Chicory increases or decreases blood pressure. A healthy coffee substitute, also known as chicory, does it lower or increase blood pressure? Useful properties of the plant

Sometimes people various reasons try to take less pills and mixtures, preferring to be treated with natural preparations. So, to normalize blood pressure, do this with chicory.

However, experts are confident: the result will be better if you have a good understanding of the mechanism of action of chicory on the body, know the recommended “doses” and, of course, the “pitfalls” that are available not only to pharmaceutical drugs, but also in seemingly harmless products.

In the previous article we have already talked about its benefits and harms, we recommend that you read it.

How does chicory affect blood pressure – does it increase or decrease it?

This one has natural healer reputation - one of the most gentle, safe means, which only hypertensive patients can take. Yes he reduces high blood pressure, but acts very gently, without sudden jumps.

Even if a person arterial pressure turns out to be very high, chicory will lower it smoothly and stop at the line beyond which the decrease in pressure will no longer be desirable.

Chicory is rich in B vitamins and potassium. Their effect on the body resembles the work of antidepressants: the nervous system, the heart come into normal condition, the vessels become wider, and it is precisely because of their narrowing that the readings on home blood pressure monitors change for the worse.

If a person has high blood pressure and his heart is acting up, and in the morning he needs to somehow wake up and get into work, it is best to replace the traditional cup of coffee with chicory.

According to their own taste qualities he's getting closer to the coffee, you can get used to it and even fall in love with it (even if this does not happen in two or three days) - health still sometimes requires certain sacrifices from us. Information about all the beneficial properties of chicory and its contraindications can be found.

Video with the release of the program “Live Healthy!” about chicory:

A pleasant point: it is not recommended to drink coffee in the evenings (insomnia will torment you), but chicory is okay. It will not excite you like a drink that contains caffeine, but will calm you down - smooth out the irritation that has accumulated during the day, relieve fatigue, and set you up for relaxation. You can learn about the effect of coffee on blood pressure from.

Of course, you can't drink during the day instant chicory cup after cup. This drink also loves the bill.

"Limitations" (based on own reaction for chicory) each person sets for himself: for one it will be a mug or two, for another - three.

If issues arise that cannot be resolved without medical intervention, be sure to seek advice from your doctor.

And one more thing to keep in mind: if a person is sick and takes medication (it doesn’t matter whether he has hypertension or some other disease), then drink chicory at the same time as pharmaceuticals it is forbidden.

There is a lot of chicory active substances, capable of interacting with medications and strengthening or weakening their effect on the patient’s body. As a result, the patient's well-being may deteriorate sharply.

Is it possible to drink it if you have high blood pressure (hypertension)

People with high blood pressure (hypertension) chicory is not only possible, but also necessary to be consumed. It acts carefully, reduces pressure carefully, without putting the body into a stressful state.

But hypotension (that is, low blood pressure) - good reason so that chicory is not on your menu. Otherwise, the already low pressure may drop to such levels when the head begins to spin, weakness and nausea appear.

How can hypertensive patients use chicory so that the benefits for the body are noticeable? Experts recommend different variants: prepare medicinal drink and take a bath.

This is how the decoction is prepared: the dried roots of the plant are ground into powder (you can, for example, use a coffee grinder), and then, filled with water, put on fire.

Boil for about 20 minutes, and after removing from the stove, let it brew for a while, and then filter the solution using a strainer. Drink a tablespoon several times during the day.

If it is not possible to purchase natural dried plant root, buy ready-made soluble powder in the store and brew it as you usually do with instant coffee. Lemon and honey go well with the drink.

Another drink option: pour the powder into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. If you think the drink is too strong, you can dilute it a small amount boiled water or add, for example, soy milk. You will learn how to choose the right one in this material.

Video about chicory from the “Natural Selection” series:

For medicinal baths , which also provide beneficial influence on the body of a hypertensive person, first prepare a decoction (200 g of dry crushed root per 2 liters of water), filter it and add it to a bath filled with water. Don't make it too hot - 37 degrees will be enough.

Very It is useful to take a bath before bed for 20 minutes. Do this every other day, course – 10 baths. This will be a wonderful relaxing procedure for the body after have a hard day– the nerves will calm down, the pressure will normalize.

Suffer from hypertension a large number of of people. Many try, if possible, not to resort to medications, but to normalize blood pressure proper nutrition and reception natural remedies. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to drink chicory with high blood pressure and whether it increases it.

herbaceous plant with blue flowers distributed almost everywhere. It can be seen in forest clearings, meadows, on grassy mountain slopes, roadsides, wastelands settlements. There are several wild varieties and two cultivated ones, which are eaten.

Composition and application

Chicory has been popularly known since ancient times as a source of beneficial substances. It contains polysaccharides, glycosides, vitamins C and E, microelements, macroelements, organic acids, essential oils, mineral salts, tannins, resins. The most valuable element of the plant is the polysaccharide inulin.

Thanks to its composition, chicory has long been recognized medicinal plant . It normalizes intestinal microflora, improves metabolism, replaces starch and sugar without increasing blood glucose levels. Chicory is used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking. He is rightfully considered dietary product. It is used as a seasoning for dishes. The leaves and stems of the lettuce variety are included in various salads. A popular drink is prepared from its root, successfully competing with traditional tea and coffee.

Chicory for hypertension

Chicory can easily replace coffee when high blood pressure, because, as you know, caffeine is contraindicated in this case. It is quite understandable that people with hypertension are interested in whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure. Doctors came to the conclusion that the plant does not increase it.

In addition, hypertensive patients cannot help but worry whether their blood pressure will drop sharply. According to doctors, this is not something to worry about. Chicory lowers blood pressure by about one to two millimeters of mercury.

Can hypotensive people drink chicory?

Most doctors believe that chicory is not contraindicated for people with hypotension, since it, if it lowers blood pressure, does so only slightly.

How to take chicory?

You can buy ground chicory for the drink or prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need the roots of the plant, which need to be dried, cut, fried, and ground with a coffee grinder. Pour the prepared raw materials into the Turk (one or two teaspoons are required per glass of water), add cold water and cook until it boils. Leave to settle, then pour into a cup. Ground chicory can also be brewed as tea. The pressure decreases gradually, this will be noticeable a few days after daily use.

Some traditional healers They suggest taking chicory baths to lower blood pressure and relieve headaches. You need to take about 200 grams of the roots of the plant, rinse thoroughly, add three liters of water and cook for about 20 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth and pour into a bath filled with warm water. Take 15 minutes for 10 days.


Chicory may not have the same effect on different people. The effect may vary depending on the form: liquid concentrate or powder. Therefore, when consuming it, it is advisable to measure your blood pressure and monitor your well-being.

Not everyone is able to fight diseases traditional methods. An obstacle to recovery may be intolerance to medications or too serious side effects. In this case, replacing drugs with traditional medicines or a combination of traditional and folk remedies. Before making such changes in treatment, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Folk remedies are very effective for general health. Their use can improve blood composition, blood pressure, the condition of blood vessels, joints, skin, digestive organs and other body systems.

For similar purposes, people have been using numerous plants for centuries, which can be found both in nature and on store shelves.

In this article we will look at one of the popular herbal remedies- chicory, and with others effective recipes on herbs you can read in our article:.

The benefits and harms of chicory for hypertension

Almost all residents middle zone A familiar low plant with blue flowers and a rigid stem. For its characteristic flowers, the plant is called roadside cornflower. This is chicory - a herb that has a number of healing properties and contains many extremely useful components. The most popular way to use chicory is to add its roots to dishes as a seasoning, or to brew the ground root and use it as a drink.

Thanks to high content inulin, this plant is very similar to coffee in taste and smell, but does not have a similar effect adverse effects on blood pressure. Inulin also helps lower glucose levels, accelerate the healing of small scratches, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What else is included in chicory:

  • Vitamins B1 and B2 - participate in many metabolic reactions and support proper heart function.
  • Vitamin C - promotes the absorption of iron and is an antioxidant.
  • Carotene is good for vision, promotes the formation of other vitamins.
  • Bitters are substances that, due to their bitter taste, excite receptors oral cavity and increase appetite.
  • Fatty acids improve skin condition and stabilize digestion.

The entry into the body of all these components that affect the condition of the organs has a general calming effect and normalizes many processes. According to experimental data, a properly prepared chicory infusion can reduce stress, improve heart function, and also promote the discharge of bile.

There is evidence that chicory extract is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes. It is used as a sweetener and lowers blood sugar.

Effect on pressure

A huge number of people complain about high blood pressure, but not everyone agrees constant appointment medicines. Many cope with the problem of compliance the right image life and the use of folk remedies. To understand whether chicory lowers or increases blood pressure, you need to take into account its effect on the body as a whole. It is not able to significantly reduce or increase blood pressure, only bring the indicators to normal values.

Chicory at high blood pressure cannot be used as a medicine, but it may help reduce the risks of complications of hypertension. This is achieved by the influence of the components of the chicory drink on the body. Inulin supports health digestive system

Chicory for hypertension can still alleviate the condition a little. If the cause of high blood pressure is emotional stress, chicory will relieve it and the pressure will become slightly lower. Since the plant has an antiarrhythmic effect, normalizing heart function can have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Is it possible to drink chicory if you have hypertension? Yes, there are few contraindications to drinking this drink. Its effect will be beneficial, but chicory should not be considered a medicine.


Drinking chicory may harm people suffering from cholelithiasis. Excessive flow of bile can cause stones or damage bile ducts. You should also be careful when drinking the drink if you have previously experienced allergic reactions for any herbal decoctions.


If you prefer to prepare chicory yourself, you should know the rules for collecting it. The roots are collected in early spring or late autumn, dried and crushed. You need to choose plants that grow in clean place away from roads.

The herbaceous parts of plants can be cut all summer, then dried, prepared infusions and consumed at high pressure. To make a kind of coffee from chicory roots, the dried roots are roasted without oil until the color of the plant changes to a darker one. Then they should be ground in a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water. The finished drink should be consumed immediately.

Nowadays, many suffer from high blood pressure, but hypotension is also common. Some seek to normalize blood pressure with the help of folk remedies, of which a great variety can be found on the Internet. One of useful plants– chicory. Everyone knows about its existence, but few know how this remedy works on blood pressure. The article will tell you whether chicory increases or decreases blood pressure.

The rich composition of chicory improves human immunity

This perennial plant can often be found in summer and attracts the eye with its beautiful purple flowers. But they are not considered medicinal at all, but the root, which contains vitamins and other useful material. Chicory leaves are sometimes used in cooking and folk medicine. In order to find out how chicory affects blood pressure, you should better understand its composition.

The root of this plant contains:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

In addition, the plant contains vitamins: A, C, E, B, K, nicotinic acid. Thanks to such a rich composition, chicory has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Its beneficial properties are as follows:

  1. Has a general strengthening effect.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Normalizes metabolism.
  4. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Improves the functioning of the excretory system.
  6. Has diuretic and choleretic effects.
  7. Kills harmful microorganisms.
  8. Heals wounds.
  9. Reduces blood glucose levels.
  10. Calms the nerves.
  11. Helps fight cancer.

The root of this plant is usually ground into powder, and from it, in turn, an instant coffee drink is brewed. It does not contain caffeine, therefore chicory does not increase blood pressure. Therefore, you can drink chicory for hypertension.

Benefits and harms of the root

Chicory root is the main part of the plant and is included in many medicines.

The benefits of this healing plant are obvious, but there is also slight harm for some diseases. The fact is that chicory root contains oxalic acid which poses a danger to patients urolithiasis. Because an excess of this acid promotes the formation of oxalates. Therefore, people prone to kidney stones and bladder, you should be careful in its use.

But useful action chicory has much more. It has long been noted that it calms nervous system, therefore, helps fight insomnia. In addition, chicory enhances intestinal motility, cleansing the body of harmful substances. Zinc, which is contained in chicory, helps men overcome sexual problems, and women - improve the condition of their skin and hair.

Iron, which is found in chicory root, improves blood composition and fights anemia. And calcium, which is also found in abundance in this plant, strengthens bone apparatus. Magnesium and potassium found in chicory make the heart muscle stronger.

Also this medicinal plant has a positive effect on the condition of muscles and joints. In addition, chicory contains a lot tannins, which help with inflammation of the throat, intestines and other organs.

It is especially worth noting the benefits of chicory for diabetes mellitus. Since it has the property of lowering blood sugar, a drink made from it is simply irreplaceable for patients with diabetes.

The plant is used not only internally, but also as a decoction for rinsing for diseases of the gums and throat, and as lotions, compresses, rubdowns for skin problems and joint diseases. Chicory is also added to baths for skin diseases.

The effect of chicory on blood pressure

Now it’s worth talking about how chicory affects blood pressure, whether it raises or lowers blood pressure. Let's look at how chicory works for hypertension and hypotension.

With high blood pressure

Chicory has the ability to relieve stress and calm nerves. Thanks to the content of potassium and magnesium, it strengthens the cardiovascular system. This medicine also has diuretic properties, relieves swelling and removes excess liquid from the body. In addition, chicory dilates blood vessels. All these influences healing root effect on the human body, they say that chicory lowers blood pressure. This means you can drink chicory with high blood pressure.

This plant also has the ability to heal diseases of the spine, namely spinal injuries can also lead to hypertension. This means that those who have increased blood pressure due to injuries should drink chicory, and the pressure will drop. However, you should not abuse it either, otherwise hypotension may develop. Two glasses a day will be enough for any person.

At low pressure

Since it was revealed hypotensive effect chicory on the body, it is clear that with low blood pressure it is undesirable to drink a drink made from chicory. Otherwise things may happen unpleasant consequences such as: fainting, weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, etc. Therefore, people who are prone to low blood pressure, drinking chicory is not recommended.

Methods of application

A coffee drink made from chicory root has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system

The coffee drink made from chicory root is most often used for treatment. It can be easily purchased at any store; it is sometimes produced with the addition of herbs: chamomile, ginseng, cinnamon. Brewing the drink is very easy: pour a teaspoon of the drink into a glass of boiling water and stir thoroughly. You can add milk, cream and sugar to taste.

The drink is very tasty and satisfying, after drinking it you feel a surge of strength and health.

You can also drink a homemade decoction of chicory root. It must be dug up, washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. Sometimes leaves and flowers are used, but rarely. Pour 100g of dry powder into a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, and strain. You should drink this remedy a few minutes before meals three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. WITH medicinal purposes chicory is taken for a long time.


Except yours healing benefits chicory has a number of contraindications.
You should not drink chicory root if you:

  • hypotension;
  • allergies to this plant;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oxaluria;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • stomach ulcer.

Pregnant women can take one glass of chicory per day as depressant. However, you should not abuse it, because an excessive amount of it medicine may cause premature birth. It is not advisable for nursing mothers to consume it because it reduces lactation and affects the taste breast milk bitter.

Chicory is useful for hypertension, but it is unreasonable to hope that the pressure will drop only from taking chicory. Because this serious illness requires constant drug treatment.

Chicory is made from the long root of the flower, which is ground into a fine powder. After which the resulting product is fried to intensify the taste and aroma. The chicory drink is often compared to coffee. It tastes and smells really similar to the well-known drink. But coffee is not good for people suffering from spikes in blood pressure.

Common chicory

This is what this plant is called in the botanical collection. This is a perennial from the genus Chicory, the Astrov family. The plant has azure flowers, a stem with leaves and a long powerful root. It is from this that the well-known drink is prepared.

The root of the plant contains a lot of vitamins and useful microelements. Here are some components of the drink that will benefit the entire body:

  • vitamins B, A, C;
  • macroelements, microelements;
  • inulin;
  • pectins, substances with acidic properties;
  • protein elements of organic origin.

From the above, it becomes clear that the drink really has a rich base of microelements and vitamins. But how does it affect people with hypertension.

Increases or decreases blood pressure

Patients with hypertension often ask their doctor how does chicory affect blood pressure? Numerous studies claim that it is very beneficial for hypertensive patients.

Despite its strong resemblance to coffee, the drink does not contain caffeine. In addition, chicory contains potassium, which affects correct work heart muscle. Magnesium is present, which helps fight tachycardia and other heart diseases.

Official findings suggest that regular consumption lowers blood pressure. Of course, this decoction cannot be called medicinal, but its benefits are obvious!

For hypotension

Although chicory lowers blood pressure, this drink It can also be recommended for hypotensive patients. It does not affect already low blood pressure. Rather, it helps to improve well-being and general state other human organs and systems. IN in this case we can talk about the selective healing effect that its extract has.

A herbaceous plant will help replace coffee for low blood pressure! Hypotonics - amateurs coffee drinks, but many people are prohibited from drinking coffee due to heart problems.

Any drink, even a medicinal one, is useful in moderation. To normalize the body’s functioning and stabilize blood pressure, doctors advise drinking 300–500 ml of chicory daily.

Healing infusion

You can prepare a drink or decoction of thyme at home, without going to the store or herbal pharmacy. To do this, you need one dried root of the plant. It is cut into small pieces and ground in a coffee grinder to a powder.

A teaspoon of powder is poured into a pot and filled with water. Chicory is brewed in the same way as coffee. You can add sugar or milk to taste the drink.

A decoction of chicory root powder is no less useful. It is prepared in a water bath by pouring 2 grams of the substance with 450 grams of water. The decoction is steamed for half an hour. After which it is allowed to cool. Take the medicinal drink twice a day, 150 ml.