What to do if there is water stuck in your ear. Should I be afraid of water getting into my ears? Symptoms: when you need medical help

It is not always possible to remove it and seek help from a specialist immediately. But if water remains in the ear for a long time, then inflammation may develop, including otitis media. Therefore, everyone needs to know the answer to the question: what to do when water gets into your ear?

Look at the picture of the structure of the ear. The ear consists of several important sections:

  • External - consists of the auricle, as well as the auditory canal,
  • Middle - located behind the eardrum (at healthy person water usually doesn’t get here)
  • Inner is the most important department responsible for hearing and balance

What kind of help should be provided first depends on which part of the ear the water is in.

What to do if water gets into your ear?

If water is retained in the outer ear.

A person feels that water is pouring inside the ear


You need to turn your head towards the shoulder from which water does not flow out of your ear, and it’s better to jump on one leg. At the same time, pull the earlobe down, straightening the ear canal.
A method similar to creating an artificial pump: tightly close the entire ear with your palm (as if creating a vacuum) and sharply remove your palm.
The divers' method is to blow air out of the lungs through the ears by holding the nose with one's hand.
If pain occurs, then place your head with the sore ear on a warm bag of sand or salt, or a heating pad. Warm water will flow out of your ear faster.
You need to lie on your side on the side where your ear is blocked - so that it is at the bottom. Now you need to make swallowing and chewing movements and try to move your ears :) .
Paste into ear canal a cotton pad or a flagellum so that the water is completely absorbed into the cotton wool.

If the water was dirty, then you need to drip alcohol-containing drops or hydrogen peroxide into your ear. This will prevent infection from occurring.

Usually this help is enough. After all, in a healthy person, water is deeper than the outer part of the ear - the eardrum does not provide it. If the water still does not flow out, then you need to contact an ENT specialist.

Usually, water is retained in the ear in those people who are prone to the formation of wax plugs. Sulfur clots swell under the influence of water and as a result a plug is formed. It clogs the ear canal. What to do if a plug of wax has formed in the ear, read the article “Wax plug. Symptoms and removal."

If the ear canal is in its own way anatomical structure narrow and winding, this also contributes to water retention, which allows fungi to multiply. This causes itching and pain inside the ear.

If water is retained in the middle part of the ear

Have you ever had otitis media? You may have a perforation or hole in your eardrum that could allow water to enter. middle section ear and cause dizziness, as well as headache. If the water was dirty, there is a fear of an infectious disease.

How else does water get into the middle ear? Through the nose, if a person accidentally inhales water through his nose while swimming or diving. Between the ear and nose is the Eustachian tube. This is a relatively long channel, which is needed in order to constantly keep in balance the external atmospheric pressure pressing on the eardrum. If water enters the middle ear through this narrow channel, then the problem becomes more serious.


If it so happens that you cannot quickly turn to a doctor for help, then you need to:

Apply any anti-inflammatory drops or insert a turunda into the ear moistened with warm boric alcohol.

  • Apply the compress to your blocked ear overnight
  • If there is pain, take a painkiller
  • Seek immediate help from a specialist

Preventing water from getting into your ears while swimming

Wear a special rubber cap that fits tightly to your ears.
If you don't produce enough wax in your ears, you can lubricate the entrance to the ear canal with Vaseline.
Adults can use special earplugs while swimming.

I want to repeat once again: if you were unable to free your ear from the water that got into it on your own, then do not delay consulting an ENT doctor. Otherwise, you will have to treat otitis media for a long time and painfully.

Water in the ear causes discomfort. A person wants to quickly eliminate this unpleasant sensation. Penetration can lead to inflammation, which is why there is a possibility of complications. Therefore, it is important to know what to do if water gets into your ears and does not come out. You can learn about effective measures from the article.


Determining that water has leaked into the ear is quite simple. The following signs indicate this:

  1. Discomfort inside the ear.
  2. Gurgling and overflowing.
  3. Congestion.
  4. Pain.

It is necessary to eliminate the liquid that has flowed during bathing as soon as possible. To prevent inflammation and infection, you need to know what to do in this case. The problem should be solved a short time, because wet ears get cold easily. And treatment takes a lot of time. Moreover, this is a painful process. Therefore, you should know if you get into your ear sea ​​water, what to do? There are many effective ways to do this.

First aid

What to do if water gets into your ear? In this case, first aid measures will help. First, shake out the fluid from the organ in a safe way. This action must be completed before going swimming again. It is more convenient to remove the liquid by actively jumping and wiping the ear with the rolled edge of a clean towel. For a child, you need to use a handkerchief.

What should you do if water gets into your ear and won’t come out? You can remove it with a regular cotton swab. But precautions must be taken. A cotton swab can damage organ tissue. Therefore, movements should be done slowly and smoothly. Do not allow an object to be immersed in the ear canal. Because of this, it may be blocked by a sulfur plug, and then the water will not be removed.

Simple Methods

Each person can cope with the problem themselves. What to do if water gets into your ear? To prevent complications, they will help following rules:

  1. You need to jump. This action should be performed on 1 leg. When performing a jump, you need to tilt your head to the side in the direction on which discomfort is detected.
  2. You need to yawn. This is a simple and effective method. It helps a lot if yawns are deep.
  3. The action of a plunger should be reproduced. For his correct execution you need to lean towards the ear where the water is. It must be pressed tightly with the palm of your hand and then sharply torn off. After this, water will flow out intensively.
  4. We need to create a vacuum. Under these conditions, water will leak out of the ear. To create it, you need to insert it into the ear canal. forefinger. They need to be moved upward carefully. By doing of this action a vacuum is created. After removing your finger, water will flow out.
  5. It is necessary to equalize the pressure in the auditory organ. This alternative way, which should be tried by those who cannot use a vacuum. It is necessary to bow your head so that the organ filled with water is directed downward. Then you need to do deep breath and hold your nose well. You also need to close your lips. By exhaling with your mouth and nose closed, you can clear eustachian tubes. If you hear a pop, then everything is done correctly.
  6. You need to chew gum. If you don’t have chewing gum on hand, you need to imitate chewing movements with your jaw. This straightens the ear canal and opens the Eustachian tubes. The liquid will gradually be removed. When performing the action, you need to lean towards the problematic ear or lie on your side. This method Suitable for adults and children.
  7. The ear is dried with a hairdryer. This method is considered dangerous. But it allows you to eliminate water from the hearing organ. The hairdryer needs to be turned on to the minimum setting and placed at some distance from the head. Then you need to pull auricle. A warm air stream should be directed into it, which dries the water. Hot or cold air should not be used.

If water gets into your ear in the pool, what should you do? The above methods will work fine. They can also be used when swimming in open waters and bathing in the shower.

The child has

If water gets into a newborn’s ear, what should you do? Eliminating this phenomenon is more difficult than for an adult. First you need to determine which ear the baby got the liquid into. If the child has not had otitis media before, then there is no need to worry. But in any situation it is necessary to take measures to get rid of discomfort.

In order for the water to flow out on its own, the baby must be placed on its side. After a few minutes it should be turned over to another. This method will free the hearing organs from the trapped liquid. If water gets into a baby's ear, what should you do? If he does not lie still and cries, then breastfeeding is possible. To do this, you need to lay it side down. It is necessary to alternate sides. When feeding, you should try to do vacuum massage with a warm palm.

After water activities, experts recommend putting a cap on your baby. This measure must be used if the baby is in a cold room. The cap will protect your ears from drafts and hypothermia. Older children wear a light headscarf.

Special cotton wool buds help eliminate fluid in children. Classic sticks should not be used as they damage the ear canals. Don't forget to take this device to the pool.

You need to insert a flagellum into the child’s ear and tilt it towards the right side. The liquid is absorbed into the cotton product. The procedure must be done until the flagellum is dry.


If water gets into your ear, what should you do when simple methods does not work? Then you can use pharmacy drops. Suitable and boric alcohol. You need to drop a few drops into the ear canal for 5 minutes. Instead of boric alcohol, ordinary medical alcohol can be used. Alcohol is combined with water (1:1).

If pain occurs during instillation, then there is a risk of having a sulfur plug. With it, water cannot leave the ear canal in a timely manner. You should contact a specialist with this problem. Otherwise, you will experience discomfort every time you bathe.

Used for instillation next drops:

  1. "Otinum."
  2. "Otipax".
  3. "Sofradex".
  4. "Taufon".

You need to choose products that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They are used to instill up to 3 drops into the problematic ear. After 15 minutes, relief sets in and the pain subsides. If painful sensations strong, it is advisable to take a tablet with an anesthetic effect, for example, Ibuprom or Analgin.


In hospitals, solutions based on the following drugs:

  1. "Albucid".
  2. "Furacilin".
  3. « Salicylic alcohol».
  4. "Protargol".

These solutions are also suitable for home use. Just before use, it is important to consult a specialist and read the instructions.

Cleaning the middle ear

If water has entered the middle ear, there is a risk of damage eardrum. This discomfort often occurs among diving enthusiasts when diving to great depths. The signs are painful sensations. Otitis may occur due to infection.

When water gets into the inner ear, what should you do? It is necessary to make several swallowing movements. A compress of boric alcohol will help eliminate the liquid. To perform this manipulation you need:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in boric alcohol.
  2. Place it in the ear.
  3. Wrap the hearing organ in a woolen scarf or scarf. Additionally, a painkiller tablet is taken if the pain is severe.

Then you need to wait for the compress to take effect. After first aid, it is preferable to consult a doctor. Sometimes simple manipulations don't help. IN difficult cases a minor operation is performed. The specialist makes an incision in the membrane and inserts a sterile tube through which the water is removed.

If your ear is stuffy and hurts

When not only congestion is felt, but also pain, it is necessary to use effective ways treatment. Effective methods is in folk medicine. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor. What to do if water gets deep into your ear? The following recipes are in demand:

  1. Garlic is known to be antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. This product has been used for the treatment of congestion since ancient times. A piece of garlic should be wrapped in cotton cloth and placed on the painful ear overnight.
  2. Lemon is also used for this. It is enough to drop a few drops of juice and leave overnight.
  3. Effective camphor oil. When warm, it is dripped into the ear.
  4. Bow has antibacterial effect. It needs to be boiled until tender, and then pureed. A handkerchief is moistened in the resulting mass and applied to the painful ear.
  5. Herbs will help relieve pain. For example, chamomile and mint are mixed. Prepare a decoction to use for regular rinsing.
  6. Inhalation helps eucalyptus oil. It is added to a warm bath and aroma lamp.
  7. Parsley leaves need to be cut, put in a bag and tied to the painful ear.
  8. Bitter Swedish drops are used, which are dripped onto a cotton pad and applied to the ear.
  9. Warm cottage cheese should be placed in a handkerchief, wrapped and applied to the ear, tied with a scarf. The compress is left for an hour.


This unpleasant situation can be prevented by performing simple preventive measures. ENT doctors recommend sticking to them. To do this you need:

  1. Treat ear diseases promptly and remove sulfur plugs.
  2. When swimming, you need to use a special cap or earplugs.
  3. Silicone plugs can be replaced with earplugs that tightly cover the passages. This will prevent liquid from penetrating inside.

If water gets into auditory organ, it must be eliminated immediately. It is necessary to follow the rules for bathing children. When an adult or child has a strong immune system, temporary exposure to water will not be harmful. But with weakened protective functions the body is likely to experience complications.

At the kitten's

The liquid penetrates the auditory organs not only of people, but also of animals, for example, during bathing. This serious problem, which needs to be gotten rid of. Water got into my kitten's ear, what should I do? Inner ear This animal is designed in such a way that the penetrating liquid does not come out on its own. If water remains there for some time, it can lead to inflammation of the hearing organs.

If a little liquid gets in, you need to wipe the kitten’s ears and remove the moisture with a cotton swab. If he is not afraid of noise, then you can dry his ears with a hairdryer. It is only important that the animal does not become hypothermic after this.

If after bathing a cat rubs its ears with its paws, shakes its head, or meows, then the liquid has probably penetrated into the auditory organ. You can use pharmaceutical drops for otitis media. Hydrogen peroxide will also work. If the water still does not drain out, you should contact your veterinarian.


Liquid that has entered the auditory organ must be eliminated. And this applies to both people and animals. Often you can solve this problem yourself. A effective measures prevention will help prevent water from getting into your ears.

Almost every person is familiar with that unpleasant and painful feeling when water gets inside the ear. This often happens after swimming in ponds, pools, or simply while taking water procedures.

It is not always possible to get rid of water in the ear immediately, but this condition causes Negative consequences- the ear area hurts, there is noise in the head, and hearing becomes foggy. What to do in situations where water gets into your ear?

When should you see a doctor?

While swimming, many people notice that their head begins to make a lot of noise, and their ears feel discomfort and pain. Similar condition often caused by water getting into the ear.

It is important to remember that the auricle is protected from exposure external factors special lubricant, so you shouldn’t expect water to get deep into your ear. The structure of the ear consists of numerous curls, which also protect the auricle from deep penetration of water.

When water gets into the ear, this condition is not considered a disaster; it does not require urgent intervention the doctors. It's quite possible to get by by independent methods to remove excess moisture from the ear.

Immediate contact with an ENT specialist is required in the following cases:

  • if dirty water gets into your ear;
  • if a person has previously suffered from acute or purulent otitis media;
  • if water gets into the ear of a small child;
  • if after contact with water, it is felt severe dizziness, strong pain in the ear, nausea or vomiting.

Traditional methods

What to do if water gets into your ear? It is important to remember that only timely actions will help alleviate the situation and not cause negative complications.

There are several surefire ways of what to do if you have water in your ear.

  • Tilt your head towards your shoulder (with the ear into which the water got in), pull your earlobe down and jump in place.
  • Cover the ear into which the liquid has entered tightly with a clean palm and, like a vacuum, sharply remove the palm.
  • Pinch your nose tightly with your hand and exhale the air accumulated in your lungs through your lungs. This method is used in rescue operations rescue divers.
  • If your ear hurts, you need to warm the sore spot. After warming up, the fluid will drain out of the ear faster. As a warming procedure, you can use a bag of heated salt, hot sand, or use a regular heating pad.
  • Lie on your side (on the side of the ear where the water got in) and make swallowing and chewing movements. You can lie in the same position and try to move your ears.
  • What to do if the water in your ear is dirty? To protect the victim from infection, it is necessary to drop a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into the auricle into which water has entered. If your ear hurts a lot after getting dirty liquid, then that’s it. necessary procedures should be done by a doctor. It is important to urgently transport the injured person to the nearest medical facility.

As a rule, the methods described above are enough to ensure that the trapped liquid flows out of the ear. Ear cleaning is prohibited cotton swabs. If the feeling of the presence of water in the ear remains, then it is important to urgently seek qualified help from an ENT specialist.

In some cases, the structure of the human ear is such that the auricle consists of many convolutions and curls that prevent the removal of moisture from inside the ear. In this case, all the required actions to remove the liquid must also be done by a professional.

If people have an acute predisposition to the formation of wax plugs, then water that gets into the auricle tends to linger in the ear. This condition can be immediately noticed; itching begins, and the ear area hurts greatly.

In this case, all necessary medicinal actions to remove wax plug should be done by a doctor. You can never own methods try to remove the wax plug.

It is important to know what is prohibited to do if liquid gets into the ears.

  • Do not heat your ear with a hairdryer; this can cause burns and dry out the eardrum.
  • If there is a plug of wax in the ears, then under the influence of water it increases in size and begins to interfere with the person, making it difficult to hear. You cannot remove wax plugs yourself; only a doctor is allowed to do the procedure using special tools.

Exists good methods that will help prevent the problem of water in the ears:

  • wear a rubber cap when swimming;
  • adults can use special tampons instead of a rubber cap;
  • do not dive into dirty water.

Video on the topic

Getting water into the ear is dangerous not only for a child, but also for an adult. Fluid retention in the hearing organ can lead to quite serious consequences, so it is recommended to get rid of it as quickly as possible. This can be done not only in a dispensary, but also at home.

What is the danger

If the hearing organ is not damaged, and there is no damage in the canal, most likely there is harm from clean water will not be. Most often, complications arise due to existing injuries. Especially if water from a pond or river gets into the ear, where many pathogenic microorganisms always live.

Infection can be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sulfur, which is always present in the ear canal, is great place for its reproduction.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa itself belongs to the opportunistic microflora that lives on the dermis and mucous membranes. Its danger lies in the fact that it very quickly becomes resistant to various antibiotics and disinfectants.

Dangerous consequences can also occur if cold liquid gets into the ear. This leads to a decrease local immunity, becomes the reason for development. Too much hot water negatively affects the condition of the eardrum.

You are least likely to develop consequences when bathing in a bath, but if we're talking about about a child under one year old, you need to be very careful. Their ear canal is short, so they can do it very easily. The most dangerous thing is water getting in when rinsing the nose. In this case, the liquid may contain bacteria, which will cause the disease.


To prevent the development of inflammation, it is necessary to drip or insert turunda into the ear, moistened. If you experience severe discomfort, seek help from a doctor.

Simple and easy ways at home

The human body is designed in such a way that in most cases it tries to cope with the problem on its own. If this does not happen, then you can get rid of the problem yourself. the most in a simple way is the mechanical removal of liquid using gravity.

Don’t forget to clean your ears of wax plugs in a timely manner. When exposed to liquid, they may increase in size. Otherwise, this will lead to increased discomfort.

Traditional methods:

  • Lie down on the side of the affected ear for a few minutes.
  • Rub your head with a dry towel, take a deep breath and pinch your nose. Pressure is created that will help get rid of excess fluid.
  • Add a few drops of vodka or anti-inflammatory tincture. The alcohol mixes with water and dissolves.
  • Use a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and pull firmly on your earlobe. Then the water along with the peroxide will not move deeper. After a few minutes this composition will evaporate.

It is not recommended to dry your ears with a hairdryer when removing fluid. This may cause burns to the delicate skin of the ear. Do not use earplugs for children, as they interfere with blood circulation and the structure of the epithelium lining the ear canal. Do not use hot alcohol as it can cause severe burns.

Simple tips on how to get water out of your ear at home:


Adults are recommended to wear earplugs when swimming in ponds, and a rubber cap when swimming in the pool. If the risk of water ingress is high, then water procedures You can drip any mineral oil or special drops created for swimmers. After the procedure, be sure to blot your ears with a corner of a dry, clean towel. If you have ARVI, then do not blow your nose with force.

Special requirements for prevention in children. When bathing, hold your head so that liquid cannot enter the hearing organ. A special collar may be used, which is necessary to support the head on the surface of the water.

If the liquid does get in, then observation tactics are chosen for the first 24 hours. If you are worried or try to scratch your ear, or if you notice it, contact your pediatrician.

Water in the ear almost immediately causes discomfort - sharp deterioration hearing, congestion and extraneous noise. Untimely elimination of fluid can cause the development of catarrhal processes in the external ear canal, membrane and parts of the middle ear. Septic inflammation contributes to the development ear diseases, which include otitis media, myringitis, eustachitis, etc.

"Swimmer's ear", i.e. bacterial infection, localized in the outer ear, occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic agents into the ear canal. If there are small mechanical damage(abrasions, scratches) complications often occur in the ear, leading to auditory dysfunction, conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.

Is congestion dangerous?

What to do if water gets into your ear? In the absence of ear diseases and perforations in the tympanic membrane, there is no need to be afraid of liquid penetration into the outer ear canal. There is a sufficient amount of wax inside the ear, which prevents moisture from penetrating into the bone section auditory canal.

Even if water gets deep into the ear canal, its penetration into the tympanic cavity is excluded. Between the outer and middle ear is the eardrum, which is a waterproof membrane. It performs two important functions:

  1. prevents the penetration of water and pathogens into the hearing analyzer;
  2. enhances sound signals, coming from the environment.

According to experts, you need to be wary of moisture entering the ear when:

  • accumulation of wax in the ear - the penetration of liquid into the ear canal contributes to the swelling of wax plugs, which can lead to damage skin and, accordingly, the development of external otitis;
  • suffering from otitis media - as a result of perforation, the tympanic membrane becomes scarred for a long time, which can contribute to the penetration of moisture into the middle ear cavity;
  • reduced resistance of the body - water contains opportunistic organisms, which, when weakened, immune defense provoke septic inflammation in soft tissues auditory analyzer;
  • skin hypersensitivity - water in the ear often causes allergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane in the auditory canal.

If discomfort in the ear does not go away within 3-4 days, you need to be examined by an ENT doctor.

How can you tell if water has gotten into your ear? As a rule, adults accurately determine the presence of fluid in the outer part of the auditory analyzer. The following signs indicate the accumulation of moisture in the ear:

If water gets into your ear after swimming in open water (river, lake), it must be removed in as soon as possible. As a rule, the liquid contains a large number of pathogenic protozoa and microbes, which, when favorable conditions begin to actively reproduce, provoking the development of diseases.

Possible complications

Untimely removal of fluid from the sections of the auditory analyzer can lead to serious consequences. Water helps change the pH level in the outer ear, which creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic flora represented by bacteria, viruses or fungi. If moisture gets into the ear canal, the following pathologies cannot be ruled out:

  • external otitis - catarrhal processes in the skin and cartilage tissue concha and ear canal;
  • Otitis media – inflammation in the ciliated epithelium tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube, leading to a decrease in hearing acuity, destruction of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity and auditory ossicles;
  • eczema – dermatological disease, characterized by the appearance of an erythematous rash in the skin of the outer ear;
  • myringitis – catarrh in the membrane, in which the formation of perforated holes in the membrane is possible.

Pathological processes in the auditory analyzer can lead to damage inner ear, which is fraught with dysfunction vestibular apparatus and sensorineural hearing loss.

Moisture in the outer ear

What to do if water gets into your ear and it becomes blocked? Timely and correct removal fluid from the ear canal does not guarantee the absence of complications. Therefore, after the procedure, experts recommend being examined by an otolaryngologist. How to remove water from the ear?

  1. make a cotton tourniquet: roll up a tampon from sterile cotton wool and place it in the ear (the hygroscopic material will absorb moisture, which will help eliminate discomfort);
  2. drip boric alcohol: drop 2-3 drops alcohol solution into the ear canal, after 10 minutes remove any remaining liquid with a sterile cotton swab;
  3. press on the auricle with your palms: press your palms tightly to your ears and pull them back sharply.

You cannot use the methods described above if there are perforations in the eardrum.

Moisture in the middle ear

After suffering from acute moderate and chronic otitis There are often perforations in the eardrum, which increases the risk of moisture getting inside the hearing analyzer. The mucous membrane in the main parts of the middle ear is exposed to pathogens, so untimely removal of moisture from the tympanic cavity often leads to the development of otitis media. What to do if your ear is blocked with water?

  • press the wings of your nose against the cartilaginous septum and, after inhaling, try to blow it out through your nose;
  • lie on your side so that sore ear turned out to be from below; holding your nostrils and closing your mouth, make 5-6 swallowing movements;
  • drop into the nasal passages vasoconstrictor drops and lie on your side so that the stuffy ear is at the top (within 10 minutes the liquid should flow out of the tympanic cavity through the nose).

Before removing water from the ear, make sure that there is no wax in the external auditory canal. Most often, the feeling of stuffiness occurs due to the compaction of natural fat and wax in the ear, the volume of which increases many times when in contact with water.

Non-compliance elementary rules Removing fluid from the ear cavity is fraught with the occurrence of injuries and serious damage, leading to hearing loss and the development of persistent hearing loss. To avoid complications, experts do not recommend:

  • dry your ears with a hairdryer;
  • bury hot alcohol in the ear;
  • remove wax plugs with ear sticks.

Important! Otorrhea is a sign of a perforated eardrum. If serous and purulent exudate appears in the ear canal, you should seek help from a doctor.

It is not advisable to use pain-relieving drops local action without the recommendation of an otolaryngologist. Availability pain syndrome often indicate a leak inflammatory processes in tissues. In this case, you need to go drug treatment with the use of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating drugs.

When to go to the doctor?

Keeping fluid in the ear for 24 hours increases the risk of developing pathogenic flora. If, after removing the moisture, congestion in the ear does not go away within 3-4 days, you need to make an appointment with a specialist. Direct indications for undergoing examination by a specialist are:

  • heat;
  • hyperemia in the auditory canal;
  • enlarged parotid lymph nodes;
  • noise and pain in the ear;
  • sudden hearing loss;
  • painful sensations during palpation of the tragus;
  • purulent discharge from the ear canal.

The presence of the above symptoms indicates the occurrence of infectious inflammation in the organ of hearing. Failure to undergo therapy in a timely manner can lead to the development of hearing loss and labyrinthitis.

Compliance with basic rules of prevention allows you to prevent the development of ear diseases. To prevent moisture from penetrating inside the ear, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

A common cause of fluid penetration into the bony part of the ear canal is regular cleaning of wax from the ears. It has pronounced bactericidal and hydrophobic properties, so its removal only promotes the flow of water into the outer ear.