In the know: are antibiotics dangerous? The benefits and harms of antibiotics for the body. How to take antibiotics without harm to health: features and recommendations Are antibiotics harmful to children?

Hello, dear parents! Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cure our children with honey and raspberries alone. One might even say that it is practically impossible. Moreover, sometimes you even have to resort to treatment not with simple medications, but with antibiotics.

The attitude towards this group of drugs is, to put it mildly, not entirely positive. There is an opinion that antibiotics are dangerous for children; although they help quickly, they “kill” the child’s immunity.

In fact, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact. But the fact that sometimes the use of an antibiotic can save a child’s life has been repeatedly confirmed. Although the danger of their use exists and is mainly expressed in side effects: dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions.

Let's see together what an antibiotic is and what is its danger to a child?

When can you not do without antibiotics?

If you look at the meaning of the term “antibiotic”, you can see that it consists of two parts: “anti” (against) and “bio” (life). But don’t rush to get scared, the purpose of antibiotics is to fight bacteria and harmful microorganisms, and not human life.

There are antibiotics of natural origin, that is, those that exist in nature, and synthetic ones, which were created by man. There are also different forms of antibiotic release. It depends on it how quickly the therapeutic effect occurs.

Antibiotics for children can be in the form of ointment, tablets, capsules or liquid injections. Usually, antibiotics cannot be prescribed in the following cases:

  • the disease is caused by a complex infection;
  • there is a real threat to the child’s life;
  • recurrent illness (immediately after the previous one);
  • if the body cannot cope with the disease on its own.

You should understand for yourself that the use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases caused by bacteria. A viral infection cannot be treated with an antibiotic. To identify the nature of the pathogen, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests.

It is known that inflammation of the bronchi (), a runny nose is most often caused by viruses, and bacteria lead to inflammation of the throat, ear and mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. However, even an experienced specialist cannot accurately determine the pathogen before the test results.

The use of antibiotics in children is undesirable, since they do cause some harm to the child’s body. Which one? Let's get a look.

How can antibiotics harm children?

Antibiotics for children help fight pathogenic bacteria that cause various diseases, but at the same time the beneficial intestinal microflora suffers. That is why, along with prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor strongly recommends using a course of prebiotics.

After treatment with antibiotics, it may take quite a long time to restore normal intestinal microflora. Before this, body reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting and, in some cases, are quite possible.

Scientists say that too frequent (!) use of antibiotics negatively affects the general health of children. The body gets used to the constant help of drugs and with the next illness it refuses to fight the infection on its own.

This is especially true for children aged 2 to 3 years, because their immune system is just beginning to form, and the body learns to fight emerging diseases on its own.

When treating a child with antibiotics, you need to know that relief of the baby’s condition may occur as early as the 2nd day. But this does not mean at all that you can stop taking the antibiotic. Because an untreated infection can cause complications or, even worse, become chronic.

But, despite all this, antibiotics are strong and effective medicines; in certain situations, full treatment is impossible without them. The main thing is that antibiotics for children are prescribed when necessary and competently. Only then will they be of real benefit.

Good luck to you, and... don't get sick.

It is impossible to cure a child using folk remedies alone. Sometimes you have to use not just medications, but antibiotics. The term itself consists of two words from two words anti - “against”, bios “life”. An antibiotic is a product obtained from microorganisms, higher plants or animal tissues that can inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Most people have a negative attitude towards such serious drugs. It is believed that such remedies, although effective, destroy the child’s immunity. However, there is no exact evidence for this statement. And there are a number of facts that antibiotics have saved lives more than once.

The main negative factors in their use are manifested in diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and allergic reactions.

More than 200 types of agents that fight bacteria are known, of which 150 are used in the treatment of children. Depending on the method of influence, they are divided into:

  • penicillins cephalosporins - they destroy the membrane of bacteria;
  • aminoglycosides, macrolides, levomycin, rifampicin, lincomycin destroy the synthesis of various enzymes;
  • fluoroquinolones - kill the enzyme that is responsible for the reproductive properties of harmful bacteria.

Because of their properties, some types are tried not to be prescribed to a child. These include:

  • Theracyclines: do not use in children under 8 years of age. These drugs can slow down the development of bones and teeth, changing their color and making them thinner;
  • aminoglycosides: reduce performance and negatively affect kidney function and hearing.

However, in some cases they are still prescribed because other treatments do not work.

The main purpose of antibiotics is to fight harmful bacteria and microorganisms. These drugs can be produced naturally or artificially. They also have different release forms: tablets, ointments, syrups, capsules, liquids for injection. The speed at which the effect appears depends on the form of production in which the medicine is taken.

There are situations when it is impossible to do without using a course of antibacterial drugs:

  • the disease arose as a result of an infection of a complex nature;
  • life is at risk;
  • the child falls ill again after an earlier illness;
  • The body cannot cope with the disease on its own.

The main thing to remember is that antibiotics only treat diseases that are caused by bacteria. They are not used for viral infections. To find out the nature of the disease, appropriate procedures are carried out in the form of tests. Viruses cause diseases such as bronchi, runny nose, and inflammation of the throat or ear is caused by bacteria. However, with a simple examination, the doctor will not be able to find out the nature of the disease. Therefore, the patient needs to undergo tests.

By killing pathogenic microorganisms, these drugs disrupt the normal environment in the intestines. In this regard, a course of prebiotics is simultaneously prescribed. After appropriate treatment with these drugs, it will take a long time to bring the intestines back to normal.

Excessive use of antibiotics has a negative effect on the body. Constantly helping to kill bacteria is addictive. With subsequent diseases, the body simply refuses to fight the infection. This is extremely dangerous for a child between two and three years old, when immunity is developing and the body is trying to overcome diseases on its own.

Improvement in well-being comes on the second day after taking these medications. However, we cannot abandon them at this point. If the disease is not completely cured, it can become chronic and cause complications.

The effect of antibiotics on the child's body

A course of antibacterial drugs

The child is affected according to the following principle:

  1. It kills not only harmful, but also necessary bacteria in the intestines. Already from birth, an environment is formed in the intestines where microorganisms that poison food begin to function. Due to a disruption of the normal environment in the intestines, the child develops dysbiosis, constipation or diarrhea, the stomach is swollen, there is no appetite, normal absorption of food does not occur, and sometimes vomiting occurs.
  2. Due to the fact that the antibiotic has killed harmful bacteria, preventing the body from fighting them on its own, the immune system becomes weaker. It must be strengthened by taking vitamins and following the principles of proper nutrition. Of particular importance is constant wet cleaning of the room and regular ventilation of the room where the patient is.
  3. These drugs can provoke candidiasis, which is expressed in the appearance of white and cheesy formations on the mucous membranes. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Recovery of the body after taking antibiotics

After using antibacterial agents, you should follow some rules:

  1. Take medications that help normalize the environment in the intestines. These products suppress bad organisms and include good bacteria, thereby restoring a normal environment. They are available without a prescription, but their type can only be determined by a doctor.
  2. Dieting. During the recovery period, it is necessary to exclude heavy foods from the diet: fried, fatty, smoked, salty (chips, crackers, soda, etc.). Eat more fruits and vegetables. Stew or boil meat (turkey, chicken, beef). During this period, it is better to feed the child with cereals, be sure to include fermented milk products - kefir and cottage cheese. If the baby is still an infant, then he needs to be put to the breast more often, since mother’s milk contains all the necessary vitamins that will help restore the baby’s intestines.
  3. Taking vitamin complexes. To restore weakened immunity, you need to take vitamins. The doctor should prescribe vitamins along with medications that help normalize the intestinal microflora. The child needs to take vitamins A, B, C, E, D,. Also, the child should be given vitamins of natural origin. They are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits, as well as natural fruit juices.

Contraindications to the use of antibiotics

Recovery of the body after antibiotics

There are certain conditions when antibiotics should not be taken because they may be ineffective or life-threatening. The types of antibiotics are constantly growing, and each of them has its own contraindications.

To choose the right drug, it is necessary to rely on the patient’s medical history, which includes information about the person’s health problems. The correct choice of antibiotic is also influenced by the nature of the infection and the age of the patient.

The main restrictions on taking antibiotics include:

  1. Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body is most sensitive to chemical compounds. Their use is most dangerous in the first trimester. It is possible to take antibiotics during pregnancy, when the life of the mother and child is at risk.
  2. Breastfeeding. This limitation is not absolute, since antibiotics are often prescribed after birth complications. It is better to stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment.
  3. Kidney and liver failure. These organs are responsible for processing and removing them from the body. Therefore, in the presence of chronic liver and kidney diseases, antibiotics can have a negative effect.
  4. Alcohol and antibiotics are incompatible. Alcoholic drinks affect the metabolism and activity of drugs. Their combined use can cause such negative consequences as vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath and convulsions. There is information that the concomitant use of antibiotics and alcohol has led to death. If the parallel use of an antibiotic and an alcoholic drink has already been allowed, then you should take it. It will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, relieve intoxication and remove alcohol more quickly.

Consequences of misuse of antibiotics

With uncontrolled antibiotic treatment, negative factors appear in 85% of cases. After such an incorrect approach to taking these drugs, the following consequences may occur:

  • development of allergies;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • increase and growth of fungal environment;
  • formation of resistance of infectious agents to antibiotics.

In this regard, all doctors strongly advise not to treat yourself, so as not to treat the consequences that arise later.

Rules for taking antibiotics

By observing certain conditions when taking an antibiotic, you can avoid many troubles. These rules include:

  1. Treat only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Strictly follow the dosage and course of treatment with the drug.
  3. To choose the best drug, it is better to undergo a bacterial culture test.
  4. Take the medicine with plenty of boiled water (150 ml). Teas, juices, and milk are not suitable for this purpose, as they can affect the absorption of the drug, which will reduce the effect of its use.

Despite the fact that antibiotics cause some harm to the child’s body, they are powerful and effective drugs. They can quickly cure a disease and even save a life. The main thing is to follow all the necessary recommendations of the pediatrician.

How antibiotics affect a child’s immunity can be seen in the following video:

  • Intestinal infections and other unfavorable factors - how...

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​searching for substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms, but are harmless to humans, was clearly formulated and implemented at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries by Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich compared such substances to a “magic bullet.” The first substances with the properties of a “magic bullet” were discovered among derivatives of synthetic dyes; they were used to treat syphilis and were called “chemotherapy”, and the treatment process was called chemotherapy. In everyday life today, chemotherapy is understood only as the treatment of cancer, which is not entirely true. It should be recognized that the ideal “magic bullet” is unlikely to be found, since in certain doses any substance (even table salt) can have an adverse effect on the human body. But the search for drugs capable of neutralizing microorganisms continued. Somewhat later, scientists learned to use for their own purposes such a phenomenon as opposition (antagonism) of bacteria. What it is? The fact is that bacteria are distributed almost everywhere in nature (in soil, water, etc.), just like other living beings, they are forced to fight among themselves for existence. And the main weapon in this fight are special substances produced by some types of bacteria that have a detrimental effect on other types. These substances are called antibiotics.

Features of medical terminology

So there are antibiotics- these are substances of natural origin and chemotherapy drugs are artificially created substances with a similar effect; they are combined under the general term “antibacterial drugs”. Features of terminology can cause difficulties for a non-specialist. Sometimes in a pharmacy you can hear how a buyer seeks an answer from the pharmacist: “Is BISEPTOL (or, for example, CIPROFLOXACIN) an antibiotic or not?” The fact is that both of these drugs are antibacterial drugs from the group of chemotherapy drugs. But for the patient the differences between antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs are not very important.

What are there antibiotics?

It is important to know that the life processes of human cells are fundamentally different from the life processes of a bacterial cell. Antibiotics, unlike hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol, have a selective effect on the vital processes of bacteria, suppressing them, and do not affect the processes occurring in the cells of the human body. Therefore, currently known antibiotics classified based on their mechanism of action and chemical structure. So alone antibiotics suppress the synthesis of the outer membrane (membrane) of the bacterial cell - a structure completely absent in the human cell. The most important of these drugs are antibiotics groups of penicillins, cephalosporins and some other drugs. Others antibiotics suppress various stages of protein synthesis by bacterial cells: these are drugs included in the group of tetracyclines (DOXYCYCLINE), macrolides (ERYTHROMYCIN, CLARITHROMYCIN, AZITHROMYCIN, etc.), aminoglycosides (STREPTOMYCIN, GENTAMICIN, AMICACIN). Antibiotics differ significantly in their main property - antibacterial activity. The instructions for each antibacterial drug contain a list of bacteria that the drug acts on - the spectrum of its activity; alone antibiotics act on many types of bacteria, others - only on certain types of microbes. Unfortunately, antibacterial drugs have not yet been discovered that would suppress the vital activity of both bacteria and viruses at the same time, since the differences in the structure and metabolic characteristics of these microorganisms are fundamental. Despite significant advances in recent years, drugs that can act on viruses are still clearly insufficient, and their effectiveness is relatively low.

How microorganisms develop resistance to antibiotics

All living things, including bacteria, quickly adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. The development of antibiotic resistance is one of the most striking examples of such an adaptation. It can be argued that sooner or later any type of bacteria will be able to develop resistance to any antibacterial drug. The development of resistance occurs the faster the larger the volume of a given substance is used. As bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, humanity is forced to invent new drugs. Therefore, we can assume that if today we uncontrollably prescribe antibacterial drugs to all children, then tomorrow we will simply have nothing to treat our grandchildren with. During this race, conflicts of interest arise in society. Society as a whole is interested in reducing the costs of antibacterial therapy and maintaining a balance between cost and effectiveness of treatment. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to limit the use antibiotics strict indications, which will avoid unnecessary costs for the development and manufacture of new drugs. Manufacturers antibiotics on the contrary, they are interested in increasing sales volume (by expanding the indications), which will inevitably lead to a more rapid spread of drug resistance in microorganisms and, as a consequence, the need to develop more and more new drugs. Unfortunately, massive and uncontrolled use antibiotics has already led to widespread resistance of microorganisms to them. Moreover, in Russia there is uncontrolled use antibiotics(pharmacies can sell them over-the-counter, which is unacceptable according to international rules) is combined with a shortage of funds for healthcare. Today in our country, most pathogens of the most common infections are resistant to drugs such as BISEPTOL, GENTAMICIN and drugs of the tetracycline group. The situation with PENICILLIN, AMPCILLIN and AMOXICILLIN is ambiguous; only one microorganism remains sensitive to these drugs - pneumococcus. Therefore, to select a drug for treatment, the doctor needs to know not only what pathogen is causing the infection, but also what drug this pathogen is sensitive to. It would seem that this problem can be easily solved by conducting laboratory studies. But, alas, with the use of modern research methods, the answer can be obtained only after 2 - 3 days. As a result, in real life antibiotics prescribed empirically, i.e. based on existing practical experience. But even the most brilliant doctor cannot independently accumulate experience in using all possible antibiotics and confidently say that drug A is better than drug B. In addition, it is necessary to take into account how widespread resistance to a particular drug is among bacteria in a particular geographic region. The doctor inevitably has to rely on the results of special studies, their critical analysis, global and national experience, as well as recommendations on treatment standards developed by experts.

Purpose antibiotics

After all that has been said, it is quite obvious that antibiotics should only be used for infections caused by bacteria. In a hospital for severe and life-threatening infectious diseases (for example, meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain, pneumonia - pneumonia, etc.), responsibility for making the right choice lies entirely with the doctor, who is based on observation data of the patient and the results of special studies. For mild infections occurring in “home” (outpatient) conditions, the situation is fundamentally different. The doctor examines the child and prescribes medications, sometimes this is accompanied by explanations and answers to questions, sometimes not. Often the doctor is asked to prescribe an antibiotic. In such situations, it is sometimes psychologically easier for a doctor to write a prescription rather than risk his reputation and waste time explaining the inappropriateness of such a prescription. Therefore, never ask your doctor to prescribe antibiotics, especially since after the doctor leaves, there is usually home advice, calls to relatives and friends, and only then is the decision made to give the child antibiotics or not.

How and when to use antibiotics

Let's look at some situations that undoubtedly interest all parents. Antibiotics for respiratory tract infections. In this situation, first of all, parents must clearly understand that:

  • the natural incidence of respiratory tract infections in preschool children is 6–10 episodes per year;
  • appointment antibiotics Each episode of infection places an excessive burden on the child’s body.

Unfortunately, there are no reliable external signs or simple and cheap laboratory methods to distinguish between the viral and bacterial nature of respiratory tract infections. At the same time, it is known that acute rhinitis (runny nose) and acute bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial mucosa) are almost always caused by viruses, and tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx), acute otitis (inflammation of the ear) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses) ) in a significant part of cases - bacteria. It is natural to assume that approaches to antibacterial therapy for individual acute upper respiratory tract infections should be somewhat different. For acute rhinitis (runny nose) and bronchitis antibiotics not shown. In practice, everything happens differently: parents, as a rule, can easily withstand one or two days of fever and cough in a child without giving the child antibiotics. But subsequently the tension increases; parents are most worried about the question of whether bronchitis will be complicated by pneumonia. It is worth noting here that the development of such a complication is possible, but its frequency practically does not depend on the previous dose antibiotics. The main signs of the development of a complication are a deterioration in the condition (a further increase in body temperature, increased cough, the appearance of shortness of breath); in such a situation, you should immediately call a doctor, who will decide whether the treatment needs to be adjusted. If the condition does not worsen, but does not improve significantly, then there is an obvious reason for prescribing antibiotics no, nevertheless, it is during this period that some parents cannot stand it and begin to give drugs to their children “just in case.” What can be said in this case? Purpose antibiotics Children should not replace the prescription of “valerian” to their parents! It should be especially noted that this very popular appointment criterion antibiotics for viral infections - maintaining an elevated temperature for 3 days - there is absolutely no justification. The natural duration of the febrile period during viral respiratory tract infections in children varies significantly; fluctuations are possible from 3 to 7 days, but sometimes longer. Longer persistence of the so-called subfebrile temperature (37.0-37.5° degrees C) can be associated with many reasons. In such situations, attempts to achieve normalization of body temperature by prescribing successive courses of various antibiotics are doomed to failure and delay finding out the true cause of the pathological condition. A typical course of a viral infection is also the persistence of a cough while the general condition improves and body temperature normalizes. It must be remembered that antibiotics– are not antitussives. In this situation, parents have ample opportunities to use folk antitussives. Cough is a natural defense mechanism and is the last of all symptoms of the disease to disappear. However, if a child’s intense cough persists for 3–4 or more weeks, then it is necessary to look for its cause. In acute otitis, the tactics of antibacterial therapy are different, since the probability of the bacterial nature of this disease reaches 40–60%. Given this, one possible approach might be to assign antibiotics to all sick people (this approach was widespread in North America until recently). Acute otitis is characterized by intense pain in the first 24-48 hours, then in most children the condition improves significantly and the disease resolves on its own; only in some patients the symptoms of the disease persist. There are interesting calculations showing that if antibiotics prescribed to all children with acute otitis, then they can provide some help (reducing the feverish period and duration of pain) only to those patients who were not supposed to have an independent rapid resolution of the disease. Only 1 child out of 20 can be like this. What will happen to the remaining 19 children? When taking modern drugs of the penicillin group, such as AMOXICILLIN or AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANATE, nothing bad will happen; 2-3 children may develop diarrhea or skin rashes that will quickly disappear after stopping the drugs, but recovery will not be accelerated. As in the case of bronchitis, the purpose antibiotics for otitis media does not prevent the development of purulent complications. Complicated forms of otitis develop with the same frequency as in children who received antibiotics, and those who did not receive them. To date, a different tactic of appointment has been developed antibiotics with acute otitis media. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics to all children under 6 months of age, even if the diagnosis of acute otitis is questionable (it is not so easy to find out that a small child has a pain in the ear). At the age of 6 months to 2 years, with a questionable diagnosis (or extremely mild course), prescribing antibiotics can be postponed and limited to observation - this is the so-called wait-and-see approach. If the condition does not improve within 24-48 hours, then antibiotic therapy should be started. Of course, in this case, increased demands are placed on parents. First of all, you need to discuss your behavior with your doctor and clarify what signs of the disease you need to pay attention to. The main thing is to be able to objectively assess the dynamics of pain, its increase or decrease, and notice in time the appearance of new signs of the disease - cough, rash, etc. Parents should have the opportunity to contact a doctor by phone and should be prepared antibiotics wide spectrum of action, for example, antibiotics penicillin series (in addition, this issue should be discussed with your doctor). In children over 2 years of age, initial observation is the most preferable tactic, except in cases of the most severe course of the disease (temperature above 39 degrees C, intense pain). Naturally, during observation, children must be given painkillers and, if necessary, antipyretics. If pneumonia is diagnosed or there is serious suspicion of this pathology, the tactics of antibacterial therapy differ from the two previous cases. Certain age groups of children are characterized by certain features of the predominant pathogens. Thus, at the age of 5–6 years, according to some researchers, up to 50% of cases of pneumonia can be caused by viruses. At an older age, the likelihood of the viral nature of pneumonia decreases significantly and the role of bacteria in the development of pneumonia increases. However, in all age groups, pneumococcus is a common causative agent of this disease. It is precisely due to the high probability of pneumococcal nature and the risk of severe disease that pneumonia is an absolute indication for the prescription of antibacterial therapy. For mild bacterial infections that tend to resolve on their own, positive effects antibiotics expressed to a small extent

Basic principles of antibacterial therapy

A quick glance at the features of antibacterial therapy in the above examples is enough to highlight the basic principles of antibacterial therapy:

  • Rapid prescription of the most effective drugs in cases where their effect has been proven.
  • Maximum Application Reduction antibiotics in all other cases.

Choice antibiotics

According to the logic of events, after determining the indications for prescribing antibacterial therapy, the stage of drug selection follows. Currently, about 50 different antibacterial drugs are approved for medical use in Russia. It is quite obvious that choosing the right drug for the treatment of individual diseases requires significant professional knowledge, firstly, about the spectrum of action of each drug, and secondly, about the most likely causative agents of individual infectious diseases. But there are general provisions that both doctors and parents of young patients need to know. We will talk about the possibility of developing adverse events after taking the medication and restrictions or prohibitions on taking certain medications. It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that all prohibitions are relative, since in critical situations, if there is a real threat to life, the doctor may even prescribe a drug prohibited for children. For new drugs, as a rule, there are restrictions on their use in newborns and children under the age of 2 - 6 months. Such limitations are explained by the lack of experience in using new drugs in children of younger age groups and the risk of developing undesirable effects associated with the characteristics of age-related physiology. In such situations, the instructions for medications simply indicate that there is no data on the safety of the drug for children of younger age groups. The doctor must independently assess the balance of benefit and possible harm when prescribing the drug. The most common adverse events, occurring in 10–15% of patients when taking all antibiotics, include gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, loose stools - diarrhea, abdominal pain), headache, various skin rashes. These phenomena usually disappear without consequences after stopping the medication. The second group of adverse events includes allergic reactions (from skin rash to anaphylactic shock), they are most typical for drugs of the penicillin group; they occur extremely rarely with drugs of other groups. Sometimes parents say that their child is allergic to “everything.” Upon careful analysis of each specific situation, it almost always turns out that this is not so. The most serious adverse events include specific damage to organs and systems that develop under the influence of individual drugs. Despite the fact that modern drugs undergo extremely strict control at the development stage, sometimes the ability to cause such lesions can only be revealed several years after the start of drug use. That is why only drugs that have been well studied for many years are approved for use in children of younger age groups (and pregnant women).

Antibacterial drugs that are especially dangerous for children

Among all the variety of modern antibiotics Three groups of drugs should be distinguished, the prescription of which is possible only in extreme situations. First of all, we are talking about LEVOMYCETIN. When taking this drug (sometimes one tablet is enough), it is possible to develop aplastic anemia (total inhibition of hematopoietic processes in the bone marrow), which inevitably leads to death. Despite the fact that this complication develops extremely rarely, the modern level of medical development does not allow exposing children to even minimal risk. Currently, there are no situations in which chloramphenicol could not be replaced with a more effective and safe drug. Antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline group (TETRACYCLINE, DOXYCYCLINE, MINOCYCLINE), which disrupt the formation of tooth enamel, should not be used in children. Preparations from an important and promising group of fluorinated quinolones, which are easily identified by their names, are not approved for use in children - they all contain the ending “-floxacin” (NORFLOXACIN, PEFLOXACIN, CIPROFLOXACIN, OFLOXACIN, etc.). Drugs in this group are preferred (drugs of choice) in the treatment of urinary tract infections and intestinal infections. The newest fluoroquinolones (LEVOFLOXACIN, MOXIFLOXACIN) are highly effective against respiratory tract infections. The reason for limiting the use of fluoroquinolones in children is an experimental finding: they were found to disrupt the formation of articular cartilage in immature animals (dogs). In this regard, from the moment fluoroquinolones appeared in medical practice, their use in children was prohibited. Subsequently, fluoroquinolones began to be gradually used in children of all age groups for life-threatening infections, if the pathogens turned out to be resistant to all other drugs. However, fluoroquinolones were not used in large quantities in children, perhaps due to this, damage to cartilage tissue was not recorded in them. Despite the importance and promise of the group of fluoroquinolones for the treatment of infectious diseases, their unlimited use in children is out of the question. Less categorically, but still, it should be strongly recommended to limit the use of sulfonamides and the combination drug trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, commonly known as BISEPTOL, in children. While sulfonamides in their pure form have almost disappeared from practice, biseptol is still very popular. There are several reasons to limit the use of this drug in all age groups: the drug only inhibits the growth of bacteria, but does not destroy them. Among the vast majority of bacteria that cause infectious diseases, their resistance to BISEPTOLE is widespread. And finally, this drug, although extremely rare, can still cause severe damage to the skin and liver, as well as inhibit hematopoiesis. It can be said that the likelihood of negative effects of BISEPTOL outweighs its extremely dubious positive properties.

Myths about antibiotics

So, antibiotics, of course, can cause very specific undesirable reactions. But in addition to their true sins, sometimes we hear clearly undeserved accusations. Quite often, not only in popular science, but also in special articles, as something completely obvious, they talk about the ability antibiotics suppress immunity. Such statements are absolutely unsubstantiated. Numerous studies have clearly established that none of those approved for use in medical practice antibiotics when used in therapeutic doses, it does not suppress the immune system. The next extremely painful problem: influence antibiotics on intestinal microflora and dysbacteriosis. Here it is worth saying a few words on an issue that goes beyond the scope of this article. A more or less constant composition of a child’s intestinal microflora is formed during the first 6–12 months of life, and sometimes longer, depending on the type of feeding. During this period, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is characterized by instability and frequent disturbances (pain, bloating, diarrhea), and the species and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora is characterized by more or less pronounced deviations from the average values. In the most general form, the described changes in the composition of the microflora are called dysbiosis. However, to date there has been no convincing evidence as to which changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora should be considered pathological. The criteria of norm and pathology used today are arbitrary, and the extraordinary public interest in the problem of dysbiosis has no serious basis. Against the background of the reception antibiotics the composition of the intestinal microflora inevitably changes, moreover, while taking the most powerful antibacterial agents (drugs of the cephalosporin group of III - IV generations, carbapenems - IMIPENEM or MEROPENEM) you can even sterilize the intestines for a short period of time. Perhaps this can be called dysbiosis, but does this have any practical significance? If nothing bothers the child, then absolutely nothing. If the child while taking antibiotics If diarrhea has developed, it is necessary to compare the severity of the underlying disease and the need for antibacterial therapy with the severity of the gastrointestinal disorder. You will either have to endure and complete the course of treatment, or cancel antibiotic until the diarrhea ends. After discontinuation of the antibacterial drug, intestinal function almost always quickly returns to normal, but in very young children the recovery process may be delayed. The main method of correction should be optimization of nutrition; it is possible to take biological products containing “useful” lacto- and bifidobacteria, but in no case should you try to correct the situation by prescribing new ones antibiotics. Associated with the concept of dysbiosis is the idea of ​​the inevitable activation of the growth of fungi living in the intestines and potentially capable of causing infectious diseases when taken antibiotics. For example, an easily removable loose plaque, similar to cottage cheese, may appear on the mucous membrane of the genital organs or on the tonsils, and the person’s well-being worsens. Indeed, in patients with immune deficiency, suffering from blood cancer or in patients with AIDS, against the background of long-term intensive therapy antibiotics a fungal infection may develop. Therefore, they sometimes need to be prescribed preventive courses of antifungal drugs. In other situations, prevention of fungal infections (especially with NISTATIN) is meaningless, since such infections almost never occur. In conclusion, it must be emphasized once again that antibacterial drugs are the only effective means of treating infectious diseases. But, unfortunately, the rapid formation of resistance by bacteria to antibiotics, caused by the irrational use of bacterial preparations, leads to a rapid loss of the effectiveness of the latter. Therefore, along with the search for drugs with fundamentally new mechanisms of action, joint efforts of doctors, pharmacists and patients are necessary to streamline the use of antibiotics and preserving them for the future.

Why are antibiotics dangerous? What complications do antibiotics cause? How to avoid stroke or heart attack while taking antibiotics? Why are antibiotics sold by prescription? Why do doctors oppose the uncontrolled use of antibiotics? How to avoid the consequences of taking antibiotics? What is candidomycosis?

We will answer all these questions in this article.

What complications do antibiotics cause?

Treatment of acute bacterial infections such as pyelonephritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sepsis, etc. often requires long courses of antibiotics, lasting from 14 days to 1-2 months, which is associated with a number of risks and problems caused by taking medications.

Almost all antibiotics have a long list of contraindications and an even more impressive list of complications and side effects, among which the most common are the following:

  • allergic reactions: itching and flaking of the skin, urticaria, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, angioedema, exfoliative dermatitis, etc., in isolated cases - anaphylactic shock;
  • from the digestive system: dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, gastritis, dry mouth, change in taste, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomatitis, glossitis, moderate increase in the activity of “liver” transaminases, pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • from the central nervous system: headache, tremor, convulsions, psychotic disorders, even suicidal attempts;
  • blood disorders: leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia.
  • local reactions: pain at the injection site, infiltrates with intramuscular injection, phlebitis with intravenous administration in large doses;
  • other: interstitial nephritis, nephropathy, superinfection (especially in patients with chronic diseases or reduced body resistance), vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

Why are antibiotics dangerous?

Antibiotics negatively affect the body's immune system, destroying the intestinal microflora and causing dysbiosis, which, in turn, leads to the development of pathogenic microflora and fungal infections. Most often, after taking antibiotics, digestive problems occur, as well as bacterial or fungal vaginosis - candidomycosis (thrush).

In addition, during treatment with antibiotics, blood clotting may increase, since taking some antibiotics provokes aggregation (sticking together) of platelets, causing serious complications such as thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, followed by separation of the blood clot and blockage of blood vessels in the brain or heart, leading to stroke or heart attack.

Therefore, antibiotics should be taken as prescribed by your doctor under strict monitoring of the prothrombin blood clotting index.

How to avoid stroke or heart attack while taking antibiotics?

To avoid the formation of blood clots, you should take drugs that prevent platelet aggregation and reduce blood clotting.

Most often, Aspirin is used to prevent blood clots - acetylsalicylic acid in a dosage of 80-100 mg per day, which is approximately 1/2 or 1/4 of an Aspirin tablet, depending on the dosage. Aspirin reduces blood clotting and increases the thrombin time, which must be taken into account, for example, when visiting a dentist.

To reduce blood viscosity, vitamin E (alfatocopherol) is also used in a dosage exceeding 400 mg per day.

Platelet aggregation is also prevented by Curantil (dipyridamole). Drugs such as Pentoxifyline, Cinnarizine, etc. improve the rheological properties of blood.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, rutinosides should be used in combination with vitamin C, for example Ascorutin, Sophora japonica, etc. To improve the elasticity of blood vessels, the Omega-3 drug or foods rich in Omega-3, such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, are widely used. Omega-3 repairs and protects vessel walls from damage, and routines reduce vessel fragility and prevent internal bleeding.

What is candidomycosis?

When taking antibiotics, a so-called superinfection often develops - pathogenic microflora that is insensitive to this type of antibiotic. The most dangerous complications from taking antibiotics are mycoses (fungal diseases).
The most common type of superinfection is candidomycosis - a fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes by Candida fungi that are insensitive to most antibiotics. Candidomycosis occurs against the background of dysbacteriosis and a decrease in the body’s immune defense due to the death of the natural intestinal microflora and mucous membranes, which protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
Women who take antibiotics most often develop candidomycosis of the vagina, labia minora and labia majora.

How to protect yourself from candidomycosis?

Along with antibiotics, antifungal drugs such as Nystatin are prescribed. In case of vaginal candidomycosis, suppositories with nystatin or nystatin ointment are used. In addition, to prevent dysbiosis, Lactobacterin and Bifidumbacterin are used both orally (in the form of a drink) to restore intestinal microflora, and in the form of tampons in the vagina, alternating them with nystatin vaginal suppositories.

Why are antibiotics sold by prescription?

Why do doctors oppose the uncontrolled use of antibiotics? One of the main reasons why doctors prohibit self-administration of antibiotics is the high adaptability of microorganisms to existing drugs. And although the pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing new types of antibiotics, science simply cannot keep up with the mutations of pathogenic microorganisms. In order to slow down this process at least a little, doctors are categorically against the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. As is known, the most antibiotic-resistant microflora develops in hospital settings, where patients receive all possible types of antibiotics. Therefore, hospital strains of infections are the most difficult to treat.