Gum health. Healthy teeth and gums. What happens if you don't treat your gums?

Healthy teeth and gums are one of the foundations of a dazzling smile. wellness and longevity. By caring for our teeth every day, we take care not only of our own appearance, but also about your health. IN human body everything is interconnected, so diseases oral cavity increase the risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cause problems with gastrointestinal tract and even premature birth.

Avoid caries yellow plaque and more others serious problems will help with health proper prevention and dental hygiene.

How to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful

Maintaining dental health means following simple rules personal hygiene. They will help maintain the beauty of your smile and avoid diseases of the oral cavity and other organs. Although we are well aware of most of them, there is one secret without which they are not effective.

Secret healthy teeth and gums - regular implementation of these rules. Take a holistic approach to your health and don’t ignore small problems so that they don’t turn into major problems.

10 things to do every day for dental health:

    Brush your teeth regularly. At least twice a day, morning and evening. You should brush your teeth from the base of the tooth to the edge for about two to three minutes.

    Brush your teeth and gums actively, but gently and carefully so as not to erase the enamel.

    Choose the right brush. The brush should be suitable for your teeth. In most cases, you can get by with a brush with medium hardness, but for sensitive teeth and gums, it is better to choose high-quality soft bristles.

    Rinse your mouth after every meal. Ideally, after some time, you brush your teeth. It is not advisable to do this immediately after eating so as not to damage the enamel.

    Use dental floss, which will help remove food between teeth in hard-to-reach places. Often we don't even suspect that it is there. This should be done before brushing your teeth and after eating.

    Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth by special means and elixirs. Mouthwashes remove plaque from the cheeks and tongue, freshen breath and destroy bacteria in the entire oral cavity.

    Care for your toothbrush properly. The brush should be changed once every 2-3 months, but cleaned and washed in hot water- regularly. It should be stored dry, since bacteria from your mouth actively multiply on a wet brush. This is why never use someone else's brushes. Children's brushes should be kept separate from adults'.

    Use wooden toothpicks carefully. After eating, they help get rid of food debris, but this must be done carefully. If possible, replace toothpicks with dental floss. Do not use any metal or sharp objects. You will damage the enamel and bacteria will penetrate even deeper.

    Give your teeth as much stress as possible. This does not mean that you should crack nuts with your teeth. But regularly eating apples, nibbling carrots, and chewing food thoroughly will help improve blood circulation in the gums and get rid of plaque.

    Watch your diet. Fluoride and calcium are responsible for the strength of teeth. They are found in eggs, poultry, sea ​​fish, veal, vegetables, cheese, yogurt and black bread. You can take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor if these substances are lacking in your body.

Regular visits to the dentist also play an important role in dental health. Preventive examination will help to identify dental problems in time and avoid expensive treatment of advanced diseases.

Foods that are good for teeth

The correct, balanced diet. Some foods will not only strengthen your teeth, but also help whiten them.

If you care about beautiful smile, fresh breath and strong teeth, include the following foods in your diet:

    cheese and cottage cheese— sources of calcium, magnesium and vitamins, help in the prevention of caries and gum inflammation;

    eggs- a source of vitamin D, which is needed for strong teeth;

    oranges, lime, grapefruit reduce bleeding gums and destroy bacteria that cause caries;

    sea ​​fish strengthens gums, contains iodine and calcium, which helps protect teeth from caries;

    vegetables and fruits provide massage to the gums and normalize blood circulation;

    greenery helps fight bleeding gums, massages gums and whitens teeth;

    tea (green and black) contains catechin, which helps cleanse the mouth of bacteria and freshens breath.

Sore gums can occur for many reasons. It is also caused by consumption of certain foods containing sugar and starch, bad habits, like smoking and improper oral care, tartar, diabetes, various hormonal disorders during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, stress. The first stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, typically involves bleeding, swelling, and redness. If these symptoms are ignored and treatment is not started at this stage, the disease can develop into periodontitis, a destructive form of periodontal disease. But it is much more difficult to treat, and periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and in the future you will need implantation. This disease should not be ignored, but it is better to use the services of a dentist as early as possible. Well, we want to tell you about precautions that will help prevent gum disease.

The first and most important rule is to maintain oral hygiene. It is necessary to regularly brush your teeth twice a day for at least 3-4 minutes, and preferably 5. After brushing your teeth, you must rinse your mouth with antiseptic agents. Change toothbrush necessary every three to four months. Don't forget to visit your dentist every six months. It is also worth reducing your consumption of carbonated drinks, sweet tea and other foods containing sugar. And here cranberry juice on the contrary, it is worth including in your daily diet. Vitamin C, which this berry is rich in, will help overcome inflammatory processes. Other sources of this vitamin include oranges, grapes, kiwi, mango, papaya and strawberries. You should also increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin D, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. So include red fish, cod liver and chicken eggs, which are the source of this vitamin, which is beneficial for healthy teeth and gums.

On initial stage The development of inflammatory processes in the gums may well be helped by homemade folk remedies. So solution sea ​​salt can reduce swelling of the gums and destroy bacteria and infections living in the oral cavity, and this will promote recovery. To perform this procedure, separate Not a large number of sea ​​salt in a glass of warm water, put the solution in your mouth, rinse for 30 seconds, and then spit out. Repeat several times. If symptoms of inflammation occur, you should rinse your mouth with this solution at least 2 times a day.

This may seem strange to some, but regular tea bags can help with gum inflammation. To do this, pour boiling water over a regular tea bag, and then, after cooling it to a comfortable temperature, apply it to the affected gum area. Such a compress, kept for about five minutes, is able to overcome the infection due to the tannic acids it contains.

Honey is a favorite ingredient folk recipes. Because it has natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it can also be used to relieve gum inflammation. After thoroughly cleansing your mouth, simply rub a small amount of honey into problem areas.

Baking soda can neutralize acids in the mouth, which is preventative measure against the development of caries and gum disease. Therefore, you can rinse your mouth with a soda solution or brush your teeth with soda paste. Effective and herbal rinses sage, thyme, chamomile, cedar resin. Traditional medicine also advises chewing Kalanchoe Degremon leaf to relieve inflammation.

Not really! Because dental health starts with your gums. The same ones that periodically bleed, become inflamed, cause bad breath... How to avoid this?

It hurts me to chew and brush my teeth, and there is often blood on my toothbrush. What is this?

You need to see a dentist. Most likely it is periodontitis or gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums and soft tissues around the tooth often occurs due to insufficient tooth brushing. Bacteria that multiply in dental plaque penetrate under the gums and cause inflammation there. If you don't take care of your gums right away, you can lose your tooth!

Small ulcers appeared on the gums and cheeks. They hurt and it has become difficult to eat. What is this?

This is how stomatitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa, can occur. Stomatitis usually occurs after an injury (biting the cheek or scratching the gum with something) or against the background of a weakened immune system, for example after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection.

I wear braces. Inflammation appeared in one place on the gum; it hurts to touch. What is this?

This is how chafing can manifest itself due to excessive pressure from the bracket in this place. Such chafing can also occur when wearing dentures.

Gum problems are most often caused by infection. It is enough to brush your teeth poorly, accidentally burn yourself with hot tea, or fail to fasten braces for microorganisms to penetrate the mucous membrane and cause inflammation. Pain when chewing and brushing teeth, bad breath, irritation on the mucous membranes - all these are manifestations of infection.

Means for treatment and prevention

To get rid of infection, antiseptics are traditionally used - disinfectants that prevent the growth of microorganisms. When choosing such a drug, you need to focus on the effectiveness and ease of use. The antiseptic must have pleasant taste and smell, be comfortable to use, maintain the whiteness of fillings and tooth enamel.

It is optimal if it is a product with complex action, which will reduce inflammation, will simultaneously fight infection, reduce pain and restore freshness to breath.

How to choose a product

All requirements for antiseptics for the oral cavity, the “Parodontocide” series of products answers. It is based on a unique combined composition, consisting of natural plant components:

  • sage oil - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  • clove oil - destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • peppermint oil - helps cope with pain and refreshes the oral cavity.
  • oregano – has an antibacterial effect.
  • thymol - helps get rid of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • eugenol – destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • phenyl salicylate - has an antiseptic effect.
  • allantoin - quickly heals damage to the mucosa.

Combination combination organic components has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effects in the oral cavity, and also normalizes its microflora and eliminates unpleasant odor.

It is known that antiseptics containing triclosan, chlorhexidine or metronidazole can disrupt the balance of the oral microflora, and products with chlorhexidine can stain the tongue, teeth and dental fillings\).

Unique composition The “Parodontocide” series of products allows you to avoid the troubles typical of using antiseptic drugs. An additional advantage of the series is the variety of release forms - rinse solution, mouth spray, rinse, gum gel and even toothpaste. The “Parodontocide” assortment includes all necessary funds for complete oral hygiene.

How to use: prevention

The “Parodontocide” series of products can be used in combination or by choosing individual products for yourself. All products in the series combine perfectly with each other, complement and enhance each other’s effects.

Fig. 1 Series of “Parodontocide” products for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases.

After hygienic brushing of your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with a solution or rinse called Parodontocid. And at work or on the road, it is recommended to use a spray - you can use it after every meal. This prevents gum inflammation and helps fight bad smell from mouth. If damage occurs to the mucous membrane, then Parodontocide gel comes to the rescue, which can be applied to the damaged area 2-3 times a day.

How to use: treatment

For diseases of the oral cavity, hygiene measures can be supplemented with the use of “Parodontocide” gel and more intense rinsing.

For chafing from braces or dentures, it is enough to apply a little Parodontocid gel to the damaged areas. It promotes mucosal restoration and prevents the development of inflammation.

Stomatitis and gingivitis require mandatory daily treatment of the oral cavity 2-3 times a day with an antiseptic solution - using a spray or rinse solution.

Well, when expressed problems an enhanced combination is used: to daily cleaning teeth with a special treatment and prophylactic paste Parodontotsid are added to daily treatment of the oral cavity with other products from this line: antiseptic gel 2-3 times a day + irrigation of the mucous membrane with a spray 2-3 times a day.

Fig.2 Products of the “Parodontocide” series for complex therapy oral diseases

The “Parodontocide” series will help restore the healthy condition of the gums and oral cavity. A unique combined composition based on natural ingredients, renders complex impact necessary for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases. Protect yourself from gum problems!

* E.V. Zoryan, etc. Experience clinical application antiseptic drugs for periodontal diseases // Medical business – 2007 - №4.

The problem of gum disease can affect anyone, regardless of age. The onset of the disease may seem insignificant and harmless - slight redness of the gums or bleeding when brushing your teeth. Diseases of the oral mucosa in children and adults are a rather serious problem, and it is not always possible to get rid of it in one visit to the dentist.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor promptly when the first symptoms occur and begin treatment. Taking care of your gums is no less important than taking care of your teeth. Maintaining healthy gums is necessary not only for the oral cavity, but also for the entire body as a whole. A description of the names, symptoms and treatment can be found in this article.

Signs of healthy gums and common causes of disease

What are they like - healthy and well-groomed gums? Desna in healthy condition not blue or red, but have a smooth pale pink color. The periodontal tissues appear without signs of swelling and redness. There is no pain, bleeding or discomfort when brushing your teeth. No bad odor or constant bad taste in the mouth may also indicate gum health.

Currently, the factors that cause diseases of teeth and gums are known (see also:). There are two main criteria for gum problems. These include:

  1. Common reasons. This group includes diseases circulatory system, hormonal disorders, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Local reasons. These include pathologies of the frenulum of the tongue, malocclusion, tartar and hard coating on the surface of the teeth.

Very often, inflammatory processes occur as a result of improper care of teeth and gums. Due to irregular, insufficiently thorough brushing of teeth or the wrong choice of oral care products, active proliferation of microorganisms occurs. Thanks to their vital activity, soft plaque over time can turn into hard interdental deposits that injure the mucous membrane. The infection, getting to the injured areas, provokes the appearance of the disease.

The causes of inflammation can be the consequences of damage from incorrectly installed fillings or dentures that are not selected according to size. Quite often, a pathological process can develop as a result of thermal or chemical burns oral mucosa. As a result of injury, it sometimes happens that the frenulum is torn or damage to the mucous membrane occurs. Open wound can become a source of infection if antibacterial treatment is not timely.

Classification of gum diseases, their symptoms and principles of treatment

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Gum diseases are divided into several groups, depending on the location of inflammation and the stage of the disease. Gingivitis and periodontitis are inflammatory diseases infectious diseases, most often they develop in pregnant women, children and adolescents (we recommend reading:). When gingivitis develops, the dental tissues are not affected, only the mucous membrane around a particular tooth becomes inflamed.

With periodontitis, the ligament between the bone and the tooth is destroyed. support apparatus loses its functions. As a result, a kind of pocket appears in which food particles accumulate. Bleeding, swelling of the mucous membrane, and increased sensitivity of the gums appear (we recommend reading:). Periodontitis can cause tooth loss that becomes dislodged and loose.

Periodontitis occurs due to inflammatory diseases oral cavity and is a complication of periodontitis. Periodontal disease is a problem mainly for older people who have reduced vascular conductivity and impaired blood supply to tissues.

Gingivitis: inflammation of the gum lining

Gingivitis occurs due to the accumulation of plaque and food debris in hard-to-clean areas and interdental spaces. Most often, inflammation occurs due to insufficient oral care. Gingivitis affects dentin tissue, periodontium and gingival papillae. Signs of the disease: red or of blue color gums, swelling, painful sensations when brushing your teeth. Gums may bleed and may cause unpleasant odor from mouth. Types of gingivitis are divided into:

  1. catarrh;
  2. gum hyperplasia;
  3. ulcerative-necrotic stage.

Catarrhal inflammation occurs due to poor hygiene, but pain makes it impossible to carry out. The doctor performs professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial solutions for several days. As an addition, electrophoresis and hydromassage are used, which show good results in the treatment of gingivitis.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is a chronic continuation acute form. Factors in the development of hyperplasia can be: traumatic bite, reaction to taking certain medications, hormonal disbalance, dysfunction of the endocrine system.

Ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane can be a stage of gingivitis, or arise as an independent pathology. The infection occurs against the background of active proliferation of microorganisms in the interdental spaces due to poor hygiene oral cavity.

Treatment of gingivitis occurs in several stages. First, the specialist eliminates dead periodontal tissue using anesthesia. Then the mucous membrane is treated with antimicrobial agents. Appointed complex treatment, which includes treatment with antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs.

Periodontitis: inflammation of the gums

Called periodontitis chronic illness, which affects not only the gums, but also all periodontal tissues. There is a destruction of the fibers of periodontal tissues that hold them together bone tissue and tooth. Mobility of teeth appears and increases, and their loss is possible. Symptoms of periodontitis depend on the severity of the disease:

  1. the mild form is characterized by the formation of a bone pocket about 3.5 mm deep;
  2. at medium degree periodontal pockets reach 5mm;
  3. severe form - the depth of the bone pocket is more than 5 mm.

IN mild form bleeding occurs when brushing teeth, discomfort while chewing. Then gum bleeding may begin spontaneously, patients try to avoid talking and even skip meals. With the development of severe periodontitis, the appearance of putrid smell, tooth mobility becomes more pronounced, and tooth loss is possible. See the photo for more details.

Curing periodontitis is not easy, but it is quite possible. The course of treatment includes the prescription of medications, surgical procedures and orthopedics. The specialist removes hard dental deposits and pathologically altered tissues, after which he granulates the bone pockets. Drug treatment gum disease includes taking antibiotics, immunomodulators and rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions.

Periodontitis: consequences of the spread of the inflammatory process

What is periodontitis? This is development pathological process in the area of ​​the ligamentous tissue of the tooth, as a result of which suppuration forms inside. In the event that the disease becomes chronic form, clear symptoms may be missing. This may be misleading, the lack pain may be regarded by the patient as the cessation of the disease. If the inflammatory process is started, the spread of infection continues. Treatment of periodontitis comes down to elimination inflammatory process tooth root.

Periodontal disease: age-related changes in the gums

Gum disease in old age causes a lot of inconvenience for patients. Over time, the function of the blood supply to the oral mucosa is very often disrupted. As a result, symptoms such as damage to tooth enamel and bone tissue, receding soft gum tissue, and pallor of the mucous membrane appear (we recommend reading:). In severe forms of periodontal disease, teeth may become loose and fall out.

Treatment of periodontal disease is aimed at stopping the pathological process and stabilizing general condition patient. After comprehensive survey dental plaque is cleaned. After which the doctor prescribes a vitamin-mineral complex and the use of medicated toothpastes.

Cysts and microtraumas

The causes of cysts are: advanced caries or pulpitis, poorly healed root canal, periodontitis. The presence of microtraumas, hypothermia and insufficient hygiene aggravate the development of pathology. The growth of a cyst on the gum can provoke the formation of a fistula - an opening through which purulent contents are released. Treatment in this case can be surgical or therapeutic. Drug treatment is carried out if the disease is at early stage. Antimicrobial, decongestant and wound-healing drugs are prescribed. For elimination pain syndrome use drugs from the group of analgesics.

Solving problems in the dentist's office

An experienced specialist will help you get rid of problems with your gums and teeth. First of all, diagnostics is carried out, and necessary examination. If necessary, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests, and based on their results, a treatment plan is determined. To remove hard dental deposits, ultrasonic cleaning or a method is used Air Flow.

Air Flow Treatment

You can get rid of dental plaque using professional cleaning in the dentist's office. Under high pressure the air-water jet is directed to the required area. Gentle and thorough cleaning occurs thanks to the abrasive filler in the mixture. The advantages of this method are the destruction solid deposits in hard-to-reach places.

Ultrasonic cleaning

One of the most effective, safe and painless methods To remove plaque and formations on the teeth, cleaning remains with ultrasound. A special feature of the method is the use of high-frequency sound, which has destructive effect on hard formations on the teeth. The procedure is prescribed as an addition to massage and rinsing for gum inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

To prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests. A smear is taken from the mucous membrane to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. The duration of the course of antibiotic therapy is from 7 to 10 days. Depending on the patient’s condition, the timing can be adjusted by the attending physician. Good result gives the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

Surgical intervention

Surgical procedures are performed in case of formation of a fistula or cyst. The bone fragment is removed, the wound is washed, and temporary drainage is installed. For periodontitis, root canal treatment is performed. In the event that a root filling was installed previously, it is possible to use surgical intervention. The dental cavity is opened and dead areas of the pulp are removed. Then the root canals are cleaned, washed and dried. After eliminating the inflammation, the canals are filled. To monitor a possible exacerbation, it is recommended to conduct an X-ray examination every three months.

Oral diseases can also be treated with folk remedies. Very popular essential oils, which have antibacterial, soothing and anesthetic properties. Rinsing your mouth with a decoction oak bark gives a healing effect. Scurvy can be cured with a decoction of lingonberries and calamus root. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with warm broth after each meal. Application of any medicines traditional medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.

Disease prevention measures

Regular visits to the dentist will help prevent dental and gum diseases. careful care behind the oral cavity. It is necessary to follow simple rules to avoid gum problems:

  1. eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins;
  2. use high-quality brushes for dental care;
  3. Massage your gums daily with a brush to improve blood circulation.

What are vitamins for gums for? Let's find out more. The gums are very closely related to the teeth. They perform the function of securing the teeth and serve them solid foundation. Keeping them healthy is very important for maintaining overall oral health and hygiene. Any problems with the gums can significantly affect the condition of the teeth and gums themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to gum care Special attention. Healthy gums are characterized by light pink tint(or darker for more dark skin), smooth texture, and lack hypersensitivity To food products and bleeding when flossing or brushing and eating. If gum problems go unaddressed for some time, the result can be the development of gum disease, known as periodontitis, and eventually tooth loss.

Vitamin C

Just like vitamin C is required to strengthen immune system throughout the body, it is also necessary for the gums. This vitamin prevents bleeding gums, thus keeping gum diseases such as periodontitis at bay. Getting it from food helps keep your gums and gums healthy. general form at the proper level. Taking 60 mg of vitamin C may reduce the risk of developing gingivitis, which causes inflammation of the gums.

Since this vitamin is an antioxidant in nature, it preserves connective tissues in excellent condition, thereby supporting bone regeneration. With the above in mind, you should include plenty of foods in your diet that are rich in vitamin C. Excellent sources of vitamin C include berries, limes, oranges, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mangoes, papaya and grapes.

Vitamin D

The main source of vitamin D is sunlight early morning. The human body normally synthesizes this vitamin when the skin is exposed to sun rays at dawn. Critically important function Vitamin D is the proper use of calcium in the body. Calcium is known to keep teeth and bones healthy. Therefore, its deficiency can make the gums ineffective over time, leading to further tooth loss. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain proper levels of vitamin D and calcium in the body to protect the gums from the development of any diseases.

Since the early sun is the only source of vitamin D, after waking up you need to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun. Exercising during this time is also extremely beneficial. It is advisable to consume plenty of dairy products such as yoghurts, milk and cottage cheese, as well as eggs and fish, to provide the body with enough calcium.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is very widely used by dentists for treatment dental problems. Thus, it is also one of the gum health supplements. Topical application of vitamin E oil to the affected areas promotes fast healing. This oil eases pain and reduces any gum sensitivity that may occur. You can get it for use in treating gums from vitamin E capsules.

Along with the above vitamins, vitamin K, coenzyme Q10, folic acid and various minerals. All these substances prevent the appearance various diseases gums and promote their healing in case of any problems. The antioxidant properties of vitamins restore gum tissue, thereby preventing any episodes of bleeding.

To keep your gums healthy, it is important to brush your toothbrush twice a day and rinse your mouth after eating. Sugar, salt and processed foods should be avoided as much as possible as these foods are low in essential nutrients which are necessary for the body. Vitamins for gums - perfect solution, but in addition to this, you need to massage your gums twice a week, this helps to soothe them and give them a radiant color.