The most vicious dog breed. Serious and incorruptible Rottweilers. place. German Shepherd

As the famous song says, “A dog only bites because of a dog’s life...”. As a rule, the character of a dog depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner towards it, but there are breeds of dogs that have fighting qualities “in their blood”. These dogs must be handled with the most care, with great patience, without allowing yourself to raise your voice when training, or, worse, hit the dog. The most dangerous dog breeds include Staffordshire Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Bull Terrier, German boxer, German Shepherd, Pakistani Mastiff, Chihuahua, Chow Chow.

A dog of this breed - born guard, the protector of the home, therefore treats guests with distrust, demonstrating his dissatisfaction with a growl. The dog recognizes only members of its family, allowing them to caress and stroke it. Under no circumstances should strangers do this! The Staffordshire Terrier can mistake a friendly gesture from a stranger for aggression and use its sharp fangs. A dog of this breed is not only an excellent guard, but also a tireless fighter who will fight until victory. The dog's favorite technique is to grab his opponent by the throat, gradually squeezing his jaws.
The Staffordshire Terrier needs an owner who is decisive and confident in his abilities, who will keep the dog “on a short leash.” Otherwise, this dog will feel like the master of the situation and will dictate its terms to people.

Like a dog guard breed, the Doberman is characterized by such character traits as fearlessness, self-confidence, instant reaction to any sound, insight, keen hearing, keen sense And high speed running. At the same time, a Doberman (especially a female) can be impulsive, intolerant of others - both people and animals, and sometimes show discontent and aggression.

Many people believe that the Doberman Pinscher is a very aggressive and vicious dog by nature. But that's not true. The Doberman is very attached to its owners, and with all its might it demonstrates its love and tenderness to them. But as soon as the dog feels a threat to its owners (for example, a conversation with a neighbor in high notes), it is immediately ready to defend itself. Therefore, you only need to walk your dog on a leash and always wear a muzzle. But since the dog of this breed is unusually smart, it does not rush into battle immediately, but first assesses the situation.

American Pit Bull Terrier

This dog has long been used for brutal dog fighting and hunting large ungulates. Due to its complex nature, the pit bull is banned in some countries. European countries, as well as in Australia. In Germany, strict records are kept of all dogs of these breeds, and owners must regularly pay a fee for their maintenance. Those who are just planning to get a pit bull need to obtain permission from the police station.

The character of this dog depends entirely on its upbringing.. It is unacceptable to shout at the puppy or hit him - he will certainly remember this and may take advantage of the opportunity in the future to take revenge for childhood insults. This dog's memory is excellent. At the same time, with proper upbringing and proper training, the pit bull will remain a friendly, playful and inquisitive dog.

At the same time, owners who deliberately instill aggression in a puppy (ostensibly for protection) do themselves a disservice. A pit bull that cannot control its emotions may attack them themselves.

This strong hardy dogs We need a strict but fair owner who can put the dog in the right framework and discipline it. As a rule, Rottweilers choose only one owner from family members, to whom they are selflessly devoted. But the dog also treats other family members with good nature. But the Rottweiler does not favor strangers, so it is better for friends and acquaintances to keep their distance from him. The dog may mistake any careless movement of the guest for an attack on the owner’s property. The dog treats pets leniently, especially if it has become accustomed to them since puppyhood. But on a walk he can show aggression towards other dogs and cats, bursting into deafening barks and rushing towards the animal with far from friendly intentions.

This is a fighting breed dog whose ancestors participated in bloody dog fights, baiting rats, hunting large animals. Therefore, the character of this dog is truly gladiator. The Bull Terrier is brave, even reckless, independent, active, but at the same time capricious, loves affection and attention to his person. If the owners love their “fighting” pet, often pet it, and praise it for its success in training, then the bull terrier will respond to them with friendliness and devotion. But you need to be prepared for your pet’s activity, restlessness, curiosity, and its ability to poke its nose everywhere. Long walks in the fresh air will help moderate the activity and mischief of a bull terrier.

This dog is often used for security purposes, so it can be found in car parks and guarded warehouses. Boxers' ancestors were used for bear baiting, thanks to their ability to close their jaws on an opponent's throat and hang on until they fell lifeless. The watchdog qualities of a boxer, with proper upbringing, are combined with friendliness towards household members, spontaneity, and touchiness. The boxer is very smart, and therefore knows how to achieve what he wants. This breed is considered dangerous due to the boxer’s distrust of strangers, upon seeing whom he begins to bark loudly and break loose from the chain.

Despite its balanced, friendly nature, the German Shepherd, like any other large breed of dog, can be very dangerous if handled incorrectly. There have been cases when a shepherd dog attacked its owners, who shouted at it for some offense. You need to be careful if there are small children in the house. Puppies of this breed are very playful, and they may well choose a child as an object for play. At the same time, the puppy will play with the baby, as with his peers-puppies, biting and pouncing to throw him to the floor.

This dog is fearless, it subtly senses any hostility towards itself or towards its owner. Therefore, she can attack an ill-wisher without warning. Aggression can be shown towards people who are intoxicated.

This breed, developed in Pakistan, is still used in that country for hunting and dog fighting. This dog is very strong and resilient, has a powerful physique and a distrustful character. The Pakistani Mastiff is a rare and little-studied breed, but has become known as one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. If they don’t like something, they immediately rush to defend their rights. An inexperienced owner will not suit the Pakistani Mastiff; only a firm hand can raise him correctly. You cannot have other animals in the house where the mastiff lives.

This dog radiates good nature and calmness with its entire appearance, but the character of the Chow Chow is very complex. Good-natured with family members, the dog may bite stranger who has the imprudence to stroke her, or to attack him, trying to crush him under himself.

It ranks tenth in the ranking of the most dangerous dogs, not so much because of its harmfulness and tendency to aggressive behavior, but because of its unbalanced character. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to understand why a dog sitting good-naturedly on its owner’s lap suddenly begins to growl and bite painfully. Dog handlers explain this imbalance gene mutations breeds

Dogs are different - dangerous, cute, and aggressive. It must be said that not only representatives of fighting breeds are aggressive dogs, but also some guard breeds, and even decorative.

The most aggressive fighting dog breeds

Any dog ​​can be aggressive if it is not raised correctly. Everyone knows this. And yet, breeders claim that there are angry and aggressive dog breeds. These include dogs of fighting breeds, which were specially bred to participate in battles.

Gul Dong is recognized as one of the most poorly controlled and aggressive dogs of the fighting breed. Its second name is Pakistani Mastiff or Bulldog. He is extremely flexible, strong and muscular. Representatives of this breed are difficult to train. They are particularly aggressive towards other dogs. Only an experienced dog handler can train Gul Dong.

Pit bull terriers are also capable of attacking humans. Such cases occur quite often. It is easy to lose control over this dog; it is of the dominant type. Many countries around the world have banned the breeding of pit bull terriers.

The Brindiso fighting dog is little known. The Brindis and Albanian mafia are engaged in its removal. Representatives of the breed are a mixture of Cane Corso, Rottweiler and Pit Bull Terrier. Among the local population, these dogs serve as guards. Brindis fighting dogs participating in bloody battles in the arena are successful and will allow you to earn large sums their owners.

Many fighting dogs are prohibited for breeding in a number of countries. These are the following breeds: Presa Canario, Tosa Inu, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bandog.

Angry guard dog breeds

A guard dog is intelligent and able to distinguish outside noise. She behaves calmly, but only until she feels a threat to the space entrusted to her.

Guard dogs, unlike guard dogs, never bark for nothing. They first warn of their presence and are able to make decisions independently. Some guard breeds are especially aggressive and angry - these are Caucasian Shepherds, Doberman Pins, and Rottweilers.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a reliable watchdog with a complex character

It is known that it is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog that holds the title of the best and most reliable watchman. Despite their menacing appearance, these dogs are also endowed with a ferocious disposition.

Caucasians have a very complex nature Therefore, training and education should be taken very seriously. Such a dog cannot do without a special course of training and socialization, otherwise it will have a ferocious character Caucasian Shepherd may become a threat, including to its owner.

The Rottweiler is a guard dog, dangerous to strangers

Everyone knows that the Rottweiler is one of the most evil dogs. Due to its well-developed sense of territory, the breed is often used as a guard dog. He considers the territory in which the Rottweiler lives to be his property. This is what makes him an excellent watchman.

The threat comes not from the evil nature of the Rottweiler, but from its considerable size, which makes it dangerous to everyone around it. In order for the dog not to be a threat, it must receive long-term persistent education and mandatory undergo serious training. The Rottweiler is a service dog; they are actively used in the police, the army, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Dogs are highly trainable, and with proper upbringing they are very balanced and calm, but only for their own.

Doberman Pinscher - the most dangerous guard dog

The Doberman Pinscher breed is recognized as one of the most vicious dog breeds. She is one of the ten most aggressive and evil. Dogs of this breed are guard dogs. The Doberman was bred to produce a strong-built dog with excellent watchdog qualities.

Raising a Doberman requires a careful approach; it is important not to miss anything, as problems may arise in the future. serious problems. This breed has long had a reputation for being uncontrollable and evil.

The most vicious dog breed

According to one opinion, the American Staffordshire Terrier ranks first among the most vicious dogs. He is called a real misanthrope. According to studies, the dachshund is also named the most evil. The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania. They observed six thousand breeds selected for the study. The dachshund, according to their observations, tried to attack and bite every passerby, accompanying its desire with a mad bark.

One of the most vicious dogs is the Chihauhua. The reason for their evil character is their unstable psyche and weak nerves. A number of dog handlers consider mongrels to be the most vicious because of their unpredictability.

If we draw a conclusion about the most vicious dog in the world, based on long-term statistics of dog attacks on humans, then the pit bull terrier will be in first place. As you know, this dog is ready to attack literally any opponent. In many countries this breed prohibited.

The most evil dogs also have antipodes - the pocket breed. There is a website on the website, including ones about the size of a Coca-Cola can.
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At the dawn of his evolution, man sought to domesticate wild animals. One of the first was the wolf, the ancestor of our modern dogs. By breeding new breeds, scientists strive to achieve the strength and endurance of these formidable rulers of the wild. Were the researchers able to obtain the desired results? Is there such a breed that could defeat the indomitable forest lord? This question can be answered by studying in detail the rating of the strongest dog breeds in the world.

The strongest dog breed

Bull Terrier(terrier family) – means “Bull”, bred in Great Britain. Very well proportioned. An active, friendly breed, but outbursts of aggression are uncontrollable. The Bull Terrier is devoted to its owner and is easy to train. The breed is recognized as the strongest in the world.

Staffordshire Terrier(Amstaff) - a mixture of terrier and bulldog, bred in the USA. The muscles are very well developed. They have a unique ability to distinguish odors. Animals are incredibly loyal and do not feel pain at all. At the right approach well trained.

Boxer- a mixture of Bullenbeiser and Bulldog, the breed was bred in Germany. Smooth-haired, large dog. Balanced and loyal, loves children, very playful. Requires constant physical activity, is an excellent watchman.

Boerboel- a European fighting breed, once brought to Africa. A large breed characterized by aggressiveness. If you don't train a dog, it can constantly attack a person. Their breeding is prohibited in Denmark.

Dogo Argentino – a mixture of ten breeds, bred in Argentina. Despite their muscular body and menacing appearance, the animals are very smart, docile and calm. They are not a fighting breed. The main purpose is hunting and protection.

Rottweiler– a service breed, bred in Germany. A large, strong dog with a strong character. Fearless animal, inquisitive, gets along well with children.

Great Dane– a service breed, bred in Germany. A very large animal with an incredibly kind character, for which the dog received the nickname “gentle giant”. The breed is absolutely not aggressive, rather lazy. Excellently trainable.

Siberian Husky - service breed, bred in the USA. The ancestors are the Far Eastern local dogs. By external signs the animals are very similar to wolves. Distinctive feature are the eyes different color. They do not accept training; they can only be trained through play. Interesting! Although the United States is the officially registered country where this breed was bred, the actual homeland of the husky is Russia.

Doberman Pinscher– a service breed, bred in Germany. An elegant and strong animal, it has incredible responsiveness and fearlessness. This earned him the nickname “devil’s dog.” The dogs are aggressive, but can be trained successfully.

Dogo Canario – guard breed bred in Spain. Despite the dog's rather menacing appearance, it is not aggressive. Very smart, dexterous, and becomes attached to its owner for the rest of its life.

Rating strong This, of course, doesn’t end with Mirana’s dogs. Here are its most prominent representatives. But let's return to the wolves. Is a dog strong enough to defeat a wolf? Hardly! We also need the primitive anger that drives wild animals at the moment of mortal combat. But what about anger among representatives of the canine family? What dog breed is considered the most evil in the world?

The most evil dogs in the world

Staffordshire Terrier – guard breed bred in the USA. A downed, muscular animal. It has strong character, tries to please his master. But he has a pronounced hatred for strangers and is very dangerous.

Pakistani Mastiff or Gul Dong- a fighting breed, bred in Pakistan. Incredibly muscular and flexible. A very aggressive, almost uncontrollable animal. Cannot be trained. The dog is capable of attacking.

Pit bull terrier- a fighting breed bred in the USA. Very developed muscles. These animals are strong-willed, passionate, and have a strong fighting spirit. It's quite easy to lose control of this animal. It is capable of attacking and is therefore prohibited for breeding in many countries.

Brindisa fighting- a little-known fighting breed, bred by the Albanian mafia. Obtained by crossing four various breeds. External data is not pinned. By nature, dogs are violent, aggressive and ferocious. Complex in nature, uncontrollable. They have no special attachment to their owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog - guard breed, bred in the Caucasus. This breed is more than two thousand years old. According to legend, they come from the ancient state of Urartu. A large, long-haired animal with a ferocious character. The breed requires special training, without which the dog is capable of attacking.

Rottweiler – guard breed, bred in Germany. A large, strong animal with a strong-willed character. These animals are very hardy and love to work. The protected area is considered personal space. They are among the most evil breeds, but only in relation to strangers.

Doberman Pinscher – guard breed, bred in Germany. The animal is of medium height, strong and muscular. Has an amazing sense of smell and instinct. Attached to the owner's family. In relations with strangers, the dog is vicious and uncontrollable.

It would seem that the anger and aggressiveness of large dog breeds is understandable. But what about studies that show that such breeds as Chihuahuas and dachshunds are not inferior in aggression, and maybe even exceed it? But they are one of the smallest. Yes, the wolves should think about this. But the eternal dispute between dogs and wolves will probably never end. Determining the strongest and most vicious dog breed, as it turns out, is not so easy.

Dogs, according to legend, were the first to be tamed by man and are his loyal and loyal friends. However, by nature, dogs are aggressive because they come from predators.

But not all dogs will viciously attack every person, including the owner: the environment, the character of the dog, and the proper upbringing of the pet will all play a role.

Usually big dogs not as aggressive as their small fellows. The pet’s quarrelsome nature is associated not only with its genes, but also with the owner’s attitude towards it. If a pet is not loved, beaten and offended, it will begin to bite and attack.

Large breed dogs are not prone to aggression and anger; they love their owner and his children very much. But there are also breeds of angry dogs that pose a great danger not only for strangers, but also for the owner himself.

Dogs prone to aggressive behavior can be divided into two categories:

  • pets that are angry and aggressive due to their innate character traits;
  • pets that become aggressive and angry from a lack of education, care and love.

Angry, aggressive and stubborn character. Animals belonging to this category have such a trait in their character as stubbornness. Because of this, they are difficult to train, harmful and quarrelsome. Dogs with such an evil character are characterized by high intelligence.

German Shepherd . This animal is above average height and belongs to large breeds. It was bred by breeders in the mid-19th century, the basis for breeding was herding dogs. Germans are very smart and loyal.

It is worth remembering that it was these dogs that helped people during the Great Patriotic War not only blow up enemy tanks, but also carry wounded people from the battlefield. They are more trainable than other breeds, they have better intelligence than other breeds, which results in disobedience. Therefore, shepherd dogs are included in the rating of the most aggressive and evil pets.

Tibetan mastiff. Refers to very large working dogs that guarded Tibetan monasteries and helped nomads get through Himalayan mountains. The character of this animal, although good-natured, is quite stubborn. They may not obey the owner and not respond to his commands. Pets are devoted to their family and, while protecting, can cripple the enemy. The owner must remember that for a representative of this breed he must be an undoubted authority.

Dogo Canario. The Canary Archipelago is considered their homeland. The breed was most often used in hunting and wars: if such a dog attacked, everything ended sadly for the enemy. In general, the Dogo Canary is very balanced, they can even be called somewhat phlegmatic, but if the dog gets angry, it becomes uncontrollable.

There have even been several cases recorded involving this animal, whose attack ended in death for a person. For example, in Australia it is prohibited to keep a Dogo Canary.

Gallery: the most evil dog breeds (25 photos)

Hungarian Kuvasz. Kuvasz is often confused with commander. The first breed has much shorter hair, and the lips and eyes have a black outline. Kuvasz has been guarding the shepherd villages of the Hungarians since time immemorial. He not only excellent security guard, but also a capable hunter.

These animals are very brave and do not have fear. Kuvasz will protect its owner from any enemy. In inept and rough hands, it can display pride and a harsh attitude. Breed prone to aggression and in the danger rating it ranks not last place, but responds to care and love with devotion and good disposition.

Doberman - breed service dogs bred in Germany. At first the breed was called the Thuringian Pinscher, but then it was renamed the Doberman. Its purpose was to search and capture criminals. Dogs of this breed have an explosive temperament, it seems that just after he was lying calmly, he was already standing and baring his teeth.

He is constantly on alert and in a state of combat readiness. The danger of this breed is that the Doberman can attack suddenly and takes any wrong action as a threat. With the right skills and training, these dogs can be safely left with children - they are good nannies.

Medium dogs are considered to be between 50 and 60 cm in size and weighing between 25 and 40 kg. It is worth noting that basically everything stray dogs are medium sized and they tend to be very angry and dangerous.

But this, naturally, depends not only on their size and character, but above all from lack of love and proper care about the animal.

The majority of dogs are medium-sized fighting dogs, created and accustomed to attack and kill. Among these breeds there are many hunting and guard dogs, which have an unpredictable character.

Naturally angry dogs. Among the middle breeds there are also individuals prone to anger due to their innate qualities. In this case, education and training should be on top level, you need to treat them with due caution.

  • Chow Chow. It is rightfully considered one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, whose ancestors are wolves. Chow Chows have a difficult character with notes of ownership, although from the outside they look like cute, fluffy creatures. A dog of this breed occupies one of the first places in the ranking of “The most evil and dangerous breeds”, and its aggression and malice are most often directed at the owner and his family. Almost all representatives of Chow Chow are not playful and do not understand jokes and humor. They know their place, their favorite pad or bone well enough; if you try to take away something that belongs to a Chow Chow, you can get seriously injured.
  • Staffordshire Terrier. The USA is considered the birthplace of the Staffordshire Terrier. The dogs were created by crossing a bulldog with a terrier. The breed gained its fame thanks to fighting pits. The appearance and appearance of the Staffordshire Terrier is quite frightening, but in principle it is not as aggressive as it seems at first glance. The breed is smart, good-natured and playful. Loyal to the owner and his family. But Staffords have ebullient genes, and in a fit of anger, a dog can harm a person; such dogs do not touch the owner, but a neighbor or a simple passer-by may not be in harm’s way.
  • Rottweiler is the most popular breed dogs today, they are kept not only in apartments, but also in personal plots. They proved themselves to be reliable guards. They were developed in the 18th century in Germany. Animals have a complex and contradictory character and love to work. Rottweilers are considered one of the most aggressive; they perceive only one person as an owner; for families with children, this breed poses a clear threat. They cannot stand children's pranks and can injure a child.

Pet anger as a consequence of lack of care

The character of these pets deteriorates as a result of inattention to them; this is a type of working dog that must constantly be on the move and be busy with something.

The Bull Terrier was bred in England in the mid-19th century through a long and painstaking experiment, which consisted of crossing english bulldog, white terrier and Dalmatians. From these breeds, the Bull Terrier collected all the best: endurance, activity, intelligence, assertiveness.

In general, anger is unusual for this breed of dog. However, she is in the top ten most dangerous dogs in the world, because they have muscles, strong jaws with “ death grip"and some lack of restraint (that is, they quickly lose control and can cling to). They are especially aggressive with other dogs.

Husky. IN last years This breed has received great development. Before this, the husky was bred as sled breed Together, these animals could pull a sleigh for many kilometers: they are strong, fast and resilient. The husky is smart, energetic, but it is very willful, so it is difficult to train. According to owner reviews, Husky is considered one of the most vicious dogs, but as a rule, for strangers and strangers.

The most aggressive small dogs

Why are small dogs so angry? Many researchers in this field believe that small pets compensate for their lack of height with this behavior. Other scientists believe that everything has to do with upbringing.

When a puppy begins to bite and fight, many owners are more concerned about it than wary. And when an animal becomes an adult and does not give passage to either adults or children, attacks everyone and everyone - then it is too late to teach it something.

Among small pets there are representatives who have quarrelsome character in its essence.

  1. Dachshund. Its origin is controversial among scientists: on the walls Egyptian pyramids Drawings of long, short-legged hunting dogs were discovered. Today there are several varieties of dachshunds. She has a lively mind, inquisitiveness and curiosity, but is intolerant of strangers, distrustful and aggressive towards strangers. It has been proven that every fifth dachshund has bitten a person at least once, and every twelfth has bitten its owner. She also doesn't like children.
  2. Jagdterrier. The breed was bred by the Germans specifically for hunting foxes, badgers and different birds. Absolutely fearless, Jagdterriers can attack an animal several times their size. They are devoted and faithful to their owner, they can give their life for him. The character of the Jagdterrier is very complex, assertive and each time they try to gain more and more attention. The older he gets, the more often he shows his teeth. Therefore, you need to put a lot of effort into raising him, then he will become a loyal and disciplined pet.
  3. Pitbull. The most dangerous and vicious breed dogs, occupying the first line of the rating. The pit bull was bred by fans of dog fighting. However, pit bulls have proven to be excellent at hunting animals and protecting homes. They capture and identify odors very well, so they are increasingly used by the police to catch criminals.

Despite a large number of negative reviews, the pit bull is kind and sympathetic; with proper education and training, it proves to be the friendliest and well-mannered dog. He should always be given attention and care, in otherwise pet may become uncontrollable. His natural qualities as a hunter and killer are very dangerous for the owner and his family. In some cities and countries, keeping this breed is prohibited by law.

Poor upbringing as a cause of aggression

The “cuteness” of these dogs is so overwhelming that their owners simply pamper them like their own children. Therefore, very often they grow up to be aggressive, angry and jealous owners and believe that the owner’s attention belongs only to them.

The Papillon is considered the dog of kings. Many paintings by great artists depict this particular breed of dog.

The King of France, Henry III, spent considerable sums from the state treasury on the maintenance of his favorite. True, after French Revolution the love of kings served as the reason for the extermination of this breed of dogs, which meant the collapse of the bourgeoisie.

Through incredible efforts, several individuals of this breed were saved. If raised correctly, the Papillon will not be aggressive. In general they are playful, loyal and friendly. But at the same time, they are very vulnerable and irritable creatures. Papillons do not tolerate bad treatment - they get offended and can bark and bite.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog V modern world. It is believed that the ancestors of this breed existed in the primitive world, but were then domesticated by humans. They are lively, curious and sociable, but must be treated with respect.

Chihuahuas are a completely fearless breed. By nature they are good-natured and affectionate. They get along well with other animals, for example cats. With poor upbringing, they can be not only cowardly, but also quite aggressive and angry, they can be jealous of the owner of all members of his family, bite and bark at them.

In general, from all of the above it is worth concluding that dogs are not born aggressive and biting, it all depends on the habitat, love and care, proper education from the owner's side. Good parenting- a faithful and kind friend.

Attention, TODAY only!

For centuries, people have trained dogs to attack, hunt, and even kill. Many dog ​​owners prefer to keep and train pets that are small in size and extremely loyal to other people, but there are people who have most dangerous dogs in the world.

We present to you the top 10 list of the most dangerous dogs, selected based on statistics of dog attacks on humans in the United States and Canada during the period from September 1982 to December 31, 2014, according to Petolog and Dogsbite.

In Russia there is no such data in open sources.

1 3397 2110 295
2 535 296 85
3 113 73 15
4 111 63 18
5 83 27 26
6 Akita70 52 8
7 German boxer64 31 7
8 Chow Chow61 40 8
9 Labrador (USA)56 45 3
10 German dog37 19 3
11 Mastiff English28 17 5
12 Doberman23 12 8
13 Cane Corso21 12 2
14 Bulldog English20 14 1
15 Australian Cattle Dog20 5 0
16 Alaskan Malamute15 5 6
17 Heeler Australian13 5 1
18 Saint Bernard12 7 1
19 Golden retriever11 7 3
20 Australian Shepherd11 5 0
21 Plotthound10 1 0
22 Belgian Shepherd - Malinois7 4 0
23 Shar Pei6 6 0
24 Dachshund6 6 1
25 Shih Tzu5 5 0
26 Jack Russell Terrier5 2 2
27 Brazilian Fila5 1 1
28 Dogo Argentino5 3 1
29 Pyrenean Mastiff4 2 1
30 Poodle4 1 0
31 Collie4 3 1
32 Catahoula Bulldog4 1 1
33 Breton epañol4 1 0
34 Hound with black mask4 4 0
35 Beagle4 3 1
36 Springer Spaniel3 4 0
37 Shiba Inu3 1 1
38 Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier3 2 0
39 Dalmatian3 3 0
40 Coonhound3 1 1
41 Chesapeake Bay Retriever3 2 0
42 Bull Terrier (English)3 1 0
43 West Highland White Terrier2 1 1
44 Weimaraner2 1 1
45 Rhodesian RTJback2 2 0
46 Rat Terrier2 1 0
47 Bobtail2 0 2
48 Dogue de Bordeaux2 1 0
49 Cocker Spaniel2 2 0
50 Briard2 0 1

The number of human deaths during the reporting period is 3.

There were 45 cases of injury as a result of the attack.

Our ranking of the most dangerous dog breeds opens with Labradors, which are little associated with threat. This is a companion, a guide, best friend children, but it is very difficult to imagine a Labrador attacking a person. However, according to a study conducted by Animal Friends, Labradors often attacked postmen and postal couriers. They considered a stranger entering the house a threat to the “pack.” At the same time, male postmen were bitten by Labradors more often than women. In the summer, when children and dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, attacks increased by 10%. The postmen have only one solution: bribe the four-legged guards with treats and make friends with them.

Fans of the breed will be pleased to know that with proper training, the retriever will become.

Deaths - 8.

Mutilation - 40.

The breed originated in Mongolia thousands of years ago and was later introduced to China. In the photo, these fluffy “dogs” with a blue tongue, which is why they received the nickname “dogs that licked the sky,” look extremely attractive. Unfortunately, Chow Chows are very aggressive towards strangers.

Chow Chows will sometimes attack strangers and even their owners when they lack exercise or are simply bored.

Deaths - 7.

Injuries - 31.

The German Boxer can be described as very intelligent, loyal and harmless to its owner and family members, but these dogs are extremely distrustful and suspicious of strangers.

Deaths - 8.

Injuries - 52.

Hachiko, of course, is the most true friend, however, Akita Inu may not be as friendly towards strangers as they are towards their owner. These cute looking ones Japanese dogs originally bred for hunting. They were also used for dog fighting at one time. Akita Inu are very territorial animals and should not live with another Akita Inu of the same sex to avoid fighting. The dog can also attack a stranger who enters the protected area, and given the size (up to 70 cm at the withers) and weight (up to 45 kg) of the animal, the attack can be fatal.

Deaths - 26.

Injuries - 27.

Huskies are believed to be one of the oldest dog breeds that exists in the world. Like their Malamute cousins, they are used primarily as sled dogs and must be kept active at all times. These photogenic, smart and beautiful dogs usually loyal and friendly to humans. But with poor or no training, they show signs aggressive behavior and can attack children and small animals. According to a study from 1982 to 2014, out of 83 husky attacks on humans, 51 attacks were committed on children.

Deaths - 19.

Injuries - 49.

In fifth place on our list was a breed that appeared as a result of crossing a dog and a wolf. Wolves are the ancestors of modern domestic dogs, and are known as one of the most dangerous predators in the wild.

Even when properly bred, tamed, and trained, wolf hybrids retain most of the wolf's instincts, making them very dangerous to keep as pets. Wolfdogs are the most evil dogs if their socialization is left to chance. Thanks to their cunning and strength, they are dangerous not only to other people, but also to their own owners.

Deaths - 18.

Injuries - 63.

These massive dogs with powerful limbs were first used in Spain to guard livestock and as house watchmen. They are very independent, stubborn and malicious towards strangers, which makes them not only an ideal guardian for the family property, but also an obvious threat in the hands of a weak or mentally unstable person.

Deaths - 15.

Injuries - 73.

German Shepherds are pretty new breed dogs whose history dates back to the 19th century, when the German Shepherd Club in Germany worked to create the perfect breed for flock protection in rural communities. An adult German Shepherd can weigh 40 kg and reach 62 cm at the withers, which is approximately comparable to the size of a Malamute.

High intelligence and aggressiveness make German Shepherds one of the best guard and police dogs. And 15 cases of attack from fatal brings them to third place in the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

Deaths - 85.

Injuries - 296.

The Rottweiler is one of the most strong dogs in the world, having a developed protective instinct. Adult male dogs are approximately the same size as a German Shepherd, however they are much heavier, with some weighing around 50 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller - they weigh up to 42 kg.

Most Rottweilers tend to exhibit dangerous behavior due to the owner's irresponsible behavior and lack of socialization and training. The Rottweiler is known for its extremely powerful bite.

Deaths - 295.

Injuries - 2110.

Remember, the pit bull terrier is the most dangerous dog With strong jaw. If you are looking for a dog that will protect your property from thieves without sparing your stomach, then you cannot find a better American Pit Bull Terrier. He is powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive. But without proper training, a pit bull is the most... angry dog in the world. These dogs need extensive and regular training to curb your aggression. Pit bull terriers can attack children even when not provoked. This is absolutely not the breed that an inexperienced dog owner should own.

The fact that a dog of a particular breed attacked a person does not mean that the breed as a whole should be condemned. Each dog has a unique character and is shaped by the environment in which it grows. Even a small but ill-mannered Chihuahua becomes a real monster and can attack other people and animals, thinking that it is protecting its territory or owner. Therefore, objectively the most evil breed of dogs or the most good breed dogs don't exist. There are only breeds that demand increased attention and need owners who are experienced and know how to properly train their dog.