful substances from the mother’s body enter the baby’s sensitive body. daily menu. Therefore, women are often concerned whether it is worth giving up this or that product so as not to harm the child’s health. In this article we will answer the question of whether it is possible to eat seeds while breastfeeding.

Types of seeds and their benefits for breastfeeding


Half nutrients sunflower kernels are fats. Their calorie content is 580 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, sometimes doubts arise whether it is possible to eat sunflower seeds while breastfeeding. But most of the arguments speak in their favor.

Sunflower kernels cover daily norm vitamin E. Almost covers the norm for vitamins B5 and B6. Also a high percentage of protein and fiber.

The beneficial substances of sunflower grains take part in the functioning of almost all body systems and are very useful for nursing women, provided they are consumed correctly.

An important factor after childbirth is psychological health mother of the child. Seeds can cope with this task.

Clicking can:

  1. Save from depression during the difficult postpartum period.
  2. Satisfy hunger due to its high calorie content.
  3. Get rid of bad habits such as smoking.
  4. Distract from everyday routine, calm your nerves, and experience moments of overwhelming sadness and melancholy.

How can seeds be harmful when breastfeeding?

First of all, this is the probability of occurrence allergic reaction. The seeds are saturated with proteins and various elements that cause allergies. This will immediately affect the child in the form skin rashes. In this case, you will have to immediately forget about your favorite product.

Also, you will have to limit or completely exclude seeds from the diet during breastfeeding if:

  • the child experiences colic in the abdomen;
  • you or your child become constipated;
  • you have excessive milk production;
  • you gain excess weight.

Important! Remember that seeds are not food, but an addition to food! Excessive passion leads to addiction heavy load on the stomach, failure of the diet.

You need to be careful with salted grains, as the child may not accept milk with a salty taste.

The shell can cause considerable harm to health; many microbes and harmful bacteria live on it. We do not know under what conditions they were prepared and how they were stored, so the seeds must be washed before use.

Rules for eating seeds while breastfeeding

In relation to this product, the rule is successfully applied - everything is good in moderation. Just 100 grams of seeds is enough to provide a mother’s body with all the beneficial elements during breastfeeding.

As soon as you want seeds after giving birth, don’t rush to eat a whole pack - after all, they are so healthy, you say! Not allowed in in this case overdo it. To avoid harm to the newborn, you need to start with a small amount. A handful of grains is enough to see the child’s reaction to this product. If the child does not develop rashes, itching, or colic, then feel free to include the product in your daily diet.

In addition, to ensure that the use of seeds is healthy and safe, we advise you to follow the following rules:

  1. Eat only raw sunflower and pumpkin kernels. Perhaps a little dried in the oven.
  2. Buy only in shell. Refined grains lose their valuable qualities.
  3. The shell must be clean, so that there is no problem with dirty shells. harmful bacteria did not enter the body. It is better to rinse with cold water before use.
  4. It is more correct to eat seeds when breastfeeding between meals, stretching daily dose for the whole day, rather than eating the entire glass in one sitting. Also, doctors advise eating 2 hours before feeding the baby.
  5. After peeling, you need to brush your teeth, as this process damages tooth enamel.

Is it possible to have seeds during the first month of breastfeeding?

Whether you can eat seeds while breastfeeding in the first or second month, you can only determine by trial. Moderate amount and the absence of an allergic reaction in the baby are indicators that you can eat the seeds from the first day of feeding.

How many seeds can you eat during breastfeeding?

When breastfeeding, you can eat from 80 to 100 grams of grains to get the maximum benefit from this product. Whether to increase the dose or not depends only on individual needs And general condition mother and child.

Is it possible to roast seeds during breastfeeding?

Not everyone likes raw grains, no matter how healthy they may be. But is it possible to eat roasted seeds or not while breastfeeding?

Unfortunately, roasted seeds lose most of their beneficial properties, leaving only calories, so it is advisable not to consume them at all.