Are chanterelles digestible? The benefits and harms of chanterelle mushrooms for the human body. Anti-parasite powder. Chemical composition. Who are chanterelles dangerous for? Harm from mushrooms

It's no secret that mushrooms have healing properties. Eating some mushrooms can help fight cancer. Chanterelles have a huge number of medicinal properties.

From all diseases

They contain many minerals, as well as vitamins (PP and B2, B1 and A), amino acids, vitamins, so they are very useful for vision and can fight eye diseases. They will be useful for those who suffer from such ailments as obesity, but they must be prepared correctly.

The beneficial properties of chanterelles have been identified and carefully studied. They contain zinc and copper, which help remove radionuclides from the body. The presence of a large amount of provitamin D allows these mushrooms to be called typical antibiotics. They help restore the pancreas. Scientists have long discovered medicinal properties chanterelles: they actively fight cancer cells, and also prevent the growth of tuberculosis bacillus.

In Western countries, liver treatment is prescribed with these mushrooms.

Even in ancient times, these mushrooms were used to treat abscesses and boils; they are useful because they help fight sore throat.

Chanterelles have a huge range of medicinal properties.

Pharmaceutical companies located in Western countries prepare from this product anthelmintics. To do this, it is first necessary to isolate chitinmannose. It is subsequently used in pure form. To preserve the medicinal properties, it is necessary to grind the dried chanterelles to a powder state. They are also consumed in the form of tinctures or capsules.

Powder from dried chanterelles

What other benefits do chanterelles have? They have immunostimulating as well as antitumor effects. Mushrooms are useful for various inflammatory diseases. Useful properties are determined increased content vitamin A (more than in carrots).

Dry chanterelles are the raw material for many drugs.

Universal medicine

What else are these mushrooms good for? Thanks to vitamin C, they help treat respiratory diseases. They are also useful in that they treat not only insomnia, depression, but also hemorrhoids.

Chanterelles have medicinal properties:

  • fight varicose veins;
  • relieve irritability;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • improve vision.

Scientists have conducted many experiments. It turned out that beneficial features this product is explained by the presence of vitamin D. This substance promotes the formation bone tissue, and also has the following useful properties:

  • increases resistance to psoriasis;
  • strengthens muscle tone;
  • prevents heart disease.

It is important to remember that poisoning from chanterelles is possible, so you need to handle them thoroughly before eating.

“Growing at the edge of the forest, red-haired girlfriends” - did you guess the riddle? Chanterelles! It is unlikely that anyone will think about solving such a simple and easy riddle; these mushrooms are familiar to everyone since childhood. Chanterelles have gained high popularity due to their attractive appearance and its beneficial properties. The pleasant muted orange color of these mushrooms is reminiscent of the color of fox skin, which is why they got their name.

It is known and proven for the body, but each of them has its own specific properties and differences. What is so special about chanterelles?

The pulp of chanterelles is rich in B vitamins, beta-carotene (which has a characteristic yellow tint and gives the chanterelles their overall color), vitamin D, PP, and trace elements; chanterelles contain copper and zinc salts. A valuable component of these mushrooms are amino acids, which satisfy the body's need for protein.

How can chanterelles help the body?

Just like other sources of carotene (for example, persimmon), chanterelles have the most favorable effect on vision, on the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye and are able to relieve “ night blindness" In addition, (to which beta-carotene is converted in the body) helps improve the condition of the skin and hair, and acts as a stimulant for the immune system.

But not many people know that chanterelle mushrooms have medicinal properties. Meanwhile in different countries they are used to treat many ailments.

Useful and healing properties

The beneficial properties of chanterelles are due to their unique composition. Many vitamins, microelements and other components were found in the pulp of mushrooms. Among them is vitamin A, the content of which in 100 grams of the product is higher than that of carrots. Thanks to this, the mushroom is effective in the treatment of eye diseases.

Found in the composition high concentration vitamin B, trametonolinic acid, polysaccharides, chitinmannose, ergosterol. These components provide antibiotic (including antituberculosis), antitumor and restorative properties. With the help of chanterelles, liver diseases are treated: hepatitis, tissue degeneration into fat, cysts.

You can prepare medicine from chanterelles at home. Freshly picked mushrooms are cleaned of soil particles and litter using a knife. If the mushrooms are dried in the sun, naturally, then you can’t get them wet. If special devices are used for drying, the fruiting bodies can be washed under running water.

Mushrooms are cut into thin slices and placed on a sheet or tray so that they do not touch. For natural drying, the product is placed in open, well-ventilated, shaded places for several days. When using an electric dryer, select the lowest temperature (40 degrees) and dry for 8 hours. Dried chanterelles are stored in a tightly closed container (this way they do not lose their beneficial properties for up to two years).

For treatment, dried chanterelles are ground into powder before use. 1 teaspoon is dissolved in 100 ml of water and allowed to brew for 30 minutes. Consume an hour before meals, along with the sediment. The daily dose is from 1 to 4 teaspoons.

Popular and so dosage form as a tincture. It is the alcohol tincture of chanterelles that is taken for worms. To prepare it, you can use both raw and dried fruit bodies. For 150 ml of vodka or alcohol (40%) add 2 tbsp. l. dry or 3 tbsp. l. raw chopped mushrooms. Infuse in a cool place, possibly in the refrigerator, for two weeks. Take 1 teaspoon before bedtime.

You can buy chanterelle extract in pharmacies. It is available in the form of granules, which are taken 4 per day (in two doses, morning and evening). For children, the dosage is halved.

When taking chanterelle preparations in any form, you need to remember that the course of administration, like any homeopathic medicine, limited to 30 days.

Use in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of chanterelles are known in folk medicine for a long time. These mushrooms have been and continue to be used successfully to treat many ailments. Among them:

  1. Infectious diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, furunculosis and others.
  2. Tuberculosis: substances contained in the pulp of the mushroom inhibit the proliferation of Koch bacilli, speeding up and facilitating recovery.
  3. Diseases of the pancreas and liver.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Diseases caused by helminths.


Chanterelles, in addition to their beneficial properties, have a number of contraindications. So, they should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, or people with individual intolerance; Children under three years old cannot eat mushrooms, including chanterelles.

With caution to this product people should be treated with gastrointestinal diseases. Even people with healthy digestion should not exceed recommended dosages. If mushrooms are not used medicinal purposes, but simply as a product, a single serving should be moderate - it is difficult for the stomach to digest a large amount of them. Knowing the benefits of chanterelle mushrooms and taking them correctly, you can prevent many diseases.

Chanterelles are mushrooms that, in addition to their taste, also have medicinal properties. In some countries, this remedy is used both in folk and official medicine. This mushroom is found in almost all regions of our country, so if it ends up in your basket, dry part of the “catch” and try its unique effect for yourself.

To lose 32 kg by summer, like KVN star Olga Kartunkova, simply on an empty stomach.

Medicinal properties of chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms: medicinal properties and methods of preparation

It is often customary to talk about mushrooms exclusively in a culinary context, but few people know that they can also become real healers. This is especially true for chanterelle mushrooms, which are probably the most popular type of edible mushroom. You can achieve medicinal properties from chanterelle mushrooms in different ways; there are several ways to prepare chanterelles so that they turn out to be not only a tasty forest treat, but also a “home doctor.” But first you need to figure out in what cases their use is appropriate and effective.

Medicinal properties of chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms, like other forest plants, such as herbs or berries, have unique properties, which can be used in for health purposes. If you select The right way preparation of chanterelle mushrooms, then their medicinal properties will be restorative, anti-tuberculosis, antibiotic, anthelmintic.

If you turn to the literature on traditional medicine, you can often find information that the use of chanterelle mushrooms is effective in the treatment of liver diseases. in particular cysts and hepatitis C.

In addition, the medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms can help people who suffer from night blindness or have poor eyesight.

Other medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms include:

Antioxidant effect on the body, which slows down the aging process of the body; Emollient effect for sore throat; Helps with diseases of the pancreas; Helps with furunculosis; Increase stress resistance; Helps strengthen muscle tone.

It should be noted that the medicinal properties of chanterelle mushrooms appear only if the correct method of preparing them is chosen!

Important! Chanterelles lose their medicinal properties when exposed to warm temperatures, as well as when pickled and salted.

What determines the beneficial properties of chanterelles?

All the benefits of chanterelles for human health are determined by the chemical composition of this forest gift. These small mushrooms contain all kinds of vitamins, microelements and other useful material. For example, chanterelles are rich in vitamin A, and in this relay they are not inferior, and even ahead of the notorious carrots! In addition, chanterelles are enriched with a group of B vitamins, and here they give a head start to yeast.

The most valuable component in chanterelles is ergosterol; it is this substance that is effective in the fight against liver diseases, promotes its cleansing and restoration.

Other important components of chanterelles include: Chitinmannoses; Trametonolinic acid; Polysaccharide K-10; Vitamin D

It is due to all these components, which act in combination, that chanterelle mushrooms acquire their medicinal properties. Well, in order to use them, it is important to know how to prepare chanterelles for health purposes.

Harvesting chanterelles for treatment

If we remember that with some cooking methods these mushrooms lose their medicinal properties, then we can immediately discard the options of frying, pickling and salting. You can preserve chanterelles for the winter without losing their medicinal properties if you dry the mushrooms or freeze them (but in in this case they start to taste a little bitter). You can also prepare a chanterelle tincture.

Dried chanterelles: how to do it right

To obtain the medicinal properties of chanterelles all year round, and not only in the season when they can be collected, they should be dried. This is not difficult to do if you strictly follow the instructions:

1. The harvested crop should be sorted and for drying, select only those mushrooms that have a large cap, a thick stem, and are definitely not hiding a mushroom worm. 2. Chanterelles need to be cleared of twigs and other debris by hand. Under no circumstances should you wash mushrooms! 3. Next, you should separate the mushroom cap from the stem; only the chanterelle umbrella itself will be used for drying. 4. If the caps are very large, then they should be cut either into halves or quarters. 5. Mushrooms can be dried outside, in the oven, in a special dryer, in the oven, and even on the stove or in the microwave. The drying method should be chosen based on the climatic conditions prevailing in the region of residence. 6. Mushrooms should be placed on parchment paper high density or on a dry board. Important! You cannot place mushrooms on a baking sheet, otherwise they will begin to fry or boil, which means they will lose their beneficial properties. 7. Chanterelles don’t take long to dry. To speed up the process, you should provide them with constant air circulation, which is possible with good ventilation. 8. Mushrooms that have dried well will bend; if the mushrooms break, it means something went wrong in the process and such chanterelles cannot be used further.

How to store dried chanterelles

There are two ways to properly store chanterelles. In the first case, the dried mushrooms should be placed in glass jars and a little alcohol should be poured into them and set on fire, then immediately close the lid tightly. This procedure will help to “drive” all the oxygen out of the jar, which means that when long-term storage the mushrooms will not mold.

In the second case, you can grind the dried chanterelles and store them in a coffee can and use them as a seasoning for dishes in combination with other spices.

The best recipes for your health

A tincture of chanterelles, which can be prepared either from dried mushrooms or from fresh mushrooms just out of the forest.

To prepare, chop two tablespoons of fresh mushrooms, or three tablespoons of dried mushrooms. Place them in a glass container and pour 150 grams of vodka. Next, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for 14 days. After this time, the tincture will be ready; there is no need to strain it. The course of treatment with this remedy is designed for a month, during which you should drink one teaspoon of tincture every day before going to bed.

Contraindications for use

As practice shows, chanterelles can be consumed by virtually everyone. But it is important to collect them in an ecologically clean area, somewhere away from roads, deep in the forest. At the same time, if you do not have enough experience in picking mushrooms, then, of course, it is better to buy chanterelles at the market. Most often, it is ignorance of the differences between edible and inedible mushrooms that leads to tragic consequences.

There are no specific contraindications to the use of this product, except for individual intolerance to fungi.

Chanterelle mushrooms are endowed with unique medicinal properties if you choose the right cooking method, so they healing power You just can't help but take advantage of it. It is best to use preparations for health purposes dried mushrooms, since this is where all the useful substances lie, and besides, this is year-round access to them!

Chanterelles are very common mushrooms in medicine, the medicinal properties of which are used in many countries. Medicine uses them most widely in the West. Oncology can be treated with drugs containing extracts from chanterelles.

Eating chanterelles has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Mushrooms are grown in greenhouses with a special microclimate. Each stage of their maturation is controlled and analyzed, because only in such conditions can we obtain environmentally friendly and natural raw materials for pharmaceuticals.

Medicinal properties of chanterelles

There is a direction of development alternative medicine called fungotherapy, it is based on healing the body using mushrooms. This is a relatively young science, but it has already proven itself.

Differences between chanterelle and false chanterelle.

Mushrooms are truly a unique creation of nature. They are somewhere between the plant and animal worlds. It is worth highlighting a variety of mushrooms such as chanterelles. Even ancient sorcerers and shamans used them as a separate drug, adding them to various recipes.

Chanterelles are rich in vitamins B and A, PP. These mushrooms are good prophylactic against eye diseases. They affect the body's metabolism and help fight obesity.

These mushrooms are rich in zinc and copper, which promote binding and release free radicals. Possess antibacterial properties, since they contain provitamin D. Regular use Eating chanterelles effectively restores and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas. Latest research pharmaceuticals have confirmed the ability of chanterelles to resist various malignant and benign tumors. Their immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties can be used to treat tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.

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Dried chanterelles

Well-dried chanterelles are stored for a long time in a canvas bag.

Chanterelles are often used in dried form. At temperatures above 60 degrees, mushrooms lose their healing properties, V medical purposes It is better to dry them.

In Europe, extracts are prepared on their basis for the treatment and restoration of liver cells. The thing is that chanterelles are naturally rich in ergosterol, which, in turn, stimulates and accelerates the production of liver enzymes.

A special organic acid (trametonolinic acid) is harmful to the virus that causes hepatitis. A poultice made from dried chanterelles has been used since ancient times in the fight against ulcers and boils, and sore throat. A tincture or capsules are prepared based on dried mushrooms. To obtain an anthelmintic agent, chitinmannose is isolated from chanterelles. As a medicine, it is used in concentrated form. Because this allows you to save medicinal properties, dried mushrooms crushed into a powder, which is used to create various medicines.

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Other recipes for using chanterelles

Chanterelles are used in treatment inflammatory processes varying degrees difficulties, and also have immunostimulating, anticancer and antihemorrhoidal effects. This is due to the presence of large amounts of vitamin A, C and D. Chanterelles cope well with respiratory diseases. Have positive influence on the nervous system, the minerals and vitamins they contain increase stress resistance, reduce the impact of depression and insomnia.

Microelements in chanterelles successfully fight varicose veins.

Chanterelles contain selenium, which normalizes activity thyroid gland and reproduction of brain stem cells, in addition, it improves coordination of movements and removes aggressive toxins from the body chemical elements and other harmful substances.

What can be treated with chanterelles:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • increased irritability;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • reduced immunity.

They have a number of general strengthening and preventive indications for use:

  • enhance the regeneration of bone tissue, which significantly accelerates the healing of fractures, cracks, and also reduces bone fragility;
  • can be used for prevention skin diseases, including psoriasis;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It is very important to carry out proper thermal and culinary processing of chanterelles, otherwise there is a risk of mushroom poisoning.

These mushrooms can very quickly and quite gently cleanse your body of worms.

Well, specifically we will look at the chanterelle mushroom, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as the products that are obtained from it. Chanterelles live in the mushroom kingdom and are well recognized by mushroom pickers, because they have a bright sunny shade and a hat that is unique to them. These are very useful mushrooms for humans; they can help cure a number of ailments. Let's talk about these properties further.

Chanterelle mushrooms and their medicinal properties. Cooking methods

It seems that there is no ailment that these wonderful mushrooms cannot overcome, but are they really infinitely useful, is there any harm from them? Of course, like many plant gifts, chanterelles can be harmful.

Who should not eat chanterelles?

In fact, chanterelles have very few contraindications. Since all mushrooms are considered food that is difficult to digest, it is better for those who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract not to consume this natural product.

It is also worth noting that any person can have an individual intolerance to any component in any product, the same with mushrooms - if you are allergic to them, then it is better not to take them as food or as medicine.

Chanterelles are not allowed during pregnancy, lactation and for children until they are three years old.

Mushrooms can only be beneficial if they have been properly washed, peeled and cooked. Otherwise, even the most useful natural gifts may cause harm.

Methods for preparing chanterelle mushrooms

Chanterelles can be prepared in any way. They are used to make twists for the winter, where the chanterelles are marinated and fried vegetable oil, dried, extracts and powders are made. For treatment, it is the last two forms of preparation that are used, and extracts are also used. Such medicines You can prepare it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in pharmacies or specialized shops.

If you collected chanterelles yourself, then you need to dry them no more than at a temperature of 40 degrees, otherwise all their healing properties will be lost. After that, dried mushrooms can be made into a powder that will be used for treatment.

The powder must be used as quickly as possible, since in this form active substances evaporate quickly.

The medicinal properties of dried chanterelles can remain at the same level for the next two years after harvesting. Dry foods should be stored in a container that closes tightly.

Another recipe for an infusion, similar to the first, but pour one spoonful of dried mushrooms into 150 ml, after which the infusion sits for 10 days, you need to shake it constantly. Take a teaspoon before going to bed, but the course is two months. It has also been noted that the product helps to normalize sleep and relieve headaches.

That's what they are - foxes. Yes, nature is truly generous with its gifts, and today we are convinced of this once again. Health to you!

Licorice syrup and Enterosgel. Cleansing the lymphatic system

Mushroom picking is a fun and rewarding activity, and Forest mushrooms much tastier than those grown in artificial conditions, and their benefits are difficult to overestimate. They are not all the same taste qualities, and in terms of useful properties. One of the most unique specimens is chanterelle mushrooms.

Description of the fungus, its types and their distribution

Chanterelle is an edible mushroom that is widespread in temperate climate zones, as well as in the subtropics.

Meet this type possible in both coniferous and deciduous forests. It grows primarily from August to October, but can sometimes be found in the summer, starting in June. Since chanterelles prefer soil with acidic environment, you should look for them under fallen leaves, in grass and moss. They grow mainly in large groups.

The color of the mushroom varies from barely yellow to deep red. The cap and stem are fused, the cap is funnel-shaped in the center, and its edges are wavy. The diameter does not exceed 12 centimeters, and the length of the leg varies between three and seven centimeters, while having a width of one to three centimeters.

The flesh of chanterelles is dense and fleshy; if you press it with your finger, it takes on a slightly reddish tint. The smell is unusual, but attractive: it combines the aroma of fallen leaves, roots and a slight sourness.

The Chanterelle family includes more than 50 species, but the most popular is the common chanterelle, which is the most common.

Chemical composition of chanterelles

These mushrooms are very useful for humans. To figure out whether you can eat raw chanterelles, you need to study their composition.

The unique, balanced composition of chanterelles, rich in vitamins and minerals, allows them to be widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. The benefits of eating these mushrooms are difficult to overestimate. If you wonder whether it is possible to eat chanterelle mushrooms raw, it is worth considering that when heat treatment the described properties are reduced to a minimum: already at 50 o C they cease to be so useful.

The beneficial effects of chanterelles on the body:

If it is still not entirely clear whether it is possible to eat raw chanterelles, it is worth noting that they even help in the treatment of rickets, osteoporosis and anemia, restore the intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis, and are excellent helpers for the body during early forms oncological diseases. Mushrooms remove toxins and suppress allergic reactions.

In addition, chanterelles are even used in cosmetology, because their extract helps in the fight against skin fungus and inflammation, acne and bacterial lesions. Also, creams based on these mushrooms actively moisturize and nourish the skin with many beneficial microelements.

When asked whether it is possible to eat raw chanterelles, scientists unanimously give a positive answer, because they are so healthy that they are more like a panacea for the human body than a simple food product.


Sometimes people encounter problems that lead to intolerance in their body. Do not forget that mushrooms collected in an environmentally unfavorable area will certainly become toxic to the body. Experienced mushroom pickers can easily distinguish from false ones, which can also harm a person. Although the false chanterelle is not very poisonous, and has recently been included in the group of conditionally edible mushrooms, you should not expect any benefits from such a mushroom.

But you not only need to be able to collect chanterelles correctly, but also process them. Mandatory primary processing lasting three to five hours immediately after collection. Mushrooms also need to be stored correctly - in a cool, dark place, and not for too long, no more than seven hours.

Eating chanterelles

Many parents wonder whether children can eat raw chanterelles, because the effect of classic medications extremely toxic. And the first thing that needs to be taken into account is that under no circumstances should these mushrooms, like any others, be given to children under three years of age.

As is known, children's body During the first years of life, the child is not able to digest mushrooms due to the lack of the appropriate enzyme, and as a result, the stomach and pancreas suffer when they are consumed. Older children can be given chanterelles in any form, except alcohol tincture. You can also freeze chanterelles; this method perfectly preserves all the beneficial properties of mushrooms.

Chanterelle mushrooms are perhaps immortalized in the largest number of children's drawings. Their bright red caps are found here and there, meanwhile, chanterelles not only delight the eye, but also have exceptional benefits. The mushroom has been used for many years in both medicinal and culinary purposes. Its caps are perfectly stored in dried form, and its widespread distribution allows many people to experience its benefits for themselves.

Useful properties of chanterelles

The recipe for vodka tincture against worms is also widely known - finely chop 2 tablespoons of mushrooms, pour 150 ml of vodka, infuse, and take 1 teaspoon before meals. Sometimes it is recommended to take the same amount of tincture before bed, and not use it during the day. Sometimes vodka tincture of chanterelles is credited with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties.

Eating cooked chanterelles is extremely beneficial for people with eye diseases. A large number of vitamin A in the mushroom makes it possible to consider it good remedy for the prevention of night blindness. It is also good to use chanterelles for myopia and retinal detachment. In addition, mushrooms are rich in B vitamins and contain vitamin PP, as well as copper and zinc.

The culinary processing of these mushrooms is quite simple. It only takes 20 minutes to cook them, but frying them is not at all necessary, they are already delicious. In addition, chanterelles are often pickled in a solution of ordinary table salt, and they are well stored in this form in barrels, due to their antiseptic properties.

Noted beneficial effect chanterelles for immunity. Moreover, it affects you even if you simply eat mushroom dishes and do not look for the possibility of preparing a mushroom tincture.

Damage to chanterelles

The alcohol tincture of chanterelles is a purely folk invention; no serious research has been carried out to indicate that it is safe to use. Naturally, you shouldn't drink alcohol tinctures for diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, nervous system and with a tendency to uncontrolled alcohol consumption.

You can often find complaints about the taste not being bright enough. Most likely, their authors encountered a false fox. This is an edible mushroom with a less intense color and a spongy cap structure. You can also find worms in false chanterelles, which usually does not happen with “real” chanterelles.

In nutrition, mushrooms are one of the most controversial foods. Some doctors claim that mushroom proteins are the most difficult to digest, so eating chanterelles to satisfy your protein needs is a rather useless idea. Many authors argue that mushrooms are simply not digestible in the human body, and vitamins and minerals can only be extracted from them by preparing a tincture.

Official dietetics does not prohibit the consumption of chanterelles, but does not put them on a par with sources of complete protein.

Benefit mushroom dishes for health depends greatly on the method of their preparation. In particular, you can eat for quite a long time fried chanterelles with potatoes in the hope of losing weight, having read somewhere that chanterelles are good for obesity, and still not get the desired result. When it comes to mushrooms, all the rules for cooking vegetables on a diet apply - do not fry, do not salt, do not pour in fatty sauces, cook, if possible, by boiling and seasoning herbs and a drop of natural oil.

It is absolutely forbidden to eat chanterelles if you have pancreatitis. No fat and low calorie content This is a deceptive criterion. Mushrooms are practically not digestible in such patients, and can cause serious problems with digestion.

Chanterelles are not recommended for gastritis and intestinal diseases. Children should be given mushrooms with caution because of the possibility allergic reactions. Skin rashes and even skin coloring yellowish color possible with simultaneous overeating of chanterelles, carrots, and the use of vitamin A as part of various vitamin-mineral complexes.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova