Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? Is it possible to treat pregnant teeth? What is the harm of anesthesia

Almost every woman faces the need for dental treatment during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the fact that the female body actively supplies the child with all the necessary useful trace elements for its development. While the expectant mother herself may suffer from a lack of vitamins. For this reason, the integrity of tooth enamel is violated due to the loss of calcium. In this case, microbes and bacteria are given complete freedom.

Each of us, sooner or later, faced with a toothache and knows perfectly well what a difficult test it is. Moreover, not only on the physical level - how many nerves will go away before someone decides to go to the dentist. And this doctor is feared by many. However, there is no need to torture yourself, especially for pregnant women, and in order to avoid the appearance of caries and toothache itself, it is necessary to be observed by an appropriate specialist.

Dental health during pregnancy

Any pregnant woman undergoes a global hormonal restructuring of the body. Due to the increasing progesterone, the blood supply to all tissues, including the gums, increases, which leads to their loosening. As a result, the risks of gingivitis, stomatitis, and exacerbation of caries increase. If you do not take care of your oral cavity, or when it comes to bad heredity, your teeth fall out. Enamel becomes more sensitive to hot, cold, acidic foods.

In addition, hormones affect the amount of saliva produced and its pH. It becomes more and more, and the balance shifts towards acidity. If no measures are taken, the bone structure is covered with hard plaque, tartar is formed.

During the development of the child and as he grows, the demand for calcium increases, which goes to the creation of his skeleton. And if calcium reserves are not enough, this element is taken from the mother. Moreover, the source, most often, is precisely the teeth. Therefore, in many women, enamel is destroyed.

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy and how, disappears by itself. Of course, a specialist must be visited at least once every trimester or if there are complaints. The decision on dental treatment during pregnancy is made only by the dentist and in each case individually. It all depends on the problem that the expectant mother turned to and her condition. Manipulations are carried out immediately or treatment is delayed for a certain period of time.

Toothache should not be ignored!

There is a folk legend or myth that pregnant women need to endure toothache until the very birth. Any person will question this, who can endure such hellish torment ?! You should not trust some beliefs - treating teeth is not only allowed, but also recommended by many experts.

Under normal circumstances, a toothache exposes any person to real torture, and what can we say about pregnant women. For them, this is a big stress, which should be avoided in every possible way! For expectant mothers, pregnancy itself is already a difficult test. And, as many reviews note, treatment during pregnancy is simply necessary.

As it is now clear, due to a change in the hormonal background of the female body, the microflora of the oral cavity is no longer the same: saliva no longer has protective properties, and therefore an attack from bacteria is inevitable. As for immunity, it is weakened and for this reason the appearance of various diseases in the oral cavity is a matter of time and attitude towards oneself.

What is stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of this kind? These are the real foci of infection, which is freely able to penetrate into the tissues of the body and reach the fetus through the circulatory system. It is hardly necessary to explain what all this can threaten.

If you do not pay attention to this situation in a timely manner, then the woman will have to undergo a serious course of treatment. The lack of calcium in the body of a child leads to the formation of a weak skeleton and teeth.

State care

Many mothers are interested in one question: is it possible to have dental treatment during pregnancy for free? While the child is developing, he needs vitamins and a large number of other useful trace elements. Actually, for this, a large part of the family budget is spent, which in many families is seriously limited.

And what to do if the expectant mother suddenly has a toothache? You certainly should not panic, because in almost every city there are state dental clinics where treatment for pregnant women is free of charge. Payment for such services is made from the state treasury.

What about anesthesia?

There is another important point - what to do with anesthesia, can it be used? Many expectant mothers are frightened by the very procedure of dental treatment, which causes fear. Because of this, stress sets in, and the child always feels everything that his mother is exposed to. And this is bad for his health. A specialist with extensive experience will select the optimal anesthesia for a woman during dental treatment during pregnancy.

The same specialist knows perfectly well that general anesthesia is prohibited for pregnant women, since this promises nothing but serious consequences:

  • Death due to severe allergic reaction to general anesthesia.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Fetal rejection.

In this connection, doctors recommend the use of local anesthesia. It will allow not only the mother to avoid unnecessary pain and, as a result, stress, but will be completely safe for the child. Many dental clinics use modern preparations. Their main advantage is that they localize pain in a certain area without affecting other organs. The anesthetic substance, although it enters the bloodstream, does not penetrate the placenta.

Permitted anesthesia

During the treatment of pregnant women, if necessary, anesthesia is used. It was mentioned above that the use of general anesthesia is highly undesirable due to dangerous consequences. For this reason, experts use other methods. One of these is local anesthesia.

The dentist will apply anesthesia during the treatment of teeth during pregnancy, as a result of which part of the oral cavity is anesthetized. This method is considered the most effective and safest remedy for the treatment or extraction of teeth.

Another option is sedation. In this case, the patient is introduced into a state of sleep, which helps to reduce anxiety. Only women in position should stop using nitric oxide, Diazepam and other similar drugs. The best option is listening to music, acupuncture.

Access to treatment

Not all oral diseases can be treated during pregnancy. Below is a list that includes those diseases in which there is no such prohibition:

  • Caries.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Pulpitis.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Stomatitis.

Caries refers to infectious diseases, the development of which damages hard dental tissues - enamel and dentin. To carry out dental treatment during pregnancy, and fillings in this case are not prohibited. This will avoid more serious inflammation, not only in the mother, but also in the child.

During the course of periodontitis, gum pockets are formed, which is a favorable environment for the majority of harmful microorganisms to live. Thus, this disease is a potential and dangerous source of infection that jeopardizes pregnancy. Therefore, periodontitis must be treated as soon as possible, and regardless of the period.

Pulpitis is characterized by inflammation of the dental nerve or pulp. In this case, the woman feels acute pain. In this case, anesthesia must be used to treat this disease.

Periodontitis is also an inflammatory process that occurs in an acute form and is localized in the tissues that hold the teeth. If no action is taken, this subsequently leads to intoxication of the body.

Gingivitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums and also needs timely dental treatment during pregnancy.

With stomatitis, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are affected. Many people do not take this dental disease seriously, considering it harmless. However, medicine cannot confirm this, so it is better to carry out treatment in a timely manner. Otherwise, there may be serious health problems.

What is undesirable to do

Now it is worth touching on those procedures that in no case should be performed in dental clinics during pregnancy. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • Correct bite with hardware.
  • Remove tartar.
  • Whiten teeth.
  • Remove or treat a wisdom tooth.
  • You can not do implantation - it is carried out before pregnancy, which should be taken care of in advance, or after childbirth.

Such procedures must be postponed until the birth of the child, otherwise a variety of consequences are possible. And not for the better.

Is dental treatment safe during pregnancy?

Of course, however, not every woman, being in an “interesting position”, pays close attention to the oral cavity. But in vain! According to many dentists, it is in the interests of every mother, especially young girls, to take care of their health, because now they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their child.

Healthy teeth are a sure sign that everything is in order with the female body. In this case, the development of the fetus will proceed without complications and deviations. To do this, you must adhere to simple rules of oral hygiene and then serious problems can be avoided.

I trimester

One thing is important here - until the fertilized egg is fixed on the uterus, it is extremely undesirable to treat teeth. Going to the dentist causes excitement and, as a result, stress for most women. In addition, anesthetics are used during the treatment procedure. All this provokes negative consequences for the fetus, including the threat of miscarriage.

During the 1st trimester, dental treatment during pregnancy is undesirable. In particular, this applies to 8-12 weeks. Moreover, this applies to any dental intervention, which also applies to fillings. It is better to postpone the procedure to a later date. However, cases of acute pain, pulpitis and periodontitis are exceptions to the rule, as they cannot be ignored.

As a good freezing agent, it is allowed to use "Ultracain", which is completely safe for the child. But pregnant women should not use Lidocaine, although it is very popular in dentistry. It causes blood pressure to rise and heart rate to increase.

II trimester

At this period of pregnancy, the necessary dental procedures are not contraindicated. If the specialist does not identify serious risks, then treatment may be delayed until the baby is born. If caries is present and the focus is small, then you can do without an injection in the treatment of teeth during pregnancy. “Armed” with a drill, the dentist will carefully remove the affected tissues and close the hole with a filling. Nerve endings will not be affected.

However, if a pregnant woman is concerned about severe toothache accompanied by bleeding gums, treatment should be carried out without delay. Only a doctor can deal with the problem, thereby avoiding the appearance of various complications. In the emergency treatment of the inflammatory process and acute pain, another modern anesthetic, Ortikon, is successfully used. The action of the drug is point, therefore, it will not penetrate the placenta.

III trimester

During this period of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus is most intense, which affects the mother: fatigue increases. When the mother is most of the time in a supine position or takes a semi-sitting position, the fetus increases its pressure on the vena cava and aorta. As a result, the heartbeat increases, a migraine appears, in some cases, the mother may lose consciousness.

As for the reproductive organ, the sensitivity of the uterus increases, and exposure to almost any serious irritant can provoke premature birth. In this connection, dental treatment during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester is carried out only in emergency cases. It is recommended, if possible, to carry out manipulations before the 36th week comes. These include:

  • Processes of an irreversible nature, when it comes to the immediate removal of dead tissue.
  • The course of purulent inflammation.
  • Acute pain.

As for pain, it is not recommended for pregnant women to endure it, as this leads to the creation of a stressful situation, which in turn has a bad effect on the hormonal background. Actually it provokes a miscarriage.

Extraction of teeth

Dentists rarely resort to tooth extraction in pregnant women. A similar procedure involves extracting a diseased tooth along with the root from the hole. Such an operation should be carried out only in an emergency with acute pain or severe inflammation.

Otherwise, if necessary, to carry out treatment and extraction of teeth during pregnancy, it is recommended to do this for a period of 13 to 32 weeks. In this case, the fetus is formed, the woman's immunity is already normal, and her psychological state is more stable.

But, as for the wisdom tooth, its removal for expectant mothers is contraindicated. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided:

  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • increase in pressure;
  • the appearance of pain in the ears, lymph nodes;
  • it becomes difficult to swallow.

All these symptoms adversely affect the health of the child. For this reason, even at the stage of planning a baby, it is necessary to visit a dentist and, if there are problems with the wisdom tooth, solve them before conception.

Features of dental treatment during pregnancy or existing myths

There are some myths, or so-called popular beliefs, regarding whether or not to treat the teeth of pregnant women. Consider the most popular cases:

  1. Due to dental treatment, the fetus develops poorly.
  2. Expectant mothers are not contraindicated in any dental procedures.
  3. Pregnant women should not be treated with anesthesia.
  4. In no case do not resort to x-rays!

The first myth is no longer relevant in our time. Pain in the teeth indicates the occurrence of undesirable processes in the oral cavity. This is not only the delivery of discomfort and pain, mainly an infectious focus is formed, which does not lead to anything good! In addition, many clinics use modern equipment and anesthesia, which allows you to save both mother and child.

The second myth is also fundamentally wrong. Some dental procedures jeopardize the development of the baby. For example, when bleaching, special chemical cleaning agents are used. When implanting, there is a risk of rejection of the implant by the fetus. It is also contraindicated in dental treatment during pregnancy, when drugs are used, which include arsenic and adrenaline.

The third myth is true, but in relation to anesthesia of the past generation. At that time, the composition of the funds was "Novocaine", which is incompatible with the placenta and, once in the mother's blood, the substance reached the fetus and adversely affected its development. Modern anesthesia is an articaine group of anesthetics, completely harmless to pregnant women and their unborn children.

As for the fourth myth, now everything is somewhat different. In modern dental clinics, specialists no longer use film equipment - they have been replaced by radiovisiographs that do not have film. Their power is below the acceptable safety threshold. Moreover, the radiation is directed precisely to the root of the tooth, and the procedure itself is not complete without a lead apron, which protects the child in the womb from unwanted rays.

As you can see, most of these myths are not worth our attention, medicine has advanced and now expectant mothers do not need to worry about whether to treat their teeth or not. In particular, you should not listen to "knowledgeable specialists" who will only harm with their advice. And, as it is now clear, a good period for dental treatment during pregnancy is the 2nd trimester. The child is not in danger.

There are many misconceptions about dental treatment in pregnant women. We refute the myths and give unequivocal answers to the questions: is it worth enduring pain, how dangerous is X-ray, and is it possible to treat teeth under anesthesia? We made notes for all procedures - from “forbidden” to “required”.

Dentist visits in every trimester of pregnancy

Necessary. Immunity during pregnancy decreases. And this is not surprising: a woman bears in herself a new organism, different from herself. What is changing from the point of view of the dentist? First, the risk of bone destruction increases. Secondly, there are changes in the work of the glands that produce saliva. The rate of saliva secretion decreases, its viscosity increases, the pH shifts to the acid side.

As a rule, calcium and magnesium deficiency occurs during pregnancy - this reduces the mineralizing ability of saliva. It ceases to perform a very important function: to wash the teeth, remove food debris, supply tooth enamel with minerals. The risk of gum disease and cavities is increased. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be responsible for brushing her teeth and regularly visit the dentist for professional cleaning, as well as prevention and treatment at the earliest stages.

Highly undesirable. Avoid any dental intervention (except professional hygiene) in the first and third trimesters: in the first, all organs and systems of the child are laid, in the third, the excitability of the uterus increases, so any irritants can lead to the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Can. The second trimester (this is about 14-20 weeks), when all the baby's systems are developing smoothly, is the safest for dental treatment.

Dental treatment under anesthesia

Can. If the treatment of the expectant mother is still necessary, preference is given to modern local anesthetics. They are hypoallergenic and well tolerated by the body. Such anesthetic injections do not penetrate the placental barrier and will not harm the baby.

Forbidden. Anesthesia with a high content of adrenaline. Such drugs have been used in clinics before, they could provoke muscle spasms. This is what both obstetrician-gynecologists and pregnant women themselves are afraid of, completely refusing any pain relief.

In most modern clinics, such compounds have not been used for a long time, however, in order to protect yourself, it is better to do this: at the time of the appointment with the doctor, explain that you are pregnant and that you cannot use anesthesia with a high content of adrenaline. At the dentist's appointment, again make sure the anesthesia is safe.

Highly undesirable. Surgical interventions in pregnant women at any time are carried out only for urgent indications. What are these indications? Injuries of the teeth and purulent-inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. All other operations can be considered planned and postponed until the postpartum period.

Is toothache worth it?

In no case! Many women still refuse any pain relief and endure pain. “So harmless to the baby,” they say. And it’s good if they still go to see a doctor - many simply suffer at home, use the most unthinkable home remedies, but never go to the dentist! The Internet is full of messages from such women who consider themselves almost heroines, because they endured severe pain, not wanting to harm their unborn child.

But in fact, it only gets worse: pain, especially severe and prolonged, disrupts the functions of internal organs and metabolism. And even that's not all! Pain has another aspect - psychological. A woman can be afraid of pain, worry about it, lose her temper, and commit rash acts. All this is not at all useful for the pregnant woman and the child. Excruciating pain is actually out of control of the central nervous system and can cause serious harm to the body.

By the way, why is the toothache so severe? The fact is that pain receptors are located in almost all tissues of the body (except for the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord). And the highest density of nerve fiber endings that fix pain is located on the border of dentin and tooth enamel.

X-ray during pregnancy

Only by strict indications! We quote the sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN): “The appointment of pregnant women for X-ray examination is carried out only according to clinical indications. Studies should, if possible, be carried out in the second half of pregnancy. This means that the dentist will send you for an x-ray only if there is a serious threat to the patient's health. Also, studies using a tomograph and a visiograph are not recommended - the radiation exposure is still present, although it is less than with conventional x-rays.

Can. Is there an alternative? Now, in some clinics, DIAGNOcam is used for research - a modern device that allows you to take pictures of the crown (visible) part of the tooth without X-ray exposure. This will not replace X-ray 100%, but in many cases it will help to cure a pregnant patient. With DIAGNOcam, for example, caries can be detected at an early stage and treated in a minimally invasive way.

Prevention of oral diseases before and during pregnancy

Necessary. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to visit a dentist. The doctor will conduct a complete sanitation of the oral cavity: examination, prevention and treatment. During pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe professional teeth cleaning - in each trimester or only twice (depending on the condition of the oral cavity).

Home care is also important. It includes the selection of the right toothpaste with a minimum content of lauryl sulfate (or without it at all), and the composition of the paste should also not contain mint oils.

It is useful to use remineralizing gels (sold in pharmacies). They help to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, which may appear during pregnancy, will strengthen the hard tissues of the tooth and stabilize caries in the stain stage. Advice on home prevention can be obtained at an appointment with a hygienist.


Yes, it can be treated under local anesthesia.

Comment on the article "Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions"

Naturally, with anesthesia. I think, if there is a need for this, the question is whether to treat or not. Who treated the teeth during pregnancy? I made an appointment with the dentist for tomorrow, but in all the books Can you get teeth treated in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially I mean ...


no, only in the second trimester with a light painkiller, special for pregnant women, the gynecologist allowed, and then they put a temporary filling, they said to put a crown, come after childbirth

She treated at the beginning, she didn’t even know about B, of course with anesthesia.

I did a tooth with anesthesia, and even a computer picture - I found out about pregnancy a day later - my son was born healthy. and then you treated at different times. Anesthesia was always done, but X-rays were refused even in the second trimester - the crown was placed without a picture ...


How is the tooth behaving on the eve of the weekend?

I did a tooth with anesthesia, and even a computer picture - I found out about pregnancy a day later - my son was born healthy.
and then you only have a temporary one - it should hurt - then they will put a filling - and it can hurt for up to a week ...

Dental care during pregnancy. X-ray, anesthesia in the first, second, third trimester of pregnancy. Section: Nutrition, vitamins, medicines (she treated her teeth and found out that she was pregnant). I treated my teeth with strong local anesthesia, a week before...


I didn’t know that I was pregnant, I took a panoramic picture. The child is two and a half. You rejoice that all the teeth have healed. There will be NO infection in the body, and the teeth themselves will be better preserved. lost three teeth at the end of breastfeeding. Relax.

02/18/2008 12:48:20 pm, Oksana 1969

I treated at 9 weeks and, since I am a coward, and I always do anesthesia, I asked specifically for the opinion of the gynecologist, she said not to bathe about this.

Right now, good clinics have normal anesthesia :) that is, it can be done during pregnancy, not Section: Medical issues (ingrown nail pain relief in chest Question: Is it possible to do anesthesia during dental treatment, as well as take x-rays of teeth in ...


The Natadent clinic was opened specifically for treatment during pregnancy, so with the question of anesthesia there.
When breastfeeding, you can express milk in advance for a day.

Wait, in good clinics, normal anesthesia :) that is, it is possible during pregnancy, the placental barrier does not pass. It is better to cure now than to wait and grow caries and microbes :)))

At any time during pregnancy, anesthesia can harm the developing fetus. It is used as one of the components of general anesthesia at the beginning or at the end of anesthesia. With epidural anesthesia, an injection is made in the lumbar region, the medicinal substance is injected ...


OFF. Hello fellow countrymen - we are from Gelendzhik. And your girl is super simple, if you want you can look at us, everything was perfect for me: pregnancy, childbirth, and as a result, congenital scoliosis of the 4th stage, aplasia of the left lung, but mental development is above the norm, which is already a miracle with our pathologies

There was no anesthesia, but I suffered from acute pyelonephritis, only they didn’t pierce anything like you, although they threatened if antibiotics did not help.

For some reason, expectant mothers often avoid going to the dentist, believing that painkiller injections will harm the child. But diseased teeth can carry a great danger to health, since infection of the oral cavity causes inflammation. Over time, intoxication of the whole organism occurs.

Pregnancy - it's time to treat your teeth before it's too late.

The strange myth about unwanted dental treatment for pregnant women

There are many opponents of dental treatment during childbearing. As their rightness, they cite the following factors:

  • The use of anesthesia at the beginning of pregnancy will disrupt the formation of the fetus.
  • In pregnant women, immunity is lowered, so there is a high risk of developing complications.
  • During pregnancy, the pain threshold is significantly reduced, which will cause discomfort.

But if you warn the doctor about your situation, you can not be afraid of any complications. The dentist will choose safe drugs or advise you to postpone treatment until the baby is born. There is no need to be afraid of a visit to the dental clinic, perhaps the necessary treatment will save you from infection, and this is not dangerous.

Features of dental treatment in pregnant women

The approach to treatment depends on the period of pregnancy. Even harmless anesthesia, applied at the wrong time, can affect the health of the baby.

How long can pregnant women get dental treatment?

  • A pregnant woman must know that in the first trimester, dental treatment is highly undesirable. At this stage, the birth and development of the fetus occurs. The placenta has not yet formed and does not provide adequate protection. Any medication can cause a violation of the development of the child's organs.

During this period, treatment is carried out only if there are dangerous diseases, such as pulpitis or periodontitis. They are dangerous complications that are manifested by an infection with pus. If the disease is chronic, treatment can be delayed.

  • It is best to treat in the second trimester, that is, from 13 to 28 weeks. The risk of negative impact is minimal. By this time, the female body is already accustomed to a new state.

At this time, any dental pathology can be treated with anesthesia. It is allowed to conduct research on x-ray equipment. But implantation in this trimester is prohibited, as it will require the use of many medications.

  • The third trimester is not the most favorable period. The muscles of the uterus have become very sensitive and react to any impact with an increase in tone. Painkillers also work. Increased uterine tone can cause premature birth.

Important! When emergency medical intervention is required, the gestational age is not paid attention to. The main thing is to choose the right treatment tactics using approved drugs.

Experts agree that the second trimester is the best time to visit the dentist. That is, from the fourth to the sixth month inclusive.

Is it possible to treat teeth if a woman is pregnant.

Why and how to treat teeth for pregnant women in the early stages

If before the onset of pregnancy it was not possible to cure diseased teeth, then should be done in the second trimester. There are not very many dental pathologies, but all can lead to negative consequences.

Advice! In the early stages of pregnancy, teeth can be protected with fluoride paste, but without the whitening effect. Pastes with flavors are prohibited, as they increase toxicosis.

What can and should be fixed:

Caries Causes gastrointestinal dysfunction. There is an increased load on the stomach, as the chewing of food worsens. Parodontosis Is the main cause of intoxication. Pulpitis This is a carious complication. The problem should be stopped immediately, otherwise suppuration will occur. Gingivitis Inflammation of the oral mucosa. The drug reduces immunity and attracts other dental pathologies. Odontogenic periostitis Causes inflammation of the periosteum. You can lose all your teeth. Stomatitis A very dangerous disease that affects the internal organs and can cause fetal death.

It is allowed to install braces, as well as prosthetics with a small amount of medications.

Are painkillers dangerous?

Anxiety about the use of anesthesia during pregnancy is understandable. Any medicine has side effects, and many drugs are among the contraindications during pregnancy.

But treating pregnant teeth with the use of painkillers is not only possible, but necessary. Treatment without anesthesia will cause a strong adrenaline rush, and this will harm the baby or even lead to premature birth. But some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The dentist must know the gestational age. Based on this, he will select the most appropriate type of treatment.
  2. For pain relief, only local drugs are used so that the effect on the vessels is minimal. Mostly used "Ubistezin" or "Ultrakain", which are the safest anesthetics. Sometimes other drugs are also used: Primakain, Scandonest. The remedy is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the health of the patient.
  3. Do not use drugs containing a large amount of adrenaline. But completely non-adrenal drugs are not recommended. In the absence of this component, a high concentration anesthetic quickly penetrates the female body and can harm the fetus.

Attention! General anesthesia is strictly prohibited.

An anesthetic injection is a necessary measure, it will allow you to calmly transfer the manipulations of the dentist.

Anesthesia in dentistry

Or maybe no treatment?

Dentists and even gynecologists say that pregnant women need to have their teeth treated. They argue as follows:

  • Sick teeth are a source of a mass of bacteria and various infections. After the birth of a child, they will attack his defenseless body.
  • And the expectant mother herself will become a victim of such infections. Naturally, antibiotic treatment will be required, and this is undesirable during pregnancy.
  • Once the baby is born, there will be no time to visit the dentist. It's better to get your teeth fixed while you're pregnant.
  • Unhealthy teeth adversely affect the formation of the fetus. He can be exposed not only to infection, but also to suffer from the stress of the mother, which she experiences with a toothache. This is reflected in the weight of the fetus and the term of birth.

In the oral cavity, any problem is a focus of inflammation. The infection spreads throughout the body. It can come back to haunt a woman and a child even after childbirth.

The arsenal of dentists is rich in medicines that are safe for the fetus. Dangerous impact on the health of the child is absolutely excluded.

Possible consequences if left untreated

It is not in vain that experts say that dental treatment during pregnancy should be mandatory. Sources of infection and caries cavities lead to a significant worsening of dental disease (if present).

Refusal of treatment is fraught with complications. The following consequences may occur:

  • caries can infect the fetus;
  • the infection becomes generalized and turns into sepsis;
  • development of late toxicosis;
  • miscarriage or early birth.

When the baby is born:

  • newborn with small weight.
  • the child is born nervous, because the mother did not treat her teeth, but endured pain.

If there was no dental treatment, then the baby can become infected with staphylococcus aureus, the source of which is bad teeth. You can infect with a kiss or a licked pacifier. Such bacteria even penetrate into breast milk.

Dental treatment for pregnant women

Some prohibitions

Dental treatment for pregnant women is not contraindicated. But there are procedures that are prohibited:

  • it is impossible to remove dental stones;
  • enamel cannot be bleached;
  • bite cannot be corrected.

This is due to the use of chemicals that can harm a pregnant woman.

  • Lidocaine. This anesthetic causes convulsions, lowers blood pressure and makes breathing difficult.
  • sodium fluoride. Negatively affects the functioning of the heart and the formation of the fetus.
  • Imudon. The tool has not yet passed a number of studies.
  • Stopangin. The drug contains methyl salicylate, which contributes to the development of fetal pathologies. May cause an increase in pregnancy.

There are many other remedies that seem harmless. As a result, all medications must be prescribed by the attending physician.

Pregnant women can be treated with teeth, but competently and only by qualified specialists. It is not therapy that is dangerous, but dental diseases. A good doctor will never prescribe drugs that can affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

You should trust the doctors and various infections will not be able to harm the mother and her baby.

During pregnancy, many women experience dental problems. This problem is especially manifested with a lack of calcium. In addition, expectant mothers begin to notice problems with previously treated or undertreated teeth and experience severe discomfort.

Effect of pregnancy on teeth

Pregnancy affects all organs and systems of the body. All the forces of a woman are distributed so that she can safely endure and give birth. This does not always have a positive effect on the health of the woman herself and her appearance. Since most of the calcium is spent on the formation of the skeletal system, teeth and muscles in the baby, the woman is deficient in this element.

Pregnant women face the following problems:

  • caries;
  • enamel darkening;
  • bleeding;
  • bad breath.

A woman can exacerbate all chronic diseases of the oral cavity, pulpitis or periodontitis may occur. These diseases contribute to the development of pathogenic bacteria that poison the body of the mother and fetus.

Terms of treatment

It is necessary to engage in treatment even before the conception of a child. Various inflammatory processes may not have the best effect on the condition of the fetus, and in the treatment, painkillers, analgesics are often used, and in difficult cases, anesthesia.

Important! If you perform complex manipulations with strong drugs, you can harm the unborn child and provoke a miscarriage.

If it was not possible to treat your teeth before pregnancy, or problems with them began after the onset of this period, it is important to know when it is possible and recommended to engage in treatment, and when it is better not to do so. In this case, the general condition of the body and the presence of other diseases play an important role.

Some doctors believe that the term does not play an important role. This is explained by the presence of drugs that are completely safe for a woman in position. But it should be understood that not all dental clinics, and especially the state type, have such medicines.

Especially dangerous is the extraction of teeth, which can cause serious inflammation. The extraction procedure itself is painful and sometimes requires the use of antibacterial drugs, which is contraindicated for women in position.

Important! In the first and last 3 months of pregnancy, it is not advisable to carry out any interventions in the woman's body!

The most dangerous is dental treatment in the first trimester and it is carried out only in emergency cases, and in particular - with pulpitis or periodontitis. These diseases can cause the development of purulent inflammation.

Any manipulation up to 13.5 weeks can cause a miscarriage, and after 31.5 - premature birth. This is not observed in all women, but it still occurs in practice, so dentists recommend treating from 13.5 weeks to 17.5.

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is the last period when dentists recommend treating teeth.

What can be treated during pregnancy?

Performing complex manipulations is contraindicated, and can be carried out only in emergency cases. It is possible to treat the following pathologies:

  • caries of the 1st stage;

  • periostitis;

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;

  • stomatitis;

  • periodontal disease;

  • gingivitis.

  • Despite the wide list of diseases that can be treated, the woman herself should worry about the health of the baby and remember the most favorable terms for any manipulations, as well as warn the dentist about the presence of an allergy to certain medications.

    Completely contraindicated:

    • removal of wisdom teeth;
    • bite correction;
    • whitening and strengthening.

    The body of a pregnant woman is weakened and procedures that do not harm other women in any way are contraindicated for expectant mothers. No matter how much you want to preserve the beauty of your teeth and whiten or strengthen them, you should give it up and remember that these procedures during pregnancy can only do harm.

    Remove teeth using drugs that act locally. A woman should follow all the doctor's recommendations to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.

    Doctors often prescribe "Amoxiclav" after tooth extraction

    It is contraindicated to remove wisdom teeth. This procedure is quite complicated and involves taking antibiotics. In addition, it is often accompanied by:

    • an increase in body temperature;
    • general weakness;
    • severe swelling of the gums and pain.


    Dental implantation during this period is completely prohibited. In order for the implants to be able to fully take root, considerable body forces are needed, which in a woman completely go to the child. In addition, dental implantation requires certain medications that are prohibited for pregnant women.


    Dentistry often requires x-rays. Modern clinics offer a radiovisiograph as an excellent replacement for X-ray, which has ten times less radiation. However, not all dentists have such equipment, and a woman is offered a standard procedure in which she is put on an apron with a lead gasket.

    In general, doctors recommend to refrain from X-ray exposure, and especially in the first trimester. If this procedure is necessary, you should contact a modern clinic, where there is new equipment with highly sensitive sensors and films that reduce the radiation load.

    Choice of anesthesia

    Treatment should not be accompanied by unpleasant pain, therefore, mandatory anesthesia is required. Pregnant women can use drugs based on articaine, which act locally and cannot cross the placenta. These funds do not harm the body of a woman and a child.

    Important! The most famous and popular drugs based on articaine are Ultracaine and Ubistezin.



    Modern medicine really makes it possible to treat teeth without pain and stress during pregnancy. However, you must inform your doctor about your situation, the presence of chronic diseases and allergies to medications, so that he can choose the safest drug with minimal side effects.

    Important! During pregnancy, anesthesia containing adrenaline is contraindicated!

    Video - Dental treatment during pregnancy

    Preventive measures

    In order for the teeth to remain healthy, a woman must follow simple rules:

    A woman's well-being is reflected in her baby, and you should not endure a sharp toothache. The main thing is to remember the terms when dental treatment is safe for the body of the child and his mother. After all, the lack of treatment is fraught with a threat and can cause serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

    Video - At what stage of pregnancy can teeth be treated?

The question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy is quite relevant for almost every expectant mother. After all, problems in relation to dentistry can appear at any time, but few people know whether they can be treated or not treated while pregnant. So, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, if so, which diseases and for how long: we will study all these questions in this material.

The main misconception of many pregnant women is that it is absolutely impossible to treat toothache during pregnancy. However, such a misconception and refusal to treat can lead to the fact that a dental infection develops into a more serious inflammation and negatively affects the health of the unborn child. This is especially true for early pregnancy, when the protective placenta has not yet fully formed.

However, dental problems often appear in pregnant women against the background of hormonal changes in the body. And the question here is not whether it is possible or not to treat teeth. The main thing is that it is desirable not to bring their condition to the need for serious treatment. That is why at the very beginning of pregnancy doctors prescribe a course of vitamins, which helps protect teeth from the negative effects caused by hormonal changes.

Features of dental treatment during pregnancy

What can be treated during pregnancy?

Naturally, it is impossible to protect your teeth from possible diseases even during pregnancy. Also, a pregnant woman should see a dentist if she has the following symptoms:

  • bleeding gums when brushing teeth or eating;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • recurrent or persistent toothache.

All of the above refers to the signs of incipient inflammation and it must be treated without fail. During pregnancy, this should be done as early as possible. Otherwise, the doctor will have to do complex manipulations without anesthesia and it will be very painful.

It is allowed to install seals for pregnant women of any composition, they do not pose a health risk future child.

So, during pregnancy, you can treat the following dental diseases:

  • caries of the initial stage;
  • periodontitis and pulpitis;
  • periostitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

It is also allowed to remove teeth during pregnancy with the use of anesthesia, but only in the last trimester. The rest of the time prosthetics allowed except for implantation.

What procedures can not be performed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, dental procedures such as:

  • whitening and strengthening;
  • removal of stones;
  • correcting the position of the teeth or bite;
  • removal of wisdom teeth.

At the same time, other teeth are allowed to be removed, but only in late pregnancy.

What drugs should not be taken during pregnancy?

Often in dentistry, a number of painkillers and other strengthening drugs are used. We list those that should not be given to pregnant women:

  • Lidocaine is an anesthetic causes side effects, including convulsions, pressure reduction and others;
  • Stopangin - can cause fetal pathologies, provoke its transfer;
  • Sodium Fluoride - a remedy for caries, can disrupt the heart and adversely affect the health of the child;
  • Imudon - immunomodulator, during pregnancy not recommended to use, since the effect of the drug on the fetus is not known.

As you know, the use of any medication during pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor.

In the first trimester, the placenta has not yet formed and any drug treatment can adversely affect the fetus. Dental treatment is allowed only in extreme cases that require urgent treatment. For example, this applies to pulpitis or periodontitis, which, if treatment is delayed, can infect the entire body with infection. But other diseases are best left for later.

In the second period of pregnancy, you can treat your teeth and undergo a routine examination at the dentist. In the third trimester, remove and treatment of teeth is recommended with extreme caution, avoid stressful situations and not bring the treatment process to the onset of fainting.

X-rays and painkillers in the treatment of teeth for pregnant women

It is forbidden for pregnant women to take X-rays of diseased teeth, the only exception is the pictures taken with the help of a radiovisiograph, the radiation of which is minimized.

Also, many are interested in whether it is possible to use painkillers for pregnant women during dental treatment. It can be done, but only topical preparations are allowed, whose impact on the vessels is minimized - these are Ubistezin and Ultracain.

When contacting a dentist “in position”, do not forget to indicate the exact date, it is very important for the doctor to select the most gentle type of treatment.

How bad teeth can affect the fetus?

Some diseases associated with the complication of caries, namely periodontitis and pulpitis, can adversely affect the development of an unborn child. Untreated complicated caries during pregnancy can cause preterm birth and low birth weight of the baby. They can also spread the infection and affect the soft tissues of the fetus, which is especially dangerous in the early stages. In some cases, this can lead to a miscarriage.

Similar consequences can be caused by untreated stomatitis. That is why at the slightest manifestation of a particular dental disease during pregnancy should immediately go to the dentist and not to think that the problem is local and limited only to the oral cavity.

Measures for prevention and care of teeth

Naturally, in order not to bring your teeth to such a state and not provoke problems, you need to take care of them, and this should be done during pregnancy with special care, since simple dental care will no longer be enough.

So, what preventive measures should be observed:

  • brush your teeth at least twice a day;
  • do not forget to use dental floss every time after eating;
  • rinse your mouth after eating;
  • for cleaning, use a soft brush or medium hardness;
  • do not use pastes with a whitening effect, so as not to damage the enamel;
  • use pastes with a therapeutic effect, change them regularly;
  • regularly consume enough foods containing calcium;
  • follow the vitamin regimen.

Pregnant women often suffer from gum disease. To prevent this, it is necessary massage your teeth regularly fingers with the application of therapeutic toothpaste for several minutes.

Do not neglect all kinds of folk remedies to strengthen the gums and prevent caries, make sure that your teeth are healthy and do not bleed.